Horn again-What Joes it really mean * "Noi even one that saith unto me. Lord. Lord, shall enter into the kingdom of hca\ en. but he that docth the will of m\ Father which is in heaven Many will say to me in that day . Lord. Lord have we not preached (Prophesiedin thv name'' And in thv name have cast out devils9 And i n thv name done many wonderful works'? And then will 1 profess unto them I never knew you depart front ntc \c that work iniquity Matthew 7 2123). Jesus answered and said unto hint. Verily. Verily. 1 say unto thee, except a man be born again. He cannot see the kingdom of God - John 3 3 Born again - What Docs It Rcallv Mean"' Brother Paul answered this by say ing - Therefore if any man be in Christ he is a new creature - Old things arc passed a was. behold, all things are become new - II Corinthians 5:17. Tell me I Pray thee since your experience with Christ are vou a new person? Those things which once vou did you no longer feel compel to do Let me. if you w ill do a comparison it is very important that you and I get the merit of this message, you need to realize. What the Psalmist wTote "O God thou knovvest my foolishness and my sins arc not hid from thee Psalm 69:5. Oh my friend for years the pulpit has been preaching about "the Lord who fed thousand, the storv has been told over and ov er again about "He wept at Lazarus' grave, for years Christmas programs are held each year, yet the Church is compared to our Holy Society and it crept into the Church a Diet Program. Seem everyone are on one. about every town has a Health Shop, they are popping up on every corner. They have a program to follow low salt, no salt, no sugar, folk will go tor months on tnese diets anu tney are right back where they started. After getting up at 4 or 5 am. walking, joggingbefore daybreak, andyet thev are right back to their old habits The Church is on a diet, absent from Church on Sunday morning. Wednesday night, tithes robbers, no Lordship, no fellowship. Oh I am afraid the natural hearts has peace, no value on things of Gods Promises of God is vague, v alueless powerless things, because God is not known to us. It is the present things that carry such w eight ad influence in man s estimation. This society is governed by sight and not by faith. It seems all that matters to Robeson County is that we have larger roads, betterbridges, education and politics I ask you again, do you really know what being bom again is? Have you been on a spiritual diet? DO you rob God of his tithes? DO you attend God's house on regular basis? OR has it become likeyour regular diet, sometimes you do and sometimes you don't? I am afraid you have,taken for granted that all who profess sot be bom again are truly bom again m the scriptural sense of the phrase. Remember everyone talking about heaven ain't going there. All that glitters is not gold and neither is all religion true religion. Let me sav this God is the author of the Holy Scripture and it ought to be read in the language of the people It ought to be spoken where one can understand. You and I need not be taken any by ways but to let God's word direct us Let us not walk after our forefather nor seek what they did. but that they should have done. Do you realize multitudesof people who expect to go to heaven will go to a hell or torment? Thousands of good people, moral people, church members, even church workers, yes, even preachers, priests and prophets will find themselves lost when they expected to be sav ed, condemned when they expected to be received into eternal hhss. Somebody callcdthcsc words fires most embarrassing moment punk about it for a moment The disappointment and shame that Jesus described when he says "I never knew you. They claim salvation They shall receive damnation Jesus saw person who were more out than in. claiming but not true possessors of Christ You sec. my friend, when a person comes to know who is the faithful witness and the first begotten of the dead, and the prince of the kings of the earth, unto him that loved us and washed us from oursinsinhisownblood (Revelation 1:5) Therefore, in Christ, a new creature, old things are passed away, behold all things become new (li Corinthians 5:17) TO be born again. Do you really understand that there arc many of you who fail to realize that it is a part of Satan's strategy to makcyou religious without asavingknowledgeofChri st? Oh. my friend, a nod of the head won't do you and I must practice our belief and faith. St. Paul said in Philippians 4:8 "Think on these things. Things which are true, honest, pure, things thataregood." Todo these things, my friend to practice \irtuc one cannot do b> one's self You must be bom again Unless Jesus enables >ou b> a new birth sou cannot think on hob things of God Unless you arc born again >ou cannot practice \ irtue When \ou or I ha\c been left to ourselves >ou cannot do it When vou arc born again. Jesus will keep >ou from falling As for me. my friend. 1 have entered thi s rcl 1 gi ous 1 lfe solely for the love to God. on a daily basis I make a daily effort to live only for htm. whether 1 be damned or saved. 1 desire to live always only for the lov c of God You and I should be able to say right up to our death that w c have done our utmost to love him Arc you sure you have been born again'' If you have, you arc free of worries of heaven or hell or being a fool Being bom again we hav e his law It is a must and when one docs fail, one will acknowledge and say oh. God this is w hat I am surely to do When I am left to myself, and if I fail him I will thank him for keeping me Oh. my friend when one is bom again, a Christian will do ordinary things in an extraordinary way Being bom again means having a right to say so. to be down right up right, out right, to stand fast, stand firm, to stand erect, and mostly to stand alone When you arc bom again you will stand with y our back toward the post and you face toward the unfolding of God's plan TO be bom again, become a new creature with a purpose for humanity, being bom again you can stand having done all you can to stand. It is that new creature in you that Brother John declared "Greater is he that is in you." Greater, move away old things so as daily we can be sanctified To be bom gain means that we are bidden to present our bodies a living sacrifice, holy, acceptable unto God. In order to do this all our powers must be preserv ed in the best possible condition. Every practice that weakens physical ornamental strength unfit man for the service of his Creator. And will God be pleased with anything less than the best we can offer? TO be born again means "Thou shalt lave the Lord with all thy heart ." TObeborn again those who love God with all their hearts will desire to give him the best service of their life and they will be constantly seeking to bring every power of their being into harmony with the laws that will promote their ability to do his will. When one is born again he mil really know what u means as the Bible instructs "Abstain from fleshly lust which war against the soul " tl Peter 2 11) You will know that every sinful gratification tends to benumb the faculties and deaden the mental and spiritual perception and the word or the spirit of God can make but a feeble impression upon the heart Paul w rote to the Corinthians (Let us cleanse ourselves from all filthmess of the flesh an spirit pcrtecting holiness in the fear of God > (II Corinthians 7 I) To be born again means and with the fruit of the spirit lose- joy peace, longsudcnng. gentleness, goodness, meekness, he classes temperance (Galatians 5 22-2 ^) Let me close on this note The judgment was set and the books were opened Daniel 7 9 Multitudes of people who expect to go to heaven will go to hell or torment To hear these words of God himself "I never knew you. depart from me ye that work iniquity " (Matthew 7 21-2') Here w ill be life's most embarrassing moment Daniel saw all these thousands \ thousands and then \ ten thousands. Daniel saw millions who stood facing life's record He saw those who were self satisfied, folk who were under delusion, those of a false refuge, and they will be horrified to hear him say 1 never knew you Here facing life's record haunting words of "What doth it profit my brethren other words some of you workday and night for these elections held last week and you forgo yourselves for a member, but yonder y ou want tobe in lack of witnesses Daniel declared millions will be there to face life's record The question was asked will you be able to stand Jesus declared take heed that no man deceive you. (Matthew 24:4) Arc you in harmony with God's law he that saith I know him and kcepeth not is commandments is a liar and the truth is not in himbut who so keepeth his word in him verily is the love of God perfected (1 John 2:45). If you do these things ye shall never fall. II Peter 1:5-10. Arc you ready for facing life's record? There will be a record book open God will preside, no spin master. will argue your case The question will not be once saved or always saved. The question is now. Have you been born again Have you been washed in the blood of God's only begotten son. There is a record vvaittngyonderfor us all There will be all those heav en sent warnings, neglect of duties, failing to say I'm sorry. all in our r record What about you. y oung girl. Docs it seem like all your purpose in life is gone? Could it be you are a single parent and there has been a numbness in your life Don't know what to do Listen, the word is nigh thee even in thy mouth and in thy heart That is the w ord of faith which we preach that if thou confess with thy mouth the Lord Jesus and shalt believe in thine heart that God raised him from the dead, thou shalt be saved Romans 10:8-9) IF you have been w orried about facing your life's record and facing that most embarrassing moment, let me invite vou to Christ Trust Him and be frec ' ^ , Timothy Jacobs, Tuscarora Indian storyteller and performer llai'uig from the lu<^aroiu nation . imothy Bryan Jacobs i? a multi-talented pcilot met who eapti\ ales audicnccscven whcic A stiong younc leadei among his people, he is known to ntan> as actmst lot the lights ol indigenous peoples win Idwide Presenting magnetizing performanees utilizing inusie stoiclellei and artful interaction. I imothy s shanngs and personalized stele teflcel his keen spiritual aee areness and understanding I lis "straight from the hip" appionch results 111 each perfomiancc being a fresh, unique event Ills spirituality resonates to each audience ineinhet and proe ides a inoeing and healing memory of a liletinie With Itlm. Iceluics. historical references. workshops, intereention programs, and numerous articles and tnlereieee to his credits. timothy's denaiinc energy incoiporates wisdom and tiadition with a contemporary edge Sensing his direction cai ly in life, I imothy says. "It's re-educating the world through llie eyes of a Native American " Timothy Jacobs An Unforgettable Fxpcricncc! On February I. 1998 Timothy Jacobs captured the attention of tlie entire Nation By taking over the local newspaper office in Robeson County. North Carolina Jacobs a young Tuscarora Indian and Native American Indian Activist did this to bring to light the horrible conditions of corruption and injustice that had existed for ov er a century Since the Civil War Timothy Jacobs's Indian community has struggled to regain full and equal citizenship, a struggle thai led to the arrest .ind impn*oni Hen I ol Jacob* I unothv Jacob*, the I Uscarora Indian Activist. i* and was dedicated to helping hi* people Since that tune when he xtood up lor his people and attempted to light the corruption and prejudiced in hi* homeland 1 unothv has leanicd to e\pie*s himselt in writing. poetry traditional singing and other cultural outlet* I unothv ha* dedicated much ol his Ids' a* a young leader and traditionalist among the I uscarora Jacobs is also an artist Devoting much of his artwork to themes surrounding his Native American upbringing As a creative and performing artist I unothv has expressed himself and his I uscarora culture in manv dillerent lields and mixed media l im is a Native American Indian singer and dancer I le is quite a traditionalist and is inspired by lessons ui the (ileal I.aw" of the iroquois people. Timothy is a Storyteller and Poet I hrough his artistic expression he continues to fight for justice, human rights, and the 1 uscarora people Most recently. I unothv was a leading supporting actor in a film titled Through Native Eyes: The Henry Berry Lowery Story." Portraving the brother of the titled lead. Jacobs's film debut performance gleaned with his natural acting ability He was also a supporting cast member in the Francis Ford Coppola's film production of "Tecumseh: The Last Warrior" which was Co-Produced by the famous Native American Indian Playwright I lanay Geiogamah (Delavvare-I.ennape). When Van Coleman began preproduction for his MI'A thesis film 1 hrough Native lives", ha had no idea of the impact his film would have, the filming became the largest volunteer project of its kind in the history of Robeson County . North Carolina. Robeson County is unique in having an ethnically diverse community. " Through Native Eyes" cast and crew transcended all social, racial. and economic strata with an unparalleled team spirit and commitment that made the film possible Boosting more than three hundred names in the credits, all participated without paid compensation The racial politics of the country have always been in place and set the backdrop for the true story of Henry Berry l.owrie. Lowrie lived and was pursued by many in the years following the Civil War. He was regarded as an outlaw by Some, but to his people he was a folk hero. He resisted the authorities, robbed from the rich and gave to the poor, protected his kin. and exacted revenge. The film "Through Native Eyes" is the first time Cowrie's storv has been told on film. Coleman's intended format destination for the film was and is the classroom he saw the film as an opportunity to preserve a portion of Native American culture in a format which would, for the first time, allow Native Americans the opportunity to tell their story "through native eves." The screenplay was researched bv Coleman and his Associate Producer Robert Locklear. The final script was developed by Coleman and two assistants. Nisha Coffey and Tristan Young, students at the University of North Carolina at Grensboro. Coleman was finishing his Master of Fine Arts in Film and Video Production. The opportunity to tall their own story gave the production company the propellent it needed to film an amazing fifty-six scenes, on eleven locations in onlv eight days! The films small budget of forty thousand dollars was raised in the community by Coleman during his Christmas break. In between researching and writing the final draft, scouting locations, casting calls, costuming and other executive producing activities Coleman was teaching video production at UNC- Greensboro, taking twelve hours of graduate courses, and was the Executive Producer for the I NL I haneellor's show I he lilni ha> n>cn above the ongi-B n,i| ami lor the classroom, and hasl been iceogui/ed and honored since I in release in Julv of 1999 it wasl featured in a soven minute stor> on 3 National Public Radio In November I of 1999. C oleinau w as inv ited to show - I ease the film as the keynote speaker I lot the United Stales Postal Service s 1 National Cclebrationof'NativeAmen- I can Awareness Month in Washington 1 DC In lebruarv ol" 2000 the film w as aw aided the C ommunicator Cryslal Award ol Distinction In May ol | 2000. it was back to Washington for Coleman "Through Native lives" was inducted into the Library of Congress in the Local Legends Project, part of die celebration of the Bicentennial of the Congressional Library Van Coleman lives in Gibson. North Carolina with his wife Laura. I was bom in a small town called Raeford in southeastern North Carolina on John I*. Kennedy's birthday. May 29. 1953 It was totally rural place with totally rural place with sandv rolling plains better known as the "Sandy hills" 1 grew up m the neighboring county where the largest group of Native Americans east of the Mississippi river, reside Almost none of these native people are pure bloods, however being one of them. 1 have always considered myself accordingly I grew up m a time and place that seemed unmoved by the tumultuous ev ents of the sixties., the civil rights struggle and the British invasion The Vietnman conflict did have it alTects with relatives having gone to battle and return in boxes. At an early age my mother recognized my uniqueness even though sne was unable nature my natural talents due to the daily grind of farm labor to feed seven children When we were old enough at about 12-13 years, we joined her in the fields I have over the years come to respect her more so far the sacrifices she made rather than the special attention I was denied because of being poor. 1 adolescence, i developed an intense curiosity to know and understand the world beyond the isolation of poverty and ethnicity. I studied hard to make good grades to please my teachers, particularly the males. My father passed away with cancer when I was only three and his absence has had a profound effect on my life. I grew up thinking I had to take his place even though I was not the eldest son. My mom says I was the more mature of her children and perhaps, this explains to some degree, the need I had to "take care of others". 1 learned later that i did not have to be my father, that he was gone and I could get on w ith my life I am still trying to internalize that concept... sometimes failing, sometimes succeeding. In high school and college (Pembroke State University then ) I discovered that I had a love for theatre and acting and endeavored to get a part in any good play whenever I could After college my need to help the less fortunate surfaced again, compelling me to pursue the social agenda for change in the lives of my people. I soon learned that this would force me to endure political exclusion, cronyism, small-minded tryants seeking to use the cause of the poor for their own gain. It become clear that the goal of change would require greater personal sacrifice than I ever imagined but throughout the years but I have persevered. I have fought a good fight to do the right thing for the powerless to overcome political and economic predators. ' My sanity has been preserved through music, acting, painting, and writing. These arc the four good winds upon which my spirit sails. Now at 47 my temples are graying as 1 seek simplicity an$j quieter time in which to release my passion. In my homeland, some say 1 am leader, some say I am a prophet bring truth to light, others despise me and find me combative on the issues that concerned me. Guilty as charged! Robert Lock tear I Who is Jesus Christ'.' Why is there such misunderstanding in the religious world about Him? When did He become involved with planet Earth? What does the Bilble say to humankind about Christ as Creator. Savior, and Mediator of the Father's love.truthjnercy.and justice- His true character? Invites you to join him in this Search for Truth about Jesus Christ. When did Jesus become involved with planet earth? John 17: 4-5 "I have glorified thee on the earth: I have finished the work which thou gavest me to do And now. O Father, glorify thou me w ith thine own self w ith glory which I had with thee before the world was." Jesus came to be God with us. Matthew 1:23 "Behold, a virgin shall be with child, and shall bring forth a son. and they shall call his name Emmanuel, which being interpreted is. God with us." Who created this world? John 1:1-3 "In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with Ciod. and the Word was God. The same was in the beginning with Ciod. All things were made by him; and without him was not any thing made that was made." Is the World really Jesus Christ? John 1:14 "And the Word was made flesh, and dwelt among us. (and we beheld his gloiy, the glory as of the only begotten of the Father.) full of grace and truth " Jesus is equal to God. Phillippians 2:5-11 "Let this mind be in you. which was also in Christ Jesus: Who, being in form of Ciod. thought it not robbery to be equal with God: But made himself of no reputation, and took upon him the form of a servant, and was made in the likeness of men: And being found in fashion as a man, he humbled himself, and became obedient unto death, even the death of the cross. Wherefore God also hath highly exalted him. and given him a name which is above every name: That at the name of Jesus every knee should bow. of things in heaven, and things in earth, and things under the earth; And that every tongue should confess that Jesus Christ is Lord, to the glory of Ciod the Father." The one to whom every knee will bow is called Israel's God. Isaiah 45:22,23 "Look unto me. and be ye saved, all the ends of the eaith: for I am Ciod. and there is none else. I have sworn by myself, the word is gone out of my mouth in rightcousncss.and shall not return. That unto me every knee shall bow, every tongue shall swear." When the Children of Israel left Egypt for the Promised Land of Canaan, who was it that actually led them from Egypt on through the Red Sea, through the desert and into the promised land? Exodus 13:21 -22; 1 Corinthians 10:1-4 "And the LORD went before them by day in a pillar of a cloud, to lead them the way; and by night in a pillar of fire, to give them light; to go by day and night He took not away the pillar of the cloud by day. nor the pillar of the fire by night, from before the people." "Moreover, brethren. I would not that yc should be ignorant, how- that all our fathers were under the cloud, and all passed through the sea; And were all baptized unto Moses in the cloud and in the sea; And did all eat the same spiritual meat: And did all drink the same spiritual drink for they drank of that spiritual Rock that followed them: and that Rock was Christ." Who wrote God's holy law on Mt. Sinai? Nehcmiah 9:6, 11-13 " Thou, even thou, art LORD alone; thou hast made heaven, the heaven of heavens... And thou didst divide the sea before them, so that they went through the midst of the sea on dry land; and their peiseoutors thou thiewest into the deeps, as a stone into the mighty waters Moreover thou leddest them in the day by a cloudy pillar; and in the night by a pillar of fire, to give them light in the way wherein they should go. Thou earnest down also upon mount Sinai, and spakest with them from heaven, and gavest them right judgements, and true laws, good statutes and commandments:" God the Father and God the Son are two distinct beings. Matthew 3:17; Luke 23:46 "And lo a voice from heaven, saying, this is my beloved Son. in whom 1 am well pleased." "And when Jesus had cried with a loud voice, he s-ud. Father, into thy hands I commend my spirit: and having said thus, he gave up the ghost." FREE THINGS TO SEND FOR (NAPS)?or a free Talbots catalog or a list of stores near you, call 1-800-825-2687 or visit the Web site at www.talbots.com. 1 - ? I To learn about osteopathic medicine, or to locate the nearest doctor of osteopathy, call 1-800621-1773 or visit the American Osteopathic Association Web site at www.aoanet.org. r~ 3^5?i Eight United States Presidents were originally from Virginia. I THANKS! Tribal Members : / would like to thank you for your support November 7th. Craig D. McMillian District 10 Representative