It used to be that the arrival of Thanksgiving signaled the beginning of the holiday season that started with the big turkey feast and culminated with the ham hoeks and black eyed peas of New Year's Day In the middle of the season, of course, was the holy day of Christmas This year, though, with tomorrow being Thanksgiving. we've already, had much evidence of that day winch is still a full month away Still, a visit to our various schoolsmost notably our elementary and middle schools- would have found Thanksgiving decorations in much evidence. The earlier grades have had Thanksgiving's origin told ac compamcd by songs and plays about the holiday The age of high school student is such that, while the holiday isnlso observed there, it's observed differently 1 Acept for Christmas and Master, no holiday on our calendar more embodies the spirit of brotherhood The fourth of July. Presidents' Day and Veterans' Day among others aie more of a paUiotic nature but Thanksgiving Day is the one which focuses on the brotherhood of man Who isn't familiar with the story of that fust Thanksgiving when the Native Americans and pilgrims sat down together for a meal which, while not comparable to what most of us will have on our tables tomorrow , was a symbol of the ability of men of good will lo come togethei and break biead in the spun ol liicuddup 1 bat fust I hanksgixuig took place oxer three centimes ago and in thai simple America, it xx as Natix e Ainei 1eans sitting doxxn essentially with I nglishntcu fodax. this nation in made up of people from many many countries xx ho hax e brought then oxxn cultures and religion* xxith them in the hopes making a better life for themselxes and their families here than thex knew in then homelands Some were greeted with open amis especially if thex arrived in tin area where some of the people from their homeland had already settled Others were often greeted xxith suspicion or outright hostility because of being different It w as indeed a simpler tome that invoked a small group in a small area but it xxas the attitude of the participants that made the ex out notexxorthy Thex looked beyond then differences and considered, instead, how they could help each other It's my hope that as. xve observe this holiday tomorroxv. our students as well as everyone else have come lo understand that it's not a tunc to morel) -it dow n to a special meal hut a tinio to rolloot ou the brotherhood that pomio.uod that first 1 hanksgi\ iu|2 II the) ha>o. then it's possible that we are closet to the da\ when that techno will be a tinner sal one thjoughoul the countn Ma> 1 wish for all our >ouug people and then families, our educators and their families and everyone leading this column a most enjosable and most healtin 1 haiiksgi\ ing Clothes Drive planned in Maxton "The Town of Maxton.NC will host the third annual CLOTHFS DRIVT sponsored b\ Cirace Haplist Church of Fayetleville .NC along \\ ith Saints Pauls United Methodist Church, of Maxton and Boy Scout froop .309 The event will be in conjunction with the Maxton Christmas Parade. December 9. 2000 from 9:00 AM to 2:00 I'M Location is at Saint Pauls United Methodist Church. Maxton All in need of clothes .(of all kinds and sizes), shoes, kitchen utensils, toys, etc please drop by for a great blessing The pnee is right, all items arc free'! Mr Dclma Weitman. of (iracc Baptist Church, fan be reached at (910) 424-8925 for additional information " *** The soul of a journey is liberty, perfect liberty, to think, feel, do just as one pleases. ?William Hazlitt *** Babes of the Cape Fear Calendars now available I he 21X11 Babes of Cape fear Vallex calendars u ill be on sale at Barnes A: Noble Booksellers, located at 131 (ilensford Drive across from Cross Creek Mall, on Minday No\ Id and Sunday IXx 3. liom 1 to 4 p m Representing hot dales in the \cai 2001. tinx tots who were born at Cape lear Vallex Medical Center ot ilighsinith- Raincx Memorial Hospital Are tealured in the annual babx ealendat sponsored b\ Cape l ear Valley Health S\stem lhe cover babe Jack Cunius. will be on loeation to meet all his fans on Sunday Nox 19. liom I to 2 p m Jack is the son of John and Julie Cunius of Wilmington Other sale locations include The Ciift Shop on Ilax Street. Stork News in I lope Mills. Offspring on ft Bragg Road and I lams feeler on Raeford Road. Proceeds from the sale will benefit friends of Children of Cape fear Valley 1 lealth foundation l ot more information, please contact Jean Harrison at (910) 609-6400 7o VUcc tyout /4ct In *?fa Sfiacc 521-2X26 01 conic off- the di X/r-' x @o(teqc "Pta,j Path Office Irwlcpendenilv Owned and Operate*! TcJ VCclcc /4d Oh 1A{*{ gPtot?rolw. CHARLENE'S CUTTING EDGE | HAIR SALON 703 West Third St. Pembroke, N.C. 28372 (910) 521-7888 ' Owner: Charlene Bledsole END CAP CLUTTERWith Our Cap Racks ?r? 10 Cap Rack ^ ' '1?? (sAh) on* '3** VMIP 1 -888-568-2039 < CALVIN'S CAP RACKS 19029 Road 158 . , ? Strathmore, CA 93682 Dealer Inquiries v*a our wn? st? ?t www y%?o?^*gt*ptc com Welcome (Yx?1 find ut >n 9-* VI PO/vctonr) ^ 1o Pitice tyoun /4cC In 7ft* Sft*cc &itt 521-2X26 on cotne 6(f t/te @i, X/jv'tc (?M1eye Piaqa, Petn&nz&c Parkton Family Medical Center Herman Chavis, M.D. William Sanderson, M.D. Kenneth E. Locklear, M.D. Arnold Kinley, P.A. II 15 West 3rd Street I Parkton, North Carolina 28371 Telephone 858-3913 OFFICE HOURS: Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday and Friday II 8 a m - 5 p.m. * Thursday 8 am -1 pm I