CAROLINA MMT "Huilding Communicative bridges In A Tri-Racial Setting" Volume 27 Number 48 Thursday. November 30. 2000 25c New Booklet could help with energy bills Washington, DC- Is your heating bill too expensive lor y our budget'' If so. information ui a new booklet might help The Financial Assistance Network in Washington. DC has just published a booklet. "How To (Jet Government Help l'o I'ay Your Fnergy Bills" The booklet gives information on how and where to get government help to pay your heating bills "The federal government has budgeted over one billion dollars to help people who are struggling to pay their heatmg bills. Many people do not know that this money is available or how to get it ", says Fdniund Billings, a researcher at Financial Assistance Network. "We've published a booklet that explains the program and tells consumers where to apply for assistance in their area. The booklet also has a special section for homeowners to get up to $25,000 of government money to help reduce their energy bills, even if they have no equity in then home." Consumers can receive a copy by sending $5 to cover the cost of printing, postage and handling to : Financial Assistance Netw ork. Government I lelp For Energy Bills Booklet Offer. I'.O. Box 60848. Washington. DC 20039-0848 Consumers can get information by calling 202-595-1097 or by visiting Financial Assistance Netw ork's Internet w eb site www FinancialAssistanccNetwork org Morgan Hunt Named Teen Miss Erwin Denim, Preliminary to Teen Miss North Carolina Morgan Brittany Hunt is the 17 year-old daughter of Johnny & Demetrus L. Hunt. She is a senior at Purnell Swett High School Morgan recently captured the title of Miss Teen Ervvin Denim. This is a preliminary to Miss Teen North Carolina. Morgan also won many other awards.-Most talented. Most Beautiful .Best Model. Best Sportswear and Highest Interview score. Morgan will compete in Miss Teen North Carolina in June in Hickory. NC L fe Line Screening a mailable at Maxton Family Resource and Recreation Center Maxton.NC-On Monday. Decembcr 4th. the Maxton Family Resource & Recreation Center will otter area residents the opportunity to spend a few minutes doing something that could quite possibly save their lives Life Line Screen ing will offer three primary health screenings to detect the risk of stroke. Theses tests include a Carotid Artery Screening Test, and Abdominal Aortic Aneurysm (AAA) test, and an Ankle Branchial index (ABI). On that day. Life Line Screening will also offer a bono density screening for women which tests for the early detection of osteoporosis. Theses fast.painless. and low cost tests use ultrasound technology and are conducted by a registered or registered eligible Ultrasound Technologist. A board certified physician reviews the results of each test to ensure accuracy of the results before the findings arc mailed to each individual. Individuals whose screenings suggest further evaluation. arc encouraged to seek appropriate follow-up care with their own physician. Anyone interested in either the vascular or osteoporosis screenings must register at least 24 hours in advance. Please call 1-800-407-4557 to schedule an appointment for the tests. The tests are offered for thirtyfive dollars each, which compare to between $300 and $500 for similar diagnostic tests offered by hospitals and imaging centers. I.ife Line Screening is the nation's leading provider of health screenings. By offering the public non-invasivc. painless . ultrasound screenings. Life Line helps patients identify their risk for stroke, the presence of vascular disease or osteoporosis early enough for their physician to begin preventative methods. The Maxton family Resource & Recreation Center is located at 103 North Florence Street. Also available at the screening site will be free information on the identification and control of risk factors. how to recognize the warning signs and symptoms of stroke and other vascular diseases as well as helpful information regarding osteoporosis. For additional information on Life Line Screening or any one of their stroke and osteoporosis detection tests, please contact Life Line Screening at (800") 407-4557. 19-Year-OldNamed Miss UNC-Pembroke Jessica Hlizabeth Reed, a llAAearold sophomore, was named Miss IJNCP at the 47th annual Miss IJNCP Scholarship Pageant. She will go on to represent the university at the Miss North Carolina Scholarship Pageant. In front of a very enthusiastic crowd of nearly 1.000, Ms. Reed bested four other contestants: Tara Alane Blow. Porsche Antonette Barnes. Jessica F.layne Locklear and Marlena Gail Hood. More than $1,500 in cash and prizes was awarded to the winners. "It's just amazing," Ms Reed said following the announcement. The Laurinburg native, who is an Klementary Kducation major, clogged to " The Devil Went Down To Georgia" in the talent phase of the competition. First runner-up was Jessica Locklear and Miss Congeniality was Porsche Barnes. The women com peted in swimsuit. talent, evening gown and interviewed categories. The theme of the pageant was "The Millennium Woman, "but it could have been "Natural Woman" after Miss North Carolina Lorna McNeill delivered a stunning performance of her trademark song. Ms. McNeil, a IJNC P senior majoring in vocal performance. w as mistress of ceremonies for the evening Kelli Wallace, the popular 19992000 Miss UNCP, gave up her crown following a length) tribute "It was really a great year." she said. "It was a lot of work , but I would do it all over again." Pageant Director again this year was Florence Ransom. Pageant Coordinator w as Darlene Cummings. and Pageant Choreographer was Karen Gibson Jenkins. Assistant Director of Student Activities James Bass was the stage manager. Citizens support Keep Robeson County Clean and Green Program On Monday. October 23.2000. two hundred fifty (250)citiz.ens from community' and every segment of our society met to support "Keep Robeson County Clean and Green". It was the unanimous opinion of this group that we need more help from each of our 115.000 citizens in the following ways: 1. for each one to keep his or her own premises clean and to discourage littering. 2. For businesses to place more litter cans in parking lots and sand pots at their entrances for cigarette butts. 3. For our three hundred (300) law enforcement officers to concentrate on the enforcement of litter laws. 4 For all thirty two (32) fire departments with their seven hun dred (700) fireman to work toward ridding our country of dilapidated buildings. 5. For our one hundred twenty five (125) elected officials and management personnel to : A. Place more emphasis on getting rid of litter, junk cars and old buildings. B. Kncourage beautification of the county with grass, flowers, shrubs and trees. Your fine help in improving the image of Robeson County is greatly appreciated. Very yours truly . Wilton Wilkerson Special Projects Robeson County Committee of 1(H) Pottery Classes Continue at NC Indian Cultural Center The North Carolina Indian Cultural Center is continuing to offer pottery classes on Thursday nights from 7:00pm to 8:30pm. The cost of the class is $30.00 per month, which includes materials and instruction Come learn contemporary and traditional pottery-making tcchniquics and help keepourheritage alive l-'ormore information call the N.C. Indian Cultural Center at (910)521-2433. Cape Fear Blood Donor Center seeking blood donors The Blood Donor Center of Cape Fear Valley Health System is seeking donors for all blood types. Blood donors may donate at The Blood Donor Center Monday through Thursday from 9 am to 6 pm and Friday from 8 am until noon. The Blood Donor Center is located at 3357 Village Drive in Suite 150. For more information, please contact Mary Fisher at (910) 609-6300 For more information Contact Clinton Weaver Assistant Administrator l or Marketing & Outreach Phone Number: 609-6098 Native American Dance Classes Continue at NC Indian Cultural Center The N.C. Indian Cultural Center is offering Native American dance classes, free of charge, at the NCICC/Inter-Tribal I .onghousc. These classes are held ever Tuesday night from 7 00 pm to 8:30pm. we will cover various styles of dance for boys and girls as well as pow-wow etiquette and cultural history. 'This is an opportunity to provide our youth with social alternatives as well as developing self-identity and self-esteem For more information contact Karl I lunt. Cultural Programs Co-ordinator. at (910) 521 -2433. between the hours of 8:30am and 5:00pm Cyna's Jewelry Shop Displays the Lumbee Rings in New Location by Encin Jacobs ()n Monday morning. the 20th of November. 1 had to travel to Pembroke on business matters eoneerning the Robeson Count} Veterans Memorial I had eaten a light breakfast at borne earlier, but when 1 aiTived in from of Ms Cynthia I.ocklear's (Cyna's Jewelers and Diamonds) new location at the corner of Union Chapel Road, across the Atlantic Coastline Railroad tracks in Pembroke. I just had to welcome her to the new location 1 was home when she was moving her new (I mean Nl'W) Jewelry Store with its small coffee bar No. ! did not have Cappacino but I chose the decaf coffee and a warm cheese Danish. As she approached me concerning my canvassing before I left to go to New Mexico to see my ailing shipmate. 1 had left a request for a donation for the Memorial during the renovation of the new businesses. She said how proud she was as a contributor and gave me a check lor the project, f hen she took Mr Rudy I ockloar and myself to look at the new Lumbec Rings (1 say rings because there are three different ones to choose from, a Solid sterling silver, a solid gold and the giant gold and silver (the most expensive one). There were photos taken as we looked into the show case admiring them and trying one on. Ms. Cynthia explained at the Grand opening last Saturday she had a very good response. I told her I was at "Myrtle Beach with my church at Retreat and that was why I was absent from the opening and wished her much success. As I was eating my delicious pastry and hot coffee, two ladies and I were talking about when we were young. We sat at this very location many vears aco to Ms Daisy's hot dogs. bologna sandwiches and pepsi colas Ii brought back mans memories of jester tear I he fast trains snatching the mail pouches as l hex sped toward New York and Mr James F I owry's t heatre just up the street I saw Red Rider and l ittle Beaver. Sunset Carson. Gabbx t lav s. Fussx St John I.ash I.anie. Hob Steel and mnnx others on the stage, alive back then Ms. I.oeklear. thank you for your generous donation and I promise I will own one of those rings some day. You are a loving, generous and good Christian sister in the I.ord. The monthly business meeting w as held Tuesday evening at the Jade Garden Restaurant with President Carlton Mansfield presiding. Plans were finalized for the 39th Annual Pancake Breakfast and Spaghetti Dinner to be held this coming Friday evening at 5:50 and Breakfast at 6:30 a.m. Saturday until 10 a.m. The dates are December 1 st and 2nd The annual fund raiser will be used for I. lttle I eague Basketball. Little league Football. Soccer. Boy Scouts and Girl Scouts, the float for homecoming and other activities. Plates are $5 for all you can eat The beautiful Pembroke Elementary School Cafeteria is the site. Dr.. and Mrs. John Rim are leaving for Europe to visit Eatonia w here they will be living with Mrs. Rim's mother and Dr. Rim will be teaching at Nord University for one year The course is on career planning. He will also be teaching at Nord and Rakverc High Schools for the year. Dr. Run and Mrs. Rim have a very exciting year ahead of them and we wish them well They - expect to return next year Song leader-Ed Teets. InvocationAlbert Hunt. Reporter-Ken Johnson. Screening for vascular disease available A physician cannot typically order an t 'Unwound evaluation on someone who has no warning signs of vascular disease. However, over 50% of people who suffer a stroke show no symptoms before the attack, and therefore are unaware of the potential problem We provide non-invasive painless screenings that can identify' vascular disease that can be used as valuable for your personal physician to help you avoid a stroke. Life Line Screening is the nation;s leading provider of health screening services. Monday. December 4th Maxton Family Resource & Recreation Center Pre-Registration Required Please Call: 1-800-4(17-4557 1. Carotid Vascular Test This test scans the carotid arteries in the neck for plaque buildup. 75% of all strokes are linked to carotid artery blockage. 2.Abdominal Aortic Aneurysm Test This test is for the existence of an aneurysm in the abdominal aorta. The vast majority of people who have an aneurysm have no symptoms 3 Ankle Brachial Index Test This test screens for Peripheral Arterial Disease (plaque build-up) in the lower extremities which is linked to coronary artery disease. Each Test Individually Is $35. Take All 3 Tests For S95." Also. Detect osteoporosis In Just 60 Seconds Free Health Screenings to be held December 1 Free health screenings will be held on Friday. Dec. 1. from 10 am until 4 pm attheR.K. Hooks Community Bldg. 111 N. Third St.. in St. Pauls. NC. Checks for cholesterol/HDL. blood pressure, and blood sugar will be ofTered to all adults. 18 years and older. There is no need to fast. From 10 am until2 pm,free flu vaccine will be available for anyone covered under Medicare, Part B. Vaccine is also available for others for a charge of SI 2 per injection. A receipt will be provided for insurance reimbursement. The free screens are sponsored by the Robeson County partnership for Community I Icalth. Call 671 -5595 for more information Cancer Support Group meets The Cancer Support (/roup will meet Thursday. Jan 4. and Thursday. Jan 18. from 7 to 8:30p.m in the Medical Oncology waiting room at The Cancer Center of Cape Tear Valley Healtth System. Exercise classes held on Tuesdays and Thursdays The Hone Builders Osteoporosis Hxercise Class meets on Tuesday and Ihursday from 3 to 3:45 p.m. at HealthPlcx of Cape Fear Valley Health System at 1930 Skibo Road The fix for the class is $30 per month for the first two months (twomonth minimum required) and $20 per month thereafter. A physician's release is required To register or for more information, please call 860-PLKX (7539). , For More Information Contact Clinton Weaver Assistant Admininstrator For Marketing & Outreach Phone Number: 609-6098 The Cancer Support Group, for cancer patients and their families, meets on the first and third Thursday of each month The support group is facilitated by a licensed social worker and is open to the public. for more information, please call the Oncology Social Worker at (910) 609-6791 for More Information Contact Clinton Weaver Assistant Administrator for Marketing & Outreach Phone Number: 609-6098 Tuscarora East of the Mountains to sponsor meeting The Tuscarora will meet at Union Elementary School located on Highway 710 between Pembroke and Row land on December 15.2000 from 7 p m until 9 p.m. This meeting is sponsored by the Tuscarora East of he Mountains and all Tuscarora are welcome and encouraged to attend

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