CAROLINA INDIAN VOICE 7>(c/t/i/ii\'t .ilivc /?'/ /. / A'.fv /.</J:\ ?. &!>! '.v.u; I VOLUME 2V SUM HER 2 THURSDA}. JAM ARV10.2002 J The New Year Startes off with a BANG! The New Year Mas started oft"with a BANG! The Lord is Alive and good. Ms faith has been reaffirmed in the goodness of His people. On Wednesday January 2.2002 I ssas in my house doing some shores when I heard the weather report that snoss was possibly coming in maybe late Wednesdaj night or earls the next morning I did not take it seriously since ssc seldom base snoss. Sometime in the earls P VI I looked out and sure1 enough I sass "snoss Hakes". . I called a friend to chat ssith since I had not talked to her during the Ness Year. She lives alone, so tasked her if she ssould like for me to get her and bring her to spend some lime in case the sseather did get bad. She accepted. I ssent out in the Country a fess miles and ssas returning to toxsn and decided to stop at the grocery store for a few items before getting home. Needless to say I got much more than I needed, but just wanted to be sure to have plenty in cascthe storm did get bad I cooked and we ate. and then cooked more during the night and earls the next morning. When sse sat down to eat ham. potato salud. baked ssseet potatoes, etc. I thought about another dear precious lads. I called her to see if she could use some food. Then I realized I better not get on the road due to my inexperience of drising in hazardous weather. .1 called our local police Dept. to request that they provide the transportation for me. After Waiting about 45 minutes ssith no one yet. I decided to call the Honorable Mr. Milton Hunt. In less than a fess minutes Officer Horace Dial rang my door bell. He took the food and told me that if I needed anything else to just call and not hesitate. I really did appreciate his kindness! On Friday morning I went to fill an appointment at my doctor's office. ' When I arrived and got out of my car. I came wjthin two feet of his doorand realized that he was not open. Then I slipped and fell and could not get up! There was no one in sight. 1 breathed just a short prayer and looked up and "The Good Lord" had provided a "guardian angel" in the form of Mr. Charlie . Locklear. He helped me to my car and showed great concern. What could have been a serious injury was only a small "cut" on my hand. My faith in my Lord has been greatly reaffirmed. Mayor Hunt and Mr. Charlie Locklear. 1 am so appreciative for your help and concern for others. The Lord is so ? GOOD ! He is AL1VF. in 2002! Thanks for your MANY BLESSINGS. Sincerely. Elssie Dial Jones Pembroke. NC Psychic Performer Returns to UNCP PEMBROKE-- Two years ago Craig Karges left his audience at UNCP stunned with disbelief when he levitated a table, read people's thoughts and performed mind-boggling illusions. The nationally recognized, award-winning entertainer and author is returning to the UNCP campus Jan. 23. He will present his workshop "The Intuitive Edge" at 10 a.m. in the Chayis University Center and he will perform his breath-taking show at 8 p.m. in Moore Hall Auditorium. Both events are free and open to the public. Craig Karges's performance is a unique combination of psychology, mystery and humor that dazzles the mind and challenges the senses. He "has appeared on the "Tonight Show with Jay Leno," "Larry King Live." and many other shows on Lifetime Television. Tox News channel. CNBC, CNN Headline News and E! Entertainment Television. Comedian and talk show host Dennis Miller, put it this way: "this weirds me our." Karges's show involves audience participation. Borrowed finger rings from audience members are linked together in a chain, thoughts are read and predictions made and verified right before their eyes. ' I try to make iny audience feel they are a pait ot something they have never experienced before and hopefully will never forget," says Karges. "My goal is to entertain people through the creation of mystery and to get them to open their minds to greater possibilities." Karges does not possess supernatural powers, he says, nor does he claim to be a magician. He does not prearrange anything with members of the audience, and he even offers S100,000. payable to charity, if anyone can prove he uses hidden assistants to accomplish his demonstrations. The focus of Karges's message is empowerment. His "Intuitive Edge" workshop teaches memory techniques and how to tap into the unconscious mind to enhance creativity, intuition and decision making. Karges's success in this area has also produced a book, "Ignite Your Intuition." published by Health communications (best known for Chicken soup for the Soul). Corporate giants such as IBM, McDonald's. General Motors and General Electric have relied upon Craig Karges for his motivational talents. "Ordinary people are capable of extraordinary results because we all possess extraordinary capabilities. I communicate that massage both verbally and visually," says Karges. Pembroke BPW Organization continues promoting welfare of women and children ny ivonne names Dial The Pembroke Business and Professional Women's Organization has continued to find itself busy promoting the welfare of women and children During BPW Week in October, members provided cake and ice cream to the elderly at Maynor Manor and district chairperson. 1 lelen I lephron, spoke at the monthly meeting about the purpose of the organization and encouraging members to continue to support the organization ?; Several guest speakers provided valuable information to the members involving health issues and crime prevention Dr Thomson Florian spoke to the group about pain management and headaches, and officers Paul Pittman. Brian Duckworth, and Reese Oxendinc of the Robeson County Sheriffs Department, shared infor mution concerning safety precautions and procedures to help reduce crime in the local communities In December, the club sponsored a Christmas dance in memory of the victims who lost their lives in the September ) 1. 2001 terrorist attack The proceeds will be used as scholarship funds for women who wish to pursue a college degree Members also had dinner at Adelio's and exchanged gifts. During the Christmas ^-Season each year, the members collect money and give it as a gift to a lady who has experienced financial difficulty. The organization meets every lirst Monday of each month at 7 00 P M upstairs in the James B Chavis center at IJNCP For more information President Marie Moore at 521-4421 Shown left to right: Robeson County Sheriffs Department Officers Paul Pittman, Reese Oxendine and Hrian Duckworth share safety precautions and crime prevention tips to members of the Pembroke Husiness and Professional Women's Organization. Shown above left to right; Bill Roberts, CRA officer First Hank; Deanna l.owry, Principal CIS Academy anil Lucille Lock/ear, Br. Mgr. First Bank. First Bank of Pembroke has been in the Pembroke community since .March 26th, 21101 ant!Lucille Locklear, BR. MGR anil her staff would like to take a moment to thank the community for hanking with them. The Pembroke community and surrounding communities have made us prosper this year hv stinking with us through a very difficult time. Mithout the commitment, love and support of our customers this transition would not have been successful. From the entire staff of First Bank in Pembroke we would like to say; A Happy, Healthy anil Blessed \ew Year to each of you. First Bank has and will continue to be a home town bank. Lucille Locklear of Pembroke First Bank Presented a check to Mrs. Deanna l.owry of the CIS Academy of Pembroke for S 1,1100.00 to help with their students annual outing. Also donations were given this year to; Project Graduation, American Cancer Society, The Miss Lumhee Pageant, Out Going Miss Lumbee's Tea, to each Present Miss Lumhee, The Pembroke Police Dept., The Pembroke Fire Dept., The Baby Love Project, The IIest Robeson Dixie Majors, Strike at the Hind, PurnellSwell Booster Club, Robeson County Fireman \ Asso., Pembroke Chamber of Commerce, After Hours Christmas Social, The Pembroke Community Welfare, The Robeson County United W ay, and the staff of the bank raised SI,020.00for the Family Relief Fund for the Sept. II, 201)1 tragedy. First Bank in Pembroke looks forward to being a virtual and committed part of the Pembroke and surrounding communities. Again Thanks for allowing us to he of service to you. May God Bless You and Yours. All UNCP Alumni are Invited to Attend. SOUPS "N" HOOPS Saturday. January 19. 2002 in the Jones P.E. Building at 3:30 p.m. Enjoy a variety of soups <fc chili with all the trimmings and a chance to show off your skills on the Basketball court in the ! loops Competition of halftir.ic. Ten lucky alumni will be chosen to participate and "show their stuff". IJNC Pembroke vs. Clayton College & State University For further information and reservation, please call (910) 521-6213 or entail: Hosted by UNCP and the UNCP Alumni Association. Edward James Olmos Visists UNCP PEMBROKE- Award-winning actor director activ ist Edward James Olmos will speak as part of UNC Pembroke's Distinguished Speaker Series Monday. January 28 at 7:00 p.m. in the Givcns Performing Arts Center on the UNCP campus. Tickets are just S5 for the general public and free to students, facility and staff with a UNCP ID. The multi-talented star of films like "Zoot Suit." "American Me." "Selena" and "Blade Runner" has made a name in the entertainment industry and now he uses it to promote awareness to issues in the Uatin American community. In 1999. he launched a nationwide multimedia project called "Americanos: l.atino Life in the United States." a celebration of Latino culture throuuh photography, film, music, and print. Co-sponsored by Time Warner Inc.. the project is designed to inspire Latino pride and build bridges between Latinos and other cultures. It includes a five-year traveling photography exhibit organized by the Smithsonian Institution and the Smithsonian Center for Latino Initiatives: a documentary on HBO: and a book, co-edited by Olmos. of essays. photos, and commentary by notable figures in the Hispanic community. He is also the executive director of the Lives In Hazard Educational Project, a national gang prevention program funded by the U.S. Department of Justice. and he played an instrumental role in the cleanup efforts after the L A. riots, the 1993 Los Angeles earthquake, and Hurricane Andrew in Florida. While busy producing, directing and acting. Olmos also makes time to be the Goodwill Ambassador for UNICEF. and a national spokesperson for organizations like the Juvenile Diabetes Foundation. Olmos is known as the Olivier of the Latino world for his work in TV and film. Olmos was honored with a Golden Globe Award and nomination for art Emmy Award for his work in HBO's "The Burning Season." the story of the Brazilian political activist Chico Mendcs. His company. Olmos Productions, has several projects in development for film and television. In addition to his Academy Award nominations. Olmos won an Emmy Award and a Golden Globe Award for his portrayal of Lt. Castillo on the popular television series "Miami Vice." The UNCP Speaker Series will feature Maya Angelou February 26 and conclude it's series on April 2 with Native American writer Sherman Alexie. Fastest Growing Outdoor Activity (NAPS)?Birding is the fastestgrowing outdoor activity in North America, according to the National Survey on Recreation and the Environment. More than 71 million people?one in four?watch birds. If you'd like to join them? or already have, study an unfamiliar bird and note the shape of the bird's body and tail; its color and pattern; its behavior: does it walk, swim, fly; its songs and calls; its habitat: forest, marsh, etc. You can use the clues you've gathered to zero in on the name of the bird with the help of the online field guides available for free at The site provides a wealth of information about nature for beginners and expert birdwatchers. To meet increased expectations for multifunctional skin products that deliver immediate results, Lancdme has developed a skincare product called Absolue. By targeting the primary needs of aging I ru skin?as a result <if chronological aging, hormonal riuctuations and photo-aging, including sun exposure?Absolut1 was created to help restore skin's youthful appearance. It intensely hydrates the skin while improving its elasticity and visibly reviving skin clarity. Wild yam. sea algae and soy extract make up the formula, plus SPF 15 for complete protection. For more information about Absolue, visit or the Lancftmc counter at a nearby department store. Chavis Elected to SRMC Foundation Board i uckes Welsh, president an?J Cl-.O n ot Southeastern Regional Medical I Center, announced the election ot a II ne\s member to the SRMC I ounda- m lion Board. I.arrs R Chavis. "We are Vers pleased to have a com- I munity leader like Larry Chavis as I part os our Foundation team." Welsh I said. Chavis. who is president and I CLOof I utnhee Guaranty Bank, will 1 sere a tour-year term on the I ounda- H Hon Board beginning this month and ending in January 2006, Chavis has received mans leadership awards, including "businessman of the sear" from the l.umbee Regional Development Association. Kiwanian of the sear, and the distinguished alumnus award front l.NC Pembroke. He is active in the Committee of 100. Bos Scouts of America. Pembroke Kiwanis. United Was of Robeson Counts, the Carolina Civic Center, the CNC-P Inundation. and Reeds Branch Baptist Church, where he serves as treasurer and deacon. Among his professional memberships are the N.C. Bankers Association and the Continuity Bankers Association. His is currently chair of the N.C. Bankers Peer Group. "I am familiar with SRMC and the full range of health care services they have brought to our counts over the past I 5 to 20 sears, from fitness services to a cardiac cath lab." Chavis said. "I am vers pleased to join the foundation Board, which is forging, ahead to develop the needed resources so that SRMC can continue to offer quality healthcare, with facilities and equipment second to none." A native of Robeson Counts who grew up in the Rowland area. Chavis has spent 30 sears in the banking industry. 15 years with Southern National Bank before joining Lumbee Guaranty Bank* in 1087. Since he be came CI O of Uumbee Guaranty Bank, n has expanded from one to ten locations in the region. Chavis".educational background includes an undergraduate degree from C'NC Pembroke and a master's degree in business administration from Campbell University He has also taken additional courses in banking and management at UNC Chapel Hill and The U'niversitv of Wisconsin. Chavis and his wife, the'former l.oleta Hunt, live in l.umberton Their daughter Melissa is a senior at Tast Carolina Univcrsitv while their son Alex is a freshman at UNC Pembroke. Other members of the SRMC foundation board are: Fave Caton. Claude fulghum. Dixon Gerber. M.D.. Jerrv Johnson. Ravmond Johnson. Randall Jones. Doris McCormick, John McUean. Anne McQueen. Stephen Ro^al. M.D.. I.isa Rust. Halliharpe. Horace Stacv Jr., David Walker and Coble D. Wilson Jr.. M. Carr Gibson and Hector Macl.ean serve as Trusteed Emeriti. tagle Scout Project will Save Lives H seemed quite appropriate tor the Christmas holidays fro Matthew blue to sponsor a bjoftd drive to give the "gift of life" to a person in need of blood. Matthew age 15 and a student at Purnell Swett High School, decided to have a blood drive as his Eagle scout project at Burnt Swamp baptist Church . To make the event possible proved not to be an easy task. Contacting Mr. Barry Hooker who helped set up the blood drive. Matthew was pros ided w ith a great deal cfinfumvalion and fleets about giving bloe>& " cal.l people up and encourage them to give blood. I had many supporters^ friends, and lots of love and prayers." stated Matthew. He feels that the agency sent its best nurses to assist in the blood drive. Working diligently on his project, Matthew also had his family to help him prepare fro individuals signing up to donate their blood. "I've learned that a lot of people will need blood. I think about me granddaddy ami it no one gave him blood." He realizes that by doing this he can help save someone's life. Starting out as a I iger Cub in the first grade then Cub Scout and finally reaching boy Scout. Matthew has served as troop scribe, patrol leader and senior patrol leader in his Scout Troop 326 at Mr. Airy Church under the direction of Scout leader Anthony Chavis. He finds that his experience in Scouts has been a great way to meet new friends and people who he can relate to. ."I've learned that in the world full of crooks and liars, there are some young boys with morals and pride." "I'm glad he wanted to help the community. He had already decided to have the blood drive before the September 11 terrorist attack as his last major step for Eagle Scout." shares Matthew's mother. Sylvia Blue. With forty six blood donors present, thirty five units were provided as a resujt of the event. "I've always given blood. It's a good cause and Matthew is in our y outh group and I w anted to support him." responds Mantiel Jacobs. Matthew is the son of Randall and Sylvia Blue. H ' I I? ' M_ I Shown above. Matthew gets information J mm Her. Robert Ray of I'embroke hirst I ititetl MelhotlisI Church as he prepares to donate blood. The "New Potato" is Catchinq on 1 NAPS)?The sweet potato or yam. is quickly catching on as a nutritional, tasty alternative to the traditional haked white potato. It's delicious with cinnamon and brown sugar. For sweet potato recipes, visit the Louisiana Sweet Potato Commission Web site at Parents Without Partners sponsors social events, lectures and discussions, as well as educational activities to help parents without partners meet people in similar circumstances For many, the group is an effective way to meet new people and have fun. For more information, visit Keeping the freezer stocked with frozen vegetables may be the hardest part of preparing a holiday feast thanks to these easy to follow, few-ingredient recipes. Meals can become more appealing just by adding unique vegetable varieties such as Birds Kye' Baby Corn Blend or Gourmet Potato Blend as a side dish or as part of i?: : I the main cnursc For recipes nnd easy entertaining ideas, visit The See 11 Say Kids Around The World game has taken a sampling of some of the world's many cultures and teaches children about them in an entertaining way The toy is Troiii Fisher-Price. whitih maintains a Web site designed to help parents with experts' advice on child development and parenting You can learn more alinut the Kids Around the World toy at

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