Published Every Thursday in Pembroke, NC "CAROLINA INDIAN VOICE "Building Communicative Bridges in a Tri-Racial Setting" VOLUME 29 NUMBERS THURSDAY, JUNE 20, 2002 25c Per Copy "Swing for Good Health" Raises more than $14,000 for health care Larry Chavis The 104 golfers who played in the Southeastern Regional Medical Center Foundation's annual tournament have made it possible for more local students to train for careers in health care Twenty-six teams competed in the twelfth annual Swing for Good Health golf tournament held June 6 ant the Pincrest Country Club "The food was great! The fellowship was great!" said Larry Chavis, chairman of the golf tournament. "But, most importantly, the event raised more than $14,000 for health care scholar ship loanr" The proceeds of $14,345 from Uie tournament will help fund scholarships for Robeson County residents who have chosen to stud> medicine, nursing. or allied health and u ho plan to return to this coinmumiv to practice Winners of the 2002 Sw ing for Good Health Tournament with a team score of 57 were Bruce Curry . Stan Kinney. Grant Lewis and Mike Steinbacher They each received a trophy and a $100 gift certificate from the Pinccrcst Pro Shop Two teams tied for second place with a score of 60. Based on the tiebreaker score on hole #12. the foursome of Brian Adams. Bill Alston, Darren Brown and Roy Cox took second place and each received a trophy and a $65 gift certificate Third place winners were Harold Gillespie. Robin Pate, Tom Peters and Roy Swanberg. They received trophies and a $40 gift certificate. Stan Kinney claimed the prize for closest to the pin on hole #2: Darren Brown took home the prize for closest to the pin on hole #10. The honors for closest to the pin on hole #12 went to Dr. Author Bradford Buddy McLean look honors for the most accurate drive on hole #8; Debra Quick had the most accurate drive for women on hole # 17 The award for the longest drive on hole *18 went to Claude Fulghum The award for shortest drive on hole *1 went to JoeGlczcn There were no winners of the two hole-in-onc prizes, one of which was two round-trip airline tickets to anywhere in the continental United States provided by Summary Travel Services and US Air and the other, a trip for two to Hawaii, sponsored by Hill-Rom Corporate sponsors for the tournament were: BB&T; BB&T Insurance Services of Lumberton. Baxter Healthcare-lV Systems; Brodic Contractors. Inc.. Buckeye of Lumberton. Cape Fear Construction, Cardinal Health Inc,; Carolina Spine Systems; Corporate Development; Danaher Controls. Delaware Investment Advisers; Divcrsey Lever; Dowless Catering; S Preston Douglas & Associates; Emergency Physician Associates; Encompass Electrical; Encompass Group; Forms & Supplies, Freeman Mechanical; Grainger Industrial Supply; Healthcare Enterprises-NCHA; Jefferson Pilot Financial; Jerry Johnson Chevrolet. Oldsmobile, Pontiac; King Guinn Associates; Lumbec Guaranty Bank; Lumbee River Electric Membership Corporation; Lumberton Ford, Lincoln. Mercury; Lumberton Radiological Associates. Lumbcrton Surgical Associates; Sheriff Glenn Maynor. McKesson Empowering Healthcare. Medline; Montag & Caldwell; N S Farnngton & Company. Pale Sheet Metal. Peterson Associates; Philips Medical; Quik Print of Lumbcrton. Robins &Morton. Sage Products. Inc. Siemens Medical Solutions; Skinner. Lamm & Highsmith PA. Smith Advertising. Southmost Drywall. Inc ; Standard Register. STERIS Corporation; Triangle Ice Company; VALIC and YAMAS Controls. Donors were: Belk of Lumberton; Bob's Jewel Shop. Carolina Spine Systems; Coca-Cola; Cracker Barrel; The Fashion Bar. First Bank; Forms and Supply; The Front Porch; The Gallery; Grainger Industrial Supply; HillRom; J.C. Penny; Joe Sugar's of St Pauls; K'L and Tire and Automotive; Lamplighter Village Station; Lowe's of Lumbcrton; Naylor Tom's Sales; Outback Steakhousc; Patton's Inc.; Pepsi Bottling Ventures; Robeson County Clean & Green; Robins & Morton; Ruby Tuesday; Smith & Nephew; SRMC Food Services; Sports Relay; Summey Travel and USAir; TarPackcrs; Texas Steakhousc & Saloon, US Foodserviccs; Washington's Men's Store and Woodard. Inc New Hospice of Robeson Volunteers, from left, are Christine Locklear of Pembroke, Cinder Graham, Mary Jacobs, Rosa AshleyDickerson, and Lydia Kinlaw, all of Lumberton. New Volunteers join Hospice of Robeson Five new recruits were welcomed into the Hospice of Robeson family of volunteers recently The newly trained volunteers liad just completed 25 hours of study during a seven-week course designed to prepare them to help terminally ill patients and their families. During the graduation ceremony, each volunteer received a certificate of completion. "This was the first class in the last 10 years to meet during the da> and it worked out well." said Anne Crain. volunteer coordinator for Hospice of Robeson The daytime format provided an alternative to the usual evening training sessions Four of the new Hospice volunteers arc from Lumberton Cinder Graham. Mary Jacobs. Rosa Ashley-Dickerson and Lydia Kinlaw. Christine Locklear is from Pembroke Each volunteer attended sessions designed to increase their awareness of issues important to the care of dying patients and their families-including concepts of dying, death and grieving; introduction to cancer and other terminal diseases; care and comfort measures for the patient and family, dynamics; communications skills. and aging and reminiscing An example of comfort mea surcs for relatives of the terminally ill patient might include providing volunteer serv ices during the day to allow family caregivers greater opportunities to run errands. go shopping or take care of other business. "These new volunteers bring many skills and a wide range of experiences to our group. All hav e been caregivers to their own family members and understand the difficulties, challenges and blessings of caring for loved ones.' said Crain. "This is an important attribute when dealing with hospice patients and families." Mohammed A Jaleel, M.D., keynote speaker for the graduation ceremony, welcomed the new volunteers Dr. Jaleel has served as medical director for Hospice of Robeson since the fall of 2000. Hospice of Robeson was established in 1985 to offer care and support for terminally ill patients and their families. Its services are available without regard to age. sex. race, religion, national origin, handicap or ability to pay if the individual meets the admission criteria Hospice staff and volunteers are available to speak to church and civic groups For more information. call the Hospice office at 671-5655 Strike at the Wind Opens on July 6th By Vinita Clark Pembroke, NC- The legend of Henry Hem l.owrie w ill he told once again on the stage of the Adolph L. Dial Amphitheater with the 24th performance season of the outdoor drama "Strike at the Wind!" The drama written by Dr.. Randolph Uinberger is directed by David Oxendine of Pembroke for his 12th season Musical Director for the drama is its' Composer Willie French Lowery For the first time in the history of the drama the characters of 1 lenry and Rhoda arc not only married on stage but also in real life Corbin and Misha biddings will play the Lowne couple Corbin first joined the cast in IPX I and told everyone including the Director Dr Chet Jordan ofUNCP "one day I am going to plav Henry " Well, it has been 21 years and now his dream is coming true. Misha is returning for her third season in the role of Rhoda Also for the first time in a leading role is Danielle Saunders who first lomed the cast in 2001 as a Citizen will now he standing beside the 1 eader Carol ()xendmc as the Child Barry Cochlear who played 1 lenderson Oxendine in 2000 will be playing the role of Boss Strong Favorites that have returned arc Robert Bryant as Shoemaker John. Bruce Barton as Allen I.owrie Sr . Collette 1) Cochlear as Dolly King. Randolph Cddings as Colonel I Iarris Hdith Ward as Mrs Shoemaker, I larlless Smith as 1 lughMcOfcggor Steve Pate as I lector McCord and a host of other returning east mcm: hers Members of the SATW cast recent completed their first fundraiser among the cast members for the creation of plaques to be given to the families of Ray l.owerv and Jessica Oxendine who died while the drama was closed this past season Reflections by Alta Nye Oxendine FA THER 'S DA Y MESS A GE Here arc some nuggets from Pastor Harold Hunt's Father's Day message at Branch Street UMC: Make sure God is the utmost in making decisions for your family. Make sure there's no parasites devouring our children. "Sometimes we get in front of God" with our "snap financial decisions" and "self-willed ambitions." Ask: "Where am I living?" A little boy said, "Daddy, pick out a good trail.. because Fin right behind you!" Your sons and daughters arc mocking every action you do. Ask: "What am I leaving?" Arc you two-faced? Do you put on a Sunday face to go to church? Fathers need to pattern their lives after a Christ-like life. Photo on reverse: Lurnbce family in the Prospect Community, circa 1900. Courtesy of James Moore .^Lumlbee ftv cr FUND Please join the Lumbee River Fund for our Lumbee Homecoming Events. All events are free and open to the public. For more information, please contact Malinda Maynor 910-521-9513 or or visit our website: Genealogy Workshop & Family Photo Exhibit Indian Education Resource Center Wednesday, .lulu ;j. 7. 00-g 00 pin Genealogy Consultants: Garth Locklear, Grady Locklear, and Elisha Locklear (Tusrarora) Presenter: Cynthia Hunt (Lumber River I>cgal Services) Lumber Sports Legends Roundtable & Sports History Photo Exhibit I.RDA Office Complex Thursday, July 4. J.00-5. 00 pm Presenters- Kelvin Sampson, Mr. and Mrs. Ned Sampson, Bruce Barton and Tim Brayboy Moderator: Joe Oxendine Shape-Note Singing & Religious History Photo Exhibit Givens Performing Arts Center Thursday, July 4, 6:30 pm (in conjunction with the Gospel Singing planned that evening) Singers: Prospect Men's Choir Traditional Arts, Photo Exhibit & Storytelling Tent Prospect Road Saturday, July 6.11:00 am-1 30 pm Invited presenters: Mary Sue Locklear (herbal medicine), Sadie Dial Foust (broom-making), Elisha Locklear (bowl-making)