Pediatric Pointers by Dr. Joey Bell, Pembroke Pediatrics 1 remember the first time 1 swam bv myself An old friend of nunc showed me how to swim in the lake at the Recreation Centerfnow the Cultural Center) when 1 was Five And like many generations of Indian childrcmn Robeson County. 1 have spent ,y fair share of time in cold waters of "the river" VVc all have memories of time spent in or around water, but we must always keep in mind that there arc certain precautions we should teach our children about water safety You may not know tins, but be aware that drow rang is the third most common cause of death for children less than 4 years of age In actual numbers, this is more than S.OOOdrow mngs per year In children there arc three particulars high-risk groups toddlers, teenage bovs. and seizure disorders Parents of young toddlers just beginning to w alk must remember that continous. responsible supervision is absolulley essential around water Hav ing experienced a near drowning with my own two year old . 1 am reminded how fast a toddler can get away from you and in to water Drowning accidents of teenage boys are often related to drug or alcohol ingestion, diving in unsafe water, or boating accidents Important attention to water safety focusing on these risky activities should be begun in early childhood and reinforced through teenage years Children with seizure disorders (epilepsy) are four tunes more at risk for drowning accidents These children are at risk for having a seizure while in the . .... . water where they can not help themselves out Such children should swim only under close, continous supervision by individuals trained in water rescue As an intersting side note, the American Academy of Pediatrics has review ed the once popular pracuce of swimming instructions for young infants. The Academy docs not endorse this practice because it may lcavethe parents with a false sense of security for their infant around water Remember infants^cannot be instructed in water safety or how to respond to emergency situations. As always, education and prevention is the key to avoiding a bad outcome. Education of parents and children regarding appropriate precautions, water safety practices, swimming skills and rescue are most important. Proper fencing around pools, appropriate adult supervision and the use of life-jackets are other keys to prevent drowning deaths. So whether you are at the beach with your family, fishing at a pond, or even in the good ol'Lumbee River, dont forget about the water safety It will make far a much more enjoyable summer. Search for Truth by Elder Joseph Bullard LIVING BY DYING "Truly, truly, I say to you, unless a grain of wheat falls into the earth and dies, it remains alone; but if it dies, it bears much fruit." John 12:24. In the verse immediately before this one. Jesus referred to His own death and glorification In the verse immediately after. He speaks of His followers and says, "He who loves his life loses it, and he who hates his life in this world will keep it for eternal life." The figure of a grain of wheat dying in order to live, then, can be applied both to Jesus, who died in order that sinners might live, and to Jesus' followers, who must die to sin.if they arc to live in righteousness. Sin brings death; there are no two ways about that. God warned Adam and Eve in the Garden of Eden that that would be the result of transgression, and it has always been so. Either the sinner dies in his sin. or Jesus dies for his sin. Although Jesus dies for sin, to be redeemed the sinner must die to sin. Here is the first step in partaking of the divine nature. Before we can take on a new nature, the old one?or the "old man,"'as Paul calls it-?must die. A more common word for his death is repentance. It means sorrow for sin to the point of abhorrence. When we catch a glimpse of the holiness of God's character, and of how our disobedience has hurt Him and caused the death of His Son, we will hate sin.. When Job saw himself in a true light he despised himself and repented in dust * ''and ashes (Job 42:6). We will feel the same way. This hatred is not just for sin in general, but for our own particular acts and spirit of rebellion. Repentance involves confession. We are prepared to admit wherein we have sinned. We are also ready to admit we deserve no quarter, that we deserve to die. We can only throw ourselves upon the mercy of God. This is dying to sin. This is casting ourselves upon the Rock, Christ Jesus, recognizing there is no hope for us as sinners except in the salvation Christ has provided. In thus casting ourselves on Jesus, self is broken Self-sufficiency, self-willfulness. or shall we say. just plain selfishness, gives way to Christcentered thinking. 4 Only when we have died to sin are we ready to be bot n again. Who Am I?.... ^ bv Erwin Jacobs As I am mostly confined to my house due to a bout with the gout, I have a lot of time to play several religious cassettes I was given a few days ago. It has been a very uplifting experience listening to the many artists lifting their praises to our Creator (God and his Son "Jesus" who paid the ultimate sacrifice for our sins.) I'm reminded of a celebration of Brian's wedding vows taken Saturday, July 6th, 2002 and also a celebration of the Life of my church brother 's "only son," on Sunday, July 7th. My neighbor, Mr Randy Smith and his wife lost their only son last week. Randall as everyone knew him, succumbed to several tumors of the head. He was only 37 years old and the father of one young son. No words spoken to his father and mother can really heal the void he left behind. The most comforting words his father said to me also, my pastor Dr Dianna Killian said at his serv ice, assured a packed chapel at the Boles Funeral Home in Laurinburg Sunday. This is what she said "Randy Smith is with His Heavenly Father because He accepted Christ about 2 weeks before he departed his earthly life," He had a very peaceful look on his face I sat in the chapel about 45 minutes looking at him and the strangest feeling came over me It is almost impossible to explain You see on August 10th. 1999,1 too lost my son. Rickey Jacobs My problem is I don't know if he knew the Lord before his life was taken way from him as he was beaten to death in Greenville, South Carolina He had a very sad look on his face. (He was 42 years old). I read a four page letter today from Attorney Morris Dees of Montgomery. Alabama thanking me and letting me know that lie and Ms Rosa Parks were putting my name "on the wall of tolerance" in that fair city. Also. I have received a certificate honoring me I have received many honors, but hopefully some day I can journey to Montgomery and view the wall personally and meet Mr Dees It gives me great joy to know I have made a difference in this world of turmoil (may it be so small) As I look around, sec on the TV. in the daily newspaper of all the atrocities taking place. I thank God 1 can do something to make this world a better place to live in I ask the readers of this column, can you truthfully say the same'' I urge you to try and sec if you can't do a little something, it only takes a small amount of effort. I have had a little response about my grandfather's cemetery at Harpers Ferry Church Hopefully before the end of the year there will be enough money come in to make the project a reality Many promises have been made, but talk is cheap in my book. Action speaks better than words is my philosophy. There arc enough of Pap and Granny 's descendants living to build a high wall around that small cemetery, much less a small fence to protect it from vandals and cncroachcrs I urge you to please do your part to help us finish what has been started. Another project is the Veterans Memorial of Robeson County If you get the Carolina Indian Voice, you know there is a need there also Please send your donations in to the Lumbcc Bank in Pembroke, NC. Address the contribution to Robeson County Veterans Memorial Fund (which was established in 1999). Thank you! Several articles have been published by myself and others asking to help make this project a reality! I continue to write worthwhile articles which appeal to my readers 1 hope this one has touched at least somebody's heart. So until next time. May our Creator (God) smile on you!! Reflections by Alta Nye Oxendine WHEN ARE YOU LEAVING THIS WORLD? Some people (especially childicn ami teen-agers) seem to be SURE they mil be around until at least 75 A lot of Chnsuans expect to leave when Jesus returns, which (of course) COULD be just around the corner Or it could be several centuries from now (Remember the Millcntcs who were so convinced that Jesus was JUST ready to return that they sold all their belongings and climbed onto housetops waiting for that event to happen9 (At least this is the way 1 remember hearing the account.) It happened in the 1800s. over a century ago The Bible says that we will not be told ahead of time when it is going to happen But there 's another possibility, one that some of us have been made PAINFULLY aware of ?right smack dab in the middle of our livcs"thc possibility that we will find our earthly life cut OFF at a surprisingly early age (For my boys it was 20 and 25 The other boy. Junior, was also 15 ) For others it may be age 10. 5. 2. oronlyONE DAY old Perhaps since the 9/11 tragedy, even those teens w ho tended to live on the edge, convinced that they were invincible, have been forced to face the reality that none of us knows the day. the hour, the month, or the year w hen we w ill be in the process of passing on to a different kind of existence We don't have to wait until old age to make this decision With God's help 1 want to be ready to stay here and do my part in carrying out His work OR to bid farewell to this relatively transient life, and move on to the permanent one referred to in John Newton's poem/ song. "Amazing Grace "When we've been there ten thousand (10.000) years. Bright shining as the sun. We've no less days to sing God's praise. Than when we first begun " The beloved, packed-with-meaning song, "Amazing Grace" is found in the hymnals of many diffcrwH-dsjnominations. 1 used one of my parents' songbooks to check on the exact wording. "Songs for Worship" was copyrighted in 1958, by Zondervam Music Publishers, and published by Zondcrvan Publishing House, Grand Rapids, MI. I think the approach of death must be a little like suddenly seeing the "law" coming our way. A lot of people get scared when they see a highway patrol car. But I don't mind, because I made a personal commitment to drive safely before getting my first driver's license. And. although I was stopped twice in the '70s for going to fast, I almost always TRY to drive on or slightly above the speed limit, as well as looking out for the other person In the same way, if we have made a commitment to God and His Son. Jesus the Christ, and if we arc basically doing the right thing, when it comes to living according to GOD"S RULES, attempting to serve Him and others daily, and if we STAY in a state of preparedness for going on to the next life, then we can take it a lot EASIER emotionally. even if TRAGEDY hits, or TERMINAL ILLNESS strikes. The main reason I want to spend more time on this earth is because of unfinished business in so many areas, including my ongoing relationship with family and friends. Especially since Byron has told me more than once that he wants me to be around for a long time, something that really made me feel good! Of course, it's partly because of the other family members (particularly two grandpas and two uncles) that he never got to know. Details on Hartford's Smart 529, tax free college savings plan to be presented Back to school means a new bookbag Back to college means a tuition check for as much as $ 15,000. Will you be ready? You and your guests are invited to hear about the 529 tax free college savings plan Brent Downing, regional marketing director for Hartford, will present details of Hartford's Smart 529 program at a free dinner hosted by Mary Jo Waller, investment representative with Edward Jones Tuesday, August 13th, 7 p.m.. Holiday Inn. 101 Wmtergreen Drive. Lumberton, NC Reservations arc required as seating is limited. RSVP to Beth Williamson at 738-5053 by noon of August 9th. Better Sex I * Reduced Inflammation Less Frequent Urination I More Reliable [ PSA Test Results I Side Effects - None The Solution - Prostsafe? 16 Herbs, Vitamins and Amino Acids 200,000 Men Can't Be Wrong! Free Bonus - Receive a Free Subscription to the Journal of Natural Health call today!!! iij VT 1-800-858-0228 WHTTE T Dept. 1651 yy IngLvABS 1 TOBIT: But those who commit sin are the enemies of their own lives Evangelist Julius Bryant Carolina Indian Voice is Published every Thursday by First American Publications 207 Union Chapel Rd. Post Office Box 1075 Pembroke, North Carolina 28372 Phone (910) 521-2826 Fax (910)521-1975 Connee Brayboy, Editor Subscriptions One year in NC, S25.00 Out of State, $30.00 Second Class Postage Paid at Pembroke, NC 19il? i<- USCellular OlOp AuOwruad Agant Wireless Authorized Agent Guy Spaer Weslev Maynor (910) 522-6300 - J (910) 522-6354 Fax r 800 Union Chapal Rd. Mon -Fri.-9 a.m.-6 p m ? Pembroke, NC 28372 Sat 9 a m - 3 p m +81 I Kayelteville Kd (910) 739-3323 Lumberton. MC 28358 OfTOMCTTUC Y CAP?C KT R. John I. Adams, O.D. Katherine S. Harris, O.D. Charles L. Clark, O.D. Carolyn Marks, Licensed Optician Family Practice and Contact Lenses FIRST AMERICAN PUBLICATIONS The Carolina Indian Voice Newspaper Connee Brayboy PO Box 1075 Pembroke, N.C 28372 (919)521-2826 (919) 521-4611 Office Home ^ O^endine's Tire Center, Inc. Jeff & I>ois Oxendine MOTOR CYCLE INSPECTION NC INSPECTION glBl ALIGNMENTS |rajml BRAKE SERVICE 7/ork 521-3346 PO Box 3240 Home: 522-0220 Pembroke. NC 28372 Robeson Family Practice Associates " Herman Chavis. M D Kenneth Locklear. M O. Myra D Hall. M.D Rajesh Sakala, M O Barbara Graham PAC 1002-C* Fast 4th Avenue, Red Springs, NC 28377 Telephone 843-331 Ol-UCi: HOURS Monday thru Friday X 00 a m until 5 00 p in u vc~MB(ticine Shopped David Hester, R.Ph. IC2 N. Patterson St. Maxton, NC 28364 On the comer of Patterson and Martin Luther King (910) 844-3100 The Pharmacy That's All About Your Health"" Parkton Family Medical Center Herman Chavis, M.D. William Sanderson, M.D. Kenneth E. Locklear, M.D. Arnold Kinley, P.A. 15 West 3rd Street Parkton North Carolina 23371 Telephone 858-3913 OFFICE HOURS Monday. Tuesday. Wednesday and Friday 8am - 5pm" Thursday 8 am - 1 pm Repo Depo, LLC Affordable Houslng^Speclalist Land/Home Packages Available Craig McMillian Rennert, NC (910) 843-5221 Cell: (910) 734-4492 ^ & pqwtaplus 2781 Wast 9th Straat Lumbarton NC 28398 ELECTRONICS-JEWELRY-TOOLS-MUSIC-& MORE! jj"*TAKE 30% OFF ONE JEWELRY ITEM WITH COPY OF THIS AD] phone: 910-738-8255 * tax: 910-738-8256 * Native American I Sprinkler Co. Underground Sprinklers (lawn) Free Estimates, Design, and Installation Repair service 910-827-0327 910-521-4611 "WHERE HOMES AFFORDABLE" T0f!egency HOUSING, INC. Jimmy Hammonds Corporate Office (910) 738-5513 2503 West 5th St. Ph. (910) 738-1452 Lumberton, NC 28358 Fax (910) 738-1453 Locally owned and operated