CARINA INDIAN VQITE POB0xl5lQ _ ^^ Pembroke NC 28372- 0 cV/i/v American Indian Moihers y to begin Talent SearchThe AIM will begin its Tribal/ Multi-Cultural TalenrSeSfcfi August-0ctobcr2002 Tribes Schedule list arc Lumbee and other Indians from Robeson, Hoke. Scotland Counties August 10. 2002 at Porter Plaza Pembroke. NC 10 am until 5 pm Other tribes will rccicvc their schedule at a later date The talent search for the Tow ns of Robeson County for All-Races is scheduled for August 31. 2002 also at Porter Plaza Pembroke, NC from 10 am until 5 pm The winners from the Tribes and Towns w ill compete in the State competition November 15. 2002 during the Harvest Celebration. Winners will open for the Concert also November 15,2002 Only the first 30 entries for all of the five categories ( 5 male vocalist, 5 female vocalist. 5 dance. 5 group. 10 other) will be accepted Application can be found at these locations: AIM offices. Shannon , NC. Lumbee Tnbal Office Pembroke, NC and each Town Hall. Age limit is 14-25 also a S25 entry fee is required For more information please call AIM office (910) 843-9911 First Baptist ChurchPembroke News A dinner was heldfor Mrs. Theresa Locklear at the Outback Restaurant in Lumberton July 12 with family and friends to celebrate her birthday. A dinner was heldforMrs. Sallie Ann Graham, right, on July 9th at the Golden Corral in Laurinburg with family and friends. Happy birthday to both of you. Other birthdays at First Baptist include: Raymonda Clark (Jane) July 6; Sallie Ann Graham-July 9; Dorothy Chavis, July 10; Theresa R. Locklear-July 12; Nicole Brooks, July 22; Cade Locklear, July 26; Jory S^vett, July 30. Sick and shut ins include: Ms. Esther Lindsey, Ms Gurthie Jones, Ms. Stella Jacobs, Ms Lib by Beasley, Ms. Marguerite Holmes, Ms. Tamer Graham. Remember Mrs. Lucratie Locklear who is in the hospital. Sheisthe mother of Bobby Dean Locklear. Rebekah Revels resigns as Miss North Carolina Rebekah Revels, recently crowned Miss North Carolina announced on Tuesday that she was resigning that position. In a prepared statement, Ms. Revels said: "A former male friend has contacted the Miss America Organization in a calculated attempt to defame my character. "It is not my desire that my personal life or the physically and emotionally abusive relationship of which I was once a part should be used to bring any degree of reproach upon a program that I truly admire. "I apologize for any embarrassment my resignation may cause my family, friends, the Miss North Carolina Organization, or my fellow North Carolinians." Pageant officials agreed that it was in the best interest of Miss Revjls and the State of North Carolina for her to resign, following their review of information they had received ; Morgan B. Hunt to compete for Miss Teen All American Miss Morgan B Hunt daughter of Johnny and Demetrius Hunt will participate in the 2002 MISS TEEN ALL AMERICAN National Pageant to be staged August 1 -4, 2002 at the luxurious Hilton Miami Airport & Towers in sunny Miami, Florida Morgan was crowned MISS NC TEEN ALL AMERICAN at a preliminary pageant held March 3 at the Adiams Mark Hotel in Winston Salem. She will compete with young women from all over the country for the prestigious MISS TEEN ALL AMERICAN national title. Morgan attends the University of North Carolina at Pembroke where she plans to major in public relations. MISS TEEN ALL AMERICAN 2002 will receive a $5,000 cash award, a personal appearance contract, a fur coat, a gold and diamond crown ring, a watch , luggage, designer shoe wardrobe, cosmetics, skin care products, travel opportunities and numerous other prizes. All contestants in the MISS TEEN ALL AMERICAN Pageant will be interviewed by representatives from the TV/Film and Modeling Industries as well as others who can play a part in their future....whether they win or not This organization is recognized as the foremost teen pageant in North America with a success rate unmatched bv any other. Former MISS TEEN ALL AMERICAN contestants include Halle Berry, Academy Award Winning Actress and Revlon Spokesmodel; Tonja Walker and Gina Tognoni from "One Life To Live"; Debbie James and Symba Smith, $100,000 Star Search Spokesmodel Winners , Paula Trickcy and Shanna Moakler of "Pacific Blue"; Lynette Cole, Spokesmodel and Adoption Advocate, Jenna Edwards, featured on "Oprah" and "People" magazine for her philanthropic work with children with cancer These are just a few of our success stories , there are many, many more! For information on this years event contact* National Headquarters in West Virginia at 1-304-242-4900 Auditions for The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe Set for Augst 3rd The Studio One Lab of PSRC announces auditions for the fall production of C.S. Lewis' classic, "The Chronicles of Namia" This award winning play recreates all the magic and mystery of fabled Narnia, the great lion king Asian, the struggles with the White Witch and the four children who wander into this fabled land through an old wardrobe! Auditions will be held in the dance room at Lumbcrton Sr.High School on August 3, at 12:30 30 p.m. and again on August 10th at 1:30p.m. This production offers all local young talents a chance to "star" in a play that holds a large company, with over 16 singing/speaking roles. Roles are open to all young artisits ages 7 through 13 and no stage experience is needed. For more information, please contact Rita Atkinson at 910 628-8424. A new daugher for the Sandersons Ronald L. Sanderson and Anne Lowry Sanderson joyfully announce the birth of their daughter Chloe Elizabeth Lowry Sanderson Born May 6. 2002 at East Cooper Regional Medical Center. Mt Pleasant. S C . Chloe arrived at 3:37 p m.. weighting 9 pounds and 4 ounces Chloc's proud grandparents arc Mr Lesley and Mrs Marie Locklcar Sanderson of the Prospect Community and Mr. Claude and Mrs. Grace Bullard Lowry of Columbia, SC. formally of the Prospect Community and the Town of Pembroke respectively. She has five uncles, four aunts, and eleven first cousins. Ronnie is a Senior Engineering Designer in the Value Engineering Department for Hill-Rom, a division of Hillenbrand Industries, in Charleston. Hill-Rom designs and manufacturers medical equipment Anne is at home with Chloe and her two year old brother, Alex, each day Lumbee Tribal Government to Open Membership Rolls by Alex Haker, Pttblic Relations I. T(1 The Lumbcc Tribal Council volcd Thursday. July 18. to open the Luinbcc Rolls on August 1. 2002 Applications arc now available for persons wishing to petition the Luinbcc Tnbal Enrollment and Records Office for membership into tnbe Enrollment verification is free The tribal identification card can be purchased for S5 Senior citi/cns. age 62 and older, receive free cards Enrolled members under the age of 18 will also be issued a v erification from free unless, they request the card and pay the fee The Tribal Chairman. Milton R Hunt, administer the Oath of Office to District 6 representative Larry Townsend who was elected on June 29 The chairman also nominated the last layman to the tribal council for the Lumbcc Supreme Court Anthony Blanks was nominated and appointed with Dr Slicrinan Brooks and Tony Hunt by the council They will serve staggered terms with Ed Bullard and Henry Ward Oxcndinc w ho was the two attorneys appointed on May 16 Other Business Dr. Ruth Dial Woods, tribal administrator, and Chairman Hunt also rccogni/cd 31 high school youth who have been working the summer with the tribal government They y outh were a pan of a summer rewards program offered through the Lumber Riv er Council of Governments and the Exploration Station program The students were high school juniors and seniors with B+ averages and helped the tnbal government with tribal enrollment, documenting Lumbcc gravesitcs and documenting the oral traditions of Lumbee elders through interviews. In the Hopewell Cemetery: Left to right-Christopher, Cindy, Ronald, Bryce-representing three generations of the Marvin and Stella lumry lineage. Bob West joins the group fro Virginia Beach in front of Old Main on the campus of UNCP. Cindy's dad received his B.S. Degree in this building in 1949. Lowry Descendants Visit Robeson County for First Time First cousins 13 -year old Aaron Brycc Wardlaw and 8 -year old Christopher Lowry Mandigo visited Robeson County along with Cynthia -Lowry-Mandigo-West. Robert Lee(BOB) West, and Ronald H. Lowry Cynthia has visited Robeson County on previous occasions during her grandparents lifetime, but this was the first visit to the county by her husband. son. and nephew The last two days of the Lumbcc Homecoming festivities were chosen for our visit On Friday afternoon, we drove down Pine Street to the remains of the old family farm. I had planned to take my grandsons to the place where I was born, but we had to change our plans due to the amount of vegetation growing around "The Old Homcplacc". As an alternative I pointed out the spot where I was born from the parking lot of the Marvin Lowry Ball Park Another promise I had to rescind was a visit to "The Old Swimming Hole"ncar the railroad trestle where I learned to swim in the Lumber River. The road I used to travel to the swimming hole has been closed, and it was too hot to park the car and walk the railroad to the trestle. On Saturday . my grandsons were more interested in what the ..vendors were selling than watching the parade. Daughter Cindy and husband Bob go to see the probably the largest number of people to gather in Pembroke Bob being a people person commented on the friendliness of the people My son in law was observing other elements during the parade, one of which I already knew, when he said that he had never seen so many beautiful women in one place We attended the Kelvin Sampson reception after the parade Bryoe was wanting to meet Kelvin after he learned that he was the basketball coach for the Oklahoma Sooners Brycc's other grandpa played football for Oklahoma around the time I was playing some basketball for Pembroke State College We attended the Strike at the Wind drama Saturday night. The action scenes kept my grandsons attention focused throughout the performance. We determined that they were watching the life story of their grcat-grcat-grcat-grcatunclc Henry Berry Lowry. On Sunday morning we checked out of our motel in Lumbcrton and drove west on highway 74. then south on Henry Berry road to Hopewell Methodist Church's cemetery 1 wanted to take some pictures of Lowry tombstones. and introduce Cinch. Christopher. and Brycc to the resting place of some of their relatives. I pointed out headstones of their great. 2grcat. and 3-grcat grandpas and uncles. My grandsons 3-great grandpa. Calvin Lowry. was the common ancestor of our family through my mothers side My dad was a descendant from Calvins brother Thomas Lowry and most of his family resided in the Union Chapel Community We drove from the Hopewell Church cemetery over to the First Methodist Church in Pembroke for the 11 oclock service This was my home church while living in Robeson County, and Brycc and Christopher s 3-grcat uncle D F Lowry was the pastor at the time 1 made my decision to become a Christian at age 12. I am quite sure that our 2 day visit to tnc Robeson County left a lasting impression on the minds of my Virginia Beach family connections, The Lurnbee Homecoming celebration provided the right atmosphere for exposure to their Lumba; Indian heritage. My son -in -law got to observe some evidence of a strong family pedigree into which he has become a member. He is looking forward to our next visit to Robeson County. by Ronald H. Lowry