i God Bless America It>eSicate? to tfje Victims anS tf)t heroes of 9/11/01 _You Will Never Be Forgotten Published each Thursday in Pembroke, N'.C. I H Carolina Indian Voice "LUukliiix Coimniinicntivc Bridges In A Ti;-R;icutl Setting " * VOLUME 29 NUMBER 37 WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER It , 2002 25c Lumbee Tribal Council changes meeting place The Luinbcc Tribal Council will meet at 6:30 p.m on Thursday. September 19, at the Old Foundry Restaurant on West Fifth Street in Lumbcrton, N.C. West Nile Virus Confirmed in Five More NC Counties RALEIGH-Thc State Laboratory of Public Health Pest Management Section today announced that West Nile Virus has been confirmed in birds from five more North Carolina counties-Buncombe. Orange, Currituck, Jackson, and Warren counties. Earlier this summer the virus had been found in birds from Alamance Alexander, Burke, Cabarrus, Catawba, Durham, Gaston, Gates, Guilford, Lincoln, Mecklenburg. Surry, and Wake counties. State Health Director Leah Devlin says people need to follow the state's Public Health Warning issued June advising residents to be diligent in protecting themselves against mosquito bites The Public Health Warnings urges people to avoid mosquito contact. Insect repellants containing DEET (N.N-diethyl-m-toluamidc and related compounds) are the most effective mosquito repellants on the market. When used properly along with other steps such as wearing light-colored long sleeved tops and long pants, avoiding mosquitoinfested areas and staying indoors at dawn and dusk, repellants arc a good way to minimize the risk of mosquito bites As with any such products, precautions carefully For children of various ages and for adults, the N.C. Division of Public Health offers the following additional guidelines: Evita Sanderson Wins Two More Titles Evita Saybrinanna Sanderson Evita Sayhrianna Sanderson has won t>vo more beauty titles. Her first title was won on July 21, 2002. She was crowned as USA EASTERN MISS TINY MISS INDEPENDENCE.She also won talent and Patrotic Wear in her age division. The second title was won on August 25,2002. She was crowned MINI MISS PRINCESS of Wilson County.She also www PHOTOGENIC, SPORTSWEAR, TALENT, REST SMILE, REST PERSONALITY, and REST MODEL in her age division. She also won 0-6 OVERALL PERSONALITY and 0-6 OVERALL TALENT. Evita is the 5 year-old daughter of Sahrina Sanderson and Michael Floyd. The granddaughter of Sylvia L. Sanderson and the late James Edward and Mary Francis Floyd. The great granddaughter of the late Gus Howard and Eva Mae Locklear and the late ha and Nancy Sanderson. Voters Overwhelmingly Re-elect Sheriff Glenn Maynor Sheriff Glenn Maynor Amid confusion, broken down tabulators and oilier difficulties on election day, Tuesday. September 10. Robeson County voters overwhelming re-elected Sheriff Glenn Maynor to a third term. Unofficial totals show Maynor with more than 60 percent of the vote, overcoming challenges b> three opponents Maynor received 11.614 votes and Mark Locklcar. his closes', challenger received 2. 241 votes. Maynor even defeated Locklear in Locklcar's home precinct. Prospect. Voters also returned three board members. Mike Smith, Terry Smith and Brenda Fairlev. They replaced Gloria Lowcry with newcomer Scverco Kerns Voters made no change in the races for County Commissioners Incumbents Gary Powers. Bill Hcrndon and Beriester Campbell were all rc-clcctcd I . Former CNN Anchor' kicks off Series PEMBROKE, N. G-FormerCNN Headline News Anchor Lynnc Russell kicks off the 2002-03 Distinguished Speaker Series Tuesday. September 24 at 7 p.m in the Givens Performing Arts Center. Tickets are $10 forthc general public, $5 for faculty and staff and free for UNCP students. Lynne Russell, as popular evening anchor of CNN Headline News, was the first woman to become the regular, solo anchor of a daily evening prime time newscast on a television network. During her decade and a half with CNN. she developed a cult following of men and women who admired her authoritative delivery and her non-conformist on-air personality and demeanor. She loved telling them about their world, and it showed Yet Lynne's world is more than meets the eye. For years she has successfully balanced her journalism career and motherhood with other "occupations" which included deputy sheriff in Fulton County (Atlanta) Georgia, a jail of ficer. and licensed private investigator. She also holds two black belts in the martial art Choi Kwang Do. and is a certified open water SCUBAdiver All of this prompted her to write her inspirational first book. "How to Win Friends. Kick Ass and Influence People" (Dec 1999. St. Martin's Press). She explores the liberating concepts of each of us appreciating and utilizing our own abilities and talents, peaceful coexistence with the opposite gender, and the celebration of "la difference!" Actor/Comedian Richard Bclzer says, "If Xena, warrior princess could tell her story, this would be her book." The New York Times review quipped she's " a news anchor with the personality of a professional wrestler." Before CNN< Lynne Russell reported and anchored at television and radio stations from Florida to Hawaii. She was the first recipient of the Russcl P Jandoli "Excellence in Journalism Award" presented by St Bonaventurc University. She majored in nursing at the University of Colorado. She has taken a break from the daily news business to write her second book and to premiere in the new, Canadian dramatic TV series, "The Ride." Henry Winkler will follow Russell in the scries November 12. James Earl Jones (February 18,2003), Rita Moreno (March 11. 2003) and Pembroke's very own Kelvin Sampson (April 28, 2003) will be the spring lineup. For more information, contact the Student Activities Office at (910)521-6207 I Blue Chip Basketball Shootout Blue Chip Girls Basketball Shootout is coming to UNC Charlotte in Charlotte, North Carolina on Sunday. September 22. 2002 All players must register between 8:00 and 8 30 a m All applications should be in the office by September 15, 2002 This one-day Shootout is a high exposure event designed for the student athlete who aspires to play at the college level Each athlete will have the opportunity to compete against quality competition during the NCAA "live" period for college recruiters The athletes will play three games on teams that arc coached by area basketball coaches. For additional infonnaUon or an application, please call Sport Camps, at 610-446-3636. or your local director. Dave Martin at 704-425-4479 UNCP Trustees hear about Record Enrollment PEMBROKE, N.C -It's ofiicial UNC Pembroke Cltancellor Allen C. Meadows reported to the Board of Tnistces Friday- for the third year in a row -that the university has broken all-time enrollment records In other action, the Board of Trustccs officially named the Track and Soccer Complex for Charlotte philanthropist Irwin Belk and the track itself for Dick and Lenorc Taylor of Lumberton Early indications pointed to another record year for enrollment, and Chancellor Meadors confirmed it. He reported record enrollment of: * 4,433 students * 724 freshmen * 429 transfer students * 482 graduate students * 186 full-time faculty * 941 Native Amencan students * 916 African American students * 812 education majors All are all-time records. Enrollment surged 12.7 percent from 2001 and is up over 48 percent since 1999 Lumberton businessman Dobbs Oxendine, the second of three generations of UNCP Chancellor Club members, presents a check to Teresa Oxendine, Director of Donor Relations. UNCP Chancellor's Club is granted to those individuals, businesses and foundations that make total gifts valued at $1,000 or more per year to the university Chickahominy Tribe to Hold Fall Festival September 28 &29 Native Americans from Maine to Florida will join the Chickahominy Indian Tribe as they celebrate their 51st Annual Fall Festival and PowWow; Saturday and Sunday, September 28 & 29, 2002, on the Chickahominy Tribal Grounds in Charles City County. The longest consecutive annual Pow-Wow i Virginia, the Chickahominy gathered in 1951 at Samaria Indian School, which is now home to Samaria Baptist Church. The Pow-Wow/Fall Festival later moved to the current tribal grounds. As early as the 1920's the Chickahominy people gathered at the Chickahominy River to celebrate the harvest. Glenn Canaday, Assistant Chief and Pow Wow Chairman states that the Chickahominy Pow-Wow is an excellent way for the public to share the rich Virginia Culture directly with the Indian people Canaday reports, "the Chickahominy Pow-Wow is the oldest traditional PowWow in the state of Virginia For 51 ychrs, the Chickahominy people have been sharing their culture with the public, through dance, music, and food This event also allows the education to young and old alike, on the history of the Chickahominy, in a traditional fashion," Grounds open at 10:00 am. on Saturday. September 28. with Grand Entry at 12:00 noon Sunday hours arc 1:00 -5:00 p.m.. with Grand Entry at 1:00 p m The fcstival/Pow-Wow will feature Native American dancers, drummers and singers. Food will be available and will feature hamburgers and hot dogs, fish and chips, chicken sandwiches, and plenty of cold beverages. Traditional Chickahominy and Native American foods will include succotash, hominy, and Indian Fry Brcad/tacos The festival is open to the public No admission is charged, however, donations will be appreciated Transportation from the parking lot and seating will be available for senior adults and disabled citi/ens Tribal officials suggest that attendees bring their ow n lawn chairs and blankets Due to health and safety regulations, pets arc not permitted on Pow-Wow grounds The featured host drum will be Old Point. from New York Several drums have been invited Head male dancer is Schirra Gray, member of the Piscataway T nbc; head female dancer is Dorothy Gray from the Rappahannock Tribe The color guard will be VEVITA, Washington, DC, Chapter Kevin Colston, member of the Tuscarora Tribe. will be the MC and Jay Hill will be the Arena Director The Chickahominy Tribe also sponsors a Special F.ducation Day with the festival, including interactive cultural demonstrations, story telling, music and crafts, for school children in grades 107. This special program will take place on Friday, September 27 at the Chickahominy Tribal Center. The tribe offers this program through area school systems and interest teachers may contact Dawn Tupponcc at (804) 9670779 for further information For information on the 51st\annual Pow Wow/Fall Festival, please call (804)829-2261