~^ F'uHishal c.uli Thiir.sd.iv m JV-ml'ivkc. N.C I -l PERIODICALS i ^ W CAIKKUNA lite UNCP "lUiiklins Communicative Undoes In A Tr;-R;ici:il Setting" D,. ? l> li? po Boa 15in ' VOLUME 29 NUMBER 39 THURSDAY. SEPTEMBER 26 . 2002 Pembroke NC 25 ?? 2837>.i<? in Joan Carol l.ocklear Herald Goolsby liurlie l.ocklear Rev. Stoney Lock tear ^ \ Joan Carol Locklear Announces , Candidacy for Local EMC Board Joan Carol Locklear. a twentysix year educator with the Public Schools of Robeson County announces her candidate for the Lumber River EMC board of directors At-largc scaat in the October 8th annual election scat for 6 pin at the L'NC-P Performing Arts Center Joan is married to Den/el Ray Locklear and they have four children. Nahir. Darren. Davanceand Dcidra. She is a graduate of the University of North Carolina al Pembroke and lives in the Harpers Ferry Community. She is a member of New Prospect Methodist Church Mrs. Locklear is also past president of Union Elementary School and a member of the North Carolina Education Association. In her 26 years as a educator, she has help develop the future leaders of our county and state. The services that the Lumber River Electric Membership Coop provides it's Youth Scholarships and Bright ideas for Teachers grant program wliich is of special interest to Joan as a educator She would like to see the Coop put greateremphasis on our youth because they will be out future consumers and owners of the Coop. Better marketing of the historical role of the Cooperative in rural counties will ensure strong sup portivc consumers of tch Coop when deregulation comes. Joan believes that for the Coop to be successful in the long term it's policies and procedures must be carried out in the best interest of all members with fairness and compassion for the company owners and consumers. In making her decision to nin for the At-largc seat on the EMC Board. Joan realized that this is another way to continue Robeson and adjoining counties. Lumber River is one of the largest Coops in North Carolina and one of the fasting grow ing It is a major industry in the region. The Corporation is a inulti-million dollar business that helps attracts industry and jobs to our services area through government obtained interest free loans and grants for infrastructure. Joan will work to help bring more more to our service area for industry and jobs and will seek a scat on the LREMC Economic Developmept Committee. She ill ensure that Lumber River's investment and role in the proposal Comtech Technology Industrial Park remains strong and brings jobs to our area that requires skilled labor, which will result in higher paying jobs. Joan Carol will ensure that rale increased arc the last resort before they are passed on to the consumer The senior citi/.cn on fixed incomes and the poorest of our service area will be her first concern in any debates in the boardroom about rate increases. She stated that the Coop must be pro-active about the possibility of deregulation of utilities in the future The Coop has innovative in its marketing and services when utility competition comes, which is projected to cotnc over the next six to ten years, according to experts. Joan want to sec the Coop transition successfully the future tides that mat lead to deregulation If elected to the LREMC Board. Joan will be a voice for the poorest of our consumers which includes the elderly, those on fixed incomes, and those on public assistance. She will support Help A Needy Friend utility assistance fund at EMC and seek to expand scholarships for our youth who are of LREMC families She encourages all the members to vote, and cote their conv iction for the future board of operations of their Coop A vote for Joan will be a vote for a change in the current At-large seat ; a vote for change in the changing times in the utility business across the state and county. Burlie Locklear Seeks Seat on LREMC Board Mr. buTiic Locklcar seeks seat on LREMC Board Burlie Locklcar of Hoke County is seeking a scat on the Lumbcc River EMC Board of Directors on October 8th at the UNC-P Performing Arts Center during the EMC's annual meeting of the membership. He is seeking the District 7 scat, but all EMC members can vote for the candidate long as they arc members of the Coop. Mr. Locklcar has a long history of serving in membership and advocacy positions He is a former 15year member of tire LRD A board of directors and helped lead the Lumbcc tribe's Federal Recognition Committee and Economic Development committee for many years until he left the LRDA board due to tribal government restructuring in 2001 Since leaving the LRDA board in 2001. Mr Locklcar has continued to grow his own electrical repair and installation business, and is also employed with the Hoke County Sheriff's department as a law enforcement officer His wife also owns her own hair styling business Burlic 's broad leadership experience . he fccls.will contribute to his affective service on the LREMC board to help the Coop continue to grow and expand new services to all the EMC consumers He is a major supporter for a strong role by the Coon in economic development. As a small business owner in the electrical profession Mr Locklear feels that his experience and knowledge of the technical side of providing power at the consumers meter base will allow him to help the board understand and appreciate what the field staff face ever day in doing their often dangerous jobs This may help affect board policy development that strengthens the Coop's annual safety reviews through more detail by the board to this most critical side of the electric service utility industry. This attention to details Burlie knows is how LREMC will continue to prevent injuries and protect the lives of it most value assets, it's employees He will also work with the board, when elected, to continue, and even expand its role in economic development in tire LREMC territory, through such projects as Comtech Hoke County has high rates of minority poverty and the Coop can help promote more economic development through access to various zero interest loans and grants Burlie will have a deep background in grants and leveraging resources from his over fifteen vcars of past cxpcri cnce on tne LK.DA non-prolit board Mr Locklcar attends Midway Assembly Chruch of God in Hoke count>. and will be known by his many friends in Robeson and surrounding counties from his playing in the Indian Sports league in the 1960's He has also performed electrical work on many churches.businesses.and residences in Robeson county over the years. Mr Burlie also currently serves on tiic N.C. Indian Housing Authority Board of Commissioners in Fayettcvillc, having been appointed to that board in 1999 by Governor Jim Hunt upon the recommendation of LRDA and the N.C. Commission of Indian Affairs in Raleigh. The Housing Authority oversees for the Luinbcc tribe over two hundred Indian housing units in four counties In closing. Mr Burlie is no newcomer to serving people, particularly poor people in the LREMC services area With your vote October the 8th Mr Burlie Locklcar will bring a new kind of experience to the board of L.RF.MC Hcwill be and advocate for the staff and the members in all decisions the seeks out other growth opportunities. and faces the potential of federal utility deregulation in the coming years. The Carolina Commerce and Technology Center COMtcch will have a groundbreaking ceremony for its new Community Facilities Building at 10:30 a.m. on Monday. September 30, 2002 at (he COMtcch site on Highway 711 in Robeson County. The COMtcch site is located 6 minutes west from the Lumbcrtonexit 16 off 1-95. and 3 minutes cast of The Town of Pembroke on Highway 711 The principal address will be given by Congressman Mike Mclntyrc The Robeson County Commissioners will join Congressman Mclntyrc in the ground breaking ritual following the program. The Public is invited and encouraged to attend. COMtcch is developing on 612 acres, an education and training center in partnership with The University of North Carolina at Pembroke. The Robeson Community College. The Public schools of Robeson County. The Commissioners Center will training on-site facilities for technology focused businesses and industries. Workforce Development and Jobs Creation arc the focus of COMtcch The Community Facilities Building is funded a Grant/loan from the US Department of Agriculture. It w ill serve as a business-counseling center, marketing presentation facility for Robeson County, and as headquarters for COMtcch Mclntyre announces ^Tciits for local fire departments Washington, D.C. -L' S Representative Mike Mclntyre announced todav that four Southeastern North Carolina fire departments hasc been selected to receive federal funds from the U S Fire Administration Congressman Mclntv re stated. " Everyday of the week our firefighters and rescue personnel put their lives on the line to protect us With approv al of this federal funding, we arc prov iding our fire departments with the resources they need to do their jobs and provide better safctv for our communities. This is great news, and 1 am very pleased that our taxpav ing dollars arc coming back home to improv e our area'" The grants for fire operations and firefighter safety have been approved for the following fire departments * Lumbcrton Fire Department S186.750 Stoncv Point Fire Dcpt (Fayctlcville) S 18.000 A-D-R Fire/Rescue (Riegciwood) SI 31.400 Clement Volunteer Fire Dcpt (Autryvillc) $68,382 Rev. Stony Locklear Announces for Candidacy for Local EMC Board Reverend Stony Locklcar of Wagram has announced lus candidacy for the Lumbec River Eleciric Membership Corporation Board of Directors, representing District 9 (Scotland County) scat in the annual co-op election to be itcid October8that 6:00p.m. at the UNC-P Performing Arts Center. Rev Locklcar is Pastor of Turning Point Worship Center and lias served as Pastor of two churches in the Burnt Swamp Baptist Association in previous years He serv ed at Union Baptist Church of Lumbcrton and Triumph Baptist Church of Wagram He is the Founder of Turning Point Worship Center in Pinchurst. NC. He has hosted two gospel radio programs on local radio stations WKKE and WSTS in the past His program was on WKKE for eight months and WSTS for 15 months trying to help meet the spiritual needs of shut-ins and the elderly particularly. He is an independent small business owner and has been self employed for ov er 24 years in the landscaping business He is owner and operator of Lockelar Landscaping ofFavettcvillc. NC Rev. Locklcar and his wife. Brenda. have one child. Chantel. who is expected to be attending UNCP this coming year This will be Rev. Locklear's first run at an elected scat on such a board, but he is excited about the opportunity to continue his role of serving people. He believes that the membership of the Electric Co-op should exer cisc their right to vote because they arc the owners of the business Each year the right to elect the leadership of the Corporation is a right all members have He encourages his many friends and supponcrsiirtiie EMC's fuur county service area to come out and vole October 8th Rev Lockclar's major priority on the board will be to ensure that the Co-op runs and operates on sound business principles and is fair to all die consumers. He has a special place in his heart for senior citizens who have to pay their light bill each month on fixed incomes. He would like to see the Co-op find new ways to help the elderly, in addition io the Help A Needy Friend Program. He w ill research and explore ways to do this when elected, looking for models of what is being done by other Co-ops throughout America, and ways to partner with teh public and private sector to help our elderly in their difficult choices they have to make each month between their major purchases of food, medicines, and utility expenses Rev Lockclar will bring to the EMC table 24 years of small business experience, and one who knows the hardships of operating a small business and making ends meet He is acutely aware of the burdens the poor face each month when the monthly light bill rolls in. He will have this knowledge and compassion for the poorest consumers at the forefront of ever time he has to vote on a rate in crcasc in the Co-op board room Another priority that concerns candidate Lockelar is economic development He will support Coop's expanded role on trying to bring economic dev elopment to all 'he region EMC serves. He will support on-going efforts with the development of the Comtech Industrial Park in Robeson county to bring high skilled, good pav ing jobs to our depressed area In closing Reverend Locklcar would remind the Lumber River EMC consumer owners of the Coop that you company is no longcrjust a light company It prov ides serves for the poor such as food baskets at Christmas, light bill assistance through Help a Needy Friend, scholarships for EMC students and the Bright ideas grant program for innovative classroom school teachers. It also help promote economic expansion through loans accessed through the federal gov - , crnmcnt and state agencies and partners He wants to help grow the Coop's ability to do more in these areas wand with your vote Rev Stony Locklcar. you Coop will sock new way s to better serve its members and group our regional economy, with special attention to how we can better help out poor and elderly with Coop resources and partnerships in the public and private sectors in our service territory Vote Rev Stony Locklcar. October 8th. at the UNC-P Performing Arts. Lumbee River EMC annual election. Gerald Goolsby Announces for LREMC Candidacy Gerald Goolsby of Deep Brand Road. Lumbcrton. NC has announced thai he will be a candidate for the district 3 scat on the Lumber River Electric Membership Corporation board of directors on October 8 at 6 p.m. at UNC Performing Arts Center. He is the grandson of the late Rev. James Ellis Oxcndinc and attends West End Baptist Church. Mr. Goolsby has a long history of service to the community through his work with the United Way of Robeson County. Relay for Life and the Special Olympics as a volunteer. or fund-raising for these worth causes Hies professional career as a Department Manager with the Outcrbanks Apparel Manufacturing Company lends him a great depth of experience in the business world on the importance of providing a quality product or service to customers This experience, he believes, will be of great value to the board in the leadership he will provide in policy development for management when he is elected Mr Goolsby has had extensive training in workplace safety, and this experience will be invaluable to the board and Coop since it must be rcaccrcditcd each year based on the safety inspections, and reviews by an outside advertising agency He has training isOSHA. Labor. ADA Accident Investigation. Diversity Training, and Customer Relations just to name a few He has had courses at Robeson County Community College in Industrial supervising. Residential wiring, and First Aide Rcspondcrs Certification, all related to the many policies that govern the day to day operation of the multimillion dollar I.RF.MC electric industry. Gerald a business owner of a Cycle Enterprise called Hog Tow n Custom Cycles and is working also on his Business Management degree from UNC-P He is seeking a scat on the board because he feels his broad experience will lead greater leadership in the boardroom. as LREMC will face many challenges in the future These challenges include a large partner _1 _J * _ A. ship to begin services to Fort Bragg Military base next year, deregulation of utilities in the coming decade, expanded rules and risk for the Coop in economic development in our counties, and demand for great services through the use of technologies, adding convicnce and on-line demand services and information In all this Gerald wants to help ensure that the elderly and poor customers are not forgoitcn during rate increase decisions by the board He is particular concerned about the elders and how the Coop can provide special consideration of them in all cost decisions affecting all the members of the LREMC I elected Gerald promised to keep the poor, elderly and the shutins in mind who live day-to-day on fixed incomes, or some form of public assistance Your vote for Gerald Goolsby will be for someone who has concern and compassion for the consumers who struggle day to day just to survive Vote Gerald Goolsby on October Xth at the LREMC Annual Election uriuea nneinouisi Church to hear Mr. Bruce Jacobs PEMBROKE?Mr Bnicc Jacobs will be the quest speaker for the Sandy Plains United Methodist Church " Youth Sunday" 11 a m worship service to be held Sunday. September 29. 2002 Sandy Plains UMC is located at 2468 Union Chapel Road. 21/2 Miles north of Pembroke Rev David Malcolm is the Pastor . Carolina Indian Voice is Published every Thursday by First American Publications 207 Union Chapel Rd. Post Office Box 1075 Pembroke, North Carolina 28372 Phone (910)521-2826 Fax (910)521-1975 Connee Brayboy, Editor Subscriptions One year in NC, $25.00 Out of State, $30.00 Second Class Postage Paid at Pembroke, NC I

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