Deflections by Alta Nye Oxendine ? , - . W-??^ .. .. . II. II L * As happens more often after more than two decades since he left us. Donny's birthday sneaked upon me again this year Of course. by the time Flag Da> is here. I'm reminded of those long morning hours in 1960 when i watched the clock in the delivery room, and finally decided my first baby was NEVER going to appear I 'm glad the other births are usually easier than that first one' Donny turned out to be our pride and joy until the other two babies came along Now it's easier to remember each of my children when they were small?even to pick an age for reminiscing?than w hen tliey were all going through their teen-age years But. instead ofbeing 44.1 can't picture Donny as any older than just having turned 20 three weeks before the accident I'm still thankful to have had my two boys, as well as their sister, even though they arc not with us now Sometimes I wonder what they would be like, if they were still here ! want to tlunk of them as good Christian husbands and fathers, like nw son-in-law. JcfT But I don't have to be concerned about that now i can simply be thankful that I have my daughter and her Christian family liv ing next door, looking after me. like 1 look after their son w hile thev are at work O THERS WHO HA VE DIED Leon's distant cousin Ellowyn Brayboy Woods recently left her family (I have appreciated meeting her daughter. Hildclisa. who has health problems of her own. and would appreciate our prayers ) Another who has left is our friend Lois Jacobs Chavis 1 can still picture Lois and Anita Jacobs walking down Pine Street on their way to the same building where Leon and so many others had also attended high school. Lois and her family became very close friends to Leon. me. and our children when we lived on Pine Street Since my mother was nearly 3.000 miles away, and my mother-in-law lived at the end of town. 1 turned to "Miss Lillie" for advice, as my second mother The Jacobs family has had a number deaths in recent years Lois's husband also lost his father shortly before she died i was glad to meet Lois's niece. Janie's daughter. Miranda, at the dinner for her brother. Harold, w ho is retiring as the pastor of Branch Street UMC Miranda's daughter. Cry stal, died as a voung girl. When this happens to parents, vve can relate to each otlur. Let's remember to pray for these families and for many more who have lost loved ones. One is the family of Mr. Marv in Lovvry. Now his family is mourning his loss, as well as missing Dwight. I'm sure there arc others 1 have known. I need to get a better sy stem than just jotting their names down on any piece of paper that happens to be handy. Sometimes I don't even learn of the death of an acquaintance untii much later So. let's pray for ALL the families vve know about, and all others who may be going through this kind of trauma, including families on all sides who have lost their loved ones in Afghanistan or Iraq. It must be a lot HARDER to know tliat your belov ed family member lias been beheaded, a method our government lias never used, something I find it hard to even force myself to think about! I'm glad Nancy Reagan, who nursed her husband though his years of Alzheimers disease, has been receiving the result of so many prayers. Once again, let me tell you that all y our prayers have really helped me to get on with a happy life! NUT DISABLED YE T! A couple of weeks ago my left arm and shoulder began bothering so much that I thought this time 1 might become partially disabled, along with so many others my age and younger. I am already getting better, although my left arm is still quite sore Fortunately. I'm right-handed But that doesn't make a difference, when you're typing on a computer (In fact. 1 skipped two weeks of using my computer.) This makes me realize that 1 will likely not be able to keep up with all the other activities I've been Hy ing to do. along with keeping one or two children during the day Please study for yourself w hat is really going on around us. for example. when you open a newspaper, have a pen and scissors handy. Check, then cut out. any items referring to Communism anywhere in tlic world (like Vietnam. North Korea. China. Cuba, former' KGB agents (like Vladimir Putin) in Russia, any reference to "People's" or "Liberation" anywhere in the world, or to Social Democrats. Marxists. Maoists (like the Shining Path guerillas in Peru, and the revolutionary guerilla group supposed)) defending the Albanians in Serbia, the gueriila groups in Colombia, etc. Lode up "Communism" and "Communist Parties" on the Internet Notice the moral deterioration in this country I finally became convinced that this slide in values has been given a continuing boost by Communists secretly working through the movie industry and other forms of our media, as well as through various embassies in this country , over many decades. Along with Communists who managed to gain positions of influence within our government by the 1940s ((KGB files have shown that the reason Joe McCarthy could not find any "moles" in the government was because they were quickly pulled out as soon as the Communist Party in this country learned that Elizabeth Bentlcy (who knew too much) had defected. After his defection. Whittakcr Chambers wrote "Witness" describes how he had worked for Moscow along with Algier Hiss (who helped to influence our FDR and his foreign policy in favor of putting more trust in Stalin, then later became the acting head of the United Nations). I am no longer as afraid of w hat is going on. as I was when I first started this kind of study. But I believe we remain ignorant, relying only on government leaders and what the TV "experts" tell us. ai oui own present (or at least FUTURE) peril! We think terrorism is terrible But "we ain't seen nothin " yet!! I n still convinced that the sophisticated terrorist training by internationa Communism decades ago somehow aided the al Quaida revolutionar ies. at least indirectly. And I would find it even harder than the fear of terrorism, to live in % place like Cuba, w here you arc not free to think, talk, or worship in the ways we still do. here in the United States. Having a governmen: "informer" on every comer, plus tlie fact tliat firearms were gathered u[ to win that "wonderful" revolution in order to get rid of the hater dictator. Batista, have helped to assure that non-coininunist Cuban: cannot overthrow their current leaders in that island nation that is ou neighbor Also JFK's promise to Khrushchev NEVER to again cvci TRY to invade Cuba!! Lifting the embargo sounds like the humam thing to do. But many serious students of how Communism work believe it would only strengthen the power of Fidel and his brotlie Raul, who is slated to be Fidel's successor Two people have told m that Raul, who became a Communist earlier than Fidel, w ill rule eve more ruthlessly than his brother has. Perhaps the only wise course of action for us is to pray earnestly ths God will somehow release the Cuban people from their tyranny. Wli knows what God will do if we begin to prav earnestly for a complet change of heart for each of the many Communist leaders around ill globe!! Pediatric Pointers by Dr Joey Bell Pembroke Pediatrics Atopic dermatitis, also known as eczema. is a common skin condition in children Approximate!) one in ten children ha\c cc/ema Up to lX)% of affected children will have symptoms before the age of five, but tlic good news is approximately 75% of children will outgrow it b> the time the> are teenagers The affected areas of skin will be dry seals, often red. and extremely itchy1 Sometimes the skin in that area will look thicker and sometimes, because of scratching, there can be open sores The most common areas it w ill be found in infants arc the scalp, face, chest, and extensor surfaces (knees and .elbows) The diaper area is not affected In older chrldrcn (4-12 years) it is more likely to be behind (lie knees, at the bends of the arms, and the hands and wrists No one knows exactly what causes eczema. but you can think of it as a type o? allergic reaction of the skin that sensitive people get Things like soap, detergents perfumes, scratchy fabrics (wool) dust nines (found in bed sheets, carpets, drapes), dry air (in the winter), sweat, heat, and stress .-re just some of the irritants that can cc/cnia to flare up or get v orsc Children with eczema arc also more likely to have asthma, allergic rluiutis. or other allergic conditions They arc also more likely to have a close family member (parent or sibling) with one of these conditions (it runs in families HOH'IH) YOU TREAT ATOPIC DERMATITIS? Avoid things that make it worse (some irritants arc listed above) * Don't scratch Easier stud than done, but keep from scratching as much as possible * Keep fingernails tiinuncd This helps decrease irritation to the skin, and helps avoid open sores and infection * Use warm not hot. water when taking baths and showers Hot water dries out the skin. * Don't use a washcloth on the skin, and when drying olf pat. don t rub * Apply a moisturizer immediately following a batli/shower. and reapply 3-4 times a day. * Use a mild soap (Dove. Oil of Olay. Ncurtrogcna). * Drink lots of water, it helps keep the skin hydratcd * Wear loose clothes, and avoid sy nthetic fibers (wool) * Use a humidifier in the winter to help keep the air moist. * Topical steroids (such as hydrocortisone) can be applied to the affected area of skin once, no more than tw ice, a day The cream should be applied within a few minutes after bathing, w ith a thin coat applied to affected areas * Oral antihistamines can also be used to help decrease the sensation of itching. It is best to use t icm at night before bed because this is when the itching is usually the worst, and the medicine can make the child drow sy . r~ ~ v""l. ? . <r?> _ $ .. :, "~ $ Copy Cat Printing ^ 306 Normal Street */;' Pembroke NC 28372 - 1 J910) 521-1634 1 4811 Fayetteville Rd. (910) 739-3323 Lumberton, NC 28358 Authorized OPTOMCTRIC John I. Adams. Oakley ^ O.o. Dealer ?V? CRft Chan,. l. 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Xandu, Yokohama, Yukon Inn ^Cvrc A0/ Skin-Saving Tips For Winter \i'.- It t!n? wmt? r r- ;?n\N " .*? wMi -. vmi rv u'?'inn I ? lli.i* help-kfl'f*in?* vmir - knu.' healthy. ^inimth and A .trv cold mh : m<>1 -tin'v and Ii-jivc it look* [' .M.ldrv no an- expert.* retomfneifd n p?*-for km l in ? j!I wiirtvf A. .it noii-te-t net iv e cloth* - .??I ?I natural filler* to ' -k-in breathe and reduce jut.l,.k. -htiit. tepid hath- and - ?hen apptv a 1nti??n mime-* HI tioiiMiii:e. - UiTh oil dIV -kin i ell- in 'i'mv, u-ii?c a loofah or ' s \t ? .' I Iteii appli a l"t loll - .i. I\ N?i. more penetrating I'. |i| event and replenish o. !? --. applv a Uwly lotion . 'odtirne. preferably one -|m'v itie.ill> for-niuhttiine r.oi e-pecial1v dry leet and _ ? m-roti-lv applv a rich te li-iltime tiiiri cover in oitiitii ?<n k? of tlic ?kiiiiivuii |itiiunv, For ilit??*' wIjh have maVrrly dr\ ami rhappt'd -kin in the winti l. u-f ? piodiul provides inii-n-f in-M-tnri/ itum .NiVix l?tt?i\ K\tf:? l!i\rit in t| i^ititm. f oxnmph-. help* tvdiue -km nuiithties* and provide* a protective tinnier against mm-turo losx Formulated with nnuihltmi!. anti-oxidanl vitamin E. this lotion can help hi'iil extremely dry ?kiu and dramatically improve thn condition of the skin for a smooth re noted it i'l In addition. nal l."i mn -ofti-n* skit}..rod DHH moisture lu? -? Knrichfd with natural f conditioner-. this 'luxurious lotion luuximni'O moisture nil-jit toil for l'J hours. For nuur information. y'i*it www NIVKAl'SA linn, ^WflB ujs5TIIiTM Power Wheelchairs & Scooters Covered by Medicare hi and Private Insurance ^ We Handle All the ' Paperwork for You! 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