Along the Robeson Trail by Dr Stan Knick Director. UNCP's Native American Resource Center I 1 he tall semester here at the University of North Carolina at Pembroke begins on 2 5 August. And once again, the American Indian Studies Department at UNCP will offer an exciting arras of courses the sariety of topics and sections which will be included is as follows: "Introduction to Cultural Anthropology" (AIS105) will be offered in four sections. Dr. Margaret Houston will have two sections, at 8 AM and 9:30 AM on Tuesday and lhursdas. Dr. Michael Spivey will have another two sections: at 8:00 AM and 2:30 PM on Monday. Wednesday and Friday . "History of the American Indian since 1865" < AIS 11 I) will be offered in one section. Dr. Manuel Conies will be leaching this class at 630 I'M on I hursdas "American Indian Culture" (AIS20I ) will he taught by l)r Linda Oxendine l itis course will meet at 9 00 AM on Monday. Wednesday and Friday "American Indian Religious Traditions" (AIS2 I A) will be taught by L)r. Ja> Vest at 10 AM on Monday and I ridas "American Indian Literature" (AIS220) will be offered by Dr. Jesse Peters at 3:30 I'M on Tuesday and Thursday. Dr. Linda Oxendine will also offer "American Indians in Film" (AIS340) at 2:00 I'M on I uesdas and Thursday. Dr. Vest will also offer a split-level course, "Contemporary Issues of American Indians." This course is available tor undergraduate I credit as AIS405. and for graduate credit as AIS505 Both levels vvill meet at 4 .U) PM on Monday I vvill be teaching "Archaeology in North Carolina" (aTs395>. We vvill meet at 2:30 PM on Wednesday. These course offerings represent a diverse and wellprepared faculty, as well as the truly complex nature of the study of Native America. Registration vvill be held 19 and 20 August. lor more information, visit the Native American Resource Center in historic Old Main Building, on the campus of The University of North Carolina at Pembroke (our Internet address is vv vv w nativ em useum). jiddjj ' ' me LIIM6EE i'lhimn BB i Ring " r CDMA'S DiAVHOHt) & |c\VclcfS BREASTFEED FOR SIX MONTHS. HELP REDUCE YOUR CHILD'S RISK FOR EAR INFECTIONS. Recent Studies show you can lower your child's risk of ear infections by breastfeeding exclusively for six months. Call 800-994-WOMAN or visit to learn more Or talk to your healthcare provider Babies were born to be breastfed. SwPI U.S. Department ot Health and Human Services For the elderly who have to deal with the harsh realities of life, Volunteers of America is there to help. Since 1896, we've worked in communities across the country to restore hope and rebuild lives. Today, we help seniors lead safer, healthier, independent, and productive lives. With programs that provide home health care, transportation, assisted living and affordable housing. The need has never been greater. And we are there to offer support and compassion to enrich the lives of the elderly. Find out how you can help. Call 1.800.899.0089 or visit us at >4* Volunteers of America* Then' are no limits to caring.1" Power Wheelchairs & Scooters Covered by Medicare and ^ I^Private Insurance We Handle All the Paperwork for You! t Neu> Portable Scooterl Heaviest Piece /* ONLY 29 lbs.