We Didn't Just Fall off the Turnip Truck by Vinita"Cookie Clark "K. Hello there my friends, come and join me for a ride in my turnip truck This week 1 would like to say a special hello to Bill and Mary Tyler Years ago. I nicknamed Bill Baltimore Bill because he lived in Maryland and I was raised in Maryland Mary, who is not in the best of health tells me that sometimes she lays in the bed and reads my column and it really makes her laugh because I tell it like it is and I don't hold any tlnng back If these people around here c\ cr realize that they have Civil Rights, things will change." I told her To which she replied. "Cookie, some people around here like il like llial'' Mr Rogers who is a CIV reader from Virigtna called asked me where could they gel a copy of the movie Through Native Eyes ilie Henrv Berry Lowric Story" which featured the late Robert Locklcar If any one knows would they please contact me at 521 -9076 People arc calling all the way from Virginia for a copy of this movie and 1 want to see them receive it Robert Locklcar was a good friend of mine He also was a talented actor He is missed by a lot of people and will be remembered as the only person to ever portray Henry Berry Lowtic on film He told me one time "u hen I leave this world. I w ill be remembered as Henry" Well, he was right For those of you who arc wondering "Smokcy" is a teacup Yorkshire Terrier if you have ever seen "The Wizard of Oz" y ou arc familiar with Dorothy s dog Toto" Well, my dog is just like Dorothy s but is not that color. He has bleached hair along with 3 other shades of brown Someone asked "why did you name him Smokey?" Well, like many people I have a friend who smokes grass and Smokcy likes to climb on their lap and get a whiff So that is why his name is "Smokey." He likes the smell of people smoking grass. The Henry Berry Lowne House lias been successfully moved next to the amphitheater Now, it is going to be restored and that ugly white paint is going to bc-sandblastcd off of it Remember Culture Fest is the first weekend in November , I really think more people will attend it than the LRDA Fall Pow Wow I noticed a posted which stated "Thousands in Prize Money" 1 wonder where they are getting it from since they tell everyone "we don't have any funds coming in. Some people jusi don't realize (he kind of following thai T urtlevision (Ray and Tony Littlclurlc) have. But, they will be discovering it shortly. Tribal Administrator & Chairman at Brother Billy's? I was watching our local yard sale TV show "Brother Billy 's" until it went off the other night Aficr the yard sale goes off, they usually have a taped church service I had a drink up to my mouth when I heard the voice of Tribal Chairman Jimmy Goins. I had to sec for myself when I turned around there he was with the Tribal Administrator Leon Jacobs "Oh no they didn't" F thought to myself "they have gone to Brother Billy's?" 1 have always thought a lot of Sister Joan Bell and the staff of Channel 7 . They sat there and spoke to the audience about Federal Recognition and the Lumbee Bill And I thought to myself "where arc their Public Relations people? It is the job of the Public Relations Department to inform the public not the Administrator" Many think that those in the PR Department are there just to make the tribe "look good." One day, 1 saw a Public Service Announcement that had been written and it didn't even have the Lumbee Tribal Logo at the top. Now. I was first published in the Carolina Indian Voice in 1975 and I do know what at professional newspaper press release and public service announcement look like. Many people arc looking for information about the services that are available who do not have Internet access And wc as a tribe have no monthly newsletter. If you don't have the Internet. >011 arc just out of luck. And with over 3,500 people in this county who can't read a newspaper. And more than that don't have Internet access. Would it be great to have a monthly newsletter? When push comes to sjiove. people don't need words they need action. They need someone who will tell them what is going on and that is not happening at least not around here. Everyone needs to call the LTG office and find out when they can sign up for their annual fuel check If you don't sigh up . . then you have no one to blame but yourself for letting them keep that money. ' l , 153 & Counting 1 ain proud to say that we have collected 153 boxes of Linlc Debbie cookies as of this date. I am still wailing to see if any members of the LTG arc going to donate cookies. 1 have gotten one donation from an LRD A staff member. The rest have come from special people like Dr. Ruth Woods and the members of Faith Baptist Church This week Gloryland Road Ministries has some cookies and toothpaste for me to pick up. I have already sent close to 100 tubes of toothpaste to the 120th Infantry U.S Army Nation Guard our of Robeson County 1 had several tubes left over when the LRDA closed the Food Bank. Now, LRD A staff members who had gotten toothpaste and not even given a donation for them caine around and asked "if I had gotten rid of all of the toothpaste?" Instead of giving it to them and not getting even a penny for them. 1 decided to send the toothpaste to our soldiers who would appreciate them. Take care, remember "somebody loves you" and I'll see you the next time on the turnip truck To Subscribe to the Carolina Indian Voice call 910-521-0796 A Commoner Comments /> i Hubert ( urrie, Jr. I am seriously concerned about a confusing mixed message being sent to young Americans They arc being encouraged to support U S troops fighting in Afghanistan and Iraq by people, who are belittling a Vietnam veteran's war record simultaneously True, presidential candidate John Kerry spent only four months in Vietnam, but a least he was there Those leading the cnticism used privilege to either stay out of harm's way, or stay out of the military altogether Some, w ho have nev er been in combat, arc accusing John Kerry of "metal hunting " I seriously doubt that! Why? 1 know a number of, Vietnam Veterans personally; some who were injured, some severely They can assure you that'medal hunung" is live last llung on a soldier's mind while under fire And as devastating as debilitating physical injuries are. all soldiers leave the field of battle emotionally seamed The classmate, w ho taught me to play musical instrument, came home from Vietnam missing most of one of the hands he taught with. Two of my closest school friends did not come back alive; they are buried twenty-two graves from each other right here in Lauriiigburg, N C. Those in harm's way in Vietnam did not enjoy the privilege of choosing the severity of their injuries; "medal hunting" indeed!" Firsthand experience led John Kerry to question then oppose our involvement in Vietnam Many are criticizing his opposition, but whatc\ er Kerry did concerning Vietnam after he was there, he was able to do because he was there. He did not use privilege to avoid military service and deployment like Dick Cheney and George W. Bush, now did he? Kerry's shipmates praise him as a hero Some of his commanding officers are belittling his military service and his ability to lead. Since commanding officers generally remain safely behind the line of fire, 1 choose to believe his fellow soldiers, the one he rescued in particular. Especially since those commanding officers appear to have a political agenda. Hopefully our young will be able to sort through the political rhetoric and understand that serving in our military is patriotic and noble, no matter which political party a soldier is affiliated with. And if they join and end up serving in harm's way, hopefully their heroic contribution will not be later criticized and belittled for political purposes- by politicians who lacked the courage to serve themselves. Think about it, please! SOLICITA TION FOR BIDS FOR MOBILE HOME REPLACEMENT LUMBEE TRIBE OF NORTH CAROLINA The Lumbee Tribe of North Carolina will receive bids until 5:00 p. m. on Monday, October 25,2004 at the Lumbee Tribal Administrative Office located at 707 Union Chapel Road Pembroke, North Carolina 28372. "-TlnjLumbee Tribe is soliciting bids for the Zone 2 mobile homes|Nvhkh is to include the costs of purchase and set-up. AdditionallysLhc Tnbe is also requesting bids for small modular homes, with Zland 3 bedrooms. Preference will be given to instate manufacturers. A copy of the specifications may be obtained from Marilyn Locklearatthe LumbecTribal Administrative Office at (910) 521-7861 or by faxing in a request at (910) 521-7790 and the specified terms and conditions will be mailed to you. All qualified proposals meeting required terms and specifications will be evaluated and acceptance made by the Lumbee T ribc of North Carolina to constitute the most responsive bid for the services requested. The Lumbee Tribe of North Carolina will give Native American preference with proof of tribal enrollment. The Lumbee Tribe of North Carolina invites and encourages participation in this procurement process by minorityowned and women-owned businesses, as well as those owned by disabled persons. The Lumbee Tribe of North Carolina reserves the right to i accept or reject any or all proposals presented and the right to waive any informalities or irregularities. L UMBEE TRIBE OF NORTH CAROLINA REQUEST FOR PROPOSALS (RFP) SPECIFIC A TION SAND CONDI TIONS FOR REPLACEMENT OF MOBILE HOMES Those participating in the RFP for the replacement of mobile homes for the Lumbee Tribe of North Carolina must meet the following conditions: 1) Bids must include. * purchase price of replacement mobile home * set-up of replacement mobile home * disposal of existing housing i 2) Quotes must be for mobile homes at least 14'x 70" insize with 2 and 3 bedrooms 3) Quotes are also requested for small modular homes with 2 or 3 bedrooms i 4) In-state manufacturers will be given priority j 5) Shingled roofs and vinyl siding (or comparable material Isiding with same life expectancy) i 6) Outside faucets and detached hitches must be included jwith set-ups | 7) Handicapped accessible bathrooms must be made available as needed : 8) Native American preference will be given to manufacturers jas well as those employing Native Americans ; 9) Lowest responsive bids will be given priority i i I LRDA preparing for Fall Pow wow, Oct. 2.9-31 The Lumbce Regional Development Association Inc is sponsoring a FairPow-Wow October 2V-31 There will be Thousands of dollars in prize money for performers in standard Po? AVow categories Location-Pembroke, NC at the LRDA events field located at 636 Prospect Road Gates open/close Admission Oct 20-Opcn 4pin Close lOpm Gcner.il - S5 00 Oct 30-Open IOam Close I Ipm Seniors - S3 00 Oct 3l-Open I Oain Close (>pm Youth - 12 and tinder-$3.00 Handicapped children under 5 - Free College and Miltlarv (D-SI 00 off Door Prizes all three davs Numerous foods, arts, and crafts vendors For itiore information contact: Lumbce Regional Development Association. Inc (910TS21-8S02 or www.lumbcc org Fyou build itT3 yoi/s^yrE/^i V?Air-D?4.>ci?Mr I Cowiwdoo ! 100* Uute Spk* IV Uarunwc* Frw Jj Ftctory Dincl Sttl Buildings! PRESCRIPTION MIPS FROM CANADA. Save up to 86% on Lipitor, Celebrex, Fosamax, and many others. Call for a free Guide on how to order from Canada Discount RX phone 1-866-211-2121 Tracy E Bullard MD. has joined Robeson Health Care Corpora- / tion and the medical staff / of Southeastern Regional / Y, Medical Center as a family / yi practitioner She is based / n at the lulian T Pierce J 11 Health Center in / It Pembroke / n After earning her H undergraduate degree || from Duke University. ' /VfD [ Dr Bullard completed her medical degree at UNC-Chapel Hill in 2001 and a three-year residency program at the Duke/Southern Regional Area Health Education Center in IhI Fayetteville this past summer A native of Robeson County, she received a scholarship loan from the SRMC Foundation, offered to medical school students and allied health profesli sionals who plan to return to the local community to practice B The NC Academy of Family Physicians has also recognized U Dr Bullard lor her outstanding and compassionate patient care r We can all feel good about each new addition to the medical staff at Southeastern Regional Medical Center Each physician brings years of education, specialized training, and personal expertise to our highly diversified healthcare team?and to our community We d like to extend a warm welcome to our newest doctor With your arrival, there is a significant _..L improvement in the general df health of this community SOUTHEASTERN H&J REGIONAL I MEDICAL CENTER I \eifihl'4>r> Ciirii/,1 for Keighbors U 300 West 27th Street. Lumbertop. NC IblOi 671-5000 wwwsrmcorg These Businessmen Know The Importance Of Good Decisions. That's Why They Rely On The Rehabilitation Care At Scotland Memorial. Charlie Buic and Jimmy Morgan are businessmen who've spent years making good decisions that have helped them build successful companies. When each learned they needed joint replacement surgery, they made the decision to have tncir surgeries at Scotland Memorial and their rehabilitation care at the hospital's Center For Inpatient Rehabilitation. "I've had two hip replacements at Scotland Memorial followed by inpatient rehabilitation." says Charlie Buie, president of Charles Craft, a local textile company. "The surgical and rehabilitation teams were first class. 1 was up and around and learning to adapt to my new hip within a few days. This high level of rehabilitation helped me feci confident about leaving the hospital and returning to work and Activities safely." For Laurel Hill businessman and band leader Jimmy Morgan, getting his strength back after joint replacement was important. "The inpatient and outpatient rehabilitation care at Scotland Memorial is outstanding." he says. "The professionalism of the staff was exceptional. Although I could have gone anywhere for care, I am glad I chose Scotland Momorial because they have the expertise I needed. In fact, I am now using the pool and other outpatient therapies to help relieve an arthritic condition." The Center For Inpatient Rehabilitation is a specialized program for hospitalized patients recovering from orthopaedic surgery, stroke or neurological disorders and injuries. To learn more about our rehabilitation services, call 910-291-7550. {^SCOTLAND ^^-^health care system Improving Health Enhancing Life 500 Lauchwood Drive Laurinburg. NC 28352 * 910-291-7000 - www scotUndhealth.org