^ f\iblishcd each Thursday m Pembroke, N.C.I~ Car^ iMTnixanVoke VOLUME 32 SUMBER SO THURSDAY, DECEMBER 23. 2004 "K " * ;'/j5 25c Chamber recognizes PSRC Junior Students of Excellence Juniors from the six high schools in the Public Schools of Robeson County were recognized at thejneeting of the PSRC of Education on December 6. 2004 Amber Bullard. a senior at P Swett High, was also recognized Students were highlighted based on their leadership and service activities in their schools and their communities Nancy McBryde, Coordinator for Gifted for PSRC. presented chamber representatives -and students The Students of Excellence initiative is a collaborative effort with the local chambers and the public schools Each chamber selects a student from among applications submitted from the high school in their area, students who apply must have at least a 3 0 grade point average Each chamber honors their student with a plaque and other rewards for their meritorious service and achievement Amber Bullard. a senior at P Swett High who was at a national FFA Conference in Kentucky and who was not available to be recognized at the meeting for Senior Students of Excellence, was introduced by Heather Chavis representing the Pembroke Chamber of Commerce Bullard is number one in her senior class ranking and is active in many activities at her school She has completed in the Regional Math Competition in the area of Gemometry and is a member of the Literary Society, the Quiz Bowl Team, the Beta Club, and the National Honor Society. Bullard is the President of the Purnell Swett High Student Body A participant in sports in basketball, track and field, and volleyball. Bullard is very active in the Future Farmers of America Awards - and recognitions she has received in FFA include the following serv ing as Chapter Secretary. Vice President, and President, participating in the Envirothon in 10th and 1 Ith grades, and serving as Lumber River Federation President Bullard is currently the Southeast Region FFA Vice President Bullard has also participated in several enrichment studies programs such as Duke TIP Summer Studies Program, the Science House Envirotech Progractat NCSU; and regional, state, and national conventions for FFA Bullard plans to pursue a degree in Agricultural Law She feels that life's true value is in serving others One of her favorite quotes from Albert Einstein who said: "Try not to become a man of success, but rather try to become a man of value " Also recognized by Heather Chavis from the Pembroke Chamber was Hannah E.Woriax from Purnell Swett High Woriax plans attend Duke University and to pursue a career as a Physician As a high school student, she has received many awards including Top Student in Biology in 2004 and certification in the "Reading for Success' program through the Church and Community Center Woriax attended the 25th Annual NC Indian Youth UNITY Conference at UN'C-P in June. 2004 Her second Year Study project entitled "Herbal Combinations as a Moore Effective Antibiotic" was recognized with 1st place at UNCP's South Central Region IV Biological Science Fair, and this same study was recognized with 2nd place at the National American Indian Science and Engineering Fair in Albuquerque. New Mexico, and at the NC State 2004 Senior Division Science Fair where she received the Eastman Kodak Award Her community activities include being a tutor for CIS at Prospect School, being a laboratory assistance for UNC-P YO1 Summer Science Camp during the summer 2004. and working with fundraising for Relay for Life in 2004 Woriax believes success is "based on our happiness and how we feel about where in life we have traveled." Crystal Ciera Love was recognized by Fran Ray of the Red Springs Chamber Love is striving to be valedictorian of her class of2006 at Red Springs High She is interested in a medical career after completing her education at either UNC-Chapel Hill or East Carolina University At school Love is active as a Varsity Cheerleader and as a member of the Red Springs High Marching Band, the Jazz Band and the Concert Band. She is a member of the Beta Club, the USAAH Club, the HQS A Club, and the Spanish Club She was recently a nominee from her school for the North Carolina Governor's School 2005 In her community Love sings in her church choir and volunteers at Peterson Elementary School Love cites her mother as her greatest role model because she feels blessed to have a mother who cares for her physically, emotionally, and mentally" " Ann Chaney of the Lumberton Chamber of Commerce presented the award to Harrison Masters of Lumberton High School where he is currently ranked number one in his class Masters is active in his youth group at First Presbyterian Church and also serves on the Associate Pastor Nominating Committee He is currently pursuing his Eagle Scout rank Engineering is his career goal but also plans to also prepare for his future through studying Spanisli and business He defines success as "performing at the highest level without sacrificing integrity" Masters is a member of the cross-country team and the golf team at l.umberton High where he is also a member of the Beta Club Raymond Johnson of the Fairmont Chamber of Commerce presented the award to I ansa Janav Baker from Fainnont High School Baker isa member of the Afro-American Club and the Beta Club at her school She is an active member of her church where she is a member of the Hearlds of Joy Choir and Youth Praise Team She is a member of the ROSE Club (Respect. Order. Service, and Education) which is sponsored bv Alphs Keppa Alpha Sorority Her most admired person is her mother whom she describes as "strong, bold, hard-working, independent. loyal caring, and understanding"- characteristics which Baker hopes to emulate in the future Jessica C Stmts was recognized as senior Student of Excellence front South Robeson High by Dessie Low ery of Rowland representing the Chamber of Commerce Currently ranked as number one in her graduating class of 2006. Stutts is Vice President of her Junior Class, Nice President of the Beta Club. Co-C'aptain of the Quiz Bowl Team, and Assistant Editor of the Yearbook In her church Stutts is a member of the Youth Choir and President of her Youth Group She has participated in several mission trips to help others outside her community. Stutts sees her older sister Stephanie as a prime role model because she has taught her "to believe in what is right and fight for the good things of life" She hopes to become a teacher Recognized from St Pauls High School was Chris Watson, whose award was presented by Doris McLean of the St'Pauls Chamber Watson is very active in his school in Honors Band, serving in the Concert Band and the Marching Band He has also participated in the AH-Countv Rand Watson w as named Cadet of the Year and Superior Cadets for ROTC for the 200J-2004 year He is a member of the National Honor Society. Students Against Destructive Decisions, and the Student Government Association All students of Excellence recipients are recognized at their individuals schools, at their area Chamber of Commerce meetings, and officially at the Board of Education presentations Report to the Tribal Membership Since the Tribal Council elections held in November, there has been much controversy surrounding the results of that election, as well as controversy regarding action taken by the Lumbee Tribal Elections Board and the Lumbee Supreme Court Decisions by both the Elections Board and the Supreme Court have raised serious questions as to the actual authority of each entity Further, the Lumbee Tribal Council recently involved itself in the matter. The problems stemmed from election results in District 12 and District 13 Incumbent A1 Locklear was challenged by Ricky Burnette and incumbent Montford Dial was challenged by Danita Locklear Allegations of voter fraud and problems at both polls immediately surfaced the day of the election. Both A1 Locklear and Montford Dial petitioned the Court with allegations against the Elections Board. Danita Locklear and Ricky Burnette filed complaints with the Tribal Elections Board who is responsible for the conduct of all elections as prescribed in the tribe's governing document, the Lumbee Tribal Constitution In response to complaints from Danita Locklear and Ricky Burnette. the Elections Board called for a new election in both districts However, on December 4. the Lumbee Supreme Court ruled the Elections Board did not have the authority to call for new elections and further ordered the Tribal Council to remove themembers of the Elections Board In addition, they too ordered a new election to be held in those districts The Lumbee Tribal Council voted in a closed session to demand the Elections Board to certify election results in both Districts 12 and 13 However, the Elections Board immediately stated they would not certify results in either district. This activity has caused much confusion among the tribal membership on who has the authority to do what First, if A1 Locklear and Montford Dial had problems with the Elections Board, they should have petitioned the Elections Board who has the authority under the Constitution to address such issues not the Supreme Court The Lumbee Supreme Court should have denied the petitions filed by both and advised them to file any grievances concerning the elections with the Elections Board, the appropriate entity There was no issue then to be addressed by the Court Further, the Court has no authority to remove anyone from the Elections Board. Their sole responsibility according to the Constitution is to address issues arising from the Constitution and any ordinances passed by the Tribal Council They have no authority to remove any member of the Elections Board The Tribal Elections Board is an organ of the Lumbee Tribal government, an independent entity established by the Constitution, and cannot be removed by either the Court or any other organ of the government The only provision in our tribal governing document that allows members of the government to be removed is through the Recall process, and this provision only applies to Lumbee Tribal Chairman Jimmy Goins and members of the Lumbee Tribal Council This is one of reserved powers of the tribal membership and only the tribal membership can remove an elected person from office through Recall The Lumbee Tribal membership did not give the government any authority to remove members of the Court or members of the Elections Board In order for members of either entity to be removed, the Lumbee Constitution would have to be amended to include a provision outlining a ptocess for impeachment This would require a vote by the tribal membership, and could not be done through an ordinance as some Council members believe The Elections Board was absolutely correct in not certifying the results in district 12 and 13 If the results of those elections were certified, the Elections Board would have been saying that all allegations were resolved and that Montford Dial and A1 Locklear were the winners They would have been wrong to certify election results in the midst of all of the allegations concerning the election The Elections Board wanted to maintain the integrity of the tribal elections and felt the only way to do that was to call for a new election It is important to understand that the Tribai Council has not enacted any ordinances regarding elections In addition, the Board has the authority to call for new elections, The original intent of the Elections Board was for the entity to be independent from all branches of government and to ensure that any and all elections were held in a fair and impartial manner This concept was supported by the tribal membership to ensure that the integrity of the tribal elections process was protected Students of Excellence In December, a special called meeting wa\ held by the Lumbee Tribal Council- It was at that meeting the Council voted in closed session to demand the Elections Board to certify the election results in districts 12 and 13 However, the Council had no authority to mingle in the Board's business As stated, they are an independent body. Further, Council members A1 Locklear and Montford Dial voted on the matter even though both took an oath saying they would not participate in activity that directly affected them This was a blatant violation of a tribal ordinance enacted by the Council Both shouldjiave not participated in that vote because it concerned the election results in the districts they represent The Council did not address the issue of removing the Board at that time However, the tribal membership needs to be weary of the Cduncft concerning this issue More than once they have openly and blatantly violated'the Lumbee Tribal Constitution l.astly, on Monday, December 20,2004, the Tribal Council voted to not allow members of the media to attend Council meetings It is not clear whether this action was presented as an ordinance or whether the Council passed a motion concerning the action If it was done by an ordinance, the Council must post the ordinance for thirty days before it is enacted, and allow the tribal membership the opportunity to voice any concerns we may have with the ordinance Nevertheless, no matter how the decision was derived, it is one that the tribal membership should take issue with If there is to be no media coverage of the meetings, how will the tribal membership be kept informed of Tribal Council action9 Further, this action by the Tribal Council is a violation of the 'rights of the entire tribal membership because the Constitution specifically states that any and all proceedings of the Council must be held in a public forum It will be interesting to sec if the tribal membership will respond to this blatant violation of our rights as tribal members Every member of the Lumbee tribe has the inherent right to attend meetings and repoti whatever they deem necessary There is no provision in our tribal governing document to ban a tribal member from any meeting for any cause Once again we ask the Tribal Council to get their act together and start conducting business as prescribed in the Lumbee Tribal Constitution Such action as banning media should have been done through an ordinance and not in the form of a motion If the Council continues as they have in the past to address every issue through a motion as opposed to an ordinance, they have once again taken away the tribal membership's rights to repeal any action they take that the tribal membership disagrees with These are legitimate reasons for the tribal membership to recall each and every eligible elected tribal official by Cynthia L. Hunt, Enrolled Member Tribal News Correspondent Carolina Indian Voice 910-521-0992 PSRC announce nominations for Governor's School The Governor's School of North Carolina is the oldest statewide summer residential program for academically or intellectually gifted high school studejpts in the nation The program, which is open to rising seniors, only, with exception made tor rising juniors in the performing/visual arts area, is located on two campuses Governor's School West began in 1063 and is located on the Salem College campus in Winston-Salem, Governor's School East began 1978 and was located on the St Andrews College campus in Laurinburg, but now is located on the Meredith College campus in Raleigh The program is tuition-free and is funded annually by the General Assembly of North Carolina A Board of Governors appointed by the State Board of Education. acts as an advisory body The program offers a non-credit, non-graded curriculum for 800 students in three areas Area I is the special interested area of the students and the basis on which on which he or she is' chosen to attend the Governor's School Academic disciplines are English, Spanish and French, mathematics, and natural and social sciences The -? performing/visual arts disciplines include art, choral and instrumental ' music, dance and drama The emphasis in all disciplines is on contemporary texts, compositions, artistic expressions, issues, and ideas and the theories that flow from them Area II classes allow students and teachers to explore connections between and among the disciplines These classes encourage students to construct an understanding of contemporary ways of thinking and of the culture that arises from them In, Area III classes, students attempt to ground what they are learning in Area I and Area If in their own personal experience and then-apply that understanding to their social worlds, coming to a better understanding of their place and function as a part of society. For the Governor's School summer program of 2005, the Public School of Robeson have nominated 12 students in the Academics areas and 13 students in the Performing Arts areas Nominated in the academics areas are Luke Britt, Chastity Caulder, John Masters. Ashley Miller. Cody Pate, Mary Jane Richardson, and Grey Sweeney from Lumberton High. Brandon Hall and Kelly Fields from St Pauls High. George Locklearand Janna Bass from P Swett High, and David Campbell from Red Springs High Nominated in Performing Arts areas are Jennifer Cain and Keri Naylor from St Pauls High", Tiffany Brown from Red Springs High. Samantha Epps from P Swett High. Tiffany Newsome from S Robeson High, and Ashley Allen. Ben Bell. Kristin Brady, Marissa ( lewis, and Jonathan Frederick from Lumberton High Academic nominees will compete for selection through a committee at the state level. Performing Arts nominees will audition for their areas at Meredith College in February The timeline for applications for the Governor's School is early fallmid-September through mid-November Applications are reviewed by a PSRC central committee, recommendations for nominees as Superintendent s Choices Students who have attended the Governor's School unanimously agree that the program provides a life-changing experience PSH Students nominated for (iovernor's School