?^ m m > I'ulMisluM OiU'h Thursday in Pembroke. N.C H V Carolina Indian Voice ... __ _ ^ i (H i w/ .*.* M w/fV u / iin Kst) | j ./1 \/ m 2005 ' ?'5i A From Page Editorial Dismissal of Leon Jacobs could solve many problems for Lumbee Government \I.inv ol'yoor have missed, accotdinu to what vou toll inc. heating about the incompetenceot'oui I nhal \..ii ntistiaioi I eon lacobs llowevci. we have done much meditation and consideration and research ot 11 jo multiple problems sutronndinu out tribal government and oui housing ptourain Out lescarch and tif.>nnants have n* convinced that manv ot'our ptoblents could he solved simple bv the dismissal ot I eon t icobs He vsiil not resign lie is heme paid fat too much for that and we ate sure in addition to his salary v reaps othei benefits lo brtclK speak to Ins incompetence and in om opinion Ins utter disieg.ird for Indian preference we have two issues It is our opinion that he oilers inadequate advice to our t ribal Council and to our I'nbal t hnu nun li is thcii mistake if flies follow Ins adv ice hist this week Mr Jacobs hired a white woman from < oimcclicut who owns a newspaper we understand, to conic to I unibee country and do a two day wotkshop w nh station public ickition.s W hat an insult to members of the Indian'media We understand that he is not going to hitc the eilttm ot this newspapet to do anvthing That is his way oj"punish me for puhlicK pointing out his incompetence lie spends advertising dollars with other newspapers although the < arolma Indian \bice is the onlv Indian owned and operated one in the countv I low much die he spend on this consultation' I he tubal membership has a right to know ' Why hire Wanda Kay I ocklear as diteclot of public relations and then bring a white in to tell liet how to dv> her job If she is not olTen-Jed. we-ate otlcnded for her Of course. I eon Jacobs, in out opinion, is one of those Indians who feels the need to be legitimized In a white You notice that he and his white wife chose not to live in the Indian community Out money seems to be good enough for hint, hut he does not appear to want his wife exposed to our communities and our culture He appears to he ashamed of who he is This is unfortunate We recommend that the t ribal ( hairman dismiss hint immediately and at the very least not nominate htm again in Match to continue as tribal administratoi Most of the problems which cause the membership to want to recall Chairman Coins could be lived bv this move hs the I ribal Chairman The Wednesday night before the sweating in. I eon again we understand (although he is infamous for passing the hucki recommended the Black Water Grill in l.umberton for another illegal meeting of our Tribal C ounctl Some of them went along with this We believe lie made this decision because he knew not manv.Indians frequent this restaurant lie thought tliev could meet in illegal session and decide who should be speaker this scar Siiameon sou. I eon Sou need to remove vourself from recommendations to the tribal council That is not vow 10b ( specially when you give them had advice You should protect the ti ib.il chairman anj make sure he does not violate the Constitution We believe it would be hard fot you todo that as we ate com meed you do not recognize oui Constitution as the governing document Sou give the appearance, and public perception is everything that you are smarter than the rest of us If you are . under that delusion you ate sadly -mistaken as has been proven time and time again You seem to be building your own power base at the expense of the legislative, executive and judicial branches of our government We urge you to S I OP' Kl SICiV \nd goon the May fair where von feel you belong and stop impeding the progress of out government and our federal recognition One othei point. I.eon Jacobs himself told the editor of the Carolina Indian Voice that he had recommended a ban on the media Apparently some of our council members believ e Leon can he trusted We do not agree with them We encourage council members to examine the situation they tind themselves in and correct actions taken in illegal meetings, contrary to what Leon Jacobs says He is not God, although he seems to believ e he is a god Sorry about that. Mr Jacobs, w e w ill not bow to you nor allow y ou to destroy our gov eminent We Itav e tried talking with you and are now conv meed bv v out actions that you are |ust downright arrogant.and incompetent History will record which of us is riuhi Tlii' opinions expressed in this editorial are those of the editor and what I.eon Jacobs m in lit call allegations can he documented. Report to the Tribal Membership Monday. January 24. 2<.?M a meeting was held at the Townsend Uuikling in Lumberton by tribal members to discuss I limbec Tribal government. and ways to preserve the intergritv of I.iimbee Iribal I aw. the I u in bee Tribal Constitution I he meeting was attended bv approximately >" persons included members oT the press A brief overview of the recent concerns was given and. tribal members were given an opportunity to express their concerns legaiding (be l.unibec Tribal government The group held a lengths discussion on the Recall I'rocess as outlined in (lie Constiunion This process gives tribal members the oppoit unity to remove the liibal fhjjjinan a no members of the Tribal < otmcil In addition, a Recall ( ommiiuSCQis lomreil I urge all tribal members to look at the recent actions of both Tribal Chairman. Jimmy Cioins and memberso!'.the I tibal C ouncil, and determine whether or not vonth'nt Carolina Shaggers support Hospice of Robeson I Ire Carolina Shaggers recently made a donation ofV? VmMo Hpspiceoi Robeson Southeastern Regional Medical ( enter's program of care Tor leiminallv-iH persons and then families Shaggers President Cameion Hint Ilea-inei (jreu I'nceand I'asi I'lesident Tiank Jones made the presentation to Miriam I dwaids director oTSouibcasiein I tome Care Serv ices and 11, ispice of Roheson I he funds were raised at a uolT Tournament ficlrl in (Jctobei Ihts is the second veat that the club has designated the piocecds liom the golf fundi aisei to benefit I It ispice of Roheson I dwaids said that all donated monies go directlv to caring lor the hospice patients established in idR* Hospice of Robeson is dedicated t<> the principle ol aHirming life, hospice seeks neitliei to hasten nor postpone death but emphasizes the quality rather than length of lite Hospice services are available without regard to age. sex iacc. religion, national origin, handicap 01 ability to pay if the individual meets the admission criteria I lospiec of Roheson is the only not-for-profit hospice located in Robeson Counts l or mote information about hospice care, call (>71-5 565 Call 910-521-0992 Subscribe to the ? _ Carolina Indian Voice - - Mr. & Mrs. Willard B. Locklear observe 69th anniversaryMr. Ilillard Hrantley Locklear and Mrs. I'earlie Emanuel l.ocklear Celebrated their 69th Wedding anniversary recently with family anil friends. They were Married an Xavemher IKtli, 19.15. They have Ten C hililren..?" (irandeliildren. -19 (treat (irandeliildren. The Lack tear "\ reside in the Union Chapel C omnia liity. Their Castor Rev. Jimmy Strickland share Scripture and Prayer with the couple. Mr. Willard is the son off he late llayes and Chodie locklear and Mrs. Pearlie Emanuel l.ocklear is the daughter of the htle Isiah and Annie Ransom Emanuel. fc"tS ; >*? ; The North Carolina School of Science and Mathematics Cliarlcs It. Filber Physical Education Center Durham, North Carolina February 19,2005 lntfrtrib.il Dancing 1-5 pin, 7-10:00 pm Feast for dancers and singers 5:30-6:30 Host Drum: Southern Sun Master of C eremonies: Uay Silva (Navajo/Pueblo) Arena Director: Dalton I yncli (llaliwa-Saponi) Head Man Dancer: .|ohn "Stickboy" (Kendine (I limbec) Head l ady Dancer: Millicent Hunt (l.umbee) Indian Arts anil ( rafts Traders by prior approval only. I his will be a traditional Indian gathering. No contests, just plenty of good singing & dancing. Traditional give-away for singers and dancers. Information: On Weekdays ? Joe Idles at 919-416-2730. Nights and Weekends -- Joe at 919-286-9401. Admission: $4, 5 and younger free (All proceeds go to support the powwow). Sponsored by*Ak we:kon, the Native American Club at NCSSM www.ncssm.edu/powwow