Greensboro Daily News CAtOURAI WZATBXS, Generally fait today aad Thura- ey. OL. I. "NO. 81. GBEENSBOKO. N. 0. WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 11, 1909 PRICE: FIVE CENTS IUCH APPEAL OF CASTA D 15 FILED AWAY i Last Message of the Venezuelan Dictator Dies in toe . Committee. EVEN BIS VANITY r IS NOT GRATIFIED Mn wt the Fanes Idol for feeing His Words Rrprodaced ia the YeaeeaelaB ' " Newspapers Fails af 1U Farpssn Hia Great Fortaae Goat. Ckraeaa. Saturday, July M. Tb ana lack heralded appeal for CiprUne Cu- era to tha Veneiuelaa congress, which, iter twine read ia joiat session, ra referred by Castro i friends ia that bod; to a Miami ooesaiittea for report, has died a aatural death la tha committee reoes, and taateed at ths desired re pari raw eunous ix-pnunniai na aaae has baea archived. ' Thus a last apaaaiedie effort af the . sew inenus 01 im hk itow w ws- 1 i .S.- . lln ulnl ku fsiUH the exnatnats ia aan- : Uaasr has ao, area had the aatisfactioa of having his wurds reared aced ia the Venemielaa aewspspsrs, as aiUet have sea his visa. . The ayetematie spoliation af the for tune which Castro left behind kirn ia Vsnezueia haa voeeeded with such fi faatte atridea that, after the first six months, the At nilltaa dollars -of knows, s Basts hare beea almost wiped oat. V Castro awaed one million dollars of elfaretta shares which had beea gieea ... l.; lu ;K .1m nmurina of the cigarette trust. A few weeks ago . tha directors of tha cigarette company sold tha are million dollar eoaeera to a .tWni UdletauaL Beaor Garcia Guar- aa tha day of the sale tha shares vara quoted ta the eaceangc at M per east, aramiuak -A aew eotepaoy which took Hra was farmed,... - - -'.-,- -. j-j As order by the osmaiarttai court to . of Vaaaaaela to tha arder of whooswr might be tha holder of this block of - h- mm LhomI. I MM iaf M. Btil. ' Hoadolktrs of good awoey cessans frfty ihoaaaad saHara. It was bamsdietely attached by Individuals who hare law aulu aendiaji aaminat Chatra for the re- . aorary of aronerties and demsgea. r M- URDU Vlbaasn, Anow llSMll., rived few days agofwith the millloa dollars of etgerette shares (a his pock at. sad he claims that thase belong ta him br rirtae of purchase from Oeaerel Castro He will begis actioa against the alleged perpetrators of the reorjeniin tioa which froae oat thaee shares of Ms. VIRGIfSlA PDESENTS THE 'STATUES OF WA5H1HCT0N AND LEE TO HIT ION Two Splendid Pieces of Bronze Placed In Statuary Hall at Washington. BEAUTIFUL WORKS OF ART Washington, Aug. 10. Bronze etstu tm Cn Washington and Robert & Lee, Tknia'h wmtri Initios' to the na Uoa'a Hall of Fame, were today placed la Statuary Hall at the capitoL Formal eereaannies attending the uaveling will take plaoe at eome time yet to be de termined. Both statutes are beautiful works of art. Lee is pictured ia the uniform of tha South and his statue steads betweea those of Robert Fulton, inventor of the steamboat, aad J. L. M. Carry, of Ala- Near the atatoe of Lee are those of General James hields, of Illinois, snd General Philip Kearney, of Kew Jer sey, la the uniforms of the Cnioa army. The -Lee statue was designed by Edward V. Valentine, of Richmond. Va. Washington's statue was placed in the smithes t of the hall betweea thoae of Ethan Allen, of Vermont, aad Oa. aval Peter Muhlenberg, of Penneyrraaia. a distrnguisbed soldier and statesman of Rewolotionary times, and a arx-ther of the ant epeaker of the Hnose of Rep leeialatlvee. The Washington atatoe i a reptioa of Hoodon' famooa master piece, wow at the espitnl at Riehavnad. Elliot Woods, superintendent of the aapitol, today said that formal accept ance of the two statue te not leijuiiej. aHborarh prwrwtataa of the ntstaes may be forenally enade with elaborate eere moai(S at the instance of the Virginia asatwe cwnmuissina and with the per missiuo af Congress. AUTO ROAD MEET A ROUSING ONE; SUCCESS LIKELY Meeting Largely Attended and Evi dence of Winning Spirit Shown, Parties A ow Going Over Piedmont Route for Final Test Today, The aslled an ting of the Piedmont suitaMs routs between Rnenoks and Sal Good Roads Aaaociatiosi set for raster- i isbury. This brought forth considerable day Btoraing waa one of the aaost sa - thuaauuc and stirrma neeuaet erer held oa a similar oeeeeioa. Delegates preeeat Iroai Lrsiagtaa, Thoaiaa - rille. High Point, Unfertile, Sunimer held, Broera Suasmit and Daariile. Vs, aad a a eBber from this city, besides other intereated eiliMDs. Tha hour set wst tea o'clock, bat ow ing ta the fact that the car with Mr. Wallers, of the Atlanta Journal with Mr. KuydeadalL of the local commit tee, had not arrived it waa put eff. '1 tHjietrt-a t way toward dinal determination two gentlemen were en route front Kalis- orvths great route. He stated his ea- bury and were met at Thomaaville i e and High Point by a aiunber of automobilea and came on together with them to this city. A aomber of Greensboro eutoieta went out to meet the party aad the sa tire party, Tuutors and reception auttee. arrived here a little paat There were eighteea machlnea in the parade down Market and Elm streets. The meetlne was called to order by Preeideat P. K. Tata, of the association, with K. D- Douglass, secretary aa bead to keep tke misutea. Mr. Tate in troduced to the meeting W. T. Walters, Jr., the repreeentatiTe of the Atlanta Journal, who ia tha official repreeeata- tiee of the paper ia deciding the route for tha scout ears which are goiag orer the proposed auto highway from that city to New York. Mr. Walters gsra at oaee the rely cheering information that the proceed ings of the "rump" convention at Roa aoke Satarday were not final, but mere ly for the purpose of recommending a EUROPEAN NATIONS TO AEflDEITjOaoTTBUT IES Apparent '4' Discrimination Will Cause Kick. Treasury Of ficials Think. THE ACTION WAS OBLIGATORY Washington. D. C. Aug. 10. Francs, Switaerland aad Bulgaria are expected by treasury officials to enter a protest against tha apparent discrimination against them la tha matter of termi nating existing reciprocal commercial agreements, which hsd been entered into under tha Dlngiey law. v Under tha Payne law the secretary of state could aot do othcrwiee shea de nounce the treaties, in which no spe atfie time for their termination had beea fixed, at the aad of six months from April 30 last. On that day Secretary Knox sent out notices that a new tariff law was being framed, and that new commercial relations would be made. Tae treaties in which no limit was fixed were with France, 8witserland aad Bul garia. The limitations from six months to s year wsre specified ia trestiee with Ger many, (treat Britain, Portugal, Italy, Hnain and the Netherlands. In the esse ot Germany aad Great Britaia. six J snontha were given from August 7 for the term! nation ot tha treatiee, aad la ell other eaeea one year was given from August t. Treaaurr department ofnriala fear that their work will be made diffl cult by reaaon of discriminations. PRQ-UQDOR T. AI. C. I. HEAD ASKED TO QUIT BIISTOL, TA, B0AED OF DIEECTOES after mah who favors wit sidk. Bristol, Va, Aug. Wv Because of his attitude in the local option elect ion held e July S, t)ia board of directors of the Bristol Young 4ea'a Christian Aa sodatioB tonight asked for the resigns twa of Presideat Henry Roberta, who is a prominent lawyer of Bristol. Robert does not deny that he voted for the retratioa of the saloons end after the "wet" victory signed the aot me of applicatioa for liquor license filed by a si aorial dab. He will submit his resignation Wednesday. J applause aa aiany uf our pople were under the lBareauoa that the route had i been dednitely decided end that the ' present meeting as only lor the pur pose of a protest. He stated that the portion of the route ia dispute, between Roaaoke and Ksliehury would be decided oa his re turn to Atlanta Saturday, so far as the erout ears starting from there oa Mon day Beat was concerned, but that that sctKjti was aot filial, though going tire personally aad pledged that of aia paper, to place almeelf en tirely in the hands of the Piedmont Association for the next few days and have the most available routee shown him. On his findings he would base hie re porta. Mr. Welter's sddreea wae cordially re ceived and did mush to do away with the feeling of indignation that our peo ple here felt at the treatment of the Piedmont delegates la Roanoke Satur day. At tha request of the chair, 0. S. Brad shsw, who was the spokesman of the party there, gara the experiences st Ros soke. It waa to tha same effect as the story In these columns yesterday morn ing aad his remarks ware attentively listened to. Mr. Bradehaw took occa sion to sompliment the fair and honorable manner which Mr. Walters had treat ed the committee and espreaeed himself (Continued on Page Two.) TELLS OF TIE EFFORTS MADE TO 5RVE Penland Worked Without Salary and He and Dlckerson Con. trlbuted cash. . H0LT0N AND CRAIG CLASH Asherille. Aug. 10. Today's aessioa of the Rreeae-Dickerson bank trial was enlivened by a passage at arms between District Attorney Hilton and the Hon. Locke Craig, lata Democratic aspirant for the gubernatorial nomination ia thie state. Mr. Craig objected to the attempt ed withdrawal of a question nut to a itness by Mr. Holtoa several days ago. charring the district attorney with at tempting to take aa undue advantage of the defense. He declared that Ua die tries attorney should be willing ta stand or fall by a qurstioa whils the witness is on the stand Contrary to expectatioa. the gorern- ment did not rest its esse today, ua eroas-sxsminstion of 8 T. Dorsett, for mer teller of the failed hank, Uking up (He entire day. The defense brought out facts to the' effect thst for a year or more before the bank failed. J. C. Penland. one of the bank's officials, worked kitbout eompeneetioo; that a few dsra before the do-ra of the bank closed. Inekereos put 2.A00 on drposit and Penlsnd fS.OilO; thst the trained financial condition of the bank waa free lr talked about days before ill failure. snd thst the night precectlng suspension it wss understond that it money was not received from LoulaviMe the next morning the bank would not open for buetneaa Mr. Domett wss still on the stead when court sdjourned. TARIFF RECEIPTS SHOW I MARKED INCREASE FIGURES FOR YXSTERDAY sou AS COMPARED WITH t67.57 LAST TEAS. Washington Aug. 10 Receipts today from the operation of the new tariff, law amounted to $9mfl sa sfslnet the receipts under the Dingier lew for the, bin dsy net year. sBHiuuting to vrJTC-, 579- A fair comparison of receipts under the two acta cannot ti made before the latter part of the present week, ss some . of the collections were under tbe Ding ley lew. I SUTTON'S SISTER TESTIFIES AS TO 1 BROTHER'S OEATO Takes the Stand Smilingly and Demonstrates Her Clear he collectlon of Events. BETTER WITNESS THAN LIEUTENANT ADAMS i af CaBe seriaa With Teaar Ofi- est, tha Purport af Which Hs Was Ua able ts Remember Whsn Upoa the Stand Other Eridcaca la Offered. Annapolis, Aug. 10 Mrs. R. Sutton Parker, whose testimony had beea look- j ed forward to as af surpasatag interest , in tke investigation af the death of her brother, Lieut. J. M. Mutton, I'. H. M. ! C!., was the eaater of attraction at It's sessions of tha sourt of Inquiry today, i Slat took tea stand smilingly, waa a1 willing witasss aad deatonslrated clear-1 ly that her memory of her interview 1 with Lieutenant A dame, shortly after ner Bruiser e awa, was mwn dvihv than wm tha reoollMtioa oa the same points of Lieutenant Adams. His testi mony wss very largely "I do not re member" lneeaaracter. It waa noticeable from Mrs. Parker's testimony that whacker or aot Ada ma aad button were friends, Adams and Mra. Parker parted most amicably af ter a little dinner party lasting a eoa pie of heura, aad ending about midnight at a local restaurs nt at which Adams wsa one of Mrs. Parker's guests. Mr. Blrney, counsel for Lieut- Adams, did not press Mrs. Parker to aay extant on erosa-examiaetloa. ' In reply to hie eueetloas she said she Ulked to Lieut. Utley, but did not go deeply with him into the matter of her brother's fight, because shs hsd litis confidence in Utley, Lieut. Osterman, shs said, told her ha did aot understand why her brother waa unpopular. Lieut. Potts had told her her brother was a coward. She had not read the record of tha sarHsr Inquest at tha ti ma of tha talk with tha officers named. h -Ppeukhsg or hsi sulas new with Usui. Aaaaae aad Ua dtnaar at which ha waa, hs said, her guest, aha testified that they were at dianar for about an hour, and that their parting was amies bis. To Mr. Dark, Mra. Parker said aha had told her mother oa returning to PortUad her expsrisaass while at Aa napolis. Bergeant-wfajor Henry L. Hulburt tes tified that Privato Kenaedy, waa gara testimony at tne present inquiry con tradicting that of soma of tae marina officers involved ia tha eaas, had a good recordj that he did not know Ken nedy's reputation for truth wulnsss, but hs would believe any statement be might make under oath. Lieut Willing was recalled and said the cartridges tsken from Lieut. (Sot ton's reroreer were taken apart by or der of the board of tnqueet m order to decide from which revolver, the set-rice weapon or his awn the bullet that kill ed Buttoa waa fired. That bullet, he said, wss slightly flattened oa one slds of the aose and was of the sort found afterward in the revolver. Lieut. Adams, recalled by Mr. Davis, tee tinea mat he did not tire Bent. De Hart the pistol which the latter said had been handed him by some ana, he can Id not identify os ths occasion of the shooting of Buttoa, and that hs does not know by whom the weapon handed to De Hart The court adjourned at 1 40 p. m. TWO HZOR0ES BADLY WOUHDKD IB RAID Douglass, Oa., Aug. 10. Aa ths result of a raid by a posse of white men, head ed by Deputy HberifT Furney, in the cyuthcm psct of the county last night. two negroes were badly wounded and one of them, caused the arrest on a warrant of Clifford A. Rsrtlett, s member of the posse, charging assault with intent to nrurder. Vine negroea were capttwed, snd one of the wounded may die. It is charged the negroee were gambling. STEEL COMPANT, QUIET TWO TEARS, RESUMES MARYLAND C0HCERH FEELS THE EFFECTS OF REST0RATI0H OF PROSPERITY. Baltimore, Md, Aug. 10 For tbe first time in nearly two years all depart ments of ths Maryland Steel Company are running full time, six daye a week. Ordera for raila have been coming in for ecverel weeks, sad tae tonnsge on the company's hooka is the largest since lts07. with promise of steady exnaaeion following the re -entrance -of the rail roads into the market for suppliea. King Edward at Calais. Calais. France. Aug 10 Ring F-d ward arrived here today fio Iymdon snd proceeded immediately by special train for Marieobsd. Designer of the New Lincoln Pennies iivVHi xmS 'vv1 7H.:A Ay y?:i - t ai - ! iiaMaassSaseawaaMSTr .sr VICTOR D. 0UNN1H9T0N SHOWS HIMSELF IN OFFICE OF nroEANOfl Crazy Man Who Shot Ofilcer .;VfuAppeib to Irhtle Joa fo.rlf;XKosclnd Order, pcspitef Protection.' I AND THEN HE DISAPPEARS Atlanta. O-, Aug. 10. R, X. Dun nine tan. a farmer Inmate of the mate hospital for tha Insane, who mUtedfar- rrst at Aiaruata last wsek by MrrieaaV Ing himself In a house aad shooting an officer who approached too near his place of refuge, later making his es cape and feeing Into South Carolina, to day made an unexpected visit to Uov srnor Joe Brown at the executive of fices In tha state Capitol. DunuiagtoB cams to appeal to the governor for protection from what he serened the persecution of his rela trveaj and soma people who were, he said, unnecessarily alarmed for fear thst hs might eomnutt soma rath act. The gOTernors secretary, however, wss not at eaae while Durmingtoa waa waiting to saa ths governor and erneers were tel ephoned for, but before they arrived Dunnington quietly, departed snd wsa soon swsllowed up In the city. A vigorous search was at once Insti uted for him by the county and city of ficers. Coincident with ths appearance of Diuiningten in Atlaata today waa the filing of the report of the legialativa committee sppointed to investigate con ditions st the .late hospital for the in sane at Milledgrvillc, IfS, the initial complaint regard me which wss filed bv in IMnnlngton, while he waa an tnmata of k institution It i K-l m.t nington deaired to consult with the gm ernor and members of tha legislature re garding this report. Irior to coming to Atlanta Dufuiington wss last seen in South CaroMns wllh his father, whom he had forced to semm pany him srhen he hade his escape from nis improvised fortreee. EVELYN DENIES THAT SHE WILL SUE THAWS DECLARES THAT SHE HAS ITT RE CEIVED BEMITTAHCE, AND SHE IS ROW TJP AGAINST IT. Vw York, Aug. 10. Zwyyn "ebi. Th.-' W!ari today tht then w n truth in the itflry that b would hr'nr uit for $iVi0,0n0 (raint br huarssiv.. Harry K. Thw, or afrainst any menilet of thp Thaw family She aanl. b" rrer, that th unal mmilfc.T rrmittafK of $vO fmm h-r huTns nti hd not wn rerHved thiri month; that h wi yrnr t.n 11 t prntii.w, "n,i aid not km whre hdr iitxi dollar wa enminf fr-rm 1 tk oot mltT know what 1 ran or will do In my pront plipht." mm! Mr Thaw "It rve-rn that I am up apint it." JSIUKIB. ONLY ONE INITIAL IS TO KMIIN ON THE MfJGH DISCUSSED NEW PENNY Secretary MacVeagh Refuses to lrote3t THE ARTIST IS A RUSSIAN Washington, Aug. .Secretary Mae- Vesgh will not resoind his order direct ing tha redurtieo of tha initials of Vlc- otr D. Brenner on the Lincoln penny to one letter, deepite the protest of Mr. Brenner. Mr. Brenner based bis protest on ths promise of former Secretary Cortelyou regarding tha initials. Mr. Cortelyou does not remember hsvlng mads aay such promise, he states. It is annoanced st ths tressury de psrtmcnt that the new die for the penny with the single initial will be mads im mediately, but thst the pennira now on band with ths thrcs Initials will be dis tributed. Mr. Brenner, Ua artist, is s Rueelan, snd is well known in New York He liia received the congratulations of hla fellow artists on the excellence of the design for the new penny. Dynamite Johnny in Hew York. Kew York, Aug. 10 Capt. John O'Brien, the former Cuban' flllbuater. who was reported killed during hla sc tivitiee in behalf of Cuba in 1Mb, sa "Dynamite Johnny." srrived from H Tens todnv on the steamer Havana. wny O'Br iCaptsin irn is now pilot stationed i at Havana and wil apend a vacatloa ; viaiting fnecda in ?ew .leraey. negro Suspect Ifeieaaea. ; Kew Haven, Conn., Aug. IO.-dVnJamm I Rainey, s negro, wlio wss arreetrd yes- terdsr a. a suspect in connection with the murder of Thorn. M: Ilieahart. of j Covington, Va, in IflOn. was rrrasaed te I day. it having been derided that ha was tint the nan wanted. PITCHER HEUIBACH EQUALS WORLD RECORD: . TIES WITH JACK CHI SB BO BY WIKWIH0 TBE FOORIEIHTH I I STRAIGHT GAME. Oiirsro K ig in -flv winsieg tartsv'a came from Itror-klve. Hilehsr FdeaH Hculh,. ... the I' Vatiai I ' u mZL -e-trtf. i. .!d tf have equalled Ihe reeled eeaaM Ims sb ' o . f .r Cfino-t;ti,e rictrtri.. etth th. pi'ch fwsassw as - me .Uh st H pr.srat .lttlsu-v froes alwas. ai - . """ W W i e i . - se Jatf-k ( ",vrn , . hiiKe-l ths lewsard -) t-, t ' f' - f.f atrsifft famee while poe f Mt abas ( s - mf Piit-ho.'ir in W'l. The nvrd na i sent v fm,r tralrit a.i kv 'a.- ' r " Mct'orreic if the "irsr" eiti-sasai m ffmMf .... , ws Hsd w,i e.tshll.eeH vr the pit.b ' . , . trip .lat s-s r!.e to l fie Istfi.f m - t AT AUGUSTA IS MOBBEDBT FANS Hit By Fists and Pop Bottles and Nearly Choked By One Eager LIUlo Man. MAYOR OF CITY PLEADS THAT "SKUNK BE SAVED" (Trouble Started With the Umpire Da. cUnng That Pitcher Attempted ta Hit Him With ths Ball, snd Tha Cams Wholesale Fining. Augusts, lis., Aug. 10 Immedlstely following his forfeiture of the gams to Msmn thia afternoon in the beginning of the fourth inning, Umpire l.tflo'J wsa surrounded by s crowd uf several ! hundred sngry .pertaiors em! usrrowly 1 eatnped aerioua injury. I ll-f on ths police coul'l protect him I sufliolently to wsrd off the people, Oif- 1 ford wss struck In the fuee, kit on the head with pop bottles and one "faa" w nrcvenW from rliokiug fiiff rd oul,v i the determined rflurU of a de-' lortivr, who took the man'a hands away while til-' wire chit oh I iic the threat of the umpire. Msvor Dunbar, from the roof of the visiting play era' ahed, aiade aa addrasa to the crowd, atatlnu that Augusta had been wnui.rd, but for the good aims I of the city, he pleaded vfpr the skunk to be let stone." Only six olllcera were at the park at the beginning of tre trouble slid reia-' . foieenifiita were sent for. The riot rail ' was sounded ami a apecis) afreet ear ! carried twenty six oilier olllcera to the I aoene. Forming a cordon snd backing I the park, Clifford wsa hurried through and aiiaoed In the wagon. Auguats will reiuae to ulav any mora Ernes with Cillord umpiring. Ia tha ginning of ths fourth iiimug a wild pitch by Griffin came near striking ths) umpire, (ilfford claimed that Oriftia tried to hit him and fined Me local pitcher Kt. Carson was (aad $H for aat sstohlnsr taa CeL , - ' , Uatn toied ta tell f.ifTorJ that Tirlf. fine dad not tntsad ta kit him, hut he re fused to listen, fined fastra AIA aad without giving the team mora than thir ty seconds to begin playing, forfeited the game POLICEMAN CETS I SEVERE REBUKE FOR STfiA CITIZEN Oflicer Klapp. of Durham Force, Is Fined J30 and Costs For AssiulL . OLD JOKE CAUSLS TROUBLE OfliMr fnear M. C Klaap aaai eaartp tm attack Baea Vv flhe-les II iniiii hun.Hr aftrraooa an4 w-. cuata a fail li-ra-ica a rordrf Nrkra aUimUsuta-t-j buka aad AUimy kl'T Uvraat ga tha ofie-T a warrn trtn atavwa. Tha trotihla? -wiria t anar froa aa aartrnt rmV wl.i a lit. Imaapwf, to!d an ta1 itaa-i r" ) -r a-ga, aajiwt out. Mr KUt fa.iaf a $nmk nmr a aairraf Ke- , rAumm a A how(d th form 1 a t 4rmm aAma-ft to arr-l hm TW mm mmm 4mm aaa CUM and Wa- a'wstH ,e e MaWi SmaaaWiaf amiBt faiMatrlf. tea r4aaav Wa fasa4 af arlf aawl it wtit tm ., 9m waa ao4rel to m atwi tm nt mm tt waa all lfc ar. mmmm miMa tWte 4'-araama s' I as twlttad rW 'lAws-i ma . y awiww mt tt "tfttaaWj n mmm I tsd Mr Khr - ta tm waati 4 aad ta- mummm fkaM WNb fwM I Kkar-ft ItMrl 1 sAf kg. ml fmW I swJHldl talk Hrftaj I r savsl waa atg-ara It War !- W ia fwTaa fa .1 enrf 'V. a4aaWaawtsa Ta) mm, v. lha. are w, be., r" s weh hm grs. Hrk ea eaaa4 th. k ,w ... Ik, sex see. Bflwassi s. frsaa Sa . s-1 sttipial ts a. a aee . I w Oe m . I t 1 k Ve'heai ss.s tW. ecr.lee la (sat . i km H a -.., -a a a -srs t Try J.U Mr. Merchant

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