sboro ;'. Dk Largest Guaranteed Local Circulation WEATHtR Thursday and Friday (air continued cold. VOL. I. SO. 136. HJIEENSJIOUO, N. C THURSDAY. OECEMBEU 23. ()'. PLUCK: FIVE CENTS ALASKAN AFFAIRS 4 Report of Governor Wllford v H Koggatt Made Public COAL FIELDS DEVELOPMENT Territory Passed i Quiet Tear Id De TfclopmtQioi 8escurtesli:t:ouiAny Narked Incidents Dean-log. (By The Aaaoclated Prf- Waahington, C. J?- it-Early - development of the ieaMoel field of " Alaaka in order that alaUa on tha Pa . aitic alope may be furnished with a kik . grade eoal at leas ooat than the piv duct now brought half way around tha woild and tfcat tte i.r.lnj.s of the Liii ted State navy in the 1'acihe may be provided with a flrat taaa fuel of Amer ran proluciien, i adocated by Gov rpor Wilford B. llougatt, of Alaaka, . In bia annual report tor thi year be for hainy suooeeded by Governor Wal--'. ' ter E. Clark. Alaaka, according to Governor Hog ', gait, paaaed a year of quiet develop nient of ita reaourcea and without any narked incident to excite unuaual in tereat. Tka population remained prac tically tha aame, there having ben a redistribution but no gain. Commerce between Alaaka and tha 1'nited .States increased, aatiafactory experiment, in grain and cattle were made and the mining induatrirs were suecea.f.i1 0 , and without recurrence of the labor trouble, which materially interfered with operationa laat year. , s Recommendation of importance made i fcy Governor Hogzitt include the plac Aing of the governor under the auitiunty t the drpartment of juatice, inatead of tbt department of the interior at C recent, a fair method of disponing of ae eoal landa of Alaska, the inapee tlon of tha mine by the United Statea , - feoToglcal aurvey in order to protect workmen, the exteneion to natlvea of Alaaka of the right to acquire public land and to hold and transmit proper tjr, appropriation for aid to naviga i'oa, and the aatabliehment of a light , iou diatrtct f subdistrlet with tan . ?. - '- . "tare urarr meat -eaouia De given v rhoaa engaged in mining eoal in Alaa ka," aay Governor lloggatt. "Ulflea a way la found to open the eoal nelde of Alaaka, the population will and the unknown reaourrea of the coun try b undiacovered for an indefinite period. Coal mining can be made a permanent and profitable industry In Alaaka. ai'd the establishment of camps will aid materially in the dedvelopnient of it resource.' Mining of coal on Beward Peninaular would mean much to the people living in tliat section, as the coat of fuel under preaent condi tlon i very high and the consumption per capita ia very great, i ne mineral. Is widely distributed throughout Alas ka, and is found to be of very hi'h , grade In the Alatamiska and Bering I river valleys. Workable deposits are ' also to be found on Seward Peninsular i No titles having ben secured to any j coal lands in A'.aaka. development of the deK)sita ha- nn hei n maJe. Onre i title to the lands is given to the loco tors, development will follow rapidly. as transportation seems to 1 assured. Charges of fraud in the location of coal , landa should be sifted and determined with exp dition and patents issued tn j tire entitled, and rejection of patents j promptly made to those who have in aay way violated the ionl land las i re'ating to Alaaka and the I'nited ' States. 1 "The future development of Alaski) will d( pend very luri'rlv upon all the-sear-arouml easy cuiiimllnira rnn lie twees the coast and the interior. This' naturally (l-'en,ls upon transportation facilities. There spin-- to lie ample bus Ines. reasons to warrani the construc tion of railroads from the coast to t he . Bering rivr and Vntaimska coal fields, ' and to the eoppi r rniins in the Alaskan ranee of mountain Iteyond these; pointa there is no presrnt business to Warrant cap tal. tunudid. to construe, railroads. Sutliroiit kinnvlrdge of teas- , fble routes fpiir. tin- i-ust to the in terior I beliew i- now to be nad and apuld be nbtaini'-l ly the government through a hoard c,l army and ral road enjrini'er. who should .ietirniine npin the Ill'i-l f,'aslht" ro:ili to the int.ri-T and upiot such liiws us slumld U huill for the deve!. ipnie lit o Alaska. When the ork of thi I oard is con p'-td th" goernnient should s--m the construc tion of thr ra Iro.rls in a similar manni r to that adapted f-r ' he cons-ru t ion of railva-s in tlie ' n- Is ai-is !' a railroad is ' o hp ti i.'l fmn ti,,-' rnast of Abska t.l 'h-- i.m Valley, j x, 1 be n't-'Sarv .t; ;l i i-i i rtintll lie;ir a p rt ot ' ' f- hi; .'I - ;i-. n, ation fir Id oi In ipar- .titer its con atructlon. vhch p-rlol will b-1 required for the development of the interior of Alaska to sii-h an extent as to make the rai'road self -sustaining. The monev now paid for a very extensive mail ser Tice, if paid to a railroad when built, would go a loiiff way toward its main tenance. I have, th'-vifi re. to urjre thai a hoard of arivy and railroad engineers be appointed for t'n pnrposi outlined above. If the eo enmient does not i-e-ume a part of the b 'rden of interior transportation. e will have to wait for a permanent devrloprnr nt of the interior of AJaska miiil suih time as diecoreries of plienorrera mineral de poaits will justify pr vate capital in the eons-rii'-t inn of riil roads. "If a railroad is bi ilt to the Mate ntlska coal fields, it Mill f?tablih a per ananent comuDity i.nrtb of the ivast av ' - .uuu whan men will kano an opportunity to eara livelihood il.roujuoat U roar, and raubliah from ahica they ran proapaet radius of 100 or I0 anilea, withw ia all probability aom thing will ba found I wait, win iiatifT tha iiuhwi of too railroad at ill fartaar toward th. iaiorior. .SS kseM of rcernt discoveries of rein carry ing high gnad an a re twi verj en oouraginc, and tbcr teems to ba a re , viral of interval in gold-quart min ling throughout aoutheaatera Alaaka. Lkseorenes of quart carrying kign value have been mad ia the Kairbank iniaing ditrlet, and a llmltad amount ab? aaWaabaalasiasksaBa abw wawL Baa aa - jlashashaa SBH 1 1 a enrottragiiig raaulta. High grada gold pnioZ:. tr." io'nd low creek, and tke beat of those proa pee t , are being developed. Placer mining con tiuuea in a email way ia aoutheaatern I Alaaka and the beach at Cape Yaktag ; and in Cook inlet. Thi character of j fliAfting continue throughout the Yukon j vafley, and activities in the Fairbanks ! diatiirt continue uuabatad.- lloreaaed intereat ia ahown in the aaroaBeeriiU' in the Suaitna and Knskokwim valleva, aad encouraging report are aaade of the dietrlcta. A large number of proapoetor and miner are ia these diatrtcta, and it ia hoped that development a in the new territory will be efficiently rapid to maintain the production of gold for aev- eral veara On the Reward Peninsula drift mining ia giving way to dredging ndi hydraulic mining." Governor Hoggatt recommends a law to diminish the eontrvveraiea over th. n.r.l,l. n( .l.t.. i. Jlmi.l.h ownrrahlp of placer claim or to diminiah .(T ft iV lif!!Il rl ?.i.!.0 .l , ".i-l'k k. ,ii. -ki.v i. ... u.. ti.. l.. el.M.l. uv iims ..-.t.. , ... ieire, weie among ine more man lou nower Z .ttorv iZ orrdiThat Mrt"1- mo,h" of M?' Sn'ad ; r- gueeta who attended the 104th annual .ti lPjl 'rI.J fVwardl. Snead, aunt of the victim and(3lnn of th, Nw EnK,.nd ,,.!.,. of to4i iU... tha .nM.hi --I, - . . . "-I.. li7 . fT"" " "J" ? " !LTi,...iJ lil tinue ownership for on. year should Oe t j i "WUl1 " our' iinr in. rear. ' - . Regarding the recommendation he make to change the governor of Alaaka irom vn conrroi oi ine Department oi ('ovlSeli.ft i'i.VrX'Sila- governor Hoggatt y: J h provuioa ot the act for a civil government tor laska provide that the governor shall have authority to aee that the lwa of th district re enforced and to require the faithful dihrge of their dutiea by th official apKiintrd to admlniiter the .A m, 1 k. Affiei.l. .k. rnmd wltk tk. mA. i . "-";-'""'--" mtni.ln.1lnn hi th. 1. .. .m miw... mm. ministration bf the law art under con .ro,o. ine aepart meat oi )wie, and it . ' rr . .1 t! ' " e-"' " la atatement declaring no Insurance ever t ei!l? the wvemor t to ihat,Bl4 id & u(e xl). ,uu. tha offlnal perform their dotlea, he. . 1Ul., .hould .lap be .melnl Kth, dapgrt. "na M.Ument that a. .J .VTT l.,.;'-'n".'-!? veeonunend that leflilatioa tajjthla. nd in . l!?!S.i . "j. J . will prevent aowfllet of atiihorlty, trad tbt "If'"""1 J' H'T L.V. ,orf,mn, ' ."d- ,l i better administration of the affair of the territory." A general law, providing for tha .ale of town ait, under .npervUion of thejto my orchard and accordingly I let secretary of the Interior, with proper reservation of bnrbor area and land, for nubile Turpoe. Governor Hoggatt aay. ahould be paaaed. "AVIthout such a law," he pouita out, xongrea. and the interior department will be called upon to sun port private bills for the purchase of townsite, evrvone of which will have a loltby in V'ashington attempting to secure ita paeaage." MEE T HORRIBLE DEA THS AT HANDS OF ASSASSINS Three High Government Officials Meet Their End Widely S par ate d Paris of ihe Word Premur Yi, of Korea, Among the V.ctims. Three fciph gTernment otTteialu, the moat notable being Premier Yi. of the t Korean mbinet, met horrible deaths at I the hand today of political aaaaaaina. ' The crinia committed wer in widely epa rated portion of the world, and , nciuoe, in auauion to i reraier 1 1, ioi- ; onel KarpolT, chief nf the secret poliw in Hi. reier.rmrg, Kiiasia, ana Artnur M. T. .lackaon, in B-imbaj, India, the J th ef majriatrate of Naik. 1 In Seoul. Korea, the prime mniater of the Korean cabinet waa atmb)ed to .l.oft, ... n ..r,( lt a.f lh. in. , , , tenr feeling in Korea aainat Japa- nesa influence. Colonel Karpoff was blown to pieoea , ' . , . . . bv the explosion of a bomb thrown bv r ' , .uPpoHliy an anarchies. , Ar'bur M. T. Jacktvm was r.aaiaainated bv a nti e for revrnff.- preaimabl b pari of the soditi 'Ti- rrmveuejit against lintjsh otli-Ml anihontF In ea-'h of the cn.intti,- the ffvernmg ,. nt honM mcr.arf d b a dneroi. elt n t.t , i; n c r d nain! t lie ei.tiri, I cpiTr.e. Premier Yi'i Death. Seoul. Korea, Dec. 22. Premier Yi, the head of the Korean cabinet, waa atahbed to death earlv today hr Yie Cl.aim Younjf. a Korean The aHack occurred at 10 o'clock in the morning. The assailant was a young C'hr at ian who wa for many year a residtnt of the L'nited Statea. The premier was riding in his jin riksha h?n the aaain came up with a long knife in ti hand. He drove this twice inta the abdomen of tha pre- mier and once into the latter1 a lunj. The assin then turned on the pre mier'a jinrikaha man, who be stabbed and inatanMv killed. The asaaptrin wa iniinediatelT ajrreet- accompanied bim. waa M-re,v inured, cr- and hr- 1 h" f -ed. He i a yo;th of abont 20 TMra, Karpnff waa aprointeI frm Baku. I"winz the kiln p o' t p ,.unp h ' and is believed to be a member of a po-. where be ht been cbiet oi the iecrr-t mar. Ii. 'nr a nig'it !' ttj' 11r,kaI aaawra4 Ka-arlalV MUST FACE TRIAL Fonnd Against1 Each of Wardlaw Sisters. nmi-rinii irn irrrccnDV IllLluirAL AilU AuvLllOUIl I , . bmSi Tia oi I omiD Are Held In New fork, TUe Third lo Hew Jersej State ment of BrothcMD Law. i n .. Ti.. . .1.1 ,ul !... i . 7 VL , ,, ... Newark. N. J.. Dec 82. I he three u ...ilu- .i.i.r. n.n.t f- trlal in Eaaex county, New Jeraey, all , charged with the murder of Ocey W. M. , Knead, tha Eaat Orange bathtub ' Much aa a matter of courae the twi county grand jury filed into court at Newark tki fternoon and reported that two indictment had been found agaioat .ifiKr.. , (hi iiidietment ehnrgea each of the i.ter with being the principal in caua - ing Mrs. tsneao a oeam oy arownng oa arge. each .later alao with bdiig an acceaaory. ineoiner inuinuieut ruse, ,. ii.,viv ,i.h e,... " ;- :-j Wr' Sd "l0 fvmn'il tr'f murder "dent' Harry A Carflcld, of' William Col Tbe three (latere are Mr. Carolina B.i,.Wi wvre ,mon ti1( iore than 3W) ' "lui.w uinrut uv v. . .. " aUo her inother in law, and Virglhia Wardlaw, an aunt n,. i,,, i, ,n ,h. Essex countv .-- ...o """ j - Ikere, and the two former are in custody in new ior. The Broceedinn before the grand iury wert brief. Chief of Police Bell, of East Orange, told of Dnding the body; WU Jt7'- t joij 0( the 'suicide note." he hsd ex , mined, but just what he awore to waa nt m,j, uhlie while uhvaiciana teati j,d to tn, condition of the body, Statetnint by Brother-in-'.aw. p-.oj,. Co0.. rw 22-In order ing him with tta Bnead mytery 'e .. ....... . . r Eaat Orange, N. J., A. C. Snrad, a broth ,,ri.i.w of (V,y Snead, today mad. ; P'W ha. bee. paid on my lif. i. an ilisig f.Uehood In March 1K04 'I t"k ftiit two Insuranos police on my m. j. ... non i . v.. vt I company In favor of my mother. Mr.. Mary Snead. After coming to Palisade that it would he better to put leas moner into life insurance and more In one of th polieies lapse. 1 still carry ne nolicT for 11,000 In l.vor of my mother ' "1 hare never had ny Insurance on my life other than the two policies jabove mentioned, nor have 1 ever ai plied to any insurance company or fra ; temal order for snv other intisrsnce The insurance entnspny haa always 1 known where to reach me " The premier waa removed to the ho pital. Yi waa alwavi credited with fonter ing ant i .Ia pane -.n Inietit in K'Tfa. He bitterly opposed I !ie fjc; ion a rnonc the Kur.-aiis w hich anneai...a lo Japan, ami reiua.-a lo pienein a pei l tion lor anm-xation to the IWean em i't N'ot withal andinir Yi'a kniwn aenti- anenta in r-pard to the r !. .on tween .lanan and Kon h. Maniuis b" ii" (" to he regarded a an honi-at ami en tioua patrmt. an.i r-fn d to hw;f; pre:P. I - nieat-d rc-Hief,-. t ," ho all'-wH tn r-'Mcn h.- otTir It v bp,I(,Trd lU, tU, -(lrlll..inaiIOI1 it th. r-ult of pohtna' ntripne . , ; . Chief Magistrate of Indian Town, Bombay, Hrmah India. Iec. 22 r tbnr SUwn iWo,,. Hip magiatrate of N'aaik. m fie pre-ide h f Inimba v. w a i - - i: i ' h im i- I fi" ti'-e tile h t riCH , fonrance Irb mht The mo1 ve foi , t -rd-r i rj ft - . f'r poe.l In e ! en u;nti me mafia! rate win, r,i r- wnteneed a criminal to lite i m . : . t ment. aik ia a hotbed of addition .Iarkon had been in the Bri;ih In-iian wrvir-p ainoe 1WK, PoHc of St. ePtersbnrg St. Peteniburg. Ic 22 - '' Kar pcdT. cliief of the ; p-! e- ,f , Peteraburz. wa a,iMi a t1 d --a r! . to day. He had been niti-eH to a !ti--( apart-wwnt in a rr"noti .trei of the l-orf di"trict. and there a- Kh un to p eer by a bomb exploded n: -', ny hU hot, one Miclae! Vo,ti ir-.. n ky. TTte murderer ru-hed into h.- sire. i followin7 the explosion and aa cap- tured. An aisant of Karp IT w hr had illira 1 .... XZSALLS ON PEARY Peary May Try fat South Pola, (By Tha Aaaoeiated Preaa.) Kew York, Dae. Commander Peary very strongly intimated tonight in a speech at tts banquet of the New England aoeiety that the expedition a nick k led aucoeaafully to the North Pole might also try for the South Pole ' However, ba did not commit himself defiaitaly aa to hi own har ia uch I a expedition. I "The Stare and Stripea have been nlnted it th Pola" maid Parr. '"It r ,, wouia eem a ntting sequel lo mat work if the organization, the periminct, the materml, the equipuieDt, the met I. (xls, to perfected, night directed to wttrd the South Pole with tha poaaibil- '"'y lh' tB Stripe mlghl j ' r. , wave at doib oi tue eann an. Commander Peary' reference to "the personnel," was taken bv many of the din., to mM thi, he' hlmaelf might jj ,uca , expedition into the ant arctic p,opwd and wild ap pi,u, greeted it But those familiar witn pPar , , rtpeted and positive d- Ii i ;... if. j L.i. ..,.. I (rigld ,por,tiona forever believed that 1 n, meant to exclude biamaelf. j prpont Morgan, Commander Rob ert E pMly charlea Nagel, aeereiary ; ot oommerce and abor; Frank Hitch- . . , .. . n . p.i ((liiiner or ine .-ew cngmnu aot'iaiT oi i eW York at the Waldnrf Aatoria to- Uight. Seth Low was toaatmaater. 1 a.i,i .,M..,.i n. .(.. .h. . , Ainrti iinvuiiivoraii v ur int md- Uet if fc Intended to lead such aa ...Emitted Ui the warn, teat that wa applied peitition, feary aald: - .m Drenan-d to assist in tha or - g,irtion of such an expedition to aet , frnm the I'nited Rtatea In an en- deavor to reach the South Pole." This reDly, evidently carefully word rA ,tili . OD,n ., nmin OUMl(,on HORRIFYING ACT OF MAN WHO SUDDENLY BECAME INSANE, (By Tha Aaaoc'ated Pre.), CaL, Dec. 82. Suddenly .be coming violently Insane, G. C. Cheuv - rant, a rancher, today killed hi wit i nd one child and wounded thra other children and ended hi own lit under the wheels of a railroad train. Mra. ( heuvront wa. preparing break- ft when ler husband entered the I word he aplit ber akull with one blow He then entered the bedroom where hia I children lav asleep In rap d aucce wn he struck uti the hatchet tieorge, I l years old; . luude. 12; Cladya, 10. and Nellie, an infant. Claude ia dead and (lladys is dying. The otlera will recover. Aa theuvront left the house C M. McClung. a steiieon IB veara old, met him on the porrh The maniac struck at his stepson s head hvadintr the blow, the young man slruek his stepfather heavily on tie jaw The blow seemed t l.n-.k 'he mad 'spell, anil the hand ttal held the J hatehel fell to his side. . "itltout spcskm?. the raneher ran I to the raiirmd truck where he threw h inse'f underneath a passu. g train and ! waa ground to piece, '".DEATH FOLLOWED DRINK : White Man Dead and Negro tn Serious I Condition. I (By The Afwrw-iH 1 rd Prea ) Starke. K!a.. I)r, j Sniur Hjran in tlfnl. it iid m nfvro ii m wth up eoiii!. lion hire from dunk ng whi'k that ' "'"fi "Vf- rw" n P'"neo have h' n 1 he k n- iv n r .i) ent itvtl in t lie nacJta ire wai tir. f,,lrm hi? note: rmm a irirna winning a nappy (Tinatmaa " A', Itrnnelt aent the n CTO tn the ct pre-i, on.'e lo: the jt kaiff. g'nii. Iiim a dnr.k upon hi return He th'tt p:i -.) t l. ,otrt to llotj-in who drank Th- In. tile wa- nint r!.id to Mr IWniw-lfa who tl r ;i n k I''. ' i.Mt ri 1 v ii'upn ill. a t . I . JI-. -d r-.ll ; . 1 T rtl ' nl'v all I ir'p were nd Hopan d"H l-d ht-n The it in a 'rt -to-m . ' M. r. 'Pit ' n-lif i n 1 ) fOTI '.I'-krO' '1' ' he a ut Inn: i 1 p rt, fce FATHER OF WOUI.PBE SUTCIPF. ARRIVED AT NORFOLK , 't. raj 1 r'-f i 4 - ' A. k Hut fl a ' e ti p ed ft'i 'idp. ' ! fjt n f.rTn "hicao t hv takine da num. a d t hpn bv rootinp. armed here ork and Ya dire, td 'i"" trn New " that nothing l "ft tin-'onf a iteration will be 'it 1 1' g in' o h'T rh rn e i at ' v -oit With tV view hrh '...I-'; i ipoe. and .. o ren. i lpp tr. 't t tircatena fn n lit f. Quiet at Mairnolia. Pr The vHlito! Prea Majr-.o: a a I).-. 22 Ftu ' M ti I i t 1 - rt c !i : q u ;ei a nd h-r vione i - .i ' ' ' i ' d '-i a hr hit"" r ' i ir k t Jrc-n h r-' j iltn' i'Ointry netfTne. It 141 'Tim TV Rear Admiral Schley Wculd HaiD Prnnfc yoAuhniittaH UUIO I1UUIU IIU UUUUUUUU m IN INTEREST OF JUSTICE iellred Naral OfSlcer Sudobsts Some " SclentLic Body Other ltiaa N tiuoiil liuuyraj.tlc Soclely. 1 13 The AaaocuUeu Prn.) Wathinioo, Dec. 22. Kt-artiinung bia oomplete conttdence m Dt. Look, Koar- , Admiral W. S. Scbley, retired, today j oalltd publicly upon Commander Peary! 10 ubiuit hi proofa that lie reached the I "North Pole to aome acitntitic body other I I tban the National lieographic aocietv. I 1 hia, the adu.iral decUna, ahould be doiie i ..t n. , ,,.,..., i ,.i. to eatabli.h beyond iuetion the caaima Peary Vbe admiral believe that tb ame I body which threw out and repudiated oala enould Oe peruiltled to paaa .i i ..a i... l. , ... JuDon tha dau. aiibmitiMi bv Ivrv m 'the (ieogiapluc aottety. i "The llama are the beat po.ted body iwini . of men in the I he aaid The i ir wiiiisumt ui ine cinvrr 1 uy of Coprnliaijen ahoutd be given the, opportunity to examine the Peary proof., ! for in that u.v tl,.v ,,u h. ' i-t "t n) uvuiu ur i.. .l ..... .. iooe oi lihik. 1 Moreover. Admiiul Schlev believe that ubni!esion of ihe pi Jots to Copen hagen ahould inaiatid upon by Peary, d. a,..te hatev. r the NationaJ (ieogr.phte euciet y s attitude mav be. ' Admiral !-chle de clined to aay on hat ground he took exception lo t finding ot the tcientials uj Ihe I nivei I it v uf i opt iiliai-ii that t ook not I ben at the Noith Pole. He merrly r- E S The importance of the admiral de niand 1 increased by the fact that he lias wide experience in tb far north. In Ida he waa la nommand of tha Th.. 1 ti aapcditton which resulted la the reu-u of Lieutenant GrMly and aix mn who had baea eaat wav at Can, Sabine, and whom tha eivlliied world ii,.. iM it. ... ,,n i. !.. t, thia reacua Schley, thro a capaln in , he aervice, waa awarded a gold waUh 1 gnlaturr and a mcial of honor by the Masaachuretts Humane aocictv. 1 Members of the National tleographio society decl.nrd to diacuaa the auiniea t ion of the retired navl officer 'I he ,,eicty Is still smarting under the somewhat curt reply made by the Cni veraitv of Couenlaffen to ita rcauest that a committee cnresentina the ety he fxrmitted to lie present when llr. Cook a data was examined. ltfl I flllPrnillTI nTPTIl'P 1 1 I 1 1 1 1 1 T K I V I f K T M 1 1 1 1 "- txpioiTr Nansen says Look Cugiit To ValllSll FrOIIl Consideration. I ffv The AftfMriatrd Prena.) (."hhatuinia, live. TI Kridt mf na.-n. the orvtt(iaii Arctic evponr. iol.iv l.toke his h. nil Bilenre and Lalkt-,! ot the Ttary t'tH.k oitittoe my. It ia my opinion, he Bald, "that Cook in no limber j n trr t in. Hi- i pi art irj II a drfl nun, a t l nujrl.t o anih t h ennsuifra i ion f ilir wnrUL 1 npvr truito'i linn, f f r t ) e nrwt re,..r'. Inch he nmile wj not n. ipire in n ii.Ii iv e. ep, rial i v hit ft ale liMIltr cm in ' r tii it : t :n 1 , a net? nf 14 i-rt,rid(t from th. im 1"Iik i.ruvJ t l t Cook wit iinarmii nt li.r hin.ui-bi nt ,i n). - ,.f u. i,... i i .. . .n v6n nl)l UlPT r, ;,rU untamed m-tli ,n; G value i n tti n-it ! hed wit Ii in , pr ub.i In hi i a and con. ra firt I m unable n p ik It' ereforr pi t tf n-.I n V' toi ' a' v , I ne wr erar , all houh I j i,; n. t I. .a ha irr after h - r- - f . I ;. a " to u nd . i - h n.j diet ion. "Fr m t'i p,irt I t : ket-ri alien" 4t,uihi( M appro turn, hi- it 11' At c;i -1 he i n. n U t w lllalll, h mi rd th and Cook ' Hcnors Will Stand. nps-nhacei. It t - a ' i' : -p ; - i; " hut tut re n, r it .on n-ik n Arc ir ..l rjtio. Iht .eoraphical nfM tv take tin WIRELESS TLLE6RAPHY MAY BE WIDELY EXTEDED . B The A- 'at.-d Pr... U a all in on. ! ' A ; s p f f- X ; t I i in of t ' 1 ' r . ; . i ; for th not W: ;( -. . 1 a 1 v lo - .'. r,. 1 i nv - t the b ir a 'i nf f-q i' p 'i i r ' ' - r pH n, t :i . ii hi- a t 1 ' '';- 1 -. i - -o T.jpf,J ... i,. a?; ; ... r,.. of tfi- n.l - Hicj i ; i 5 , Ic. -n . --v , a' a 'i : I if - . ' - tft-t. .f al Uf- profd verr laluable tn eUvb lung wiirless ch-tina acroaa long reiciiee of ocean without the necea- ity of disi upt tug the fighting fleet. nt II ft may -becutne ixiasihle to intruat all eoeet wise aervtee the lommercial oom- ; puniea, the bureau is ohllvd to keep the const chain of stations in the moat etli- -"rvi", zi't Jz "Another KtHT m t ia it. I. nmil annlai t t Hrur. Aink. t.. r.rrv wir U. to Brnng -unhertu wiih t. Hp Nomi ttioT p. r till' ! ilkjf vmvIi from Vomr to lower (hfuinia tn ktp in touch with th wor:d "After thr rohte mpUtiM hi(fh rxwprM n tion in .irim.1"n hat hen nun nlfleJ, it t U-lirvt'd a .irmlar tation jwill found nrreMarr in Iht ftllowing , loo lit it: 'Th? Vet rot of th I'nited Statet: I Panama cni ,one; nai, ,u.. n.e it i',. lal tripfi pUff ! v 1 v u h i n j yi 1 1 tn IV LMiuty i r ti "j i . 1,-1. j in pr;u- -u!i. n wnifr i. i iin.l . (tptTHt lonn nf ui!ir'.'i tn tin 1 nt.. nnwiit hv t;t'. ,! K-i h Mniio,,, 'it ia et ill r,i.t Jlt'OOnt TRIPLE MURDER AND SUICIDE IN PITTSBURG, KY. (By The Aasnciated Press.) London, Ky., lec 21. - A tripple mur d" ,nd u,cld "rre. KT mining village, t. der and auicide occurred at 1'iUaburg, iday when Wil- liara Murrav miner, ahot and killed nl, wjf, ntr 1Ilother, and Klla-rt ... . ...... 'e and hlmaelf. v ,"u ' uoje.-. I lo the alleged attentiona of Cole to ' Mra. Murray ar given aa the cause of the crime, Cole, who was a on of Mine lnspeo- ot Perry Cole, waa 22 years old 11 , ... ...n... f . .i i. h. ... .,.. .... m -... Murray entered the tore and with out word, .hot Cole. Then he went to hia rome nearby and ahot hi moth- ,r lnl,w ,h, w ,B,ving houM. ... , , ., , 'rn n" vur' " " r"urn' ing irom a visit to a neiginair. lie dra.fted hi wife within the ward, laid tier dying Uide Ihe body ol her mother and fired a bullet through Mrs. Mur- ray's hoart. Me then slot himself and fell lietweip th women Inidies Granted Ntw Trial (By The Associated Press I I Atlanta, 0a., Dec. 22. Th .tat Su- preme court today vranted a new trial 10 Former Sheriff W B. I.yen. of "vne county, and hi on, Arohle Lvena, convicted of the murder of f'1' leminr Smith, a dri'BBist. at .leoauu. Ca.. one year aco. Tie new trial waa granted chiefly upon the ground that " ."' ,lie ,rml jon rs waa a second j Strickland, who financially assisied the pmaeeiitlon. 1 yens and his son were under sen- l'm"" ""' 'mi"s,i ,mr ni . I . t r r . lrr"v "rw"1 1 Aaaeiated Presa 1 M'nslunieion Iv-c 22 Atsrmed by a dron from $ I mm (Urn t,, ja nut n nun eral oil en-,rt. to n a month. merlean ml isirtei. hnv.- tejriin 11 movement 1t 11 f . j 'nntiss to renew '"n 1 r n'n h -r'""e"l r - rocitv trentv. l,h . 1101. .1 .,11'..T 1 1 j.,., !-,,,,! sl- li. fur the S" sis newsl of 'lie t"n Urce inwute' if I. whHh i epie on m- i.i n i"'n - - - - I Ho"r" Su lor.tid in f-re. Its The AsvwiuNd Press I I iHrktvotivill.-. Kin . I Iht 2? j '.s'v ronnifrnir in .Wrt rr,' fro'n "..rth t. t I-1" e Ine leia. en uir it 'n h ftl arted irila here i!r"" t ' H lotntf '1 inn Ii Ihe cur in Mi- rinlrn-nl rhe aninmlA v.-r- mlii'il n f'JH Notid Ballplnyi-r D(ad. i Hv The -s . .at.-.! I'n U'lllianinport , l"a I 21 U ehriiiK', tl ' I! kiiown pn KrtiutMi 1 pvr' 1 1 1 nt th'- tn re thi. a f -"ft Srhrit)(( t,a il onlv a ahnrt t ittie 1 I ESTRADA WON COMPLETE VIC TOR Y O VER G ONZA LES i Bv P1 .. in ' i l'i . i Amoimn warh ip Ci pt m . pie V M'nef.el.l. I ' 2 ' ...r.,.,. Ilrnd-. hV rUH l.'a in killed mde 1 m 'id 'Mp'n'f ! thr e n1 a r, r-1 -or ' " " " 1 ' - " "- ,1...., ; m." ment ,r.-,.. .t la-a X -' f u, ,,,rl,T , ,,, ,.,, n-rn nf !..' " p d o-- i pi, , .:,i t rt the j r , a 1 .' ,1 l-ded . . :r ! - f a "'ii ' i f'a i' N . rt e. lui nun hate -,r- . I ' . 1 '-n i. r d a m t or , t Hjt. ,v,, ,iv . -ft f..r, , t r ,''' e. - . a - 1 ' ' ' - , a, ' ' w ! t 4 . . Wa-' P ' 22 i -n:;r Tfe rau- h - " mat.r.r !:M.Hthe. s 1 ' h- ' ' " '''l-erto (ap'ai " - J ; 1 ''it f:m N - ' ' - ' " . ... tha i.a ' " ' V for . j, 't , , . ... - - . i ",. (von. , r v ' I I , I t '.! Jnir- " ' - '- ' ' ' 1 1 1 ' ' r ' , . . r : I -i , i ',.. ' he f 'r ..-- i . hj . . .i 't ; . " . .' 'hin - - ' a 1 . . , ;t l - t ':(.', fa . 1 ' i - - a l, ' a ". , . , j ' a p ' i " j r, o ... 1 t ' 1 ,' - e ' -. li'. 1' '' 'i PSI 'rn In I I ' - h.1,,-1- . r.' i r - - ' ' T h' i r,p rv. t 4 , j,, n ' g-i Kt . ' t- ' ,t u ' I . - , ' ) - jii fie ha 'i)'k' 4 no- J J i h .'. r' t s -.l'i" e ph ii ( j ., . ,,r . H . j; . . t v i . - . , w f r -'faf,. a T'd ho-pi'a -uppi -r- irom ttu- ar A i-l 'z . I it-. M'-in- an! tiie TaMim, iaed f tS faad h '..i' lo fooj No fore haa been lacuifc4 trra the ( for IJ d-ijra- DIED SUDDENLY Senator McLaurln of Missis sippi Summoned. FELL FROM ROCKING CHAIR Was Dead Vbeo Members of Family Htjcticrt Him -ijccessjr May Be Appolnlcd Cy (iuvernur Nucl. (Py The Associated Pres.) Jackaun, Misa., bee. L'nlted Btalea Senator A. J. McLauin died suddenly tonight at hia home in Braa don. Death was due lo an attack of heart failure, and came without tha slightest warning, at 0 3o o'clock. When the utal stroke cam upon hnu, Senator Mcl.auriii ssi seated in a rocking chair in front ol the fireplace ln ni, hbrarv lie auddenly lell for- ward, without speaking a word, and me extinct when members of h.. f,n"lj r'lh!U '' "' 1 "I "" Iiioiii lif iImuI Ii fi.lln.v A u it Kin f a moments a remark by .senator McLau- rm that he was then teelii g better than h ha 'elt at any time sine, his reoent aevere Illness, n-sult nti from n attack of ptomain iKiiaoniug. ',, .nBAn,-, .. , ,i,. r..Mt rrujementa had been nade at a UU lourtoniaht. it la t in I n I au4 aitil I nal an at nnni a I . , nii ( in,,,,,,!,.,,!, mtli. (iovernor Noel or .elected by the .lata legialatura, which will convene early in January 1 """'i lonernor .lames K. arda- man and Senator elect Joiuih Sharp Wil ,n, ,r, ,,!,,,) ,n roiinection with Die aelc.llwi a auewaaor to cuuipleto the unexpired term of the late Senator Meljiunn Several month, ago Mr. Var- daman announced hia candidacy for th aiiUispimt term t'.oernor l stated tonight that l.e would not announce for aome day. aa to whether ha would ap- point a suecessor to Senator Mrlaunn or refer the aeleotion to the legislature, which will conene ln regular aeaaiou early neat munth. Should lie make tha (election, noxever, ne stater! that th name of Byrd. Boweta and CVndlcr and seieral other would be considered iu connection with th appointment. n-.,i,lntff-n ?" ,- ... Ijiutin, who was 01 yara old. bejn hit fl rait t.mi in the I'nited State Sena'a I in IKtU, but wan elfctnl fjuvrrnor of Mia-l-itippi in 1H. and aend in (hat ofTto I four VMM. waa elected ngnm to th Senate in IftOll, and terved one terni. He then returned for the trni. hwh j bepin on March 4, l(V7. ia present j term of office would bav enpirni on ' March 3, lUl.t. Nr na tr Mcljiurin waa a lawyer by pi ,, arid be-frr. n t he wt ndy nf law in 1-MaS. aftrr lie had red tlirouih the ('nil war a a private in t he ( Vm ti ri e a r ii v He w n boi n on March ifi. M4. Ml l.iHPdn. Mite. hdJ mbi raiairl oit u firm tir rntcr-d tin- ('- n ltd l n to irmv when hr waa In erua old. Sev. n chil Irt-n ant 1 1 hi in hen tic pteaent trMum of i nnrrr-a op n d S mi t "r M I m un 1 f otiif to 'Bhin(ftoTt hec ii o' iilnei- In l In- Senate r'tatttitr h- wim knoun it t-nc ,,f , lf- -tionr-.t d'frndra of I h- .oi-t-i. h'Hi. h not ni r.l n I nt, .nif I . - , Mi the a -tit h h'-i rontr n n-l V)rr fninre and he nrver f.iihd to n t- her flffm. whi n wa atil'l Me .Juj foTi)v activr stork oil 1 h- Vii! roliri 1 "pi on the VI mm - i pp. rier and tnitii, T.-i h nd i a n' mi ei of oth--r iinp I'Lin' committee-,, m 't i rin t' 1 h.-m tho. on I v 1 1 iffv ti r,rn m r mi mi.'T iti"ii r ' ' rn' h 'i1 c.i-:i ii T o p ili'.r ;m T--I it , i in! I tic mini c .nin ' ' un in ,mr j

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