GREENSBORO DAILT TUESDAY. APRIL 5. 1910, 5 YourNe .... Yoar mtni mm b fed with put. ouriverves lfzzzt .. ewer dec tfJmUk 1i Issb am m MonlcU, haadacB, aaailirf. r1 tea sea eVi.W.... enW fws tm mmmm MTTM Beed goad food, frMb had wea-atrakalie SersaaarUU. a... " Personal Mention. Mr. 1m Folger, of Richmond, Ya., - formerly lliss I U Adam, of thi eity, . m visiting her parents. Judge and Sir, bpencrr Ada, ea Wast Market trt. fit H. Justice left laat night lor Wuk . Ingtea, IX Cj where aa will TUit frienda few day before going to Norfolk, ..whet ka ha accepted position with am insurance firm. . Mr. C. 0. Wright and little daughter, Annette, ara visiting lira. W. A. Devln, I Oxford. Will X. Ooley, ef Raleigh, was among Mead 1b the city yeateraay. Manager Top" MrKevitt, ( the WUton-a.)ea baseball team, spent yesterday in th city with hit' many IfHDH, Mis Annie Wiley, of the facility of Oi rotate Normal college, kaa returned after a visit to bar mother, Mra. C 11. Wiley, in Winston-Salem. E. Id. aOddletoo, of Carey, wat among mends n tue eity yesterday. Mia Florence Cain, aecretary of tht T. W, G A., baa returned from Winetoe fislem, arbor ehs delivered an addreaa Sunday befora the V. W. C. A. of that mtr. . I 3, W. Bredshaw, of JTlgh Point, event yeaterday ia the city attend imr the nieet-! which be ia a member. Ea-jades R. C 6amdwwk, Maj. C. M. trteonuaa, Messr. A. w. utoice, rr. u. 014 and O. 6. Brsdsnaw, left yeater aay for ilaleigh ta attend Supreme .Prill Dr. and Mra. J. tR. Paddison, of Oak Ridge, pent yesterday afternoon in the city en route to Durham, where they rill spend a few day aa the gneet at Prof, and Hri. E. X Brooks, af Trin ttyaallag. T. T. Morton left yesterday oa a buai ass tria ta Richmond, V. W. B. Pratt, of Charlotte, apent yea tar day in the city with frienii. ftar. and Mn. Ghartr Ingram and Mat Kate Infraao, af Hifb Point, apent yesterday ia the city a the guest af MM. H. B. Tat man, an route to their noma, adter Tisttin( frieada and rala Mma in Mbdiaoa. A. B. flkarnan. af Narik Wtllaaeh.ra, 'waa aasonf the ataay vraitar ta the akiy yaataiday. Ibflaa Buth AdejDt baa retimed ta 'bar bene ia Wiaaaoa-5n Wat, after riait ka; hi all aad reaatiraa ia the etty. O 6V eVenen, af Oarthaae, leant yea aoday km tba aTty with frtenkt. Man WaM li kaWabaU, hat year teach ar aa lajataaa arheot, and who kaa beea Jackson Square Coflee -Tke talk of the Tail." Thia ooffee we aaaaauaaad to yen arfth ev (uantBrat QDil ITT produced aauat fleaM pau, ar yaur naaey aa rutiaM. Tmbt Grocer wfU aupply yen. ImBwilfn Collet Compaiy, Ui. ORLEANS, LA. It Tiatinf frianaa and relatirea ta the city, ha returned ta arr kaa at White Plain. , . v B. M, Waeatoa, af Winatoa-Salea, waa among frieada ia the city yester day. Jihn Blaacbe Keraodle ia Tiaiting fneitde and relative la the etty. Z. V. Taylor left bet night aa aa extaasir ousinee trip ta iiw I era. Mr.1 and Mn. Charles E. Berraett, af Winston-Salem, a pant yesterday ia the euy wit a inenaa. W. G. Baldwin, of Roanoke, ia apend ing aeerral days ia the eity with rela- Jliaa Blanche Holt, of Oak Ridge, apent tniaday ia the city with f needs. Banks H. Uebaae, of 6pray, apent yea teraay her with triends. Mra. J. R. Gar, af Wilminrtoa. i viaiting friaada aad relative ia the city. W. G. Rodger, of CharloUo, ia in several dara ia tke city. alias Kama Carl kaa returaed ta her home ia Srmr Bern, after a risit to frienda and rr la tires. J. P. Venable, president af the t'ni rsite af North Carolina, apent Bum- day in tk city witk frieada. Iter. S. 0. Krister, of Roanoke, i apending aeveral days ia, the city with frieada. Dr. May & Mi lea, and parent, for merly of thia city, but now of Oar lotte, hare returned to their hail after Tiaiting friend la the city for aeTeral day. J. P. Bradley apent Sunday with frienda and relatrvea in Walnut Cora. Dr. Edmund Harrison apent yeateraay afternoo la Salisbury oa profeaaional business. Mra. & L. Gilmer, sr., ia Tiaiting rela tives in Mt. Airy. H. S. Carroll apent yesterday ka the eitT with frienda. Prof. T. E. Whitaker, of Oak BJdge, pent yesterday in the eity. Mra. W. H. Fouahee and eon, William, are Tiaiting friend and relative In Graham. W. C Wakley, of Chapel Hill, aaaat yesterday here witk friend. Mra. j. u. runita and Mr, n. T. Jo yea, af Mt. Airy, ara visiting Mr. G serge A. Kennett W. T. WkUaeat, ef WhrUett, apent yesterday in the eity. Mra. Annie H. fWallaee ha returned ta her hone ia Tkannsirilla, after Tiaiting tRenda cat relatiTa la ta etty. HAGAMt CHIMA 8T0KI WU1 Mar ia Ttw Day. iTtrytking Bow at aUaVoctiea. irnxunsT sau' MOM DAT Aim TTJBSDAT We reeateed Prlday twalre tera hat. Thee hata war aaoght tor our Easter trade, tnat arriyed toe lata. The price kae beea fisaUy TEACHERS, ATTENTION Ucroe IppllcitloM lust Be Kide Bj July L (Speeaal a Sally New. ) Raleigh April . Tk state beard f examiner haying tke examinatioa aad liosasing ef publi high aekoal teaehera, Or. J. Y. Joyaer, evperintendent af puh- b instruotioa, ehairaiaa. waata it ua- deratood that all holder af high eheel teacher' eartifioato issued ia 1(07 must take the required steps for renewal during July af tfcia year, or become ub- i Ject to the general regulaUon ol the tat beard at aiaiaitters awyeraing Che iaauaaoa af tee ' regular high achooi teaohar' oarbloatea. Tki aseaa taste high aohooi iaaoher must apply ta the aecretary ef the hoard af exaat iner on ar befora July 1 for renewal af eertideate, ubauttiag along with the application a statement from taa eoanty superintendent af eaunty aoheob) ar the wn inspector el aigv acneoi ta taa effect that he ha taught high aeaoal branch uweafully at leaat an year of tn penoa tae oaruaeat waa ia force. Tkeea moat ha erioVaaoa, toe. through brief arsietnetioa baser the oounty u aarratandant af ash eels oa July 14. that tava appjicant ha arefulKa read aer ial treatise aa aaeoodary education, thee beang Tb Pranerple af Second ary Eduealaoa, by DeGen, aad Tke Amerieaa Higa. Bcbaol," by J. T. Brown FIRE AT EAST SPENCER Tffi Negri Stores Aol Dwelling Bun- el Sunday Morn!n. ALMOST daily, express ihip mcnti ol Nunnally V candies reach our store. This assure, fresh ness and goodness unequalled by any candies you can buy in the Southland. Among the hata an taa Blaok Ohtpa, Mstropolreaa Braid and tk 7Vauu Braida in bnrat. These hata wfll be sold Monday aad Tuaedar only, from $3.00 to M 00. That would cost yon 17.60 aaywher. 8QHIPPMAN BROS. AN ELABORATE BANQUET Guards Will Set Bin to Big Spread Tbursdaj Night Is Very l Exasperating ii ji lUieigi S I were pet S I bananet to reeetrs from nVe urundry ahwe ar naderwear eaith half ' the Uiftssai last from the gar menu. Wfry oonttane to he thu an- SMoial to Daily Neva.) Raleigh, April 4. The arrangements series ted today for an elaborate bananet for the member of the North Carean Satin as I Onard asportation ia eeaaiea here Wednesday and Thursday S af taua week, the banquet to tie on Thursday aight, with Gereraor XJtehin nd the stete efDeer aad Capt. M. G rrth, aaaistant ehisiof the department aulstia aitairi, aa the special guest hen or. The baaeuct t t fee d ther- J ' oughly going affair and will be ia oa af 1 the nnvat eumar-roem of tai Utrach I: tol Si Send your work to us aad ail the batton wftl be replaced wet k new one, and ot her near aery repairs wiH be without extra charge I Our prices are no higher thaa other but we believe yea will find ear service supe rior fa erery respect. Phone for our wagon. : cafe. MS " sea- Si 11 Columbia Laundry Co. Phones 176-633 Tke aiaaisl eonreatioa ef the Ouard eciatien will be ceiled to order ia Rapreasnta tires' ksll, tke latchouee, at 'clock Wednesday morning by Gen. Maeon, as praaident. The adnaaaa of welcome will be by Mater B. F. linen. state auditor, and the response by Capt. C. M. haircloth, ef Chaton. There are to he read, during tke two days' aeseiflaj of the aseccmiion, Pfer by ueut- Uol. J. tan B. -Metis, Wilmington; Ma. L V. Young. AabeviUe: and Oapt. S. C. Chamber. Durham. There wtrl aLo be oa Thursday tbe principal address of the convention by Capt. M. C. Berth, asis tant nhtr-f of rmfitia atfsir. I'nited States wsr department. There mill slso A be an addre-s Tkursdsy by Colonel Olds. Ly giving some "Ancieat History of Xorth Jl (arolina Guard Affairs tbe Col nod bay- ? in? been appmnteit qaarteimater-gen-N eral during tbe administration of i'ow- 10THER5 FRIEND A LINIMENT FOR EXTERNAL.USE. Not only is Mother's Friend a safe and simple remedy, but the comfort and healthful condition its use produces makes it of inestimable value to every expectant mother. Mother's Friend relieves the pain and discomfort caused by the strain on the different ligaments, overcomes nausea by counter action, prvents backache and numbness of limbs, soothes the inflammation of the breast glands and in every way aids in preserv ing the health and comfort of prospective mothers. Mother's Friend is a liniment for external massage, which by lubricating and expand ing the different muscles and membranes, thoroughly prepares the system for baby's coming without danger to tb mother. Mother's Friend is sold at drug stores. Write for our free book containing valuable information for expectant mothers. (Special to Deny New.) Spencer, April 4. The towa of East 6peaeer, aituaSed across ta Southern railway yard rrom uu place, wa visit ed by a disastrous Are ahertly after midnight laat night, entailing ooaaider able loaa t property. The Are, which was of unknown origin, started ia the tor of Alex Erring, a negro, and epnad rapidly t hi dwelling, both building being d net re red with neat af the stock af good in the a tore. The (tor of Robert Eadaa, a aegra. waa aloe burned and only a aortiea of the etock caved. The loaa ia sat lasted at S3 ,000, with a mail amount af lneuranea. The aegra Citizens of the aeetioa af East Spencer whet the Ire ooourred are fro to assert that the Ar waa of ineeadiarv origin, though ae evidence to ahet 'effect kaa beea dlscsrered. It la believed that aha Ar wiH have a akanlating affect apoa taa bond elec tion, which is to be held ia Eaet fipea aar a eat at out, for the parpen ef au- a emit ! pleat. DURHAM BAPTISTS RAISED MORTGAGE OF $30,000 (Special to Dally Now.) Durham, April A Tbe sengrsgstion of ta Aeooad Baptist shareh yesterday , aorning lifted its $17, WO mortgage al the aiersung service when the Rev. Dr. J. W. Lynch, paster of the first Bap tist church, preached, and a treansnduuus congregation waa present, Thia waa the etooclusien of sn obliga tion assumed three years sgo, in the erection of a SJOnO church. Three month ago tke eoaarregstioa dsvided to shake off the remainder ,. by April 3. Tbe Wake Forest faculty quartet came here and sang, gMag a nice little start to that end. The hulk of the moaey has been since raised by tbe oongregs i tiea and yesterday morning the papers wees turned ia the presence of the con gregation. The Baptists have among them few snea of wealth and their great burden fell upon all. The second church is a lie conrrefration, aaui to b the moat enthusiaatic in the city. The paetor is Rev. W. C. Barrett, a young man who ha had calla t other tie Ida by re eon of his success ner. The 'Klmt church baa gtven an order for a 17,600 pipe organ, erhich is to be Installed here tins summer whan the pal tor, the Rev. Dr. J. W. Lynch, goes apoa his vaeatioa. , Tbai eoiwree-stioe flirt wees la not rich. nut John D. Keekvf el ley's cburck Hasn't been able to boast of a Aaer preacher. Bend these two aaetists mats ol aote, the Episcopalians ar lifting a debt of tt.000, of which amount Sn.OOO was paid anene time ego aad $3,000 is now on the way through the kvaie. The women of the scnavai aismim tni and with a dmsnrtrJaa ef the tsoirah ern Cotton Orl eompaay, ia wtiirh they all proceeds, it la expected to lift one -sixth of it this week Tan circles obligated themselvee for 3M earh, ISO ladies at $i0 each. Thai m to be raised by the first of November. bonbons and choc olates are supreme in quality and purity in fact, there's "none like Nunnally V Greensboro Drug Co. CENTS Kknart There tar ia the United Stats, and it i pro jeeted ta autk rt th lanrwat. Mr. Nirholaou waa graduated from Trinity ia the elees of ", aad waa at on Urn oa the aaoulty. Be is aow the chief engineer for the Ma fa re, Iatckt and Ontan rower emany. waa a large mew prsnl ta Bear Mr. Nicholas, aad everyone waa benefited by, a well as ptsassd wtth, hi address. Seal Kegre roaad aa Track. (Special ta Daily Jeswe.) Wadesbora, Apfil . Yeeterday Bseni ing tke engineer aa Seaboard Air Laa naasencer traia rra. it, eaetoouas, dis covered a body af a aegra man lying st When she will she will When she won't she won't VERY married man knows this to be true. She now says CLEAN UP I . CLEAN UP! Better fet buiy. one and all. or you may not tee that smile. The thoughtful shoppers of Greensboro are CLEANING UP some of the great values being offered at HARRY BELK'S. q Buy a pair of RALSTON HEALTH SHOES. They will keep a smile on your face while you are obeying orders. CLEAN UP! Shoes you don't have to break. They Gt the foot and are comfortable from the first day. M a )5c All Linen, yard-wide 15c 12 yards Long Cloth, worth $1.0. for 95c Our showing of New Dress Goods, and Silk White Goods, Ladies' New Neckwear, Hosiery and Gloves will please you. Red Raven Hose for ladies' men and children, guaranteed....lSc The best 25c Sheer Gauze Hose on the market, 6 pair for 1130 Trade is Brisk on the Busy Corner, and ? ? ? WHY ? ? ? HARRY-BELK BROS. CO. At MM F0VNTAINS OS lUtWHiRf Oe tbe Original a Genuine HORUCK'S MALTED MILK TheFoodOrinkforAlIAges MCN MLK, HALT MAJR aTTRACT,! tWDCf, M In any Milk Trust Iaaitt mi "HORLICK'S" Take a aeaakage baaaa tke side af the track four mlVa west of Wdesbore aad stopped kia train. Examination abowsd that the auaa had been killed by a traia ometiaao before. Coroaer Fentoa was notified and mad an invastigataoa. The body waa idensi tJed as that of Pavf Mantgom.ry, who has beea working en the oaaatruetiea gang of the Winston -Aeles fesuthbeund, nd was paid of ciaiurday night. Mont gomsry lived Bear Manroe aad told hi rampant that he was gwng home and would ride a freight. Charters Granted. (Apecaal to Daily New.) Raleigh April 4. Th Farmer aad Traders' Bank, of Weevervflle, I ehsrt- srrd with SrO.OOO capital by i. & Oole aava, J. H. Castor, D. J. Weavsr, ef Aaheville, aad ethers far commen t! aad carinee aosinesa. AawnWer chart sr la to Th Daughters at th Oanfadsraey, Kaneorn fbtrp. of 1.QO ewnnty, Vs. lorH, ('utcTTb'eTtToidheTLnM-poralors being Mra. T. at. Oeea. hflae Eliaoth Avaat and ethers. The Swfcurhaa Kaakry aad Auction oaspany, Raleigh, era chartered today with 60,000 capital, by A. T. hrahr aoa, F. K. Ellngten, D. t. Port, jr. sad Jems JL Poa, aa toearporatar for ga- eral real estate and auction businee. ONE COWDDCTOt WHO WAS CCtT. ilr. W'ilford Adams i hi name, and k write about It "Kom tiius ago ( waa eaaflned to my bed with chmaia rheumtim. I used two bottle f to lsy's A Idas v Remedy witk good effeet, and I returned work conductor nn th Leilngton, Ky., street railwsy. U gare aia mors relief thaa any medicine I had ever used aad It will do all you claim In case of rheumatism." Foley's Kid ney Remedy cure rheumatism by elimi nating the urie acid from tlte blood. Howard Oardnsr. HOTEL HUFFINE. Greensboro, N. C Am.ricao PUn. 12.60 to SJ 53 Ptr Dy Onvsalsntly laated lerveatag Madera Th Beet kWrisa, The boms af th knkjht af the frtp-aad travelllag pMI awesrsJry. A well soaduetod Oafa la eeaaeetsea. J. P. BAIfDEIS, Hrg. GOOD WORK DONE BT TWO REVIVALISTS IN DURHAM (Special ta Dally News.) Durham, April 4. At yeerdaw's church service, the results of Uis last I two revival, ia the citv were declared.! more than 100 new converts to the van- j ous churches being tbe sum total of that arraiaiing a good reeora, tne preacnersi said. In addition, there were more' than 1.000 pledre of harder work, ler1 era! hundred reclematinne and a general shakeun amone the frcbrteriana and tk Methodist, among whom took place the protracted meeting. Kcv. lr. ,1. I.. J nacaer corvine tea ine Preslri tens n mvisnl, and Rev. C. II. Wiley tbe Methodist. 1. ministers have returned to tlieir homes in Norfolk, and Richmond, respectively. Mr. Nicholson Delivered Address. (Special to Daily NVws.i Diirhsm. April 4. I,. Ni'ljolm. one oa Trinity's wt proniinejit son, de livered an addre.. before the Science elub of Trinity college this afternoon oa "The Generating of Electrical Power at Kiagara " lie showed by means of laatera elide the entire works of the .Viscera. Lorkrport and Ontario Power comitanr, at Niagara Vail. This i one of the largest power plant, for the jpen- - Eat to Please Thyself, But Dress to Please Others TASTEFUL, PLEASING DRESS is one of the most feminine means of making the world charming. In her effort to contribute to the beauty around her, the American woman has found PATRICIAN shoes a most satisfying help. Their distinctive beauty excites her femi nine appreciation. Among the many designs are readily found those which meet the requirements of her wardrobe. PATRICIAN is a distinctively feminine shoe. The leathers are selected, the designs originated, the niceties all considered with due refer ence to the womanly foot and personality. Callahan -Dobson Shoe Company wrreisbere's Largest ivi Mast Prafjrns1 Snot SI we ROBT. A. SHIS, Manager THE BRAD FIELD OO ATLANTA. OA. jeraUo. of eleJocity by . uae .1 .

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