urxe-ysbobo daily news, ttiuhsday, jlfhix t, 1910 s ) i r DECISIONS HANDED DOWN B YSTA TE SUPREME CO UR T - - , (ftpeead U Defty Xewa.) . ' aaJetra. April l-41mi ease were aaawnaai rata .pinion, aaa ortierwss abai wii( by th Hupreese oeort, a Jtnd(ar re. Euk, Edgeeombe, af raxed; Hardy r. Insurance oompaay, l-tr, aftumodi mat . atcDotialO. Baaeann, m trials Mat re. Clifton, . Kotisenw, new trial i Htato r. Htack- READY FOR DISTRIBUTION Slats fremlum List StiotJ laiy Good f featnrei ' ' 1 Special tw Daily New.) Raleigh, April Tfca tela and far aen products rriaar 'Jiat, for the ftf axintfa ipnittl ttota fair and aeaM-eae-Beg bih Kara October IT to 1 at Juet (real the pruUn, ami anil be die trlbnUd at one into every part af the state. There ia a Brat prise of fc50 far the beat aolleetive eoaiHy exhibit ope a a awerr aouaty ia the atate, villi eao ad, third and fouri prieee of reapm aivelr 1200, 16U aad 1100. There are priaea ef 5, IIS end $10 for the beet display af methods of trachiiw arriml tur iB the schools. There oil! be tttuo ia wpeaial premiums offered Jointly by the atata board of airrirultur aad the Nerta Carolina Agricultural aookttr. There ia offered $4UU for the beat enl- teetiv agricultural individual exhibit aad 1200 for the second beet. Tor the most proline and beat exhibit of earn by men Bricea of (100, $60 and lis are offered. And aimllar prixea are offered for the name crope br boy. Ia eottoa the beat prixea are S50, tili and $10, with extra special prixea of like amount by W. A. Simpkina for frreatest puniber or Pa Doit of hi special oottoa. TnawiaR eoroaa ia ako for attractive priaea for beat displays, the premium Beta 2S, (15 and I in. There ia the aeuat hn list of premium from $1 to 95 for awttoa, wheat, corn, eat, rye, to bacco, rise, peas, peanut, barley, cIot- era, graaeee and an endless variety of egetablea aad other garden and field product. KIKTti AND QUIXT . HOhtX WEDDING AT DUKHAJf i (Special to Daily Kiews.) Durham, April I, A woddlag of local tut at ot la' Una aad Person donatio took plaoa thia morning at the bona, of Mr. and Mr. . J. tae.lr. whaa lHi!dreB . would allow them to find aood. Made, thtir daughtor. becam. th. bride of J. Otho Lnnsford. Brarything that had pertiaeney to the remoay wl. mmpl. Hdquiei at no muakt therii were ao attondaata. oareaioay wa no m Ilia couple approached the altar at t.30 aad stood in the parlor for the admo nition, r read from th Metaodiat ritual try the Rer N. C Yearby, a brother-ln- j kw of tha bridegroom. Th bride wa attired in a fawn color- t ii.m of Uik .it I. nr. Mponding bat and glovea. She carried a shower tmuqurt o? lilies of tha ral-, ley, and stood during the betrothal aur- rounded by the aimple decorations of ! amilax and wiateria. Only friends of th couple attended, the recent death of Miaa Mealey'a aunt aauaing the cere axmy to ne rery quiet. Immediately after the marriage the eowple took the westbound train for Aaherilla, and from there to the western pan wi iih u 1 1 l r t , vim viiej -win pma aom iimr upon vimnr ono.i inp. Keturaing tney win live m tbe crty. raXKMPATKD BIBTHflAY BY CKXXBKATB.D BIRTHDAY BY I DININO BASEBALL TIAM (Special to Daily News.) ' Durham, April I pon the occasion vi aim i w Diifui vun Oaud Flowers, of the Trinity team, dined the "whole teem" at the home of nia latnrr, -n. u. n . r lower.. A ouur? luooneon waa servvo me baseball boys, whose honor in the af- fair waa shared onlv by the three brother of the young catcher. Mr. Flower began his work behind tbe hat when bnt 1H, and after all of his bane- ball experience had been elsewhere on the field. He a made the college team a maa who could not hav been spared at any time, and this year goes into fast company with the Winston -Salem team, NEW THINGS We Are Just in Receipt of Another Shipment Oi Summer Furniture Porch Rockers Chairs arid Swings They are the best made, and we have a price on them no one can beat We are always there with the quality, and these .goods are second to none. Watch our window display. H untley - Sto ckton - H ill Co. INDERTAkNG 01 R SPECIALTY Daj. 7(2 PHONES A $1.50 Razor, fully guaranteed, for 97c A dollar back if not satisfactory, at Beotlano, afflraMd; WBeu . Railread, Moon, sftirssafl; BauU Miller, Buneoenbe, eetitioa to reaear 4if aliased; BUut . Perry, Chatham, aew trial; Moan re. Owea, Csiaxaeraud, prr eariaai. affimad; Buchanan v. Buch anan, Lee, par curiam, afcmsed; Maaa faeturiaf ooaspeoy Tm. Burrr eompeay, Moor, par eunaaa, afflrniedj Btka as. William, Union, par curiam, affinal SUNDAY-SCHOOL WORKERS Delegates to TIIsob ConreotloB Fit ' la t Bosj Baj. pSperial to Daily Newa.) , Wueoa, April C Thia haa beea a red latter day for the Etato Sunday School auavaatioa cad the hundred at daleratea who bar beea auaily occupied ia the iethodit, the Firet Baptiat and the Preabyteriaa eburchee, attending ta the dutiea which exiled them to WiWre. hluoa work haa baca aceompliahed thus tar aad by the time the convention doaee it deliberations tomorrow nipb rjiaing will have been left undofl) to advance Huaday achool work ia North Carolina. The taatur of the BMeting ia Tie Baptiat church last evening, waa the ah) addreas by Dr. Phillip, oa "Mit aons in the Kundar rVthool." Thi took the Ttaee af the addreu of Peerte, of Oirago, who failed to arrive yitirday afternoon Tomorrow will be takei np wi'h a renipleta dieniMioa of Sunday arheol aad their work in all ita phase. I! BEHIND HOME MOVEMENT (Special to Daily Nawa.) Durham, April $. In the action of the county commissioners yesterday order ing a roadway of 30 feet width and 1,000 feat lomf to the propoesd sit of the North Oaroliaa children's home, a very substantial move toward tho erection of the institution wa mad. At preaent W. & Btreetor, of Greens bore, aaa the work in oharga. Ha haa received from time to time about 30 ehlldraa from Durham, and these hav been girea good home. The purpose of tLw UrM, erntrml bom lm i to makti such temporary provision lor th can-1 low P-tpta Ti. ptaa U , to i am rmiaina; or foutui'v iot m oiw pnci i raiaing of $30,0(10 for a big 'i Lt TtTJ "T , Nr jjurptand Durm woul, thaW Pr" the bom. structure. Thia would be done by The most active people la behalf of th home are the womea. They have bee arret V- aaovad-by oeoiaw the ahil- J eou"ty ,Mn ,T"tT h"" " thl P1-; ut "" " P1 ? "ni thm "' Itaa superintendent in ureensooro wa communicated with and found theaomee for them. The gift of Mr. Proctor, the K.t Durhsm eitisen. will go fr towards starting tha project. M00RESVILLR BOY WON . nvrl ivlr,, nnenit THt PFCLAMATIOW HONORS (Special to Daily Kews.) Oxford. April . President W. L. Po- " " i. ui - - - - u.i.i- i".-' -noosin inir inei. m ,,,, -,,r,r th Undents .urilenee were the studenta of th Ox- ford aemlnary and a goodly sprinkling of visitors from town. For three-quar- ter. of an hour the apeeker dwelt on th reivrtsrce or enoosm me amer- em mum- . -- thre. In choneir.:. At the enrelmion of fn mala speech me iwo ih't.i, eern mi ' "n nonius. - 1 -1 ' " their .nhiect.. htw. B rt Sears. Como, fTYsnlclinl. "Crsren-e's Trrm:" A. R. PW'lips. T.mnn. FIs. (Franklin), The Crow of Wnnor;" R. M Wsttcn. Mor- rnntm W.h'nirtmii. Fevolntionsnr l"priimr-H O. T,. Coforih. Mooresrllle iWnsbin4"". ""neetams to th Oladi- ator. at Oipua The hic'res rendered their decision hi ! favor of the 'mrth sneaker. O. L. Go- firth, of the Washington society. Kisht, 1C42, ii n it i- rniTifritTirn N. lh N. U. LUii.tiilllii : 18er Start Sessioa Meeting i(wn i For Eall Game. " ' rSparial to Dally Kw.) KaJeirh, Ar.rU $. Th. North Oaroliaa Natioaal Guard aaaociatioa waa eaereaad , at 11 odor . taia amine; wit rreei dent T. A. llacoa, Headcraea, ia the ehair aad Major a T. WeMoa, tary, aad axora thaa 5$ ateatbera her aad number of other to arrive taia eveain aad tonrarrow. Major B. K. SrSSmn half of the aaaociatioa by Lieutenant! Onload Minor, of Oxford. One of the' nrt aad moat ahmaiag feature, of the paper by Ueu tenant Col. Taaama B. Or - rau, ' w liauagtaa, uat aaa beea pre pared by Ueutonant-ODloael J. Vaa J. Met, c Wilmingtoa, who found it fan poaaiblo to attend the aiceting aad read the paper aaaigned to him. Tho aub ject of Colooel Matto paper waa "The Relatioa of the Buaineas Mea acd the Soaafaara Field, the official orgaa of the -National Guard " la, it a oiwed doaer ud aad induatrial departmeata of the auoperatioa betweea the bueineaa aaea ., .. . ... , . , . aad tho local milrtary eoaipaaiea. Ua f" "''u Uo1bllln1 h'' reviewed the important rehvuoa that the , Sfuhj "d military roarpanVhaa with the oomma- AUtont.rt Southern, and the Ca nity ia beingeady at anr and all time, oinnati haw Orieana and fexaa Pacitte to reapondto any ar-iicy call and Adv.no proof, which hare the iuValuabie arrric. often rendered. m I the preaa indicate that u. ui it. j . i ,1,. thie iaue, thousands of copies of which newsnanen to co.r.U i. brimrimr about a more complete eooperatioa on the part of basing m... Many, he i,i ,i, lolwii Krtil. tJ, .11 ni. TXt th1 ar.10. "!! mane who will not let their mea on: for enoampmeaU or other iervic with - out docking them for their time or Uk- ing h out rf the vaoatkma. And there ,i : i . ti. well being of the eompaniee through thia it TT .aa-a n. paper waa heartily received aad ordered published. Thar waa a motsni jj. qi p i Lriaator for a committee to t Vnnoini. ad to draft resolutions endorsine- a bU peading ia Ooogreaa to make it a mis- demeanor for oHiorra of the armr and navy to be prohibited from entering .... i be ire. or ouier puoiie places sritn tneir ..-n .iL. i fused admission because of their uni- forma. ( railroad come In for a considerable share 1 motion of UeutonanWiilooel J. If ,tt?,"OB,' "xoa tta oath!; raer, of Ixxusburr, Gen. It. A j "cglected and though the raising of j r, Oxford, waa made chairmaa of,J'v " ,ve" cl, o. U,. On motion A Turner, u . rv thia committee. Th aaaociatioa took a reeeea to aaa the A. and M.-Cuilford ball game thi aiteraoai tha reading of other import - M - t papers to t Aefrmd hdUI tbm is an guaruaum. V Li wiuiu pVS H II II w w " w AN IMPORTANT MEETING (Special to Dally News.) Charlotte, April $. To wrestle with the queetion of prices, curtailment, and uniform aelling contract, members of th committee of th Southern Soft! Yarn ttpinsers' asauriation met at the Helwya assembly room today to aee what can be dune for wi relief of the existing conditions in soft yarns, and to improve the buaineas of the soft yar men aa far aa possible. President J. F. Taj lor, of tha aaaoci- at'0"' xti from Kinston laat night, wu hmJ tkreU(h)ut iht corning k perfect lug arrangeaienta for the meet incs. in. 1 n Brst meeting of th association took place at ue oelwyn. convening shortly belore noon, and was an mM,tjn .j, ,piBner, of M(t yarn ing invited to enter into the dcUber tn, ody ruriri( afternoon aa eexcutlre aee : kd. onlr wnWi neir mA 0aT mmbm - Th,t lh prinlt en,;,,,,, MUting )n tM .oil vara market require atten- tiOB .B(1 tn.t tha market must be ooo,,! up j Mnw waT r,u,r,lT admitted hy soinnera, but tbe soinnera, but tbe proper method of approaching. thia taak ia the real issue, and there are opinions that vary from one another considerably aa to the best and proper plan to be fol loaed. The market for tbe product of the soft yarn sninners is not at all eatisfec toiy to tae members, though souse of them are making money, and the real problem is to dcrU. a method to prove this market and to stimulate pricea of yam. Preaident Taylor stated that there were numerous plans being offered for tbs relief of condition,, and that curtail ment seemed to he a leading remedy that waa being suggested. In addiiion to this, the president de clared that tbe uniform selling contract was another issue that is to receive a great part of the attention and occupy much of the time of the discussioas. "We have no schedule of prices of course." aaid Mr. Taylor, 'but there is a good d-al of importanrr attaching to the form of contract under which th soft ynm spinner is to sell his produ' t, and we hope at this meeting to go tbor otighly into the uniform selling contract queation, and. if possible, to arrive at something of a definite nature. The manner of dispneing of thetr pro duct is paramount with the soft yam spinners, and if they sre able to arrive at a generally acceptable method of sellitig. H will be of immense ediantacv to them in the proeecution of their buv ineaa. Much lntret sttache Jnet now tr the question of curtailment among tta oft yarn mills, snd there r considera ble' speculstion ss to whether or nnt the Southern Soft Yam ao-4stioi will sdopt the curtailment reohitrm. Among flww who are in the pity for the mectfnr are Prr1ent TirW. of Kin-tnn: Secretary W. L. Mrrii-k. o! Charlotte; TVe-Pn-aident Rnhe'rt Chap man. of M-Cdl. C; .1 P McRae. are, ident of the Tlwwi .nd Scotland cot ton siilh. Taurlnhneg. and erthere. Charter Granted (Special to Daily New, Raleigh. April -A charter is levied fnr the Brevard nrrtv company. Bre vard X. C, capital ainr.ono. f.ir mVrchan tile and other bnein. -I. M. Ktlaatrkk one of the principal imirnoratorB. .-T-f. T-. bit eks -ifiVti CnrMATTOyiN ca ar V STOMACH O poor aiXTFDc: petite, a I I I l iVaJoYSPEi's.lA, 1MDIUES ki HEARTBURN OKIPPB aad SPR.NO FtVEH, 1 bat efora, try It firaf of all. lit reaalta are cretaia. "' 1 1 ...... , BOOSTING THE SOUTH JflU tuErTI IfllllBJ FubllCatlOD IS DOtH J j GQQ. fOfk Ii TaBt Iht Atlanta, G-, April .-Ta South a a Profitable field lot Stock iUhuar" i the taeaia of the April ' iacua of h wi". P1" ! ." kd ot d''ralle 4Jk now iivmg in n.e nonn ana A IpciAl -uaiity tf 34 inch long real 1 w",wiU, "f"" lxuaA, Zit Switch- at $3 JO opportunitiea for proftt ia the toekj"um" wucnee n eo.au. : "T -tt i Straight hum., hair awitchea. to ' V ! 7" . 1 "",n lft"t this industry 11 " " r " . . "ot1' Pct Atlanta la point- ad out aa an indication that the mora- ' "rul ' home ia now well under war. Well J""" ,uJ1' tratad tall of , how the aornfaera or western farmer is I Meurea ion oy wmiag aoutn he can pfocura cheaper land with a climate sis- Pciicaiiy twice aa much time for 7 ln " Pu" the k""f nioult,l,r1 iiustry to which i h ' aocuatomed, inetoad of baring ao all ma ti tra hitt 1 a mtiMi - ,, , Sirearasa Geortria and the section ,kn th Ung ' th Augu.U Southern! rauruaa row in iot n ronsiaeraoie enare v.wm w VWHbWBIH K.U I.U1 ,HU dustry are touched upon. This anagaxine, which is published un der the direction of Land lad us trial Agent M. V. Richards, is a great booster for la eouth and ail readeta an assured that anyone Interested in the south will be given th fullest information on an- plioation to Hi department's headquart er, in rta.iungtoa, wner facta and fig ures concerning aay eetn of th south are to b had at a moment's notice and a permanent position of th aoath'a reaource la maintained, pea to the In Teatigatiun ot aaron. DfJV tfI I rfl DV TDIItT OUl AILLtU DI IHALl .,. .... IxtAn KtlJMILU SMIIUN (Special to Daily Newa.) Reidsrillc, April 6. Burke Balalcy Stewart, 11 year old, son of Mrs. 0. W. Stswart, met with aa accident oa th Southern railway, near tha depot laat night, which rawed hie death. One of his legs waa maahed at tba knee and broken above the hip, and Lira. Medhe and Jett amputated the limb. A coro ner's inquest waa held and the verdict stated that the boy came to his death by being atruck by a freight train near the passenger station, where hi manglid body waa found. The child's fsther it hi hospital in the western part of th state, having dangerously wounded himself with an axe about the head a few years ago while insane. H. H. CHANCER TO ST"Y FD HIS FATHER IN DIRECTORATE (Special to Daily News I Raleiph. April A. A commission went today from the executive office of ftov ernor Kitchin, to H. H. Granger, Kin ston, designating him as a director of the Atlantic and North Carolina Kail road company to succeed his fsther, the late J. W. Granger. There was elio a commission today to Dr. Charles !-ee Smith to sncceed him self menibcr nf the North Carolina lrmry ccmimion for yeara. a term of threa Rer. Wooten'a ReriraL (Spertal to Daily Xew. Durham, Aprfl 6. -The congregation of Carr church, Eat Durham, is paKaini through a great revival, conducted by Rev. j. Wooten, of Trinity ColrCge. The preaehiripT of Mr. Wooten oaiml tha church machinery to conie up hit oifrht and promiae greater effort n tif work of (ha futur. The pastor. K-t, .1 A. Dailej, i afiat irijr, and think he i receiHnf the fr,atct pi ritual anift anre in Mr. Wooten. This revival lol low two wtaliU ones that nded l.m wa k ONE CONDUCT'-RHO WAS CURtD Mr. Wilfor, Adam t hi name, iih! he write about it "Some time ago I wait confined to my bed with rhronit rheamatism I uaed to Sottlea of Fo ley'a K idnev Kemdy wit h gfKi cffert . nd I resumed work itlnrior on tin1 IeKinvt"n. Ky Tref railway It jjav me ntorr reliff tiiar. nv inHmna 1 ha-1 erer iied ani it will do all ym claim in cae of rheIJmltim., KoVy'a Kid rT liemvfv etirv rhnmat rrn by elimi natir.tr t Se ur from thr blftod. Howard frdorr. Another Seiinre. (Special to Daily Vewa.l Rileigh. pri' -Hv-nnty Vnited Maten Mnrahal R. W. Ward went t (.ojlirboro thia aftem-fn to aerve lb--paper in another iur of damajrd orn m-a! tehen n han-1 by he pur food d.r4m of th- 1'mted ctaTf-s de po r wtent of a utw-s? It nrf-. T S r r aj buttle I i t he m al. iiir b wr .lipped hv F.. D lVioth and ompaay, PtrVur)T. to r. -I. -inn We Give Greensboro Trading Stamps Demonstration This Week Of Riker's Requisites for the Toilet NEW ASSORTMENT . ... " ' - .;;; . s, v,J-'k, Anderson's 32-inch Ginghams at 15 cents per yard. Beautiful New Patterns in Fast Colors. Buttons with Cloth Rim ' Made to Match - HUMAN HAIB GOODS. Real hairs witc he, wavy, ti inches long, $3.00. Real hair swltrbea, arary, i inehea .long, $3.50. Coronet plaita, real human hair, long enough to go around head, $2.00. Hair turban, at lte. Wavy, with Real human hair turbans, $1.00. Pins for the new plaita, te to $1.00. MATTINGS. ' One hundred rolls Jap. and Cllna Matting, 15c. to 35c ' All matting tie. and over laid free of !"ra. - Idie' WriUng Deaka. $J to $9. i; Clhlna Uoaets, $15 to $23. Ohina Closets, $15 to $21 chafing Dish. $5 to $10. 1 IMPROVEMENT IN LOUMRY LIFE AMAZED MR. DIXON (Special to Dally Newa.) Raleigh, April 6. Hoa. B. T. Dixon, atato auditor, just bark from Monroe, says he was amazed at the wonderful improvement in country life conditions in Union county. 11a saw excellent, wall appointed houlea where ware a few years. sgo tumble-down log houses, quite a number of really handsome colonial res- ( idencee being among tbe Una country j estates that he saw. Ha found tliat ; the county is a network of rural tele-! phones, L nios having more than any i other county in tbe state, he was told.! He delivered the address for the eloe-i ing of Wesley's Chapel high achool, which waa the firat achool district in i the stste, it is said, to vote local tax ; for tbe improvement of echools, there being now over 1,000 in the state. I WATCH FOB THE COMET The RM Drairon of the tkj. Watch tb rhildren for mpring eouffht Bud oolds. Orrfril motfirr kfwp Polfy'ti Honey And rar in the houae. it is tha beat and aaf'at pn-Tention and cure for croup where tha need ia urffent and immedi ate relief a vital nereatritT. OontAina opiHtea or harmful dnirt. Refuse UubatiUite. Howard (iardner. Law to Succeed Coffin. (By Tba Aaaociatad Praaa.) Kpurtanburir. C, April 6. Andrew M. Uw, a prominent Rtock and bond broker, of thi. citT. haa teen electeti preaident of the Fnon-e Manufacturing comjany. ucceenir(f tlie late tirang Ooftin. Mr. Law. who ia only 3li yeara ui niff. "lit: im i iw- t-iinpt", mill idefit in the south. The anoountemen of hi clwtion n.ade here today. RHRIIMaiiSM Curad by the Marv.t of the Century, B. B. B. Tested for 30 Years. A' Mnjr bone, awollan jolnte parma nentlr ure! throuah the blood with pura Botanical tngt divtita. MvtrtR TrtBATMPT FUER, If you have bona pain a, eel at lea or SB it- hootlrc; ptilna up an J down tha lea;, arhlr.a: b k or fhoulder blade., Boln Joint or awollan muaclec. dif ficulty In movlna; around ao you hav to uae crutrhna, Llood thin or akin pale, kin Itche and burna; ehiftlna: patna. ba1 breath; lumbago, rout, tmka War.ir lil'UMi I :m ) m H. H. Il. who ti will ramnva evary eymptosm. berauae R. B. It. a.r-nd a rih. tinglli.a; flood "f warm. rich. pur bloo-1 dlre-t to the paraled nrvi, bonef an! Joint, a stvirit warmth and etrenartn Jnet aa whe'-e It la needed, and in thi wm making a r-erfH . ImUi'b . t.t'uTniatni la all It a forma. H. II. H. haa ma.le thouiMl- of raraa of c L-iJirat im fter Ml) s-ihar an"1i- ,;r,:. :, :rsa:;: ,rr. fh 1.re tin lor home cure tAM- H.K SKVT FftKI-; hv rrlini H ! uraa f as A latai an al. lawaHrVa TOUT a truut)- hnd fre medl'al advice riven. k PARASOLS. W sr. showing all th aeweat par asols from Pari, in silks, poo gee and linen, ia greens, reds, checks, stripe, white, from $1.00 to $4 60. The canopy parasol la solid eaireta at $4.00. The ruffle edge ia eolora and checks with mushroom handle at $-V00 ia very new. Mourning parasols from $1 to $S. Cnild'a parasols ia cotton and silk, at 26. to $1.40 each. FOULARD SILK SPECIALS. 42-inch ia drew patterns, at $1XXX 60 pieces 27-Inch Foulard, aH the wanted dota, $1.00. 17 piece 20-inch Foulard, satin face, a 7Se. quality, for 69c Something new, gloss dot foulard, $1.00 Japonic silk, full 30 Inches wide, ia light blue, aaaiaa, riaeda, pink, a (0. value, par yard, 38c. 5 FOR DYSPEPSIA INDIGESTION AND CONSTIPATION 25c 50c and Jl .00 Every Voman aboil km wataMxtrrfil Marvel "A.TVr lUUVII a year aratrM a B b. ainMs ..rsr, tl MARVXl : euMr, Sat Mnl a fr -Trntdb- tWfk-dMaltl. It CtVM rn ( naiytL C. 44 t. IM M. hwa ea a-rrtoalaai au4 illr nrri-lf lnTlahav JWVw winucry7 , Ai : H. Gardening Time ! We have made up an assortment of tools for use in making gardens this spring. The following are included. This assortment will be varied as desired. Price com plete .... $6.59 Rival Garden Plow 1 Garden Rake 1 Long Handle Shovel 1 Garden Mattock 1 Hoe, 1 Spading Fork 1 100-ft. Tine 1 Potato Digger 5. g ' ej i 1 9 S S . V 1 aj W V f w (jclell rlardware Co. ! rnccMconnf. w r J OlVEE BOIVtl, J. t. KBIT DHDUWmAR. Fia aMroariaad lxl 6wia ribbed rest Uk tape, neck aad leave, all riaea, 1 1 8c Par list fiwiH ribbed Teat, aUk ban, regular $1.60 grade, far Kl Ladiea' pur silk fiwiaa ribbed Teat, regular $1 60 quality, for (He. Real lisk) Bwis iTbtjed Teat, long sleeves aad high aask, or entaot ror-, or lac trunmad drawwr or cuf drawar. THIRD FLOOR. Frar rag new akiameat fuat rv ceiVed. Kxaluaiv deasgna, including th "Twist Wewvc" adrertiaed a extoaairo. ly ia aiagaxiaes. 30x72, $2 00. xli. $8.40, $10 aad $1$. Onffe Macbinea, $$. ' Fifty i.ra Dishea, natal lined, 9a. 42 inch axclusira patterns at $1.7$. The NAVARRE Hotel Beraata Avaaa. al Mlh trl, short block fraas Bnadwxjr. HI T0RK CXHTU OF XTIRTTHIXa A rocsB with a baU fwr a aoilat aad a ball. A reeen with a bath for a daUar aad . a aJf A rooai with a haa for a deUar aad half. Dutch Orin. fsawt la 'town (a la eartej , , Mast. Iuawtratag bsonet arled grwtaa, Edgar T. I'ulta. wle. L. aaaaara Summer Resort lor Sale Kaaaia af Vada Macvm ftartifs Prar- Miaral SpHiw. al about 34.1 Land, hotel with 40 rooma. 11 aolUjrea. griat mil, li.arT atablea. ate. ruMla ale at amiri htmee door, hi Wiaatnn, N (X, Monday, April itt, 1K, It o eiork, an. Riddinff will tUri at V77 ft4v Prap. any worth $20.00000. Teraaa 1-3 caah. haiaaea in C and li montha. WRITE A. P. MOSES, .WIHST0N- SAUCic, m. c Atrar2aakXAV I an? GARDNER'S.

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