GREENSBORO DAILY NEWS. SATURDAY. APRIL 9. 1910 REVIEW death cue io walsh flUMD THEIR PLANS IN HIS WWVGTDN HOME TWO FLOUNCE SKIBT. President Earnest o! laruurv I :;ic::s Attacks Agricultural Ulhg-v Irctle and Crop Reports Irregular. Hills Still Curtailing. (Br The .a .at. I 1 Lltllf Hnra A k 'i that Ion lint. ll .1 ' ' and "Im-i I. ,n i pia. tual I.H.! i d. lit ,,f t!,e s v iurtmsl f- Kit J tin.! lor .-.I 1 ban.ti - .. . ' t'li.MI ' .1 . - 'n ' Will )i . iii i. I. . : III ! , ,,,.,, i, .i- i ,. ' 1 ll . . . .'. i ( iumiI .,11 tk i i - - iiwii ' ' ' - '" - : 1 Ii' 1 1 tli. ' i- 1.11 l II 1 .1 .1 III. ' -.! ..I '"I II.. I I '. ' ' lie A--. Hv Tilt- Associated Frees ) .illusion. April . Thomas K. . the liiljlioiulie mine owner, died li-illif ht le tonight. Koosevelt Party Brought BooeymocD Trip to ao Abrupt Eol in- -,!e. I Ii at ll i a I - at!. II.. . il' Km lie . 1 .!:..! I.I due to a urowtli on the I u!t nl all injury receive. I v. Ik-ii Mi Malib w ui a niiiii i ' lllliill.'ll the "NiImm U Hi ll - Mi. i uUli wii known, i. tor tin' pul tlirie inoiitlii., .I... -.iiiHtniv .iii.l . dit'fuliv. It ll uulalitll IniNet t- i i lu ri . whither he rttnrm il nitli .1 i.llt ..ii .i. ,- .iii.I iTIlii. I lli I ll k- lll.jh I By The Aaeociated Freae.) ll. I -lilt ol mi injury releivel , il), liu ..-l muneu- prilgriuiage of Colonel Theodore hooneveli und hi. wife, on whiea it had been the intention of the couple to m- trai-e by iay stage their honeymoon trip fiuui Slieia to Genoa, ended abrupt l tins afternoon 24 hours ahead of the after a tour lliruin.ll .. l., that had hoeii nUnneil Miireh of healtii He ta .... ... . lien the end ram- bv tie 1 h" clu",e ln P1"" nide ' or ii-' n. tiers of )hk tamilv, hi df-r to avoid the couMaiiliy increasing da.. liters and son m Uu. hd ! demonstrations Colonel Roosevelt and li-! an. and by three phyai-1 hi wife were encountering ahng the road. At every little village or erosa rill If I in r ltd iii Km-L Creek eem they were met by men, women and in this nlv. bv the id of ltitt , luldren. the former with Has and the n. Mho lost hi life in an aulmno latter with bouqueta. As an instance) ! ,) .m fit nt in New Kngland several uf t he demonstrations accorded them, tnr an At ln wn retjiitut the tun wMf jMroni. many nf them Ajuerican. r t) i. i-tiM I'ien will lf -impl They i ai--lain.ed Colonel l'm.pvelt and Mr. u- cuijiiiK'Tftl b t Im MrtfcniiK order! KooM-vett with vivan and hurrant a aii't l held Simdav .tttei iin j i he v left Kapjmllo, where they liad lun- I li ti,i - I m Mi lrn mi Ire I el if , in lodu 111 i- ii t Iih climax of 1 1 n ii i ttf . . i v 1 1 . f -t ..rl i! 'in m, II.' Ml i If TV. ..nly 1 1 d ..I- Wl). lll. fi MIS Two rlouoi Skfat, S3 to SO vaisL Flourvc Kkirtn are always pi-otty and ... Im-.i. II.. edu. ated in i he t l,ri, e n.burn.HMnent. and dl.mel Koow 1 , ",UMr,,r "" ,,,r I1"1- ,...l.l t - 1, .! in earlv life was velt gave order to lie driven diret to lo hfvf ppt'ared It iw ex.vedu.yly .i .n: ei:t ii i il ul.eelwr.xht. When Nienoa graceful ami eeedintrlv mart and la , I inn. old j. rame to the lldh Colonel Kooerelt nd Mn. ' hath to 1,Imid nd 10 Ukc nia I "t ii. Biiii-g almost direct l tn RtMiHfie t -.aitl thev hal enioved thetnn "r,'" i.muiuiuritu hum. l,rrH lit- ii'8!t' hi tort uii- in,luiyflv p i sin-ii t tit mine In ISi'.i he,liail .mi. d t.i t. t it-ne Ii. Keeti He .irri'il it- one (if the t'ouiimMwioneni ev p.iii M-ii in I '. m m i jiriil b-en ni)fiiallv honored lv hi-i jim I nit' ii : ii l' I :-t k-M'I. ! i n-i ll... It' ll Ol., I nut-it --tat. 'I, (.: H i I k ,ind I l If i ..tlf'IMl- r tinii hi. 1 e tiuni' iitli Mi j;.(,.l4ifl s . ;l ' WKW YOUK MUlii rXl'HAMH. MF.Mlir R 1 Al I s HMK 10 T1TLK , , . . , - I 1 - ' Mn I , , !s , , , i ,,. : - 1 ; 1 1 1 1 . 1 1 ' 1 1 i t i ' Ii. ,.. ,... i I . - r KlH.u. I j, , , , ,i ,.. in in ..I I i. - ' .. ..-I...... i" . ., , ., le v I I., i ' AVERAGE CONDITION OF WINTER WHEAT WAS 80.8 of hi- ;ii- .ti.'n ua- a in ok I -rrie nhoek WiiUii. ainl mi' litiiu vliii'h lit I iii'Vi'i fu!l i I't'i 1 1 ervd. Tin hi' Mm k illi d in ll M :i ill (i-liohlle a i i i nl t In, . iii iih ed Iii- -ih r. now i - 11. t w ;i i d MeLean. NEW SPEED RECORDS WERE MADE AT PLAZA DEL RAY 1 -. j. i i n .1.1 il.' ,,, ,i- i il l-i . -ll ((I at I ulM 1 "I ' en Im r-.- '-RlBt.' hi. Ii ..I ! I,r I ' t (in d. i, no- ! i he l.ruk. i , the t I' if Hln I Mi' j liee t h- Udli'l- t t.'l ll'rflis p'li'lll I 1 1 1 1 1 1 inrittt d b .! ! ti I t t t u hen l In- li' b' f in .iildi. .H N jII , rtll'l'l j n itlnii i on.' mi tin- ' 1 known j t-jfUli in 'h- 1 1 ' 1 f 1 1 I w ' i t. Im h..- l-'-Ml i t..r a nuilrr ot v,ai-. tthnjt in tin iM allei . t I I Mr .rt . H',mi' uH. ia1rd Willi 1 h- hi m nl I ,n J lor. Mntth and e.niia n -. later with 1 j mmh1. Vl.'h'tt and e--li.j.anv and. miier the Hr-l id the Veai lli lae tan.l T niliiiHiiv. ! Up ik linejil df-im-ianl l Kcl-i1 , Pnioe and tk'-- nnn-h pi ide m I h. ,u t Arthur If imli'' .l I ni'iind SPRINGFIELD MUHOKRER WILL ' &NTKR INSANITY HLKA, Spt iiiirlield, Ma-- pnl h Jhe .oli-r ofla aU and t V ditri. I a'tru- tie Wit' Ivei Liam iv i'i h ni.uit- t lull ( rvufefftion ut tin killing oi Mu Mail ha t It ila.k".titn .ii.. t tin t.'i. ..ii wintntlni til Mi. llafTi.t I.. w .it the lk.w' t Nt Iuhrda. to .. tuithn (M. ryui , inaticu in i-r tei in -Mh'ttu.lmlt' fiulilU in h.- aioiy Me l- h-ld withniitl il on - i'liir;-f iiiurrtri .mi will, indhied Diiln.'t U'..iti. I. ill Ms -ii.-.t i ..Ui 1 h- ill pi"-- t ii- ' ial i' i h' luiir tier chary l ' f' i-rm ..tii't M wat. -1it.! ''i .'I ' -d p iirr ji" ri-ni; morn i.'i M, d. fenae. ami l i m. n- w il i .l. ...I n t It W ill U ..I'.tf. d hl hr w .- l.i.Hh llllt W lie- II A I. ul rill.) It. lit li K--- U tiic nta 1 ' 1 ' -ii. ' ( .. pir i. v , . .tn,. ;!.. i i. .ia tht !!. "i ' ' '.i - iiMt-.i- i(ihUri' i . . 1 1 in ' ' i In - .. r.. . i iii tlii" r1l' .. j i ii"! li.'in I'MIK ,, rtiit t i in. Mmoiial I)av in W nton (..-. H. 1. !..! V W - mt ii in i i. liifftinj,' 1 tin rn ni'.. i - i V ! ,. ,.r i mii .-dMl.' . .... ' 1- - .-.i i.. in. t put p"" . Id I .re -(h lal.'.l r.i I j -hi ii! i.ii ril Tin a vei iie . mi. i . ,. ii u ml. i w h.-at "ii r I I in- . r.'iit ..f a noiiiiii! ...mi"! J il I 1'"".' and 7 f the a'-. i.i.' I.. i 1 1.. p.. -i im . .u .. n pril 1 'I Ii.' ,!, . !,,, ni . I I I i-in 1 I. --ill t m r J . f 'km In ,. il I I In. w ji - I O p.. mi i I !.' ;iri.iu-' ' i Hi I i I It 1 1 1 'il I ' Wit- 1.:1 p. r t ent . ' . in 'i iiih I i pi il 1 .i;unl 7 J. Vpul I. .Hid vi.", Hi, bmtijc I ..I I In pa -t ! Ii ..II pi ll 1 . .up. 1 1 imiii- ft. i Kf.ulhein winter W In .it .in.l 1 Vpi .1 1 Iwlh.W.; W iuU-r heat H.v e In e.n lo-Yeai St.'.t.'f. Ifi 10 Aver !M0. Aver. ni-im.i 'Mi w; ill K7 t .iiidina ''ti Hi mi kh ;, HK S.I ?H ftti K. nln. k . . i sr. ii tuns.. . . sf s7 Hii s; i I ..-orjjm . . wi hS Ms !1 I Alabama . K" MH M0 i0 ! Mi-.-') pi . . 'Hi HH - , S. t nm lira HW- - - Wt ' Xiki.i.Mi- . 'Ml S7 KT Mf I . .i h'i 7'i sJ 7 "Smart Set" of Mary Stuart'a Day. In r.M r Mm Muuit held her court. k,i l. -n ,i -he had li the seinblanee id ,i riiint tlii'i intitt have bet'ii all the eh-ni'iit. ! th;it indi'ii ihable inixlity In. Ii lie ;ne inii-t i .itintl to rail "tah i . j i h- ii iniitiildf something in ( v le. mi 1 1 in i .in.l i lot he w hit h e ii vUkIi w ti ni - to unit at Wild all t he p.. nt aner-iM charms id a kiii;-.iiiiiiii ft high t. ink. Mary bad t le- ... .pin -d grjhe ..t t he Frem-h i-ourl . ,i : v hi. h "(if tut. I Khmie by her li j.iii. i' .in.l .t,-.-"infMi"hlii'u1 while ar.-el e . ,t '. ) . .in . hi Id ' I ma b- -a id thai thrr'1 Mtt- but brietr-t ihildltotxl .r Mm- bit o .pi. en w I n cinie into lie? t.iiflt in' -i it am in lei iiadh-. nil wn--1 1 ti i . h '. I 1 1 .mi li. i t .u nt m and ki iiudoin nt : w,it- ..hi ;i nd earned over ea Hi. I r h mI ill.' till. I! g w : I lnp I hill rnl. it ll.ibli- luM ll W ) I Hv The A . int. d I're-- i VUd U I . . lal , or.l s h1 a b lililll ol niaiM new tpeeil ireord- todai luai ked the op. iiihh of t hr I.. 1 1 I -- QMt i droiin-. I- cry world 'a record for a one mile traik Inuii in to MHi mil.. j w us broken und live atldit lona I ei d way nim rk h re hnvered m t he t rials j and the tree for all run test . The niciur wa free from incidents. Thr lir-t mile on the truck was a ren.rd ( aJeh Urngg, an amatrur. sent hi t-:ir amniHl in 1 7 . - ; Another world's mile trark remrd and a nut lotial hpeedway mark wi'nt gli in merino when Harney ( H.itield 1 urned (.ose 'JiMl horne machine for a mile, making the ' pie pan'' in second Ralph IV Pa In -a, in his 1'H) horse power car cut down the .Vmite murk ti :tirW. lie naa followed by Hen hircher. who cut down th l2 mile record to MH'ilt in a Iarrac. The IlK) milfl r.U'6 ua a ftght between Harrotin IMarmon and Sirfert Dorri The ear were lapped tor !W ot the 10(t mile. In t he 10-mile uir for stock ca rs with I'll J'trt ill plat oinent . Kndicott, iu Cole, won in fMi.Vi.Y The former record for thin class wa Aii 4tt. inale at Atluntu. i .j. ,..1 ,uwi .aiii l.t hn.1 in 'nf imiairaiea. nut DtMtierea ma hullv time" Thursday when he tVrUU nch(U' marijutnet te and voiles. Mr. Hooevelt drove uloirg the sun- ud wuwU M"1 lh ii v -dopes of the Ugurian Alp f rum """Heing, while the akirt need not la 'jHia to Itapallu. ;i-onf1ae,l ;o such, for it straight edgen Halt an hour after the arrival f ' vu ninmed in any way to auit the (Lionel Konveh the prefect and the f,,,ie Added to iu other advaiiUtge mavor ot ( called on him and greet 1 hv -kirt ''dnigly Minple and very e,l him in the name ot the muiiicipalit v. j 1h,3 inadr. involving little time and I, -.'hi tolonel KH,sevelt and hu m ije i l,t! H,r foundation l.n.d -pi.etU ai their hotel tmeana perfect ainootline over the hipa Ioiiion-ow the K.K.evlt will Con - u "inipl.c.ty of udjntment. n.ih their journev bv Main to Porto i 1 " Bk,rt ""f1"11' 1 b ipIH"i por ManMi... where thev will visit Mins)t",i ' u' -1'un.:eH. 'flic upper taie Mr. Knuseveit mster. who has lnum u made in seven gorrs and th . btaiitiful wlU th.i- t hief interest : nnees are trIght and gathered. The I hi hi- tin-. da' -t.iv at the Cares- b.wer one k joined to the foundation, ! Hla will a- th.- vi-i: there ..n Monday thf "P1"'r nrranffrd over il. t,, (Mh.m-I l:.M. elt of i.tfTord Pin I i "e .pia in y of inatenui mjiurwl tor .dint, tortmr chief toreier -f the I nited.11"' ''l""" ""' i 1 4 yrda of Stat-- depHrtment of afrieuH ure. It l incites iu n n i .is j arns ..uiIk .vriaui. h-.-evr. that thlo! P' material i-it ot Mi Pinch t will not ie follow SCOn ANTI-OPTION BILL REPORTED TO HOUSE jr. ml. i.t I, v II d I I- Up IN ill" ' It " I tpe 'f 1 r I i n 1 l Mav I" j . . i .3 r . 1 1 1 h- 1U I : .it tS.- M To Ma'. . ,.' . I. - . .. I. , 1 I n.i.i.ih la I n.-M l 'l m ' ! - I I" 1 it,, t. t"i till U' i,,i t 1 . itt. nl (Ht The AsaociiiteJ Press I Washiiigtun. April H. The Sett bill to prohibit tut ure t ra nsact nuia in cot ton, leeently auled upon favorably by t ha House commit te on agriculture. wa rejiorteti to the llouae Malay. The ctiininiMee invt the purpose i tlie nieas un is to restrict aa far ae pimaible with t boe transactions on the cotton ex i hangea of the ettuntry which are reeog ni.i-d as dealing only with the tbictua -ioi a M.irv Muait four 1 111 !1,e Vlw ot Mon. and which ' do u. it iu olve the act ual transfer ot tawfiv into favor bv K ing 1 1 coinnnality ." I I i . n i . ' ami his a,-om 1 " Mieie l a very widespread ati . nt iih- w if.- t he btt le gn ! 1 n,pt't U w lich the committer eoncuri," n ..i pheie i, culture and KH- ,h r' I"rt. "that those traaaacttoma lleie. ii. this tort re pal ate deiuoi.tliing nn .rally and that 1.1'Miiiiin. -h- ai-piiied n-. t . "coiioin. rally they are hurtful to tboae i.c.tnplhmenTs that make1 ,,le" "'t' production, dto- i pritu er b.,l al.. t he I tr,1,ul ,,,n i,ml tisumpiion ol ootton, ana Hie, i or i m e n-a ho na aeinmcnuu to He jniblic welfare." i.l h i l.i ti i ii rl m t hat made her .-Lilt' in fii.uinent with dour i . .nd iiperioi in craft to i 1-L t.-1 1 h -put ii . . t In i in he i Iw a ut v . iii t he JCDCE JUSTICE MADE A SPLENDID RECORD .. in .ii In iiie-ii innort . t he ' il.ihn eoiirt ot ; e ll In I fee! ; a till ' , mmi'men.i I " 1,1 llu . II..,.. till lll.t f lb' iSpi' to Dailv Vews.) .Vsheville. April 8-liidge M. H. .luav fife t 1 1 ii t ht-i f ..rdton whn i nrna id i n tr Mn.iiivh vicisitudea!r ... .,1- n, ,k. ,.r..-l .1... tiH-t .iiiring the mx months ending Juno .to. adjourned court late yesterday after noon. Htter disposing of mine caaea oer ha than anv ol hei court judge who haa .r... .,!.) ... Vwl....-.ll- f,.r a mi d that d,i?ling ; XV 1 a t l the court term waa four weeka iiif-i .inn iiynir!. M 111. lit. t W ntlli'll il I W .1 1' n i! h rh.i: -us thai none no. nit. -i in t tie Puri- i ' a nd w hi ran . niHii w . bom to U .in.! ,( I. the 1, da i.p 1 h. -II mmwm ic wnnHprfnl fooJ-rnpilic irt' for all ages of mankind. For the delicate, sickly babe; the pale, anemic boy or girl; the thin, tired man or woman ; for the aged and infirm. To ail it gives rich, red blood; firm, heaithy flesh; strong nerves and muscles; it gives resfetance.endurancc, and often prevents serious illness. iu detooistp IWI !.. rfjwi-t wJ ! fr W- t : " I fUrlM Aaca mr6 s l-rh ..ajfc t w4 W: ke Latl Pf. SCOTT BOWNK. 4 Pearl St, R Y. p. ,-ii M.u v h. i l.lx W It h ..I I he ilttl, i h."1 iii-kIci n w or M a 1 1 h' w hl-toi i . ) 'at it ! f . hei IU-1 nat d a n 2 1 - ii 1 tahti'!. Iork in Id. Ion. the rugccl iist.i ot liir'nt nund.-d . ! i m '.Mie.-n Marx's milr ' lit laii.t H li'nv pl-'a-aut t M i v ..' .it outt. if it -hotiid firr n t hp end that wemigt.i w it h all t Sis g.i e;i i in- u mi t knaic vill li.-t i.. i w w ill or not ' nd i iii- lu-l on us Ins arte) i he H-ifn.s m ,M U' bu with this nVh. it t..i iu? ;md tender: an. .i'M --.-rnt ff-nr hll br n tert.t it ran m-it h-r r nt y it h it -gold, -'mii;. I a i 1 1 m it. M-ai I. n--r pi e . .-no -" " M - lb adtloti. m t he ed Mags ne ... 1 i ... I i . I I. o ihf . ti the busiiies nt the rutin waa ended after three and om- hall we'k' aesaiou and a linul re. kninni; of the work acoomplished -hont that during thi-M t hrev and una iialt wei-k a total of 11 t-.itira wer dio pi fd oi. Iu an i ff' i t 1 relieve the t nnvti'd . ondit ion of the civil docket of P.imctimi.' county Judge luatice had t h- fitdia 1 and efficient cooperation of t ne AathcYilIc bar association. . d be anv nt th n k ual d -velop-il .III - hat e idflil M ire a n' icip.i t-l in on,t ipial t l ' o'.oli'1! K' o-. lt ha a un. hi in d in ad life t hat ' iniMaii' notiuug t.. ay after the ii,t.'r,.-w One Womin'i Tiajrdy i Kan-a Cit y .Mmii nal . Tlio4t who remember the melancholy ate of 1 he man Without a t ountrv I ..ill feel something akin to pit) Mir Ur donnt im for the upper por lion: M 1 yards 21 or 27, ti 1-2 yards J2. or ." vards 44 iiH'he wide if plain material i- irel throughout. rh pattern. tHiS, is rut rn for a 24 2ft, 2N and 3 inch waist meaa ure anr- will be mailed to any eiMre r,r tS- Ka-hton Department nt this pa im-r '.n rwiii of 10 cent. . If in haste, r-A an additional 2-eent stamp tor let-'-r -.-ta wtiili inmrea more prompt l iederick A. Cook, who, for a i-w brief vceks, ua. heraldeil as a popular idol, hut who i- now a wanderer, imprecated und eeking onl to hide from the eye ..f his lellow Americans. We may gram all that haa beeo aid about thia map; that he is a monuuiental taker, a liar i ml cf)iieiene(des impoator claiming mother man s triumphs aa hit own. We may aay that he is a disgrace to hi ountrv an unworthy to hold (T)i his tend anioug iKinet men. ."still, tnal lor not end the matter. W hat if !. Frederick A. Cook is, iu t o-t. insane f Suppose that the Miller nig endured in the A ret in regions played -t range trick with his mind and that he was not entirely responsible lor the ritrantic f rami hit h he aeems to ha e P l h. rpetmted upon the world. We have tended the mantle of insanity whih has been extended to cover worse men. Murderera till our prison who, but for the courts' aceepUtnce of their pleas of insanity, would have paid the full pen alty for their crimes. Onild any pun ishment 1 worse than that mete! out io I)r. Cook To be a fugitive from home and friends, knowingly the butt of i nation's sneers with the ever haunting tear that the next person met with mav i.-cognixe the impoator could unything he worae Hut there is one person in the affair who is apparently neither hisa,ne nor an impostor. The faithful wife of this pool . xile has been compelled to bear her full share of the disgrace and misery of lw ing without a count rv There 1 no evi dence whatever to show that the was a partT to any deception. For montha -he anrl her little ones waited for tlie hurftand anr! father to return from the froren north. Then came the glad new that he had succeeded and that he was mining home. While the world rang with acclaim. Mrs. Cook and her chil dren waited for that joyful meeting. WTiat a beautiful dream had come true Iter hut-bend, covered with honors, ought the world over and courted by the most exalted. What a beautiful dream, imbed! snd then came the bit ter awakening This husband and father branded as a fraud ind faker. With the awakenincr came sorrow and shame and misery Tn the twinkling of an eye the world had turned from exaltation to i mpreca t ion Tr. Cook tied from the country, and his faithful wife arose from the WTec4c of her shattered dream and wont with him to comfort and cam for him What sacrifice thia was! She was loyal to the man who had no other friend." Tt was hers to share tfoth the fHorv of the fleet in moment and the dear! In Nff that has been the fruit of i a great blunder Behind all this dis craee and humiliation of a prominent enplorer looms the black shadow of a woman's sacrifice to a serine of duty and ' a lasting love. MAHSFIELD'S HOME WILL RXMAJN 15 PROFESSION I Robert Lee Died Suddenly. W inston -Salem. April m. Hubert Lea, Vew York. April The home of -on ot lack"' U c. died n,ldenly about j the lata Kit-hard Manaflnld, on River ' to Mm- atierniN.ii ni ImII a rranite side driTe. will not puss from the the w.-rkv u r he wa t inpioved. He fell atrical nrofeion. The dwelling waa in ti. d.H.r ! ih- shop nnii expired be lought by William A. Brady for hi t..i. a plnsn mn ariie.) Heart disease ' w ite. Mrace torgc. Mr. Krady panl a given a the cause of his death. V-l.OtO for it at auct iof, after some pre Mi le i hm ned bv a wife and two liminarv bidding, which started at MO, .h.hir.n lb home i oD Pond atrwt, ! MA The Brady a w ill occupv the house. Minn. Uiaiig. ment for the funeral; The Man-field house, alo Riveraide ba.' mn U-en empeted vet. The de- drire. just aouth of i4th street, is one wa lndn-trioiw and was held in of the finest on the drive. It occupies the luglievt ,teem b his many friend. lt 21 10 by !7 feet, and its marble tront lunKes n oonspicwous era amuna; the show p Lire along that thoroughfare, of The dwelling was offered at voluntary wno was ror- MR. RANSDELL DISCUSSED WATERWAYS IMPROVEMENT l Bv rue orirttod Press.) Richmond, Va.. Apnl S. Kepreaenta tive C y. Haiindell. ot Ixmi-iaua. pitsi dent of tin- National Bixers and Har bors t-ougre, was t he gnet ol honor of the chamber of coinmrrc-e tonight and the principal speaker. His subject w as : "The - temnl ic miprovement of th river and harbors of the country.' Mr. Kausdtll paid special attentioii to terminals, how ini- the great impottance of p ii Idle ow m-rhip thereof, and how neet. sua ry it w aa to have the beat de vices for loading and unloading freight on and from water rrHlt, not ouly at large cities, but a No at all important tow na. He also dtHcusse-1 the ' long and short haul" clause iu t he railroad UiM now pending before Congre. w Inch prohibits railways from ehai ginc more for a shorter than a longer distance over the same route in the Rame direc tion. Mr. RaiisdHI is tinnly ronwnced that unless the national government is will ing to protect the rivers by aome such provision as this, or adopt a met hod similar M that of the Mermmia, which requires railroads competing with water line to charge 120 per cent, of the water rate, that it is unwise to oontinne to expend large sums in the improvement of our rivprs. He endoied in the highest terms the river and harbor legislation of the pend ing session of Congress, and said it was by odds the wisest and nrat compre hensive measure of its kind ever enacted. Criminal Docket Completed. (Special to- Isily News.) Win'stoii-Salent. April 8. The crimi nal docket for the May term of court has been completed and TO case, most of them bund cases, are set for trial at this term. The May term of court last two weeks and the first week is con sumed in the trial of criminal cases and the second week is for civil cases. Out of the total number of caeea, 33 are for selling liquor, and Here arc also three murder cae. The docket will he larger when th cu from the inferk.r courts Bra entered up. Meet He at ALEX'S CAFE and have a Rood dinner for 25c. Open Day and Night WE ASPIRE TO BE TOP NOTCHERS W THE FIEID OF: MEN'S TOGS How well we have aucreedfd ia prowl, by our ever-increafcuijr. luiiiea- Wherj a atrmnger cornea to ion and asks for the beat atore, hr is directed her. VK HAVK THE COM), and DON'T MIND SHOWING THEV TWiKE- FOHK. WE SELL THEM. Vanstory Clothing Company C. H. McKNICHT. :-: G. Mgr. B. N. DUKE. 1 . B. FULLER. J. B. MASON. Prcsld.aL Vlce-Pramideot Cashier. THE CITIZENS NATIONAL BANK Of Durham, IM. C. Capital $100,000.00 Surplus $75,000.00 Resources over $1,000,000.00 Organized May, 1905. Special att.otsM flvea I. tk. collect... ot cattoa drafts and .1) commercial papera. ACCOUNTS INVITED. GOOD DRESSERS GIVE us the opportunity io prove to you that there is entire satisfaction in having us make your clothes. The quality is there in both the fabric and the work. The NEW GRAYS for this season are beauties. J. E. CARTLAND & CO. "A School a Repuiitijn for Doini High Grado Work On- of lie bet .u.unl .cliooi- in tlie noutli. THE LRGET. The strorifst faculty. MORE GRADUATES fN TOSH IONS than all othr business nchools in (he State. IMX)K K EEPIXG, SHORTHAND and ENO LISH. Write for Hardome Ca.alr.irnp. Addr.s. KINGS' BUSINESS COLLEGE, Baleigh, N. C, or Charlotte, H. C We alao teafh Booklteepinj, Shorthand, Penman. iiip, etc., by mail. Send for Home 8tudy Cimilar. mmr m mum m 1 n. . VI- 'ii li i I aiifiiiir'TT ' Turner Bested Lyach. harlot te. Arril S. Fra ti L Lvnch . z . " Baltimore, who n few nights ai-" bested sale br Mrs. Mansfield, .hpf Turner, or oung Ilackenschmidt. in merlr Beatric Cameron. Hs?ial to Iail rws.( Mraipbt fall before the largest crowd vXinstonBirm. Apnl. h - Col G K. that ever witnessed a match in Balti- The Montgomery Journal. e)b v nt t" R.'sn.f this aitmoon moTc. was tonnjht defeated by Turner The Montgomery .Toumal ha recently t w i ? '.e r. pre-.intatn es ot several at t he auditorium in the longest and bought a new home, where it will be r nt n! hmKc ontra'ts for a mm- ruot icortm bout witnessed on the installed with all the oonvenianee n- r r r-r rl-- ttr.( tion tr the lrcal mat. LTBch won the first fall in esaarv to hte makinz of a modern new- v : li"Jai -nt tair. The Colonel save 61 minutes, while Turner, bv ae&reasive paper. The Juornal u enjoying marked that only th" tyt will be brought her offensive taatica won the second and prosperity and ha berorne one of The 1 fail. itbara 10 4$ aad Z4 minutes. iet newnaper m tat at aw LOWEST POWER RATE IN NORTH CAROLINA For Average Power Consumer GET THE PATE Power Rates to Large Consumers Equal to the Best PUBLIC SERVICE CO 5 Get the R.te