GBEESrSBOBO. DAILY NEWS. SATTJBDAY. APBUi 9. 1910 (greensboro Daily flews Pubis bad UUr Eucpt Mundy By DAILY NEWS COMPANY. Qraenaboto, North Carol in. K. C IjL'NCAN PreitUent C H. COtVLKS. . . V.rj-PraMvnt TKLJSI'HOXia. Ruefneaa t. rruw 1 Ano X'lltorUI linumi l"i N.wa Lditor New York Uure P AJiurn, Mdttic n hull : Chwag,, Huifii. lJ:ina A FL'LL ASSOC! ATI DFKfcSSSERVICE Bubrr1r''on Hli DotlarB pr Yaar. p.iwMe li'Uitihiy, quarterly or yptr!. A IT In tea Advertising Plata raid n.i.y la hi f t r the ask ing, .l i. jtnM a.ivertlaemer.ia a. re m-Iu Hal al thttne rule oil. mi.) f -rv advertiser may real asfur rd that hj la ,; t a quw ileal. Fnr1 aa eeeond-claaa mal lei t ( I lie iiocl of n b al, N , un Itr ihe act of Cm- of Afkrcb , U7. X. P. ftMIIH Rdl.r tm4 Mnaicri R, M. I'llll I IPS Krilti'V O. 4 . MolIU SJ Nciii KAlft A. B. JO.MH tit 7 K4Hor Will rnln: Tut,r,t to earth er n' All ki'k'i pli'-vild look alike to the f!f. m-.i'V i h,- th;i1 p'ii I ) A eri' - i ii tli-- w ;jti r it w orth two f Ii.. ( utr I t mi I hr hand. I iw i- iniirlv loo much perk nboiit f!i - pi.i-f'i fU h 'Oot. The atutc of Indiana e nn to thick the tariff it a toal iur. .'nit a tfw mm c ! v for the old tinvf hat tn hi up on t h- ih-j; Wonder if hf censor thwiphf t h picture mtf oi llian lite blinw. Well. Hie Tiir lie! -an v in today, may be, and Unit will kave honora ahout eves. It ii aomettniea the case that a man i In contempt, ol the country if not the cuit. If Charlotte beati that crowd it will hare to cm II in aom of the roi nlieL! hand. Carolina al leaat 'had one or two chrineea to in, and thtit us onie con elation. Nature ha no mod- they Ixlone l. man aktue, ui a contemporary. How a hunt a windstorm? HalleT'n rttmet ahoir lip juat fiboul eliililit uifh Iht ha.-k hmr lmrn- bill II fkea fMiod ipyea to r i! If the mithorit lea would keep their eaii on t7i ,ut they might be nhle to krep the dut out -f their ni" If AihW iind lohn hudn't been no a ing win t hen pf nnie I hey wouldn't Ji.iw Aie von.,-1 ion! how u ;'ni' ciji a n ii v. It wn hani t' l,.r with a upci o.i record t , r hit" and i m, hut au. h i- the ecu1in r tut' i 't.,i 1 ..i 'mil ol 1 1 n ha ad a out ''hiH'kV any hfNH v i,.n pull down old paper with pictiir-" on it: hut Mom nn aiiil his rnrwd did huiuf with the real tltow If More had ben roniftivl in North Carolina he w on Id dnl.t 1- now lw in line for a reduction oi v.-utrnoe on pay Bient of a tin A hig headline m "Ladies icion iia." A- t he word did no' nnl icut anything in the way of newt., vedid not read Uie art icl' Some of thrm nmy wniit to get rid cf the auditorium; hut ai '.hey can t d It the city n likely to keep it anyway without putting up an thin.: tor it Sava the Haltiraor" Sun: "Pnhti-- ewr the round v is getting to lc-ik ft; hi IsmocTatic " 1 hen it's about t inn rail in a doctor, for Ihe tiling .'ho' d h look bad! Puch peeviahneas on the part of the fharlotte fl server waa neer knon whn the big brained Oldwell's health permitted him to use his splendid ubility in directing ita oourae. Saja the Momit AItt Leader: "The Creenrfjoro News remrxls 111 that hurt? tmg hare been abolished in North Caru Hafta, hut m are incaned to .tick to aajr original text and insist that Guil ford count r needs ar oM tashiored hanng" The Da'ly News d;d i. 1 ft wave at favor of the abolition-; we are taKUtved to ajrrae with joy. THIS IS PEEVISH appeal to Jleptitilieang who Art ooca ; In rmii;oi, with mauv others the "nIlr in the notion of "faling ut" Ita 'v Wa. Pt. bump in the follow- fith orae faetion bnuM of ap fM.ui the ( .barbate Observer: point ment congest. In other word, tie 1 are a goo, J many newspaper reM' workere. tlj "Ien wbo oin? wi.nii owe HaKer ...emwell amend for t hi want to line up and support the ti;e enurmoualy rajoeraied otoriea party that doe things. The 'Republi which, lovrlher with i'iiuiu-iit accord- ,i, lu ... 1 v. I hr-y pi j ti t i a iiout -Auy- h.iu1d n'i ,nint- the lijfht.l kick .1.1 1 lit-1 i '!! .i' i i - mini, he -hould -,1- I. ..liMOU- lllf kllCf arm dinjilil. m li- tit 1 1 t if n know u U fore un Anient an luJntjui- Ami thei- re n- fp.i i - -.ii. u 1,1 a i,'Ngie to (o i i h. r Kil, K 1 1 tr inii hu u I jur-tt uuoii iw 1m ui v. ltd tlif aiU'(-d outrage t. ' t f J U 1 tic ( .,.v t'l itoj u- Hl U, U r.-al.M,r lor I. w ,Ilfor,.rill,n; 'H'r think lh tid Saliibury Po.t (nit .iri,,rn,an.- Iiki- tlm r-uulul-1 h nii-n-nd in. TLt paper uyi if .1 1. v au-' r. 1 Ji'T than hf'p i Tlift Ori-r nhoro Newt refers to a re- lhc.-- ulioi-air in Ir inn hImmiI it, ami ' ' '-lit a rl ii It- ill the Post us coming "by l,.e ,..,,,,. nr. l,rl i. illi""-v "' S'""-;' Pe I't a id , os'Hiiii ui un me lacist iu ine tae ' "" " , l..u- il,e lireeiiiboro paper arriTed in il ir. f mi 1 1 1 nr I'u liiiK oil 'in the ru - lislnn auil auiue of the mot iinpor en.or . 'i. iimitt h j;i.. while the in tanl detnilK. it regarded there, of iu . . v ,(!.il ii. i, nl II..- K liti,.ii ,t Mi. ni. II .for pjudoii fr nuiniintHtioii watt on, tin Ii il v rw a a Unit t he mi! v ptt ' r tli. stHl.- thai .h friidt-,1 the (f. ernor We th'Mifrht the prourd fur the Dt-orn-br reprieve until April vvrn- all rin' h rid fti-'d no; and the tact that a Kepuh 1 1 cm ii pHper defended a 1 enu.frat ir jpov ernor was prt-tt y generally commented upon. Still, there was no reason tor al lini nir in tliat cse tu -ither tin- pol of thin piipM or thf j;ovfrnr W ifi 1 he frioaa n hndi o veiop d a' tlie tuna the change f ti'iitenre made by the governor witt nhmit to po into ef feet htrame known. e t houirht the rlerneii, v cereis d n mm i.' and un Wiin.iiited ii nd id no. Tho-e facta un' will known We luive never entr t allied ii n v link ind feeling t ownrd Mr Ik'Ihu e! permiHll , but w- were ar tiiitl'd tnUlv by a deajre for lha public ood ;i ml t lie him 1 1) (en a nee Pt respect lor t he court. In t he part iculiir mutter concerning whieh the Herer think- m Milogtca are due to Shui Wf) I. thin paper printed the fcliitenienta of both hide-., and We chose to heliiMe the htatemenlH c-f men of ood reputut loin H'ii iiit t,he at at emeiit of out m ho had been made to pay a tine and va then aering a sentence in jail fo vitdution of lw. The Observer tiait made a eh,Mce. too. it nil it Iioh to be Inve the Utter. Chut in a Hair, and not ourn; but theie n a Klron ourrent of popular opinion to the rtfe-ct that the Ubterver hn made a ridiculous exhibi tion of pnc ikIiuch. The Salisbury Post tolla it all in tbi-M- few wonla: iivin Miemwell (he benefit of hin de nml that he threatened Captain Tucker, a i mattrrh now aland, it ia u ifinstiou of ern,it between the two men. Kvery man ih at liberty to take hia choiee. There in a well grounded be lief that the Observer' choice ha been fiu-d by iN failure to eel the atnry of She in pII'h double tickel prrformaive at Hrt hand; and n that it arrogantly aiim.n to leotun "a gorul many newa pupera" ai tn their dut T. The Ob-errer'a reputation for eTalted dignit. r.ot justice and fairnea, ao ! wf! jbli-lied by ita long time editor j mid distinguished precept or, acerua to be ! "lipping away from it. That it ha not jeniircl gone i- our only excuse and apology to our read" i lor nguin icier ring to thi questi(n. THE REAL DIFFERENCE. Rt wav of contract, the At cm aro ' I in Knteipnae, t his week, a ho wed t he , difference the real difference- bffween t he t w o grrat Mirtie, aa lollows: I "l he only real difference between the OriiHK rat ic and Kepullicau purt lea ot lodav i one of method and temper ment . The Inst men of ho h part want cleaner bunine, tariff. forrt con 1 at ion, rtilroad and tru-t regulation and un economical adniiniatrnt mn. I"he I diMcr-fin e i, 1 he niocra t h want t h-m 1 lwtnre chct ion while t he Republican want t hhi a tierward. the Hcmocrata want thein to ihe sound of tinkline. cvm hnU whil thpv are parading twfoie the 1 oot lieh', w hi !e t he Republican want tli m when they see it a a cae d roll jiu up vf.wn and getting to work. The jlVmocrata, want to tdkc a ahort cut auci jtt-ar-up jack aa they go Thev want them through free ilvr even if it hnuld rev lolutioniTe tiie flnnii" ml y-teni and legis late talue. out of one mn' p-cUet into j another They want to make the )hlomin' tree grow eien it 1hev have to M irk an axe into it to loosen up the hark or lake a bunch of dvnatritf and knok the atnflin' out ot it The arr ' I ke the youngster w ho jut know m be can fiv the clock if he ran s t hi hand on it "Th Republican policy i cf n tiencf It w ill not do to go cult in. .lushing and blowing up tin .l--hcate mid intricate machinery of public and private husinr. The trust must Vm- , , . , . rv-jru htted without iniunnc legitimate . business raticnre. atudy, and lr i , the price winch must be paid for the jrreat Ujirfits. and the Republican p&rty , a . . 1 11 M .u cre abfiit it- taka like smwn uns who h , . hae on.e idea of the aenouaneae of the ork in hand. When thtr start out to .ucompli-h ;in object the muck-rakinar , u - . 1 ftna 'amines and the pnsti press p r .can't bluff them. 'Tt the difference between a loy and s nuin.Vtwefn anenthuiMt end a cool ...... . . , . had thinker, bet wee u a iarkaa and an ebphant hence tha erinbol: q. e. d Tbere is -me reason and good lojrir in tha - no 1; ,-i.oiild appeal to evt-ry , , . , k.u 'ninKinr i!in who has new on to tee Deruorratie party is ihe past aolely for Mme leal reason. H should likewi ( ' 1 of actintv. V;en if it make tome mie-1 takea, its pood deeds and progressive 1 deed far mifweigh, in public value, aH the Jm rriLxiiiin. dreamt and proamea ; that always die a ijornin'. NO ATTEMPT TO DISCREDIT. li e hae beea uu fort una t in the u ol .anuae wa are aony; but we - - -rr;-- " Thr New a made a beat, there ia no deputing that, hut that ia no reaaon why it !hould attempt to discredit All ot hrr paper atory. hasten to assure the Poet that we did not say it. We aaid that certain other a ra tpied atatementa of fact from thin piiper by way of the Salisbury and Spii, er papers. It waa not our inten tion, and waa far from our thought, to altempl to dieredit the Mory that ap peared in the Post. On the other hand, we hnirtily commend that paper for its t titerpriBC in securing and publishing ad ditional important details in the mat ter deferred to. The Guilford Democrat don't aeein to be aatifcfled with the men who want to be sheriff, a a there is a lot of hard work leing done to induce a man to run who doesn't want the job. Kditor Sherrill, of the Concord Times, haa purchased the Evening Tribune from .lame F. Hurley, and will hereafter con duct both papers. Our bet wiahe to all concerned in the transact ion. Winning two debate in one night, with two vuch institution as Waahing Uu and Le, and the Georgia univer sity a opponeula, ia a fiua achievemeut tor our own State University The House may mate its own rules, but it will never learn to obey them. A YOUTHFUL MaSTYR. (Pauline F. Camp in iSt. Nicholas.) i. For lihbing, many a lad, no doubt, lin felt tiiu sting of hickory sprout, Kliphnlet Peaep a pleasant youth, Waa birched because he told the truth. JL On day, from school Fliphalct came, And sought his mot her, comely dauie, ' Ub, uiuther, hsvc you heard the news? As 1 was passing Parson '1'rue'a, III. "Down a long ladder, from the top, Furl 20 Jet, withuuL a stop, Head over heels did Parson go, A n& landed on the rock below." IV. "Alack a day!" the good house wifa ivried, And ewiftly to her gossips hied. And soon throughout the village all Had heard the tale of parsons fall. Men dropped iLrair fishing arts and l ire. . The women left their spinning wheels; The broth was burned within the pot, Br wives and maid alike forgot. VI. The rumor grow, aa wift it spread, And declared the parsoji dead. And many faiuted from the shock; For he was loved bv all his flock. VII. Rut nee! amidst the tumult, where A form appear, cunt and spare, The pardon's self, In-niguant. calm. And humming oit, favorite psalm! vm. Refore the wondej ing crowd he halts, nd noon declares the rumor false. Backward the story then t hey" trace, ."severe and frowning everv face; IX. I nt il. with unexpected ease, 'Ti.s brought to Fliphalet Pease. " I did but tell the truth," quoth he, "The paixii was U(IH tree, " nil down the ladder, round by round. !le mine until he reached the ground. Head oer heeU. he came; 'tis true; XT Pray, tell me. how else would he do?" silence enued that might be felt -. And then the crowd begun to melt, To melt aw sy, with sheepish grin. W hu h didn't save Eliphalet's skin. For this is when that luck lens youth Wi birched lecane he (old the truth. When Bsrrie Burlesqued Ibsen. It was lindr the nmnapcrnent of th late I L. Ttr-de, says Iren Vanbiirifh in; the Strand Mazarine, that I first made t he aortuaintaiii e of Mr .T. M. BafVier, in v-ho'i hm h'sv'tie of Ibsen's "Ghoats," nn us Irellc snhhtly in "'alker, Lnn 'loii " I think 1 may k,iv that I made 1 inv lir-t cnou hid lor a olace on the i,",,,,!,,!! tage. 1 h..e vr pod reason to remember x,r B.irrie's skit of IWn's "r.hosts.' 1 f-T win n tltt 1aniou dramatists, who if , . ... . ,a!redv "til known then a the author .. - ITUW in xhmms." had yet to in his iir.inii.tii spurs, brought the skit 10 Mr T"l' "bo totk a fancy to it at cmte. the onuttit-n nroe na to who was , ... , ,n the imitnt ion of Miss Elizabeth obin(l and .Marion je. WDO were making a pi eat stiipess at the time in . "Hedda f -a bier." Tlieae imitations. I must tell tou. were : 4 . . , . intended to e one of the feat-ureas of the vrodiietion. an. I umtrallv felt preatly tlrtitre.1 when Mr. TooTte pro- ped me: and still mtwe gratified when Mr. Panic, although obTroaalv troubled V.. . v 1 ' u ith the moat tngbtful misgivings aa to my competent, tell in with the eug- irrtitn. HoweTer. happily. everythin(r turnM mit all risrht. jnd t!ie play, which was qiue t-ue vt the wittiest thing I . j j . , . . nave er rrfld. proved a eoneiaerabie rjwt The result rf this prodoctioii pleased Mr, Toole o much that he im-( BESISUCAB niRTFAATOCOrnZl BfimiBrvmra! madiateiy eonuniasiooed Mr. Barrle to write him another play; and "Walker, London," was the outcome of thia ar ran'ement WATCH KOb'tHI COMET The Red ltrayon of tha akj. Watch the rhildren for aprinir eouffha and eolda. CVreful rootbera keep rVley'a Hoaey and Tar in the house. It is tha best and safest pTerntlon and cure for errmp where the need is urgent and immedi ate relief a vital necessity. Contains uo opiatea or harmful drug. Refuse aubstitutea. Howard Oardner. EXTREMELY LOW RODBD TRIP IX- I CURSIOH TICKETS SOLD BY THE ; NORFOLK & SOUTHERN RAIL WAY. The Xorfolk and Southern railway will aell greatly reduced round trip tickets to points Indicated, and on date specified, rix: Wanhington, V C- Tickets sold April 12 13-14-15-22-23-24, and ii. limited to return to reach atarting point by May 3. Kicumond, Va. Ticket, sold April 90, May 1 and 2. limited to return to reach sturting point bT &1ay 17. Asheviile, S. C-TlclteU told May S, to 11. inchisiT, limited to return to starting point hij May 31. Richmond, Ya. Tickets sold May II and li, limited to return to starting point, by May 9. New Orleana. La Tickets sold May 14 li and lti, limited to return to start ing point bv May 23. Atlantic rity. V. I Tickets sold May ltf, 17 anil IS, limited to return to start ing point by June 0. Washington, I). C Tickets aold May 16, 17 and H, limited to return to Utrting point by .lime 1. . Atlanta, tia. Ticket sold May 23 and 24, limited to return to starting point by June 1. "Purcba.e toiit tickets via Korfftlk Southern rallwav through Raleigh,! and Norfolk. Va " I and X. C Kor further particulara apply to any agent nl the Norfolk snd Southern rail way, or addren H. 0. Mudgins. O. P. A., Norfolk. Va. Necessity Being the Munsing Underwear was made. After worn once it becomes a necessity, even though it it luxurious. 0 0 Exclusive Patterns in Shirt waists at prices to suit the most economical woman. 0 0 0 ASK TO SEE THEM J. M. HENDRIX & CO. The Home of Good Shoes MEDEARIS-JONES FURNITURE CO. Parlor Suits, Bed Room Suits, f Dining Room Suits, Kitchen ' Furnishings, Rugs, Mattings, Curtains, Shades, and the e nrrill" nlllTrr Tbt Kind That Pleases IlCiUrilj nrlilUXi MEDEARIS-JONES FURNITURE CO. Ill East Market Si Opposite S.L 4 T.Co. :-: Tne Slore Tnafs Grwlflj" ELLIS, THE great success of -ONYX" Hosiery is due to its "perfect black" and its superior quality, shape and finish. It is guaranteed not to stain the feet, continual washing does not change the beautiful black, it remains perfect until the hose is worn qut The "ONYX" brand is confidently recommecded to our customers as the best article for purity of dye and wearing ever offered to 'tTYe public,. It is made from ingrain yarns and is absolutely stainless black. WX DO NOT GUARANTEE SILK HOSE. Ihrt we ama aay thia for ercr (tilt boae. They ar of tbs boat made for the price w ask for then and wa be here wa will givo you full sueaauro of aatisfaction in wear. Tber hare high doubled heels and aplieod soles & prieea are $ 1.60, $IM and ttM. MISSES' SaX LISLE HOSIERY. Here are the hose for the gh-la. They one ia silk lisle and an extra fine quality, apliced heels and toes, guaran teed stainless, 26c pair. INFANTS' ONYX HOSIERY. 6ooks for the children Dsrmin tills ma Bier and we hare a beautiful lino to show you in Jaoquard tops and the price ia 16 and lac the fMkir. OUR SPRINO LINE OF THE FA MOUS "ONYX" HOSDLRT IS NOW COMPLETE. ELLIS, Foley's Laxative For Stomach Trouble), Slug fUL Liver and Hbitu&I Constipation. It cures by aiding, all of tb digestive organs gently stimu lates the liver and regulates the bowels tha only way thai chronic constipation can b cured. Especially recommendec tor women and children. Clears blotched complexions. Pleasant t taks. rMf iihMii1ei HOWARD GARDNER. DRUGGIST. Mother cf Invention 223 Soalb Elm Street the Housewife. STONE THE "ONYX" HOSIERY. The new "Wide-top" Onyx Stockings for Women have extra long lege, eery pair is 30 inches long, with usual width legs. The tops are shaped and widened making them very elastic and perfect fitting Tbey are'gaure, lisle and doub les, He. the pair. LADIES' SILK LISLE ONYX HOSIERY These atockinga are a beautiful qual ity silk lisle and are doublex and are fast black. 60c. the pair. LADIES' ONYX HOSE. Made of silk lisle, with garter top and fast black, 26e. the pair. THE STAINLESS ONYX HOSIERY. Ladies' gsuie lisle "Onyx" Hosiery, with double tope and Onyx black, 50c the pair. LADIES' ONYX HOSE. With Maeo split sole and they are fast blacks. 25c. the paid. STONE Piano Tuning By H G. Browne Brovvnc, McMillan and Company 118 Sooth Dm Street Savannah Greensboro JUNK and HIDES Ws buy all kinds of Jank and Hides. Iron, Rubber and Metal. I We also have for aale all kinds of1 ! parts for machinery, alao shafting, pul ! lies, Belting etc Sonlhern Jank & Hide Company i Offiice and warehouse 228 S. Davie. 1 l yard. McAdoo ave.. near the R. R., Shoe Repairing Shop PRICE LIST. Men's Half fcoiet, Swed -Men's Half Sole, NailM Ladies' Half Sole Hewed l.dieV Half Soles, Nailed Boya' Half Soles, Hewed . . Bo)V Half Solea, Nailed Mn'i Full Sole Indies' Full Sole .. 7V to H0e to 7oc .. 40c; . 85c. .. -iOc . .$1,110 .. S5c Mns Hola 25c lAdf HeeU 0c. to jc Horn' HevU 2c Rahber Heels 50c C'U us up. W will aend for them and deliver them. THOMPSON'S SHOE REPAIRING SHOP. i io W. Market St Phone. 041. THE Morcbison National BANK Wilmington, N. C CAPITAL sV SURPLUS 900,000 Largest and strongest bank ia this WEAR A FLOWER EVERY DAY Call at our store every morning and get a flower for your buttonhole. The cost is but little $1 a month. J. Vai LlDdlfj Nursery Company IIS S, Elm St Phone 229 y and CO. and CO, -READ- A Modern Chronicle the new novel by WINSTON CHURCHILL tha normiist who dtt d is p points. Prtoc, tl.2Q; by maui, postpaid, $142- Other books by Winston ChurcblTI: Illchard Carvel, The Oriels, Uoniston, tA Wills Book and Stationery Co. GREENSBORO. N. C. , m a m (QQatJ LHU Cheap If you want land, don't choose tip some "will-'o-the-wi.n" in the arid re. gions. We hsve some of the best land in the country right here in Guilford county lifted with us for aale at rock bottom prices. Brown Real Estate Co. Feel Bad Can't think? dot heed or beck ache? rejiseu ov bodrJ Trr X Trial fa) Rattle 10 Cts eViV " . V EFFECTS nnrmum X REMOVES THK CAUSE. Reaular Slae 26c A aOe at drurcuta, MUJlO Do you want high -class work? We can give you just what yon are looking for. W K. IUTSLER, Phototrapher. 113 1-2 East Market Street F. A. WESTON ARCHITECT 4074-g DtcAdee Offlce Bsflding Phone, sos P 0 Box, 7jj. GREENSBORO. S. C H1CKSW LC0K-LEWI5 FOUNDRY CO. Founders and Machinists. General Repair Work, Special Machin ery Built to Order, etc. High Grade Iron and Brass Cnatinca. Machine Atolded Pulleys, ete ftreensboro. JJ. (i r.l ki a