GREENSBORO DAILY NEWS TUESDAT. APRIL 19. 1910. Ask your actor Beer oiica he pi ascribe elcotwlia, stimulant or chiMm. will probably siy, Very, eery rarely . Ask bha bov ef tea ba pre acribeaa teak for (hern. NtdnhJhtt Aik He will arobatjiy answer, " Very, eery Ire- mt Mr M V iwii qasooy." Ayera sarsapanua is a afroar, SSaaaeeiritAMIM Your Boy N frail Bill NtJmUUH. AA Daily News Religious Department Edited by L, L. Nash, D. D. Personal Mention. J. A. Esll, ef Burlington, spent jester ay ia (Jm city. 6. A. Carroll, ef WMstoo-Salea speat S yesterday ia Ue city with frieads. Airs. Claude Hueke has returned to her Boats ia RocUord. after a visit to f, iwviAinnwyn Collars and Cutis (j That You'll Like : To Wear U1CDAY SCHOOL LESSON, APKIl as. , ' . "Waraini aad loeitsUsa. - , (Mslt. a', tO-3U.) Golden Text "tnae unto e, all ye that labor aad are aeary-laden, sad I will giro yea rest." Matt i, OT. According to Si. Luke, the words of this leeeoa were spoken on the return of the Seventh disciples sent out by Je " sue from their aiiasion. If this be the - ease, there is no connection, cliroaologi sally speaking, beteen ii lesaoa and taa last one. Matthew greet no account of the sending out of the Seventy, but Luke gives us as account of the upbraid tag the cities (Luke , li ti) given 10 the leesoa for today. Some of these words Bight have been apokea on more than one occasion. There it a topical i ounueotion, according to Matthew, be tween thie lemon and the last one we studied, 1. In this leiton we find Jetut up- braidiaq the ciliet wherein he hail dune his uignty ort bnause they refused to repeut when . they had the oppor tunity given them. Persistent impeni tence will certainly lead to destruction. A presentation of the gospel never leavej . a people or an individual where it finds them. The goipel ia a eavior of lite unto life or ol death unto death. Jetiua repreeented the rtghteoutmese and the Justice ol God at well at hit mercy ana love. We jihouid never lene sight of the fact that Jesus is the judge of the world as well as the savior of men. We are in danger of overlooking the righteousness end holiness of iod in our sge, and exalting his attribute of mercy at the eapense of his riehteonnea. holi ness and justice. All trie fnllnemt of the tiodhead In represented in the teachings of Jesus, at well as in hie Prrson, Wail Jesus was the . temiaraat , gi-atWt. and must lnv-iag nutil that ever walkri the earth, he was aJaoVsi t)ie the jaVet preacher, that ever denounced era. He proclaimed the oertainty and end fewness of future punishment as no one else ever did, and deneum-ed Ihe hyprocisy of the "harasses in the strongest terms ever need by any teacher that ever came te this earth, flit was a warning voice, as well aa one full of encouragement and the offer of forgiveness and loving kind rest. i. Human guilt is everywhere in the gospel reeaeuml by the light given to Mien. The woe pronounced on Choracirt Bsthsaida aad Ospernauin was measured fcv the offers sod opportunities given tioee cities So repeat and accept aalva tkm. Tyro and Siden would have re pented and have been saved rf t hey bad enjoyed the opportunity of Choraiin, Betksaida aad Capernaum. It will be ! better rn the future with the bee then " world, without the light of the gospel, than it will be with those nations that riarvo the right and refuse to walk in it. The heathen are lost in their twilight unless tbey live up to the light they have (which it cannot be amnneo mat aur of the OS. to any considerable number, do or ever did I, but those who have so much mora light have tar more responsi btlity. If bis denunciation was deserved by these cities of which be spoke, who knew nothing of the great doctrine of of the cross, the atonement Be auae ana the simple condition of aalvatioa by faith, what mutt be the condition of those who live in the light of this Twen tieth oentury, and ttill turn a deaf ear to the offer ot mercy aad salvation ataoe in the gospel. S. Jesus shews thst the wisdom of this world doea not secure the salva tion of the soul. It is often the ease that human learning stands ia the way of simply accepting the offered salva tion. ' "At tJiat time Jetus answered and aaid, I thank thee, O Fsther, Lord of heaven aad earth, because thou haat hid these things from the wise and pru dent and hast revealed them unto baliea. Kven to. Father: for it seemeth. good in thy eight." Jetus does not oominerrt ig norance; he puta no premium on that, but he it commending the teachable spir it. He does not condemn knowledge, hut the knowledge that puffs up end makes the .poor sinner too' wise in ats own sight to be taught anything by anybody. Everywhere. Jesus commends the child like, tearlxable spirit, and if we would profit by studying the word of God. we must come to this study in a docile. childlike spirit. 4. All the world needs of light and help ia in (Vint. All these things was given to Christ that he might impart them to all who will accept and Hunt in him. lie nialea a high claim for himoelf and if he had nut made that claim good, he could not have been re garded as anything less than a deceiver or a luuatic. N'o one can accept these high rlaitnt of lesut and regard him at anvthing less than divine and be consist ent. .V Jesus showed the tendernett of the. Godhead at well aa the nghtcouiuess, holiness and juetice of God. Wat ever an appeal In humanity of equal tender nni made than tint:' "Come unto me, all ye that labor and are heavy-laden, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you and learn of me, for I am meek and lowly in heart: and ye thall flnd rest untu your souls. For my yoke ia easy and my burden Is right!" When Jesus uttered a denunciation of sin, he immediately uttered words of invite tion to come to him In the tendcrett manner conceivable. He could make no uomproniise with sin. but for the sinner who would, repent and turn to him there was always an invitation and a wel come. Thit invitation to the weary, heavy-laden of earth, is a proclamation of the divinity of Jesus. So other man ewer dared to make such all offer to a sin-burdened world, and if lie should, he would proclaim himself an importer pr a fool. COSTLY ERROR IN EIGHTH GAVE A. AND M. GAME RoWigb, April II. Only one run was earaad hy each team in the game with the TJatvwraity ef Kentucky today and om aaroT of Kentucky cost her four ruus and the gsvme. With the exception of lata error, the fielding of Kentucky t vsjrv rood. After Kentucky's Hist in TRINITY TOOK A GAME FROM WAKE FOREST BOYS (Special to Otily News.) Durham. April I Trinity easily took the second game of the series with Wake Poreat here today to the tune of 6 to f in as hue an eihiliitiou of uuNehall a has been seen on the home dismond this vear. though at tunc the slugging w-u heave. West' pitching was a feature. The grenleat rr leant and relatives ia the city. ' p - TSouiat Steward, of Charlotte, ia J spending a few days ia the city witfa 4 friends. la VI is Andy Glass, of Reidaville, speat Sunday ia the city with iriendt. F. M. Durroa, of Lynchburg, was ai viaitor in the oity yeaterday. i The Be, and Mrs, Hillard, of High) romt, spent bunds y here aa the guests of Mrs. Luis B. Carr. . . . llasoa, of Charlotte, spent yea-. Urday in the oity with friends. Dr. C. AJphoaao Smith hat returned to hie home ia Chariot tesville, after a vitit to his sister, Mrs. R. G. Vaughn. He was accompanied home by his moth er, Mrs. J. Henry Smith, and tie little aeioe, Uiae Josephine Vaughn, who will visit his family for a few weeks. R- T. rerkias, of Charlotte, was a but inete visitor in the city yeaterday. Harm Galium has returned from a pleasure trip to Washington, D. C j Mra. M G, Newell has returned from a vitit to her mother, Jin. Pleaaanta, at Danville. Miss Evalya Walker is viaitaag ber aunt, Mra. Cosart, at Mills Creak. J. K. Williams, of Winston Salem, waa a basinets visitor in the oity yes terday. Mist Mary Korris Richardson has re turned from Kpartanburg, S. C, where she attended a musical festival at 'Jon verse college. Mies Annie G laden, of Whitten, is via- iting fry nda and relative, in the city. C A Kmith nf KeidMville anent ves- rterdny in the city with friendt. Mrs J. F. Kernodle it vititiug her daughter, Mra. J. Davit, in Spray. Mia. Charles Caitaey has returned to home in Greenville, S. C, alter a visit to friendt and relatives iu the city. Mra. R. T. Joyce hai returned to her home in Mt. Airy, alter a viait to her sister, Mrs. George R. Keiinette, H. W. Winstead, of Roxboro, epeut Sunday in the city ou a Vitit to hia daughter, Miss Ida, who is a student at the M. F. College. Charles H. Burton, of Winsioa-Salcm. spent yesterday in the city with friends. Mis lua Glass, of Reidsville, is visit ing frieuda and relstivet tn the city. Sire. L. J. Baker, of Palmyra, It visit ing Mist Fannie Arrofleld, at Greensboro Female college. Alias Margaret Lee, who hat been at tending tchool in New York, is here on a vitit to her parents, Mr. aad Mrs. II Livingstone Lee. Mist Stella Reece, of Vadkiiiville, it visiting friends and relatives in the city. J. W. Fdwarda, of Hickory, was a bus inett visitor in the city yesterday. Sam Rodgert hat returned to his home in Kaleigh, alter a visit to friendt and relatives. J. N. Leak tpent jeeterday afternoon in High Point. Mitt Hattie Owen has returned to her home ia Fayetteville, after a viait to friendt and relatives in the city. B. ii. Sniltli, of Durham, sent yester day in the city with frieuda. Mr. and Mrs. Charles K. M. Wilson have returned to Mjibtiry, after visit ing friends and relatives in the city. .1. W. Brsdley spent Sunday in Lib ertv with fnennV Clol. Joe Uardie, of Brown Summit, spent yesterday in the city. Mrs. T. B. (Aitumiiui lias returned to High Point, after atteuding the funeral of Tier uncle, exMlieriff J. 13. Gilmer. H. B. Worth left last nigiit on a busi ness trip to Raleigh. R. L. Perkins, of Charlotte, is spending the day in the city with friends. Mies Nan Fialier has returned to her home in Feyettcville. alter a vitit to frientU and relative. You'll like to wear the col lar, and cuffa wo lauadrr. They are given a pure white color, are starched to just th at iff -neat that makes them bold their eh ape, yet be pliable, and are ironed with a perfect do mestic Anita, and are shaped just exactly aa they are in tended by the makers. Collars we have laundered all have emoolh, velvet like edges It't worth while to patronize ue aa you will discover by sending us s trial bundle. Phone for our wagoa. Columbia Laundry Co. g Phones 17-J sissesrvyrysrmvvmmxvsaea when e Trees, a bate on bells and a hit gave the visitors four runs. Score: R. H. K. Augusta 000 004 100 5 7 4 Jacksonville 300 010 011-41 8 4 Hannitaa and fields; 1'opr. Lee and Mouohau. Time, 1 40. I mpire, Con nors. Columbat, j; Savannah, 6. Oolumhus, April 18 In an exciting game Golunthus won from Savannth in the ninth itiunig today, the Hn&t score being 7 to 6. Score: R. H. K. Columbus 000 021 SOI 7 7 3 Savannah 010 000 II.W ti 7 4 Torrens tnd Krebs; MHrliua and Thackera. Time, 3.0-2. I'inpire. Kbeaer. Saturday and Monday Specials At HARRY - BELK BROS. CO. Ribbon at Half Price and Less We will put on sale two lots mill ends la ribbons picked up by us at leas than half price. When we get a bargain, our tnutouiert get it. Lot No. 1 ribhoa worth I V-., i'le, tic. and Sic. Taffeta satin auiah, 4Ue. to 11.00. Choice, liV. yard, lot No. t ribbon, worth Sir. to 60c., We. to 11.50, each lot to go go at lAr. You will be astonished at t he quality in the two lott we offer. ALL LINElf RAJA. LATH SHADES, SPECIAL, AT sjc. . Linen crash. 31 inches wide. Ue. values, at kj 40-inch all pure linen cambric, the beat values we ever offered in our lias, at Ue Galatea cloth, new patterns, at lQa LADIES' MA DT TO-WEAR. v00 wash dresses at 7M) all-linen coatsuitt, special, at j.4g IT iO tllwoul Panama and wail tklrtt $6.00 THE MEW DUTCH WAIST, ale. ta I Ml. 11.50 all linen waist 0$ 10c. Indies bleached vest, tapered neck and sleeves, special 6o Ladies' extra tize vest - Uta. to ton RALSTON HEALTH SHOES. Ralston Health shoes, t4.00, special at M.B0 Our shoes at CLOTHING. Kuitt worth ttt.MI and 116.00, special 1 10.00 110.00 Blue serge double and single brea tted S 40 MILLINERY. Headgear we are showing It right for thit scsson's wear. HARRY-BELK BROS. CO. 240-242 South Elm Street GREENSBORO. N. C. Not .nn, Milk Trust Tha OrlglRil and Ginulna HORLIGK'S MALTED HILK Tha Faad-drlnk lor All Ijit. More healthtil tkaa Tea or Coffee. Agree with the weakest digesbaa. Dehaous, tnvigoratiDg and outriboua. Rich milk, mthed grain, powder iorm. A quick hinck pre pa red ia aiiiate. Take Mtubttiltite. Atk forHORLlCK'S. Others are imitations. MUSIC STUDIO VI0UN AND PIANO Was Phyllis WeoiaU. Southera Life and Truat Building HOTEL HUFFINE. Greensboro. N. C. Amerlcua Plan. 12.00 to 1J 51 Per Uu Oowvatlitatly Leeatea EvarytUag Itoderm Tha Beat aWviaa. The home of the knight of the grip sad travelling nubile geaseeJry. A well eowdueted Cafe hi ooBaeeUaa. J. P. SANDERS, Mrg, STUDIO Do you want high diss workt We can give you Jutt what you are looking for. W. R. EUTSLER, Photographer. 113 12 East Market Street I THE McADOO, GREENSBORO. N. C. A Strictly First-Class Hotel Tha Past Three Years Ihe Moot Successful as History of lit Esitteoct nragt in which she est awarded two ot her runt on errors, me rarmera moweo i Th .,.., i.,,r,..i in ihe contest oolj one more men to make lliird sack I oatri The weather was bad. for jiearlv in the atternoou tne most t nreateniiii; elcuientH Mere, evervwnere C aJHin. mnA llartaell1 hattinffl far A. A M. and the pitching ot ( aurtili TWINS GOT AWAY WITH THE BUNCH FROM ROANOKE him ad mppo-t Soort : Kntwckv A. 4 M OkudiM and Bm : ftrt. Stnirk wit -II tkudii.. 4. Hit br piUhod hall By Sp 1o. Burrim-s, I,t Csudill. Ilark and Sei ftrt Ba4- on 1 1 HT Oindill. 2. Thrtv hs.f hit, Hanwll. Saenrto hn prPMfm A wont :t.4."i thcie nm a clrwrup and t hf Upl ist - nt t hi fit v and tht Methodist of Trinity mid the trwn went tut in ( th ftniiffcl. The went he i ifBtiir". R. 14. K. 3)Ml0KHKWt -: H 4 00(Kr00rx -S S 4 fton aiMl wa othwwiw idal Sctori. 4; h , There - nral friemlshin for Vke r ore-t and plenty ot rooters al and yelled for them throughout. Plenty uf money va np aUo mid, though the vis iforit were not iiphHv w t rong ai ouie Vofhotte and Heee stolen htt MhI -j team mmuig here earlier, ther had the lenger, Urown, Mack. Coiiuril and Hart hi8rt phire of pers-mial friendt-hip he 11. Time, I 4o AttendaiK-e, rM0. 'm- hind fhem pirt, I pchureh. Score: R. H. E. Bingham, 8; Burlington, i. Men ne. A tin I IS Pingham nchoot ersba drtVateW Pin hfifrton high jiehool bre eatnrdj by the nonre ol K to I. Tmi jraine w ftt throujrhotit. The feature re the fielding of Sharpe nd Fowler for Purlrnglon hiph school. Ha fleldlnf of .Tohnon and Camhill for Bingham nd 1h hitting of Sharpe and Fo lr for Burlington, and La air for Wake Korent 0(H fKH) 220-4 4 4 Trinity 00:, 003 OOx 6 4 2 I "Hey and Riddick; C. West and Flow er. Struck out- Uv T'tlev. 1; West. 7. Rae on ImIU Off Ttleyi Doubles Wake Foret, 1. Time. 1.35. Attend ance, H00 tTmpire. Moore. WATCH FOR THE COMET. Tbe Red Dragon of the sky. Watch the children for snririff coiurhs and colds. Ttinfrham. thw latter p'ttinc a hnme nm (aref'il mothers keep Foley Honey and and a two Hav hit out of four timen to Tar in the noune. J in the rvrst and tha bat. The hntinp of th1 wholf Rinfr afeat prevention and cure for croup ham t'ram was strong. wh'-re the need is urjrrnt and immedi Score Ii. U.K. tc re lief a vita I neceity Contains J-inpham . . 02: ftio 1 20 - h H 2 no opiates or harmful dmjrs. Kefuwe Burlimrton . . 00 ikxmmhi t 1 Mih-titutes Howard f.urdner. Despair and Despondency No one Kui a woanaa can tell the story of the suffering, the despair. ad the aWssyoadener endared hy women who carry a daily hurdefl of ill -health aad pan because of disorders and deranaements of the delicate and important organs that are distinctly temimne. The tortures to bravely endured com pletely uTMCt the nerves if long continued. Dr. Pieroe's Favorite Prescription is a positive cure Cor weakliest end dlseasa of the hem mine organism. IT MAKE5 WEAK WOT EN STRONG, 5ICK WOMEN WELL. It allay inflammation, heals ulceration sod soothes pain. It tone ana builds no the nerves. It fits for wifehood and motherDOod. Honest medicine deal "s sell it, and hs e oothini to urate noon von as " iust as food." It ia non-secret, noa-nleoholic and baa record of forty year of cures. Ask Yob Niton sobs. They probably know at aom of iia many cures. If yon want a bonk that tells aH about woman's diseaaea, and bow to euro them at home, aend 21 one-cent stamp to Dr. Pierce to pay cost of mailing mnh, and be will send yon a frrr eoov of his great rriouffaod-nage illutrated Cotnmon Sense Medical Adviser revised, np-to tiate edition, in paper covers, la handsome cloth-binding, 31 atamos. Address Dr. R.V. Pierce, Buffalo. NV. . f Special to Iaily News.) W innton Salem, April IH. The Twins di'irfaled Hoanuke h-re this afternoon 5 to 4. It was a itood jrantt. coiiNidering the wet gruundts. luht tie tore the game, n bil practicing, Hrn aocidentatlv struck tr'Hanlon. who caiue here last week from Philadelphia to join t he Twins, on the ciiiu, breaking the skin for two inches. The local, for their practice, played ba!. The visitors ars lnavicr ana have had much more experi'nce this season. The two teams play aain tomorrow. Batteries for Roanoke, Sherrill and Schmidt ; for Winston SaJcni, Gust and1 Vance, Deis and Moore. Score: R.H. E.: Roanoke 010 101 010 4 7 3 Winston-Salem ...301 5 10 4 Summarv- Twoe-1mae hits, Templin, McKevitt, Painter. Holland; three -tiase hit. Holland ; hit by pitched ball, Uol ; land: struck out by tuss in five in 1 ninga. 5 ; hnr nn ba Ms off i ais. 2 ; struck out bv Reese in four inuinir, : ' bartp on ball ofl He-e, 2 ; st ruck out by FaiTell, ti; bate on Iwlls, I; pa-wc-d balls. Schmidt. I; a lice, 1; first base on error, hjoaimro- 1, in-1n Sah-m. 1 ; double play. Kcef-e to MrKevitt 1 o lnit t wrtcJ : s:n rinVT h'ts, Sprati. Rrcrit . Ftj?art v. M.r . i-'.-n ,-a Shan-e ;t. - rturli I. (. 1 it v Kevttt. Patrick. I inpir1-. KillITT. The Shoe With a Million Friends Mi tl.( SOITH UUNTIC EEAGL'E Mscon, 3; 1 bia c that m I h urn bid . panic, i ill h" atter I n-p.. Apul If. pro! r 1 .1111 Columbia, 1. 1 H Mai nil . thouyh thr n it on lit i-.pi-Nl plav m- ifiH n'M win lO" ' olutn -gn-und in ih watt nn mi tea Sctre : j Macnit ! Columiba Sr-hi.h? snd, hahlkon and Mintp. I on'1. 1 :2 hnt. R H K. .0 I 3 K J 00-1 4 0 )n-kon. -lone ''. t inpi! e. ( o - Jacksonville, 6; Augusta, 5. j lekonvill April 1H. In an exciting jram thi aft'inoon tbe loeaU won from ; fitfti-t iii flu ninth iiMiinp lip. t lie had nut yielded a hit until tho sixth,! ) 'J'HE tamp of approval is placed on Patrician Shoes, not by the exact ing demand of fashionably gowned women of a few cities, but in the world-wide approval of popularity earned, deserved and recognized through their dainty style, their per fect fit and their serviceable quality, and to their honorable manufacture. Beca use o f t h ei r con form i n g t o m od -ish fashions they long ago became popular; because of their wearing quality they remain popular; that is whv they have become known as "A Shoe With a Million Friends." CALLAHAN - DOBSON SHOE CO. ROBT. A. SILLS, Mgi Greensboro's Largest and Most Progressive Shoe Store