RBJEENSBORO tJAILT SJ5W8. TUBS DAT APK1I. - 1. 1910 - PCEUC DID NOT STAY V yOM MARKET LOXG ENOUGH Butsttsrs Seemel Inn tocllDd to 4 JiflTbMto Boy. WHEAT AND LORN RALLIED " COTTON MARKET CONFUSED FROM AN EARLY BREAK New Tea. April 11 The aeoiand far stacks today proved diwippoiiulns ta thee who urluiud the upward BaeveiaelM ot pel. tt last week. Con ftikom era sa..Blfaated at the aad of last week that the new week wuu.a frovlsloBS Mere. Declines olfrom'leport Current Tbat Bulls Will Be 121-210 45 Cents. Chlcace. April Jl. Wheat declined laierlallr lit price . today, carrying nora with it, put ararna rallyiac in tha tees erratic and proviaions, tnflueaced OYER SOME LEGAL RUMORS Brought to Account. New York. April 11. The cotton markat rti thrown lata a atata ot ex citement and confusion during today's flnal bour and closing trm. Oata waraj trading aa a result of raporta that the governmaat waa fneUtutluc lrgal pro- CBABLAT-Tw, rOTTAN. I Charlotte. April la. fricaa paid tor: mk ton today war aa toliowa: ! strlt nilddliag v 14(4 Strict middling 1S Middling , 14 : lALElua COTTON. 1 Ralalgh. AprU 1. Prices - paid (or j otton today ware aa toliowa; Good middling 54. Strict middling .' 14 Middling . llh K':r," i i m. ih.i v hi at 1 1 n i ir n. r . - urease in tbat war la sun nigner nricea. On tka contrary tne events aver ana week end brought in some seUang oriiara ihreugb commission houaea. An exception waa found ix tee HUt and Gould atorks. wln.1 ad vaaaad in the early dealings on the ireagtk at reports that a working agmeniant had been snade by which trp.no (rarr Ike Hill roads would be ahlvped aver tne Gould roads west of Denver. ' A msxad Impreaslen was caused by the steps taken by the law ofticers of the government against, members ot the cotton pool for seeking to control tea prloe or tkoat comniodily. The ratltK-noa af the decline In wheat van as effective la the foreign ei- chance eaorket to prevent further ea- Jfo. 2 red, IMI.il.ll I sprint? t-z 1. W Horn: no. s. 1: No. 1 yellow, it: No. I white. loy. it No. 4. white. iiitik. No. 4 yi Data! Ko i. 41b if 42 434.1,44: No. 1 white. 4KH31 white. 4SIJ43: standard. 43 4 14. LOW KATES TO A5HEVILLZ, N. C. 15.96 is tha low reuse trip rata offered by the Southern railway from Greens-; biro, N. C, to Aaaevttle. K. C, and re-; turn on aenount of the general confer- j enoe of the M. . c-hurcs, south. f more or leas aeneral liouidatiun with' These tickets are on sale May 1 ta II, May oontra.te selling as kw as 14 , 64,-f inclusive, with heal lia.lt Mav 31, lHlO,, or 1 points under the. close of Ust1 . . . . -. , week llotlerata rallies Occurred later I or ttaw may Be extended until June ! I and the closing tone was steady with! by dt-pualtltig the saiae and payiug a brat in buy4n oiders for stocks froin, ilberal arrivals of live hogs anr I ccedings against the ehj crop bull lead ; Ska eejusury at Urge. "'tracted " J "fiurk liouida tlon In tha pit. liu.eli.di ers and there was a sharp break under-, rise in prices leaf week and . by lie"" ... "!"., " more or leas aeneral iuuidatiun with' t: Ne. I red, 17 U4j 1 9; May oontracte aeliing aa kuw as 14 64,-t l3jl7V,, No f hard, or 1 points under the. close of last1 No. J hard. Iii-I7. No. week. Moderate rallies occurred laterl ul ami the cloainn- tone was steady with! S. s VktiT: Na t white, istr i last prices showing a net loss of only : f, af g j For further information eun- low. 757Ve: No. , liHvh to It pelnta. The market opened ,y. ,. ow r4l, or Pujlu,.,, liite. ti(.H: No. I yel- steady at unchanged prices to a de-, rerning tuis tery row rate or riuituaa. tbtil; No. 4 cMne of 4 p.ilnn under scattered of-1 n-MTvatlinis, call on or addrees tne un- itail ferine., a'hich reAeCieii a l.vorltll. n.r.i.nMl JtO. z Willie,' opinion 01 weatuer in,ona anu inw The leading futures ranged aa to! lows: Hign. I , 11. MGLAMKKV, P. 4 T. A, Greensboro, N. Wheat- May July ... Sept . . . Corn gasjerhante of gold nr export to ien- May ... Sen thts week. Todays engagements j uly ... was aa lafluence against the sleek; rk-pt ... market. The dull and drooping tone ei fiats tke leen market and the steps neing in taken ta curtail the output give a turn July or depression, to speculative uu uent Bends were Irregular. Total sales, oar value, tl.tze.vu. United mates bonds wars unchanged on call. stocks teaay aslea ' of sharsa. oloiinu rrocK list. Allis Cnaansara. pfd Amalgamated Copper Amerleaa Agrleuliural American 9eet (sugar Amerleaa Can American Car eV Foundry American Cotton Oil Ameriaan Hide at Leather, pfd... Awerloan rre Sat urltles American Unseed American I.ooinotlve American Smelting ai Refining. Ainsr. Hmeltlng A Keflning, pfd Araerlean Bteel Foundries Aaerloai jtugar Refiuiug Ameriaan tel. A Tel Amerleaa Tobacco, pfd American Woolen Anaconda Mining Ce Atchteon Amhlsoa. pfd. AtasnCIc Ceaat Line Baltimore A Ohio BesMehem Steel . . , Brooklyn Rapid Transit Canadian Fuc4flc f antral Leather Central Leather, pfd Central of rSew Jersey Chesaaaakw A Ohio Chlesee A Alton Chicago Oreat Western Total 1.6,1 "I tl Chicago Oreat Western, pfd. rhlcsaw 4 Noeth Weetern ... Chisago. MIL A rlt. IVil O. O, C tt. Leuia Celeskde Fael A Iron eradp e noataern eliaatad uaa Qorn Predaota DsUkvaaa A Had son Tavae A lUa Oranda Denver Rlt Qranda, pfd I'letMlers' Beceamiea Srts JCrle. 1st prd Krie. td pfd ijenerai Elsetrtc . (Jreet Wertharaw afd. . 4raal lrtieii Ore Ctra iBterberough-Matrepelltan , Interbpraugk-Metropeiltan, pfa . Jnter-ltaevaatea- . , lntar-alarise, ptt fnlarnattanal Pa)aer lntaraatranal Pump ...... . iows Centred :aosae Cny fwvfhfcrn Jtansag Clry BeuMsern. ft ttSKii?A i-k-.viv. ::::::::: Mtna 31 7H-4 4V w 1 1 61 ' 68 C 37H !7 It .t . lib V l . 1 S F. 7 J 4b 114 liVi 1M H H II 1H 44V nm st 6', 1424. 7 (Ot, m 17 171 43W 10 II 4 37 161 lsiH ,K8 4M Ope a. 17 l.et a '7k Ua S .. 4J 40'. 37 '4 17 1 l.tIO 17 .4! 4V 3k'. bent Mess rork. per bbl. l.Ot l.l)U" 0 I 41 J 37 No. 4ialaence of as-Kreasive bull support. while the cables wcte Just apout as due. I It was reported that local brokers were beina cited as wittieKcs to ap- Closa' pear before the t'nited .States Circuit court tomorrow in an actiui' to be l.S hrought against the southern bulls and' LSI others and liquidation became heavy,, and from 14 88 May contracts sold off1 to 14 54 and later months declined to a1 (7 net loss "f about 11 to 24 points Tlirrel 6o;wa. however, nothing to iudlcste 1'ri-j " , ' : TarSnUir wor", off' The the undersized in a certain mortgage, market steadied on covering Senti-1 d8tfd the Brst dT of March, 11407, and Uient was very nervous in the laiei , . ...... tradlna': hut prices held a moderate ! execuled by ll. J. Ludwlck and ne MORTGAGEE'S SA1E Or SEAL ESTATE AMD PERSONAL PROPERTY. By virtue of authority conferred upon Muy July .. Sept Lard. May July . . Bept il.io 21 :o io so 21. 6 21.47 20 0 30.D0 21.40 20.90 per ltio lbs .12.00 12.32 i, 11.80 ..12.00 H.22 11.80 .1190 12.25 11.76 hort Ribs, per 100 lbs- May 11.80 1210 11.80 Julv 11.70 12 00 11.70 bept 11.10 12 07 11.70 BALTIMORE FHOIHl'K. Baltlmors, April It Wheat, nominal: southern on grade, 1.004 l.Oli. Corn: Pull: spot, lflV Oats: Hteady: No 2 white. 4J4; No 2 rained. I" 47. Rye: Nominal, -No. 2 weslsrn domes tic, 8488. 42 40 38 1 0 20. yo 2(1 90 11 15 I 1.8u n.ei 11.17 II 75 11.70 spot markets aa officially niiy aere generally in rallv from the loweet and In the lawt ! ,. n ,.;. ... . p n ...j f. w minutes there was Boms support , -ordia C. Ludwick, and J. R. Bame and fi-mu the bulls. May oloised at 11. t5 hid Southern renorted chunced. Attention centered alinoit en lutvely on the old crop and anlde from the operations In the near months the market tWmwed no great autlvlty and no apeclal feature. Spot cotton closed quiet, 20 points lower. Middling uptandK. 15 05; mid dling gulf. 15 30; sales. ;,MS bale openeu stenay ana Cotton futures closed quiet. tipen. Klgln cents, sales, pounds. Jl'TTf.R MARKET, 111.. April 18. Butter firm, for the week. 32 511,400 COKKICte ejARKICT. New York, April 18. Coffee futures April tlev July Aug. Sept Oct. Dec. Jan. 15 0 .14 81 .14 55 .11 87 !l2 4S .12 2 .13.24 High 14 7 11 88 1141 13 : 1! S4 12 4 12 .11 12. 2 Low. 14 79 11 54 H 3:1 1:1 12.82 12Jo 12 17 Close. 12 S3 12 1 12. Ill nTSt. Malt M .... seettrL lfaiBSSS A Texaa MlaeeTl. Kasaaats A Teaxs, pfl. MlaaaAr, ft48c yjeW beaoaaH National Leafl sirlo VaelanaJ Akra. New Tusk Cal New Task. Oetw ffsrmem rwewie tfiarlolk A WeaMan Paelfki Mkan JeunevTtanlm . . . . rveple'B oaa lee. Id pfd Western . . 7 101 150 43 wi 14U tl 21 1141 45 4 lv Ml 1H 41.H 101 4 V 52 .1 74 7 157 H ltlrwr. C C k M Lnta : Plttsbwrg Ojb4 ',.!! PraaiiaA Steal Oar . . j. . C 11 Patlman ! Car Rapublte fa eel n PeputHc iteel. p1 Xaak jld Co ReS fstaad Co . pfd . m. Levis A Sap Fran, td pfd... t. Lauea eViufhwemern bi. Louts "outhwe.tern, pfd Stees-ShTfrxld Wteel A fon . . . Houthera Paelflc Aoatharn Ralbwav noathera Railway, pfd Teannssee Hopper Texas A 1aekrle ?nler?o. Pt Louts t We.t oledb. HC T.OUIP A West . pfd . Union Pacific f.titon Paelllc. pfd 7'nlted Aates llealtv t'nited Hsatee Ttlihber T'nlterl tKarea sieel T'nited 4aata ?te.l. pfrl Vlah Copper Vlt alnfa-CaroUaa Chrml, al . . Wabaah Wabaah. pi W..tHi MkrTtand 'eRlern Kiectrlc wemet'B lnloTi WheelMg A I-eke Rrle rwiTPTU ttk.s inxnv U. 8. reftiadlng Is. rag U. a. refunding 2. can ....... V. eV . reg . , U. 8 la. coa V. 4, re U. P. 4s, ceu closed steady at net advance of 5 to 8 polnta Kales, 14,00 bags. Spot coffea quiet. Rio No. 7, 8; fciaiitos No. 4. 9. mild, quiet: Cordova. til2. I.lt EHPtXII. OTT4J Liverpool, April II. Spot, iu fair demand, DON'T Struggle along against difficul tus hhilt tht Ntles Wants art al your ser vice. Tht cost is 5S. lc Word MINIMI, M M CtCMTB. B. N. DUKE. T. B. FULLER. J. B. MASON. Preatdeat. Vice-Praaident. Caahhcr. THE CITIZENS NATIONAL BANK Of Durham, N. C. Capital $100,000.00 Surplus $75,000.00 Resources over $1,000,000.00 Organized May, 1905. Special attention (ivoa to the ceUeetiea at cottoa draft aatd all toaaaaerciai papers. ACCOUNTS INVITED. HELP WANTED. In otl inlfldilnit. 8 17: middlitiK. 7 . irtlddMnjf. 7 t7, KOOd rdtnary, 1 . ur dli.Hiy. 7.3. The sales of the djy wei 10.000 lM v ma A U U W I UIS, Ul Willi II I.VVW W c I -r tm - Kfr York, Atprl. 18. The dry gotMis I Utles Aiui Uan. Receipt. ..OOO bales. narKfi wis quiei lor me nny. i.ol-: no ArtMTloan. ton seoda prices are Bominal on tnttny Kuture opened steady aod cloned lines not - yet fully revised. More in-1 auiv a nrll 7 71: Aoril and Ma v. gutr.es fer roods are reiorted in v ' 7 May and June, f J't; June avd erki aireciiima. but pru-ea aussesteti : Julv 7.674: July and Augunt. ah are net acceptable to mills. Uress roods, foreign and domes tit-, for Im mediate delivery, are quiet. Raw silk la aimer In foreign markets. Local Markets Tbete prices are strictly wholesale, and represent prices okt sifted an sctusl sales. aunt and Septfiuber. t -:3. elt nioer and Ocioher, ti.RO, October and Novem ber, -blrW: November and Dfeiuher. let.4mter and January. 4!-S; ary and Maroli, 47 Si. pLi utiry. 4K; Mi NRW OltUCAKI COTTOX. New Orleans. AprU IX pot otton sfeudr and unuaanged. Middling. 14 salts on the Himt. J U'O ,io ar rive, none: hedged, 1,20 balea. ('otton futures opened steady at a decline of 6 to 7 point h. Cables were not up to expertatlniis and the wemtier map showed no vary unfavorable con dltfona anywhere, although the bull side of the markat flalmwl tiiat con Iderali.a darnair had been done by froat In the cotton ut"lt over Sunday. Toward noon the market waa thrown Into great eacliment by telegnitiiH from New York stating that the Nw Orieane hull h-ders and repieeentn i At aaasienru I tLr.im i it mii i hrokeruKe hotiaeH had been minitnoned to appear I Mo arvvlaileaa. . (By Tho Patterson Co.) Fat back. 14 12; hams, suyar cured, eovered, per pound, 2g. lard: Pur, Uerca, lsc; compound, tleetee, lie. Dried rrtilta. Apples, per pound, evaporated, tc; aun dried. He. Kaiatns, tl.S6.fl.l9. Late. tiound box. Hc. Orereerlea rio: Fancy patent spring wheat, wheat. i.0 per 'barrel; choica atright, , 'hruwiiiR of their at c t. Jl-i "Ian much to do wl MeafT Best bolted water ground filing from h-i-i I steady, per bag ef pounds. sr.SS.. " market V tirala). Mar. Kir prb mov menta were tt, ; ! lo Hi noii'Tn on the old ioi Wheat 11 IfiCfl ift and 14 lu 16 points on 1 lif new- Hi N 1 timothy, r. No- 1 mlsod. I M 1 J" WJ" , Apr". U i """-! liiinlU tA, bran, .flSarW; ship-14 i2. July. J1 :. J'.r',t i. stutT fit ' I'teMbor. 12 77. ttrtobei. 1 2 -K . 1 'e CHfr rredwe. I cemh. r. 12 2:' . (Hy Korayth .V Co.) wife, Mandy hauif , and rr ird it iai t li oftic of the resister of deds of Cniilfnrd count f, In hook No. 1S5, at pri;e No. 5.'i4, nd in the office of the register of deeds of Rowan count j, m book No. HI, p.e No. 203, I will acll at auction lo the highest bidder for rush at the courthouse door !u Greens Uoro, North Carolina, on Wednesday, the 11th day of May, 1010. at 1 o'clock, p. in., the following real estate, to wit: A certain tract or parcel of land, to- e7i1 hr uith the hrnisw thrnn hitiiHte. D being in the County of ltowan tu iiBir ui .tuiiu vmriiuiH, uuhihuti at follows, to wit: (hi the wett aide the Charlotte road on hea nut Hill, beffinninff at H. C lofcing coiion: ' ('orrihu's south onr, thence in a V I )rten 4 points' i. j ,r..t t h. dif .t tin- rnnJ M fret to -lack Mowery's corner; thence with Mowery's line iu a N. W. diro' tion 2Mr feet to Mowery's north cor iter and thence with (rtrrihu's line 2t)0 feet to tlie begiunltiff. beiajc kt No. 1 of the Dixie 1-and cotnpany's plot of trtif"S. R. Ifarriaon land. The above Ituid was eonreyad to (). .1. Ludwick and hi wife hy Ike Dixie Isand omuiany, a corporation of lsalis bury, V. .. iw book No. 101, pne 2W, etc.. register of deeds nffioe, Kowan county. North Carolina. A ud also the following personal prop erty, to wit: All the Hit urea, wares. nierohandiM, stock and all other appurtenances thereunto belonging to a certain butt nea in the city of High Point, County of Guilford and State of North Caro lina, known and operated a the Acme Cafe, Lad wig and Bame proprietorm, lo cated at the ooruor of North Main and Broad straeti. Itich Point, together with any or at) stock, merchandise, ware, fixtures, etc., that may hereafter ooitte into the said Aeme Onfe. Also one kltehen range, made by Iandr Steele Range compa:ir, St. Louiis and known as model No. glH, with MANAOKRd WANTED EXCKL1.KNT opportunities for dletrtct managera to establish a permanent income and control torrttiu v for t he National special aud t'limax pollute They ate unliti.Ked heMllh and accldenl coutra'ta. without restrictlona Pay a Me moot hi v lesued only by the National IVaualtv riuuy. Detroit. Mich Old iltif MIOlk Asrt talOeoO lot orne f i w write for terms Southern Commercial School 5f of Greensboro On af the eldest and brat eejalpped bejsiaee dolle x tka Carahnsa. A Lire aghanl for amliitieua young aea sad wueara wao wiaa ta eaeure a taarough buainess training. If you aut to prepare roura.lf lor a psjlng poeitiaa, tke Southera roBBieretal ecbool can help you. All com eternal branches suoeessfullr taught. Student out enter tioo.1 man ptease' ft any weekdse. Da and night sessions. For full Information 'plume IONS, writs, er call at the ecbool, eeeond 4-14-ei ill door fiorrn buildinv. 110 West Uaahiuvtan street. 14 rOR RENT. FOR RENT 6KVMN ROOM MODERN uouae on Guuell stissu V. c. M: doo. I'hona 10. t-!'-tf FOR SALE. ftlH SALE CH BAP MUST GO AT onre. One ;ood M round bay horae and one extra alrons; lp buaxy and I tiarnas. Also one llifbt eAiii( waxon. S-cT.tf riU HAI.E OE.NTI.E RKI.1AB1.K lainilr horse and light surryy fall telephone tl or l 4-1 31 art-h and April, krore the federal arunil Jury ut an-luii 11.1..,, K.l(,nnu. rl,.rn r to Ihe rhrf of r-lialiiiiig trade. .. 14n.T v.i.., l'poii the riM Hlpt i.f !hla iirws prlr.-s j Al" on HtlBtar revolring ele-lrir hrok a ilollwr a hnle n tlir old rrp : rihrur fn, togMher with the motor and month. Hulls exhibited inu.-h ner- L xtri.g h ud aar1 belongine tlierelo vousiies oer the development and the . f,,,aln i .. n .ittnn ti vi-hi, uril Sua a much in do wlih ihe dei line as Khortlas tlie Martel .Sanitary system, trerrther in tne aiiernoon uith nil livftires. irli'. silverware. U r'wTd'e"' Thei'P"""'. holder. oonnert I.H.. I.et (lei I IIH OT M lUIHMUft 'U aatrai ls ! Ii I nil I in H fin I 1 iiionthnM,f the same or belong in snT usv to Hid !odn water fvtintain. KtifiS FOR 8 ALIO PR IZ tC WrNNINO W tiite Iearhorns (Kulp 8traln. Lu ther Cherry, Greensboro, N. 3-I7-eoe 'k Schnal With WTA? Repuution tor Doing Hifh Grid Work On af he best equipped sohoois In the outa. THE LARGEST. Tha strongest faculty. MoHK (il(Al)l' t I KS IN KISII HINS than all other euMneea arhoola in the State. BtHlKKLEPINti, SIIUKTHANU and K.VU LISH. Write for Handsome (atalogur. Address, KINGS' BUSINESS COLLEGE, Raleigh, N. C, or Charlotte, If. C. We also tearh bookkeeping, Miortaaad, i'snnianthip, etc., by nail. Send lor Home Study Circular. FOR HA1.K FINK HOKBK. KIOHT eara old. Hplendht saddle and bux- fv horse. Hhi peifert padlgres. Hee r 1. title, Benbuw Arcada 4-lS-si UCKI l.ttaxil t rrKfKTy,nt)irTTR nji liifth Grade, 2i cents a pound 4-1 -flit TOl'NQ OKNTLKMAN UK8IKKB a'l'R 11 in tied rwm with private family. Ad-I ' dresa H. P . care this of fl e lt NOtt rii aholis a .: a k a A large collection of beautiful ri; live Mtor.ea Write for prteea. Htones sent on approval. A T. Vernon, ! Oreansboro, N. O. Phone ITS. I l-10-tt sod 1 WOI LD 1-IKK To PLACE AN ultraTR I with some responsible and reliable fuciorv to turn out about 100 toilet ahlnets or medlolne cases per week fur the en mil iir year. Aid teas Lock rtox 1-!T, Uetieva. N. T, 4-lo-tt Grandpa's Favorite Old Corn Whisky B&ST ON EdiatTH. Ijo mi GALLON. IXFRC5S PREPAID. Je 111 ice Corn North Carolina Com, prepaid Va. Apple Brandy, prepaid CioHtn Rts' II 7fl Gallou Express 2.00 " Express 2 50 PATKNT YtHTK 1DEAH Al'D MAKE money. Hend for my new book. "How to Jt Them.' Hest service. Joxhua U. H. Potts, Lawyer. Wash-! Inr ton, U. C, Chicago and Phi la delphla. l-l-t-un 1 "I t Sri 1-1 4 V lftV I'K v-, 114 1U TKEiM RY Ht1TMF,1T. Chickens, per pound. lilie, ld hens (each), if, butter. 2Qirjv, eKgl, 17 lie; country ham, Isj pei pound, beaswax. 2 in pel pound, ttavllow, eu per pound. Pink Ueana. $2 26: wbita beana, 2Ti country colored beat s. S2.7, white peas. $2.00. colored pai. L7s. Hln. (By Foray. a fc Co ) i4 treen hidfw. pt-r pouuL ; ; S , Mil V per poumi. dry tt . Ij i.,c H i per pound, dry fliat. 1 . 17. per pu tr , i sheepktna, 2b 40c eacj. ; goatakliia, lie; pelU. 10W lCc. Track. , (By W. I. Anderson A Co.) ..I pn'rHoff. per iif-lialf buR. $1.75. SSweet potatoes. Pr barrel, $1,760 $2 Ot. (intone, $3 00 par sack- ( 'nbhairc Sou tli Cm i oliilM. $:! no per crate. New Florida anapp beana, $ J. 76 per cent New potatoes $J Tid per crate. I- ruilH. (By W, 1. Anueiaon Co.) Flortoa orange. $:i ooi 3 't;. Apples. I Vr haircl. Lemons. 30" a, $4 .50 per bx. Uananaa. per buncb. "0c to $1.11. Calif ' nla oranges, z o u a wu, Florida bi is tits ana ruatse a, $2,60 0 1.76. car. (By C. l. Kenny Co.) Crystal Dominoes. 2-pound pttckafer. $7 86. crystal I'onilnoes. 6-pound p k- $7.6, cut loaf. I a; cuoen. o uo. lialen pour iiirikt 4r t o'rn Cih r-tun Quii , mtddliiin. 1 4 net rei "tnte "J J'I t.;il-f , n.ilfe. t't4 k bub- w i o n. I lit i'iphh) , hi tun i ii. k i 14 net reifipi-. 5 0 belp" ?;il-H.I ?.inn hHl. totk. halfn I mlttdllng. 1 t Mor.il.- t cp pt - 1 I to. k 27 71 K;t niiH h rwi ipis a Iim k l '"hull f I- ba Ifrt .,I.'K Quiet rnid'llinit i.rii ni!. l ton EXTREMELY LOW ROUND TRIT EX CURSN)N TICKETS SOLD HY THE i NORFOLK & SOUTHERN RAIL WAY. I he Norfolk and Southern railway i wtll c greatly reduced round tri) tckei to points indicMteri, and on daita pccitifd. vi: i ahinptnn. D ( . Tickets folii April VI .i 14 IS l: ti, and 2.i. limited to rftnrn to rearh atartiu point by May S. Riclunorul, Va Tickets sntd April Hi. Mav I and 2. limited to return to reach , Marttnp pt'inl Nv May 17. ! A-heville. . C. Tirkcte tM Msy 2. j Mo II. inehieiv. Iitmtpd to relurn to; ; utart iitR pom t Mav il. KulitDosid. a. - lr- kct sold May 11 ; machine ' io ri m n iu bi i ii nj( k... '1 point, b" Mav 2ft i GRANDPA'S rAVORITt CORN WHSKEY Seoti'a Kr. Eipress prepaid bjr ua t OO " Waite Willi, rur.it Straig4.il Whisky a.50 " V. baw Urap Rts, Kxprees prepaid 1.00 " Htuart's Rvs, Kxpteaa pre paid . BOO " Old Orer Holt, Battled in Bona. 4 full quarts, rxprrss preps 14 4 00 Jefferson flub, 4 full quarts, elpresa prenaid 4 00 Wnto for bif prioe lift. Jelterson Uquor Company "The Prompt hkipper." P. 0. Box S3. Petersburg, Va. Mil huleh. hi. ! tVf rf elpl. 1 i' i... I nil.ldlini: elo.-k, MS 10 111 SI e; .lv: mtddllntf .lies. M.i. k in M. Hhi it .I., sales 1 I V mtddlinr. LIS: (on pi t aa-es. Waahlarsnn. April It The coalition powdered. $(i 26. aianulated. in barrels. ro 'P'" r t rve traaetawy af the in I fi c ' "n I ni't t tiit!. ! balix I Vi.rf.ilk -crlptr. . '. balfC, Wtrt' k '"I IihI- j Halt tmorf Nomitiril sto k. r.n:' bnt- 1 New York jMi,t: mlddltnar. t f 0.". , i net r.M tti bnit-f. hjiIcs. 7 0 1 bales; i ato. k. 1 .'i.'l t tj le- ttnuton Quint ; inlfMllnc. net receipt 7 " bnlrp it or K. It hn If j I Philadelphia Stfa.U ; middllritr, l.r. no. j xtork ? . 7 OS tntee j .trkin Vet rtrlpti. f, hslefx J Tnl t1nv. all ports, ret, 1 4 - SS biile-i; threat Rrliir P 4 r. h.iles; Franco ?1J hnlrn fnnt t nn T . hnl: j Ninrlt. 49t 04ft hli laf er4r Mavrwrat. TTniitttrtn Ptead mid.lli kustnass teda waa aa faMow Wl Kaaals. Oaia tetn :. 4"4 )r,t b4a. granuiit-l. in 4-2h. $S.$0. ) 11 Ot f.0 c r. Iwaalea C'wlTetea. By C. 1. Keni.l Co.) R. No. 1. $11. bO. C. C. R. No 2. A uriisia r'ript n. I 4 ... k. -Tt.:,?7 ,. bdl-. hi. If Hil er daMars f t-rer dailars mf HXt Stiver crtebeatw outsiHii. tne 4imTmi rmmd. Standard i-'lfr dnllaj-ji ii jeneral fund t 'ui rent liahilts'e Wrirktpc bat i ant e lei trp- ur offltes In hanks to credit of trf-an- urer ef the t"nH.t Hiate S 1 1 ba4 ftei ry "ih f-i e n Minor i oin Tosl baJanf e In l fund .... KW V4IRK MOM-.'. New Trk April M Montv n , Stadv. 2 hf it ? p-r nl . ruling raie pr cnt . ' ioetna b q. " , pi . out : effertl at 2 p r cfv. n ii ("mhi arnphat eate 'tn. and ft trs 4 per cent,, eix nior.lht. 4l, pi i -nt Tme niert an t i I pup- ) ii ."i p r rfnf etrlinr H'Mnr- Srt'a1 w . t M actual husin?rt In bankrr. bili at 40 t SOft 484 for 44 bills, and h ' 47 T for demand, i ommenJa 1 hill 4Kl$4. b alU-er. '.S. M-xi.nn deTlara. 44. ajovemment bonds. nt";id . railroad bond, irreieuiar si k a ta- iianl C. 1'. K. No. 1. $1250; Santua No. 3 T7I oai l-W; -V- 'Li-Hi, c' U lk- ! 1-pound package ofTee. U 00, .( t , i una Market lonlmues etiong 45.tsi.ea Bfsllell.ti Material. ' By tShaH Clapp Lumber Co.) thorl leaf framing $14.00. sixinc ri- 2 1i'0ifi . . long leaf training $17 0, sizini, ft.fi viii. lli LH, No. 1 and 1. -.., 1 aa UiS. No. 1 and i. $25 00. Ixlu 14S, "!4 :ih 0. 1x10 I4S. No 2. $17 lil , 1x12 L4S. No 1 $.ii U0, 1x12 IMS. No. 2. 3 S7ft 1 r( $30 00 . eheaihintc l 1 f5 . $ 1 6 f0 . No 21 .h 4'-' i rtooring. U-lh. $J7.io. No. J flour in a. l .;(: ui l - 13-1. $-'2 20. No :; nooring. 13-lk, .$1750. No 1 7-16 reiKr.g. $-'0 '0 No J 4 fci H. ' 7-16 telling, $17 SO . No 3 7-16 inling, $i:60. No. 1 tel siding fiora 4-4. fit 60. No. lievfi siding from 4-4. $1 00; No. 3 beve ?.diiig from 4-4 $11"; No. - t.e.el ldlng from -4, $.'0 00 . No. 2 bvH sidinK t ' oin .'. -4. $ i 7 .50 , No 3 f4 el i niir, g f r om .. -4, $ii! 60. No 1 hfart pin? sl.jng.es. $i2i. No heat i pi r. Hii.i.glet, $3 2 9 . No X be; i ri pn e f h i lit; ler. $ 1 7 5, ntt-ulil i t.g roc pei I ncsh . en ng la i hi, $:'. 00; No 1 Junir-e. Kiingle., $5 00. N'j X Juniper nhuicles. $4 00. 1-heart No. 2 flouring, $45.00, l-1 heart No. 1 flooring. $50 00 RtvM (hp 'i., rk rorrox I KIT KB TO J. K. IATIMH New O.ifs.ir.st ' T f i The f. a i r in I.i ti pi.4. is rhf ne;'vv 9m ph 1'ooi. t...te at 4 p.M'-s hlahei ii- tn I, ft erpofl! . .t r rs p.m. ten t r y ruil i Ii i1kui "Mif "rSY ;i t hn t I ,i ei p.n.i . - n -jo rnui h ot ton mit ' -"ick p a of it p- bak t o ', w'll tnka at lae-t an.l m d. h ue lt nti Also one electric Itanjo. made hy the mertran 4 .tfcoma t ic M ti ic mm pa n v . 'e York, IS. Y.. and numbered 3014 Also one Pulyer chocolate penny i 1 he slut machine. AJao one shw rae. made Hv the High Point Show Cae works. Hivh IVnn:. C. I 4,lo one monnjr piciure baU-r.;! '"'" - - r .... - ......... - Oi -AU. 11. Ticket- aold MaT nn csd rojiMei. main- nr ,. . . . . . . . ' , U, . i , i i . . rv H 1. 1 and lnn:td to retina lo start- "t h t M'rlH I t m-Ii Hcyivter impjinv. . ' ... 1 4 .ii Ohm nd mini tier rtl 4K , " ' . . . ' ll . a .. I l ..l..t...l .,ii- .. i . . .x, jilt, 17 ud limited 1 rturn to s art "It Ii hi " ' IIlr P"-'1' .I'Hic T' .o one .mail Wt.nK -fnve mde hT f Vaabiuon P C. Tickets sold May lynit-trillc. R ' "' ' ; " ' mi. h r inpi piini nv -nine i. Atlanta, (in -Ticket-- Ro?d May 23 and 24. limited to rH urn to stsrtiii)r point fit .141 I. Piirclis-e your tickets vim Norfolk u it A Sftut lioi-n Pti il u-b f hrruivk ii lei ok eralor compjinv. Ion lii l.r. ,...,.- ' A No one rrt i ifcrator. rnnan pa the.' , , Puritan. ,n,,., l.v I. II X.re anrl com ! ,"r f"rtlr psrti.mlnr. applr to anr i Ww iri " V taanl of tlie Nor, oik nun Nontlierri rail ANn one electric light meter. mde he j J ?; "r 11 Hudtf.n.. ii. P. A, I the Kort U ftync Klr-ctrie worka. Kort N,rfllk ' WaMte. Ir.d., imd mimhered Ma.4fH. I . ci fi;rht null pMlitre Plirchltted I , IT' mi i -nop i' nimi" rwpi'Rin 1 4 net panv. II .till I'oin' . N K. I 1 balef r four mir mr. fnade -..tK.k-r. Iliirh rVnnl. V ft Tpcelpta. ' 7? hle. Alt- ?" rt ot silver ware for taSle, made the -Mer'f-njr i'ver mm pan? Alw one -n i I r 4fe-trir fan. made bt the (."ii'-iiil Kl'ftrV entnsnv, and nam bcr d Mf. fi ', : Uo r t ii ; t . ''e eiirtri'ii. find wndiw -had.-. A frii- ' nr:d 'indiT appliances belong i in, tl, .fd fn"in'ait. ttrrt-tlier Foley's Orino L-axative NOTICE OF SPECIAL ELECTION AND NBW REGISTRATION. Notice is kerehy given to all whom it I may eonoern lhat t!ie Ixiard of alder- men of the ritT of Creenrnio, pursuant to the powers legally conferred upon it, I lias, hv ordinance sdopted aa providrd For Siomach Trouble. Slucib ' .l,w' """! " fi"'!0"!0 A'hiiin-ti'v. i.-Tikrts r.M May 1 1 j u.L:,,..ir... ,'..'.," ...,r s .... , . , I aWe-"W SI aTlaal mm WHIMII Va'slP aajjyu. . rev 1 1 la I IlH III H 111 If IW I ril'VI IUCI I II HHI Mnd'fl'iord anil coniKirw. A Im one Urp'1 hat rsrk. purchased j frtirn the IVnpl.'' linn'" f ur nihitiy com pany, llih P"int , V. C fAluo on1 refrijjera tor. known a a a J fiiirney nd mud- by the turney ftrfrtR I Ton Ii I. a' , U in j-r.le br Ferd Decorative Work! e Vor k I tlHt I....; - 11 e hav Mii!- morn e!t m I'T- North ..O.I aen. itr.tr y iri - a tn ' .1 Hfm 2-t;, 1 -Irt W i At;:; HAVAl TORK. Rs vane ah, April 1$ Turpentine ft. in at Kifi l ; eatea, 1.01 iceipte. 1:, shipments, -t: atks. 4 241: rtoera. firm . eates. 9 : rei-eipta, Tf.4 . ahipnrenta 1 4lo. trk li fiuote. B 4 10 r 4 Ui. K. 4 6', F. If;,' G H IT I S " K. Iffl M $ W O. $00: W W, rtjiarlei'ton. April II Turpentine, firm. i:o-iT. t-rni QnAte A 4 - 1ft r 4 SX. K. 4". K 4 Sft-- 1 1 ilTU. I. Am ; M. .$- ONE CONDUCTOR WHO WAS CURED. Mr. Wiltoid Aiiann i hi name, and he writer alio-tt it "Som1 tirye apo I aa i on fined lc- my tied v. nh t hronic rbeiiiiistieni I ti-ed two lottlc of ley'4 Kidoey Remedy w if h jtim effet-t, r.nd I rcunnd work a (niuct4i ori tlie Ienng1on. Ky . t n el rail It fnv me more ndief than an metlif-me I hid eer u-ed and it ail do all yo'j ciann in C14M- of rbeuioti-m " l"o!c Kid if Me it" tt v i-iin-. rh"imT-ni h cImt" i ;' 'a. z t h urij ric.d from the LI' aid. Howard Gardaer. w ith appt in or inif r p- he l,x ,,.. v.,,,, J,t ! ''I"' l" 1 hh... n 'v. . I.fr. irl.. ;o .n:. . I I I! ' in ,.r '. 1 . i lull-'. "1 Ml", '..ll. 'in t.irz n'ar t rnil f or;if .li. nr.. i i. rar'l t.''.i in of pnl l..n,'-i -.if.. " orl a.- - :. I ' I'm. ' a nt ronr p pn.n. I4. rr T.iil.M, A'-r- If 1. i.M.'.l. r,r I . f- veil tve.it ilifj It cares by aiding alt of tht digestive organs gently stimu lates the ltver end regulates the bowels the only way that chronic constipation can be cured. Especially recommended for women and children. Clears blotched complexions. PleatMt to lake. Refuse siihlilute. HOWABD CARDITES. DKUGGIST. NOTICE To Whom It May Concern: Ihe public is hereby notified 'hut Rn-a U CWsper. my wite, hnn a t. nd iBM rue without caue, and that I nil not lr ro-rxitiftihle f'r any! hint w tit' fl ,uu We sold 1o her by any f'i"N elu.!.o eer; and inv cuiifrat h , i Ji' m; n ake riliout my i ini'-Tit ill I'm mid And I h'Tel.! f i:rl Ik f ri' f it r f lie pub lie not to ire-t h i t'T ,mi thing m in v ninie. I W ( rw H'l K Jreereiero. ( . April M Itfin 4 I.i 3t. ,.rd (Vie- T. C. HUNT VVpsI Market Street Bids lor Stone Work city at the city hall in the city of (ireenehtiro. V (, in tlie fourrf. Tues day of April Beit, it beliijr tha Mth Hay of pril, 1011, at- whir election there will lie euhmitted lo the quali fied reentered vol era of aaid city the (jueslion of isiuing coupon bonds of aaid rity mi the levy of no annual special tax to pay aaid bonds at ma turity find the interest thereon, as it lie oomet due, as folluiae, vir.: Thirty five thousand l:ii,0O01 dollar of the c.'ty'e bond-, payable thirty 1.1t) years iftcr their dnle, in dennminationa nf one thousand ($31,0tlQl dollars each. I lien rung interest at the rate of 5 per cent. per annum, payable mai annua ny ; tha proceeds of the sals of aatd bond to be n fed for the purpose of erecting, equip- fny altering and furnishing a eehoul ui(ditit or achofd hmldinfrs in the city of (.ireensboro. sad, rf nece.sjry, of piir 'liMPtiif; land for eaid Innldinfr or build- ' nipi. 7'hst for the holding of aid pv-ial I elect! ' R. .Millur has bee; duly tp- i ponied teffielrar snd the folowinj 'riil'iied perrWiHS. illdj' f eleftton: r or t he r irt wid, ' I S!.ne ; Kof the Second ward. H. A. -rsy; for the 'Third ward. W , (V;nfarI: for the Kourt h ward. I dm H Rankin , for ihe ift h ward. R ihir' Mnrrtson, for the tSuth ward K K .ilnt-r And not ice is heriy f urtlser )tien 4) nil whom it mi v conciwa tsat th . itriid ."-Sid of aldrrmen. piirpitamt to h w.wr rnni'-fH upon it. Ims da'y tr ierd h t at ntl for the sper-ial elec tion to e held hfreirlWora pro - .rjed M in ty h-!! on fhe 2-tth day it pr t1. t ' 1 , iher" be a new regis 1 1 r ir.n "f l Ii' vott r of s;i id eity and Mi t t h f rs' ion tsook for nid elect ior. rne4:j for the r?i"tratio it hern railway thrrtuph of voW br the re(itrar for aaid ele tioo at the x collect-r' offine in the t hull on the ?0-h day af March. GREATLY REDUCED EXCURSION FARES TO WASHINGTON, D C I 'Ihe XctMik snd ".tliern Kailwsv h will aell low rule i n r mui tiiket from al! Onupon v-n u-n on J line to ah ' !i:gton. I ' "r,d r-1 tn n April '., H. and K. with i turn limn May 2. ;i-h nt"H 1h- 'sp;fHl if the nation ,,..-., rr.-'ie at t rsrtiont than n unT".4ri '!' Piirehjise licktt v ,a tb Wtf.rlk i .rfnli. . V . I M. T!l M ' ikel i.f j" n in a .. .: n un Vol k shou. e I Nt t ;4ft-t th" .( t 1 rtut t.l;.v af'ir ,.f i tie., s l lrOt llU'l". f'..in I. iwi r..,.,i " ; 'rm-a I, aht, t- i - - v f tatver..o 'H. r. r.rX l"'l I! I I f-tr e, rxi? mi .i r!it i his rn-it ninj; i O. D. Boycott Mouiimrnlal and Buil.ny '-'.i.i.ta Xorse H.t pne-t lor Trret t n '' .rlt. O-r Wslicr svenue ssa g rtreet, N. C 1 ..I' ititil-'.l milil ,.,1 -II.1-1I..11 .if 1 Man.. Li "t It. !. I" It'll :- I. I iiti..t lt..l': - - . ui.- 1 I. ; k ! Vpnl L'ti'l, a t , "h rii' I.i k ! Hint ' I .ii l-iiil.-r par-t i nla i 'all upon an .,r'..U .ii.-1 ..'itiiern ttlr-t arrnt. or ' Itiltt. and e krpt open diirinr Ihe bo-nr iil.l: II. '' I. Iil.l it k-m.t. r. --. n t- fli. H-I-. -., in m.i.v, r . Xorfolk. Va i- .). fw.-rad. CITYB AGGAGE & IRtNSUR CO rTtr.pt na Efficient Semce. - It !..r:n.it ;-m -n Kf-yjnJ tn Trains, . S,.,),,!, . M, i irt.iH.. ffflinr IMd BuiHipc. Flsaaa lu. ri-.iTirrrd lr law for 16 daTa thereafter .undiiv exrptedl same to be ''losed tr-n dsv b-f.ire said elerxion, diiriTur jahirh lima all persons k-gallr eatrtlsl 1.0 to tin may njriater ffrr sasi errtioa. rt or.lor of thr- board of aldermen of tlie tltv of nreenabero, N. C. ! This lrrh 12, 110. JOSH & irCHAl'X. SU dark. Uuesi U. aia 1

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