6 OREENSBOBO DAILY NEWS TUCTHSDAY APBIL 21. 1910 SMITH TO RESCUE South Carolina Senator Quick to Defend Lotton Combine. f WMhintuii ,-yr ' I n.-idt-ntaJ to tk di-n--iuj b ft- -witf toda.; t ; Ih reaolut n n m imi 1 ' ' x jwn 1. tur u- tt u.t tut .! k tlM jecial i'-l l iiv nig i minutf , beulr bn'tiii, ot h-tuth (r'hnat. r farred lo Ui- : imi-t meet ut .itm. -iu itora la Nf iur. Ht JtTirra thai the aitom- -.".umI had b"fjj mild the Mrlllll ' a f'!' ' With th eild IB View ol dfjHtaMli lll DrW ot i t on in 1 h 1 n t r t 1 ' li foreign nutrktt Mr -n I tut :tir t'ar hd told tin' rot t nil ( 1 iur mu: (!lh " cotton W41 I r 1 111 in lii- ""1.1:1 I'll;' ' wotiJd iiar to k'u to Uir r-'.Nl'T t 1 get tiw cotton und thev hoi:.j ttnt tint 1 they mould hut jfi-t it there .Hrt ii-? t tit ' 1 arm era w.tc linking jfin t h teista i onu-m tail ritifn 1 uf ootton )i ..11 erKiitf-l, Mi - ntUriif rf'-ict .1 1 ly 111 titkiii.' i,' into thf luti' l rvw t fif tun 1 - 1 hat ill t l.i pi 1 h ..r : i-d ilifl tin ttmi tl,.- xjrfllDltll1 I 1 -1 ally untrit r t. tiad te 11 s. I -111 -trad 1 1 1 run are tr iuji t" nut 1 nanu m io.j iiD 1 turein t n 1 - '1 Admitting Ui ti" :aniin tf' tj- I lll-IT ! j 1 1 ' ' ' ' 1 1 hv ilnu t Mm .1 I 1 I I tl'Hf W'l( 1 1" - h v in 1 Ii" 11 Ml WSt latt' ' tir nd.-.l Mr Smith 1 utMMi'd in or (Ii-- .Milh !"( Mr -Hiu. til dra l 1 nif LAW DOESN'T LIMIT FEE Usury Case Decided Ayalnst Plaintiff, Ibu Touk Appeal Ihiiham, Apiil 20.--Hure .venire R. re .vpur. K. ..h a.teu ned vitl. C. A. llama tint alternon a iiol naury i-jik.'. siriactm lion ovai- I Iw. Mtale Mn W. Nrlf plaintill und il. A. lullord de Thia one diflered niawrially in the complaint and in poim of inielligence m the plaintiff'? iart Mi. Sell i a whit man uhoran rea.1 mnA tkril. .n he calculated cjuicklr thol t lit- rale of Interest charged ua excmivc. Ho ml- lege, thst he Iwrrowod III) snd executed a paper lor l:l4fi. which meant fcl.40 lor fees. He alleges furllier that he did not renew the loan, but whim he returned for the second time, instead of carrying the loan another month, he paid up the principal und the $3.40 interest lor the nexl niunUi. I Aficr liatrning to argument, Ju.tlcc Harris decided that though the charges wore exceaaive, the law did not limit tees notaries may collect for services. I Plaintiff took an appeal. I Pill I Mi AND IIUI l(i TO GET AT THE PIE COUNTER Raleigh, April '20. Here today urg ing Ihe appoiiilini nt of Hon. D. I.. Ward as Superioi court judge in tbe Third district to succeed Judge o. H. Guion, re signed, were Col P. M. Peamall, chair man of the Craven County Bar ntttocia tion, and s. M Hrinson. V. RicLard aoo snd A. .1. Maxwell, these gentle men bringing with them the unanimous endorsement "t Craven county interests Mr Ward appears to he by odda th-' mct strongly endorsed csndidate in the W. Pamlico i.d Cart.re counties Jones, lamliro and '''tsret counties and a large fo owing ir i Wort, How , W anVs J Tand r. e, cn v sre urging forcihlv the appointment of! 1 V Morrel' ; j i nir imi-Tirr nnnin in nt nmm ruruun AMONG THE DEMOCRATS Rndsvdi. Ann! ?n ThF r.orkii)ghm Democrastry will prebf nt Metu t V. lane for t he nid it nil nnmina t ion. (. ', t V Alr Mu-ael liav inir deetineil to ullnw hi name to rn' ein.rlered Mr latne' friends here soy t li.it lie woald mvept the nomination mi-1 they will 1 for lu.n with entliu!-' ni. - th.r eonnly ha.. ao far ia rvii.nvti h-e rut- red ran didate. Eugene Street Wins. In a more evenly nii.trhed ):ame tlmn that ot tiie hich t i one ki t k . the Kugene "t r- rt I feated tVe rmal r I djr 1teriietn l tle tenet Hii'ne and V.t ; Nurmil ri Billbro. i.t-il tPHUl t. ji tu i'-ii-i ie ot IC t t W. a'.li.'tlv Ill, k- an.' iftf nfard of dUcation and nutrition. He might almost as well cat sha Injj. Jnr all the good ha get out of hia food. The result ia that tha stomach grow "weak" the rfion of tbe oran of digestion and nutrition are impaired asd tbe man suffers the miseries of dyspepsia and the agonies of iwrrousoe. To frrrttkea the to roach, restore mctirtty of the imam ot dtfattom mad nutrition mad mrmcm up the nerves ame Dr. Pierce Golden medical Dlmcorerr. tt le mm mm tmlllttf remedy, mad ham tha confidence ot phraiclmnm mm well ma the pralaa mt thomammda hemted hr itm vae, U the strictest sonne "Golden Medical Discovery" i a temperance mdi atma. It conUioa oeitber intoxicants oor narcotics, and it tree froaa aloobol ea from opium, cieioe and other dangerous drugs. All inredieota pnnted oa ht outside wrapper, , , . Doa t let a dealer delude you for hit own profit. There it a medicine lor atomach. liver and blood "just aa good" ea "Golden Medical Pi scorer . Try a DURHAM DUPLEX m FflRM Cortioratioi Commission Agrees tu Be co rat Party to Suit, v T .fj... to V' II Mill lor M tl.f! t.- 1 r Juik- 1 11 ,1. -iujL Uu u Ui't r II. I -Id fli tUf val jr 1 'I I' l.sl 11 1 '-'I I ' b- haif igti :!),.. Mill. U Ml-CO Jilt of 1 It- pul lid Mat bmxis ul Wit- f tJU.'HHt ia.ur ot r the i-nlai ?finf Lt ot ihejry M-uottHj the atate antHr.1-1 art. Inrjdieda ot people who hnd the atreeU to la' liff'lt :i I fur I tu tioii "t in' Tln-kt t ad A hort "i 1 i'-jpa!or uit waft stjrt-d Mimf nan h..t t Nft thiew mil hi n' ; iKat I'd Hin--- t 'ifi ''0 h . 1 r r n 11 crilcr Hv t h irpnr t " n n. if 1- ion ..L-ainnt -uhi.-li ill. luJi' rnjho m iiTiuai ruling iis- 1 1 ipn 111. I' tl.f Ull.k iMh H'H tlllM 1 . 1' d 1 ? In- m . nil- r i litrfki" n .1 - .... i:t .t -t k - il Itwut I .ii- I -lit I ( -It t Ii' : -xllH'lll 1 - mi' ! H L 1 rjru ! ii- 1 1 in' . tune 1 ni 1 1 " u 1 Minci tli' ln.nk .ip Tu i!i- n(K'i . arl 111 ifrfnl.il t 1 in tui ui h'l ! In j. the irrut' court NEGRO PRESBYTERIANS Whites ol Durham Giving Moral Sup port lo Convention. iSp'inl lo Dmily N I liirhnui, April 2U Tur lie; 10 PlM l.trriiui N.miIi I m r ln.a ;ur li.-r in -tati- ronTrlir n today, will nl thrnueh todai loni-niov. and p. rhspa hrougli todai. iom.ii.ov. P P I i idav Ilio nero rlninliinen hevan coming: in today and tbe aeaaion of presbytery uaa not thoiouchl) gotten di: to bnei I ih-sb et A uunilier of proiiunent white enurenmen io.-s.iy -...a. " " "" ""f'T, v , 71 ' r.rr. I.eorg. Walt. Lev. h K. l- ; , burn, of the F.r.l 1're.bMer.. . church ; churchmen locally will give the com en lir 1 11 l.nirhun and 1. 11. ruler. TI.m. ir.nl cinrn win innKe nort an- lraes lo them. Today Dr. Dillard, of I i-olumbia. and Dr. McCorey. of H'ddle j I niveraity, Charlotte, came up. ami oin era are c&IH ted tomorrow. Kcv. I. 11 Uiiell, pastor of lime Street Preaby teriau chuich, i the runt of the preshy terv, aud ia having the largest Pre. byterlan meeting that the Durhsm col orcd people have had. ' " II CVIl T VQfl U VI I I F rHflFM lILliUHloUi. 1 11.1.1. UUUUa.li FOR NEXT MEETING PLACE (By The Associated Press.) r.r.enville 8 C Anril 20. Hender- : sonville C was chosen as the plsce "t reasons lor his request. These oame Colonel Means was one of the most lor holding the annuHl convention ol the 'n later by mail and .how the ground. able. lawyer, and distinguished atstes South Carolina Cotton Manufacturers' indicated. The governor will now go mm 0f the state. He was at the time s-sociation on June 10, at a meeting thoroughly into the case before May iO 0f his desth state aenator from Csbar ol 7 mill men here todav. The con nd take final action a. to tbe commu- ru. county, and he had served his state dition of the market and p'riee ol good, ts'ion to life imprisonment. He hsd a jB several capacities during a long pe- j: j . Th. minni. personal letter from the prisoner a few; Hod of Tears ment inve.tigation of the hull movement , wa. not referred to during th. meeting . NEWS FBOH MT. A1BY (Special to Daily Newa.) Mount An v. April 20. -The elee tion for mayor .-I ik. l.rrf nf r. will oocur on ih. i town e i tu in iw ion-era "'ill oocur e;.. UAHclnv in i a S-vra mmil . ,iav, aU,,sted 'for mavoi, and it! . ..Klimluoi th. Dresent occupant will' B,'n'1 lor rc"c ,)n' u. v w J Th fc t tink for the Mount I Furmlllre p.v .d th. Mount f1 "1 ".n!! lh. e .tw,t inrrni ...llons The a capacity of about 40.000 gallon. ine construction i of metal and c-. to- j 'F"n'r w,.'n. " P'P,U' hood of 4-11. (H)0, It i alnioftt a certainty that the Pre bytenans ol Mount Airv will build a new editinc noon. Ihe oonprejjation has ainwn to MK'h an extent that a laigw building if neeeAiary. T tie outl"..k i pod for the budding if man v i:e binin'- houaea and renl demi H in Mount A u during t ho Mim ini'r tnont h. V nunilier of ntien eon letnplate htdldina on a large rrale. Hnsineii tu t.Mio1 irv i fair, not .is iduinineni' tt l..t- t-een, but much Wt-r th.n t-n t pn-i ear er to. I her - i- .1 I' elm ; ! . .iiti.Wni-r aintiff tlie ionle. hrwivfr r h tnuoii tnlk 'fi improvement mi all n-l , r(llt 3rre-t ir. ),,..,,,! ! (.,H1I1',(lf(,ltprii near Mmint Ait a urir'c to VII- n. the 1 M.k.-.ff felh.w t Ik' .in v i iiMMir-"1 Tire mot iK'fple fiereaUnit .il!ep;i'r! lender, i- a .n.n h i I j ) nver Miiei-i. t I Liny to do of a wrmii I ti.1 is looked t nv.u.l t !i inii'-h nit -,!( and there in. 1 iii. s iiln-ad. t.e rmo le!v The Tenderfoot Farmer It was ooc of these experimental farm em, wbo put green apectarle on hit cow and fed bar shavinjt. His t.eory n that it didn't matter what the cow ate so lon "be wa fed. The questions of digestion and nourishment had not entered into hi calculation. lt'a only a "'tenderfoot" farmer that would trv such an eTpenraent with a cow. Hut many a fanner feeds am- BOBBED UP AGAIN Another Standard Oil Suit k lore Supreme Court. IA li 11. (. Apt i! 20. Am h r 11-1 t. iiattiii. t ! j;rtat ctaiimrnu : iuoIh- .: Mhi-.il tUf '"ii'i eui- uuurt "t tu-- t u,t..l ia'. ha luiind w) perj(! iin; t iu- t rtn. fdinf iip ,.i;in 'iHiay 10 tlie i-"int vhn Hi fid f Oti tin !' Ir'-iu 1 . "li-l'T dfTt? iaa-d l I '" 1 r-nii r e nmrii auuiutt tu- tAlJ'i-rd "llpn ot Kviitucit lb. -ttii' cUlUia I lilt hUll'iaiJ ixiUittu tpe in,' (i iiipiAiiii is iruii an ann pio . ur J nif rdijinU of (.aliatin. leuu., (n i nidi' j ii,nd an order t" pun ti- od ';iiii tti uLir 'tit lull CMinnauv ti niiHll the trtiid.ird ttoiifv John I prti'wea who d- nl-"i tin -"aiiaarn, to hi nu couri 1 11a 1. Ii.ilt-r- in oil tried tj -t nier to .-..umcro..mi ithh 10 r p- , ..a -r. altLou-di he admitted (...-ii." lUt ; urf- unt tuir triilr He airued 1-iiiLnli the onmtl ei itianded or tor od in Hin-lti- 1 lte, the I ! n va- lliterstal Mnnieli e. jny olleime had t-i-Mi lonnttted iiL'illlt t lie Sdrrih.iii nn!V(riial n.-rnfv .enral t'aiff i.l.ed tu' Mr ertree I -re, j tlul I lie' II lUr ultntion t. tin- cIhii MuildJiH Oil rtifi Iiavr I it .i''n a )tiv f j la 1 unJ tlil t lie !iuoit 11 ;ii "f ileiir.' nrcPMiary l ohm it It. mi UI Iih l-eu ruuuh lo prove II fiinll y Itewini! a 11 ancilaljle dullbl fif TI"UM' I lit 111 My I'mUV ."inleut i.ii w.i llml llf Slamlitril Oil cuild liav had a jur tiial if it hftii ao dAairrl. I ui I liei muie, pru nt.luri agaiant tht nircoi l i"n umier the rules of 1'ivil, ratber thuo criminal U". a ffAi done in thf iaaf uf the iAnt il the Standard Oil. wis not a de- niu! to the standard Oil company of the'. 'H 1 T 1 X teed by the eonslitution. he argued. , WITHERS REPRIEVED , EleCtrOCUtlOD PUt Oter tO AlIOW El- Ml DjMOD Of PoDefl I Riejh, April tO. Cobb muriT(;r Qj jDhn Leary in Wither., I Mecklen-; roiinty, will not be eleotroetited in the atate prlaon here touiorrow, Ikiv emor Kitvbiii having today announced a reprieve until Wednesday, May ST. J. F. Newell, of Cliarlotte, counsel for the prinuner, represents to the governor that the tnal judge, a number ol the jurors and many citixeas of Charlotte join in recommending commutation in Withers' oaae to life imprisonment. A telegram cams from Newell to the got-1 ernor yeateroay, aaaing tor irf reapne. but in the abaenoe of documentary evi- yfa,n, of Concord, died at the Presbv denoe of grounds for executive Inter-1 tens it hospital this afternoon abortV ference with the sentence tbe governor after I o'clock, after an immediate 111 red him rn reply thst he must .ub- dy ".TO wntten from hi. cell in the Ute priwn, where he swaita elcctrocu tioo or commutation. H'NEILL WON PRIMARY r .. a . . . . FayBUeTlIlC DemOCratS Nominate New Mayor by 20 Maority. i FaretUville, April 20.-In a Demo-1 1 primsrv this sfteinoou for mayor' "Tj'Zv V J V MdS "i .UT ! .M.Nm 401 'ot- Bu""rdi , . . , iB a former pnmarv Monda our faiMll(jJ,ti ii,Urs. Bui t none of Dullard, Mc Neill. R. H Pre and T V Power, re eeived a majority of voia, which ne eeMitated th primary held today, at which only McNeill and Bullard warn voted for, they being the two highest candidates in Monday's primary. PAID TRIBUTE TO MEMORY OF REV. ALBERT SMEDES Raleigh. April 20. -Ft. Iy Robert I Strange. I I)., bishop vt tle Iioceae of! 1 L- . V t L A. 1.. I .i..' lu viiims.. u'litriiu i-iiw pnnrii aaotpsa touay lor the rKieDia- lion uf the lODih birt'hday of Rpt. Al- ar n meiie. loutnier i rti. .Mary a School, t h diocesan school for North and Snut h Caroline here. There wtte , alo an nlli e- by Mim Kmily MeVea, j former Ud prineipel ot M. Mary 'a, and now of i i nciiinat! It-'th paid glo tng i IribiMe. to the life and work of the la-j mented lr. Smedet und t the work of the college for women In- totindwi. Thiai vert -i.e wa in the eolUe. rhaprl aa II, YU-k first service of the day waa holy! t h orkuk. I Ins after I was m lunehe-n shared by the iii'-nitw i i et tne hcnoni lurge numbers j of H'mr.ne" who arc lute tor the oele- j br.n ion ;n ! other invited guests. 1 his w.,.. i. 'l ivr.l by a bnines. meiinjr of thf fthininae a(ortaiioti at t o clock. a:d -t ndr Tit inuu al a d drannitie reeital t-'iiihi Anions t iv out -of town (runats herr for thf f t-rri-e. are Mrs. Kate DeKo'-wt leare, Mr". A M. Waddell.: Ii-- 1) MfMilIan. jr., Mr. T. 0. Jam., Mrs hat' Mam-. Mia Harriet Mears and Mis Lwt WootU-n, ofi tlmigion. ' "Boy Raffles" Sentenced. Savannah, fia.. April Jli E. B. Run yon, the Hirhmtnrt. Va.. lad known Here aa tbe bov raffle-" l,erauie nf the bur- pa."I( .7 y ,,'d tod,y w" aentenced to th- (i.utitT farm for a rear. , Mrj.:? 2 J0 o'clock. SAFETY RAZOR 30, Days fi- A. R. ENCAMPMENT nity-Sereo Costs ire Beprueoted It Kew Bern. ihtUI to Daily Nfws ) lwn. V-ril 2o.- The 39tb annual in inn. at ol Ibe depjiuurot oi YirjpfU ere decided by thi- .Supreme court ' l i h m:h1 .Nona t arojin Orand Arm) ii' tlif i;public coiiFent'd in tht oitjr to il 1 v. Kifi eveu po&U arc repreaented. IU parade at IU a ic the be- iiiiiiijg ol the t-veiits for tb dajr. The tt-rus precnted an excellent appear- r and were luuly clievred by hun iew the provefesion. lmuiedial!) after the parade, a re iplion was tendered tne o'd veteran, t tiU h inn, inn 11 v fTititiL's vera ex- Vl . At ) 0 u. tn. the cmncil of a4uiAittni it ion uiet and the t count ot the dc- . u ,tr ttin-itt(i 1 lie eiii-Hinpmeul met at '.30 p. m. JK .injtJ(t u(h . 1 ujiJ delt jratea tu tu- hortal einauipimut were elected. The liutiondl eiu auipuit-nt inert.- this year in Athiutie ntv, N J. The campfire and nt-nkiii2 b-run at 7 Mi n 111. The orincin;il noeakt-r ! JI011. Cforyn C. !'oiind, u eteran and a Btaunrb worker for tli -educat ion of the liiUHfcf Attorneys K. W William Hi,n. II. Oilaia and prominent negro .I.trinen of the city were among the !.)h a ker. I 'he ncheme o( d'-roruttou in the hiad-ijuai-t rri was rKautifni. Davidson College Newt i if-Hal to Dailv New.) Iiavidsuii April -in.- it will he of in- j iiieat to all importers ana nenevera in ?-.. ,aII. i h.nni that Field' tVpiei-entative I.injilo hm nearly sue-! ceedrd ill railing the endowment fund of 2.M),mK). thereby rweivinj 175,000 (, .1,. n.t.iu, .chool fund He . n k.. ejnniui ...H .till has 9PVeral verv atrong Pre-bytries to nan. , Thi. ,, na Davidson on a very! firm financial haais a thing which haa i been long worked for. THE SOUND SLEEP OF HEALTH. GOOD 'fhe re.tor.tivc fxiwer of sound slee, not be over eat, mated and anv ail h tvcnt, it , ,,, tl health. J. L. Souther., Eau Oalr. The restorative power nf sound sleeiji to Wi... say.: "For a long time I have heen unahle to alecn aoundW nifrhts. nf nain. ucroaa luv baric and ,,f kidneva. Mv anrjetite wa. very poor and my general eonlition wa fuch nin down. I have been tak ingOoley's Kidney Fill, but a short ti'nrNand now sleep as sound as a rock. I eat and enjoy my meals, snd my general condition i. giastly improved. I can honestly recommend Foley. FUd ney Pilla, as I know they bare cured me." Howard Gardner. Col. Paul B. Mean. Dead. Charlotte. Aoril 20. Col. Paul B. nr 0f about three weeks. nAmEL WILL RKTTJKN SENATOR U" TO HIS LYHCHBURG HOME - SSibs' has been ill from paralyiia at Daytona, r "s., ror so me lime ana ror wnoer. ir corery grave fears were entertained, has. Z, Z'Z: itia hr Siindav It's Easy to StcpPam a TAKl ONI OF THgag L.ITTLI TABLITI AND THI PAIN I 00 Nt "I use Dr. Mites' Anti-P.in Pills for Neuralgia, LaGrippe anil all pains. I don't intend to lie without them, for I find read) relief in them for every thing 1 tisc them for." MRS. L. F. MILLER, I jo W. 0th St.. Davenport, Ia. All Pain "In mv family Dr. Miles' Ant i-Fain Tills are used for heariarhr. colic and other pains, and always give relief at once. THOS. R. FOWLF.R R. D. No. 3, Dunn. N. C Sold by druggists eveeywweee, wde sre suthoncee to rsturn priee or nackane it tier fall to benefit. MILES MEDICAL CO.. Elkhart. InS. Shoe Repairing shoes frel of ch.rge. Ifyoirr .hoes! . .: vJl BVCfl I r-pes, II y isvarsj a. -re. Tbompso. Shoe Repairing Shop I no W. MARKET ST. HAND DOWN DECISIONS; Klog Per Diem Case Reversed by toe! Stale Supreme Court. (Special t iHiilv Ww.) Ra)figbT April 20 - Twenty-ooe ill tlnr weeklv deiurry iJua evraing. . follow!: Smilhwak ra Whitley, Beaufort, nu error in fjaintiff'a appiai reveraed in de fendanl'a appeal; Blatkburn va. (Xera- ko laimlicr companr, tmpton, bo er I ror ; Commiaiionera of Ri hniond ooun- ' IT n. Farmer' ha nif of Richmond, af firmed ; Bogu v. 80DKT, Anaou, no r-1 ror; Lar.T va. bouthern. i.ranville, no error; Penny va. Ludwick, liuilford, modified and affirmed; Bailey va. Biaoop, liuilford, no errur; Kui v. Guilford (ounty, rrreraed; rVividaon n. liuillurd County, reveraed; State va. bhuford and Cofeuian, Kowan. no error; Peillig ra. Inauranoe Company, Rowan, affirmed; Nharpe va. Sowera, Davidaou, no error; Tkomaa va. Board ot Ptunuary, David son, affirnied; Lambeth va Power Oom pany. Oavidaon. no error; Ingram va Southern Railway, Iredell, per curiam. 110 error; Da rid Ve. Coffee Companv, Itowan, no error; State va. John SmitX, Korsytii, appeal diamianed; Bninar t. 'ettrii Union Telei'ranh CompaaT, -Surry, diraiaaed under rule 17; Statford I va. Shutt, Kurayth, divmiaaed under rule 17; Few va. Barr. Ashe, diamisaed for lailura to print rerorda. TORBCAST. (By The .aaocialod Preaa.) Washincton. April 20.-For Kortb Carolina, South Carolina and Oorpa: Fair, warmer Thuraday and Friday; ugiu m aouin wmu. Florida: Fair Thuradar. warmer in'aiirht or Friday. north and central portions; Friday fair, warmer; light to moderate, variable wind., becoming south. Alabama: Fair, warmer Tnuradar and Fridav: lirht to moderate, rariable winaa. oecoming .oum. Mississippi and Louisiana: Fair. wwrmer Thuradsy; Friday fair; light to nioai-raia, soutn winai. Viiiri n ia -. Fair in aontli . rain rlay morning in north, followed by fair rndar, warmer; Ught. vanaole winds, becoming south Fridsv Kat Texas: Fair ThursdaT. . TMTMMMT The Confidence of Our Patrons is demonstrated by the fact that they give us their or ders each season. Invariably they recom mend us to their friends as tailors who make them exactly what they want. J. E. CARTLAND & CO. Shirt Makers and Merchant Tailors THE KIND OF FURNITURE THAT PEOPIE WANT There is no use paying big, fancy prices for fancy furniture. Ours is good substantial material at moder ate cost, and a visit to our store will convince you that we sell the kind of furniture that people want CASH OR CREDIT. MEDEARIS JONES Ill East Market Street B. N. DUKE, T. B. FULLER, J. B. MASON, President. Vlce-Preeldent. Cashier. THE CITIZENS NATIONAL BANK Of Durham, N. C. Capital $100,000.00 Surplus $75,000.00 Resources over $1,000,000.00 Organized May, 1905. Special atteatlea glvea to the callectlaa of cottea drafts aad all commercial papers. ACCOUNTS INVITED. at Our Risk NUNNALLY'S Candies are the standard of ex cellence in purity and supreme good ness. None are so dainty, so alto gether delicious. are shipped to ui by express almost daily to doubly in sure you the added charm of absolute factory freshness. It's good to know there's "None like Nunnally's." Greensboro Drug Co. AGENTS in northeait; Friday fair, cooler northwest; moderate aouta wind. Weal Vein: lair, continued Thursday ; Friday fair, eooler. Oklahoma: Partly cloudy, eoatiiued warm Thursday; showers and tooler at I Arkansas: Fsir, warmer Thursday; Friday fair; eooler 1m west. , , Crowd Wat Disappointed (Bt The Associated Press,) . Richmond, vi, April w. Mais ray ,d Little Dick Harris were taken to the federal court today to be tried for the sentutioaal roooery ol the poatornre here, rmt because of the unfinished eon dition of a civil case before the court, their trial was continued to tomorrow morning. An enortrou. crowd, which blocked the street, was disappointed. FURNITURE CO. Opposite S. L 4 T. Building FARISS-KLUTZ DRUG CO Decorative Work! We alaut fruit tree, roaa buaaea, dat orativa planU, ate If you at your yard filled in or path builded. or any landscape work we can do it for you. If you want your place beaiitilied call phone 149. T. C. HUNT West Market Stmt Til ehfioe for the farm. This is tiie engine for you just tha thing for run ninf all kinds of auehmary ea the farm. Siinplieity itself. Uuaranteed for five years. Free trial. We will send it to you on M days free trial. If not aatiafled that it is the most perfect you ever saw. return it; and we will pay the freight both ways. Write no for catalogue and free trial offer blank. SOUTHJKH GASQLIWK ENGINE CO. GreeBsbere, M. C To the Cotton Farmers Wbo Wish tbe Best. We wish to inrits your attention to the importance of planting the beat eed, it ia on of the Foundations lo successful Farming. We have a limited amount of "SIMPKIHS' PROLIFIC C0TT0K SEED." on hand, which we quote jon at 11.09 f a. b Raleivh. Tt us hook vmir TO. der now for future delivery. Write for testimoniale if you do not know of its merits. Our book, "HOW TO GROW TWO BALES OF COT TO PER CARE" will be sent upon applica tion. Reference: Any bank or busi ness house in Raleigh. W. A. SIHPXINS, RALEIGH, If. C. Originator and Introducer of "Simpkinr Prolific Cetton Seed." The NAVARRE Hotel Seventh A veins at Mta street, short ! Meek from Broadway. BXW Y0SK CXHTIX Or IVMTTHIBQ. ISO Rsosu 100 Bathe I A room with a bath lor dollar aad : a halt ' A room with bath for a dollar aad a half. A raeat with a hath for a dollar aad a half. Dutch Grill, fusast ia town (a ht earte.) ! - ' Muck. I rUiMtrateO tootle mailed gratia. 1 Edgar T. Imith. Qea. L. 8aabora ON ACCOUNT OF LEAVING THE CITY We offer for sale our entire lot of household furniture, which can be seen at any time. M. L BLOOMBERG 10Q College Place Your Ftce. Needs Careful Attention Standard Shaving Parlor His It. Under Commercial Nition&l Bank. Greensboro Pressing Club Caeaarag, Pressing, Bsamlnag. Club Rales, f 1.00 per month. W. . Vinton, Dr. Charles E. Moore SU8QE0H AAD PHYSIOAH. BE If BOW ABCAD. Office hours: Until 10 a. am.) f to I iad 7 to a. m. Telephones: Office. MS; realdeaoe. tOM. DR. J. W, GRIFFITH Dentist Opposite Postoff.ee, over Gardner's Drag Store. Phone 73S. State and County Taxes Must be paid not later than May 1 lo wee advertising and cost. Ko further extension of time after that date. B. E. JOKES, 4 11-lOt. Sheriff ! Why Experiment? " Bay the Standard Original Visible Underwood, and yea will not be dis appointed. Write er call aa B. W. WHARTON. Phoae J3&.