(iREENSBOBO DAILY NEWS. THURSDAY. APRIL 28. 1910 NEWS FROM HIGH POINT10 LOST t SIPER10H COURT Eajorible Dance-Home tedding. Miss Bulert Dead ewsj Notes. 6ptc to DaUj Nw . lliffti Point, April V7. Ofn oi tt- most teaa-t.; wrial fiiK.it o the bra'!! j xrsft 10 dai gmn rj the young men ' rff tbe nty last fMjftu at tlie chajaUti ot rvronjrro. frem If rifl 2 o'clock. I Tkars wtff sbotrt a-aupUs pfasent, Mh4 UfiiHif then) w-ra a number of out- ui town vminjr people. The f rman 4atf wers h ad by Ilijjh Point's imt jK-fjuUr rintn leader. ' . Ward K-'iH'Immi I he delight fuJ minu , tor lh o-wion rw' lurndbd by I'.tu k ! inatto ' orchestra, f.i eenlHno. Marshall Goolaby. l.uther J. Marer-all and Miu Wnmela iHi!shT wero married today at I'J o'clock, at the home of -- hni. -n, llrosd street, ry the Tv liwu, l-a.tor of the Virat Method. l'roudn' elwrcJa. Imnjdiatly stler t',e -lemony 1 ike bndul party repair.-'' to t 1j- :.n.nj! ' loom, rhere sumptuous dir.r, i - spread. Mr. and Mn M-ir-'nd If ..n Wwrn No. 3 today tor fJuunu im a x iit to the bride a sister DeaUi of Miss Hu rtt Mist tiayiif Miuftt .:,ed at ' hi m- ot aim r w HI w 1 h cr hri mutf. Mi IV' Htrvct. lajrt iniftit at iO o.i in food ke;i but "ISO t organic hen i t di-n-.e r;'i.in sudden death Mm II id rtt v 0 an if afe The rraiain w-ri , ahip-d to Ke Bein foi ili'eidneut morrow PoitoflRr Pln he a'ltni M the new jwtoftiff b-uiM iilfi wbl- tl It to hr elated bur htv bren ojcn f'H tlie rajntrri.ort in( t" i make bid. l-r rn-nie lime, tnl o far n -nJ hate h-Mi t.irm-d tier tn the i.-ail , nieot. Ibea- 'tan will Mill be otien Ir 1 he 'xintm.tU'i w I -hiiij lo maKe tu l U'r a ten days, but it m thought that 1 hey will U -f-nt tn ahnrgtoa. aial 1li contfai-l it-vrn llii- 'ery littb thange bi- Ven w Um I lie (irijinn jjlaua, tbf rn 'n one liin' tli- suit to ipen on 4'ornnieri'e ftreel bi- chanff a4 ruad- bv ' Ije teiue-t vi a nninttt i nt citit-n-- The Meity Company. Tint i the title of a little plavl'l to 1e given by I he f i nt h gi j.lc nt the High aiboid" nest Itiday night nt the aiboo1 Mitditu mm. tor the benefit ot ft-honl litwajy . The i mmg perlormeii tre entajiug verv hniritly into the pinl id t h- htt le play, and t bey ex peel lender tt in tbe t-tv 1iul lye. to PURE ST. LAMBERT AND GOLDEN LAD JERSEYS. At A tartion Oree n hot o And i tori u m Thursday, May a, 2 o'clock p. m. Jthn A. )owng. Sale Connrmed Wirnlon-alem, April 27. --At a meet ing of 1 he errtdilnrr of the nookinftham Lb tig compaiir thm nioriiing, in the of of Mnjor .!. K Alesanier, the fjil.' ol the property lis coafliimd at -!.Kt." 31 won jnucbafed by a mnewn tn Jleul villi- The tore is in lvUuJion. Titi nony ws taken on the question of a .mortgni-e nl the Puik of Maduon on the tUtnres for $1,000 Confine) tor thi liffi'tent paitles were unable id finish with the testimony and the hearing wa mljmirned until Monday, Mh ? at ' ti'clock. Y. M. C. Banquet. ViAftoa-8alem, April -The aecond annual Y. M. CI A. nieniliei-ihip bannuel will ba hld on tbe evrmug ol Motniay, May i. and a numtier of proraini-nt lo fsvl and.nnt of town hpeakei-. be preenU' Thin will he tlie n.ot nntaJb vent sjf the searon' )uogiani id tht asnii-jfijan. , TfasT '-follow itif is a of the torvt stud the speakers: The "Sonne Man and OoverninenC" hj thm Hon. Oirmarit Manly "ne Yount; Mao in Hufne." h Lo E. R Fii. Th Young Men and the AastKisiinn hv WTlljam Koowles Cooper, of Widi Ingtoa, IX C Suiprite Msmaje Announced. (Special to Dsilr Newa I Wadeaboro. April L'T. -Miss Kettle Je. daughter of Mr snd Mia. . S. Ie tif B"iunesMlle township, was married to Tsnni Smith about a month ago. th'1 i-eremony bring pert urine J by Kv . K. 1). Redleru. PegiMtrr oi IVcdt Thaiuaa iM-ued the license on Man h -4. but t he marriage was Kept a .eeret until a few days ago, whn Mr. mith went to the hocne of Mr. Lea and claimed hurt brnle Mr. and Mm. Smith are now keeping ktsw tn a new bouae recently completed. , Will More to Greenboro. Winston Salem, pril 2T.-tipl ' . John j Janiilr , 3 boitias has neenjed to oioe ho to rtrceiifboro thit wenV, Me t. 1 hem lor several inont1!1 Wing In the r":.l estate huines-. Il . been ' lirfaged toppi'd lailroadinz on h-oiiiiV of bi- lieHh x h.eh i now gn itl x i;npro p.! Jt Un 5" one of the box-, who xx.ni jiopnlanlv Nrrercrer he gi-et- Tlierr i- a f.i-rma lion about the railroad bnnne-. h- siy and he is not readr to ay th:it he will not return to the huMiie t r-.-inc nine in the tutviri . cod-fish are caught ycarlv on the coast of Norway, from the h'ver of which we get Cod Liver Oil. Only the best of this oil is used by SCOTT & BOWNE In the production of their celebrated The skillful combination of this Oil with Hypophosphttes makes a food-medicine un equalled in the world for knilaitna ait-, tho KaiIu So-W Mr mt Mr-Mtl ft. n mt tm rv keuiiti 6im Mti (oS SarraS- ItMk. tik titolraxl- ai-. BCOTT mOVTSK 40 re art St.. Pt Y. Another hall day ws iot ia uparior court VMtti day un tcoouiit ol t be ab aence of law y era in king a t o'aJ of three days --pent ia this fa-hiou it new t u pi emit I erui Nfra n M ucfi incob -eruen.ee uac caused b x o-ifrrti y' de lax, f"i on I insd.it 'Ij- a'e ! 1 Kernodle a.gaiiil 1 Williams and J D hmioitlr v btjun. 1 he evidence be ing half toiulutird t ad rtl umeat Wit uehaea -ie tlven " 1 ""-tltn Tuen dtT night ot a io--ille d-li . but i- larda' iiioriiinjr it a'tU'im-ed that .Mtoinev J ftitt lioiue t tf a urn be mi-iMb j rid v ,i :ie--bi-! Oi it Ala main e. imi ria a h.ii it w-lti. the -M to make 1 IIC-Q.i Hi'- m i ner.t mi one tliiiijr rid a no! - fi , .i t.ij li' t b- ai tTtlOOD I i,r ' ir.iih driwjt !n ik taknij ,,f lv-r aeainT tiie !' n h1 iN tur nig n'liiii-u;. m h ' l;r (i I. llll lit Mik il llliiyt Ml ! Ii.' I -i .-liMH'H .r lii"'.j iki-"Iu' ri i I ). . a a- . or., u i d at.'t ' .- up fU w h -m i m w ne I UM J , r-i hi .UH i; )- lut f a. I mil i n ing t.i-1 ru-hl w M tl I loi in lb.- caw "I ..0(MI .,r I lie ki' I' n-ii.iii , a niiii- i -ttf t.d I h.- l.tfii! rfl fch'to! Hi; tTiiJ i'ur j-ii ii In Hi .ibft'li 4 jiuint-t . tl rlmnieit 1 .MM i. .1' !.. 4 I. , In. i.i..t ;imv "lit ..t tli M V ! I ( ,n i a liuiii ihl 'iM' THE PASSION PLAY iArchdraion Webber Will Make Interest I iuf Lectuie Tonight lttHlr 1 hit at- ii illy weithi-r Ittli.' roi. Ktix.il i"iif ti'i I'd ''.i h m t n i (,, itli,Ah r.i.i--. -i I fl.ui.-i. v -t. i ,.t myhf A j bdt-a.-o:. 4 ' i - W.l.U. d-livt-rrd ii.-inn -itu ,,, iltll 1 1,, ou-hut I ui h.l Ii. tlie I 'ulii t In i .- w 1 1 ! lie in n girning with t 1 I--I ii a I i"ii 1-omrnuinoii al til a rn ;i nd l.. ln,.l pIim. v It h a I. -t-t ore .it i p m on ' I b- P. noil Pbiv." At lo a in i In- i-t;iilsr f ir.- Kill U belli. .Hid at I - elil-er will ni.ikt' an a-l-i'-e-- " Mi -igu-. -g.unrt tbe llolv .ho-t While uLioad' -ome tim' ago Al i lideam ebl.i t ;t It lided a pieent;il ion o tht P.i-loi. pbiv, and llom lu ohseian-e ,u.d in Mmrtiou be b-ained a nninhei nl niter eating and mat rnctive t that ill bt detttiled at the lecture tonight. AnTdfa ron Webber eonteinplate jtteiidinp 1 1n play acain thi Mimmer while abroad It it gieit onlv once in eveiw ten rear, aud always uttrai t con'-ider.i ble atten tion. STRAUSS ENOCH ARDFN" MUSIC FRIDAY NIOHT Kifkaid Stiau". the great German enmpoaer, and author of ' Kuorh Aiden." rooipoM'd for the pianoforte, i eslly a tniiiscriplinn toiisllv of Tvnnv son's lyric, has had mote written abrwd hiru ia tli lat 'JU yttftr than aluic-t any ea Hrer except Wagner. 1 he. tintnent riitic. . .1 liend mon. in spt'akmg of him nui; ' It Mi lf,ng ago coctded that unusir rould ilepirt 1 he broader etuot toiu. 1 1 hn generally been denied that ii could go Into di-titili or explain to the hearer the raute ot the (.-cling hih il ei preaMd. Y't by thi julirn.us une of tit tea and t be rht ahlmbinent ot a ron nectinn U'tween a itBipotitiin and some vrell know n drama or poem, tin iuing ination of the hearer is n i mil la led to conceive I he meaning ot many leta il otberw i-e incomprehensible. Slraunit gi-et to tbe turtbe-t in the clahorat ;oii d tsil." In t lii rei'itat ion iiiiimc h.- h,ie taken t liree definite t heme.- a nd d'-vel uped t lie in in a nnftt woliiliTfiil wa y to te us the ftory ot the lie ani lor ol the rhnrsetrr of the pnern. lb- ha not o et tax -d t he c.i p. '.i ' ' - of i he in drinnctil,, nor has he gone mi i Mr.nie of i "niieii loual d'ftinilt v to i - M u-. a hi m pb ton v it h t be power and f. .r.-. thm tbe nnwb-al di n ma t i7:i i i"u .f . :iill'-'" "Iin M1 r,t t WOllld d'THI.i I lb- ha- -unt( h vtotv n a n I,. pealing i Tmi -.o ibat the niu-i- -r no (iat id the text e e.i aftcrnutd. j On KiiHnv mt'ld. Apnl l1. ai n 'ii , tlie mi lit t -i i vim ot l be N--iin.it i'i!i'f, 1 . P. I . "Inn pt- Hill i --ad T-ri-j -iM. -i "Pno b Ardt n." while Mi-a 1U-.hu l.m.l I -i t will plr t lu ti ta u niuu . I nut. - on w te "Ml i-eiitP tor reri-A-ed Keat-. ! u-Ket to 'e had it T lie dor "n : In night id tne Mtilal. or ;it the I. rem 1mm " Irng '..rnpan Tli- i a la-e op mrtnnitv to heir wi ffi.-nt a work bv wi gitted wtum-n. and a l:rjc atidiciM-e it expected. MONUMENT TO DANIEL BOONE PLACED IN ITS POSITION (Npevial to I:mIx eira 1 SieneeT. April -7 V tii-jfre-.i inonu ! nent repreentm.' );ii K-t l!'in- x as to Jni- pl:ied in position nt lfMne eave.i Ihixid'on nmntx. prrp;ir.itorT to the celebration winch oiur at that pluee n Satunlav -I t hi w rev. ui Imhih ! 'ie oioneet -t a teaman, who n I one t mil reside in the huge eie eon-n !i-r.i h)c -'lin -Tt PlOIiey fVl 'T e H .-d in 1 ' want 1 1 xing the ground -u the li.iiik td tbe adkm r w r mm lound ny t be rM' whi-h e'npric tu.- f j.t iiiih far IHi'letgT.Mnd 1 b- rril.in tan-l .ri tbe ri''kr Uir und tin- nmn iimetit m placed r 1 he brow of t !)- lull Many thound tf vii;t'T uiH Httend t c cet i-nioPiea on Si 1 ui n Municipal Court ipal ron if eier on. 1 lie 1 ounp t' 1 In M -I f W V cr.'i"d ar iii-rn i -o r- h cm itemt'iii l-i lie ' d ix 1., .. id rcain-Ui lreet- Tne i a- irix en a bearm-j t-n d ii i.ii diunk and ili-oider . . ' and the eoet-. hem i ni!r,i v runt ribntM to at! the h ' and tiued , The Sim' the citx tri.i.-urv the .-ot- in a cae r harping them with Lxilitip tx cb-e the (.rates at the onth Vim ret cnwsirjj wben a trtti'i xa p---in,. H A. K-d.T-on adde.1 "rfV -and the' costs tor drinking an ovr do-- .t tb toi bidden liquid. Salem tumor Tickled j Win Mon Salem. April 27. The tuTner of Salem collccr are lubilant today over ! the tuc-i-ees of their entertainment lat 1 j night lor tbe Vneflt of tbe haffneri I chair of mathematte-v Thr v will le.ir j I ometliillg like U"Mt. The jndiei.ee i eim-eil fjieat d--He. lit Hi Uie effe I ir hx j iijr (act ure-. wliHh artistically illu-frat j H the run -deal nvasistrs tbe pr-'graai. 1 OEORliE LVON THE STAR Broke 150 Strlybts Sousa Captured Ttiird Prize lor Anuteurs. I'doai'U iiiifi i npUil IretUMilh Ljr lain the !t-ti ifiit-ii by the lrrialnl u (jUU i I ub t i i ij wak a (fleut Mi.rf. an! a ntiuJH : .y yuod -.coi en hfic iiiult Oo'bU ill'- l't ot l-r--ie l.v-'U iu biritknfE 'MI In nii- Uaiglit, -4 111 tbf or- til II I. I1 aud Arthur Lynn, h ltd tii utat iu --, w it b 14- hfctiks out ot a (k.-xJ-N J .! In t lie handicap fur ifie i -i i -h-iH.(.i i.ili-er the ' -iiitet -J- I t'l 1 hi Hll(lMHlt , tl,e pi lt: tl i .' x ,.ii i 1' ( l'ro t"i t,-i Arthur I.M.Ii i'T HiJti hIIll. At tlie -(ne nl the regular -bots and I'rrn't'ir u.tf- i-vtii eat'h luun 44 bunk uul I a t--iM Mi uiiil on a t-hoowfl '( )' br-i- a-h bpke luiir. hi liie next THind t.f 10 IVn-ior ileau-d up t hi Id, win). I Mn It'll behind, pt-tiiriy nnly r-eu, arid .'n ing Prof-tor a well drnfd I u I'M I In W.iW'iiunn loiintam mi. tl .r-. ti t - t it -t-.it. tia I making 1 1' Li-jlitl -.i-i.- .nut In l.i-orge J.iii. n Umtiaili. Aiin'ii;.' Hit ainatr-urt U. L. !. and Ar i u 4i i I. i-ii t ltd lr flrat pl.n t- in I he i' i (ic-l i-Tuiif . and 1 h I I lolitivMii .tin.- ii-l I'hilij.) Nim-rt in.' -jfi.it i)iiiidni-l-i mihi tliin) bniKii" -ii- . til I hioti Ii Mr i nl iM- v en. i.ikl n m" i-ii mi- ii ia-"ii 1 1-1 "iin Uoul I'Im'F III Jiioli-imui- rlh.l -ml ! Hi. Ill 'II" Mil. (id .llld III. id' III' In , !, - bu-l I. t.) tuke miiv jiri.i -. In' jt.-nt-i a I f fill t in .dl(i Hitf -ift iiMib- by I in- (ii.plt -.-loiial- li it. Ml- M'll til ;i in .-lb. ! ill .Hi I 'I n I. n.l- I he liai dn , i tt--n.tal- ai- i "li-tf in nd rii.idf 2'.-d Oi . - in 1 1 !U!i lllrt ' tbf i-l In hi i tif uiU if j ii i ii ind if . i.eial vM in I I hi b, 1 i t i p :..r i Ii- i i - t in iii-ui i I . - ! .i Pmfr .t&mnaW of-r I inhi. i: i..w. I H M.ili I eif r i ,i t man n: 14 I II K t ilt . Ama teuts II I. V l.y.n .1 I ,bdin-Uli J Philip N'M1-S 1 1. pl'.t(ll II ltndiir . . 'lr ti A link. it' I. 'tK i .ti lL'7 l'7 Piii . Un II. ' I its W Mi NaiM I S. I.oilfellow 3A ;i.i I V Ham. I loode f S Harm itb 31 C. W H i I ret t (i. DauieU fwt :i7 W A. at son, jr S T. 11 1-le -'t P. M Pitt -H C. I.. 1 in ker ... . .. C. It. M. Kmghi -n The out ol town i-ntrie in the evi-m -weM- a- follows: rtbiir .yn. Hifjh Point; .lames I. John-ton, Italeiuh; Chailet . RaiTett. Kabigh: T. W liar n. Halcigb; Jolin It. lavlor, Atlanta ; I H lr h-'i. S iliniiiKton : J S Long lello". ie ntltoi o. Md : I- S. (rerni.iii. Alwr.lf n Md ; John Philip Soica. New ntk: 11 1. L-c, New ork: C. M itorr, Bait Hume; T H Keller, New York: l.eotgr 1. Ljoii. Durham. W M. lNn nell, (Timax I .acli ot the ir.)tors epreMd great pleasure nver the tdiifnt and the local -potl- wlio sriaiiftd the ev-nt were w armly praised f r t In- -int e id t be iMi iit, a, well a the excellent nninni-r in vhnli the progiam carried nut Mts. Ainu Blum Dead .e. .:t t'l lall Si w- iii-ton flb'in Anl Mt Vlma lHiini. wile ot i.'oigc N Itluin, died at 1 t.i tin- alti-in."ti t h.i h-une on North lit.erl -lit-t. at 1 he .l d l -a j . I "i- d' f e,i -iualth f r - i ml I hud ) ii ii. 1 a 1 1 1 1 1 v .ii- I at t 1 II I.Mi-hi. r i I I ! V f.-ichih . UUlti'd IM II iK ..n- .1) . d hii-ba n Kt i i age to and b. ' I'd Mr Mini A -hi - I h. I- -. d.llitc, 'i ..lie -.i-l.-t Mi. Kid :e. w r. .. runic, ani line (if Kt I ll"l M lib Lin . '.i i -ni x icd i. W ilhani loin. h. o i i.il present x ben the en-l liMilll.'K I. I t.lltbttl. Ib J . t.nflith. of I e n t il . .'Mi.t I 1m lie- 1-lillitli. ol hetbania. le-idc a fmui'r-r i.i other rel aliie iii tlu citx jud elew here Mi. Illoni a- an hi-noiel and lint it her healt u f.ulcd ,i ei y act ix e merubci of Kaitxiew Moraxian church. None kin-w her bill to Jo e her She ni--eiiu'd a lieauliltll aid weet piul'd t hliftian character and lu-r dcaili ba iiit a gloom in the h.-rnc- oi her neigbbot- and ntlnr friend. Arrangement Im tbe t iiiiem! er ice haxe not U-'-n announced v At Forent Avmne. Kanijelt I Walker, of Alla ta. i . pi'a''ind In- hrt N'rnum at ihe re Mill itervicea u t I ore-i Axenue liapti't rhuri h la-t iiifht n ml be made a faxora ble i ni pre, inn ti vi n the lare congnjia I u-n. Hi nibiert w at '(id .irketh "Ihv Soul. Wait I bou i-n l-od. My K per tat ion i Krom Hun" Krangeli-.! Walker will preach at tle niornine aial n 1 2 ht i" i iie toita . Fads for Weak Women NitM-treaiKs ot sll the m Lse-a womeo eas of rha oraas distiactly femisise. Such stcLness csa be cured is cured ever day by Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription It Mfkes Weak Women Strong, Sick Women Well. It arta dirrrtly no the nram aferled and ia ot tbe mm tiaae a teocral roatoro. tire tnmc lor tha whole avtem. It curve female complemt right io the cimcy ol hone. I. ai.kr onoeceawrr the diagreoohlo ooeatioa.oa. exooiioobooa and local trr.ra.ewt ao ofiteraolly ioauted upoo by doctor., end no abhorrent to everr moo cut woman . e ahall not nameularize here aa to the tympromt o( thoao peculiar aiccttone inetoent to wunitn. but thoae aranriol hill inlbraotioa oa to their eyaaptoeaa and nieont ol poaitivo ewn ore referred to the Peopie'a Cow- moo Medical Adrtaer 1008 naaea, and upo-daee Edition, eent frtt on cent ataaapa to cover com oi media kndind tor M ataaani. Addre-a Ur. R. V. Pierce. AT THE GRAND Three Twias. J lie I bree 1 ui.'' wbi. h ooiuea to lite tirand for Wredu-nday, May 4, with tlie lull pre-. i ii;- ! a metropolitan auc---. bating bad a ruu of tiv montha in Lhnago at the Whitney oira houa, and mi year at the tlt-rald Square tTMi atre. New ork, wbeie ii rMored iuch 1 1 meudi ua fciMf-eaa wild its beautiful niun and wonder tul elect rual aovel-tie- It k- naid to be the baadaomeat luttimed coinpaiy in America, includ- ' mj; eight 1'atiniao direttoiie (uvb, w hi'-li JtnMdi M (aites purLhaed ill Pans fpti-ially for tin- productiou, whn U fite-nl a ray of brauty when urti l. the beautiful and Miaprly gtrla. Jlie 4-ouijan is a t lemeiidouf ly lr( ( 'trie Hint oh iua to t tie tatl amount of hfav y eb- ti h mI t'iinpinent and areiiery it reijiiHes two b.i-jave cara to transport II. Tbf eelriuil utTiil eiruig Weigh 4 CiO jiouiidb and ia illuiiiinatfd With i. iKhi ebt-trn- lights aud wht-n revolving with m lieautiful -n.'tv puis- in tin? b;trkt-t. it in -aid to uitMiit a nitet beau- tilul juctuie. Thtre au- nuny musical number- tlut an IiiM The Cuddle Sou;:." -dim lufi tin -.ivfii af-r ol cud illmj;. one id" the im.-t elaborate aztd st-nlinifntrfl slaje jncturef that have b. (-n pritJueed in i ' nt t ears. The auia hiiik' jrirU iind their funny iloun -.iiiti i- a d i fillet novelty, and A-hlon t.-xeii-. of tin- rw York .lour n.tl. -...i.t I- ha i be mo-t titillating jin-4-e ot bu-:iif-i I but b.id h'en produoevi en Iboiidway in nian Marts and he de vnitij an i-niiif toluinii it th mrie muei-i-.il uumlier. w a ti ii tor vnt sai- What tbe Editun May Records Offer. Would iu 1-e aiiuui'd by a clever vand'-v i lie vkeich. t-utert a med with t ho hile.-t nung "ail." m-pired by ;i patriotic Uiud !ilet-tioii. eiitlnatlfil l. the lovely oi-i t .in oj'eiaiif i-uhg bird oi itn pi d I-' i in i - i -ui i.il -.i i it in- o a i .-d Ii in ii U in. Inirr von will you nil liud in in- Mav ll.-i- i-l Klison P i -iiogi a pli n-fiildr. in pleasing profu -ion and v ai u-i x . N a i n I and qua lit tli.-t'-. tbe t-fhloiiif of the 1 11-.. whi.-ll eonipl 1e 44 I xi it a ml I oill Ui mi lite ret" oi d-. I heir are i i .it d- ol e!l known grand op-ra -elect in 1-y Hindi bnlhiini -1 ; r - ol Oo- operatic -lage a- I a run n M. h. .Mai yueni a lx a an l I(lnn.Jhe Anal, Mipiano. lli.irtido Mar tin, tenor, and CiiMaxi- Huberdeaii. Iwas. much tor the grand o'ia tnthuiat that lie may not be iomp-lle'l to live in pleasant memories now that the operatic M'HM'ii i at an end lo him xvhti reel in tlie popular stutT are otfen-d nuch na t i.-.fyiHg u umbers ttfi "Ha- AnvboiJy Here Seen Kelly?'' "By tin l.igbi tt the Silvery Moon." "The ( ubauoia fdul'-" and ' Moonlight 111 Juu gl.dand ' in the tour minute Hat. and " That l.o in' Kag."' by Sophie Tucker, the xaiub xille "-.tin" and "I uuir to the laiiut of Hohenna" in the two minute. I h'-n i here are instrumental pieces -Iwnd Nee-t inni by :-uw-h ana, the Nn t tonal i lindtin i Military bauds, nieheh tta mini h-i by 'ictar lf"rleitV galaxy d mil-it-hi n and the American Standard oicheitt. ami a gem of melody and liar nony hv the interiiMtionsllv f.iinmi Vienna Instrumental quaileUe. Sacretl In inn-. eiii imi'iil a 1 ballad-, high cla v oeal telii t ifnm. recitation-, v.iurlevilb-skeicbe- in hort an t hitig ami ev ery tlimtr in the xoctil and iuMiuniental li tu mid lir the bent ai tit-aj-jbVfnre the pub lic ca n be had in lists. Inridentallv . it should be know n that rdi-nii ilealcix are now ofTeiinu an at tiicbnifiit w hich "Am he rob res" i make it (aistibte to play both two aud four m i n u f i - re. oid-1 an ,disn phonograph togethe. with ten splendid ---etial tour minute ee-urd- at an adx.iiuc uf but l over the oiigmsl price of tbe-i- at tiicliineut. In otiiei wnitU with iu 1ub4rol atlaihuuid an l,dinn phono grsjili owner ean now ecuie north of four niinute K-ronU for 1 records of e. ep( mrml inent in r-'fjie.-l to -rt--i t lot' . art i-l and reem dinjr. and w IikIi 1 an not be oblniU'il etei'pt thloilgh the pur . ha-t i ;n al 1.0 bmetit. DAVIDSON ITtMS ' -)ei i.i I to fVi 1 1 Sew i I ).-ix id -( n. Apt il J7 Mr. F.t bend.f loirMMc ili.-l ratlit i ld li!v M-t-iei- atleruonn alt'1: t h t illnens, -Iic i- 'Uixned l v ,i hii-litn-l and Hxe cbil liit-n The d''i i-a -.! i nia' n.iife. H ,- Prow ii I .c (uncial wa eon ducted i.mIhv bx tlie l r Mr. Atkin son, inteirnenl Iwuiy in 1 1 . ion eeme Iff h t or-ieti ,!. Ih. 1. M. Ifc-u-hi- rd the department .d ph.-ic. will i'ah in tin nmmer hod at tli "l Hill nei aitnniei. Kdx i id Krinnan ill irix e a con , n i Nntui ! 1 1 in m under t he aupice id the V. M . V. Lvceiini course and tor it benefit. 1i Julia or'ii returned todaT from W il mn.'iiHi, xheje .be ha leen attend inp insinnyc. be xviP vjiit for Knrope in t he earl v umir.er snd w ill b a way aHont two rr-.n. IH. J. W. Me"oiinell xill o upT h.-r I onie during her nhaener. T lobn A. Kerrsll. secretary of t he -late hookworm cotnmiion. xn'l lec ture here on the "worm" next week. IV 1 x( M. t onnell will teach in the lYe'.'.xTet jn "i-immcr t'hool neTt um Tvr in the iii'iiintain. Grsduatmj Recital. M- t.o.-iilo IUII will give hr inatf uatin. i no rental in t lie Memorial ball it t.oilt .rd ToMepe Kridar. April 2$. ai o'-'Lv k The puMi i rnrdiallr inxi t-d. is diss to some dcraaitemeat tar dis- newly i receipt oi 21 ea; or, io eforh Bnff.lo. N. Y. PROF. NOBLE PLEASED Over Two Greeisburo Events, But La ments leslgoitloo ol froL Swift. Prof. Oiiarla 6. .Vobie, of the depart a 6. .Vobie, of the depart' fy of tlie University of m, spent last night with city en ixiute to W'ilka- I meni oi pedant fy ; Aorta Carol iaa friend a in the boro, where he it at-heluled to deliver aa addreaa at the c-omnienoeuent exer- ciaea of the high acfcooi of tliat city to day. tm answer t a question as to the I ia answer t a queatKn as to me newg of the day at Chapel Hill, Profeaaor Noble reapoudrd evasively tiiat he had ! aeen more go4 news from Cree abort? j witbio the past few days than anywher ' eUe. Aaked to make liimadl wore ape 'ritif, he said: "Vli, the citilLiih of . Creeueboro have ra-rtainlx d-ne them selves proud within tin pa-t wrek in raisinff flllidrt tor a nllllk Mih'h ( hri. tiao a-MMK-iatiou and in A'Hiny hiMjli for inereaaetJ school farilitie."- .aid that uotUinc wa-4 mot inPiri-jy than the d-p intrietit that tb- fflhjrtr suite beemed ti be how iiig in the public ! school movement: the recent victory for achools lor riniR.m is in line with this general movement. "Hut," con- turned i'lotenaor Nohl. ''one tiling in the educational situation in ri-eiihoro painii nie very much. I se- in tho resig- nation of Prof. Swift i"t only k lotii lo (.reeitfclioro, but to all tin educntional fori-en of the stat Superintendent Swift while at the uuiveiitv took one f my courser and 1 have watched his career in edueationul service with great pieaMirc .Sir. Swi l.'M!r' huiI gralilW'iitioii. 1 ri'trard ill one of I he lejt ruiiiuui'il, mot alert, and tteadilv pnigreMe chool men ol ihe U1e 1 mms ilh imu on tli trip to the National Kduea-l-"iil iipiatimi lt year at i'nver, unit wv ni mtiih iinpi';.td nith his .-'ear i f tlie itie of mudern 'dinalii.ii. lie ha enil.'ntlv h..en u rloM' tn.lent of editrat lotml f.rulilrin and In. i"i;niine n"Tinleu,lent of tlie scliolj, of our city m orde: to enter the lejra! )roti-ion i a dintinet loK not only to llie Iioou, of (.lecjnlx.r.i. lut to the rditeational inteivsls of tl.e Hate, for elear thinking and power ot intei lert. he ia probably without a er . nionp tht 01tn2 men of the Mate, and 1 ee bifl nepartura with great regret, but I know that an a private ritiien lie may be ahvaya counted Ujon to stand for everything that omnia for the pro press of thii eommunity and tbe whole state.'- W, C. T. U. MeU Today. The W. C. T. V. will meet this after noon at .1 o'clork i the Ornegie library. AM iDeniL.-ra are teqtieated to ba preaent. r D0N1 WEAR r;.T'' After Thttrty ara Ka-s-rlrm-e I hne l'rtlMei t Ap$mV for Men. Women or rhil-aara Thm area RnplHre. I na4f5 itu l rial. If you hitve fled utoM fx -r t Ii I n Z elac. coin 4q nrw. W hn niln is fa il Is whsre I have ni ku-h cm -ut-cea Tile abi.w la i . K. MrMka. mt Haranall. M t tin Srti ewrtna Rrap I rare for er 3MI -trtenrn. If Rwp- Her -nrlte hi in t4n y , S lilt MMM.li.. ..in--ll iij;, .Hit 1 will e.-lul x..-J tic in-, I tin-" t ,-li d hook --ii Iviijiiuif und its cine. Klmwin(( ui Ap- , I'lmuie .iii.l tnhi: vol (.riiea and. I ia rm - -d " . Ji 1 pro-iV who ii.i t 1 1 i e-i tl and wen i ii.t It 1 lnint relief x neii .,' o'li.-r.-i t.nl Ken.ei iLcr I line im rH 1 ve-. no hr nr.f. i.n 1 1 n. nd .r. tiiiil io prove what I nay le true Vou are Ihe .IudRe aiul om c haxliiK f-e. n my illustrated l-ook and rend It yuu will 1-e as eni IiusImbiIc hh my hundred .,f pal lent n u littse leltera vim ran ali-o tead. Kill out free con- n below m n ri ni h U 1 1 m1 a v It's well woith votir time whether you try my ApplUiiSf or not. ynr.K inkokw ai n roi rov C. K. Brookf. Brook. Iiltitr. Marshall. Mich. Pleae per.il me my mall In plain wi:ipper vour IHosiraied hook and Information ahou' your ppiian'.e for the i ure of iiipture Vanie . . Address Meet Me at ALEX'S CAFE and have a jjood dinner for 25c. Open Day and Night ? PA tZ vi. 2:J9 fr The Place for a New Factory is Where Electric Power Rate at Greensboro. N. C. Equals the Best in the State N. C. PUBLIC r Refrigerator Bargains m A 3 S K 5 fi 8 X S S a 5 J I W Z s ? 5 every way and are genuine bargains. ' Q A full stock of Enameled and Glass L'ned Refrigerators. BE SURE TO EXAMINE THEM BEFORE YOU BUY ODELL HARDWARE HAT W The Confidence of Our Patrons is demonstrated by the fact that they give us their or ders each season. Invariably they recom- j mend us to their friends as tailors who make them exactly what they want. J. E. CARTLAND & CO. Shirt Makers and Merchant Tailors GOOD FURNITURE is not alwa highesT: in price un less furniture is high at any price. We sell the kind of House Furnish ings that are needed and are satis-1 fir1 uTitVi i cmoll rvrrvfit 9 11VU IV 1111 11 U111U11 piv.lli Cash or Credit On Eftsy Terms MEDEARIS-JONES FURNITURE CO. Ill East Market Street HOTEL HUFFINE. Greensboro. N. C. American Plan. J2.03 to US) Per Day CcianaleaUy Located KTcrjtking Undrm Tba Haat Barrioa. Tba boaa of tkf kalffbt of tb grip aa4 traT.lllnj iub(l (caaraBj. A well conduced Ofa la eaanactlon. J. P. SAHDIKS, M rf. &JMU yJ&t&Sl Tk. Put T Power Costs Little GET THE PATE SERVICE CO., Greensboro, N. C. 15 A RULE YOU have to wait until the end of the season to 1 get refrigerator sat bar gain prices. We have a number of first class, medium and low priced refrigerators which we are offering at unus ually low prices in or der ,to move them at. fie beginning of the season; The goods are thorqughlyreliable in CO., Greensboro, N.G Opposite S. L. & T. Building E MERIT THE McADOO. GREENSBORO. N. Z A Strictly First-Class Hotel - hrce Yaan lb Mail Succxifu! In Hlatary oi l.a Caia-eocf cV