GREEM8BOEO DAILY NEffB THURSDAY APRIX 98 t10. Choice Shipped to aa from the factory by fast Exaceee If the name on a box of candies be "Nunnally'f," rest assured of getting the world's best both in quality and assortment GREENSBORO DRUG CO. Agents K TZXSONALS Mrs. C. C. Ooddingtaa returned to ! an- home ia Charlotte last night, after a mt to her parent!, Mr. and Mra. fc. : A. l-jon. I A. J. Burton, of Reidtville, is spend tag the day in toe city with friends. M. SteArnsa has re legai business trip to Msj. Charles turned froai a ) Winston-Salem ! Mrs. P. Kolliday, of Ore Hill, is visit- ' in; friends and relative in the city. I R. A. Young, of Charlutte, was a buai- nees visitur in roe city yesterday. . Mrs. B. P. Beard, of Salisbury, is via 1 iting friends and relative, in the etiy. T. D. Grimes, of Lexington, spent yea t tenia ,v in the city. Miss .Maude Patterson has returned irum a visit to friends in High Point dv ctiit ci'DDrur rpiror inccrc nc mourn nrn-T . . , rj u ui ihaii ouroLinL tuuni lujolo ur runmcn LiLfti ,u lD uy m flt v",B ,rieBi jir. Artnur r.uinjtou is visiting . irwnds and relatives ill Keidsnlle. (Speeial to Daily News.) j K j;,,, ol rj,nvil)ei tptniiug Raleigh, April J7. That the assets of, the day iu the city with friends. the North Carolina state fair here ag-j Mi. Herbert ( ole and little son, of DECISIONS HANDED DOWN LAST STATE FAIR PAID OFF (Speeial to Dairy Neva.) Xalaigh, April S7. The Supreme eeurt WoK actios ia tea appeals this weekly de livery day, haading dooji opinions in Sight -cases. The list follows: Aaeholt vs. Seaboard Air IJne, Wake, reversed Haywood and Laird vs. Wright, Ala mance, aHiimed, Juatiea Walker aet sit tings House vs. Southern Railway com pany, Iredell, reversed; Case Thrashing Maeaiae Cawpeny vs. Mudawrock, lams, aa error; Thompson vs. Unborn, As be, bow trial; (TKeal va 3. A V. railroad, Surry, affirmed; Butler vs. Penn Ttfbaeeo company, reversed ; pair va. Norfolk and Western Railway com pany, Ashe, no error; Quad vs. Me Aden, kaham, eonseut to judgment dia- ussing petition to rehear; regrani vs. Heater, Forsyth, motion for certiorari and to reinstate apjieal, allowed, ease to we nuniivni ua pruiieu unvis. Long-Woodwax a. (Speeial to Daily News.) Graham, April ST. On Wednesday af ternoon at 6 o'clock, at the First Pres byterian church, occurred one ef the nttieat and simplest waddings ia the tory of Graham. It was the mar riage of Miss Claudia Long, of Graham, daughter of Col. Jacob A. Lang, to Her eby Woodward, Jr., of Norfolk, Vs. The bride was attired ia a going swsy gown of blue cloth, and she carried a shower bouquet of bride's rases and lily f the valley. She entered the church with her father, Col. Jacob A. Long, whoj tare her away. Miss Kathleea Long, youngest sister of tie bnde, was asaul of heaer. She wore a beautiful gows of white ahaatung silk, black picture hat and oarrted a bouquet af La France roses. gregata fC3,t60 net, is tha showing made' Randleniau, are here on a visit to Mrs in an exhibit of the affairs of the state fair made by Secretary Joseph K. Pogue iu jus annual report just from the print J. W. Looa- Thomas Thomas, of Wiueon-Salem, is sttending the ball game here this af ar. J lie total assets, in fact, amount ! ernoon. to $86,750, and this is reduced by lia ; Mrs. V. G. Balsley haa returned from bililiea that consist of UiA in 6 per a visit to her daughter, Mrs. P. D. Gold, cent bonds maturing in llttj, aad by ! jr., iu Raleigh. about I1JM0 in bills payable The as-j Mi B,. Trausou haa returned to sets enumerated include the followniH: ir....... -t... - j Ground. W; flora, hall. 710; tatta eitw. " graadstaiid, 7,0O0; rave tracks, ,Otltl; u , . machioery hall, a.1,000: horse stalls and . K .Tw,u of Durham, is spend- stables, W.000; cattle, sheep and hogj " "T m tn' w,,h "" stalls, $1,(100; restsuraut booths, $1,200; j '' Clara Shore, soliciting sgent for secretary and treasurer offices, $750; I ""' Oxford Orphan's friend, i spending a keeper's" house, 800; Ktorage housk-,1 '''w . in the city. 300; other buildings and improvements Thomas Burke, of Richmond. Va., is t2,4l)0; Caraleigh .Mills II per cent note, i here on a visit to friends and relatives. W.UOU; Caialeigh PbosphaU conipauy, 01 Wi Ev, Johnson and Bessie Lucas, per cent note, 8.000. The report shows v. ... ..:,!.: i.. 15th'.t UiT !5'7S1, bUt """il hu""- ' Jll- C- P' Wharton, on Pearson v Kiiivuui uwi to go lowaruj trect paying off an indebtedness incurred v u b . wi , . u through losses bv the preceding fair.i B'.v-f City, was a busi The report show. Wot) of the net oroflt J "' T,"tw "' the CI,-V of the WOK fsir still in the hsmls ofl Mr8- K- L- Bo.vd "d Miss George the treasurer. ; '-ong have returned to their home iu HiirliiiiUin. after a visit to friends and f& vyv klM ,or- ' C STOMACH y Peer appet.a. 3ITTERSS Iadigestiaa, Iysppaia, Costive aeas aad MaUria b the Bitters Try a aettls today and sec far yourself. I 1 12 yds. Lug Cloth, Wwrt- 11.51. aC May at Vol SPECIAL Sic All Pure linrm. yard wide, today af 25c ! her son, W. I. Anderson, whs ia wuita ill. Nhe wa accompanied home br bar djughter, Mra. J. S. PleckwelL who wUl spend several weeka tbara. Mr. and Mrs. John Philin Souaa. whs attended the gun shoot hers yesterday afternoon, lett last nirnt for Atlanta. Ca., where they ant to rive a eoaeert one day this week. J. Uut, it., of Durham, is saend- ing the day in tha dty, attending the ball game thia afternooa. Juiuea J. Johnson, of Raleich. waa a business visitor in the city yestarday. Mr. and Mra. E. S. Brooks, of Golds- boro, is visiting friends and relatives ia the eitv. Thomas G. Geld, of High Point, spent yesterday in tha eity with friends. David Jamea. of Danville, ia SDendinr the day ia the eity with relatives. Mrs. S. M. York haa returned to her home in High Point after a visit to ' Mrs. J. C. Penny, on Beat .Market street. ' W. B. Guthrie, of Durham, spent ves- terday in the eity with relatirea. Wharton-Winstead. (Special to Dally News.) rclstivts in the city. L. 11. Davis, of Winston-Salem, Whitsett, April 27. The niarriuge ofl spending the dsy in the city. xniss r-nie r.ugenia unarton to Hurry Winstead was solemnized in Bethel Presbyterian church this afternoon at x eciock. lie bride wore white import ed satin, trimmed in real lace, with white tulle veil caiutht with oranire blossoms, and carried a shower bouuuet Th. hnkm.. .ttnrfx lv hi.!01 Driae roses. 1 Be brideimioin s uitt -brother aa beat man, J. 8. Woodward, ef 1 " splendid brooch of pearls Buffolk, Va. The ceremony waa per formed by the bride's uncle, te Rev. William S. Long, D. D. L.LD. Immediately after the ceremony Mr. and Mra. Woodward left en the 0.18 traia for an extensive northern tour, and open their return they will make Norfolk thatr heme, where Mr. Wood ward has a very responsible position with the Norfolk and Southern railroad. A treat many wedding presents were eaeived, among the eoMeotien being a heat el airier, the gift ef Hw bride graem's people, aad a aet ef Lyeett hand painted ebhaa, tha gift ef the bride's pee (aa, Ben ef tha euteftewa guests and diamonds. The three bridesmaids were Miss Blanche Kaukin, of Whitsett; Miss Joy Belle Kime, of Burlington, and Miss Edna Wharton, of Greensboro Fe male college. Their dressea were white batiste with piuk girdles, and they car ried shower bouquets of sweet peaa. Mrs. T. K. Wharton, of Greensboro, sis ter-ln-law of the biide, was dame of honor, and was dre.-ed in pink mull with pearl aad silver trimmings with black picture hat. Mie carried pink car nations. The gift of the bride to her bridesmaids was a beautiful necklace to eauh, The cereefrjnv was ncrfornierf br Rev Charles E. Hodniii, of Westminster i yesterday afternoon in the city with Mr. .lid Mrs. John M. Hammer, of Ashboro. are here on a viit to Mrs. llumnier's parents, Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Jeniiing. Miss Emma Page, a student at G. F. college, has returned from a visit to friemls at Winstun-Sulem. Misa Phyliss Woodall left yesterday for Raleigh, Tvuerc she will spend severs) days with friend and relatives, and w hile there she will take part in a musi cal festival. Misa May Baxter returned to hci home in New Bi'rn yesterday, alter a visit to Iter sister. Miss Aumnda Bax ter, a stodent at G. F. college. Charles W. Barrett, of Raleigh, spent yesterday in the city w ith friends. Mrs. Eula Neal, of Jefferson, is visit ing friend, and relatives in the city. J. T. Simpson, of Charlotte, it spend ing tha day in the city with friends. .Mrs. U. A. Scott, of Mebane, spent Wadesbort W. 0. W. Picnic. Wadpsboro, April 27. Webb Cainp, Woodmen of the World, will picnio at Deep Oeek church Saturday, April SO. Mayor W. K. Boggan. of Wadesboro, and Mr. W. K. Charles, of Charlotts, will de liver addresses. A large crowd is ex pi'utnd at the picnie, and dinner will be served ou the grouud. Hot A Milk Trust Tha Original and Ginulna HORLICK'S HALTED mm Tha F.od-drlnk for All !. More KeahhJul than Tea or Coffee. Agree with the weakest digeatioa. Delicious, mvigoralina and Dttfrtboum, Rich milk, waked gram, powder fonn. A quick lunck prepared ia Borate. Take netubatitnte. Ask for HORLICK'S. Others are imitations. 11.50 Ladies' Waists, lace trimmed, special 9$c $1.00 Ladies' Waists lace trimmed, special 79c 75c Ladies' Waists, lace trimmed, special 48c $5.00 Instead of $7.50 $7.50 Voile and Panama Tailored Skirts, latest styles, special today at $100 Ladies' and Misses' All Linen Coat Suits, special $5.00 $7.50 Beautifully Trimmed Lingerie Dresses, new lot Just received, spec ial today , ispo Ralston Health Shoes For Men. Why not have the best fit from the first day ? $4,00 Ladies' Slippers $2.00. $2.50, $3.00 and $3.50 Ladies' Oxfords 98c Up MMRY-BEII BROS. CO. The NAVARRE Hotel I Seventh Aveawa at Mtk street, abort block from Broadway. BIW YOEX CENTIK OF IVIRYTHMO. 360 Rooms A reoss with a bath far a aallar aad a ball. A neat with a bath far a dollar aad a half. A reoaa wttb a bath for a dollar aad a half. Dutch Grill, Saeat la towa (a Va eartej Mud. Illustrated eooklst ma Had gratia Edgar T. rnita. Get. L. Saaber SPECIAL ENVELOPE OFFER naving ftougot a large lot of extra aualitv of wklta tmm aavsla... 900 Baths i '"' st n unusually low price, we offer th.ra priatad, while they uvea, a tbe wuuwuii tew prices, i. o, v. ureensooro: 1,000 loU at 11.40 per 1,000; 2,000 lets at 11.24 per 1,000 ; 6,000 Iota at 11.00 par 1,000; 10.1100 lots at 90e. per 1,000; 20, 000 lota at Tie. per 1,000. Term Cash ea delivery only. Let us tend ye temple. Write or boa b day. , ' The Harrison Printing Co.. Greensboro. N. C WI CLOSE SATURDAY AT ia.43. Presbyterian church, l.reenjboro. and ! friends and relatives. Mias Lassie I.indsey snd Herr Rov. both I J. Vsn Lindlev is on an extensive busi of Winston' ef Creenshoro, were in charge of the mu-jness trip in the south sic, wmcn ass a special leatilrw of the JuJoe GWrtfC P. fell: oocaaron. ins cnurca waa beannfiillv .1 :.. j t..j. ,l. decorated in gnm arid white, and made 1 Eleventh judicial district to (ill the va- ..... ." urieatuiK insk , eaat'v caused ht lie remrnntion of Judjre uT; ..r,nV u'"8,,?d Wft ut,, !E. B. .'ones, spent u few hours in the Ura. J. Ol Hefladay, of Suffolk, Vs.; Mra. Robert J. Mebane, Oreenabore, tit ter M the bride; Robert J. Mebane, Qresaabore; Mr and Mra. H. Woodward, tether aad father of the bridegroom ; Mrs. R. L. Weedward, jr., sister of the bridecreem, aad Miss Maria Wodward. .V. VS..M. .11 anfffnllr la BM i ...... Va and Dr. and Mra. J. W. Pujfe, of !""" wn ' ri,iai party soon af-jT yesterdny en route to Raleigh mrflngtoa, H. C. - , ... ' . "'' Mrs. E. P. Anderson has returned to Florida aad other points south, f poll 'their rplurn tha. will wi.U r... 'Is) . in Norfolk." Vs., after which time they will be at home in Ron bom, X. C. ! The ehurch was filled with friends nf the families from (ireensboro. Koxboro. : ;Tiitett, liurlinion anil other iiesrbv ! 7I JKXSEYS AT AUCTION. WJ1 be sold witheut reserve. Crern bore Auditorium, Thursday, May 6. p. wo. John A. Young. her home in Rckisville after a visit to Ceaaitioa Pratcically Unchanged. ISnn-ial to llsilv - I Rlen Collge. April 27 .-President P0!"1 U.Ui ponrfiLion diirine veeterdav an.l L ..!'"' ff' "small last uiffht remained priu-tically un I , Wba were Metis. Lee l.u ton. of (iilnouville. and Kuircne akanged. There was a .Ushl reduction 7" 'nsieaa ana Mwsra .Mi.tin. of Hox . . . 1 ..-1.(1 I . u,..n . V , 1 ! 1 loticed ami lii-pnl.e w - . . ""i. nim ; -v nine. u (.reenshoro. and Kichard 'Wharton, of the Iniversitv of North t iimlinn. -Ismes lxng. of lloxboro, waa' brat man. ' 1 lie gift of the bridegroom to his ef temperature noticed ami In- p at ranger, but there we no decided eaangs for the better in In. nenernl con action. While it is hoped he will oon recover, it is not all sure, and the grsv- eat fears are felt here rcnetcing hi I rendition groomsmen was a Handsome stick scarl Yeaterdav Herbert Voffit, brother of P"' lreeident Mofflt. of Ashboro. end Mr.. I ,ihr profusion of gifts in cut glass, Emma Rhodes. Hsrri.hnrg. Va.. mother : ,lv,r,- attested the wide ef Mrs. Mofllt, were summoned to hi- i popularity of the couple. .Nfiaa Kffie bedijde. r.ugenia W barton is the only daughter! of Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Wharton, snd iaj " - easily one of the etste' most beauti- KmCfMlimVi9y .vounH women. Harry Winatead is FOR DYSPEPSIA INDIGESTION AND CONSTIPATION Sew n pracwrj m Hums Praisita t$c. 50c an? $1 .00 I A V Tf TT ii i Bolh Ends Are Folded Alike ! Wbn wt 1aian4r ymtr ftiTD-ilovni mllart. both art felilcd hk. Vh-ii - you put vour oilsr on. and button it tn front - -our Mjf doti Dot "Uck np no eighth or iiU"trr of an im-h higher thtiB the oUw W uwkr the . orrrrt foM fhapiii of Tour colUr poaeiMt H mpfning tH mn pxavctly pv, b1m w fold the rollar. Of course it 1aks moc tira and -irf-hmt roij will b bet tT plawd with th- work . Tit . Columbia inent families. Among the presents N were: U line hundred pieces of fine china from, J Mi. and Mr. K. I). VVuintesd. chest ot 4ii pieces of ilver lr"m lunthcrt snd iiunt; -.iher Miid "-ut pU.. vsse. Mr.' 2 and Mr s. Scbiffnian: "ilver t-aeet, Air. and 1r II. W. lirighl : set silver S? i...:. it. . , ..... Mini-., .ui. ena mt. r. r. nsrlon; silver ice pili lH-r, In end Mr.. t . T Wlutwti : .ih.r Initler dish. Mr. snd Mrs. II. I. Huff: 'liver mpsr In. el. Ml.; and Mi. . 1). Nhensrn; .,-r fruit ' Mr Slid Mr. I. (1. .l!kT: r-lll liroider-d l lli-n. Mi klluln-l il hi rlri ; mIm-i ii ' lir I.lllie nd I arnlluc . Hullip-: -t .ilver srxwin". Mr snd Vi. '. A Vhst-l.n. nit jils.n f.rn di.h.: Win.," l.ev; box cnibroideied linen. Mi.. ltm:i in- itajikin: Iih.. .land. Mr.. NATURFS WARMNG Greemboro Peoplf Must Rrcopniic and Uet4 II. in come4 quirtJy mystfri- 5 y I. t Mire .W.-rt dt-hp-, ,rf,tr- fjj Mi. inrl '. ( hw-:n: ihn pjfMe- Ttir lint- i-n,. U fork ((rlp 11. (.twtix0.1 . jUi 1ni tnlitv. J ritr kt.M. i hmrbn A. llim. mlvpr y' ,,. 5 Hinm-r tnrk. I. 1. Wint(l: jjia,- pi1rl,vr. IU. .1. V. IHck; -..f Ppoit,:'r'"'- ' - P. !Htw- . rtit ylasn fruit Iwjwt. . Kid npr Pi i I 'ipit i ouly. But nt urp afwaya nrnn tou. Notice Ihe kidnry rcrfttn tv if thr wlor ib unhalfh If tliprf arr Jttlin2 ;iud rdiTn-ni . Pay tt uni . -i-Bnti, pn infill. It's t i mi- 1 li ii 1 o us I n 's K rd nr t Pill. To war-, f linrtt'' di'-MH nr dia- in thi Receipt J . P. M-farifiw-: rtit ylasn fruit Imwl. 5 Vr, Aia Smith: -ut tin mndr !"!, Mr. a"l Mn. T. K. "Imrton: tut vaf, MiM 'indlay: and core of nthpr f .. jr., 1. K Ait-tin. '.. Irtid, F.o-aljr Smith. Mr and !r- -I. W. buik.-, Mr and Mi. K M Knl-; 9 lino: Mr. and Mn. 11. W. Fouh; J. Jifd :i I itrM-fi. V" rim don v and t Ur , lar iti na-' H an iT'-' Op U 1 tinrltv nr-iir--d a rv- litaH K iw Pi' U and "-von af (or i . . Main trI . "I uH Ian'a n tinn and th t i ion- in erry rf I a- p nrally nl la-'ud (n-T2T im-iru- pn S j Mi adorn et; Rnv M'harton. Mi Xr!i. , Kidiify Pi tt.c rMit "nr t ho great r- kj f 0 1 1 ft H f 7 f tf Wilson: Mi Mam'w and WW- I ,ipf 1 "-t-inrd and :ini sfa.l to rfM-om Vi ljClullUl J Vfil n nd nnmfroiw othr friend. ; wnd lm." , , J PbOOCS 17(-(33 S WiM iBn, Hamktt h r-'tdiiif.l tit,fnt-. F..i-r hU: mi fo liuir,(lo. u J t? ( harRjtte after attPiidntz "the funrral of i York, sole astrt for t;i. I nitd Mt. A IS I al wt n- i - l . . . . ! .. . That you can recommend to your dearest friend and feel assured that it will cement the tie of friendship Wronger than ever: Wear Patrician Shoes. It is the thoroughness of construction that gives a shoe orgarment real di&indion and charader. Patrician is the perfection in shoe construction. The superlative of merit in design, in making and in finishing, all express those masterly touches which elevate Patrician far above all ordinary shoemaking. We carry a complete Stock of stylish, comfortable and serviceable footwear for Women, Misses and children. Oxfords 3.00, g3.50, 4.00 CALLAHAN - DOBSON SHOE CO. Greensboro's Largest and Most Progressive Shoe Store 8 5 aer father, R. W. Hsmlett. a ho died Isst ! Remember the n;im lan ami 9? week. t.v. n niw ROBT. A. SILLS, Mgr. Coleus, Moon Vine, Cauliflower, Aster, Scarlet Sage, Pepper, and Other Plants at Gardner's.