GBEENSBORO DAILY liKTTS. FBI DAY APRIL 29. 1910 STCRM CF CCUIDATION BROKE DYER WALL STREET Before Close of Session, Bo we vcrj Prices leaded Sharply. New York, April St Tha storm of Chicago, April tl May wbut tra4 ttquldatlon whiofc broka over the i era war w hi pa wed today la a mock market today waa culmination J mar a at thai covered a rans; mt 1 t ftnfluancea whica hav been rainar-j Toward the closa datnaga reparta I rota lny (or um liaaa oust. Professional ' tfaa soutbweai bad aou.e affect, but tha aantlinani r.aa bin Writb. but oper-I finish wai nervous with iSeptenibar a tors on mat aiae o in a mar act bava.wneai snowing a nai toaa 01 few ban a timid because of their timid because of their fear that the moat nowarriu caDiialist arroupa wera opposed to tbsiu. Tha sunplcioir; tnat tneaa graupa wera na longer (- g restively bupportinir the raarkot em otdeoad the bears and they carried pricaa rufidly downwards when they Kt started. The position in Untied Plates Steal was accepted aa typical of tba whole market. It waa this that give that aback Its atrona sympathetic ffect on the market, fc, vide ore that liquidation was in progress iu I'ntted State Steel waa considered conclusive. The importance attached to the Iran trad as a baiomcier af general trade , condition? mad this news mtluentia.1 til Increasing; ibe feeling: of anxiety over a passible trade receeatsn. This feeling has arisea by reason of reports of hesitation tn various lines of busi ness and of the high prices of com lodtlle. For these and kindred r aus it has uen flt that speculative deflation waa a necessary preliminary tn the raestahlishment af sound condi tion. The iiiNk market showed the relief offered by the day s liquidation in the stronger tone thai developed before the deling. The covering of Hhorta. of tourne. made a large element in this wuperati 'e power. The dosing it self was decidedly unsettled. Koiit,H were otiy Total a Ales, pur lit, .,, unitei aiaioa bo wrr iinclMniCfd on call. Total aaleailuw. felKFlthV.; Nti. 4. Ite7: No. 4 for tha iluv wara 1.27I.4U0 abarea. ' .'MklXO KT4M K I.IT. AlllB Chalmers, ptd AinalKamatad Copper American Airrk-uHural American Hcct tiuffar Amai lca4i Can ; . . Amertcau Car ic Foundry American ("utuiii Oil American Hiite 4c Leather, ptd. American Ice -tiecuritlea American Unaeed American Locomotive American Kmeltins Refinlne. . Amtr. tiintltinfr 4k KeHnlng. pld. American Hteel Foundriea . , . . AuiTlt:aii Snigar ftahnlnff . , . , 4 . American Tel Tel. American Tobacco, pfd. Aiuerliain W'ooleo Anaconda Mining Co. Atublaon Atcblaaa, pfd Atlantic Coast LI a a , IluHlmore Ohio Bethlahein bteel Brooklyn Rapid Transit ........ t'anadian Tactile ..' . Central Leather Central Leather, pxd Central of New Jersey Chesapeake A Ohio ....... Chicaie A Alton Chicago Great Weatera Chlcaa-o Great Weelern. pld Chicaco A North Weetern Cklcaco, Mil & Hi. Paul C c., C. A .-St. Loula Colorado Fuel A Iron 34 u fi 3i' 1.7 tl 311 2 HI) 4 1U4 f.7H ,. 1:0 .. 134 . . S3 V, .. - rj '. .. 102 .. 122 . 10 S4 :: !. :: . . its .. Dills - "it . 27 4 2 . 147 . 131.-1, . so : H5 u. IX 'i . 14 . lrtl . 3H . 7H . k . 4!j . 33u . 1M . 132 Colorado aV Sotithern Couaoildated Claa .... Corn Produota Delaware 4k lludaon . 2enver St ltlo Orauda lenver at Klo Oranda lilMlllera' Bocurltlea . Krle :riev 1st pfd. .. Kilo. 2d f fd . ., Oeneral Electric .... tireat Northern, pfU. . . . . . . li na Northern Ore Ctfa. . . lllinbls fcohtral Intcrboroukh-Matropolltu, pfd. Intcr-llarveater lnirr-Maiine. pfd International Paper International Pump luwa Central Kanaas City Southern Kansas City Southern, pfd.... Lanlede Gaa tn 14 1H 42 to til .olsvtlla dt Nashville Minneapolis at. Louis Missouri, Kansaa A Teaas . . . Vltasourl, Kansaa at Toaaa, pfef. . Missouri Pacific National Blw ult National Iead National Bye. of Mealoe, 2d pfd. New Tork Central New York. Ontario wearera.. Norfolk Wextern North American Northern Pacific Pacific Mall Pennsylvania People's Gaa plttaburtr, C. C. A Ft. Lwuts.... Plttabuif Cbal Pressed Bteel Car Pullman PalacQ Csr Itullway Steel Sprlnc 70 Si .v; lllD i?i5 24 j:!l 101 ( 17 ::6 1(17 374 If. 7 :i 7 42 17 4i.U 1 .emu 11 1 tteptialk' Etel , Xteiiubiie. Sel. pfd 3lok Inlar!fl Co. ...... tock Inland 'o pfd Ht. Louis A Hum Finn., Id pfd" Kt. louls Hotith western tt, laouiH South western, Hloas-8hefnd Hteel A It pfd . . . on Southern Psclflc Horn hern ruillwsy Hnuthern Uilway, pfd. ... TenPessee Topper Texas Pkcihc Ttdedn, St Loui t Weal.. Toledo, St. IjOUIk A West., VnUm I'Qctttr Tnion P.u'UW', pfd T'nftd States Realty I'nitfd .StaiHj Rubber 1'nited Stales Steol 1 nlted Mtatc-a SteeL pld. . L'i all Copper Vlrarfnin -Carolina Chemical Wabash Wabash, pfd "Western Maryland Wewtlnirhouse KlArtrir .... Welerti (nion Wheelinr & Lk Krie . . . pfd. 2 1784, ill'. 117 41 'i Mi 18 41. 41 1 1-ajlTRD KT4TRH BONO. S. refundirta, 2.F leg- s. refundins 2s. cou S 3. ref S. 3b. cou.- V. V. 1". r. 17. 1. '- . 4. re- H. 4s, con 1143 TRKrRV STATTIMEMT, Watthinfttun. April if Thn condition tf th- tred turv ul the tvymnlrtfe llrt!l?8 AnlilV WJS HF rollOWF TrMNt VnmHn, tnM cp-i f)8 7.c; Siller ilolltirs Silver doiirf f It . . tilvr rert'O'-atfn mitFlanil in ( rnl Pail. HtnniHr1 silver doHarfj in ffnral fund $ ',, Current iinhillt ff W Wrki n c h lai ii i iti uin rr.' " 'jm.ssj. In hank i." i iiii ff it i tirm- 4i f Tj p I ti j t I'll S1 a t c- "i..127.7!T tfuhsldiary mIvci- -otn 2 1 . 4 f 7 . r, i ;', Minor 1 1 TT. " Tii b;i)Hti' In : fund .1 1.4 NF.W York l(iK v. ' i" nirreiitf. h tiie birds do. in trnv New Toik. April I Money on i t cliijr. Thi i- a -cienci-; the hip i "ironic am hiKher. ::r " l"r -eni ; it . mtnimcnt. Airship will r,n".7,N ..' r 'r'b.i, ami t r- .... M,.,r spaad bv sri n dnyh. i'p i pt !;!.. v(i iiays. 4'iiii harmony with tiie fonr-es f natnrc. iwr crn : mx monthf. 4S pcr cnt. : tort me tier, hi, tile per. r. t e I W 9 rer OllL; Hie: liiip echr( actual lMtniM. in 44.itt t4. f for fi") wt ak with at hillft. and 47. for -Jeinand, uninrr.i cial billH. bar ftl-er. ifxi - inn dollsirs 44. WATCH FOR THE COMET. The P. ' ih-sgnn of thp ky. Watch Hit oiiihii t' tor spring coughs and colds. Careful niSris keep Foley's Iloney and Tar in thf ho,ie. H is the but and safest prfvpntioa an?! cure for crotp m here the ne-t i r.rgent and immedi ate relief a e-tnl ueteiT. rono,iii otMat e or harmt-ii ir'ty-. i.ei u" auWlitules. Uasrard TRADERS WERE WHIP SAWED jCOITGN MARKET NERVOUS LV UYELY ZIGZAG MARKET! WITH IRRECUUR CHANGES It the Close in Grains mi Veals: Lest falut (tarn cionad 9 1 to town, oaja ts to . ana provuivui iv m c leading imuraa raugs aa 101- Iowa: Oaeu. Hifh. lw. Close. May . . . . Juir .... Kept CSTB Xay July (Sept Oats May July 1.07H 101 1 uH !. 58 t. : z 41 1 l5 2 Ill's UK, 1W Z ' 41 U 3. 'a 4 eaa Tork, par bbl.- May . .21.3 Il.M July . Kept Lara. May . July . ttapt HI. an May ll.ii il.ii . .11.S7'!, 1.7H 21.1 U.3V per lvu laa. ..12.3 12. S 1115 1! ! . .12.UH 12 10 11 i U 7 12.1SSi ll2 UH Rlba. par V lba. .12. H 12 1115 1115 . . U.2,j 11 72H 11.76 July ipt . . 11K7H 1190 11.711, 11.7: L, v aan wnaai: no. t red, 1.117 411U; No. I rod, l tntl; No. t liaril. lk7V la 1H; Na s aara iiiiiii: mo. z aprlii(, 14 a 1(1 corn: ia. 3, a! Ko t whlta, No. 1 rallow. ilStU.: No. i. a? H ,r, No. 3 while flUdlU: No. S vcl- f ll i I whita. No. 4 yellow. 667. I white, '40 042 ; No. 4 whlta, 4(II2; ' taiiaar(i. a:'i4i. BAl.TtMUMdil PRODI CB. BalttRtoie. April 2s. Wheat, quiet; spot contract, ; southern on arrado. SV92 i.vw 4. Corn: Qu'et; apc4. 0. Oatsi Quiot; No. 1 whlta, 4IM04I4 No. 2 mixed. 47 47. Rye: Nominal; No. I westara domes tic. IS(. rOFPKK M IkHKT. New Tork. April 28. Coffee futures closed steady, but at a net lost of 4 to It) nollilr. Spot coffee, quiet; ltio No. 7, St.; Hantos Nu. 4. : mild, dull Cordova, 4412W. Local Markets (Tbte price arc itrictly holettl, nd reprettnt pricet btaincd on actual aalraJ (By The Patterson Co.) CK, 13; hams, sugar oureeX eoverod, per oua4l. lac. Lara: rure. tierce. 14c; compound. tlercea. 11. Applea, per pound, evaporated, e; sun dried, Be, Kalslna. l l !.. Dates; tt-poand box. ic Croaerseaj. Flour: Fancy patent apnns; wboat, I4.M oor barrel: fancy patent winter wheat, t.iw per barrel; choice atralarbt. ss.ttu per oarre.. Meal: Boat bolted! water steady, par bar of II pounda. uralsw stay, sets Cora: While, 2V.. mlaed. Sc Oats: (Sc. Wheat: ll.ttt to. Hay: No. 1 timothy. 126; No. 1 mlxod, O.. nftl tmJk h.uB 111 Ad1 akiik. siuk lis. verwacrT 1 issisjss. (By Varsyth A Co.) Chickens, per pouud, ISotl&c; younv sprlns; chickens. Ssc per pound; old hens (each), (v40c; butter, S9Stc; eras. 174sllo: country hama. llo ner pnjuad; beaowax. S6c pai pouad; tllow. be per pound. Flak beene. S.Ii: waits Beama. (i ll; country colored beans, 13. Jo; white peas. S2.S0; colored peas fl.7s. Idea. (By Forsyth at Co.) Green liides, per pound, lc; Q. S. hides. Sc per DOund, dry salt. lt4Sllc per jeund; dry flint. KCllTc per p.i ntu. ahespklas, iswtoo each; (oaUaJaa, lac; peita, levy jc. TraaaL (By W. L Anderson Co.) Potatooo. oe. one.half baa. S1.7a. Rajaet potatoes, per barrel, ll.TtO H 00. Onions. S. par sack. Cabbalie: Mouth Carolina, S.0 per orate. New Florida anapp boann. 12.73 per era t a. New potatoes. S2.f0 per crate. Talis. (By W. I. Anderson Co.) Klorlrlu ii'i.e. S I.00 j S.2;.. Af.plss. $4,611 pr barrel, lemons. SCO's. 14. 5n per bos. Hananaa, per bunch, sac tc ll.Si. .'alitoinia oranges. SLOvtylOo. Florida briifhta ana lUkse'.a. I2. 2.7i. aaajar. (By C. 1. Kenny Co.) Crystal uumlnoea. 2-pound puckaaree, S7.S&; ciystal Uumluoes, 6-pound pack aiees, I7.4&, cut loaf, t.0; cubaa, I6.S0; roivdered. 111.26; granulated, tn barrels. 6.4s; granulated, in 4-S6, ll.t. It waa led Cosleea. (By c. D. Kenuy Co.) C. C K No. S., C O. R. No. 2, 112.90; C. C K. No. 1. 1126: Hantoa No. S. 112.10; Samoa No. 2. 113.(0; C. It. aw 1-pound package coffee, 112.00. Market continues strong. Haildleg Material. (By bhaw-Clapp Lumber Co.) Short leaf framing $14.00, sitting aa- long leaf training ,l,.to, alxlna !i5iS, W I aui 2. $25., ' lzJO D4ai. 10 1 ana s. iatj OO; 1X10 L4S. INO. Z. IZi.bO: lxll, b!l4. No. 1. $36.00t lxlJ U4b, No. 2,! $30.00;. vheatbius. I. I. 8., $16.00; Na j 13 iV liI0 No 2 floorin. li it riA7nNu'i U;;! .id tl 7 id a 4 ..His.r frnm A 7 Il6 00: No 3 blve! I d 5 from I'l" it.Ct Vo 2 -tHI.isr fr..n fc I $17.60; No. S bevel sidlnr from 6-4, it na Vn 1 feus-a Kir.. blnaLa at 1 C - N' 'I heart rlne "hinfleK, No. i hen rt pine rhitiRlefs, $17; mould in gs, i(-r per Incsb , plamerinc laths, $3.00: No. 1 Juniper ihlnglu, $600; No. i juniper Bhinrle. $4 00; 1- heart No. 2 flooring. $46.00; 1 beart Na. 1 nooriiiK. a 99 Advantage of Using Air CurreaU. i Century. ffrmaiii 'pi grestefit achievement i not the tfihnKul prrtrtion of the r -ffoinc craft: hc h'- teemed how to ne the ; , k Dnmal Kiwdniaker. There ta a work i . . . . i 1 1 -.s P Tne inty lawiy re"aonen with, f .rn 4 by mnJdM ri air craft and t hat u the jwinj. Airship will ue the trade-wind fl reaca tni conunem necau-e ir arwa ( blow, one way. That ia as simple a prncfit ion c t be t a low powered j steamer hoJild tt-e 1 "v- ir ilf -tn j.ui. Kt traffic, to compete w ith rail nr waier. must maintaiu aa fiK-n a helule of ( irarL irermanT nas aireaar niairpea ' her airship rowtes to and from Aaienra, ST. LAMBERTS AND GOLDEN LADS.) K the richest breedinc. at Auction in, ,.r",n&i'Kro u4iitor1nm. Thiriai. Mar j , 2 oVlotk p. M. Jo ha A. Yowg. WeAkness ta Old Crop IKoAtbs Attrib- itei U laj Notices. Mow Tork. April ZS The cotton market ehowed continued Borvousnaaa today and fluctuatlona were vary Ir regular, tbo featuro being the relative ly weakness of the old crop months at tributed to liquidation in preparation iur too oral aiay aoiico oay tomorrow. aharp rally occurred la the laat few mlautea and the market eloood ataadv, net Is notnts lower to 4 noluta biaher. The opening waa steady at a decline or 3 to pomta owing to ludltterent cablea, n favorable opinion of trie weather map and a renewal of yeeter day's selling movement. In spies of the better weather and reassuring re porta concerning tha possibility of re pairing recent rain atorui damage to the coming crop tlioro eaa a good de mand for fall and winter deltverlea. but the heavy selling of the old crop unsettled the whole flat. Whenever of feriags slackened, prWes shewed a ten dency to rally on now crop buying, but the general tendency was doan ward until la tha afternoon, stay sold at 14. 4. or Si polnte act lower, and July at 14-S2. or 1 points nst lower, whflo th new crop showed a loaa of from 1 to IS points. During the pro- frress of this decline the reputed bull eadera appeared to be taking no part In the business, and the heavy old urep aellliig waa mostly generally attribu ted to the liquidation of trailing long interesta ahead of nottcoa; selling of July by acatterlng lonna who were re placing by purchaaaa of October, and bear praasure encouraged by tha In creasing local stock. LAler the mar- Itel r.i 1 1. .t .h.rnl. mm kiiv.r r tt k( . v July and October, believed! for account of Mr. Patten. In the last few mln utes there seemed to be a scarcity of new crop shorts, which sent October to 11.7. r $ points gbov tbo closing naures 01 laei nignt. Houthern spot markets offlclallr re fiorted early were unchanged to He oaer. tfpot cotton cloaed quiot, 2 polnte lower. mealing upianua. 11,,; mia dling gulf. 16.10: sale,. J. 664 balee. Cotton futures opened steady and ciosea ateaay. Open. High. I.ew Close. April 14 75 lift 14 64 14.(0 May 14. 140 14 40 14 60 July 14 43 14 4 14.22 14.44 Aug 13 7 11.11 1J 71 1117 Kept 12:: 13.04 l:4 114 Oct 122 12.7 12.I.S 12.45 Dec 1J 45 12.51 H ad 12.47 JHO 15 41 12 1.1 12.33 12.41 I.I t i.HI-OOL rOfl'ON. Liverpool. April 2$. Closing cotton npot. In fair demaud, prices polnte American mioailllg. rair, good middling, 04: middling. 7. 92; lua niiauiintr. . good ordinary, 7 64: or dinary, 7.31, ine aaiea or ne day were l ee balsa. of which 600 were for speculation and export and included 7.100 bales Amer ican, neceipts, none. sutures opened quiet and oloaed quiet. April. 7.66- April and May, 7.!,4; May and June, 111; June and July, HIS ; July and August, 7.47 1, ; Augtiat and Heplainber. f.slt.: f4ep- teraber and October, 0.16,; Octolier and November. fi.tiK; November and De cember. a.0te: Iiecember and January, 6 6lt; January and Kebruary, 0.67: February and March. .G: March and April, l.ll. MEW OHLKANa f'OTTOK. Naw Orleans, April 21. Hpot cotton steady, lower; middling, lS: aalea on the root. (01 bales: to arrive. 124 balee, he. Inert cotton. ) bales Cotton futures opened quiet at a de cline of S to 6 points. Cables were not encouraging and ihe aid crop montha were ror.-ea 10 stana conaideraDie liqul datlon from longs who were lightening .iieir cuiniuiiinenis over ine nrst no tice day fur May In New York. Toward noon shot ts commenced to realise profits on rattier an extensive scale, and prices recovered geuerally. In the afternoon nession bear pres sure was renewed snd the eld crop months were sent 14 to II points be low yesterday's closing. The new crops were stronger. The gossip of Ihe mar ket was that leading spot Interests were heavy sellers. The wesk stock msrket and rising money rates la New York were dSDl-canlnc features and aided the bears. The close wss steady a 1th the old cren monltaa at a nai ... cllne of 2 to S polnta, and new crop months unchanged to 1 point abeve yeaterday'a close. Closing bids April, 14 SI nominal: May. 14 41; July, 1 4 54; August, I !..; Healemher. IS OR: October. It S4: I.e- ceiHber, 12.1.4. POT MOVK4ET OF C'OTTOIV. OalvMtoa: Hteady; middling 14 ); net i elpt , 2, 1 : 1 bale , bales, 1 00 balee.; mo. k. 7,16 bale New Oileun- Hteady, utlddltni, 14H net reteinis, 8 v bulen, salrt., 1.0X0 DetlH. eto. it. 14.104 .mle Mubite: NonHiial; nitdllinff. 1 4 S net receipts, 21 bales; stock. bales. Savannah: jui(H; niidtillnc. 14; net receipt. l.fcTT bales, sales. i.M balei, to, k. if. 210 bales. 4 'bar lent un : Numlnal, net receipts. i niir, f ia a. du ics Wilmington . Quiet , middJIns, net i e eiptu, &9 bmlrm ; atock. I4k: 11 OaU PSJes. Norfolk Quiet; tniddllnc, 14 ; net reieipth, 377 biles, sales, 92 bales; sit k. 21.4 bulen. Baltiinoie. Nominal; mlddllnc Btork. t. a 1 1 bal'is. New Votk: ijuiet; middling. 14. H: net receipts. Txi bales; sales, 3,i00 bales, ftovk, Z2i.1l2 baloa. Ltoston: guiet: middling. 14 86; net reteipte. t0 bales. st'k. 1 be I oh Plilladelphla : steady, itilddllnv. li lt); tx k. 2,;l bnles. (toorgeiown : Net receipts, 26 bales. Total todav. at all doiu net kits na i en, continent. 4. so hi balee: stock. fc7ft,(,L2 bale. lalerlar M (. Houston: Uulet; middling. HS net receipt. l.14 bules. .im k. 44.3t baies. Augusta guw-i. ikiiddllng. M , net receipts, ISs hals. an Jen. ? r, bales ! stuck, vi ti.i b-aie. HiVWARD A CLARK COTTON IKTTKR To J. B. LATHAM iNew urifanf, April ;i ine weather ""P ,0 Prent unfvorahU ' !?V' ' ,( ,llal l 1 noi Ul f 11 hat If Of ' 1 tntjrat.i W nw . the roiJK lio u I w-ot a Ih aiifl i ne Umlir ! tTiViVPif I F HIr it' rr ol.l s e ila.rj. ' uire are hi ; to thiiee tli , originate j MieMlssippI ' Tlie report- nK reeied and accordlniri f .ianiatfH it a renter th Hiippuaed. s rtirulartr In L.uitHTa snd Alabania. f the J ii t tiM I f "am- ere li nun not Rood. A 1 cn!-n' ' owa -tops ani1 rii nin-fi m new i-rnps lean i 4 SE In h iirin om-1 "T thi die. uunl of new i rup- uiinei the Old 1 ropfc wai kiruin fl.tivs n i('Uy m ull the markeia, . nd wa- pan l' uiar v pront'u ih ed In New Vork. wi e M;tv- unit July de liti1 id and 1.' i-4'ints mound 'he open'tKf. ;.Ka.n" My nbout 4 poin'.i oil CKtohi-i- the K'.jip trorr New Vork ie thm er-ilitiK in omeid tunsre before nt ice -i :t y n a iifril t ':e de I In- 1 n old mps Mvm pool wan indinVrent but ?a'Ler eay. p.irt'cu;arK on ypuff whi'h ;i e. quote! i i.Tf-i with i-aJ- il i mj bMlen ld i r -'e in l,jveT poiij i Ict-'fJ tn , j doaj, n- v ctope aisout 4 now Karly intlirj; hfe runH in lin' nf Ioul I" inia on old ropn . 4 in I on n w anu the market eeuleil m round 1 ( 4 (.if and ! for - toher New a tr-t-a MiJt opinion i div)d-r1 " 1 7i amount of . n -! ihat will t( limorrow Hfrniupt May. brt th n'n'orit is in tind ; H'itik the hulk of 10'toii rxAy tu be delivered a III le withhl.l for a later date. I he opinion is jjenere )r that alt end era win promptly r. etoppe) HAYWAHD t CURK. i mixra a CO.- nn v t amix IBTTM T tm A HKWiTKTn Xewr Tork. ApriL S. -Wearber ad " were linn cnidMT;ble more 1 tn r.r.ilI a ixl th-r( I jraster-lar a aaailns renews! ot In tha eld crop snantna, wklek aalgkt pooolbiy be aaoribod as aanro duo to fear ot heavy tender tamarrow than anything else. Thar waa a very ac- live oeraena lor too now crop saenina with important spot tntorost doing moot of the buying. In the late afternoon there was a ' concerted effort art the part of the1 trade to depress prices and while n Quick reaction of 1 points waa noted in th near peslttona. the rally wu much faster, offerings being quickly, abaerbed and the aborts nnallr meet ing with ceaelderabie ditnculty la Ihoir efforta to procure cotton. 1 Porte totaled l.v bales, aarataat ll,( bale laat year. Poutbara official spot gustations were uncringea 10 lower. Liverpool u duo S bi .urher aa Blatant montha, . and uent ba unchanged on near HILUSIt CO. CHARLtTT) CSTTBM. Charlotte. April 21 Price, paid for cottoa today wars as follow: Xtrlct middling 14. Si Middling v.".'.'.'.'.'.. "";;;; 14J KALBIIGal COTTOB. Raleigh April tl Prlcoe paid for cotton today worn as loilow: Good middling 14 7-lt Strict middling 14 6-14 Middling 14 l it Uecelpta today. I halss. M AVAL STORES. Savannah, April Turpentine quiet o; aalea. 14; recetpla, T71; shipments, 147; stork, 6.1IS. Kaeln. Arm: easaa, L III: rocelnta. LIU. shipments. l.SII: oiecka. 67.H11. . Ousts: B. l.ll; D, I II: B. 4.Ti F. 117. U. Ill; H. 1.21; L 1.25; K, t.10; M, 1.10; N, 1.(6: VV O, lit,. W W, . Charleston, April II Turpeatln firm. lie. Rsln. firm. Uuote: A. B. C 4.0IHB415: 1 4.1, III; E. 4.(144.121; F, lltilM O.; if, s.IO 0S II; I., R, I I: M, 6.7; N. I II 4.1SH. AV U, 6. II; Vt W, (.07 COTTlBBU BIS. New Tsrk, April 21 The eoitoaaeed oil isarket was eaeier early for the near poeitiana under llquldatloa In May for notlos day tomorrow, but shorts covered In the lai months and pricas cloved Irregular at I polnte decline to S points aJvaaoo. with aalea of 1I.S00 barrels May, T.IIIMM: July, T.72C 7 73; Oct o bar. 7.2l7ll, Oeoembor. (6II((0; prime crude. 7M nominal; prime aummer yellow, T.I09T I; prime winter yellow, tlotvl-IO; prime sum mer while. I I4?8 45 IBM SOUND SLEEP OF GOOD HEALTH. 11 restorative power of sound sleaa oas not be over estimated aaB aur all nent that prevents it ta a seen ace te bealrt. J. L. Hsutkon, ru Qair, V! ears: "For a tow tints I have beea unable to sleep soundly nights, because of pains acme my back and soreness of my kidneys. My sppetile wss very poor and my general condition wss Bach run down. I save been tak ing Foley' Kidney Pill but a short time and now sleep a so and aa a raak. I eat and enjoy ay meals, and my feaoral condition is great I v improved, can honestly Vsiey'i Kid ney Pills, a I know they havs surer, me," Howard Gardner. Tke eaoiae for the farm. This is the erarlne for you just the tains for run ning all kind of markinery on the farm. Simplicity itself. Guaranteed for Bvs years. Fro trial. Ws win sead it t yon en 10 day free trial. If not satisfied that it is tha most perfect you ever saw, return it: and we will pay tk freight both way. Writ now for cststog-u and trea trial offer blank. SOUTHERN GASOLINE KNGINE CO. Greeatbors, N. C. U the Cotton Farmers Who Wi&h the Best. W wiih to invito tout ttipitln to the importance nf pUntinf tkt bnt !, it i on of th Kundati(H to raoerufnl KaiTning. We hmr a limit! amount M "SIM PHI MS' PROLIFIC COTTON SEED." ob hand, whit-h t qiMi tou at $1.00 f. o. a. BnUiffh. lt tm book Tour or dtr bow for itittiT JeIiTPr. Writ for tatimoniaU if tou 4a aot know of it mrHn. Our hiot. "IlOW T GKOW TWO BAI-FS OF CWTIXJN Ul'D 'AOL"" 111 a... .. - - 1: tioa. R?ference: AnT bank or Iwsl- Laa .... i e. u.-i." Braa noti tn Raleigh. W. A. WMPXIHS, RALEIGH, H. C. Originator and Introducer af "Simpking' Prolific Cottoa Seed." r ' rr Notice Csi DlSSnlutlnn Thepartnerhip heretoture existing be- ! tween A W ICsnlan and Philin f ton!, m- inS on South KllB 1 itreet, in the "it v of (reenshi a, hai, ! k- 11U ,,...( ku a. kaaaa. j;.. solved. A. Kaplan ban aasumM all t'ne liabilitii-s of the evpartaerohlp, the said Philip fpp!msa rtinn(r from the said bnuiesa cnftrel. A. W. Kaplan , farrtl. k),(.p r.Mir children .it home Atvl , will aontiuu tin- busmen at the same ; pdiieate Cmmd U-tter and . lu-;M r than place on s,th ..m irsa-t-So. ;4 s.t HUV ntll.r ,u j knnw f r im ann wj i i gftavn i in upon his 1 turner and tlie pubii.- t aerctofore ' 4 i m ' Dr. Charles E. Moore SUBGEOIV AVD PHYSIQIII. BEN BOW ABCADCs rvfBos bonra: I atil ID a. m i t U I and 7 to t p. m. Telephones: Office W-V resldaaee 1064 YourFicc Needs C&relul Attention 'Standard Shaving Parlor B$ it Under Commercial Notional Ban 1 Why Experiment ? Bay tht Suaaatl Or fiaal Visahie Caderwood, ar(f yu will sat lb- i:s-p-pwrtfreBj. . Write ot caH ta R. W WHJLSTOH. -e ---. saJ I f a J La DON'T StrujxU ale nz against diffkul tits bhiU th Ntlet Wants or at your ser bk. Hit cost u lc Word MIBIMUH SO 47BMTS. FOB KMT. FOR RKNT (JOTTAGE, riVK ROOMS, all modern sonvenisocea. Vacant May 16. Witkout chMkea lot, $12.00; with. 12.60, in advance. Mrs. Mmily 8tw art, tilt Can- tret Alan two rooms with balk (or V.00 a moutk. 4,-2B-3t FOR RjVNT 6BVKN ROOM MODERN house on Oorrell afreet. V. C. Mc. Ados. Pkone 11. J-27-tf FOR SALE. FOR BALK TWO 8HAREH 8 TOOK in aa Incorporated general merchan dlae establishment in one of the best towns la Central North Carolina. Ad Ireaa sfi, Bex 207. Hilar city, N. C. i-ll-t Miirau-LAiinxica. DOrfT FORGET THIS. JOHN T. RISKS sells all th tiundey paper at to- l--8t VfANtEjPARtft"RB POK HaTJTJ: facturing pasts: 12 per cant, divi dend guarantees: first year. A. Unr wlts U'l 8. Washington. 4-tt-lt The only artist in thi husi- ness will be found at John T. noes' corner news stand. Professionals In the shoenhlntng business direct from ths metropolis. 4-2-3t WANT tn CUiAK, sort" nXusi a t News office. 4-is-tr WANTED PARTNERS FOR MANU farturing pants A. Horwlt. Ill K. Washlnglon. I-S7-H THE UllKKNHBORO DA1LT NKVVlfTT John T. liaes corner news stand. 4-:i-it (kirpun if its aoon its kknT- ny's high grade. Sao a pound. 4-SI-ll SUNDAY WOR1J), NEW YORK AM Klt Ican and all big Hunday pnpera at John T. Rees I corner news stsnd. 4-tx-Sl A RARE BARGAIN TN RESIDENTIAL Rroperty. Now earning 1 per cant reeneboro Heal ICetata Elchange. V WOULD LIKE TO PLACE AN ORDER with ao rue responsible and rolls ble i factory to sura out about 11 toilst cabinets or inedlolns cases per week for the ensuing year. Address Lock Bo 1ST, Oeneva, N. T. 4-14-tf BE JOHN T. RKfcH AT ONCE ANH'jK ml v i, i . . NanJiu M. - a'.. . I. iv....i..ri free. 4-IS-It vf ti iiAVit a U lfch ir;!W f"RtriTT- sltlon In some residential property. If interested, see tireensboro Rsl Kstate ichanie It FARMS FOR EVERYBODY AT AUC TION 0 WedaeotUy, May n, 1910. Beginning promptly at 2.30 p. m , I will offer the. public the flnerH oppor tunitj to secure fine farms ever (riven to' the citizens of this community. This it j a HUb-divUinn of the lare Aeourl , or Pmdeo farm, lying on fcolh aides the macadam rond leading from i.reenpboro to (iuilford CVtllege, about midway be tween the two rtare. j Another surrfy for the contemplated j trolley line from Oreenabero to High" Point is to Tie made during the summer . right tiirotifli ihts property, ria (iutl ford College, and nhntild thu he the nutr finally selected, of course every acre of this trart would tn'hle in value. Hut I am not aelfing the property on ihu pro pert; this nuu Id be your gnnd lu k. 1 am selling it purely on its merits aa tha best (orated, nn cat fanning land and inl(iunf0rd county, Iu book N. 1H.1, at T j 1 1. IB Guilford county. 1 he rnf i on it now i ... , . . ' ... will Terily this statement on the da r of sale, and wurrhaser. will get my share J of them, which will far mora than pay jtavc and i ate rest for a year. j The house on the main farm to be i sold i beaxitifullr lorsts'd in a trrnve nf I IhB Btltrnatat- at-lsi tt bi II ivili mi atf aa w w 'n( oll k"i h,t', in the rear and aide yard" there is a greet hern, i atiitable out houes and a well ol pu II i '1 er ."iuai to any in the Male riiere will lie anT number of siuailer farms, ranging from 2 ta 2.i s-re; all the Tery het Innd, hvkmIt set id c(ofr , and graees. i ltd ford rllf. one nf the oldest, mast reliable and ft nent e qui jrpd rn 1 leg- tn the I nited State. i oiiIt !o niilfsa rliaitiinf nil f:t ft hn nn .T thH , Tin s rNiiin oprt unit 1 fnr all who will eier want a hi' cnuntiT i-lai-e i or sJimll triM'k farm rifiit firecnhfro and ui Id for 1 olli-jr-. arid in :i iwijfh horlr'K-d un-Mrpa-d iM w h'r in t 'ie ami try. It i!1 He m delightful pU'-e at whirh tn Hpetid the ln o 4nme early. lo:k (iTf 1 h" proper tv tonnihly nn-j jiik ou! TOUT imrti .re-mt' hour f "a11. T will have ififl'-e and udich i-rej tree 1t all 't I o'clock. 1 rwH n 'ther ronnu nauv n'r tnh t nie p hi h-d. rwr a rfkd thmji- of any sorl. !' T i art inrthifTf i I4f , vou v'I h"--t a wiiure d-al. I hn(re tlv thTtviirliout .1).' "ntire nirit on hand t thi re.ii ii!i- tenn arc: me fourth c;,.!,. T1 '. 12 :in-l l inot ih. rit1- ti nl'T-' on deferred p.i m'-rit- tu r) diwoiMt i,,r i-a-li I V M.m DK. J. W. (iRIFFITIi Dentist P-.Uffi ?t?re. ; fiver Oardiiere Drn( If You Arc Going Away ANYWHERE, AT ANY TIME, CONSULT OUR DEPARTMENT OF Trunks and Traveling Bags, Suit Cases and fland Satchels "ALSO THE Indestructo Trunk GUARANTEED FOR FIVE YEARS BE SURE TO SEE THIS DEPARTMENT BEFORE LEAVING TOWN. Vanstory Clothing Co. c. h. Mcknight, Gon. Mgr. B. N. DUKE, T. B. FULLER. J. B. MASON. ProsMsnt. Vlc-PrldBt. Cashlr. THE CITIZENS NATIONAL BANK Of Durham, IN. C. Capital $100,000.00 Surplus $75,000.00 Resources over $1,000,000.00 Organized Mav. 1905. Special stlsoUo (Ivan l th coanejisrciai papor. ACCOUNTS adirsyvy 3 A Thorpnflhly Equipped School of Easiness and Shorthand a Offers much sasr than the usual busts collcltc. It is as in.ti.ttltion doing hi?h grade work. Distinct reputation for marking ths most eX)eit booklteepers and si enogra pliers in in th shortest potuubl time. In ses sion all the year. Write fur Summer Journal, jttst out, giving special snmmer rates. Address the .School, or 'phone HIM. CATALOG OK ESTATE AND PERSONAL PROPERTY. My virtue of authority conferred upou the uudei-signed in a certain iiiortgiige, dated the tirst dy of March, l!K7, and executed ly H. .1 l.udtvick and wife. C'ordia C, Lndwif k, and d. K. Uamn and wife, Mandv Pauie, and rewrded 41 t he ofTn of the reiriaLrr of dcrdtt of ge j o. . t: 4 , una t n th a oftiie ot t b r register of deda of f.nuan county, tn book No. Ill, page No. 20;., 1 wdi a'll at auction to the higlieat bidder for cash at the court houtt' dinir in (reeti Iwro. North (arutitu. on Vedneslav, the Mth day of May. 1010. at I nVIocL. p. 01., the following real estnta. to wit: A certain tr:irt or parrel of In rid, to get her with the hotifte thereon, a. lying and betnp in the County of Rovr:tn ' a nd State of N'ort h Osrolma. bouiideil as follows, to wit: tin the w.'st sids the (liarlntte road on (liasnnt Hill. hginniuj( at If. t oirihq's south mM , th' tice in s s;. diror-tioB with the "dfe of the road "o l"et to tack Mower? 'a corner: thence i it h loy ery's line in a V. W tirf'1 t ion 2n feet to Mowei ' n it i li cor per and thence wit It ( ornhu line "Jtlfl toet I' the hc'iiMwnif. beiim lo( No. 1'.' ( ihe Distic I . ii'i oninaii"t pin: of the n. Hum-oii land. Ihe atiove land ws oonWTed to O. I. Linlwiek and his wife hv the Ilvie I.;n 1 Inirv. coin no n? corriirai.n rk V.. I'll. of pe? ah nti etc. r (fi'er 'it ! county, North ' ;it'1 And also th LiHr crtv. to wit .V tl,e tij il- tfMk an I H o t hen-tint" helimirifi n' nrnnal pf'p . rnerchandi"-. appurtenance i ertain tnmi ll'-i i ti f h' (d I.HlltOld 'in. i. I.rith!i t '. LnHwi, atrd at t I'.i-ta.i stre- anv -it all htiur'-v etc it - f Hih Point. . un' ind viate nf nrth ari .ind oeriited a Ih" me and Banie prr-pnetor. !o corner of North Main nd . (huh Point, together v. ttli '"i V , Dierrhan-lise. w.-tro. 1 hat a. a v hTca 1' r --ome Ill'O tl Uo iaii etne ( aff ,c ki'ehen ran. unij hv ladd Mevl tUiiffi' ompa:iy. Kl. LoiM-. Mo. strid known i- inixiel - JIS. with ail tixt-jrea belonging thereto Alvi ote Hnnt't rvdvihii leetn' -iliiiir f:in. tojiin-r with the motor and all fixtures Aui j-j.irtf le!oinr'ni? thereto.' A)-o on? wnla wjtit fotmtain. known as tlte lae1 Stnitrv system, togrthsr, w tit ai! fS v 1 ire. vlM silrerware, . snnons, lav holder. -onntims, i Iplrwrbia ard anythfny that is a fait FAM01S- colltclioa ot tsltoB dralls and all INVITED. SOUEST. of the aaiiir or iM'iinff in uny war to mi ill boda water fontit.iin. A No one electric han'o, made by the Anio icart Aiitornat if Finnic coinjuin v , New nri, S. imd iniriihered .11)14. AIho on" Pulver chi-colatf penny in tln-flui uiai-hifff. AIfo "nr bow cane, made hy the llih Point, Show C-v work?, llijrh Poiut , N. c U-u oni moving picture niachiiii, kntiw n o a jjenny-in-the -ihii machiifv.- Alw one cah re2iater, made by tfai National ("aih liindtcr erimpany, I)ay ton. (diio. and nimihereil 4o8.9i. ANo two nickle plated police urn. Al.10 one fnolene attn'e tnon du thu , lleliltbh- AI-mi olc bqikIJ hesaiiif; pove nde by (RiidCcford and conipAily. Iutiis ille. K. )ui one la l ire hut rack pin httHevt in. di .he PiHiple Douse fnrmnhinj; com 1 pjirv. Ilivl. Point. . C. Al-o one relriyeiatoi. known ai 14 'urney rind made by the Oitniev R of rig eintur e f 11 pa ny. foil IXj I-ic, Wis. 'o on.- refrigerator, know n es the Pun liir;. iimde hy 1.. II M:i-e and com p.inr. Ni-a York. V, T. Alo one electrie liiyht nirt r made bv The 1'nrt Wayne Klertric works, K01 1 V'ane. (rid . and nirnbered 3tt.4s3. A io eihi wa II pi--1 tires. pnn:base-t from P'-ople' Hon l''ii ni'Mn com puny, H irh Point. N. f. . AUo four wriM onim" made b rerd. Keker. High Point. V lo 20 ist ol iiet "srs for table, made h 1 he htc.' - ilver cornpanv A Io one small elrrMrn: fan, made b? (lie lierieral I'.lectrif -ouifiwn., uiJ uum- tierd i3ari. i .e.iAo, la-e '"irtains and window - hi ,ii futin-tB. sn'I sundry appliaive 'i'onirinif to the 'Ha fonnfain. tojfether icith approxii'iatelv (rnlJon of flj vnrir.f yrip. 1ja 00 porcelsin hath tuh, jmt in th Man-lard Plumbing cotnpaar, liic'i Point. V. C Al-o cm h"f Writer hoiler and oonne -: :oi now connected with the ranye -. r inlwfr rp pfeifietl, which boiler vm mi. i'i' :i Mie k. ParSLgrnii nin and eoffipant. ri- h-i a. M-i. lour art! Via) ferns, in bores, tm ! jici in rba dining-room of said afe Ai-o ail electric liht fixtures, appl: enea. and all other fimturea affixed to th'- walls of aeiling of fa id cafe. Terms of aala, eaah. Tti thU Wh tor of Aprii, A I) !1. KU H. TROMA-S, AaaigBeaj of Tirnrtjpi