GREEN 8BOBO DAILY NEWS SO DAY, MAT 1, 1010, ITIKTS OF THK WIEK IH HIGH POIST SOCIETY illgk Point, April 30. One ef the Mkt iotretuur item ia aoeiatj laat wart in the following iwwimmt "Mra. Eufea Murray SUort uinaw tkt tugofencnt of ker daughter, Coa aialia Bdia, U Jtant Edward MillU, --weddiisf to take alac ia June," l liiM Kkurt U taa fourta tbajfatar at 'Ma X. M. Short, tattaeiij pi V,Mbj ton, N. C, kut for th put 11 taeotht f riic rMBU uu u a sirHuugiy aana r asm founc vwti of a eharauac par ' eenaJltr aad thia, coupled 'iU bar i nHt diapoaitiea aad fentle tearing, bat .. . . BAAiAtW i.Mrila sir Mil. . lis ia tbt aocoaa aoa at J, Henry Millia. sua wf ta beat know M of Guilford , , eeaatr. Ha feat applied himtelf to good adraauga to rli a roiat a great amnu featuring business, and though quit r Tomit it reearded a one of taa tore. , aunt btuiOM man, aad thia, with kit Bromisajiaan soviet r, awkaa hi eopu ' taritr geaeral. both partita hava stores of frieads throughout tha atata who will wish for them much bappiaeee. Wednesday tracing 1-onrholm, the de put reside of Mr. aad Mr. Charles VrankUa Long, was the inset for atu f the eaost recherche parties of ths tea . aoa. Tha guests were greeted at the daar by the two Utile golden haired fairies of the household, little Uelea Alexander and Mary Elizabeth, and ask ed to the commodious sitting-room on the second floor, where tha tables for th game of bridge were arranged. la the close and interesting gams Miss Ma Meerett. of Charleston, h. C. held tae kigueat score, and was presented with the Crist t bead in a nobby frame. At 10 o'clock the gracious young host- Veua Ik msv ..A Hist lia.iit if 111 linine- ' room OI elegance aiinc prnni luncheon, the appointment af which were pure white. On th pau-and-ink place cards were the following naraea: (Wles F. I-oug, Mrs. (Siarle K. Long, Miss Ida Alexander, A. K. Alexander, Miss Kate Ingram, Mist Mary Alexander, Miss May Mrggett, Miss I. Irvin Par lor Miss T.inuie Mann, the young and lovely daughter of Mr. and -Mrs. J. I). Maim, of lligli Point, and who is a sen ior at Greensboro Female college, gave her piano recital at the college last Fri day evening, and among xne large num t n:..i. . VI... I i-r iiolu nn;. i.imi r .1.1. . j.... ,HftS()f, to the ,tu()v n( American .1. D. -Mann, Mis rra.icia Mann Mesarf - Jitevnature- slid for the meeting Tuesdav Tliiinnon and Kan.lall Maim, Mr. and Ufternoon a p-cial feature waa a paper Mia. . A. Mattou. Mr. and Mrs. P. L.bT Mr, Thomas llsriicon on "The Influ DnvijMr. and Mrs. I. .1. Farrla Mr.en of William Dean Howell." I)r. Delia and Mi s. Cliarle. Ragau. Mrs. 'on" Dixon-:rroll prci.'iitcd s verv profit j.miu, iiuun ...!..,, " Jliompsun, riea-le I'ltts. .Mai'jorie icd- ' " ls" - , '-, , , , -iionuay evening .Vila. J.toya lJoaameaa entertained in oouipliment of her nieces, MiSKPs Jaiinette and ' lone Holmes, of Seattle, Wah. The guests were met in the reception hall by Mias I. Irvin Psy lor and Dr. Frank Perkins, who present ed them to the receiving line, in which stotal Mrs. Dodumeade and the. gueats of honor. Mita Marr Alice Burton and Mr. Joe Dohbs received in the parlor, and arranved the eueats around the 11 tables where th gam of "42" was nlayed. The silver tea strainers, given us guest i of honor nrise, wat won by Mi lone Holmes. Th ladies' prire, a hatpin, was wo by Jlias Kate Ingram, who cut with Miss Octola Lindaay. Bib Tfnrton won the gentlemen's prire and presented it to flss .fsnnelte Holmes. Miss Msry Alice Burton and Mr. Todd tied for the booby. After the refresh ments were served ths company was hon ored with tome excellent music ny Miss Edith McK. Moer sad Mias Holmes. Thursday afternoon at her residence on South Msin Htreet. Mrs. .Ismes Joseph Karrus was the pleasing hoste.s t swn( ,i-e preih.leiii of tlie federation: to the membera of the Rntr Nmn(,d Mr, E. f. Duncan, chairman of th, . lull. The snore card, for the game and , mnfl n,pH.meiit. These lsdies will the sppointmi'nts of ths reimt were mtn attend aiiBgestiv of Dutch figures. The priies, I j.-ri,,v afternoon a seven eoure lun- 1 v on by Meadames Nan Jones snd George cran W.H I,t Mra. V. '. Hovater I .Mattou, were quaint little Dutch cream jn hnmr of v wmj. iirip;,. M.r,. , pitchers. There was n full attendam-e. rM mnl bride's rosea and Mexican I Ihe YVconeMlay utiernoon nigei( ,,j iln hean'iful ef- i!ul va entfrtaiiifd thin vk bv Mir.n it At: t a it: i.. .oary .iii'-e nurion. -us rram.-s in-1 (iram won tbe prire alter cutting with Mrs. Robert Bracket!. In servmg tu salad courae t lie hostess waa asaisted l,v her sister, Mrs. William M. Jones, 2d lliuraday afternoon Mrs. Kicoard(Mj i tll, priB)r,. Vis, Ueaai InlmjoD entertained at bridge. Missee I vvj,. Fliralieth Hrlura Mry Alice llurton and Kate Ingram tied for the prize. In the cut Miss llurton won the beautiful barpin. Dainty re- freslimenta were aerved. The .Music Lovere' club met Monday evening in Mist Clara Boyd'a studio. The United Hsugliters of tlie Oonfed eracy met Thursiia) afternoon at tlie Manufacturers' clubroom. The parliamentary law class of the Woman s club met Saturday afternoon with Mrs. Lloyd Dodamead. The civic department of the Woman's club met Fridav afternoon with Mrs. S. L. Davis. The philanthropic depsrtment of the Woman's club met Thursday afternoon aith Mrs. George Matfon. Tlie ladies of the First I'reabyterian rhurch held a congregational aoeiety Thursdav evening at the reaidene of Mrs. E. A. Snow. Mrs. Edwsrd Peele Parker is enjoyinir lengthy visit at East (n-ange. X. J. Srores of High Pointers look in the hall game at f'.reenslioro Thursday. Most pertona. even thoa who trt ordluarily atrong and healthy, need a tonic and blood puriflu In th Spring. Borne hsv bo pirtvular aliment, but are veak, dhiliUted and nin-eVrn. Winter life with It decreased amount of out door exercise, and the fact that cold weather bat kept the pore ef the skin dosed!, prevented the proper amount of watt and refna matter froti being expelled from the (yttem. These impuriti entering th circulation have thinned and weakened ti biood, aad th body therefor does not receive a tufacient amount of blood, nourishment. The general bodily weakness, tired feeling, fickl ap petite, poor digestion, etc.. show how anaemic the blood ta become. Frerjuentlj skin diseases, pimple, eruptions, ate. break ettt and this 1 evidence of the Im parity of th circulation, i. 8. . ta th beat Spring tonic, because it is tha greatest of all blood pnrHer. It It ta only medicine on which you can rely to uvpiy the tvttem with the needed tonic effect mi at the asm time purify and mrv-k vnnr "blond The ns of S. 8. 8. at tkit tuna mar save you from a long pell of sickness, and It will certainly prepare yon for th strain of th long, j let Snmnwr. S. 8. 8. ia made entirely from reeta, herb and barkt; it It Nature ' j tonic, pore and bealthfid. It regulates digestion, tenet rp the ttomach, im-( prove the appetite and promotes strong, wigoron health. Ttit will be your beat Boring season If yam nat 8. S. 8. for your THB SWIFT Coleus, Moon KTXVT3 OF TBI WT.EK IM Slitt CAPITAL SOCIETY (Spacaal te Uauly News.) BaWiffc, April SO Mis Kata Uaaoa Rowland, af Bichjuond, who ia th guest at Mr. Charles Lea Satitk, waa the guest af honor for a receptiea by ilia alary Hilliard Hiotoa at tha Hiotoa country place, Midway Plantation, near Kaluga, Tuesday afternoon frost 4 to t o'clock. Uiaa iliutoe is regent of th North Carolina society, Daughters of th Aaerieast Revolution, and her guesu war th saenbtr uf the society in Ral eigh. Officer of tha society assisted in receiving. Tha reception was an eape- ouuy anajr. -j'" , , ajajung i. v. ura,u eatertaiaed a few fnends in honor of Mr. and Mra. John T. West, of Phila delphia. Hearts waa th game played. Thar were eight tables. Her guests war Mr. aad Mrs. St. H. Busbee, C har lotte; Mr. aad Mrs. John Uockery, Kock- inghami Mr. aad Mra. Willia G. Brigga, Mr. and Mra. H. K. Liuhford, Mr. and Mrs. John Andrews, Mr. and Mr. D. O, Sutherland, Mr. and Mrs. A. P. Bau- Mr. and Mrs. Frank Stronach, Mr. aad Ms. George Folk, Mr. and Mrs. Rus sell Slierriil, Mr. and Mrs. Uregory Gan non, Mr. and Mrs. A. H. Amngton, Mr. and Mrs. It, J). V. Coanor, Miaa Joseph ine Aatte, 6. A. Ashe, jr. Tuera was a eharuiina lufonnal tea SaturdaT afternooa by Mrs. A. Al Held, for which her mother, Mra R. P. Hughes, and Miss Kate Mason Rowland, of Rich mond, ware th special guests of honor. Mrs. rleld was assisted in the enter tainment of her gueats by Mrs. Willi U. Brigus and Mrs. frank Ward. Alias Kuth Chapman, graduating in piano, and Miss Ada Jones, graduating in expression, cave a recital Monday evening at Peace Institute that was much enjoyed by a large company of Iriendt. Mrs. E. B. Barbee. who hst recently conie to Raleigh as s bride, was the special guest for a delightful card party Tuesday morning by .Mrs. A H. Ball, daughter of K. B. liarbee. The gams wsk followed by a course luncheon. Th gueats were Mrs. f G. Letts, Mm. M. T. Norris, Mrs. Kusaell Slierriil, Mias Shuford, Hickorv; Mrt. Gregory Gan non, Mrs. D. 0. Sutherland, Mrs E. W. Barbee, Mrs. Murray Alien and Mis Mary Arniistead Jonea. Mrs. Xltrgsret Buabce Shipp enter tained the Fortnightly Review club this L- in,, j.1,,1, 'Amvntini, uttftitinn " " " .... p hie paper on "The Influence of the Mag T,, , notable jiaper by Mra. J. rirvan 1, rimes on "ihe rjnon Story." Mra. Shipp had as special gueot other than the club uiemhera Mra. Wil ton l.indeay, Snartnnburg; Mrt. R. M . Winatun, Mn. C. ". I-ay, Mra. Carpen ter, Philadelphia; Mrs. W. A. Hoke. Mrs. A. A. Thompson snd Mrs. A. W. Knox. Mrs. J. A. Brieve, ir. was hoteas for to charming little brid(re psrties this I week, one Monday afternoon and the other Tuesday morning. At each the j gaoiea were ronoweq n ine eiie oi aHjnty r,frehmeiits. Mm. Corpeaing, of RfN?kinchsm, waa a special out-of-town guest for the party Tuesday morning. For the annual meeting of the North Carolina State Federation of Women's clubs, which mete thia yr at Hender. eon May S, 4 and i. the Raleigh Woman's cluh will he representaiil hy Mrs. T. Palmer .lerman, Mra. W. X. Nutt. Mra. T. P. Harrison and Miss Berth Rosen thai as delngatex. The Raleigh cluh it also honored with a numlier of the of- ficer of the federation, tlieae being Mrs. F. T. Stevens, who i-i chairman of the I Aliiatinn rittnmil tee : Mr James Bria-Lr. ,M,t for the ffpp,.,-! decnratioi, TlieitUv with rclativ 0, gntt, ,r, Mr, Hubert Hovater an4 ,. .( fv,penter. of Phil- .rtfipfcj,. Mr,, k. C Hillier. Mis. f). W. Itrigea. Mrs ,1 A Hrigg. jr . Mr Charles 1. Harris, Miaa rteasie ftrowi Rou The Current "Harper Weekly." The iasue of Harper's Weeklv for April U3 contains a two paire article giving pkotogrnphs and biopaphical sketches f ,,. ,w heads of Vew York Hnaneial institutions. In the same aumlier M n Amerh-an Diplomat" discuses MOur 'Dollar Diplomacy' and Secretary Knox." J. B. Yeats contributes an Irish view of The American fiirl." In "The World of Wharves" F-rnest P.wile tells of the lives of the riverside foMc in New York city. John R. Fisher contribi'te an amusing essay upon our conversational delinquencies entitled "The ltludgeon in the Drawing-room." This issue contains the eustomery editorial and humor paffea aith fiction, photoaraphs and many oth er interesting articles. PURE ST. LAMBFRT AND G0LDEH LAD JTRSEYS. .M uetlon Greensboro tiuditorium ThnrsHsy. May ? o'clock p m John A. Young THE BEST SPRING TDNIC tome. KFECiriC CO ATLANTA, GA. Vine, Cauliflower, Aster, Scarlet Sage, TLKSONALS Tkoataa H. Parke, of ReidsTiUe, at spending a few days in the city with (riead and relatives. Gen. Julian 6. Carr apeut yesterday niorniug in tha city, eu route to his home ia Uurham from Mobile, Ala-, when he attended the Confederate Vet I arm us' reunion. Mis Lou rise McCoy has returned t her home at Rosedale, alter a visit to Mr. K. B. Boren. A. C. Chaote, of Charlotte, spent ye-tei-day in th city with friends. -vtra. a. . ruriow am muixi, aximm uu Jver, left yesterday lor Graham, vbm Uey wiJ, tpuld MVral days aa the guest of Mrs. Albright. E. W. 6ikea, af Wak Forest, ia vis iting friends and relatives in the city. Mrs. Rabert Tata hat returned to her , fcolB, ta q,,,, ,ftw a Tislt to her brothers, J. R. and Harry Doaaell. 1 Mra. A. Y. Bond ia visiting friends and relatives in Durham. Prof. 8. H. Hodgia, of Guilford Col lege, apeut yeaterday ia the city aith friends. Mias A. E. Pitt has returned from a visit to friends and relatives in V io-ston-Salm. Mr. J. K Mebane haa returned to Meban after a visit ta relatives in the ity. Mrs. W. H. Lte haa returned from a viait to friends and relatives in Char lotte. W. C Lee, who has been spend ing the past month in Europe on a pleasure trip, is expected home thia week. Mist Mary Coffin left yetterdsy for Jarueotown, where the will spend the day as the guest of her sister, Mrs. R. H. Ragtdale. B. G. Bwett, of Durham, was a busi ness visitor in the city yesterday. E. U. Hord, of Charlotte, is spending the day in the city with relatives. Mr. snd Mrs. R. W. King have return ed from a visit to friends and relatives at Wiiiston-Salem. W. E. Freeman, of Rocky Mount, it tpending a few day a in the city with friends and relatives. Mr. and Mra. J. E. Stagg, of Durham, are spending a few dayt in th city with friend and relatives. .1. D. Dorsett, of Spencer, was a busi ness visitor ia the city yeaterday. Col. A. B. Andrews, first vlee-pretldent of the Southern railway, spent yester day afternoon in the city, in hit ipecial car, en route to Kateigb trom Momie, Ala., where he attended the Confederate Veteran's reunion. C. E. Harrisoe. of Charlotte, spent yesterday in the city with relatives. Miss Sallie Palmer haa returned to her home in Warrentou, after a visit to Miaa Helen Vatea, on Church street. E. V. Ferrell, of Winston-Salem, spent J eaterdt y in the city Miss Clarence Buhman haa returned from Warrenton, where she has been vis iting Mrs. Crew s. 8. C. llodgin, of Reidsville, was a vis itor in the city yesterday. Mrs. W. F. Trogdou, of North Wilkes bnro, I Tiaiting at the home of Mr. and Mra B. 11. Merrimon. Col W. H. Osborne haa returned from a business trip to Richmond, Va.' Mias Lottie Denny i on a visit to her siater, Mia. McBryde Molt, at lira- ham Mrs. J. E. Alderman hst returned from visit to relative! near Winston-Salem. Dr. and Mrt. W. C, Afchworth and chil dren are visiting friends snd relatives I Kerrjersville. of KirklanH ! r-ylltfter, Of Mralanrt. Mrs. A. W. Me., is visitinp at the home of Mr, and Mra. C. T. Dildine. It. B. Sncnd. of I.ynrhhurg. who lias been sjietidilig ."leral days in the eit y with friends and relatives, left liiel ruffht for l'li;irlotte. bete he will epend a few Mrs. B. K. Weaver and dansrhter. Miaa I Mane, are visiting friend- and relative ; Kocky Mount. After an hour of forty in Salisbury. tio a dainty ice course was served. R. H. DeButls. travelinr passenger Mi laviece Oamblia gave a pro agent of the Southern raihiuv. spent ! gressive forty-two partv 'Thurnday vestenlav in the city with relatives 'stternoon in honor of Miaa Av.gnata f... Glenn of H. ndolnh Macon 1 eollraw. arrived veaterdav to spend a few daya with her parents, Mr. and Mrt. Tvre Glenn, on West Market street. ' " f SliMl.ury. spent ye. ; terdav in the itv w t h fiictids. Mis Maynice Troas. of Charlotte, ia visiting friends and relative in the city. H. M. Venetian, of Richmond, who holds s responsible position wilh the of Southern Manufacturing company Rivhmond. has received a promotion, and len, Angelyn Fetrer, Sadie Milla, Graco i in the future will make Greensboro hit j Austin. Julia Iscknart, Pauline Crow healquartcrs. He arrived in the eityjder. Connie Moaa. Daisy Parsons, Shep. i yesterday to take up his new duties. herd leak. Kate Iak, Mry Clitf Ben-; P V MoVherson. of Rdleirh. ia anend-l in few davs the citv with friends and relatiies. Mrs. J. I). Spilman, of Warrenton. it viaiting friends and relative in the city. Thomas Burton, of Greenville, S. C v.lio hat been visiting relatives in Reids ville. has returned to ;reenrille after a visit to hi sister here. Mrs. V. V. legg. Mis J. V. Ktuzht and little Aiugliter, k is on a visit to Mr. W. P Daniels, in j Saeil 10 Daily News.) l.yaehhiii-g. j rrtv, Durham, April - S J. B. P.ectoi and patty aui over froroion )at Mondav evening, in the Duke Hizli Point m their automobile yester-j building. v rgnnimtion s formed I day to attend the bstl j.ime Iknoan as the Oasm-al club, which prom- V V ir... ot Vaili-sm. sp.nt yes-. tenlsv in I ifv with friends. l.' ami Mrv M. H of Oak Hide-, 'is -nt ictMday in tbe citv tilth"" fnend-. 11 r H .ii dsv in the -t! V E. "sianl IN I ing relnt ive-. . penning inc ,t I h" lib relatives. ,, Ri,anol.e. das in the citv 1B;o, with Tlannn PictorM. . Vi-holaa - . -in ot i-i' tiirp in a room i s j.p.i. f in it px turf 1 1 1. 1 -.jirt'-p-fill in;:. Of oour-, iht tn---ni- fiintr- :in-J "indo,frn, and liir't' inp Jitur -. and wall fii it.r.' t'mn it fl.;.' ptfturp,, 4 im 1i.' 11! ;i ft-rlHiTi i- Mrt It'l'1 . H.etl- ..i.n, fipiaee. ,1B,imL. , i,,, p ft?! tti.fM-d wbfn wp Ita tie it ALL ITCELXG STOPPED Souad Sleep After a Higkt f Much Distress. Mr. B., a Philadelphia gaatksaaaa, tret lieaitated about applying poaiaaa after be had obtained it. "But," ha say, "altera a i-d the itehing borame uubear able at uiht, so 1 arose aad told Mra. B. I would risk th poaiaaa. I slept soundly all night. 1 used it rare Bight and three mornings, then diaooatinuud. It is now over tliree snout ha, and 1 her never had any return of the caeaaa; never had any itching after th Jlrt application." Poslam it the new skia remedy which so rapidly cosabata the worst rasas of ccema. It likewise make auiek arorfc of ecu, herpea, tetter, acaly scalp, bar ber' and every other form of itch. Oc casional appheatioa ia small uiantitie will quickly banish pimples, hives, black headt, blotehea, etc. A apecial 40c. pack age Is prepared for minor ski troubles, and this, aa well as th regular two-dollar jar, is on sale at Farias-KiuU Drug company, 'at well at all drug stores. But no on is even irked t purr hate fx. -lam without first obtaining a aanvpl package, which will be seat bv mail, free of charge, upon request, "by the Kmergeocv Lalawatories, So. 92' Wast Twenty-i'fth trt, New York city. EVENTS OF THI WEEZ IN WADESB0K0 SOCIETY (Special to Daily Newt.) Wadeoboro, April 30. One of the moat beautiful aocial occasiona of the seasoa , at th party given by Mrs. L. J. Hunt ley Saturday afternooa from 4 till 7 i o'clock, in honor of a former school mate, I Miss Williams, of Burgs w, who ia spend- j ing some day here with Mrs. Huntley. Forty gueats were invited to meet Mias ' Williams, drawn from the friend of the hoslee among the aiarriod element with a few member of the younger aet. The i reception-room was very artistically dec-' orated with out flower and fern. 'Mrs. Huntley was aaaiated in the sntsrtaui-' mon "( k k.w VI -.... f U' . Chambliss and H. W. Little. Mia. H. 11 McLeudon wa ia charge of th punch asa i bowl, arranged in an attractive roe , i bower. An elegant ld coura with " . , , salted nut wat terved by the kottett, I teaior class, and also on of each of tae sasisted bv Misset Ruth Allen, Kate ! different organiiatioiia of the college Leak and Laviece tlianAIiss, who wore, Manager Wmith aaya this will he one of prettv whit muslin with pmk rilona. 'h greatest things of Ita kind that has l'rogressive fortv-two was played bv lever been gotten out here, and will m most of the guests, the price being won every reapect tak the pla of an an by Mrs. R. L. Ha nil ion. In an Interest- ! nuaL ing contest, which afforded amusement Tonight the regular meeting of the for some of the ladies, the prise went to Fortaightly club will be held In the He Mr. E. A. Covington. Mrs. Huntley j perian society hall. Dr. W. P. Few, head wore a lovely reception toilet of soft 'ol the department of English, will speitk white voile, finished with lace bands, and I on matter of general interest concern Miss Williams wss very handsome in ' ing th two plays of Shakespeare, which pale green satin. jar ta be presented o Trinity ram- Ainnng the guests were: Meadaines J .pus. M. Peeler, E. A. Cbnvington, John I). n j 0- yKiten been away Leak, John T. Bennett, T. W. Ohauiibllss. fron) lna ,eK, fr several davs at T. 11. Henry, I. H. Hardin, H. W. Little, ' t,.ndin. th, educational meeting of the T. I.. Caudle, R. L. Hardison. Samuel Trinity Alumni saociatioa of that Houston. T. W. Marshall, H. B. Allen, , plaoI,i 40j in cngajfcmeiita to apeak R. M. Huntley, J. F. Allen. C. M. Burns, 1, mi nf k.e nlae in tha eastern Clarence Burns, 1'. B. Bialock, T. C. f'oie. Robert Iaimplev, J. G MoLeod, , n wn i.e., Power. Joha Lilet, F. S. Ashe L VfM John J T Kllgo Wh I JJwW R. M. Mann, Herlasrt Berbape, L. D. Jlon- r J1 exteruled trip J. inson. Walter Ros. II. H. MoLendou, U, ',1" ".heHll. M 1 T'i-Bi''--' -.- -ring until .he Mis..-, Fannie Bennett, Lore Utile, l'Hrt fn ,UT Marion Little. Hattie Knottt, Helen Mc ; Profesaor Floaers. of the department Lcinlou, Portia HunWey and Eva Hunt of matbn-.tica. left yesterday nfter j,.y. , j main for different points in the state, I Mrt. H. H. McLeaden wis the happy were he it attending the educational hottest Wednesdav afternoon to a few I meeting of the Trinity Alumni asao ladiea at a pnwreaaiv fortv-two partv I in honor of Miss Maggie Williams of j Illiirgaw, who is the guest of Mra. L J. 1 Huntley. A delightful lad course wa ! - s wii vru. 1 itsTv it una v cbthv T?r-i-i .ui n. i (i . . . r . . L. J. Huntley, Mis Maffi'ie Wiinams, Mrs. W. C Via, Airs. H. K. Allen, Mrs. IVunn Dunn, Mra. E. W. Martin. Mra. H. W. Little, Mrs. T. W. Chambliss. Mis. I'larenoe Burns. Mrs. T. C. Vixe. Mies levtece Chacabbss was hostess Fridav atterooo to a nsisnbar ,if frierwls j,, honor of Miss Auwusta D.vvin of 1 "vine, ol iwrit .viouni, wno it the guest of Mias Elirabeth llorne. Five tables were aet for the play era, and tlie honors a boi of ehoco- , in,1.di.telv hamlod' it to th. !.' oree. 'ITie conaolation prire went to Miss Allie May Burns. An ice course was aerved. The guests were: Misses Virginia Itoyette, Louiae Ross, llallie Letrgett, Ruth Ashrraft, Susie little., Allie Mae Burns. Lena Burns, Huth Al- 1 -r.iiaaoein norne. -ingnaia larvine. Anna Baldain Home and Marv Vir ginia Home. Mi'sdaraes T. W. Chnmbliss I and H. H. Mdlendon assisted in tiie re- ' eeption of the guests, and Misse Anna Baldwin llorne snd Mary Klirab'-th llorne served the refreshment. TRIfSTTT COLLEGE NEWS to lake - laige plar-e aJliong Uie Other eoll-ife a-tuitles tor some timely i.iiii M . a -1 ' has t.-en s ri'i n fot to oraan &SJ'SS'WaXWX!, tmties of Dak1111 " ts-en a pisn on tooi 14) organ citv aith ' '7r '"vb n clitfi. but not until lately have " " ' ""' """ "''" "e any rjetinite steps been taken, the pin-, o.e of the rlnW is to studv the life snd . , ,,,, . lh- ii,, ;,,, TK ll- lowing rontitutp tKe rhartrr mpmhfn imp ..reanii-jtinn rVof. William F. 4 fiill. head of the fpanmnnt of ltin; ( rof A. II Mprrift, uf tka department i ol (;reek; Proi.-aor C;t, denwrtn.pnt ot j Latin, and hp following from the tu- dpnt todv: 1.rv Warreii. Proctor, A.I M. rVnnpif iUpii Caion. . Iluth in. and I--indov . SfanisipT Willi intUi and AiUnt Mflnajjpr U"hi taker, of the lYinitT Ai -rhirp. are busy colpitinp the pi'irpfl of the dtflorent orsiiniyationa ot tne fdlejf?, to p it m t Iip sprier pdition of the Trinity Art in p. Tin Pi) 't ion w ill contain a ptrtine -f rah t thf Bfemsber of the Notice of Change BELK BROS. Boy MR. HARRY'S Interest-tame ol Firm Now: BELK BROS. COMPANY E WISH TO ANNOUNCE W customers purchased the interests of Mr. D. M. Harry in the well known concern of Harry-Belk Bros. Co. From this date the firm name will be changed to Belk Bros. Co., and hereafter will be run under this name. The firm appreciates the liberal patronage of the past, and assures them that the new firm will be keenly alive to their interests pursuing a liberal policy of fair dealing that has done so much to make the Belk stores a great factor in North Carolina's mercantile world. :-: :-: x x x BELK BROS. COMPANY B. Vi ; ,.. ,.,. eiatien and delivering addresses neiorc them. TtT 1 Hendren. former professor of applied mathenuitica here, and now at I'niveraitv of fieoiiri. waa here on - . r - - w i j i i : i. 1 last Monday and Tuveriav nitli Hie Georgia boll team. Wear Bright, New House Garments War tliiuk that rH'cuti.p you on! wnax them hiir t liouw, that Tour Idmona, -Irefiti rwtjur, mpp?r, lounfrinc rohi, tie., iifd not alwayt look h fr-j-b and nice an ygu knnw the y iiifht bo mme to When riirlrt hk tbef fom oilvd, nnrl them to our dry HraniDg d part own t, " Wi will rptnrn thftn -n frli. elf an and bright nrw, 'J tj the irvicc. 2 tt , a 5 Columbia Laundry Co. ns. tre cte 9 iiviics iio-djj s J J . I he HAVAKRL Hotel S?vtnth Arpoue at Wt itrMt, abort block from Broadvar. MEW YORK CENT1B OF IVIEYTHIHG. u 360 KoomM 800 A roow with a bath for a nollar ud balf. A rooi itb bath for a dollar aod'ho vill rr van a half A room with a bath for dollar aad a half. Diiioh Grill, floeat In town la la avrta) Koala, 1Husstj-atd nookTct mailed gratia. tAgtT T. SwtV. Co f. Uabora Pepper, and that W. H. Belk and J. M. Belk have F. MATTHEWS. Manager SPECIAL ENVELOPE OFFER Having bvuglit a large lot ef extra q aire, at an timuvnallv low price, we offer following low prices, f. . h. Greeaalraro 1,000 lots at II.&U per UM; 1.1 HO lots st $1,1 per l.maij 4.U00 Iota at kl.UO per l.OOO, 0,1SK iota at OUr. per 1.0OU; -'0, ISK) lota at TV. iier IjOTki. Terms Ciah oa dsliveiy only, (jil ut send you sample, dar. The Harrison Printing Co., Greensboro. N. C. WK CLOSE SATURDAY AT i.s. B. K. DUUT, FWdeaU r. L ITLLEB, Ws Freatdewt, THE FIDELITY BANK DURHAM. N. C Capital and Surplus $450,000.00 LARGEST SURPLUS OF ANY BANK IN NORTH CAROLINA i FARMS FOR EVFRYB0DY AT AUC- S no S! On WednfMUy, May 11, 1910. r' giniiinj; pronifii hi t H p m , I will offrr tint putil if (he finin( oprxyf- luiiily to .riirr iiw Innut PVfr unfn to th i 1 i DfM of thiw fommuiaU Thia it )iil-diviirii f thn lurv Afur1. or iVuJrn farm, Iinr "m 1nh iid of th maadnin road Jii Jj iiw from (.n'tiHltoio TO l.lllllol'-t 'll'. 1 ttrfrn tin (o plH'T t.itit tnii 11 v 1 Alio) her ui . fi onirmpt.iwHl Zltrollry Imp iiom ( .n piihIioto ti llivh I ; I'oinf i- lu bp irud during thr -iiii,D..i k?rifilit thronft'i tln pioK-rti, mm 4uiI Ql"rd o!1p.-. and hmild ibi-. !p th" n-m- 5 nuall lfotwl. sftl orn iMi-rr thr tract would trcblp in valup. M"1 I am not wiling t Ijt-Ai.pprt y on Lliic pro- pf t ; tlui would 7m jour gx link I rn wllinr it piirrlj fi il mcut a th' t hp inxhptft utalp ot fjjlt a ( inn ot am n vl'.nKnid muntr Bp rrop on it rKirt will ortly thin itta tpn.Piit oa f t nt nalp. arnl nimhitiprai will , ri'V U li. of t hnn. w hie-h will t r pioip iliuii pay tnx' arnl lutprpt 1c-t h vcm 1 Iip hoiiup on I lw mam furm to l Aold i tifantifullA !o.aii"l ti u pto-- nt i;ranj old whifp oak", irliilf in I Itf rrar and hip iard tin r- a L'i-Mt rwrn all suitable out 1 ii ,i w cl I f jnrp. 1 1 1 i in ' h" Utr. ' h1 1 eater equal I T,ere.,M l- at ot waller larms. ranzm, r.-.; all tpl la ml 1 .t iti clovr and rr ui Id ford - .lki ' ut u ll.p ..Ideal. ,lfl -quiped col iiH.J t.tir. i ,nlv t wo Iptr 111 lltP I mile. ditant. vi nn buv obp of thmf fai ni. k vour edu-Ht- t fit-m ?Pt at 9U Otb'T Did' inldr.-n nt honu -r and tiieuffr 1 know vi if nportunit i- a nmt- eou'itrv ami i han or -niall tru-'k npr rpc,ii? jo: o and evUU'tlin ol.-jt- UriKx d country H M-il :i" -. d .UH U h-T I'- lev ii i 1b d votir farm tpui(' thr ho Other Plants of Firm to our friends and lily of iv bite raa eiivelones. standard litem pnatrd, tul thev last, at th Write phone to- J0ICT T. WILT. Caahlar. B. W. MINOR, Aaet, Caaliieh ' I w 'I htiT't" iifl't" A th I MaridYviclfci Td lo all ) 1 I tt'rl'AO.k. Mill rcitliri fVHiiif.nauannt tw IoJt- i :iT- t -v ti'-l. 'Kr . ' 1 crW h1 1 h inax anv t It u nofiiiriar la, ru will ut Jt iUM ut t it ( 1 . t d.'.-tl I hout mr f frtrfui thro ltftiont ill-- triih ouiintr will Ih on hn hi (hi yrritt nl. 1 v 1 pi in n 1 : I hip f u rh raali. ba I -it nit- in fi. il atid IK mouthy with ff p-r tnt intrr n dtrird f.;o-anti and -a il'PTjl dtKfmint ior caH. l f .rORlAK. KX TREMKLY LOW R0UHD TRIP IX- CURSIOlf TICKETS SOLD BY TH NORFOLK k. SOUTHKRff RAIL- WAY llnltniond. Va.- Trkpti aold A aril THX I and 1. iimliPtl to rriurn to rmck tjiiiniiv point by May 17. V-I.pvillf, V r- TirkU oid Mu t. u. II, 1oliiivp StatHlflf fdtUlt l.'ii hmuritl. Va Bi'fl I J, linuttfd Itaiitpd to rrtarn to 1ar 11. 'I'TkMn told My 11 a rptvrn to nartinf ,'ODit. hf Mar M New (ilni. s Tirkt-tt sold Mbt 14 t.p and l, l-mitrj to rptnrn to atari - ITlg rtt I iT Ma AtUntu itr. S" .l. Tirkpi told Mar 10, 1? nd !s limitpd to tr-turn to tr Ing Miat. by Junf Thinirtoii D ' Tikp. Mav IT and I. Kmitp. 1 'nc P-'i' ' ''V l'iip I rcnrn Mlnta. U "k'i oM Ur V t,. i rn l o it(-t imj pfipt , t- h 'rfo"k - t f-hr'rfh H.-liph, limit i '.v OJthp N'- ' ar.. No. ).." a fiirth-f p;1 r t iru'a i apBsJr to nn t 1 ijp SorToJV' r.;d oit'beern rail- ,ff'Bf II Norto'L, 'a Have You 4 Site? . iiT iP '-IDJLlli; I f In i - ' fanii;i 'Itxiilrtoo m -o-1' ioi Tom iruji ownitii.' -ii''- noon wnif-i i.. rvt th- Fiiiihiilitf 1 ; " - i 1 - it us' ' i . . , " 4 not ii ..i. ainiai. t.r l V) ifp (n deifi'1!' tb n it ni ii n at Gardner's.

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