J O REENSBOBO DAILY MEWS, SUNDAY MAT 1. 1910 VALL STREET UNEASY OVER : THE COTTON SITUATION Beirj Liabilities it Stake Canses Feellog at toctitalBtj. Nw Yerk. April la.-Tbe stock mar ket today re ttoc i tk a ruurriiH.-o of vneastuasa over tha at ten market Uatioa and alo iucked tiie iuiinin$r lore of tke demand (rora shorta. Home ae-neatioaal runtura wore in circulation WHEAT, CORN AXD MEATS CLOSED HIGHER, OATS LOWER lesslia Fly ml Cklnck Bogs Help frtiiclpa! Grains. Chicago. April 3. HetiUn fly an rttiiKhbuira held tho lnmtUon of wheat Mpec ulatura into ia Ui aeaaiou today cud excluded fre-na ationtiou re port ot ralu in the aoutbwK and lories that forelatuera had been It regarding the relation of the aorailed i era! aelltsra in the CbieagT market, cotton dojI and the coaoequenctte whit hi Prkee after an early decline cioaod . antarht be Involved In the tarrying of Arm at ahade to Hc atvanc. cue apecuiauve poaitiou in mat arii-t . ern niuuneu w v - cl. The euornioua deilveriea of May cotton, of which notice were tiled ya terdy to the extent of lTi.DUU bales, situ wit imry iwuiiiiira . mimiLv. Tho tone of tho mercantile review hdi4 not aerve the clear up tho uaier J sluty felt over tho bualneaa prospect, rm.u4 etie blew in a; out qi additional atacka by iron furnaces Kept attention forueaed em the iron trade receaaiou. There wu -revived diai-uasion of tu effect of tho damage to eropa, Katl luatea of tnireaae in the acreage being ; planted in i-ouoa and of the portability i nt rnlBHtlnar 1A a si aria n u ara. t.f frnal., s killed-cotton were coupled with author-, itatlve admlMiona of tho bat-ksat the agrieulturel roapett haa undergone a a result, of the week unaeaaonable weather ootid lu on a. A decline Ln tho die-count rate la the London and Berlin markets jvaa a fea ture of the day, and foreign exchange here ahoavod a yielding tendency. The vanced level of tho week was taken to show the expectation of lenders that feigner rates are to be looked for. The bank statement showed clearly; the necessity the banks had been under of scaling down heir credits in order, to conserve the reserve within tho le aal requirement. 1 Honda were easy. Total sal re, par value, 1,370,000.. rutted mates 4 s rea; " I teved declined per conC on call lV Total sales for tho day wars 411,800 tnara. h ' Ai oata were unrlwnM to St n lower, and provisions Iv 10 lac bigb.r. Th leading futures roused aa fol lows: Oul Hlgk. Low. Cloae. .. 107 V I.0 1..7 I.S'4 .. l.S7. l.Vii, 111 L J 1)1 1.41 J.via LUlk May July Kept ... Corn-May- ... July ... Sept . . . Chtta May July ... Hept , . . LNt 17 1 4iW SIVi 4 OS. s &? 41 411 41 Si 3W Mm fork, pr ddl May 21.10 31.1 44 11 30 July ..,.-'1.60 31. lio Jl.i 21 S Ural SI S.", 21.k7H !!. Xl.SG Lard, par luo Ipa. May U.Sihi Julr 12.15 l.' JO 1315 12 27 V, apt 1M0 12.8744 13.1 11.27Vi Whort Klba. uar IW) Iba. May U.i 12.z24a 11 ITU " July ll.74s 115 ll74t 11.15 tpt ....11. US 12.1244 ll.I 11.124a DISAPPOINTING CABLES OETSET BY GOOD DEMAND ( WaahiliftOB HaaM.) Thrre kaa iwea aliiinc mara raurk hi in Ilia kiaturr af bouaa eaaatrue tioa duriof the patt Un or 15 yeara thaa tm rapid lvrlopat of a popular taate Cotton Closed Steafj Four Points rigio.. n iBui. t- j dency a tiie akTaerapad ia our. rrowaatl. BigDcr ii hi uwer. Now York, April S. Tho cotton market was comparatively quiet today, but en early reactionary teodsmy duo te disapnolntlnir cable was offset by a demaud for the near months from tko people wlao took cotton en cotnraet yesterday and prices ruled generally ateady, closing a teats y net 4 pouie higher to 9 points lower. Tbe opening was steady at an sd vaiios of 4 points on May, but generally 1 lo e pot me lower unaer imiiiiui for ovr tha week end. and inreaoonau to the, showing- of Uverpool where nrlceu wera 1 te 4 ooiuts lower hm due to cotus about t to ft poima higher.! I,.h thm ....i, mriimt i mrm, vbut weather reports were oou- "JT. " ' "7 " . " ' nnaing agmiat rail ana jreuewra tj rtie has heeei saore thgit matched by the upruins of the lowly editios all aiong our shores and ia alvosA every pictur-! eue foreftt stretch. 'A Burn works tv ejkikt in tb tail buildiwjj. anq he df aoends from it to esjoy life with his i family or friends in the homelike on bio j structure. , He fimls eoMipensatorv eronosnT In tliit slao. and health in the outer air. The H.cky woods of jS"W Knftmtid. the waste p!ata along (Ue upfter lludsotL lu the t aUkills, the Adirondacka. orj anioiujr Uie pines of w Jersey, havaj lieen s Jim tied with eomfortable and iuex . petiMN bungalows or cabins, wherein tlto nrofeftnionui ma n, the wearv school CLOU stocic: list. Allli Chalmers, pfd Amalgamated Coip-r Aniencaa gnuuiiurm . . . . , . American Beet ttugar . . American fan t . American Var A Foundry American Cotton Oil American Hide A Leather, pfd.. American It e Securities American L.iuseed American Locomoilve American Hmelting AV Refining. . Amer. Smelting at Keflning, pfd. American Hteel Foundries American Sugar Kenning American Tel. ft Tel American Tobacco, pfd American Woolen Anaconda Mining Co, Atchison Atchison, pfd Axleutlc Couat Line baitlmoro fe Ohio Buthleheni teei treoklyn Kapld Transit ....... Canadian Pacific , Central Leather Central Leather, pfd Central of New Jersey t'hesatpeake umo Chlcjuru Ml Alton ;'ucugo Ureat Western loago ureat vt eetorn. pta itdMKO A North Western hicaro. Mil. A St. fauL V., i, C. A fit. Louis Colorado Fuel A Iron Colorado A Southern Consolidated Gas Corn' Products lHlaware A Hudson Vnver A lilo Ursnde envr A Jlio Grande, pfd l'lritlllors' .Securities Erie Krle, 1st pfd, Krle. d pfd. . Oeneral Kle?tr1o ilreat Northern, pfd Ureat- Northern Ore Ctfs Illinois Ontral Inter4orougti-Metropollten . . . lnterhorough-Metropolllaii, pfd.. Inter-Hur enter Inter-Marine, pfd International Paper Jiiternsttoiiat Pump Iowa Central Kansas City Southern, ofd KeriHus City Bout hern, pfd aclede ties Louisville A Nashville Mtniieapollfi A Hi, Flouts Minn.. Ht. P. A Haul;. Ht. M i.i i . .u ii r i , n. i .k . k i . . . . ..... Vtaaourl, Kanaaa 4k Texrnt, pfd.. -Mlaaourl Fm lflc National lead Nallonnl Hya. bf Maxlro, 2d pfd.. New York Ontral New York, Ontario A Wetern.. Norfolk A Western North American Northern l'aclflc Pacific Mall Pennsylvania People. Uhn rittaburK. :. C 4t St. loula Pllt.l.ura Coal Preaaed tte'l Car Kulllnan Palace far allway Hteel Spring Heading K.'publlc Klfel Iti'publlr Stiel, pfd ltfK'k leland lo. Po-k leland Co., pfd. M. LouIm A San Fran, fd pfd SC Jonla SouthweMtfrn Ft. Loula HoutliWfMern, pfd Kloaa-Hhefneld Steel Iron Southern Paclflr Southern ItHllway Southern Railway, pfd Tenneseea Copper Teaaa aV Pacln- Toledo, St. louia A Wewt. jr-lrdo. St. lxjul. A Weal., pfd... f l i Ion Pit-in,- I) ulon Parldc. Pfd Y rilted Siat. a )ally t'nlted Platea Buhher United State. Slel fnlted Rtnlea Sleel. pfd ftah roijier A'lrrlnla-Carollna t'hemlral .... "IVabaKti Wabaah. pfd. . WMiarn Maryland WeaUntthoime Ele-trlc M'eetern Union Whaelinc Lake Krle 34 7't t4. 31 :i 124. ' 164. 103 fiktt 1204k n H244 40 4a 157 4 HI! 121 10714 29 : 1.2H 414. 11 Mi Sua !H tlW 27 (244. 147 1H 4tj .0 4, 34 57 H l:n 15 17 44 77 4 2744 44 mil 182 2 44 1114 144 it 0 4i 1 7 1 1 l4i J2 5 100 145 .12 1 in 44 8 44 4 104 7 27 llt'T 2 44 loft'. TO" l.il 4 ions Ii 4 IK ;t 466 :t i:.Vi 3!t, 4.1 k 45 2 7 '4 :i 7 14. 120'. 2-'4, 0 IS!. 38. . 41 it; '4 !54 SO', 1I7 4.I.TIMOHK PMODltK. Haltlmsre. Anrll 18, Wbfclt ateady atMit contraot, ; aouthera on trad, li at 1.07. Oorn: Firm: spot, 49. Oata: Uulet: No. t white, 4I4494I44 Na S inlVMl 4T.ITU. Hya: Flat; No. i. weal era domaatlc. SID (a. COe-KKK M .4JIKET. New York, April . foffe. futurea cluaed ateady at a net declln. of 4 to 1(1 polnta. Spot cone, quiat; itio no. 7. 4, . tianto. No. 4, .44; mild, qul.i; Cordova, 4t124. OUT GOOD MARKET. New York. Aorll 10. The eotton rootia market wua a little more active durlrtr tha da tn tli. primary dlvla lon, wbara ronvartera and printer, iri howlnx more Interest. Linen, are leuiv. liurlapa, quiet. Tama ateady out quiet. Local Jarkets (Thete prices are strictly vholessle, and represent prices obtained on actual saletj Prvelataaa, (Br T. Pattwraoa Cfc) Fat ba k, 13; haiua, ausar enrad, covered, per pound, la 44c Unl: Pure, tierce, lio; eompouD4, tleruea. 14 44c. Dried rrmlla. Applaa, par pound, evaporated, ac; un dried. Sc. Flour: Fancy patent aprtna wheat. (40 per barrel: fancy patent winter wheat. 14.24 per barrel; choice atralsht, $4.ou per barrel. - uhI: Ke.t bolted water sround ateady. per kaf of 4 pauada, 1.0. Com: Wblta, Sli mixed, SSo. Oata: bc. . Wheat: ll.JOtTl.I". llayi No. I timothy. MS; No. 1 mixed. I24O0; mill feed, bran. 130.00; ablp tult, $i:.oo. Ceatrr Predaee. (By Feraytk a Co.) Cblikena, per pound, 120 16c; youn. prlny clilckena, 2t'iu per pound; old nene (eaciu. ovvovc; ruurr, ,u9ini;, ., 17l lie; country nama, lao par pound; beeawax 2to pat pound; tailow. c per pound. rtnn oeana, a.-zo; waite oeana. f..,a; country colored keanm, li.it; walla peaa. 12 colorsd paan. l.7a. Hl.ee. (Br For.yia Ca.) fli-een flildea. ncr pound, lot O. 8. hide., Ku per pound, dry .alt. Hylic i.mr mund: drv flint. 14ttl7c per nu'lnd: abeepklna, tl40 tack; oa(aklna, lao; peua, ivoiac (By W. I. Anderaon Ca) Kweet potntoea, par barrel. I1.7IV t oil Onlone: Uermuda, II., 5 per crate. Pabbafa: South Carolina, 12.40 per orate. New Florida anapp bean a. 12.74 per crate. New potatoea, 6 6flj 10 per barreL Frain. (Br W. 1. Andetaon aV o.) Florida omtlKPH. 14.00. Apple.. $4 f0 per barrel. Imona. 240 a. $4 6 per bos. liananaa, per bunch. 10c te II. IS, California oran.ea. 2. !. 00. aldered favorable, v liuiiiiary eall puitaa of atrea.e ahowltiK au incivaaa of oiily 1.3 per ceau were aomewnat disappointing from a'' bearlab atand point, and with leadinr New Orleans bulla buyinc May aud July, lha entire Hat eouu nriued up. . May advanced lu 14.117 aaid July to . 14.4K. or 7 to 13 polnta not higher and tha new crop aold a point or two -above the cloaiug tl.ure. of laat nlahu Tha cloa. waa a ahade off from the beat under acat- tering liquidation, but the undertoua waa aiaaay ana on rouipaiati ciy iuu. erate reaA:tloii. there waa a allow of at rone aupport from the bull leader.. one or wuom hiu J4.si ror iv.vvv (Ntiee of May In the lata tradlm. A promi nent kJnslich atallatlclan eallmatoa ac tual loiiauinptiou by Or eat blrltain and the continent at 174. one balea per weeK during- March, compared with ltv.000 balea for the aatua time laat year. All aorta of eeuaationul talk la current re- Cai-dlnn the allualloii in tho local mar et. It Doing claimed by aoiii. that the bulla are till long of May and that they alao hold a larva number of con tract, for delivery In July, when. It la aaid, tl.e aupply available for ahipment to New York will be muck amallar than at pracent. Spot cotton cloaed quiet Middling uplanda. It1,: middling gulf, 1544: aales, 101 balea. Cotton future, opened ateady and Cloaed steady. jiitrn. now. 14.47 14.74 14.48 Hit 14.10 14.01 11.15 125 12.4 13.C3 May . July . Aug . Hrpt . Oct. , Nor. . beo. . Jan. . March Open. ..14.75 ..14 40 ..14.05 ..II 04 ..13.14 ..13.46b . .12.4Sb . .11.41 ..13.31b Cloa. 14 nr. Of tourer, the millionaire can upeml many t iionaamla of dollar in the build ing of an elaborate and ornate oneatroy 4fwelliiif. Hut be pot the true bunga low dueller, he doe. not aei'k aeclu.ioii for any period of time. He ue hii pretention. bmUing pot as a home, but aa aocial atopfrap for a weekend, or perhapa not nt all in thf-eouite of a seaaon. The real aerrire of the bunra tow ia fnr tirad men and women of mod erate mean., who need recreation and love to lie. in the open. WHAT EVERYBODY WAltTS Everybody deairea good health, whirh ia iuipoeaible unleaa tli. kidney, are aoiind and ae.ltby. roley . tviuney lutu eily .lioulil be taken at th. flrat indica tion of any irreirularity, and a aeriou. i lines, tuny be averted. Foley's Kidney Hemedy will re. tore your kidneys and bladder to their normal (tat. and acttv itr. Howard Gardner. DON'T StruuU along against difficul ties khil th Ntbs Wants art at your ser tict. The cost ts lc Word MIMIBtVM SS lliSTS. Durham 6 Southern OUTMBOWaV Me. a. I Ne. 41. Ka. 8ua.Ka. Sua. Mined. I a.tilada aa Buret Mar a, inatv. 8.H a. aav N. 117, dally, for Wla-atw-aa.taaa aad daxly eaoept Buaay for Wlakaabf aad Ma. Ataar la A. M-N. lie Aalla. j gaAadar. fa 14.naa.nf. fJW a. aar ie. 17. daUy. New Te.k aad Near Orlaausa ."Jmited. Pullaaaa .rawing ra.ea alaaplag oara. eeeei va t' aad dak Mr. K.w Yerk te Mew raiaau arawiag reiaaeu N.w Terk ta AOaaaa. Pail- L. Daraaan , ... " IV Ouraaaa ... ' Oyama - Toaa . " Cai'pMtar . .. I " Upckuroh . .. I An Apex Lv. Apex Holly Bprlaga ' - 4'ls I Vartna - Angler I " liaivlay.vUk . i " Ceala Turllngtaa ... - Iuk. Ar. Dunn I HUB I 45 a a. Mllai Ilia 41 a m 1.44 a a la.ll a as 11.11 am 11.44 a a 13 4 p m llllpatl 13.13 p in i-uin lllpm Ltlpn. ! Inn car ' Baa. ch.lr aeie fl . .aali . L, a . , on. rsiuaa. sratak xiatag car fee Caar- ee '! . .. v b i eemeaw 1 17 pas' TJ av aav Na It, daily, ub wiie SS4 Atlaata ca 4 i it m Aaa.Ttn. aat Xaonrllle. 4.10 pm a-a. a. aw Ne. 44. aailr. fef Wuk 4.44 p mi lagiea aad pelau aartk. Haadla. day 4.44 p ai coachea Atlanta t. waahingtoa aad 4.44 p aaieepe Atlanta la Oracna.era, 4 41 p a I a. aa Na 144. aally. Par fWr- t Upaalkaav fUlaigk aa. dolaakwa. ataadlee 4.11pm 4.44 pa Is: pa. 44 pa 4 II i, as 414 as Km. atua n. a. Ez. BUI. Mined. HELP WANTED. 8AIJCSMKK WANTED TO SELL ORO- cera, druggisla, cuiifecttonera; 1121 monthly and expenses. California Cider at Extract Co., 114 Lefntigwell. nt. j.ouia, aio. it OA)l.l.K dealroua 14.03 13 11 12.14 12.4s 12.47 12.44 Saarar. (By C. D. Kei nnr Co.) Cryatal lionilnoes, 2-pound package., j 17.15; ciy.lal Dominoes, 5-pound pack-j v... iT.ea: cut loaf. 14.51: Cuban. 16.00: powdered. 14.24; granulated. In barrela, I 49..S; granuiaicu. in ea-ew. R wealed r.4teea, (By C. U. Kenny Co.) C. C. R. No. I, 111.40, C. C. P. No. 1. 12 04, C. C. 1L No. 1. 11340: Sao to. No. 2. 112.54; Santos No 2. lll U. C. D. la. 1-pound packag. eoff., 113.00. Ml dai-kal continues strona. (By hhaw-ciano L.uniber Ca) I Short leaf framing 114.00, aixlng ax ial- lo". mat tiaiuiii. ..,.., wiaiiia nn lit 145 No. 1 and 2. 124 M: 111 D.H, No. 1 and 3. 125.00; fxl D4S, 110 00, lxl 1MB. No. 2, 127.10. lxll l 41 '4 44 4. S2U . 3',t KKW TO UK ROMII. V. 8, refunding 2a. re. V. 8. refunding 2e. cou. 4S. No. I. 131.44: 1x12 IMS. No. x. 42.00, anaatning. u. t. b., ois.ov; mo 1 gourlng. 13-14. 127.40; No. 3 flooring, 13-14, :2.30; Na. I flooring, 11-14. 117.40: No. 1 7-1 celling. I2.V0; No. 3 1-14 c.llltig, 111.40, NO. 2 7-14 Jj. 8. 3, r g 10H4 ! Q. A 3e. c on T7. R 4s, rra- 1 1 I . 1 17. H. 4a. cou. 114S SKW 1 (IKK WONKV. I New Ynik Anrll 20 Mnnrv nn call nominal; Cine loans, st. ady: 40 and 1 ; heart pine shlnglea. fl.7s daya, 44iti44 Ier rent. lx months, jo,, per n.h; plastering l.lhs. 41.00; 4V.4J44 er cent , prime nin.ntlle No 1 Juniper shingles. 15.00. No. 2 ppen et.. per 1 cnt . sterling ex- )u.,pr .hlnglee, 4(4); 1-44 heart No. ehanare ateady, with a tunl business In ( flooring. 145.04; 1-44 baart No. 1 1EW OKLkANl (OTTOK. New Orleans. April 10 Hno' cotton, qnlet and unchanged. Middling, 1 4 S . aalea ou tbe spot, 10 bales; to arrive, I balea Cotton futurea opened ateady at a decline at a to 4 nofuta on ooor cables. Tbe general opinion lu tula market was that Liverpool had been bearlshly affected by Secretary Wllson'a Inter view In which lie expressed doubt that the recent cold anao had greatly dam aged cotton. The local market waa nut Inclined to follow any tall In prices. and after the call July and October, tke only two months that abowed any ac tivity, were put nacg to tn. level 01 veautrdav'a do. In. Bulls were en- couruged In their position, tn th. new crop by tha weather may, and no rain in tiie rorecaei ror over ruuu.j, Tha market waa extremely dull from the middle of tbe morning on. All the tradlna- waa confined to July and Oc tober, th. extrem. rang. In which po sition, waa over only 5 to I polnta. Tha market cloaed ateady. uncnaugeu to two polnta lower compared wltb yssteraay a laar quotations. The olr crop montha during tha week made an advance of 7 to 12 polnta over laat week s closing, and the new crop, made an advance of 21 to 31 polnta. In tho apot market nrlcea cloaed un changed. Salea on th. apot amounted to l.,34 balea. against, 4.204 balea last week, and 7.55 ba es this week last veer: aalea to arrive totaled 2.405 bales. agalnat 1.140 balea last week and 2.235 bales title week lalt year. Cloelng hlds; Mav, 1 4.i;i ss 1 . si ; June, 14.47 nominal; July. 14.72 14.41: All- guat, 14. Olitr 14.00; September. 1.1. lac 11: fK-tfiher. 12. ovu 12.41: wovemuer. 1157 nominal; December, 13.54? 13.47; I January. 12.57 nominal. 1 PORT MOVEMENT OF COTTOW. ! Oalveat.n: Steady: middling. US: net receipt., 1,445 balea; stock. 74,114 balea. New Orleana: Quiet: middling. 15 :i net receipts, 2.50 balea; aaloa, SO bales: stock. 113.042 bales. Mobile: steady; middling, 14 44: net receipts. II bales; salea. 15 bales;, stock. 20.MS balea. ! Savannah: Quiet: middling. 14U: net receipts. 1.245 balea; aalea. 300 balea; stock. 41.113 bales. rrharleston? Nominsl: net receipts. 3S1 bale.; sales, 141 balea; stock. 1105 bales. Wilmington: Quiet; middling, 14 "4:1 net receipts, 147 bales; stock, 12,110! bales. I Norfolk- Firm: middling, 141: net receipts. 444 bales; salea. 40 balea;. Stock. 21.204 bales. I Raltlnvue: Nominal; middling, 1144 . j stock. (.570 bales. New York: Wuiet; middling. 15: net! receipts. 7,0 bales: sslrs. 100 balea; Block 240.142 bales Host on Quiet; middling, 15 '4; stock, MM hales Philadelphia: Steady; middling. 15 "4 ; Stock. 1.02 balrs Total today, at all ports, net, 4.- 5 bales: Great Ttrltaln. 4.4. balea: France. 4.K14 bales: continent. 115 bales; etock, 55. 603 bales. laterior Moveneeaf. Houston: Stc.dy; middling. 144:net receipt. 1.110 hale.; sales, 134 bales; Stock. 40.321 bale. Auguatn: Quiet: middling. 14: net receipts. 137 hales; sale, 313 balea; stock. 12. (54 bales Mgyb Mot. (Th. Delineator.) Little George, aged four, whose father is a traveling aaleamaa and who, moth er generally accompanies him on hia trip, waa asked if be would not like a little baby sister or brother, "Yea," he replied, "but mama and papa travel around so much I gvea. th. stork couldn't nod them." Well Bua All Don. His mother had been telling Dickie to hurry or they would be lata for church. "Hurry, Diekie," called mother from downstairs. "We're lata now. Have you got wour hoe onf" "Yea, mama," answered tbe little fellow, "all but one." A NOTBE DAME LADY'S APPEAL To all knowing sufferer, of rheumatism, whether musclar or of th. joints, aci atica, lumbago, haokaehc, pain in th. kiduey or neuralgia pains, to aril, to her for a home treatment which has re peatedly cured all of those torture. 8he feel, it her duty to scad it to all suf ferer FREE. You cure yourself at home, a thousands will testily no change of cliuut being necessary. This simple discovery tntnlshe unt acjd from the blood, loosens the stiffened joint.. purines tb. blood, and' brightens tiie eyes, giving elasticity and tone to the whole aystem. If the abov. interest you, for proof, address Airs. M. Mum men, Box H, Kotrs Dams. Ind. LiaHTINO of ehaapsr SALESMEN prices, better gooda and eervlce, write Acme liraaa atan ufaoturlug Co.. 2150 Latke .traeL 1 iiireeo. it Want bid man. mi'st bk wiluno to learn and capable of acting aa our representative; no canvaaslug or ao llcitlug; giMid Income aeaured. Ad draaa National Cooperative Realty t o., 121 auraen tildg., aaniugton. D. C. it SUCCESSFUL GASfiFlNE UGflf salesmen niaaing 1200 tn 4100 month to handle our lualantaneoua eyateui. Aa convenient i-s lectrlolty cheaper than oil. Sma capital re- quired. Gloria Light Co.. Chicago. H WANTKlT-"EXPEHIKNCKI SALEX inen eelllng Imported calcndara, wal pockela, tlaatiea, opala, tlneel.d good.; tr.m imio t. caiirornia, Can ada to Oulf: aainpla. ready; com mission, weekly: bond required. Lin coln Novelty dvsrtlslng Co., Lincoln, TWO THAVEL1NG SALESMEN IN North (Carolina to sell grocers: $140 monthly and expenses. Maiiaar, 17 South Main, Bu Louia. Mo. it AUK.HTS WAsTTKD. a&EMtS 'WXSf EfV-LlVrl itwwjsa men and women to aell Little Giant Alcohol Btove; liames, atorea, dou tora, drugglats, buy on Bight; clean cut business and big pronia. Write today. Tha Specialty Sale Ca, Wa terloo, Iowa. it aoemts anB whisky co.slsl;iT era 1100 for II; our famous tableta make whisky at y.ur pwn home without distillation at coat of about 15 rente per gallon; taate and effect aame as best distilled article: enor mous field for agents; particulars free. Ntlo Compound Company, 2 Pary place, Newark, N. J. It tToo monthly and tiiAVelin'o rxpenaea to sell sort drinks to conn- try rn.rcn.nia we pay freight Samples free. Box 47, Atlanta, Ua. 11 L. Punq Puk. ' Turiingtaa . - Caaia " BarulayiTUl. " anna . ... - VT 11 bora . ... " M.ly Spring. Ar. Arex Lv. Apex " Cankureh . . Carpeater . .. ' 'logo " Oyama Lv. K. Durhaa .. A r. Durham . . . . ri J llaasl I 42 am 1.44 a ml I Nis til a ml Ilas1 I SI a ami 1.4 a au 14.04 am 1S.SI a aa 10 II am is n a m 11.44 am 1 14 a m I II am l.llaa. .l a a 11.00 a m 11.14 a as 114 a ia 11 IS pa. 11.4 p 11.14 a iaUl.41 p m 11.17 a mill ll p in 11.14 ami 1.14 pm I 31 p m JI4pm 140 s m 11 47 l.-W 13.10 m II rMamr. man aad u,... Na. 41a faaangar. mall aad axarua Ma. II ak c.aaeatloa at A pea with Baaboard Air Un. Na II far Raleigh. Norfolk, ftlckm.nd, Waab tngto4. Baltimore, Pklladelpble, New York and all Norther, polnta, and with Halelgh and aWutbport train No. 14 for Durban. No. 41 ssakaa oaaDsctlss at a sea with Beaboard Air Line Na 41 ler Sanferd. Pluaburat. South. -a Flnea, Hamlet, Charlotte. Rockingham. Ala em. Atlanta, Mlraalngheai. Meatgem ary and all Polnta la tke Waa and Southwest; Columbia, Bavanaab, Jack oBvllla. Tampa aa alt pelnia la Fler laa; aad with Halelgh and bautbporl raia Na. II for Kay iter I Ha. aa Sabegata as( ef Barkaas le lbs asasaa 7 All ticket, ar. aaid kr tkla oampa ny and acepted by tke paaaeng.r wltk the under. landing I aat tan. company will aat se liable fee failure te rua It tralna .a acbedule time, ar for any ideal t. their suck delay, as avay be lac operation. Car. i. .xercli vorraot time of connecting llnea, but tbla eompany la not rs.penelble for er ror, or omiHiona. N Sunday tralna J B. STAOO. Vlc-rrmltenb BURKE HOBOOOD. gL Pssa. Aat. D. LUMPKIN. Act. Oen Paaa. A.ent. Ul.at.1 DXiSLHAI. M. t . Atlaata and Ralla-h aleeaar. tua . ak Na. !L daily, fa Balta kury aad AakevtUa, Maadla. Paxia Car ta Aah.vllla, . - p av-Ni 44. gaily, ta Wash ington aad point, aertk. Baa alee Fullasaa) drawlag nsn sleeper Nw Orteaue U Hew orh. Pullaaaa draw ing ma sleeper blrsafagbam ta New York, aad gar caaca. u Waaalagtoa. iMnlng aar aeryfcea. IA p. ar-K. f. dally, local ralas ferCkarlatta, coaaactlug far Cluaai. a., m. m era im awita Sunday, for W Inalee-galeex, maaU4l eeaaectle for Wllkeabera lava p. aa. N. 11. dally, t-t ama foid and Intarmadlat. point, thr.aak tor Par.tt.vllt. aad Wlitnlagtaav Jt p aa Na. 31. dally, for Dur ham, Ralei.k and Goldaaara. Manadlo. 4arlor Car ia O.ldebera. . "? 1 "TT-.- Ul- U. aaaapt Buadaf, far Madiawn, . SJ. p. sv-Na II. 4tallr. avaoapt Buiiday. for rtnfli'T . 8.4s p. aa -Na. 11. dally, Sav Bna- f.rd. JU P- a. Na. 111. aallr.tee ML Airy. , l p. naeMa. SS, dally, far Attaata and petal, aauih- Pullnaaa drawing roem alee.rs 1. New Orleen. and Blr miaghaaa. Day oaaeh. 4 New Orlaaaa Dinuig car aervtoa aji p. aw Ma. IIS. dally, far W La at en -Hal era. TJn? a. a-K. 41. dally fa Atlan ta, rutin, an la Atlanta. IAS p. av No. III. lally. far Win-.lan-Mala IOJI1 p. as Na. II. gaily, far Rlck mand aad local palata sf-vndlaa al..p er fer RJekseead and N art elk. 1.1 PeSal-Aakker. aWaaak, ta 1.1 Laav. Mlgh Palat I I a. m. dally except buaday. Arrlv. Aakbai. 1141 a. m. Re. Leave High Pel at II p m Arrlv. Aahbore 1.41 p. aa Through train far AMrdeeu. dally eseept Sua ie. 14) Leave Mtgk Pelat T 54 a. aa. Arrive Aahbora l.ll p. m. dally, ea ae.t Sunday. K ). COAPM AN, Oeneral Manager. b. H MAKDWICK. f T M H . CAR Y, a. P. A-, Waxblagte, D. C. IV L VBRNON. W. H. MrOLAMERT. Oreensb.ro. N. C. sleeper aad dag ..ask. P. A., charlotta. P. T. A. rOK SEHT. FOR KENT SEVEN ROOM MODERN House uu tlorrell atrat. V. C. Mo. Adoo. Phone 100. l-27-tf CHARLOTTB CITTOJ. Charlotte. April ; Prices paid for cotton today wer aa rouowa: Strict middling 14 U Hood middling 1144 Middling 14 44 RALEIGH f-OTTOB. Ttnleigh. April Trices paid for eotton fod.y war. a. follow.: Ooed middling 114 Strict middling 14 4. Middling 14 ' Receipts today. 1F bales. bankers' bills at 444 left 484.40 for Hvifluflnr i&ft aa day bills, and at 47. for dmand;i . commercial hills, 48.1 S i 4M H : bar sil- KAVAI, v.r, a.r,cao .,u,,,s. , M,,h 1.IVKHIMMII. f.lT-TO. ! noibing doing Iveraool. April 30. CIosiiik cotton:! . I '"" 7-14 c.lllnx. 117.40: No. 3 7-1 c.lllna. 13 40. Na 1 bevel illlnl from 4-4. 17 44: No. I bevel elding from 4-4. 140; No. 3 bevel aiding from 4-4. 1100; No. 3 bevel siding from s-4. :00. No. 3 bevel siding from 1-4, 17.50; No. I bevel siding from 1-4, 19 LA- K'a 1 u.t .I-, .hln.lH t , sc. 2 hart pin sblnsle.. $2 2,. No. 1 COMMANDER JULIUS A. PKATT TOST n ouia.n.-p TMT1T IT T r. A D A-VP. AWAW . - Mr. Isaac Cotk. (inmiin'lir of above Pot, KpwtiKf. 111., writ": Kor t lonp tim I Tra bothtT-vJ itli baHcache and pain acrotH m v khinvi. About two month a,irn I utartwl taUin; Kolry Kid TORE. Inrll ill Tilrr,. tine. KMlf?n, none: Inrnt a)8, ! nfT I'tiis Rnn mum inrv mrrr mnng i Tint , 39 i: FhipiiicntK , 1.24 ltonin. firm; m IVs, J.r. 29: b IK her. Aroertcan mtdilllnK. fair arfx(. middling-, t.if; niiii-llmir. 7 !: middling. 7. fci; rood ordinary, 7.6t ttlnary. 7 S4. Th aWlit! of tb dar wfrs 4 0 bal Of which 31KI wr for ape'-iilatlon Hnd . xport and Included l.h" hulem Amri 9V ttaiisa Amerlrtn. jFvturea tr?nd qult and riot-d rnny. April. 7.73, April and Uny, 7CH;j Mar and June. 7.(1: June and July. reiptft, l.Z09, ahlptnenta juft a rlain.pti- I kept on takintz them 44 Mtock, I ana n,'w 1 IU ' rto 1 mm" im mi ne, iiiu Hi painful hladpr micr- in all iroti. .it?V,.!i ll l'lli I.4.! 'ikf "? y'fHVa'Id'rTl1 15 40; N 5.45; w . 5 75, w w. :,. I have told msny of my friends and com- Ch.tricston. April 10. Turpentine, I rades about them and .ball recommend Arm. e iioeln, -: 1 them at evcrv oppnrunit v." Howard Including v ...j. .,.. il.it'5: t ' ' ! G.rnner. K. t.S; M, 5.40; N, 6 5, W tj, 5.75, 4V ' W, 05. I Her Superiority. 7 5744: Jul nd Heptemher. : teptember and j SK T.ITEK'T. ! (The Urlineator.) New York. April J. The atatementl Jennie and Viola, Wh 5 vears of e, of clearing house hanks fnr the weeklj ha.- tk.ir .nm.rr.,, tw. (nTro4l:r.D OIL. Kw York. April 3 The r.tteneeed 1 casli reserve i work. AUTOMOBILE TIRE HOSPITAL Fractures, Blowtnts, Pnnc tnm.EIc, Treated Hilh Assnranee of Success SkiUtd Praditloner lo Charge OHIce Boors: :: All Day Dixie Rubber Company 214 W. Market St., Creeniboro. FOIt JtEJf'fTllltjfK NICK KUhMII ed rooms, with all uiudern conven lencea. szi tiorrell alreet. It Kc it REnt Nic T7r i'i'ii.'it.'lil room, all modern conveniences, three uiocas ironi postornre. 45 per month 232 Blaiidwood Avenue. 4-1-lt ISCBI.LAPUOCn. DON'T FORGET THIS. JOHN T. kKKM aeiis an tna guuday papera at 5d. l-3-3t WANTBD PAKTNKUd FOIt MANlT facturllig panta; 12 per cent, dlvl- aenu guaranieea nrst year. A. Uor WITS, 1. .'I K Washlnxton. 4-37-t TUB ONLY ART18T I.N TTIK Bnfll- neaa will b. found .1 John T. fleea' corner news stand. Professionals in the ehoeshlnlng business direct from the metropolis. 4-z-5t WaMTKD CLKAN. SOFT ftXclH AT News office. 4-20-tf NKTH CAROLINA liHN .TOMBS A iarg collection of beautiful na tive stones. Write for prices. Htones sent en .pproval. A. T. Vernon, 41ra.asb.ro, N. C. Pbou. 17 3. 4-10-t-.od PATENT TOUR IDEAS aCD MTKB money. Hend for my new book, "Mow t. Oct Tb.m.' B.t service. Joshua ft. H. Potts, Lawyer. VI a. h Inarton. D. C, Chicago and Phila delphia. l-l-(t-sun I WANTED PARTNERS KOIl MAN'L'- facturing panta. A. Horwltx, 131 K. Washington. 4-17-lt THE OHEEN8BORO DAJLr'NEWS AT John T. Rees' corner newa aiand. 4-34-31 EGGS FOR HALE PRI2.K WINNINO White Leghorns (Kulp Btraln). Lu ther Cherry, Greensboro, N. C 3-37-.od KATtONAL casiT HEoiWeh for Bale cheap. Address Register, this paper. 4-30-t Chesapeake 6 OH10 Ry. RCBiC It Ol' TBI TO TBI WEST. bartsMt. Qi4rte Hnt Rf, Fast VMibaig. Train wtlh IHalais Car. TlkrttjMl h Fallswaa a ssj)sira ta laUTtllr, I laHaaa'!, Calcajj aasl alt. lal. fT.Orboro. Ho. Ky. 110 a.m. Lr. PanTtKa .... 11. 0 a. m Ar. Caarlottavlll 4. OS p. m. Leave t'harlottta, C. A O &.2I p m. Ar. ixruiavuia . . . ii.uo a. m. Ar. Cincinnati 100 a.m. 10 00 a. m. Ar. C'htraao 5-2 p.m. 00 a. nv Ar. 8t. Louts ( II p m (10 p.m. Only ona ntrht on tha road. Dtrect ronnactlona for all points Wast and North wast. Tha Una to tha celebrated Mountain) nnoni or v irnnia. r or aeecripii vt matter, aliedulei and Pullman reser vations, addre, W. O. KARTHRV, D. P. A., C A O. Kr Co.. Rk hmond. Va. I 40 p. m. 8.00 p. m, 7.1R p. m. 9-25. p. m. AROLINAAND NORTHWESTERN N.rthbouna Daily Faiseaier Ma, to. Lr. Chester , YorkYlll. . Ar. Gaatoni. . Lr. (laatonia . Linoolntoa Newton . Hickory . Lenoir . . " Mortimer . Ar. Kdfemont , Except Sunday, Patst.(er Ms. So. I BALKI4UI 44 IITMPCBT Br. CO. Bebadala af Pa. as a... Tralaa Bgeetlvo oneM ta, ipaa. I M a. m. I S.4IS a. m. ! t SU a. a. : SOUTHBOUND. I Dally. rstiK STATIONaC Lv. Raleigh Lv. Caialeiah Lv, Mcc'uller Lv. nanus 10.36 a. . Lv. Willow kpilnga 11.05 a. JP-Yarlna . i , . . . I L. uauar t M M a. m. Lv. ckalybaai Hp ring. ynaata 1.10 p. m. I Lv. kipllng J 42 D i Lv. Cum Fr P- " ' Lv. Llfllngten t UM p. Ol. 1,1 Lr. Ol ester Vorkvill. Ar. Uaatonia Lr. (Jastonia " Linoolntoa Newton " Hickory L.noir Mixed, Na. Sa. Lr. Lenoir " Mortimer Ar. KUuiont Southbound, Ho. . Lr. Kdgemont Ill 06 p. ni " Juertimer " Lenoir l ift p. a. 1 4(1 p. m. 4.3(1 p. m. 6.4(1 6 M p. m. 7 .40 p. m. S..15 p. m. 1U II5 p. m. 3M p. m. o.,1 p. m. 1 Lv. banks Harnett Lv. Bun level Lv. Linden Lv. Lane Lv. Hlocumb Lv. Tokay Lv. A. C. L. Juaetten. Ar. rayetlevllle FIT 4.14 4.3 4.44 4.41 1 44 4.1 III 4.44 4 14 4.4S .l s.xs I 31 41 4 14 T.I4 7.J0I l.lli S-VB 140 14 04 NORTHBOUND. I Dally. I No. I No. I 44. II. STAriONa. Ar. Raleigh l.v. I'arulei.h Lv. MuCullar. S.OO p. Hiokory ' Kewtoa " Linoolntoa Ar. Gastonia Lv. Gastonia " VorkvUl. Ar. Chester SanthbatiBi, Nt. 6i Lr. Inoir Hickory Newton Unoolnton Ar. Oaaionia Lv. Gastonia Vorkvill. Ar. Caws ler Lv. Willow Hprlnga l.v. Vsi ilia Lv. Kuituv Hprlags lv. Challi.ale ...... l.v. Klallna 12.13 P. m. l.v t ap. Fear I.2 p. m.i -v H"1"""'" a w 1 Lv. Ilarnelv tJM p. m. i,v. Munlevel 3 '.20 p. m.i Lv. Linden 3 S7 n m -v- Lati J.O( p. m. Ly R(K..mb 4.50 p. m.i i.v. Tokay I I .. A I- 1. Junnllu ,l p m. ! ' Fayettvll. . . -, m t'.aaei C ' vi- L , ...Ml, at bam and AM 10 441 14.14 10 .341 10 17 1 00 10 0 I 4o! (14 I 34 III 111 I 1 U is 4.3:1 4 It 112 I 0 44) P M 7 : in 43 4.37 n 14 ti 1 in 4 43 4.:. 4 1 4s 4 t)J 4 41 4 40 4 31 4 17 III A 44 . u land Lurham. and a. ai. boai. A1T Jn. fi Her. Jersen . S 40 . in. I Norklna, . 0 .70 a m. and th 111 14 a. m. II 41) a. m. . 14. p. m. . 3.20 p. at. Varlna .I'll Dur Railway for Anea ttaiei.n with Hea- Oiford Norfolk, Rlekmond Southbound, Mb. Sj. Lv. Kdremont 7.1.1 a. m. "Mortimer 7.2ft .. 1 " Lenoir I 40 a. 1 f. B. KKID, G. P. A. W.ld.n. North No. 14 contiecle at Rsleigh vlth Houtlieiii Ralleey train No 144 from Oisenshoro. lnirlism ma the Waal: Jid with H.aboard Air l.ln. train No 41 from Norfolk. WeiJon. Norllna. Oaford and Henderson, and at Vaiina with Uurbam and gouthetn train frew Dur ham and fer Dunn. Na 41 connects at Raleigh ellh ttie Southern Railway train .No. 113 from Oieeuaboro end the W'm, and f ea -hoard Air Line trains from tiie North and Month. Making tonne Hon at l.v ettevllle and Southern Railway a. fx Following schedule agar, pu llhd nly aa alwraaatloa ana are guaraateL llh 1 rain for . n ford am lln train for the North. No. 43 connects at raveticille elth Atlantic Coast I, In. trains from Wil mington, MaefoM Savannah Klcre- -e Hensettsvllls Msiton, lied Hpimg. and Bll points South. roti necl In. at ."L. Ilalclah with Southern Ttullway train POO : . ,,. , , k I . . 1 1 . . . .i.. ... i,.. IS. COKIiEB IF ITg (iOOD r high ny I grade, S4o ITS KEN pound. 4-:-t SUNDAY WOULD, NKW YORK AMER Ican and all big Sunday papers at John T. Rees' 4o corner news stand. 4- z-:lt A RARB BARGAIN IX RESIDENTIAL property. Now earning 10 per cent. Greensboro Real Eatste Kxcnsnge 1 WOT'LD LIKE TO PLACE AN ORDER with some responsible and reliable factory to turn out shout 300 toilet cahlneta or medicine cases per week fnr the ensiling yen. Address Lot k Boa 127, tleneva, N. V. 4-74-tf 6EB JUHN T REES AT once ANIi get our Sunday New Wotk World free. ffK II AVI 1 No 111. with I'ullman sl bete -This company will endeavor g.p Tork adlto mak lidul and enne-Hon a. Florida llmilad- .aeaisms at Cbart"ll I eu lined abate, but doee aet guaran'ee wl.a Blrahtaaaa an .nla Tkr.url I Bam. deeper le.w Tens la atp-amagnass aad ; J. A. MIIJ.i Jackaoavllla Dlaiag aar aervaoa, I Raleigh. N C Preetdeet. aja a. a. N. I, daur. nsTel , . mnA Kaw UrlMfi. Limiieil. fOT Wash Inaton and polaw aorta. Pullman 1 drawing roam alaaplag car. tien end club oar t New t tng car aervtoa. gall. Pulli as N. 111. dally. elgh and OolaVabsr. Tnl train han dle. Pullman sleeper from Wlaeten Ralem to Ralelga. Car open 111 p. m. g.4 a. aa. Na 4. .ally, .arai t , Coarloite, oo(,actlng (ar Atlaata and point, .outk. IN a. aaHo. IS. Sally, far Waaa Ingtoa aad palata aorta, laaadlea sisap r for .w York. via a. n. . aailr. fer Pllrh- 4 ! Jt lasaad. Norfolk aad local points north. I A 10 TEH CENT FRlTT I- I lev " aaa- 1 l oa.r'vt!jTXlnu"trtrd ClAltirtia Tncr.aa. siDraughon'5 I PRACTICAL II. U .u MorsRAJIKKKHIndarselMIAlJflHON'ilthen In dorse AIX OTHER haiioes. roMefei COMBIbrD. 21 yesrs'suaosss. rXMrTUINSsecured "loilei- hM. alawthaed. eta., leasht st COIAJT.E or I V M ML AddoMS Ja T lae-.an-. rre.1. or a M. f Ban. Maaagar. Fiaber Balkting, l.kh. N. C SFECtai. IRDUCCMEKTS TS IM04I. gew Erery V-fomao . Is UMrsMted aad sboaM kaaw 1 aaoit tbe weariiNrrnl Marvel "rV.'"' wuuvno I'lSl'MI B f'Vl lS74TO- aw Ask rear eVarra , VLaTCp!av. 'vrr-jar H. fx h easaot ..I-Pty Ike B AP.YCL, acrw a etkar. Sat aaed etaain fer trld aoek-eaal-4 It aim fall mmIh1m mmA 'irw-ttn.. I.Mln.HtS Lladlea. BARVCI.CS. 1 14 SL. ka Yav 4t W InKar Bfa t. - Craas- nrl Vnt .mh.r irecemher and Januarv, 41. January 1 i"-,n , oc.iuiiMron -ji .n- .- - -- and Fenrtmrv. Fehrnarv and'Pr cent reserve rule Ihls la a de- j them. "Ite got t nr mnt clothes, said Maim. S.1; March and April. 117. . reaee of k .144.47?. In the proportion- btir jm,r Ves. but I've vol the ' ' ' - 1 I . a. a ss 1 1 1 - 1 VI'-II 1 1 mtJfi ooiis, r"p if-q ioi- s;ii, ivf ' aWktli mVP Vdrr-at rlar. t VlBTl VTYI1 aniV4VriT il market - eteadr to a huie hlah ' PRETTY JERSEY COW i t ..1 . Stiff, "tt'w la--nL rfome.ik atv! a linitc mh. Thn h nn,f nr w,th, ! TOUT FoVC6 Needs Careftd AttOntlOO ant lard. The to 7 potntu hi barrela. Mat, ? 4?7.l: arigxie npmi1'- prtme iviiri-ral and utitfrinff, - Cirtawborv cOtvvrDed. for he re;Jiei, "Ye. I fur HM IL UOdCT ConUOCf Cf& Mav, Har o. o eioi k i Tmi have, ami antliuig noukl fftiei-1 JOHN A. V0tNG. Mr. 1 NtVllOOU MHs altlon In some rsldentinl pioneity If interested. Fee Gi eennburo Iteal Kstatu Kxrtins;c'. It BIO PVKCl NATION WITH MTTIaK money. $00 T'a vanl $iu a month, bur you five acre of orrhard lnniia in the now fHiiioun ylnte of kla homa, and payri fr 2"0 Ktiarea of pIim k .worth ft per hrti Iti one of tha ldrpT( ki i (al fornpanles In 'he state. S' Interent or taen until land In f ully paid for. If you die your heir" a warranty deed with out further pay men ts. A few htarh grade (-alffnien wanted ut on- . Wr.ia Gri.eraJ .Manager A;ents, L Pear street. Ashevtlte. K. C. It Norfolk O Southern Railway W.OM OTT at KRIR, Beeeivera. Direct through train servlre to ail points In 4:asteen Net:a Careiesa. with the advance in cotton " - .r , ,.i.,. . n- ,.,T awu. . wv vw.w. ....wu..wu The doe. was generally 1 1 minder tbe owner baa plenty fin. cranae i "Wall, Irs got tke biggest feat," ia e. . j a n.1 vmSiisxt tur- . w ip to tut ,;ppd i mcu. th Manflara inaving rarior fcer. 7 .41207 U: iember.i Gwn & Servcj cow. F30- Bnatt?r. Aad it 4.0, ao far a .TennM waai O frJ !"L "-ZLs.'.'r. VTUA wU-AwKUtrnmt Tbarwiav. Mar 5. 2 oWk : rno have." and not hi us whJt J vl.4S. .P- i KlXTtlUA EAST COAHT FKU1T AND vearetableM farm for only $20 per ai-fe. on f,iy monthly paytTienta of lift a month fr "0 arre farm?. We Kua-rkintee ab-ojute stgvttsfaction or ;-.-f:ititl fvffv rtollar of your trmfifi , Tf you die after your fotirth payment! Sn nujde your heirs get a warranty d without amy further payinents. ! Too ran live easier and mak morel moiiev here' than any other j-art of tha United States Wa want a few hlajh jrrada aarenta In Nor'h Caro Itoa. 8oUi Carolina, Oaorajia and Tennessee at one Write General Mitnarer Aaante. t St. P-arI reaf. f Abbeville. X. r. ar the Floi idn. In-' 1ian Riter Land Comnan, NiD'on. All train arrt .e at and leava from Lnion Station, F-ajelt h. lav. PalelKh j il C IS a. nt 4 f")Tni l.v. WlJaon ! t ) 1 a. ni ?? p. m , l,v. Karmrille o a. m , 7 Up m l.v. li-reenville lb a. in ' f p ml Ar. Waehlnajton 1 i ni t is) p. m I.v. Markev's Itt v lr IS p n. It. Kdentwn . ... ;.p m 7 i. m. 3 1 S p. i.v l.v. i;iUat4ith Cnv : 10 p. im , a. m.i p m. At. Norfolk . . Z 49 p ai , la 4 a. tm,! tats p m. l.v. Paleiarh . f 1 f. a. rr J I Ar. N w Hern j 1 " it p. a. I t,v. iioldnboro ! , ' !( u- 4 p m.; l.w. Ktnston m I2tp. m.i Ar. Nsw Hern . a. Cta. av1 Ar. M'.rehea City 4a m ' 1 01 p. ra.' Ar. fteanfort . ... 1 1 a a rr, l?Sp. m Trains arrive at RaMvn at IX 2 f a. au, dauly axcept BnutUy. aad U p. nv, daily. Ltaily. I Dally amoept Rmatday. 6uJay onlv For further Information eoneult Norton aod Pvathsjrn Railway Folaar. 3r apply to any ticket acant If. C Hl'KflNf. Gan-rat Pawnf'r Ai', W W. rRiiXTON Assistant 'several rmmi A(nt at. T. IaaAataB, QaMai aianaax. ikiM Va