i I (7BEE3SBOBO DAILY VKWR 8ATTJRDAT, MAf 7, 1910, (laud Mkrrty,' of Winston Sab-m. is spending tbe day to the city wills rela tive. 8. L. Gilmer ind party of friends Candy That's Always Fresh and always the most delicious is ' the candy famous throughout the Southland for 25 years. It's Almost every day we receive ship ments by fast express assuring bonbons and chocolates as fresh as when they leave Atlanta. There's 44 None flike Nunnally'i." BELK BROS. CO. cake. (iron to Winston -tsaleenr yesterday i is hit ww automobile 18 attend thr ball nr. Mrs. Stanford Keunedar, f Cuailotle,; ia here oa a visit t Mra. W. I). Mr-! Aduo, sr., a ad Mra. C. M. Eea, on Ash boro street. ' v 3, uva assaaag $y ho1 breads, ira. Pastry, are , w tessenea in cosi and Increased 31ia Kliubeth. uf Kiiliiuond, Va., who! has km visiting fnouua and relatives j m Mitaitsippi and Texas, ia atopping over a few dayt iu tlie city ai tin gursut of Misses Marion l.a and Mary McAdoo, I ra rotita to her how in Richmond- i in quality and wholesoraeness, by Jls Bailing Bcw&erl l t,"w -j Bake the food at home vli ifflirsrrfW - and save money & PERSONALS G. W. Huntley, of Durham, in apendiug w aay m tne city wita mends. Mra. W. E. Fcnoer, of Rooky Mount, it visiting friends and relativea in the Vity. Thomas Woodroffe and W. F. Car ter, of lit. Airy, were business visitors in the city yesterday. Mrs. J. W. Dyer, of High Point, tprnt yesterday afternoon in the city wit:i friends. Wade Stockard, of Salisbury, ipent yesterday in the city with friendi and relatival. J. B. Barnes, of Wilson, ia tpending a rew aaya in me ciry wim rrienas. Mr. and Mra. L. . Orilhn, of Char lotte, are riaiting friendi and relatives in the city. C. M. Hughes, of Fayetteville, was a business v in tor in the city yeaterdty. Eugene Holt, Jot. P. Montgomery, J. W. Cales, and B. R. Kellart, of Burling ton, spent yesterday in the eity. Mrs. J. K. Thorpe, of Rooky Mount, is visiting relatives in the city. Hair Dressing and Manicuring! An expert in ITair Dressing, Manicur ing, Shampooing, Face Massage, Facial and Scalp treatment, hat opened a parlor in Guilford Hotel building, ItHJ West Syc amore street. Entrance either through hotel or Krcamore ttreet. Ta It Save II By Btr- m tj 1 night to snei S C M S Dyeing II Black Many times an expensive guwu or wrap is so badly soiled or stained that the owner oon sinders it ruined. Olten the garment can not only be saved for further wear, hut' actually made to look like a new article, by simply hsv ing us dye it over to a dark color, preferably black. It might surprise you to learn how many articles we e over in this way -and al ways satislactorily. Consult us about work ef tils kind. 4 . It V l Columbia Laundry Co. Phones 17S-H! 3 Cardui Will Help You Mrs. M. D. McPherson, of Chad bourn, N. C, suffered Intense pain for five years, but found relief and pot well by taking Cardui, the woman's tonic Read her letter, telling about her experience. "1 suffered five years with awful pains, every so often. They grew worse, till I would often faint I could not walk at all, for two or three days at a rime, and had awful hurting in my side and headache and backache. "1 gave up and thought I would die, but my husband suggested Wine of Cardui. So I began and the first bottle helped me so I could do my cooking. By the time I had used three bottles of Cardui, I could do all my work. The Coleus, Moon C. J. Ann. of Lvachburar. Va.. is scant.- , j .i. a .i. i irif a few days iu the city with rtlatlTee and fnemli. Mr. ami Mra. J. V, Stout, of pray.. nre -oerkiin? a few dsvi in the citv with friends " j I (. L Clark, of Charlotte, is a business1 isitr in Ite eitv tula v. ) f, , ... ii W . j i (. 1.. dlenu, (. II. Burton snd Frank RevituIcU, of Winston-Salem, petit yea-1 teniay in the city with friends. Mia Martha Petty left vesterdav for ArcM.le, where sh.. will spend several days visiting friends and relatives. 1) S ( hnoman of Greenville V C V. . tnopman, oi oreenriiie, i. v., is visiting relative in the city. iir. i i K...I.. ..t.r.. r .." "r , , I visit to rnenas ana relatives ai nraws sumer paid from 40 to CO cents, some Sixmmit. I times more. Who nets the difference? . , , n ... , . , On butter the rats from various Ohio J. r.. Hughes, of Danville, is spend-1 points to New York city la M centa per ing a lew daya in the citT with friends., Io pounds. On New Yorli state but ... ,. . ... ,,, ." ,, . , ter, retailing at cents or mora a Mist trailer, of duilford College, spent I pound, the everaiie freight charr vesterdav in the ritr with her parenU, Prof, and Mrs. C. P. Kratier. J. II. Johnson, of Liberty, waa a busi ness visitor in tha eity yesterday. Miss Emma Starr, otto hat been teach ing in the graded school! at Wilkes bore the past vear, ia visiting at tha home of Mr. and Mrt. W. A. Fields, on Arling ton street, before returning to her home in Salisbury. X. W. Walks, of Chapel Hill, rpent yesteftlay in tka eity with relatives. W. II. Matthews left last night oa an extensive business trip to Knoxville, Tenn. Mrs. C. C. Hudson and little daughter returned last night from a visit to friends arid relatives In High Point. R. E. Daltom, of Lynctikurg, Va., ia spending tha day in tha city with friends. Mist Esther Shupping has retnraed from a visit to friends and relatives at ard, of Montrose, arrived laat dc nd several davs In the citv with friends and relativea. Dr. W. P. Reives haa returned from a professional buaiuess trip te New York. Mr. and Mra. T. W. Hightowrr, of Raleigh, are visiting friends ad rela tors in the city. Rev. Henry I. Cdfeb haa re burned to his noma In Mexico, Mo., after a visit to friends and relatives in the eity. Mrs. Annia Farris and Mrt. Henry Ferris have returned from a risit to friends and relatives at Mt. Airy. Ex Juiljic W. P. Bymim has returned from s legnl business trip to Pilot Mountain. Mrs. ,T. II. Xtitt, of Mt. Airy, it nni viftit to Mra. 8. L. Gihner, on X Kim street. here North IS1 Rev. Dr. J. I,. W hite is in Statearille s.si.ling Rev. K. C Maddry in a revrral J which is lieing held there this week. S .Supt. Walter Thompson, of Jackson S training school, at Concord, is spending 11 few days in tbe city. 9 Miss Ada Tucker tod Mrs. Vouthee S have returned to their home nt Roxboro, J after a Timt to friends and relatives in sj the city. Mr. and Mis. O. L. (.nibl.i hare ar- di rivaul rnn Winei I .fi f m TtA savlll Trial I: s 9 tint city their home. Rer. anl Mrs. S. M. Rankm have re 2 ttimd from ReiWsYillc. where they t- tended the Rankin-Taylor wedding, whiih took place thre Thursday. Don't Give Up Take CARDUI Vine, Cauliflower, Aster, Scarlet Sage, Pfl GETS DIFFERENCE Some Figures Bearing oi Ibe Cost 01 Uriog. IS'ew York, Mty liepreentaittvti of th eastern railroads lotUy tjuoteU f re i-ri t ra tts on t oodst u ff , s ut-h a h ran, butter anil vrLble from vari uuh parts of the country lo New York fit y. to show how snutll a part of the hi a her prlc of food is due lo iranspur latt fon charges. The facts wers put forward In in folluwii! inannsi ; j A vice-president of on of the large! railroads recently a farmer un-' , loading potatoes at a railroad station i in ltorhester. He salted ai whst price! tne farmer naa aoio nis poiaioes. tie' lw-rned that it was it). cents, and that ie potatoes were to oe u New York rit. The freierht onu .och ester lo i a bushel of potato from Horn tatm-s were retaillna tn New Vork. 1 i nominally, at SL.sti a bushel. In resl Ity, polatoe are sold mostly by the quart to consumers. At only V cents a quart the retail price of a bushel or potioes was 2.4. Thst is. a bushel of potatoes shipped from Rochester and la hi down in New Work costs -I cents The bupbel whh SfLmi'r' Wh lm winter' when exits were retell- Ir.".''. ''"f r2.h galamanna. S00 miles from the cltv. w" 80 cents. The Irelirht rato on eggs from p,.,,,, to n,w York amounted to about half a cent a doaen, so that .i'tie cost or earas isi.i oown in r. Vork came to SuH centa. The con-! amounta to less tnan a inira or cent per pound. The rates on table luxuries that are brought from fHr distant states In the winter and early spring are shown to have little to do with "fancy" prices. Karly this spring the railroads got about half a cent a quart for hauluis; atrewberrlee from Augusta, (iu.. New York city. The freight rate on strawberries selling at St to 40 cents was no greater than thoee that were aold at IB centa. Fresh aaparagua In early spring may ba termed a luxury. This year a crate containing ti bunehes or asparagus, which wouM retail for $8.40 or more, waa ahlpped from Augusta, Oa., to New York for about 10 centa From Jacksonville, KIh., to New York cltv tha freight charges on a standard nackaga of cabbage weighing 120 pounda came to cents: oa a 60-pound package of cauliflower. 41 cents; on an Su-pound crate of egg plant, 64 cents; on a 60-pound crate of cantaloupes. 41 cents; on a 60-pound urate of celery, 3t centa. In early apring new potatoes intii come from Flrida cost the consumer' bout 16 centa a auart. This 16 cents' worth of potatoea weighs 1 pound and 14 onncea. Tha new potatoes from Florida are shipped in a package that eontalna 116 pounds, so that the pota toea In the package bring In at re tall the sum of til 70. For hauling the Ist-pound package from Florida tha railroads get 01 cents. When 01 cents Is aubtracted from 114.70 the remainder Is 140t. If the farmer gets fi fnr the ltl pounds of potatoea he la lucky. Who geta the difference? McAdoo Garage Co. it selling Gasoline at 12 1 -temper gallon. NOTES IRON IEIDSV1LLE Reid&villr, May 8. Farmers in this sec- tion say tobacco plants hereabout! are small and scarce. T. K. Wall, the tailor, spent two or three dayt of thit week in Greensboro a.. I. ........... i. I a ,mrf.TTwwi Mr nil will return to Greensboro toon to make! it hit borne. The city graded school closed last week with the iargett graduating claat in itt history. R. A. Dye. of Summer-field, wat in Reidsville yckterdsy on business. Thieves entered the tailoring estab lishment of T. R. Wall recently and car ried away four suits of clothes and other articles, the total lalue of which is over ?100. As vet there is no clue to thelo.lt h toneiie, "Mania, a bov in Hun- guilty parties. Dr. Roiningcr, of Zion City. III.. i vii-iting frienda and relatives in Reids - ville. J. R. Holden is out again after a severe attack of acute rheumatiam. Mr. Phillipt, the popular telegraph op- erator at the Southern station here, de- dared today Hiat he ssw the comet last nijrht. He ssvs it is of immense sire. Cardui home treatment mend it to da" does all Are you a woman, suffering from some form of female trouble? Have you tried Cardui, the woman's tonic? If not, you are neglecting your op portunity to get well. Cardui is a pure vegetable medicine and contains no dangerous drugs. It is non mineral and non-intoxicating, a safe remedy for women of all ages. Try Cardui today. You will appreciate its prompt tonic effect, as well as its quality of relieving pain. For sale at all -druggists. Greensboro Drag Co., AGENTS MISS DORA BELYIN BECAME MRS. ROBERT L POLLARD (Special to Daily Newt.) Durham, May . -Miss Dora Florence Belvin and Robert L. Pollard were mar ried laat night at tEs bridt'i home on the Roxboro road, ana mil from Dur ham, the Rev. Dr. J. W. Lynoh, of Wis First Baptist church, officiating. The country home waa beautifully pre pared for tha occasion aad the couple took tiie vowa in tha presence of a good ly company. Tha maid -of -honor waa Mitt .Moselle belrin, sister, and the brida graomtman waa tka Rev. T. G. Vickera. Sites Lillis Manfum played Mendels sohn's wedding mareV Tha couple will make a short trip and will return to liva in tha eity. Both are quite popular and belong to the county's best families. They will live on Holloway street. Browa-Andrt-wt Wedding Another marriage of interest last night a at that of W. W. Brown and Mist Carrie Andrewa, both of this eity. Tha officiating minister wat tbe Rev. O. X. Marshall, of tha Edgemont . Bap tist dhureb. The wedding masie waa played by Miss O'Xeal. The bride entered tha parlor, where but a few frienda tat, wearing white crepe media satin, trimmed in pearls. bhe bora beatitilul carnations. Ihe wed ding wat vary quiet and there were no attendants. They win live in the city. GO OUT and tea the clover, grasses and fruit on the small fsmis to be sold by Jordan on May 11. J. . Pecvorty No Bar t Savage Matrimony. (Wide World Magaxlne.l Among African aavtget poverty it not considered a bar to matrimony and hap piness. Tba fact that a man has no sufiicidnt wesltk in cattle or kind to sat isfy the narenta of hit young woman with tha usual pretentt need not necot- sanly prevent aim from marrying tier. lie forms a speciet of limited liability oompanx oompanT with two three of h brothers, and the capital ia tank in the!ef 1IS This one will be May 11. . . .-..1. . .. A I h. w, . i I DO YOU WANT anythinay better than thoaa small farms f j J. P. Jordan proposes to tell you ont I ! My 11. His terms will suit anybody. I .Too Much Manner. (The Delineator.) After IjOtiie returned from her first! visit to rMinday school tha said to me, at the turned up her tiny note and put. j d school did this wav to me!" I said, Oh, deer! and vebat did vou do?" She 1 Falri. "oBi I d,d that way,' too!" I said, j "Louise! You should not have done j that!" "Oh, yes, mams," she replied, "1 ' j ,0j Cauai I't alaays so ptlite (po- j ' J . But your (iaaolme from McAdoo Car- (age Co., 12 l-2c. gallon. and more than you recom- o Ma Just Received New Lot of Ladies' Kimonas in Pretty New patterns. 25c value, Short Klmona, at , 15c 39c value, Short Kimona, at 25c 50c value, Short Kimona, at 38c 75c value, Long Kimonas at 48c $1.25 value, Long Kimona, at 98c LADIES' WAISTS 11.50 value, Ladies' White Walata, trimmed in Imitation Irian and Val Laces. Special at 98c $1.50 value, Ladies Tailored Waists, in black and white. Special at 98c Ladles' Wash Skirts, at 98c Ladies' Wash Suits, in all shades. Prices... $2.48, $3.48, $4.98 and 7.50 Don't 7 l-2c Apron Ginghams at 5c 10c Dresa Suiting at 5c 7 l-2c and 10c value Colored Lawns, 5c 7 l-2c White Lawns at 5c 7c 36-Inch Domestic 5c New lot pretty new designs in Colored Lawns, 12 l-2c BELK BROS. COMPANY WEEKLY REVIEW OF THE SUGAR AND RICE MARKETS (By Tlio Associated Press.) Xaw Vork, May 6 There it a better feeling in tha augar market than haa exittod for a long time, brokers being encouraged by tha large businest In re fined which came to hand thil week. At usual, the .stimulation which caused distributors to alter their holding off attitude was an advance of 10 points in refilled to 6.20 rents net with the privilege of purchasing at the old baait. Detpite the damage to tha fruit crop, a good summer campaign ia awaited ia lo cal circles. Undoubtedly tha belated action of the larger interests in raising refined flnda an ttplanation in the strength of raws, the pressure upon wriii-h in deoreaaing. The Cuban cane crop ia being rapidly gmund. i'h European msrktt continues strong. The sentiment In the local riee market :s more cheerful, though business shows I no sensational improvement, owing to. tha general hand-to-mouth policy of1 wholesale grocers. Offers here from the mills, at a rule, have been at full pricea and where ctincessions were granted, bus iness tias resulted. The proecle for the present crop are rewrted at none too good owing to the continued drouth. IT MAY BE YOUR last chance to get a tmsll firm I (u,ford college on a macadam road. J. I F. Jordan allows nothing crooaea ai any K1CB SQUARE ITEMS (Special to Daily Newt.) Rich Square, May 6. The recent elec tion in Jackson, tha county teat of Northampton, en tb quettion at a spe- ,:) .hnol tsx of 30 centa on property all(j uy cents on the poll to supplement ,i .nerai fund of the distriet, haa stim ulated the interest in special taxes for schools all over the county and h j commiiaioncrt last Monday ordered two mora tpecial tax electinnt at Ijasker and Milwaukee. The school won in Jackaon bv a vote of S to I. Four other places in the count v had already voted the tax, but by smaller majorities. Farmert in Northampton are well up with their work, ajid early planted corn it looking well. It appears that tbe arreuKe in cotton anil ieanu1t will tie J about the mme j lait year. Rich Sqnsre haa waknd up to the im ' Kirtance of Isw enforcement. During the past week ont alleged blind tiger Ims been lodged ui the county jail and five more are under bonds varying in amounts from $100 to S500 for their ap pearenee at the next term of the .upe ; rior court to answer the charge of eelling liquor illefally. Mrs Benjamin K. W hite, of Mebsne, f V. C, lias announced the enpafjement of , ber daughtei. Miss Pattie Vsughn, to Henry Horwy llolomsn. of Rich Square,' ' the wedding or marriage to tske place i ome time dunn? Ibe summer. Mien White is a talented young woman, a ' graduate l Ihe Mte Normal college, I wheie she won high honors, and has ! "ince taught eiy succesMully in the ' hi(ih school of this plsee and haa been a leader in pood works. Mr. Holomao is a ynung uisn of hiH character ami a )iropeions business mart of this plaoe. le h h toil of the bite Hon. tieorge D. Holoman, u lio represented the Third I district for two terms in tlie state Sen ! ate and a man oi sterling worth and great influence. K. C. HufTin, principal of tha high 'school here, has returned to hit home '111 Kdgecombe county, but betora leav ing for his vacation turned over to the wheol joanl t he most complete record of tbe school the school officials here aver saw betore. He not only had tha rec ords as provided by law, but a complete ) record of the progress of the members ; of each class, dec-ription of the books I used, and much other data in abridged I form. Entire ttrmngrrt could take tbe Pepper, and Forget Our 5c Counter -240242 SOUTH ELM STREET- raeordt kt left and take up tha work of the tdiool next fall without tht loss of anv time arranging rlaeact, etc., and mrt only this, but in a moment's time turn to tha record of the progreee of each student during the past year. Company F'l Now Officers Raleigh, May 6- Commissioners are issued for new officers of Company , First regiment. They are - Uaptain, ('.. K. Baits; tlrst lieutenant, W. If. Suggs second lifutensnt, W. 0. Barnre. YOU CAN CURE THAT BACKAHCE. Paia alonsT the back, dlsslness, head ache and general laguor. Cet a park ace of Mother Oray-a L1TR LI IV I.KAK, the pleasant root and herb cure for all Kldnny, Bladder and Urin ary troubles. When you feel all run down, tired, weak and without energy use this remsrknbte cumbtnatlou t4 nature's herbs und roots As a reru Isfor It has no eiiusl. Mother Omr s Anstrallaa-Leaf Is sold by Hruaalsts or sent t iiihII for 60 cents Naruple sent FI1KR Address. The Mother Uray I'u, I,e Itoy, N. v. I ColdWaterMade lot On the Run I "Ml -As I 2'' Abort illustration rsprrp'titB s Humphrey IniUadtsMcnis bsthroom Gss WatT He ter thit Trill litst ir.taBUntii tw 14 m Kai.' Jt-n, of water pr nimitf om gallon of vrsssr for rrtnr cuWe foot sf birn(l. Clitspsst hrt wst-r ia tbs wotS! An tihibitia of Homf hrj In itaasanssns and AxstaaiSrtte G Water Hat.rfl wflj b h14 st snir oflfios Tuesday Till Saturday This exhibition ai!l be ia charge of in expert Humphrey demonstrator, who will he pleased to show each visitor Wcw turning s fiut or stiiking a match will give instantly all the hot water you win, sn.l at a losrer cost than water csn be heated in any o' lier way. THe Humphrey is the cheapest, besti mot economical and hsndiest Os Wtter Heaters ia the world. Don't fail to attend the exhibition. Bring your frirndt with ywu. N. C. Public Other Plants value, at 10c VEY LOW BATES TO BALTIMORE ACCOUNT SOUTHERN BAPTIST CONVENTION. MAY n-U, 1010. I10.SU ia low round-trip rata fa nunred by the Southern railway frem Greensboro ta Baltimore, Md.. aacounl above meeting. Tirkett un sals May I, . 10, final limit June 1, 1(10. For further Information, Pullman reserva tions, tea nearest Ticket Agent, or ad dress W. TI. Mam.AM.hJtT, Pasaenger and Ticket Agent, Greens boro, N. C. Special Pricea fa ia Dayt Only ON PORTRAITS. 1.iT0 Crayon, II 50 10x20 Preach Watereoeer, $2 60. lx0 Pas tell, M 40. 10x20 Oil Portrait, 110000. We guarantee an exact reproduction of any small picture. Cash with order. WINFREY ART CO. Service Co. at Gardner's