n n " j ; Th9 Largest Guaranteed Local Circulation weathe;. rriuat Lit Hart vol. n. iso. 100, GEElLNSBOBa N. O. FBIDAY. MAT 13, 1910 pbicei rrvB CENTS eight drowned f THE WORLD MO VEA1&NT" ELECTION OF BISHOPS BISHOP PLEASED AS VIEWED BY ROOSEVELT SET FOR NEXT MONDAY Chang Recommended in Number of Lay Delegate Tv Six Ciri id Two loy Sta dents Lest Lives. Speech 6 the Ex-President Beor th University of Xer- Baptists Fa?cr Scrcrlcg Wt. Witli Cthcr Desoiiilaatlsirs. Altendance it Eplsccpb CcavEDlIc. Is Cnllfjl: . tin ThursdaySign pf Much That Bods ' IU, Declared th Speaker. Annual Conferences Abstnoe of BUhop Hose Cans Much Speculation Regarding VanderbiU. '. SOUNDS KEYNOTE GALLANT EEED CF BRAVE LAO Is Attempting to Sts Toaog Ladles . -Ods of Boating Fartj 6an .. . ; (Bf Tb Aasocisted Perns., . Wilkwabarn, Pa, May lS,Ejht high aoool atudeate, all girl end tw boy. age niil from MUM yesra, lost their Uvs tssasy whil boatjag oa whet ) knowa aa the 014 Paper WD dam at Himtiiigt milk, about 80 anil below thii eity, la the lower end of Luiarn eeuaty. Th dd ani ' Maud fjvatllg. Tew Uh. . Carolyn Kooan, Hunnilk . ttuta Boaham, Town Una. In Davenport, Watertowa. Rachel Thompson, Town Hitt. Msdellns Good, Wstertowa. Robert Minniuh, Koena ville. Ray Lmdaon, rnirmount. Twalv student i to Huntington high aehool eociired two boat at U aooa hour 4 started for a raw on tka exum. Wxara tk tw craft bad reacned tW smarter of th body of water It waa aotieed that oa of Una bed pranr a ktk. TSa tw boat war thea pulled tofstkar aad aa effort waa being made to traaafer tb girl from to make boat U tb safer eraft. Th last one of taa party had scarcely est foot ia tka boat when it began to sink owing to 'Jm eom bincd wwta-ht of tkt party. Th girts wot keipleae to Bare fhem eelv, awl tka hoyi of tbo party, witk the xoeptioe of Dmiaon, .hating expert twbiauaie, stmok out for th chore, which alt reached fat safety. . ; Mmuich, ia th excite as eat, M la pr tnnod, theug ht tkat all tka young wvaaea had sueeaaded ia reaching land. H baa ao ooar gained tk bask tea he noticed the gtrla hanging i th laa Ml; atolUiig boat. Tka bor oaaaed into tk water ana ma awlftly t .the wxilln4 arafi. Only tw of th rrl war elinjng t th boat, tk other kartng gnn doara lor tba Wat tint. Setalng Ml Daroaport, VftnnW-k wiM for tk (kor, but th onrtloa- wa to uuoa for tk gallaat laa, aa tbe two went dowa together rka taey wvrt iwtthta a rhWi throw of th bank. , Aa ooa a th aouni craft kegaa U n witk wabw ft appear a tboack raory tnenbrr beeame nror-atrMuia Tk briek of tba 4rwn1ng rirla muld b plainly bear oa tk bank of the aua, but there waa aa oa to go to tk ra. e of tk imperiled party. The terrible accident kaa east gloom ever the lower end of Luxerae county, wkfrc the familie of all th rktim arc prominent. Thro of tbooe wb were drowned would have graduated thia aunmer. young Miaaich aad tk kfiaeee Boakam and Rood. HE1NZE WAS ACQUITTED Jary Declare! Bin Rot Guilty Charges Brought. 01 By Tk Aseeoiated Preea.) New York, May II. Frit Augnatu Eehua waa acquitted la New York to- nkrht f charm f miaapplTinr the fuada of the Mercantile bank while be waa preeident of the inetitutkm in 1907 and he waa cleared of tba charge of over -certifying the eheoka of hi broth er'a arm, Do Heinza. A jury ia the criminal branch of the tTnitad State Oireait court, after a trial huting aaaxly tnree woraa, mna mm not gvilty at e'ciofi tonira, aao a waa 4ia char 2. Mr. Hainn leaned thia (tabrmeat to- ahht after hie aarantalt ". am greatly pleaeed wttb tn Txr-dit-,-ut H at all rpoaL The thing I mot rrgrea m we mg oeiay ia orn ino the caee to tnai. nn oit rost ir' betwff t4.000.000 ad HpiU, 000. PomiMr Mm-perMna who "were anTioim to oe me convictJi will be I-L niit a we" with ,t'ti a, thmin i naa oecn .ouja raaj, m inr ; ruination of my credit arem to , b oro of the ohifwt. moot iriointT I imed t. f appreciate th loyalty f ! bit friend who have fturtc V ". HirrHith u aiL end rrft nr dint:l1 thr temporary hir they Meaut frrd in the fepnriBtioii in the pfc of th se uritiee in which I have len in-, (.Te-t'd-- Arthnr P. llelnze. a brother of b rfpftidnt. called Mr. Vie to h rourt thia afternoon, thereby furnihigj the onlT real epertaenlar inrment of to trial. For km remark he waa promptly e lert-d from the courtroom. M uaaa hite fare ehowine hi anirer and emo tion. Bis wife, who elao had been a. intareeted, auditor, fcllowed him. JESSE GILES POSTMASTER AT DURHAM (By Th Associated Press.! A'anmiugtoa, May . The Pratidmat Ms amoinafed Jen .- Oiie t V tjifmn1aT at eurVsm, X. C ' (By Tk Aaaaciate4 Pron.) Berlia, May ls-eftemer Praudeat Thaador lieu ear alt delivered a teotura today aa tk topi. "Tk World Mora- moat," at th Ihueemity af Barlia and rear iced from ta uarreraity ta- aoaor. ary deer of avtor of phitapay. . per or Vilhani heoprtd the acoaeiaa with. ki pre an m. , It wa taa first time that hi majesty had graced conferment, and the eourUay wa eitfiunrant ia slew ol in lac uax tk Gnnaa asart i' ia mourning fur ta mnrck aoela, Khar Edward. Th ercaway of conferring th degre wa lagea ana eoaauetea wita impraaaire aimBlicitr. hUoy other notable paraooa were neitaaent in addition ta member of tk Baawacelt family. Tk auditorium wa Blum t n capacity of 1.1PM per- ana by tba faculty ol tk aniraraity. atudent an ruaata - Mr. Kaaeerelt appeared rugged aad la tk alnk at Shyueal ooadiliaa. Hi roue, kueky at arat. rained steadily ia iearaea aa be araoaeded and he we ao ia onuvar era complete wmtca t he el e af tJXM word, aad U wkkk k added zumporaaeeaaly from ma to sua by way or tmpaaau ana expianatiaa. "Tk play of new foroe I a evident in u aierai ana imntuat wand a in tn world of the mind and the bodv. Faroes far good aad force for vtl are ererywher evident, each acting witk a hundred or a tkooaand fold tko in tea aity with which it acted in former age. tnrer tn wnoM world tk awing ol the pendulum grow mora aad more rapid, in maiaepring ooila aad aprrad at a rat eonetantlT aulekaarn-. th Whol world cuorement is of coaatantly aeael- araklne walneit. T a. ; - . i . ia tela movement titer are line at musk that bode ill. Tk machinery" ia aa rapidly geared, th tension and strain are a great, the effort aad the output lava alike a incteand. that that M cause t dread th ruia tkat would com from aay great aaddeat, from . any breakdown, and ale the rale tkat may mi from th mr weariag oat af th machine Itself. Ta oaly previou T iliaatioa witk which our modern eirill aattea can pa la any way oomparad la that period at Qraaeo Homaa dsiluta- tloa exteading, aay, from the Athene of Jveaiistoele to th Kom Of Marcus nre! Int." VfaPT of the forces tnd aacies ewcl wen raea arworl wr at work w. XaowMrs, luxury and r tnemeat, wida material caaqucst, terri torial admlaiatratioa ea a rant scale, a inorea ia ta maatery of mechanical appliaaee aad la applied ecitno all thee mark our dvihaatloa aa they marked th wonderful dWIitatioa that xWariehed la tk Mediterranean land 10 centuries aeei and thay preceded the downfall of the older civilisation. Yet tk differ ores ar many, nd. om of them ar quit a striking a tk simi lar! tlee. To single fart tnat th old civilisation was based upon slavery shows the chasm that separates the tw. Let me point out one further and very aignileant difference la the development of the two civilisations, a difftreaoe to obviou that It ia astonishing that H kaa net Veen dwelt upon by men of tet ter. "One of tke prime dsurer af dviuxa- tioa kaa alwavs been ita tendency t aaua th lou of tka virile flrbting vir tue of the flshtin ur. When men get too comfortable and lead too lumi nous Uvea, mere te aiwayi aanrer ien the eeftnma eat like aa acid into their mealiness of fibre, lie barbarian, be aaua af th very condition of his Ufa, is forced to kern sad develop certain hai-dv aalitiee which tk man of eivil- uawKia tenda to low, whether ke b clerk, factory hand, merchant of vn a certain tvpe of farmer. Xow I will not aaeort that In modern dvllited oaty thee tesdeacies have beoo wholly .over come; but there has been a much more eneeewiful effort to overcome thorn than wa the case in the eerly dvilimbona. "What it the leaaon to u todyf Are SOUTH GAROUNA L 0. 0, SELECTS GREEJrWLLE 7 AaamHed Prem.) g?. May 12. The cf oouth Carotina, Inde of Odd Fellowa, adjoura- ed tkjfeiuorning after two days e akm V avert pert year in Greenville. Tae c lection of officers at the morning tension raeulted aa follows: Crand mv Wt1(( H.mptoe Cobb. OolumW: . ' ... , depnty r"i maW, Jame. O. I-eng. jr.. Tjirm; frand owrden, .lamea H fraig. Aaderrans grand ewrHary. S. F Kil lHiwnrUi. Columbia, reelrtted inr ca eat a coneecntiv year; grand tra-- rcr, H. Kndel, i.rcenville. reelected fm the 17th ronaerutir year. At I hie meeting of the sTnnd ndr- the j gaanctai mcthorie were rrvohitionir"d by aboHehing tne 10 per cent, system snd repWing rt with a per capita'tax. CHEAT DISASTER FEARED - BECAUSE OF EXPLOSION: -. . By The Associated Press. I Icgassmort, Ind, May 11. The pow der nags ripe of the Paris Stone oom aay at Kenneth, lad., sens miles west e her, exploded tonight. Buildings in thi dty wen shaken. It ia feared there ha beea maa'of lifa. A glare fa the aky tmlieate thnt the own ml Keemeth ta hri SO tele- rfhti eoumouou bar beea atvered. ptpartanbVK grand lprfr I aiaiijrjrder b. , V w to a th way af th older dviliza tioaat Tk immense increase ia th are a dviliaad activity today, ao tkat at t aaariy autnrmmeiai with ta world surfacsi tka immaac iaareaa ia the maltitudiaou variety of Ha aoUvitiot; tk immeoaa increase la th velocity of th worid awresMat ar aQ than to mesa merely tkat th crash will be all tka more complete aad terrible wkea it aomast W anet be certain that the answer will b Is tk negative) but f this we can be carta m, that w shall not go dowa ia ruia anleat w daserv aad earn our end. Then is ao neceaaity for us to fall; we aaa hew out our oostiay for ourselves, if aary wo have th wit aad th ooarag and th honacty. ' "PersoaaUy, I do aot helieva tkat our oivUiaatMa will fall. I think that aa th whol wa have grew better and aot won. I think that on th whol th future held mar for a thaa even th great past has hold. Bat, assuredly, tk dream of gold glory in th future will not aom true unlaea high of heart and Strong af hand by our awa mighty deads vre mala tkem aom true. V can not afford ta dsvelep aay en aot of qualities, any oa est af aotivitic at tka ont of neeing ovken, equally ao eeeary, atrophied. Neitbar th military ffleiensy of th Mogul, th xtraonli aary basince ability of th Phoenician, or the subtle and poiiabed intellect of the Greek availed to avert destruction. "It m ao impossible dream to. build up a dvilixatiea ia which morality, eth ical developmeet and a true feeling of brother hoed shall all alike be divorced from fa la teatuaentality, and from the raaccrou and aril namion which, curi only nough, ee alt accompany pro famuu uf entlmantal atiachment to th rbrbt of maar in which a hiah ma terial development la the thing of th nody shall be achieve, without unor dinatioa of the thing of the ool ia which tear ahall be a genuine desire for peso aad justice without loe of thee viril qusliliee without which aa lav af peace ar pmlie shall avau any raaai ia whack th fullest development of neieatift rosea re a, th greet dietia guiahing fottar of our preoret civilim tion. ahall yet aot imphr a belief that intellect aaa evor take th place of ekar aeter for, from the standpoint of th Xnaaiaa-a erf tk nadinairal, st - vaa actor ths hi th an vital pceieiea. - TlaalU- this waiwiShrl W" ilisatton, this movement .which i bow felt throbbing ia every corner of th globe, should bind the nation of the world together wbil yet leaving unim paired that lev of country ia tb Indi vidual citisea which In th present stage of the world' program ie eaaeatial ta th world's wclfbeing. You, my bear era, and I who apeak to you, belong to; different nation. Under modern condi tions the hook w read, the news sent, by telegraph ta our newspaper, tb strangers w meet, half of the things we hear and do each day, all tend to bring u into touch with other peoples. Each people raa do justice to itself only If It doe Justus to otnore; out race neool eaa do its part ta the world movement for all only if it first does its duty within it own household. Tba good eitlsea most a good citisoa or his owa country Irtrt before be can, with advantage, b a citiren of the world at large. I wish yoa well. I believe ia yea and your future. I tdmlra and wonder st th axtraordiaarv creataeai and va riety of your achievement in so many and sura widely oinerent nriaa; ann my admiration aad regard are au ine greater and not the leas, because i am eo pro found a believer ia tba institutions and the people of my wr land." The audienes viirously applauded Mr. oopvlt's rmas concerning mothers ind houeewiv The empervr took occasion to con Tatnlamvr- Rooaevilt upon his lec ture and delivery eo courageoualy ac conrnlirl.e under dietreeeing physical coaditi''- I' i ISOUTB CAROLINA T. P. A.'S IN ANML CONVENTION (By The Aawoeisted Pre.) nreenvUlr. My li. Tb annual con vention of the Travelers' Protective as- auciatkn of South Carolina convened ' here thfa momine. After brief sddremea of welcf,nie, a busineae session was held ' ia the boatd of trade room. I Important matters aeie discuaaed at j the busmen sc!fion tonight after rou tine buineks had been tranaacted. In the afternoon the traveling men saw ball game lietwee Charlotte and Greea- ville. uf tl,e Carolina aociation. Tomorrow v ill be a husv day. aa the nrrn, Tn imlllHe Htllninnhile riAm m: '. v-,,, t the 1itintrv elitl, mA m h.-.-., , I ist night. SUDDEN DEATH OF ONE OF DAVIDSON'S BRIGHTEST SONS -pe. ia! to Daily N'ew-. Ibn-i.lsoii. .iay 12 . The death ol Sam uel ti Fleming, of Laurens. S. C. a mcmlier of the s.nior class, who would undoubtedly have graduated with high honors, which occurred today, baa cast gloom over Davidson college. Mr Fieming " -I years old. s bright ouig man, who wa- beloved by th entire collfge bodv. Hi death, due to heart trouble ame eotirely unexpec ted, j and has cast a pall over IlavidMin com mosMcment. f,be body wiH be tent to his former home tomorrow tor interment. WILL SEEK A BROADES FIELD rosslbli lliandstunentof International SnpdajT Scboot Imms Good Jub scrtpUoos tor Loalsrnie Scmlsarj. (By Th Aseociaied Preea ) BaHlmore, May It Tb keyaot of todar aamioa of the Souther Daptrtt euavaatloa was th development of (en- tuaaM favorable to sevsruig all eonnee- tioa with ether deneminauooa aad to raachina out for a broader Held. ' Th first wa showa by aotloa looking to th Mnaoamen oi in as in bouinera Baptist Snaday schools of th interna- tional Buadav aekoal leuons, aad th second by tk apparent lateatioa to ad mit to fetlowehip m tka eoutkarn body rnuresea ta territory attaefto ten ea tirelv t tk Xortkera Haotiita in apparsm wiaa to sever reiauea with all inUrdamonimational bodies was tempered by the earnest effort of a considerable element to etv formal approval to th work af the laymen's missionary move meat. At tonight eea aioa Rev. George YY, Daniel, of Rich mond, Va., asid that the Soother Bap thtU lack organixatioa and aa adegaate scheme af miecina and eaa never, un der present condition!, become a world power la mhulona, and that It - rests upon th laymen' missionary movement to lave th day, Tb objection to the continued uee of th International Sunday school lessons appears to be that they have aot been aaliafactory to th Baptists in the mat ter of eeriptural texts touching oa Bap tism. Rev. J. M. Frost, of Nashville, Ten., chairman of th Sunday school board, offered tb resolution which, whil praia hig th uniform- leaeea. eyitem which kaa been In vogue la Protestant flenom taction for to yean, naked that a aom mitte be autharieed to prepare for tb Sunday aehool board a aystam of graded Huaday achnol lrsaona. onaidering, how aver the praaaett aystm of the inter laalimal mmmliua - whetbet It can be modified aad mimvu 1 purpoM of the people. After opnaiderablo diaouaaiox, tb sub ject wa referred t a commute. Following an elooiient plea for the completion of th 1000,000 endowment fund f th Souther Baptist Tbeolog ical Seminary at LotrievilU, Ky, HH8, uw of wbJcn sum ha Keen raised, fa proximately mu,oio waa snbeenbed th convention today in amount rang inc from U to ts.000. To allow for shrinkage on account of death or possible business failure, Rev. Dr. Mullins, president of the eeminarv. aid that an additional $200,000 would have to ha raised, making the total of th endowment fund 11800,000. A pleasant incident of the forenoon meeting waa tka receipt of a telegram of greeting from Uw'jeeneral conference of tb Methodiet Episcopal Church, South, ia session ia Aeheville, N. C. The secretaries of the Baptist conven tion were directed to frame a telegram of greeting to be seat to the Bout hers Methodist body. At the twenty -eeeond annual meeting of tb Womans Missionary Union, aa auxiliary to th Southern Baptist ema nation, which In holding its sessions in the Seventh Baptist ahwreh, the re port wa mad that 120,000 has been raieed toward the endowment fund for the Louisville training school, conducted by the union. The amount of th en dowment fund for completion of and for enlargement aimed at is 00,000. THEY WOULD KNOW WHY Attorney-General Called Upon tor In formation Concerning Investigation. (By The Associated Preea.) Washington. May 12. The Bouse to ds v pancd a resolution calling upon tb ettorney - eenerml for all f acta Tn his pos- e",,on 'elating to his investigation of an alleced violation of the Sherman an titrust act on the part of men carrying on alock operations for the purpose of advancing the price of cotton. The resolution also inquires whether tbe department is conducting or contem plate conduct in? an invent ijrstion re lating to combinations of persons oper ating for the purpose of reducing tba pnee or coiion. ana also whether anv euch investigation prosecution waa ever begun against any persona for on a spiring to aovsncc th price of wheat in lim. Thia resolution was introduced in the House by Mr. Craig, of Alabama, being favorably reported today by Chairman Parker, of the committee on the judi-i dry and paed by th House after a! brief explanation I BASEBALL GAMES WILL BE POSTPONED DAY OF FUNERAL New York. May 12. Out of respect to the memory of the late King Edward; and hi people, alt Eastern league lose , ball club games scheduled for Fvidav. .May 20. the day of thr king's funeral, nave tmen called ofT. ot u ice to that ef-; feet rsi sent, ont tonight by Peaideat P. T. Powera, of the league. I The games scheduled for May 20 will I rjlie pbiynd inateed n dmibleheader on j the wbooi. treasury ahnually ia Sana (of interest JJlsy 21, along with the regular game. Jhury. . , late. (By R. M. PhilHpa.) Ashevllla, May li. The geaeral eatv f naa in May adopted reeohitiea ta go bit tba slactioa of bishops ami ail aaa aeetioaal officer at 10 o'clock next Mon day asoraiag. The oomaaitto ea epia- copaey will hold aaaUber meeting to Bight, aad it likely will repot, ta tk conference; tomerrow moraiug, asakiag their reoeimnd4ioa aa ta th anasber t b elosssd. . As te lay Deiegabeaa. Tb eommittee aa lay tuna's movement ajade a report today recommending a change ha to number of lay delegate ta annual oanfaranee, which provides for eat by delegate far each pastoral charge instead of four for each dtstriut, a at pnsaat, Thi will, if adapted by tke eoiifarenoe, make tke my rpreaenta thsa at annual eoaferaaea equal to tk Jerical. , Vtay Tivtort Attending. The Larvset attendance of visitor mac Cke opening witnaaeed today' ses sion of th general aanfaraae. Ulanolng hurriedly tkrough th packed apace out aide the bar ol th eonisreaoe end in th gallcri, where people from til over th eouth were congregated Inter ested spectators, I saw several familiar faces of North Carolina preachers not yet mentioned. Among them arc l The Rev. J. E. Underwood. W. W. and K. K. Roe. 1. JR. JncOaoken. J, A. Daily. N. C Yearby, B. C Craven. A. D. Bette, J. W. Jones, Plto Durham, T. K. Wagg, and C. F. Sherilll. Bishop I. K. Moss has goo to Wash ington oa important businee and will not return until Monday. Ill abssae t this tint five ria to nxieh specula tive "do pa" ia rngtrd ta the Veadar bilt aniversity matter. It is know tkat tk committee education ha been wrestling with this problem, ia which then has been sharp division. Bishop floss a leader oa on aids and Bishop Henirix aa tka other. Argument be fore the committee have bee public but the deliberations of th asmmitte haa bean In executive astaioa. Leak have, bee very re fully guarded, and a .aa know positively what tk aut come I going to be. ' It looks, kowever, Bke 'b"eompTomW ba about - beea reached. . t cannot a.y thi am ahaoluta aulborrty. but 1 am Willia to risk air rspuUtioft aa a prophet oa the predi- f tioa that th Bishop Horn faction h!?1 won, or will win. If I am aorroct, it mean that th church contest idea will prevail. It ha beea generally conceded that th greatest debate of the eesslo would take place aa thi question wbea It eome upou the confer (rice floor tbui u in impreeoions ni morning are well founded, the committee will make a re port that will be concurred In by both aide and a great fight obviated. Then ar those who believe that, while tli matter may be allowed to go through, Chancellor Klrklaod and. those who be lieve he does, will do so with the reservation that tht question will later d determined by legal proors in th court. Ia anv event th Vanderbllt queation is still peramouat before thi ooafereace, and- the outcome will be awaited with absorbing interest Same Salary Talk. On tb question of eallina- men. hv election, from the rank to the oftine of biabop and other connection al offices. the matter of aalariee paid by th M. K. (Jhurch, South, ia being talked among tae wierswa. u is not certain that any movement looking to ehang st thi time will be made; but eome com parisons r interesting. ' For Instance, the bishops of tke Meth odist Episcopal chairch receive aJaries of W,00. The editor af the New York 'Christian Advocate, th general oroaa of the M. E. church, receives g",,000. The editors of trie Western Christian Advo cate, the Northwestern Cbristinn Advo cate, the Central Christian Advocate ATLANTA VISITED DY A DESTRUCTIVE HAILSTORM (By The Associated Pre.) Atlanta, May 12. Several thousand dollars damage waa done in Atlanta this afternoon by one of the worst hail end rain storms in its history. Tbe maxi mum wind velocity n-as 60 mile a hour, a rainfall of ore half Inch was re corded within 30 minutes, and the ground was almost covered with hailetonee. Tree were uprooted and manv win- dowpatien broken. The Phoenix planing; mill plant was damaired to the extent of $1,000. Reports tonnrht indicate that the bail storm was geneml over the northern linlf of t ieorgia with the exception of the counties bordering on the Atlantic, In t he vicinity of VVaneaboro. Murk coimly ajvl in Newton county the dam se to cotton and other crops was con iiilerahle. In both counties hailstone aa large a marb'ea fell, covering the ground. SALISBURY VOTED FOR SPECIAL SCHOOL TAX (Special to Dally News.i Salisbury, May IS. By n mnjority of 206 votea special aehool tax waa u- thoired in Salishurv sodav. S4 votes be inr cast for and 1H6 against the mea. are Both sides worked hard at the noils. Bv the new law js.o will be turned ioloiehle to ret s new trial. The .wee wa aai ether rnaneetlnnal aalanne of KaOO. Tb varksn anpaitminte of eatv aalaru of 14400. The biekop af th Metkedlet Tifttm pal CkareA, South, taseiv asiarlaa af U.000 aad pay their wa trsvollno; ex peaaea. loe editor of our Methoaast Bav view, the editor af oar Christ la Advo cate aad th secratavrlaa of our vnrtout board aad other nanctloaal xiaen receive salaries of 3,U00. Thee aua Hv la th dty af Naahvill. Taaa, where they eaa hardly hop te emtr a resides- without payina a rental oi st mast aao per atoata. . ta atae words, our oonaoctioaal onlneia an raeeivlng bout It,) and host reat. The paa tor f aur leadhag ohomhea, auah ohurcbes aa the mea wb arc aleeted to eonneo tional fftce have SI lad or have the ability te fill, receive salaries f 3.000 to M.0OO ami a home. Th al aria which wa aa aur bishop aad aoa, neetioneJ offloers are the same that w paid tkem ar their predaosaasra a dose or mora years ajro. Maay eWsraatea an of th opinio that this question should haw asrtou aoneidoratton at th ttaads of this sees ioa of the conference. "IfoB-Cacrreoc" Heard Often. There ie no easy method of obtaining the exact pereenUg ef Button that an reported bark to th conference tin favor ably by the oommitteeai but wka th errctauy roads the report tke word Tton-eonourrence" m heard otTaa. That i (h Committee's endorsement aa at least four-flfth of the queation that have ao far been (vied upon. Aad there has beea very few minority reporta, African Fraternal Delegate A featur of th eeeale today wet th Adras of th fraternal delegate from th Africa htrtbediet Episcopal Zion church. Dr. Geonr V. ftamant, ef Charlotte, was tk fraternal delegate, sad kis . addres was aaa af th meet hoard by the eonlereare. It breathed a la apirit aad (hewed marveton pro gress I being made. Th chorea ha bow bout 4,000,000 mefifnera aad awns church tnd echooi property valued it MSJWO.OOO. Dr. Clement waa heartily cheered throughout hi addree. Bishop Hetidrlx reepoBdeat la appnprtata wwroa ta th addree. -i- ;,.. , -...Att Hist oris Gavel ...... 1 At th cvnstna tomorrow th aeseid- Ing officer, Bishop Hendrix, will . oa gavel thaa baa a peculiarly interaahfng kttorvy I owned taad waa made I bp S D Walsh, of th Kentucky confer ence. It waa mad from weed from th old Mastereon home, near laxingtoa ventacay, wncra oianop aaoury pre sided t tb first onferenee fh 1790. It kaa ailver bands around ft and a lilver eovrring half way np the handle which are engraved the name of great bis he ps who have used It, and th date of it una. tt was ased in Mf ,t the general center nee ia Omaha. t Cleve land In 104, at Ch tango ta 1PO0, at Lo Angeles ia 1004, and 'at various other time. It was one used by Bishop Mor riaon. Th gavel fat pretty piece ef work, and la eonatracted of sevsra! bit of wood neatly put together. Tk ewae prize ft very highly. ' Tk Bar. Goorv R. Stuart, the fa mous evanrnhst, delivered a leetun to night ia the auditorium to a packed house. By resolution the committee oa Kpts eopacy, at a meeting tonight, removed th Dan of ecreey, allowing It members to mk public Ita action. A report will he made to the conference recommend lor tkat tke ckarsctsra f all the bishop b pasaed. It also recommended that Bishop Key be superannuated at hat own request. and It I thought that tiiehop Mortiaon wa also ereeommendea lor tuperanaea tion. The osnrmittee kaa fixed the salary of active msiiope at bs.ihjo, aa tncreaae of tociO: the superaniruated biahop at tiSSQ. an increase of 1250. The si tow snee for widows of bishop is 11,000. IN INTEREST OF GREENVILLE AND KNOXTILLE RAILROAD (By Th Assedated Press. I Ashevllle, May 12 W. H. Patterson. vice-president of the Candler Rank and Trwai association, of Atlanta. (1, ap peared before the board of trade ben today la th lntereet or th Greenville and Knox ville railroad, which a oomnany of Atlanta capitalists propose to bmld from Greenville, f. C, to Knoxvtlle, Tena. Mr. Patter-on explained that it ia the purpose of the companr to extend the road which now runs from Green ville to Cleveland, S. C. oa through th mountains to Knoxville, probably by way of Asheville. Cantos, MVnyneaville and througb the I'igeon river gap of tbe Smoki-s, provided t h business men of this section and the countice through which it is to pass will give encourage ment and aid to the project. The sur veys for the road have already been made, he stated. I The board nppoiated a committee to j collect data on the totiuage which the j railroad can secure here, and alo on what aid can lie given toward building J the line into this city. Convicted of Mnrdei. i By The Associated Press , Creenville, May It.- r. C. T indl-v, of Tennessee, was convicted in the frimi nal court here today ol the mysterious murder of lien Allen at Ms home about ln weeks a Ttiia means Ih.l l.ind- lev mtist hensr nnlcas hi, sttomeva are 11 ever thi part of the STRONG PLEA FOR CRPAMCE Consolldatloi of St indrtn and St. lanutiai raieslBpnredMacl. Dlscnssed ImeBdaent b Idoptei (Spoaial te Daily bewM t Wtnstoa-ltalem. May DL sTVIa wa aaother busy day with the dloeaoaa aea. veatlaa at St. Paula eharoh, teanamug witk th heky mmimiia at I . Adock lag. That wa feUswad at 50 t'doak by mraiag pea ye, aad at Hit 'lock the aancsj rnpert af th biahop waa read. This wa largely aoaapoaed of statistic, tkougk la toaslusiaa as pok slnanry araeetly af the laymsa'a aua- eoavanaoa held aom aaewttt in ia ureeaebaro. H aaid he waa mack gratited with tke representation of Kpiaoopaliam at tki mMtiag, they being aa mrfly ipreeened, ia pro por tion to nuabrs, aa any other body ef ' Chrwtian. lie urged ki hearer to re deem their areaiie mads at that time ta double tlteir former amoanl rawed for foreigw mimian. A oonaiaoo tour set ia vimios drsws tb people at horn iosr together la leva Bishop Cbeshim aica apok with Mtiafaetwa of th laymea'a meeting hold last Jan uary it Haleiak, fit them mentioned a number f proposed Smend meek to tb oanatitutioB of th dieueee sad called Upon variou aommMtee to rspeei. Th salary of Biahop Cheahin wa ia oreaaed from 02.MX) to fs.oou, much diecuaesd proposed aoiendV mat waa ta th efeet that ahould a pariah fall for two eooaeouUvs year ia Ita assessment ta amk up th pastor' alary, tkat pariah (howld ham aa rate ' ia th next convention. Tb dhwuaaient aad voting wan wan, and Anally whea th Vets wars counted th biahop an aoanoed that II rate had ttees saat, and II ia faea af adoatin the aaasmtmeet except three. a. n. tutu taa pat tena a wwone plea for the Thompeoa orphanarw- ha a reed abet all fUtnda r schools devnt one ' rhinday1 eollertioa In erh month te this charity t begia with the prima rv obll draa and ietcuieate In the younge oovs tk habit af giving. Every rsundav amaoul . could giv d Sunday, tarns making th gift Out oh per year. Hi ayatom tie income which the orphanage weeds the donatio an e? irregular, ccpociolly during th summer month. He also tetosl that something lika eae-eixtk f th enttre amount bsndled by the gen sal missioa board asms fma tb ckiU drew' pennies. Twelve o'clock waa dowa aa tba pro-!' gram, for aooaday prayer for missions, M bnmnea Was mnipend'od kor and pnsrsrs wsr offered1 together with th tub "Jseue bhaU Brnga Where'er tb nWa." Basineas waa the reosmed aatil adiotBraaseat. , The aft si an ua eoisa brgaa at iM , aad was give ever te deotioas, tc, a ia th rule of order. Thi evening from 1 autll T aa baior. ami rsneptio waa given ky tba St, n .. i . i , ,l. ..I,., - .l. delegate and vmiting hulie at th kens . of th senior wardes, Hon.J. C Bunaon, ea Kummit etrart. At o'clock tonight mlstlaenry ' eeting waa held, erhea report from the arefcdeaoon won heard, aad ad- dreeeee anad ky a wumber of olergymen nd lav me on different phase of die Th consolidation of St. Barnabas and St. Andrews' parishae at Greeaabore wae approved. The MivnUon will do after th evening session tomorrow, when, mm tionary addressee will be made. The Rev. Lawrence rt. Ridgely, iisiiuaoi l te China, will apeak oa th work in that Be id: and th Ke. Richard W. Home will have far hi subiect. "Work of Womans Auxiliary." Th meeting daring the day tomorrow, after hole com muni nice and moraiag r-nyer, will largely be devoted to bnameas, erbea th time aad place of th next coovea- tma will be fixed. WILLIAM H. BOWER DEAD former Congressman Passed Aay At Bis Borne la Caldwell Yesterday. iBy The Aociat-4 Pre ) t CharmtU, May 12-Former Coflsft. man William Morton Bower, for yean a leader in Western North Carolina, pol itic, passed away this afternoon at hi heme ia Caldwell county, egod 00 mart. He was defeated for the Pifty-eeooad mrr-ees int ess elected to Fifty third ( nng ese nd served oae term. repreaeaU ;K the Kiirhth Jistrvt. fie npiueeutod leldwell county ia the atet bonee of r prcecntethea ia 182 end 1M4, and van sent to the stat senate, serving on term For a number of years he wsa eolici tm of the Tenth judicial district, and : te id other positions of trust and respon ! ibility. He ia survived by a widow, v iio 'was Vers Annie Louise Maltliams, of ncthleheva, Pe, and on eon. Ibe funeral aervicea ere he'd th tThnrsrhiy) moming frm the hrtme and thr hnrtal took place this fversenp ra the family boning grossed ta the Happy VeOej af IU Vdia ifcii. V