MREENSBOBO DAILY NEWS. FRIDAY. MAY 13. 1910 AB. R U. PO. A. E SPORTING NEWS BASEBALL RfSlLiX (.irerit V li r I ' '. VikGINU LKAi.Ufc Norfolk, I, 1 'majok I rt'.'-J J 'Hi: raint Portaiuour 1 , hi' iiiu mi u mixi i SOUTHERN LEAGUE. Naahvi..e, 6; Hiriuiiiluin- 1 Atlanta. 6; Mo'.ilr. 1. Mf-fHuhlri. 6, Si- lltf.'OHlf-r V 1' ulrd. SOUTH ATLANTIC LEAGUE Ma-on, 4. I'oluii.J.i.-. olumhuf . 'J, Ui-k--" t I ..,. ('h rum. Sa.ati.ii.ilj, Aufi. i., AMERKAN .r.AwL'fc. NATIONAL LLAGLU. Brook Irn, I I , l iti -lurj( ' J-'bilaUIpfc l ' iii' i n n a 1 1 h. New Yoik. '', ' Mi I liaatou, A , l.'ini EASTERN L ft, AGUE. HaH-inon. , 'l if. into I.' Pravideni, 1. Huflstln 4 .lerer- 3M. .'(, Mntiire:. 2 AMEIItAN LHtiUE PlrflldelphM, 4, ClrvrUDl, Phliadelpki. Km U "I In, I Hrndrr. f tlu PtuUdrlptyi lull (wl.r p-rlorm d th grtrntit pitufaifiK tvr th.' iuon hM h Ml Mil? abut out l lr viand fcy 4 U) 0, but Io pidvtnted hit oppo Itnta fro netting bit. unly .w 'I. vtUnd plivir inrtitd Jrt b', lliw bJOf Turner, wbo iMurd a ba ua liall in the fourth inning, .rut wh thrawa out trriiuj to ntcal froond Tin" victory for 1'lnUdVlphu wa thr .Mhii. oonapcutive, ami .t nrw maj.-i e.ur irrum iiir inn r.-in Srara R. II Iv ('Iceland (K10 000 000 n n a 'liiladelphia . . 010 Old III- -4 . v u l.incko and KanUrlji , Bender and Tbomaa. Tim, J.3. laipne., Uinwn;Nrw Yuik llOdlOiin -t 10 1 ana ionnoiiy. Been. ,; St. L.u, a. - . . . Boaton, Ma.T -Lai outpitrbed ( ollina la aa rllin name tsdar andi W Uuia won the firm n. Icr.v ot the I aanea, the aror. bein to I I hroe niva. mi iunmr a line, nane nil in ine inirn innn. r e , ne viMioia all meir " Score: Hi. lnai )toaton 1! H. K. 0OS 0OO (KK) 7 t 010 0O0 IKHI 1 :l 1 lake and Stephen and tarngan lime J-.gan and Kone 141 L' Wrw Yoik, 5; Detroit, j. New York, Mai 12 -New York defeat ad Detroit t.v a vure ol 5 to 3 lodaT. drlT.n,( llron., Iron, the l.oi in .he aeoond ini,,K and arl.ui thre. time. KUIian. In. .,ico,..or Ua.h.p waa wild at the .tart, but pitched .plend.dly therealter Au.tin playe.! a wnml-,1,,1 lama at third ico P,e.,de.t 8he. ,tnccd the "" r ' "H'': I v v nZ VI T ? 7 ! "'' ' Brovninp Killi.n jtn.l Manage; nr W . u.i.i m. . ii i ..... . ,.. . ,, , i-,r,n.. n Mnrnim In the Wurld'n W uk for Mnn h illn rated artnil dr. riW the a-n.thern h . I a . , , .:. :. ., .? . n.m...A t l... ...j i. ... . .. iuimij i ni- imm Hii'i ivi iiii i ne u-r .i T'hnfMgrapii to terh moi . - Klilm Viddar't. reinimirrn arr .-ofit inind arid .'aniea .1 Mil! .i.r,a--v ( rporat ion Z- , , V . i ll s .:1'.',: --'.nt,o,; n, .(hc, timely topi - Vanstory Gothing Co. C. H. McKNIGHT, Gen. Mgr. - STRAWBERRY, VANILLA STAKOLNG OF THL CLUBS CAKOLIAA ..I Mill 4 pa : 1 anhi.l i: 4K) VIRGINIA LEAGUE. W. .Ut! I'nr nmi.f :i :.. j.i,,. . i ( mi ii ..k ' I. vn .-h'r irr I d ii i '. V.rfnlk 571 !! Mi 3tM SOUTH ATLANTIC W. :.l'i SOUTHERN. I. i i 1 1 .'hli ..(III 44U M l.i -In .le M. inplu. I Hi i in injfhiini Ml, ii- . ...... AMERICAN Chi l. W I.. Pfl. 1 'i 4 7ti5 1. : !l (ill l.i ;sn in n 47rt ! 471 I :; ;(r, 4 1 4 -s:-2 nv. I. IV i t I 1 lo K .".MI II 0 Hi !t ft .V'l 7 1 ' :tr 8 14 :ut . i :n la jt 1 1 . i ,1 . Im'hI ; v. t Wk II., ..a It l.g .. i H m liiiiton M Ixiu.a NATIONAL. i -lub. rnislfurf I ' In l.l I pb i kra, - l"' nmnti H"tnn Hioiklrn ... tt. 1 on! NATIONAL LEAGUE Chicafo, Phi.-,..o Mtiv i; New York, a. 1J New York. Iwtted Mlntyif .nd "trann bard with men on , ba.ea todu. and def.atrd 'blrafo fi la 1 .... .tre: R 't. r.. Chi. ui;. 001 iiOO 0O0 1 0 MolntTre, iaon and Minr; wntie 1' ' "Ba ad Moraa. nftnntt HivhTirdel,!. . Cincinnati, t VlliUOelpiiia, i. laoinnati. May Ii. --rhikdalabia iwd four pitrhen. In today a (anie and loat I to 0. liuneaa waa re tor met oi in,innati run outT"the Mr. doo at 2.30 in automobile, pltrhed well at all ataaei. ..r irm .rt ,nA i. the : Soore: moiwrnoi , , o:i020ioi- io On. Inniti 1 Philadelphia 000010000 -1 S 2 phriea nnd Drxiln and CWk. Time.; 1 ft. I mpiri irDay and Br.anan. ; St. LCI., S; Boaton. j. , Kt Ixuia Mo. Ma 12. lia bat- td Broan and Rn lua mtt of tbe. nai today and won froar. Boa.on. S t. S. Mld,,e, on Hi. part ot the Bo. urn p.l.h.r. waa th.- .nam -a. .ir the de- fe. r,r of .he bM. n ball, re .,,1, , run. for St M" t M Uui. euO 211 (ii"- 7 i""0" M f0100On-. S llackman and Treaaaian. Brown, H"h"' Mm,,T "1 ll'"- li'e-l" " '""I" Ptttakurv. a: Brook ti. ii . . ivirnurf. na.. .May li orooaiyn "-, ir-.m r.TTtvmirg wKimy. 11 to h .n in- I - tnniiur M hit were divided QuallT hoteen (he two Hub, but the viaitore I . 1 , n, '" ' . , ,.r . . a . .L . , r-ttieti i ne inre- runt wnicn won ine game in the twelfth. v.rf H H K TMwS.irp TJ 1 OtVi ft 1 0 eH 9 17 1 V" , , , vnZl -.n,tr r-lnvpa, Moore and C.thaon: : 4 I mj.iree. Mem and Kane WE believe most any man can get what he pays for as far as the QUALITY goes, but the FIT is where the deception creeps in. It is, therefore, not a question of honesty al together, but a question of ability. An examination of the magnitude of our stock, and an investigation of our clothes makers, re lieves the doubts of the doubter and makes a steady customer for us. DOWN WE WENT!: Pennant Drove Anderson Bat ters to Deeds of Valor. LOTHROP WON HIS OWN GAME Bain Broke Up WlastoB-Spartaoburg Game and Greenville rirmly Ed trenched Herself at me Top. WHERE THEY PLAY TODAY. Anderson at Greensboro. Spartanburg at Wiriatou Charlotte at Gr.-enville. In t fir p pnlh iDlillift ot y'-riUv jjmiit AIerfe, lothrop aii l t urt-il iMthfd toward the lft fixe, trhted with envy thr Itlnr hunting rttmtm in Iht t-trony lireft i.-ui- rniH ili- I iftit nif nt iivonieij i hi mi l ' n " ultr ufion tlieir tirr-t jpji ijnt titmHuu aitd in t hi'ir -a''li M-iit It itiari. Ith ol ! lima to the Bohit r'i-oid in,i 111 llllt'M4 . 1. II vi. y I utiv" . 1 1-! , the lU'll, two core lant fHttim, mt t he b. 'I "1" IM tv irtauilriiifr; in ini't iimi'-p : ruiitt aitd a victory in the pi-t' piwiexi nrre mil neoii fil ing AndeTon. 2 i n eiiBlx1: ". 0 It wmm S attrr.t tirbt iej unre on the oral aLah t hi a-ttin ftn'l. v itli the rxif plioii il thai oiif !at! Kfvfnth, whrn with two out hr In' M Knirw and nl- iReti, he v. urLed in hia old Im fe. Seven Ihit ww thr tofal (tf tin Anderwinian 'lTort, but in three that one word "op- 1 1 xrtune" mmdr them win. lotlirop 'a j in great form and tnoujh the locali madr eight ilnglea off hit delivery, he w.i- never in a clone place, the onJy man rear-hed third f-ttnig thera aftr err out . a nd h ved just long . i g It fur Chi Hon Bniiae U lift an ta imil to Mrfarlhy. After the seventh the ftm bfptn to ' ront hiettlr ntid nunr held to the be- i ict until the ver- hint that the bom , i ten to wvntld noon land on the tide n heeler LUin came in the ninth, and another halt' hour waa eqt in ipecu la t ion, hut aeidr from tne hona a-rouaed j h lanie, who re me up flret in the ninth and aineled. it avniUd them little, for , t he next three Itattrra were ait eaT aa thwe nhn faced Iithrop in thr other , eijtht ininge. In e.iiiir the aerond pennai In Miiig the aerond pennant hwtad. .... .n. . .it . ,ij areed that a we took the pannaut : . , , , K... ,,,, i.t .... "V"',! v"" '"T". S i lam ahould to him and it waa well hr to"k lib"' ' iu H I lieirinniiia The pennant eirrel'ea were aimple riin doDe , . ocmjo,, i'P'"' e,d in light practice and than 1 1.,, ,ht,j .m.,. .s. a..,, oxvih .j .k. v.Ci.-, Witk thi. little incident ovfr. and a pho,, mBd, of th, tw0 tB,,, v pire llandfco. averted himaell ' and for ats innings the two teania battled like i,.v.. . ! . "..: . k.' ,u . 'a il.,...k ,nmitPn,d , br,lk th, ;nl, up ,TfrT ,t M ,ho, w ,t mouiiltt mmkt murh tUrll b,liw hi,, wt r .twtra Hllt llo nm, tba 1 r.orti.m w.a out on an eaar At to Weldon. M-Knroe waa hit and walked trmt h mm.diaUly atal. a-- oni llmtt m,k , bad attempt to Brannon tiled to deep ccntar and -10-iCScB. w,.t to tklrd on tk. throw L Uthmp then looked towarda the . , , , . a, aw up waw.. flf() , a 1hm mrt onf , tB, Aw m,t j- :tfht flMd o . i-- j . , Iv k. vn . !tT . . 4. a irTmia-fa w II U aj Jiw ItUr- UU1 IvTTKVnj fian-l. hut he cwildnt corral it. and Ml".n roe registered, arid Lothrov itopped at third Wrnrell went thronigh the mum prrliminariea and tiien hit hit to rlcht field, iiit Ineide the foul line. Ixt Srop eounted and 'W'ehrell took hia -!plarr nt third. Citt HUM an eay ' ft ick,t but tb b4, In their remaining three Inning the 'Champa -ere powerleaa. and the game, after a ooafnet with Jupiter Fluviua. went to the visitor, tke straaare hoodoo that ha followed bean teame in the opening aeriea repaatraw Itaelf here. The fleldiag of both tuioii .u fast and the three errors wwr all of the ex cuaabis kind, especially when none wen raaponaible for th More. Jame got one ia the arst inalng, whan he dropped Carlton Beusae throw to second, and .faok.oa got one on third when, after a pretty etop. he threw wild to first. "RUr" Jim Kelly got his ia the second when he dropped MoKenaie's fly. The Anderson inneldera had little on pertunity to show themselves, Third-ba-emiin Gorhem gettiiur no elianoes. shortstop McKnroe getting only one and iloriiett getting four. Brannon caught ood game, and McOirthy held down yZJX r ... rr ' -i . "iiii i in ft- ni'w- tun in . atiiq n 1 lui'ii ; ariperrd arnund mirrhtily in left, alo ! gttnifr; three putouts "Ihc" lim Ki'lly, who i a (Treat fav 'iitr with loat tan a. waa jriten an ova j lion f-"m t!ir Htand in tbr fifth wh n j he nahKed l.lon drive afrrr a prettvi r m r f.Ki pot applai?e when he i ptd' ti taiit. n ri"i-e tt t lie rerivinu ; 'i in i rte nmin. ni5r iTrnih'u l nh two lad hntrera. 1 br box corr nhows hat each mi did. Oreen.hor A B R H PO. A. Weldon. K 4 0 I. 3 i;tck?ii r 4 1 1 3 J.i k"n "b 4 a 2 2 I Bent lev. rfc 4 ; t 1 Jam-. . 4 2 1 1 Hlrki. lb 4 1 11 M. Kn7. 2b 4 e 0 1 i r. - s a . 4 a Thr. her. rf 1 1 Waltet... p S01S Total. ::. " 27 77 I and CHOCOLATE ICE CREAM FARISS - IMnCrttar. lb. 3b McEnroe, ffc. Brannoii, . I Iothiop, p. . Toi In S(Of hv innltiEK !7 R I Grt-eiifboic j And" non Siiiiiiiiry Erii: ! fiOf 000 000 (i (00 QUO 200 I ,u, Anderson 1. l and Wehrell. f.-I-n bases, Cor- I Thre. -base Mt ) III Sat. rill.- hil Keli Kemiey. i Kksm n t kIL uff Waitera 0, Lothrop 0. Hn by nitrhed balls Walters 2, Kelly ami M. finioe Slunk out. bv waiters 5. Lotbrop . L-aft on bueea, Greensboro .. Arvlerson lime oi gimr, t. ' Atlantic nre. SO tTmpire. Handlboe. BRAZILLE WAS DRIVEN FROM SLAB AT GREENVILLE (Spaeiai to Daily Newt.) Greenville, S. C, May 12. BradlU wttR anything but a puxxJe to tha Spin ner todaT, enough hita being made off him to cauae his removal in the eigbth, ln-n uvie waa brut in. The locala landed heavily in the third and aeventh, piitting three me a acruet the plate in a-h of tbeae rounds. Kediern, on the other hand, kept the Hornet a guessing in ail Uit the aeveuth, when two aoores i re made, the ouly onea by the visi lorn during the game. Greenville played a perfect fielding pt me, wlille the v in i tors' work wua rath rr ragijed. Scorr : R H. E. Hiarlotte fO0Oft0 2O(V-.! 6 4 Greenville (Kt-1 000 ISO fi 10 0 Hraxille, Dirrie and Taxis ; Kedtrru and in go. Gaaoline, 12 1-25. per gallon. MoAdoo Garage Oo. FANAT0R1ALS Two out of three from Anderaon. ( karlotte got hera ycatarday, alao. Two garoaa will put u ia tha 600 claaa. Weldon tnada aome clover tba in left yeaterday. Reinamher. tha 1 vHine nrnrea. Iiaant. i started yet. Do at auppoae anyone called Lave Waahington. Base running ia what eounta and make, aoorea. Tha larger tha crowd the bettr the boys will play. m . KTerything must be overlooked until the .am son ia on. A little team work and baae running will help mutter. Krery ma a ahould have a chance be fore he is lot tooa. Our ooya need1 a little morning prac tice is base running. Manager Kelly and hia bunch are a clever tet of fellows. Several rhaarra to win yeaterday, but we cooida t make it. The only fault we" can And with the team ia baae running. Come on, pack the grandstand and bleacher, and help the boys. Now Is the time to try these stunts while you can loae a few frames. Let's get new Ule hi the game; open the pvpper box and fpo after them. A true aport won't mini tha game be cavuee you are losing; he will boost you. Kelly says he haa the best Hunch of bsll players in the Hastra Carolina league. Take a aha nee while the game Is yoarar. with it. Yon are liable to get away M answer Kiwar fOeorsre Ktfward Kellvl. of tke Raleigh Red Birds, waa a naitor ia tk eity yeaterday. A kwg aa they put ni tha game In the Seld aa they are bow doing there lant any kick coming. Spern Elrlridce will ha the deceiver this afternoon, and he eays be is feeling in the pink of. oondition. Tray yielded eight hit and Lathrnp seven, but the Anderson bunch made their whra they counted for runs. There isn't a mil on the team that doesn't look good from here, and there isn t any use knocking on your own team. Taer lent a beam m the league any better thaa the Champs, unlee it is Greenville, and the Cbamp look lust aa good. If not better, thaa the other teams. Tony pitched great ball In Charlotte, only oae run being made off his deliv ery, and yesterday oary two. Yet In both gamea we bar failed to score, j Ton can 1 win 7mee without runs. I Watah the game, aad If you nave a' chanw to steal a baae take a chaara. If trr it; if rmi maka pod it it rm ar I the heat ball playw the lea'; if " t... don't, of (Jujwe the tmodrw will ear I Ton are rotten Bwt what do -wo care he iant paying roan aaJary T ITHE HIGHLANDERS WORKED OUT A NO-HIT GAME ! I (Snrctal to Daily News ( ravettcTHie. Mav 12. 4n ine ia1 practice pame of the fveafwyn two of the , rayettenlle Highlander pitcArra. .Tonen sti!!aiK rVirl. worked a no hit fame strain. t ! Donaldson Military academy, not a single Mathers. I. . Marsh. Mi.s Minnie -cadet reaching first haae. tbe Highland- j Colliim, Mrs A. L. MrcXcel, lohn Mc era Selded brilliantly and fault le!v. ' Kenny, Ixiren McEntira. F. B. I yrr. learuers turni.bed batteries lor; Donaldson. Sore: Donaldson R. H E. 0000000000 0 4 rayettevnie uariwuir a 4 n;r,p"r"m 1 ni.t 10,, ,i. pTup G M Waymarx. Barrvtt, Waters and Gal-' via and Poole; Jones, Bovle and Iavoic.. ' . - . ;' :age (V.. 121 -2r. gallon. ononens your rooa--JLengtnens your lire Ctttoltnt it a wholesome product. It is made from Cotton Seed Oil in a thoroughly mrulrn anrl hvrrirnir manner anrl ia in.r aa mir aa nliv nil I !a a rl.m nn7nct . because its source is clean. the oil from which Cottoltne v.v.w... IliMtv. m 1U...U1V. delicate stomacn. Jara tooa, on trie contrary, is indigestible, and will cause trouble sooner or later. Cottolene is a product of neiui, nuriurcu uy ram ana life-giving and lite-sustaining There is no substitute for shortening so good. COTTOLENE is Guaranteed LV"" " hCTr ,lrtWi refund your money in caat you are not pleaard, alter baing given Cottolene a fair teat. Naw Qnlrl in Rullr Cttttlnt ia packed in pailt with an air-tight top to "CYC' UUMa. keep it clean, freah and whalraome, and prevent it from catching dual and abaorbing diaagrceablc odora, auch aa fUh, oil, etc. Made only by THE N. K. FAIRBANK COMPANY SOCTBEM LLAGDE Birmingham, i; Nashville, 6. Birmingham, Way 12. Mashville had no trouble with Bauer tbia afternoon after the sixth inning. His support, toe, was badly off color. Score: R, H. E. Birmingham 000 001 0001 5 2 Naahville 000 000 330 10 0 Bauer and Elliott; Kcupper and Er lorT. Time, 1.65. Umpires, Eaaoa and Itudderham. Montgomery, 9; Memphis, 6. Montgomery, May 12. In a game America, reeking ilh errors "and punctuated with 1 "1 w boy a common, or gurdea. accidents, Montgomery took the fourth W I though plum-colored djejlao of the Memphis series today, 9 to 6.W around his toaro legs ia piotiir Pitcher IVters and Shortatop Oandall, eque line until ha looked like a figure of Memphis, were painfully hurt. I fantastic pantomime, be waa aot to Score: H. RE. ' dlaguued. A Jew in black gabar- Mempbia 040 002 000 12 Montgomery Oil 021 13' 0 2 Peters. .Vnhnson, Dick and MoOraw and Remeetter; Thomas, Ouese and Mil ler. Time, 2.10. Umpire, Fitaeimmons. Mobile, 1; Atlanta, 5. Mobile, May 12. Mayer could not be hit eoaarcutivrly, and but for a baae on : halls would have scored a shutout. Mtockdale waa hit hard in the fourth and fifth. Score: R. H. E Atlanta 000 S10 1006 10 0 Mobile 000 100 0001 4 Mayer and Matthews; Mockdale, Meal and Dunn. Time, 1.40. Umpire, Carpen SOUTB ATLANTIC LEAGUE Savannah, t; Augusta, 3. Pavannah, Ga., May 12. By hammer ing Hanuifan out of the box in the third and hitting Rttgtiy almost at will, Savannah took the 1 it game from Au gusta today 8 to 3. Score : R. H. E. Savannah 005 001 02 8 12 1 Augusta 000 000 0033 10 4 Shulr and Petit; Hannifan, Bagby and Reynolds. Time, 1.45. Umpire, Ebaer. Macon, 4; Colombia, 3. Maoon. May 12. For the fourth suc cessive time the Columbia team went down in defeat at the hands of the Ma con team this afternoon There were three three-base hit, two of them by the visitors. The game was called to allow Columbia to catch a train. Score : R. H. E. Macon 012 001 04 t 0 Columbia 100 011 03 9 4 Weems and KahlkofTi Lewis and Massing. Time, l.M. Umpires, Gilka and Derrick. Calumbua, a; Jackaonville, 1. Oohrmbua, Oa.. May 12. Rain stocned an Interesting gams at the end of the fifth inning today, leaving Columbus winner over Jacksonville, 2 to 1 "core: R. H. E. Columbua 100 10 2 8 2 Jacksonville 000 10 1 3 3 RadaJbaugh and Kreba; nTemmerboff .nd Lauzon. Time, 1.10. Umpire, Col linn. aurtxiistli LIST. ... . , ' .. . ... ru Jinarvws. jar. J. U Harder Burbo"rn' M" fawle Ml N- c JJ 2), Mm. Mia Callia Brook. Mra, ST'I" nn" !"- WJ irrtU vAi-wiir vwv, iai.rr i. tjnanoier, J. S. OahilL Charlie T. Cape, Dork Ct-orhaa, R. II. Oaen. John CMEe. R R Otim ininrt. Jack Ian. Y. P. DonneJI. Kdi soma. Rarhal (roalcT Miu imr:a fira or. v" tiboro Evening Repl.ter. i,l.vo Iron Vika. D. r. Ilaire. Mr r. H. i Mr. J. A. Hadley. Mm. Rosa' 1 Mm. R. Hien. ... E. Hargrare. Mr. 1 : isr nun il-i jocph Moune .1 1 Holme. 1.. ,1. .lennettps. Miss Jnd .v neney. Misa Lula Lattleiohn Mrv Ust.ic Lopan Frnk L. Martin. M:.r-. " Irene .Mural, (. A. Need ham J I "i. . r -Vorfolk. Mr.. R t. ! Oborne. W'm G. Osterman. Sing Tat- ' terson G R. Peaj-ce. Mia M. anm, waiter Richar is'wi. B,.h Roach Mis E. I) Schoulin, Ii. Shield. (2,, Harvey rvth. C. Sherrill .. Thompori. Mi Murdee Vincent! 1 alley. rnnrrm rivir Va-VaA 1 Vyi-J-ail-l From Cottonfield to Kitchen is made. ulbBULUL, llCWUUUt IVVU. ; ' ': ' - nature. Warmed into life by acw, mc conon piani nnauv quality which is the basis Cottolene, because there is Venioe Victor, K. H. Weaver, W. J. Well. Mia Kaanie A. WinefeeateT, James V Williams, H. O. Wray. Delia Bra nek Carrie Horaaday. Proximity Breach. Mr. Mary Brinkley, Mr. Laoia Rob erta. Tke Iteraal Bey. In her article on Tangier, fn Harper', Mary Ufa ton Vorse tell how th itreet boy of the eastern eity gave the tret sense of familiarity to the visitor front (Jjdln, black skullcap, ehaaed kirn, saying thing The boy, a. he ran, turned aaaj made far; also he stuck out a darianv tongue. He also abouted replies. On understood those repliea too well to wiab to understand mora. Taere waa nothing abstruse or oriental about that boyi be waa aa intelligent street gamia of th purest type. He dodged the eneaw a flank neatly and a friend jratied. him ia attack, and then another and another. "There waa no doubt about it. It de anr.' It made no difference T7 j- I iiir. were urveaeu aa lor cernivaj, Ulat 2thcy were of all shades and types, from Biimgi.i-.roiuiiii Arau lau to a Olaca devil who lckcd as though he had come . I ..V. . I I . l ..... ... , yeaterday from Virginia it was 'do, McAdoo Garage Co. ia Belling Oeaolle gang" just the same, raising the aamejat 12 1 2c. per gallon. Regal re made of the very best quality of leather, and are strongly and skill fully built by the most expert of New England tboemaker. You will find them the most satisfactory outing shoes you have ever worn. They mure comfort and style s well as long service. More over, in Regal quarter-sizes we give you the exact fit of made-to-measure shoes. Wallace Golhing Co. i afciwaatSafaiBMsmamB HOTEL HUFFINE. Greensboro. N. C American Plan. J2.0J to U SJ Per Dar O-ammleaUy Lomtad-XTwytklag M.Ta atom Serwtaa, Tk ke M tk. knight ef the gria-W travwllla, pebti. gvaawrf. . A well eoadueted Of. h 11 . . . " H7 . J- r. usuu gfig, KLUT2 DRUfi cn mpTmv '1 human hands never touch TTUUU VT4A4 aKlvC -V1UJ U1C IZlUBL the Sun on Southern Cotton concentrates in US seed tnat of Lottoltni. no other kind of Iwra- that you may see them rais ing oa Cbristopher street any day when there' no plain clothes man in aight. The Jew disposed of, they epotted us, and eat down on seat in the oaf and pulled out cigarette from the big iether pouch that every male Moor wears by way of pocket. With grin ths.v pestered the stranger for peaaiea, . wheedled cigarettes from bint, and pointed out gayly to th beggar ot Tan gier that a new bunch of Easy Mark had atruck town. It was a brave and Boul-eomforting spectacle. It was a fact to cling to, in this strange and unfa miliar country, that left to hirosskf the human boy is pretty murk the same all the world over." Most Popular Joke Ever Published. (Westminster Oaasttal Th most popular Jok which haa We a published in any language in tk history of th world is stated to be that which appeared in an o be. our. corner of the Punch Almanac for IMS. It read: "Ad vis t parsons about to many Doat!" It would be in teres ting to know wk waa Ita author. Another, founded oa a similar aubject, waa th "Advios to par- , sons who havs 'faJlea ia kV fall out!" Oae of th most brilliant things that 1 ever appeared in eur contemporary waa ! th brief dialogue between aa inquiring i ecp,l .nd mi nis impatient parent: wnat "No matter." ''What ia mat- is mind I tei-J "Never mind." Oxfords 350 $400 $500

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