OBFTW8BOBO DAILY HEWS. SAT PB DAT. MAT 14. 1910 STOCK MARKET KOYEMENT WAS WITEOUT INTEREST BarienlBj Icaej li Eogltsl Centers Bad Depressing bnuence. ' Jvwtr York, Mar II laleoeee j amd Beeleat .aoli petal ail. situs ( tntareati la tat Block aurket today. The tra dittos! audaiunjuar aulaaaa rarely itnd s parallel (er the lone; waita (or single transactions, which were the rule today. The Imminence of a two - riaya holiday Interval itiahed a more rational loaal explanation f or ut the market. Ifte abetentlva from the market. J ha lnnueuce ox the lxndoa altva tlea on speculative aentiwent vaa in ereaaea by the evidence ( a Bardeniua money market at that center. The lOreiarn axc-hanaro market wee rather tiiHOi-derad and nut-tuated with vllenei at . racoverlea fjorn the recent low pointa The more authoritative tmrte ofUie volume o( Anierloan bonda yellow initl; No. 4, ii being pT&wd abroad were without In- white. 4-.l; Mo. I yell, fluenoe la the aauhange market. WldelniLL movement! In a tew Individual atocka Oete: No. t white, 43,f 44; No. I aupplted the only feature of iniereet white, 410IS1.; No. 4 whlto. 44941H; In the market. Only rmnqra could baiatandard. OnlU pointed to at explanation.; "flte bulge! The leading futurea ranged aa J ol in the Canadian group aalld wiea uptow-. In the latter part ef the day; but the Wheat movement waa Uacancluatve and theixjey , day'a net chmcgee were moetly trivial ! juir , . Hondi ware Irregular. Total t&lee. umr Tun, . i,Hii,wiff. e utnH DAttvea total aalee at etovka today were 14a,- tnacaa. i CLOS1KQ ITOCK 1JT. Amalaraxaated Copper Amarfoajt LrfMomotlya , America Smelting wReflnlng. American Sugar Kenning American Tel. at TeL American Tobacco, pfd Atuhttoa Atlantlo Ccaat Una Salt I mora Ohio Brooklyn Rapid Tramalt Canadian Pacific rheaapeeko aV Ohio Chicago Mil. St. Paul Couaollaatad Oaa T'elawara at Hudaoa JCrle Tl V, lil ill el 111 '1 in 171 11 krle. lit pfd 41 V4 lleneral Electric 144 111 eat Northern, pfd 136 V Ilmola Central 13 ),oulavlle er Kaahrllle 1. .. 147 H 1 1 - . . . .-1 n . . i m . . w n it Miaaourl Pacific S'ew Tork Central . Norfolk Wrttern Northern Paclflo . . . 1!1 101 S 131V 1'eaneylvanla , J at Vi t'eople'a Oaa lllt J tending lock lilac a Co. ... f-outhera Paclrlo ... 11 41 12IS I2U ;H l!ti lll4 11114 foutherB Railway Houthera Hallway, Tannaaaaa CoDDer war v.v.v:. Texaa d Pacific Vnfon Paclflo United Btatct dteel United Btatet Steel, pfd. . v . Vlrgutla-Carollna Chemical IWtitaru Union 41 ITWITED STATE BONDS. TT.- S. refunding la, reg... g 100 1 140 10!Z iail if. B. rerunatng im, cou. tl,- a- to, reg V. s. la, ecu. ... 1JS 4a. reg. ... ix; a ta, cou. . . . 102 "i 114 1114 TUIIUIT ITiTCNKIT. Waahtngton, May It. The eondttlon ef the trtatury at the beginning ef hualneaa today waa aa foltowa: Traal Fwada. Oold eotn Mtl.ltl.lt! Silver dollar! 49,ll.o0 fcl Ivor dellan of H 1,711,100 tUver eertlncatea sutatand- Ing 4 14, 144. 1 40 Standard allvar dallari la general fund I 1.4I7.CH fWrrent ltabllltlea 101,111.411 vorking balance in treaa try offlcea la baaka te credit of treaa arer of the United Statea. Fabeldlary ellver coin Minor coin Total balance In general fund 1I.I41.4IS If 104 Stl tl.47I.Ss 1.017.417 I4.M4.14T WbtW TORK MONET. New Tork, May 11. Money ea oall ateady. 1401 per cent.; ruling rate. per cent.; cioatng, ih per cent. onered at t per cent; time loans. 40 d&ya. lift!4 ner cent.: ; 10 day. 4M4 Ppr ci ill ner cent.: orlm nt. ; tlx montht. 4 4 cent.; prime mercantile paper, 4HII per rent.; sterling exchange, atrong, with actual btiHlnt.ee In bank are' bills at 48S.744t3.l5 far 10 day bills and at 414.86 for demand; com ineralal bills. 4K334S3. bar stiver. 41; Mexican dollars, 44; government bonda, ateady; railroad bonds. Irregu lar. SI A TWA It D A CLARK'S COTTON LETTER TO J. K. LATHAM liw Orleans, May la. Th map thews reiiQrally fair weather (n cru ral bU, cloudy In wanrern and eaot sro tata Scattr?d Bhowern occurred In North Tfi and It la ratnlnlf at .A marl Ho n Ahlleue. Oood Kr.ral ahowfrB fell In the Atlaiujoe. Atlanta Sparta a d-Btructive rain and wind rtorm tn north rantral Giar-.a. Indl ratfoni are for rontlnm'd fair In cen tral blt. un-ettled showei-w in western aiitj eastern bf it. Prospects are for an am 1 reins over Kumlnv. Uvrrpool -hown t he trong bvllieh i feature of large pot salfg, total M.oj lialep at 6 pofntn hiffher quotation!. t ana lare'y conform to the advance in1 New York. I tn our markets there was a (tain es riteil and Btrona; bjytn of July and I AufftiBt. cauflnir an advance ot 30 1 points la thfse position" durlnc the Ln.ernfnff. New oropa at the lartce dln eount of Jflft polnta. and owing to the Srir weather fn the central belt wht-re ralP are needed, advanced to 18.08 for lctober and 12.93 for Dacember. Old rropa ln Naw York continued to show apport and advance. July being punned te H.T6. August to 15.22 Wlrea from Kew York rei-oried nervoua btiying by f trad die ahorta. On the logical reason -that with a ehort aupply European markets, where moreover trad or !e naive straddles were made by sell-' n on our aide and buying In Liver- pool and tfcls short interest is appar ently under fire right now. Our mar ket followed la best it could. July here selling to If.. 6. HATWARD A CLARK. CROP MOVEMENT. Kew Tork, May 13 The follow fn fatistlcs on the movement of cot tun for the week ending Frlde y. May 1 . were eemplled by the New York rot ten ExchArur: ' Weekly This Jort receipts .... fiti.isn Overland to mills knd Canada .... 12.070 Southern mill tak ings (estimated, 15.00ft Lrast V ear. f.l.l 1H 30.000 j ZjO?u of stock at Interior towns . 2-V4 4 - i Brought into ?iprht for the pek . . SO. 01 2 Total Cn Movement. 104. 234 Port receipts .... 6.$56.171 4. 438. 141 , , ... ... 1.144,4o2 . . B. 2 180.000 j 244.422 1 " i , . n- . .. i 13.(10,2.!l Overland to mills and Canada 7S4.45S Southern mill tak- Intra (estlmatttdt 1045 0(10 Ptock at interior towns In excess of September i. 212,624 Brought Into slsrht thus far for pea son 9.08S.347 COTTONSEED OIL.. Kew Tork. May 1?. The cottonseed 11 market whs firm. cloeinK 1 to point advance on commission house Olivine: on tne slreiieth in cotton. To-, tal sales were 11.900 barrels. July. 7.9M 1.9. Scptemhe'-. Tsswrst; tlcto- ter. 7.4-'trTt: Oecember. t 7 4.6f:" trlme cm !e. nm.iina): prime pnminer yellow, , 4 rtfiffr s .14 ; prime winter yel- low. s itVi 4r r : pylmc summer white, 14r24. SHQHTS COMPELLED TO COVER ON SHARP RISE Tieil Bears Ought ta Trip Meats lade Cool Gales. Cnlcaie, IUf II Frightened ever the itt4t that iae market ue4 been overeuid oa recvat Ueoiinea. oporaiore whe were ehort .rathea all the wheat j in airht during the Uaal hour today. There waa net mu h. to be had, tne big koldera having managed to gather. up lajge auaotitiM oa a slight Veak aaVrl latr In tha a.miftll That floM TdTaLJi I 1 earlier la the aeesioa. The cloee was i hod to at'e down, and,,,,.,,. I oato it o riit opening waa ateady at a deollue Provlaiona aha wed a gain ( IK Caah wheat: Ko I red, l.m117; No. i red, l.i:ei.l6; No. t hard. i!6ir i.jy; po. nara, i.itvi.Lt. ! e 4: No. yellow. tl4eto9: No. i. Ko. white. 44647; No. u: ha f ow, Cloae. I Z't 7 t ht-prember '.' ... 1.41 f-'era May' . July ., September . December Gate May . July September December Meaa Pork, per kbl July September Lard, par 14 Iks. July September tVaert Ribs, par 104 Iba Jaly September as nil ..111! ,.11.11 ..in ..11-42 BAInMOMH PHODUCB. ' Baltimore. May II. Wheat, gaiet; aoutn-ern on grade, i n. Corn: Nominal: anot. 14. Gate: Firm; No. i white, 44e)4. No. 2 mixed, 47(3 47 V,. Rye: Dull; No. I western domestic. IIOI4. COKfEB MARKET. New Tork, May 11. Coffee futures cloeed steady, net unchanged to I polnta higher. Kpot coffee, quiet; Rio no. 7, H: Kan tot ko. , anuo, sulet; Cordova, 144CH244. , DRT GOOD MAMKIDT. Naw Tork. May 18. The Imnrove- ment la the cotton goods market waa continued on convertioies. printciotna. sheetings and drills during the day. Cotton yarna are firmer and higher. The local wool markets are quiet wlih some fair Inquiry reported, at thcee low prlcea Local Jarkets These price are itrictly wholesale, and represent price obtained on actual sales. (Br Ttt Patterson CoJ Fat buck, 13 H; haiua, tugir tmred, eVerd, pr ftound, iHo. Lar4: Pura, tlrcaa, 14 Hi Mmptvid, utrca. lie. Flour: Fancy oatent sDrlnc wheat. fft.&O per barrel: fancy patent winter wheat. I U per barrel; choice atraighi. peaa, 12.1b; colored pea a, jjz.za. Meal: Beat bolted water grouad ateady, per bag of M pounds. 11 1. OralM, Mar, lOltv Cera: White. M1. mixed, Sea Oata: I3& Wheat: $1.2401. 80. Hay: No. 1 timothy. S2S; Ns. 1 mlxM, $H4 .00; mill feed, bran, $..; anip stuft, ISX.00. Laaacrr miMt. By VoruytU A Co.) s, par pound, 13915c; young Jckenfi, 26u Pr pound, old (By or y t a cnicxenB, anrina chic hena (ea.h), StXTvOc: butter. 203c; egga, 17 iffi 18c ; country bams. U : per Sound; beeswax, 26c per pound; Utllow, c per pound. Pink bean a. IS 25; w-atte beans. H 75. country colored bear.s. whlta pen, iz.ov; coiorea peas. j...a. Kngllra peas N. . $12- per crate. Hide. (By Forsyth A Co.) Green bides, per pound, Ic; O. 8. hldea, 9c per pound, dry salt. ltOl&c Dtr touiid: drr flint. KAlTo ner ou ind: beepktna, 260 tOc each; goaleklna, lac. peita is viae Track. (By W. I. Anderaon aV Ce.) Sweat potatoes, per barrel. $1.7ttt $20e. Onlona: Bermuda, $l..a car crate, t'abbagn: South Carolina, $a.00 per orate. New Florida anapp beana, $2.76 per crate. New potatoes. $4.00(4.60 per barrel. Krnttk. (By W. I. Anderson s Ce,) Florida oranges. $4.uy. Apples. $r 50 per barrel. L.emon. 30"b. $4.50 per box. liunHniis, per bumli. ,bh:io. California orangea. tfc.f-O&S.OO. tsacar. ' fn-m C. T Kennr Co.) Crystal Dominoes, 2-pound par a get, $7.85; crystal Dominoes, 6-pound pack ages, 97.65; cut loar, t.b; cubes. StVto; powdered, $6.25; granulated, in barrels. $5.4s; granulated, in 4-26. $b,60. Haalra leBrei. (By C. L. Kenny Co.) C. C a No. I. $1151); C. C R. Na 2, $12.00: C. C. K No, 1. $1260: Santos No. $, $1..50; Santos No. 2. $12.69; C. U. K. 1-pound package coffee. $13.00. HnlldlBg MaiertaL. (Bv Shaw-ClaoD Lumber Co.) Short leaf framing $14.00, aixlng ex- long leaf framing $17.60, aixins IX OW. 1 H.UU af, I.P.VV, 121 1S, No. 1 and 2 $30.00; lxlS D4S, 25.00; IjtlO D4d,,tock 50 V?7 hHle No. 1. 127.50: 1x12! . - fMri, No. 1. .U.O0: lxl- U4S. No. 2.1 30.00; sheathing;, D. I. S., 116.00; No I 1 flooHnv. 13-16, $27.50; No. 2 flooring, i 13-16, $22.30; No. 3 flooring, 1$-1$, 117KA- Na 1 7-16 flUn 12(i00- No 41 7-10 cellinc. 117.50: No. 3 7-1. ceilina. No. 1 bevel siding from 4-4. o. bevel siding from No. 3 bevel sialng from No. 2 bevel sidiuir from 4-4, 4- 4. 5- 4. 5-4 Ne. 2 bevel siding from 3 bevel sldins: from 5-4. 1 heart pine shlnalea. $4.26: 2 heart pine shingles, $3.25; No. 3 heart pi u 4a mingles, iiid; rnouldiriEB. ;;0( per lnch plastering laLhs, $3.u0; No. 1 Juniper snmgies. ib.uo; no. 2 Juniper shingles. $4.00; 1- V heart No. i noorinjr. li 45.00, 1-W heart No. 1 flooring. $5000. i OTTO RECEIPTS. York. May 13. The following fire The 1otnl net receipts "f cotton all ports since September 1 tialveton 2.410.4.S4 Nw Orleans . . Unhlla 1. ITS. .tit 23o:.li 1.2S4.1 71 i 20E..4'.7 ! u041Sl( 47". : 371! ; 45. S37 1 Savannah f'lml'lf!,lon - Wilmington . . Norfolk Baltimore . ... New ork .... Newport' N'W' ' Philadelphia . . Shn Framipoo Hrunswlrk . j.ort Townrend Penacola . . 13.432i 12. 191' ll.S"4 !. , 5..0t!i !20.;i; Ju': 200 Por'land. Ore. ! a)12.bU il 7.60; 16.00; 11 00; 20.00; ti;.5; No 12 60: No. No. Port Arthur and Sabine Pats Jacksonville Eale Pass. Tex KI Haso, Itx l.a'ra. Tex (iiilirort tiroreretowh . Texas t'lty Minor (torts Total bales., ni.s:ji' 3.fcl5 2 :!. 1 1.4..2 REACTION FOLLOWED A SHARP EARLY ADYAM Cotton larket dosed Barely Stuty liter lrrtgolar Sesslci New Ttrk. Hay II A aaar (urUar savance ! the aettaa market vaa fol- lowed by a ceneiderable react km lata today ana the eloaa waa barely ateady M , j..., to 4I olBa 1 ,. " , , . '-. ranarally apeakinc. 1 to U BOlntB It ltrkaas BB that AM CTOB. aVBtl 1 points Bicker aa the old crop, and 1 of 1! nointH in aliAV but venttrally 1 to pomta higher in rone leeteady a blue and large Kitgltea epot ealea May, which waa lntlueut-d by a little realiaina at tli atart. auirkly firmed C white giu'up a-ith the reet ot the net and tne' f ei No' ?! whole market advaaced rapidly during SI ln morning on tne tuta or an ini Braved imt demand, reoorts of firm In terior markets, continued dry weather crop advices or a bumea cnaracter, suggeetlng a bulliFh bureau report oa June 2. bull euouart and covering. Wall street and foreign houses were active buyera on the advance, presum ably to eover shorts or undo straddles, while there anoeared to be a broaden- i.lflir demand for the new croo. both i fr..n. ihul. ..J fMah huvera The U.wa.il .l...k... ...ii.J It. fl ,11 1- May, 1111 for July and 11.14 for Oc tober, or II to St petals above the closing figures of the previous day, and la the case of the old crop 110 to 147 potnte above the lew level of ' last month, but while' operation for a re action were at Arst restricted by ap- prebensloniL, p reoewed coritjag th market gradually became eaaler dur me ing tne aneraoon under neavy realis ing with the new crop losing practi cally all Ita gain en private reporta ef beneficial showers la the southwest. Hpot markets officially reported were U6c higher. Private cable reported a good trade demand la Lir erpoel and aaid that a good business was doing In Manchester. Hpot ctton cloaed quiet, 10 paints advance Middling uplands, 1101; mid dling gulf. U30; salea. 14. $94 balea. Cotton futurea opened steady and cieaea oareiy ieaa lv. peiu High. Low. II t It.tl If 41 14 42 IS. 7! 11.74 i; to 18.74 Close If. 48 lid IS ft If 04 U 81 11.47 12.80 12.77 May June July Aug. Sept th-t . Dec. Jan. . 16 60 11.10 .If..!. C't , IS tr, .14 43 .18 73 .18.01 nil It it 15.74 16 : 14 oo 13.14 1S.I7 u.m B.I t'Elt POOL COTTM. Liverpool, May ll.-tloslng cotton: Rftot. good business done, prices I fol 8 oint atgtter. American minanng, rair. 3;-good middling. IS:': middling. 8.18: low middling. H.D8, gooo oraitiury. 7.88: ordinary. 7. 57. The sales of the dsy were 14. 001 hls. of which too acre fur sneculs tlon and export and Included 1.1.700 balea Amerhan. Kerelpts, 4,000 bales, Inclttdlna 1.704 bales American. Futures opened Arm and closed steady. May, 7. Of; May aud June, 7. 0t4j: June and July. 7 .H; July and August, 7.81: August and Remember. 7.&4: rlentemher and tVtoher, 7.12: tlc toher, 4 41; November and Itecember, 4I1H; Uecembrt and January. 4.744; January and February. 4.78; February and March, I.7IH; March and April. 4.71. NKW OHLRANs COTTON. New Orleani. May 18. Spot cotton We higher. Middling. IB1, salea on the spot, 340 balea; to arrive. 160 bales. Cotton futures opnd steady at sn advance of 5 to I polnta. Cables were better than evpected and reports from ine Atlantic atatea wre mat iney naa been vtttted by heevy hail and wind forma and that young cotton had suf fered mere or tees. The weather map Indicated considerable rain In the ex treme eastern portlona of the cotton country and light ratna In the extreme weat. Afier the call ahorta exhibited much nervousness and prb-ea spurted upward quii-kly. The advance con tinued aa the morning grew older. Puy- Ing waa general for both accounts around the middle of the morning with An gimt t he strongext month. At the highest this option waa .16 polnta over yeuterday'a closing. December touched 12 centa. Tn the afternoon seaalon algna ef week-end liquidation by the longs were much In evidence, and beara were quick to Btin their opportunity to nut through a raid of moderate reMiilts. The mora act le e mont ha in both cropa were aent to a If 1 IS points down from (he high prices of the dny. Lead ing bull Intercuts offered determined support and the decline wan checked Th week-end atatiatlca were more bearlah than othcrwiae and attmulated Heillriar. The closing waa ateady at s net advancs of 4 to t points on the old crop months and unchanged to 1 point flown on I ne new aa compared with yeaterdav'a closing. i Closing bids May. 15 19: June. 1V25: July, 15.4R; August. 14.92; Hep tarn her. i.7-; (h'tohfr. iz.kz; I'ecemher, iz.so; January, 1 2.82. PORT tlOVKMRNT OF COTTON. Oalreston Firm; middling, 164; net recelpta. r, bulfs: stock, bales. New OrlcHiiH : Ktrrn ; tu bid ling. 1 n 'i net receipt. ;i.4K7 brilea, sules, ti&0 bales; stock, hulex Mobile: Firm; midtllm tf. 1 ! : nM re ceipts, ft bales; rales, 80 bales; rstni-k. Savanna ii : Firm ; middling. 1 5 U ; net receipts .fZ hHis; sales, 'i,f bales; stock. 30!4 hal s t'h-'ii Teflon : Firm; middling. 15; net receipts. 1.4.42 bales; salos. 400 hales: atO'-k. 7 00' halfu V iln.lntrton Quiet, middling. 1ft; net rereipte 3'i hl siork. 1 2. 7 i bales. Norfolk Virrn: middling. 1 f i : net recetrdK. lt;ilf, nalcs. 1 T,i 4 i bnlcs. Bftlt ImoT Nnmlnnt , middling. 1 Ti , ; net receipt, t.lTr bwles; stock. 7,097 bales. New Toi k Unlet . middling. M.05; net receipts. "t.atea; sales, 1 4,29 4 bales: sto k. imlei. Boston Qutpt. m iddlinif , 14 OS: net receipts, ff hHles stock. balea Philadelphia Steady; middling. J.S0; stock. 1.41 bales Total today, m; all ports, net. 8.0, S i balea; Orent RriiHin nal; Franc- 1 Sfi hnn ro!ilinint 819 bit If " I , , , u Houston Miady; miildlfriff 15 S-H: nt receipts, .4.K bn -s: ssIck. bales; stock 3.i.a..1 bal ; Aurusta: Sieadv; mlddline, 1 S S : net i receipt s. 60 lmler !. bU . k. 23.4r halo- rOMP4HIU K Nw Yoi k, Mh i Z comparath e 'M'"U week endinc KrtiM, Net rerelp Hi : 1 1 I tl u rln e wW Net rti cij. - if ! I t HTtTFMKT. following in th1: fIh'i nifnl for i he ' . k If Tom 1 rc Total re't-ir' l;ti-t vom r Kxpnr! s for i Kxportf f'tt 7 2.C1 Mr Total T'HhI J4." .! r I P 7 6 il , Htock t I' ttM . r.Ol S'.i Wtock at h! r S p., ns same lime last inr 5h.79 Stock at all Interior toa tis . . - Sll.!" Htock at intri'ir town? name tin.- lis war r?.2t:, Stock at lj !"'. -'." Stock at l.iveti 1 i:me time last yeai 1 .2ut.ni Stock of American alio lireat Bntaii Stock of Aivcrlcai; ado Great IJiitain s'an.e last yeat for Sit. Oaa t fOe lime int.ano H 4HI.OTTF. I'OTTOV Charlotte Ma 13 Pi ices paid fn cotton nn trie loiai rrarnci ioiit.ws Strict nill.liins: 14'. 1 I -1 4 li t.ood middling Middling Htl.KII.H OITtlV. Ust.-lrh, Mm ! I'v -cntion on Th. I... s. I mfti k. i fo tJod mi-lrjiiey 1 I Strict middling 14S 4.4J.72Hidtllins; 144 KAVAJb TOalBa. Charloetoo, Nay 14 Turpentlae ftraa, 4.- Koetn. fcrm. Quota: A. B, Q .; D, . ; K. 441; F, li4ili O, 4 ttw7.ll: H. 4 1; I. ft 44; iC, !: M. 4 JtefS lt; N, .: W o. fli HI; W W. 4 la. Savannah, May II. Turpentine area. 41$ .lu; aalee, 441; receipts, HI: ahlp saente. 1.461; euxk. 4.124. Jteela. arm; sates. I 4S. receipt, l.ltl; satitmeala. t2: staca. H.Ttf. Ouote: B. 4 IS 6 4. SI; D. 4.t4 4l; B5. t 'l; F, t it. a. 4 t; H. i ti. I, I 44: K, l it; at. 4 15; N. 1.44; W O. (3tdi44. W W. ft XCI.lt. j E4 ItLaND COTTtOM. Charleeton. May II. Kecetpta, baiet: exporta, 44 aalee ta Great Brit ain; atot'k. ill balea; aalee. aoae; oaar ket aoauinal Savannah, May ll.-'Fa.Bey Florida and Georgia, 14; extra choice Florida and Oeoraia, 14; choice, St: extra nue, 13- tine. 12; common. tSdriO; aalaa. I halce; recelpta, I balea; ehlpmenta, ft balea; etock. 1.171 halea. WHAT EVERYBODY WAITTS. ErcrTbotiT deain good health, which uupoaailut unMtat the Kraarya are f . , , , ; t ""0 and healUy. Folejr'a Kidney Ram-, - iear mould oe texea at tne am inaiea-1 tioa oi gny lrrefruianty, ana a aariouf illness soay ks averted. Foley's Kidney Remedy will restore jour kidneys and bladder to their norms I state and actiy itr. Howard Oardner. CEMETERY VASES OUm Splkt-ihapei, Te be stnofc !a frouad to keep frow blowing erer. Sea thesB is put wisdew. Frioa, sja J. Via Undlej Nnmry Company US S. Elm St. Psotia S2t Halleys C6met it tpecding along its course .t the rata of 107,040 unlet per hour, aooordias; to last reporta. . C. R McDaaiel, ancinear si N. 4 W. Ry., reporta: "1 feel that I would be doing you and the public an injustice if I did not tell you what Cooqucrine pas done for me. It cured me of a severe attack of Acuta Indiges tion; it gay na relief in twenty minute and I was entirely free from nausea and pain in three hours. ,"I always knap a bottle with ma oa my angina." For Indigestion, Dyspepsia and Constipa tion there ta nothing better tbanConquerina. 25c., S0c., $1.00 at drug stores, or aent prepaid on receipt of price. Manufactured by Leftwich Chemical Co. Lynchburg, Va. SUBURBAN HOME A splendid modern bouse, fruits, flowers and all. More than one acre of land. On the car line west. Brown Real Estate Co. Notice of Dissolution Thepartnership heretofore existing be tween A. W. KjiUn and Philip OppU man, doinf buiineta on South Kltn street, in ti t'itr of (ireensitoro, hsra, hr mutual oinHeut, thin dsy been dis solved. A. W. Kaplan lias aMiitned ill tbe Hh hi 1 1 1 iee of the ropart nrraliip, the aaid Philip Oppleman retiring from the said but mens entire! t. A. V. Kaplan will continue the lminM st the same place on South Elm ulreet No. .134 S. Kim and will he glad to wait upon his customers and the public aa heretofore. 4 2t-30t Why Experiment? Bur th Standard Original Visible Underwood, and yon will not be disappointed- Write or call oa H. W. WHARTON. PL one 326. EXTREMELY LOW ROUND TRIP EX-! CURSIOfC TICKETS SOLD BY THE , NORFOLK & SOUTHERN RAIL WAY. A.lierille. . r. Ticket t sold May 2, i to 11. Iticln'.it'''. limited to return to ! starting point Hy Msy U. Hichnini'il. Vh. Ti'keis soH May 11 and 12. It niited ' .3 relnrn to stsrting po l.c Mn 2C r Vt I. j I i.i Tickets sold Mar II I". an.l I'., ' tn rettirn to stsrt- inp jioint M . . A linti t ".i.i. N I Tickets sold May 11, I" ind l.mite.-i (o riturn to sort ing pilint bv lune -). Wasiiinlon. 1' Ti ket sold M.iy 17 aiid IS. lim-ted to return to sttr'ino p lint hr '.me I. Atltnta. On. -Tick-.-i. old May 2'. arid 21. Iiniite.i ic le'iirn i'i .r-irtiuc point ir .In 1 "Purchase a 'id Snutlicr-i V I "., and Vi For ftti t li i kit. V till. Norfolk Kaleigh. ugh folk iient of the Noe-oi: tea . nr a J.lle- II t Xotfolk, Va. . V..I -o find-..,. i ralt P. A, DON'T Strutzlt along against difficul ties khil the Nebs Wants are at your ser face. The cost u lc Word MLH1MVM a CKWTB. HELP WANTED. WANTED TWO WHITU OlKUt One to cook, one to do house work In private family. Olrls willing to work will receive good wagea and have alee room. The right girls will have a good home. Adnreee, with refsrecea, P. O. Boa (43. Charlotte, N. C 4-l-4t FOB RENT. FOR RKNT TWO ROOMS AND BATH room. All conveniences and i.i range. Strictly private. FurBlsbed ' or unrurnished. sirs. h.mlly Htewart, tit iitrr atreet. t-ll'lt f5n RgMr-oWfl THoTJT Ri3oX nicely (urnlahad. al1 modern con veniences, one block from station. Address lit Ashe street, 4-l it reiTTSfcNT-LVKNOOjsl MODKRrJ house on Qortell atreec V. C. Mc Adoe. FhoBa 300. 8-'-tf aiatsci.LANaDvtJs. WANTED YOUNG MAN Oh" ENERGY and anility, of good appearance, to take up a proposition that wtll yield from one to three thousand dollsrs a year. P.. care of Newa. S-14-i't WANTED- 3 TO UOhRO 8500." WllX give 14 acre of land for aectirll Addraag J.-U. Anaarsoa ft. K D. 4-12-!t KSTiCrTTMXiroOTATT5!! and fob, between depot and Hennes soe cafe. Htmard If returned to this office. 5-ia-st VANTfcII CI (.'LEAN, BO FT RAUS AT News offh-a 4-jO-tf SIX-Rt35M-HOf?ftE VOR ftAt.fi afTTl West l.c fan be bought this week for 81.g4. Items for 116 a month. Apply to Mra. Fred Hood. 440 East Whiltlngton street. li-Tj-lf WANTftlJ I'AHTNEim FOlt MANU facturing pants; 12 per cent, divi dend guaranteed first year. A. Hor wits, 121 E. Washington. 4-87-at fJOFFsSH IF IT'S UUUD IT'S KKN ny's high grade, 26c a pound. J-ll-8t Eooa Fort bale pntzB Winnings White I.ethoint (Kulp Htraln). Lu Ihtr Cherry, Oreensboro, N. C. 3-27-eod Vm. RaTE (!kEAp-UAti6(iA.VlY Davenport, mahogany rookar. at No. 108 North Davla street. 4-18-Ht WoiLD UkK TO PEACE AN OUDEH with aoma raspouatble aud reliable factory to turn out about 100 toilet cabinets or medicine caeea per week tor the ensuing yenr. Address bock Box 187, Oeneva, M. T. 4-lB-tf RKWARD OKFKKKD FOH A 20-Y KAH open fiM S gtdd wstch, with a t oio-cola cnarm nttacned. iost between ust and Kasi Washing; ton street. Lost by P. li Atoit, 7. Baptist street WANTED O01TLE DKSIRKlS BOARD in private home. Ad drew R. B. W. Otiilford hoi el. 2t. LOST OfTESCflVT BROOCH Mf with Tennessee pearls somewhere on South Elm street. Finder will pkaae re turn to 400 Walker avenue. 13 2t UNREDEEMED PLEDGES. A big accumulation of unredeemed pledges of diamonds, watches and ail other jewelry. You do well to come to sea us. Liberal loam made on personal prop erf j. Huainei strictly eoafidential. A. W. KAPLAN OT. To the Cotton Farmers Who Wish the Best. We wish to Invite your attention to the importance of planting the beat seed, it is one of the Foundations to successful Farming. We hare a limited amount of "SIMPKIHS' PROLIFIC C0TT0H SEED." on hand, which we quote you at $1.00 f. o. b. Kaleigh. Ijrt us book Tour or der now for future delivery. Write lor testimonials if you do not know of its merits. Otu book. "HOW TO GROW TWO BALES OF COTTON PER CAPE" will be sent upon applica tion. Reference: Any bank or busi ness house in Rsleigh. W. A. SIMPKIHS, RALEIGH. N. C. Orifinator and Introducer af "Sinjpkini' Prolific Cotton Seed." Trial Battle 10 CIl EPnctrrfl immetiiatbly REMOVra THK t AIJSE. eiieve. Innises'inn. Pain. SBO. RcKtilsr 1B" 26e We st uruxsmt. DR. J. W. (jRIFFITH Dentist - Pcitofiice. over r.srdner's Druu plilt flore Phone 736. . !)r. Charles li JVVoore SURGEON AND PHYSICLAN. BENBOW ARCADE. nfTce hours: Lntil 10 a. ra ; t ta 1 7 to a p. m. 1 lephonet: Office, retldence. 1064. - Feel (PN Bad fflfffl h Oan't tafnkr Cot sf hed or in It schf" JbLjJri H,CK5K?M2 I yyin uquid I J J V One of he best eMuii.ped schools ln the teatk. TfTK tAKOEST. The strongeit faealtr. MOKK GkUDUATES Di KkSITlONS than all aUsr buaiBeaa achools in the State. BOOKKEEPING, SHOKiHANU gad NO LISH. Write for HaeilaoBie Cstalctiua. Add rest, KINGS' BUSINESS COLLEGE, Sahngk, N. C, ar Ouuletta, R. C ' l also men nooKKeepmg, rVnd for Home Study Circular. CATALOG B. N. DUXT, Praeideat. r. U rUU-EB, riot PrasMaat. THE FIDELITY BANK DURHAM, N. C Capital and Surplus $450,000.00 LARGEST SURPLUS OP ANY BANK IN NORTH CAROLINA mm fs (PiSy '. iii r,-N" express PURE N. . I Ma. eafi Mm tted. atrr wtil ak trr tnlst W ua st sar trke. urttUirS n PURE N cta..B. Uetael vtterr akteVw tnl4 st st tl sat staa. treikhAi lot Proof I asHcnis for 44 n. Is eheipMr that erehMtr vtOAv .1 ena t.n Us trlre, De'l at eentlnd fcr tllurinf -. ettM. kM Mr a Mr trhs. mt tn 144 PMel. riae K. C. Wbuter bmm ta. wetuuiy si IVIiofwMte JVatoa. mi Prmpald 2 Full Gallon a oaaa somim $4.23 3-OallonKoo 6.00 4 1-2'Gallon Keg 9.00 12 Full Quart Bottlma .... 7.00 to ml ICS rroof WhlBkv. fuBntfrt dntto th fltreMtk sf ttr wvirr bltaeS ud ouapuat1a Sal4 kf avmall MtMUr with Stvtf Smss CwflU Bdtld. OUH sj u A RA MTI E Wltcs ysa . aerhikl.t IN Ptm Wilrtct. try H. mmi If .at like It ntttrm nmn4t to s aa. M will rtfti.a twy ailsr M Ml. HI. kf FIH t NOES AtUatta Ntttwml Writ HB Rt mm, u Umwm raw THE Morchison National BANK Wttmingtoa, H. C CAPITAL SUBPLUS otvoo Largest aad ttrongeat bank ia this section. syraaa srtiMia. sua m w tamr l rxtalMt. 1 a , Na. H. L. SPRINKLE DISTILLINQ CO. J . JAftltainMtflLi m f LAV, ta j JUNK and HIDES!! Four Quarts for $3.20 We bay all kinds of Junk and Hides. , Iron, liuiiber and Metal. I We also have for sale all kinds of parts fur mschinery, alto shafting, pul ii, Belting etc Southern Junk & Hide I Company !ffTiice and warehouse S. Dsvie. I Iron vard, McAdoo ave,, near the R. R. ! traek.' j Do You Want to Move? Hove yon any drayingf How about your freight? Any heavy hauling? We pack and crate furniture for shipping. Movvery arid Poole 211 S. Davie St Phone SIS MUSIC STUDIO VIOLIN AND PIANO Mitt Pbyllii Woodtll. Boutbern Life and Trust Building A Schee Wlta t 7 Reuuutioi for Joint U1B Grad Work Miorthtad, framanshia, ate., by OK ?20UXST. JOHN P. WILT. Caaalst. B. W. MINOR. Aaat, Cbwhlar. A THE McADOO, GREENSBORO. N. Z A Strictly First-Clasi Hotel Ths Past Thras Yeari tba Moat Buocattiul la Hut err al lit Caiiteaci ta.-s. t. i i. M prlca ara Biihtacl to SttftSfla ! 0. lo a claw sll to ktrM. ito purity aad bcJIow flavor have maoW il a favome with people who ksow quality, let us red you a case by express, we pay the chsnjei. C This Whiskey it guaraateed aader the Nstioaal Puts Food Law, aad your order will be thjpped by fast sxprew id a pUia pscksge. & Rem P. O. er Ext Moaey OraW. Reriaami Lettat at Cenasd Check, wra for complete pnee hsL Southern Distilling Co.; TBI OUAUTY HOUSi." NORFOLK, VIRGINIA. V. Shoe Repairing Our wagon mils Tor and dell vera ywir hoes free of chargf. If jour sboea need repairing pbonn 242 Thompson Shoe Repairing Shop no W MARKET ST. Clem C. Wright A TT0R1VB Y-A T-LAW. N" Elm 8t Opposite Orurihouse F.A. WESTON ARCHITECT 407-8-9 McAdoe Offios Bsildix Phone, jea T. O. 0ox, 7jj, eUENSSOSO. H. C i - ti.hjsxi to siftswa we Skip I 1

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