mm mm n be be esaexiaal eethew lor AvPS Nk N)r"--r-- k r e 1V,rfKr r" luMikH urn ths twr If . 11 snakinc mm ttt,Hkl tkn eere- I J TWO EMBROIDERY HANDKERCHIEF BORDERS Y S 75? f? 0 )) wUy PdM aatla atltak. U I (fa Z Tha Baas w4ra tha laaartloa aad baas v j DRAWN BY V. )) I PNlQ rj, SARAH HALE HUNTER 3 If I D J sr a av HEK using this printed da alga from ths paper tba dlrsetlena ara JO J v L No r atterns a IAT m ro..ow.;- Y (7 x" fr C If the material used ta very ihw, the easiest way U ta lay V V J II V ever tha deelgn. which will shew through plainly, and draw over each A J J V I QT I mCSG (L lm wttb hard, aharp panetl. If ?our llnaa la laaTy buy a ptaoa af Impraaalon pajar, tba kind that 40aa not rub off, lay H on your matarlai, J J if Cr af piaoa tba daalfn ovir it and traoa with a hard panetl. Tom will find tba da- V If OfSiCnS AFC "1,B nmU' tranafarrad and raadf to ba ambroldarad. CtC ji 1 S fr In tranafarrlnc a dcaln whon only ona part la trlratx, fold jour Unas J J av n tnat tn two rtrht aidea ooma toatbar. Batwaan thaaa two aldaa Inaart NVw Jc w J A Xlljhlf1 ll two ahaaU of Impraaalon papar. piaolaa; tha wrong aldaa ol papar towarda NfiX J) II ' rr rWcllldUIC athor, than plaea your daalcn an tha foldad matarlal and draw aaob ( Jl VV C7 y v . Una (Irmly wltb a hard, aharp panolL Too will And that batk aldaa af ClA 2c 0 W tha daalfn ara produoad on tha llnan. wfv w f (l . J' Tha aoallopa of tha handkarcblafaahould a rat ba naddad and than work- flw I J Vr S "V l" K 1 1 1 r MiHiiMiniiiinnH"""IH,M a r a x a. 1 fl i - T V J T CC ad rloaaly In tha buttonhola alltrb. Tha flowara and laavaa ara dona la I f MV Ifi ll A a A . - h tha aolld aatln atltob with tha dota aa ayalata, and tha atatna In tha autllna V f 0 liv' rr ahould ka taken In tha daalfn wltb tha aapnrata apraya that tba J V V (V3 ''" ", ,,,m , , " f Tt cantral apray ahould only ba raproducad ono. whan tha atampln, to dona. A" 1 V J) (( jb '" rM'; ' ,h ".' Marcarlaad cotton No H. will ba aui.aW. for tha ambroldy. wbloh 1 s J I w"Jl " " wllh ,. V, .hould ba dona on h.ndkarchlaf linen. 7lO K aim ahould ba wurkail aulld, wllh tlia I YN ar k hn..t. f tha IIimmi nulla laxa- r f ' J 11 T) Miss Hunter's Correspondence v0 OU-t If Hall fur favix-r work will not tHttllltHult Lu im JL In Uil- way Tak Uvrr fork ant) infl the lik or wool round a to quit ndhsr th poiau lu lu tln.M, aaoorO' tAf t tii ! ULMft. rfKUlrtl. Aftar IhU, tl Uglitl with strung atrlnc. Yf tnrtli.g tt ttwrii ttkC Hum u Ui faiii And a round tha alik or utl Slip ll from tha furk arid trim amooltily Into hap. Baby 'a Coat Cap. T Mi ti a t : 1 win ur to tba Aaalm fur a bair ooat oaa bafora vacr loBdl In tha pattam rou wtata, wit a eoronavtlmi bi-aiil I ain flad tha da ala-u yoa hava war k ad pleaaad yoi aw ftiuoa. Flnouahton. Prmnoaa -A nural UtUa hanainc pJn cuahlon la ona atiapad Ilka a drum aAl corarad with Hfhl flowarad ribbon. It ia niada thraa and ona-hail inobaa 1n UlamMnr Tha llAM aiW COVrtd Wlttl a band of pink or pai blua aatla rib bom, to whloh mail aafatj P,n raatartad at raciHar Intarraie. Two braaa rlna, rnvrifd Hli nk to match tha ribbon and butt"nii"Kit . aia arwod to tha ti'P. and thr-ufc-li them pawa a piaca (f 1 1) Mti In rib bun to htuif lha imahlon t'V Ui-dlnary p1ia. and ala fancr b.Kd onfa. may Ua atiick tnl aoh iHda af tar an paalMa. and at r ular 1nt-rvtiti t H a tuft ad ayoar anra to the iuhii. BMfhoard Oorar. To Mr W. USA dealgn In Wai lachlan anini.ldary for a aid board covtr Waa puWwIuMl -Mi.a tlma agu I am urry "u laJiad to it. a I cairnut mm an'lltr f-r an tlma yat 1 apprcit rv ii ii'h ir kiud wordi bot tha da-lgi-a Tabladctba. Mr. M I- ' ' Tba lPtt for a labia dot ara uauaJly f-jr ln.-i in bright aAd for iha napktna two In. I.aa Thaaa sauna lattcra may aiao fOT towala. working than. ut aollrt or Wttb twa rows of chain it itch, ftllod tn batvara with atwd atitrh Thar ta Httla, If any. chang-a 'n th potion rt tba amhmldfM-ad larara 'n tha labla dotb Tha baat way la to p aoa lham Wbr thay will not Intarfar with tha tabl ario1ntmnta Tha tnlt'ala on tha mapkln ara plaad In ona and. faring Ota awrnar. so when tha napkin 1a fold ad tba lttara will c- nl Juil u Uf n fkar C tha foldad part- Battoiibolad Kdf. ICaa C. U-;- Tha buitonboiad aga U gmn oa th Inaida of th flg-ura. and tba matarlal Is t ba mil out batwaan Thar la no paaal t g with tha wat.t 4lra- Moa7 Bag. To Maria. A money ba t uia whin trmTallog- la quit aa naoaaaary aa on pUr to carry tr monay in, and to otmai It aabout ot.'a p-raon m.a tan b mada atmliar to a apong caa. ni-rut four Inch wlda uatng whtta or tan llnan, and ambroldartng th frot.t with a tmyl daalrn or tha lnltlaia Tba front and bark can b buttonbolart togwUiar plain, or In anjaJl acailopa. with a fUp In front, fatanM with a paarl button and loop. Th cha.uo la lining la mad paratly to alip ta and out. a" tha oa can b laimdwrod A ribbon or Uch waiyTrit rha n 1 attabad to th) baff to ba v-ro around tha D-k wttan tn oaa Cntarpiw. T kfl'drH! Art a rdjntTlac o up on t'-a ..hrajy or dtnlng room tabla la on of in Vnn. tnty-fwir tab or larger In d' w ih a rtbr b'!1 C w'id car'oti up:n .,,(1 rlo.a toflhr lha A w'lli ( luny lara tha celor ut Ua llnrn grS ) . f - 7P 1 1 Linan Bho. Joan l Mqua or llrin ihoaa for tha rili il.lld ara cool. comfortata and t maka 'I hay owiiattt of two parts aola and up par Tiny pink flowara and givan laava, or all whtta flowara, ara worked ftcruow tha toa. Tha adgaa ar btittonhalari antlraly around with pink or whtta silk .'Ink or whtta aailn ribbon la uaad at th auk la fur tlaa oi a stray of tha ma'r1al and button -an b uaad Aftr tha inbnildrry la flnlwliad tha lat-k la a wad togathar and Jolnad tj tt.a lull Ttky can t.a takan apart aaatly to ba laundrd Baby's Dreas. Mrs J A C, : A vary praMv draa ( rmir baty can h mada of fine nainsook with tha round yoka. dacorated wltn thraa nwi of antwlnad r1ns;ii "f faathr stttchlt with fluftara r fit. a hanr1 run Htka batwaan Th ahtrt mada with a plain ham, ahova wMrh ar cluslora of tgeka In two mwa. with tha ambroldarad ring of faathar atltnhlrig batwaati The rtnga may b made by using a amatl ep-ol or htitt'n and n-at k lrg tham llrhtly arnund tn nnct. A With the Introd'n i ton f,f 1 1 a lirett y enatoni of using no table cloth at break fatal and liimheon, and slftu nl Run day evening taa, roiuae tr. derh for dainty and practical df i m -..r n and dotltae to ! iln,-a.1 on the l.t airfaca of tha dtnltig lahle Tha dire-tlona f'r making ahown in tie Uluatration lo-ltv. mai b varied to eult the r,lrmeni of tba maker, by lnoraaalng or decreaalng A pralty Ida for a rnterp1e-e Is gwlned by making it of 'h mat of tha alaa shown, and Joining them bv a simple wheei c-Oi'het White crochet eot ton o and a steal cro. ht bock No war used In making this dolly i"h means chain, a c. means elngla crochet. Ch -. Join U a ring First Row -Ch 1. make 1 a a tn the ring. Join by Ineert tng hoh In front loop of ch 1. mada at bearlnntng of row and draw thread through both loops on book. This make a slip stitch. Bernnd Row Ch. 1 turn, uaing back lop at top of stltcn in prevlo'ie row, make 1 a a la all a etitch Juan ruada X widen, by maklAsT -a. e tn nart stltoh, rraka 1 a ta next fcttt h Rapaat frora X Ending with 1 a r . Jcln as bfor Third Row -Ch. U ti:m Working as ba'ora maka lac tn each r-f first ? st'tche, X widen Is third alltch. 1 s c In each of ni stltrhee rt e p from X lr".:- c with 1 a r n ea of last I st.!'1! Join. Continue way, alwar ar Irg in t' f -r Sfltrh of widen it tn previous ro Thia gives rou THE NEWS, GREENSBORO, N. C. SUNDAY. MAT 1 3, tta diaaa madf with nuh datnt) huml work will not naod any lm a to add t1' fta haauty. n, vt a Ifttla adff around tha navk and slavia, oi a narrow ruffla of tha naiarlal harnstlt-'hrd and faatlifr alltchad will b (m.i ml ly an pratty. Tea Coty. F.laanor P An attraottv ta foiy 1 Ii put nvar a a.ft quilted lining la mada tn (- pnit-t of ' ii- hnan A gia'ad drilg;i of aliform prpperi la arrangfil to axtnid frttn tba towar left-hand oi -nr to tha rig'ht at I ha tips of tha roay Tha def(tn ahould h well pad tie. 1 and worked aolld A shield-hapd medal lion nitty ha wrkM In tha corner to hold tha Initials Th antlra edge I" A PRETTY ttf cb moro hrt v een the widening ri a. h .' iin e1va row ii ii Mht lias between ;!. idan!ngsi Thth fin Is-he tlia center Vi n ' sk-' tf'e ,i ertton without t if h anl using Imi h loops at THE i -I M tl Ii i . ,.tk : - I iii I lit Jm:,i ; ".t ii. c!i 1. skip : stilt lies. I il in t.h of tint 2 stit.hea. ch 3, sk'p 1 rtiii.-he-i. ; d c in nit stitch. . h. J l In aim Blto.-h TV, I m tiaiLaVai ahall f;SW1 1 m ii ? fill had with a small buttonhold aal lop and tha top 1 also a row of aya lela by which tha two part can ba la.ed together with narrow rlhbon or cord. Mad In thia way. It can aasfly he taken ap-rt 1o ! laundered The lin ing can simply ba basted lu the oiitaldt. VelTct. To Mrs F. C J :-Th nap of velvet ahould be very carefully rakaed by pla- -Ing a damp towel over a rather hot ttii and iaylhff tha piec of velvet al once upon thia. W'hll the steam la irotnir (hroiigh the vvlvet. hruah quickly with a aoft nail bruih, or a ram el a hair brush would ha better, in the direction tha. will raise th naa. The velvet shnutd he DOILY IN CROCHET Itepent from X. teltig areful t '' ii .-shell n( 4 tt n ea- h point n c-mtcr and one hulf way between the ixilnts. To do this. It tuay be m( emiri tt klp 1 fcllli li " avioim ly Instead of 1 nd Hi row ivtth ch. Z, fk'p 2 stitrh. a umt make 1 ! . In jointnic Mil' 'i ( prcitnm rou. join In tUe loop il h Bt hegmning of imv Second Row Ch. i. make a. DOILY WHEN FINISHED restored by thia to almost Its original1 appearanca Byostoiing Lac. To Abigail Whan fine lac has become yellow from age and stained from greaae or dirt. It can ba rstord to smoothness and softrveaa, first by soak ing It for several hours and if In rery had condition for days. In good olive oil. after which It tan ba carefully washed In the uaual way. on a bottle, and left to dry. Gift for Shut-in. Lurll:- A lig-ht-welfc-hl oblong linen bag will make an acceptable gift for a "abut-In" who la able to do a little hand an-uiid ch. 2 in center of shell of prev ious row. X ch. 2, 1 h. c. around ch. 1. c h 2 and malic 1 d. c. in euch of next 2 d. c , h 2, 1 a. c. around ch. I, ch. 2. make 1' d c In renter of shell, rh. I, 2 ii -. in aame place. Itepeat from X end litr wilh ch l ii c. in center nf first hhrll. Join as het're Third How- f'ti. 3, njake ; d c around rh 2 of shrll In preiona mw. X eh. 8. d. c. In each of nxt 2 d. c., ch. I, 4 work. A bag about twelve Inch as long and six or alg-fat wide will ba of uf flelent air, oblong- tn ahapa. with cfr cular and. A dslg-n of yta may b uaod, worked with either whit or pink m broidery cotton. It can b lined with pink lawn or sataao and bound togthr wltb fin white tap or bias folda of the pink lining. Th two circular ends ar owed In plac and pink ribbon fastened on for a hand!, with a small loop and pearl button by wbloh It ta fastened. 1 uriLiznro skaix Kdipxuri A young- hou ksapai waa pras anted by an old fash ion ad fiiand with a doaan napktna of equ1sitIy fin llnan, but of d c In canter nf nrxt shall Repeat from X. ending with ch. tide In center of flrat alien, join. Thia completaa tha In aertlnn. Still working on right aide, uaing back loop at top of etitch only, maka 1 a c In each atltch. alwavi widening In c-n-tr if corner ehell. There ahould be t3 atltchea between tha wldenlnga In thia row. Join. ch. l. turn. Work 4 rowa more. In aama manner aa er waa made. Now. maka another row of Inaertton. aklpplng I atltchea in the foundation, h-tween the ahell and 2 A c In the flrat row. There ahould be 1 ihell. hctw.,,,n .e mrn,r . In tn lent row, rh , between the .hell and I d. c. Wake another band of ribbing, like that aftr flrat Inaertlon To make the lace, ualng both loona at 'op of etitch. ch. I. i d c. In each of next ( atltchc, x ch. 4. ekip . make 1 a. o. In each of neit 7 atltchea. ch. 4. aklp I. l d P n fK, o( ,xt 7 wltcBea Repeat from X to end of row. Join. Second Row-Ch. 4. make 1 d. e.. ch. 1 In each of next d. c of prevloua row. X after laat d. c . ch. 4. aklp l a. c. maka l a. c. In each of next i a c, aklp 1 a. c , ch. 4. make 1 d. c. ch. l. In each of next 7 d a. Repeat from X. ending with ch 4. Join. Third Rowrh. I. make l d. c . ch. 1 In each of next d. c. of prevloua row. X after laat d e., ch 4. aklp i a e.. make lac In each of next lac., aklp 1 a. c. h 4. make 1 d e.. ch I in each of next 7 d e. Repeat from X, ending with ch 4. Jo Ponrth Row-Ch . make 1 d , ch i in each of next a d r f Pre-loua after last d c . rh 6, make 1 a e. In center of J a c. of prerlona row. eh. i. make 1 d. c , ch J In each of next 7 d c Hcpeat from X. ending with ch Join. rinlh with pirot edre by making la. r. between Joining and first d. c . ch. S. put hook eid.wlee through fourth ch. from hook, draw up a loop, thread over hook, draw through both luope on hook. make 1 a. c. brtneon next ; d. c. Kepeat from X acroa ahell. make 1 e. h 5. then ch. I. skip over l . c. make 1 a c. on next ch 5. then ch. &, make ploot. aa before, i a. r between next 2 d. . Repeat from flrat X around edge. To make the larger aire, begin ivnl as In email doyly, make is riba In the center, and 314 ribs In the bands after the inrtion. instead of otherwise work exactly the aama 4. Economy aa well aa beauty, la to be found In the wblte cotton frock for romping children, it aoila aoarcety mora ; easily than delicate colors, does not fade and Ink epota are easily removed. jcia tha napktna ara aa rowa chain atltob dona la whita aaar. carlaad ootton In a heavy number. Thaaa oorara hava no afnbnadaty ta wear out and look wall eaok Oaaa tbay ara laundarad. TO SAVB TXA TOWZXS Tea towala weald last thraa tbavaa aa loiiar and look maoh whiter aad aaalar during thatr Ufetlma If thar waaa aot uaed aa llftara. "PanOolana, alevenly habttr aara tka neat housekeeper. Partiapa. bat m that la aoaunon praadea whila linatli ara hot and flnaara aenaltlTa. Ona hauaakaepar baa brojcea bar of thia habit by providing a lifter that la alwaya ta erldenoa ' It la Beaded. ha makee aa atgltUtnoh aaraara at aav. aral thlcknaaaaa ef old Ua avwaUngi ka which aha allpa a layar of papar or a thlckneaa af edgea ara turned In. atltob ad. and ta ona corner la faatanad a Ion tape wllh buttonhola at other and. Hy meana of buttonhola, tha can be fastened to button of aprat and tha nrter kept la apron pocket until needed. F0II THE CAB.D TAILS Where carda are played fraanMrtTy. almost every woman owns ana at tha rmdlng square tables, whose tops ara covered with green felt or leataar. Thaaa ran easily be put out of sight, when not In use. Whan In use, these tables ara aoveeed with white tops or tabla 00 vera ta pro tect the dreaaea o? tba players. Thia la particularly Important In cities where there are no amoka rsetrlotloaa. A new treatment for tha tops la to remove the screws and oover the fait with a square of brocade, ta match the hangings and upholstery Jo the drawing room. This makee a dainty and attractive labia at amall coat. Aa thar are aat difficult to cover, tha tape may ba re newed often. It there ara aa remnants to match tha furnishings, odd pleoea of brocade or silk in auurmoetlalng eol -ora are ohosen. In msny bouss furnishing stares at thia aeason of. tha year ramnaata are sold to make up Into sofa pillows for Chrtatmaa. These places can ba utilised for table topa. I .aat year a number af card tables were given at Chrlatmaa. If treated In the manner deecrlbed. It will add greatly to their appearance. WHEN MA KINO A VAXA1T0S The chief difficulty In making a val ance, so much In favor for old-fashioned beds, la to keep it In place without put ting ta'-ks Into the furniture, or hav Inr It on narrow strips, that pull out from under tha mattress. One woman haa hit upon the plan cf havlne- heavy unbleached eheetlng cut just the aire of the bed, or a little within the Una of tha aidea. This sheet ing la shrunk before being used The valance la aewed to it on earn side, and acrosa the end If the bed la a four poster. The cover Is then apreaj over the springs and under the maltreat which holds It firmly In plana. If tba valance la of tlun material that needs frequent waph'.rg It Is a good Idea to put the valance Into a narrow band, provided with button holes at tntervmla close enough to prevent tagging. Btrt tona are aewed to the sheeting in places to correspond.