GKEENSBOBO DA1LT NEWS. SUNDAT. MAT 15, 1910 8 AT THE CHURCHES gene and raftnemeot, and worthy of th EVENTS Or THE WEEK M wt cnw u waie they are aad so patnotieally engaged. uid above, the mum of the day war appropriate aad beautiful Farat Bef armed: West Lee and Spring , at 4 a. m. Senior Endeavor at 1J0 a. lead heart tour Inns aad street. The Kev. Siuford Feeler, pas- ( at. Evening service at a p. at. Profeeaor The iarooaUoa to the three ef grace nweoay iciiM at a. ai. - i jsy, 01 ouiltocd tJellcge, will pnvl et ! by that eloquent praaeaer, taa popular by th paator at 11 a. at Text: Christina Endeavor aoci- ety at tJO p. at. Sermon by tSa paator ai a p. aa. DBojaat: ! Jasue la. Public aad strangers most aardially in vited. Buffsle Preebyteriaa : Xortb ef eity, aaar White Oat TV. Her. J. W. Ceod u, paator. Sabbath school at 10.30 a. a. Preaching at 11.30 a. m. by the pea tar. Public cordially invited. Orietiea: Walker avenue. The Rev. J. W. Bolton, paator. Sunday school at SO a. at At 11 a. the Bar. Mr. Mc Cord, of Japan, a returned Busaionary, will dalirar aa address en mission work ia Japan. At 7 p. as. the Y. P. 8. Ol E. will reorganise. Praaehing at p. m. Graaa M. Pi The Bar. T. J. Ogbum, faster. Sunday aehool at Lit a. at. Preaching aernee at 11 a. at. and p. m. Subject of morning aennoa: "The Old Time Religion;'" for the evening eermoa, . The Lore and Service Pleaalng to Friends: Corner Aakbara aad Lea street, The Rev. Stephen kfyriek, paa tor. Bnaday school at 45 a. en. Morn ing perries at 11 a. m. Union EndeaTor Loth morning and evening service. For fat Are. Baptists Praaehing at 11 a. at. by the Kev. Dr. Edmund Han eon. "Sanitary Sunday" will be ob served at the eveaing ai i ha, T.4 p. nv, aad the aarsioaa will be conducted by Dr. i. T. i. Battle aad Ur. Ueorge Hor maa. Sunday aehool at (.10 a. aa. A cordial welcome to alL More nan: Kaat Lee, taetweea Arling ton aad Aehboro streets. The "Ka. Charlea Wenhold, paator. Sunday aehool at l it a. a. Regular praaehuig sor vioes at 11 a. as. and p. m. Chureh af the Covenant ( Preebyte rian)i Corner Walker avewoe and Men denhall atreet. The Rev. R. Murphy Williame, paator. Sunday aekool at l.4 a. nv Preaching at 11 a. m. and t a. m. by the paator. The Covenantee neaet ai 4 p. bl The public ia cordially in. vHed la attcad theme aerriaea. Caatonary Mathodiati The Re. IX M. Li taker, paator. Sunder aehool at 4ft. a. aa. Preaching at 11 o'clock. The church will be eloeed at night, tha con gregation attending eervice at O. F. col- MEMORIAL DAY REFLECTIONS (By Henry Blount) Tueeday, May 10, waa Memorial day, aad H waa fittingly and beautifully ob aarvad all aver tha atata, for it waa the aacrad anniversary of an event still dripping with tha teardrope of an over whelming sorrow and bereavement, and around which tha iry of tsaderest feel ing! will ever eluetcr, for 47 years ago aa idolised military ohieftain; in the heat of that delirium that presagee death, gave sis laat command, "Lot us arose aver the river and rest under the ahade of the trees," and the epirit of Stonewall Jackson found reet on the "parade ground' of eternity. And the lOtk of Hay haa been niched In the e thedral of time, and wreathed with the fadalcaa flowers of tendereet and holiest memories. And upon the return of sarin:, whan Mav fille her vase for low's annual offering, noble and patriotic women ana pure ana lovely maidens gather the rarest and sweetest flowers aad pleas tkem open those aacred mounds where boried heroes are eleep- tngl and all aver North Carolina on Tueeday, from the Bend-wrapped coast of tha Atlantic, where tha splashing of tha billows, Ilka tke merry-hearted laughter of joyous children, freeh from tha repoee of inoeent dreamland, awakea the sunbeams of morn, and makee them klae the dewdropa trembling in the pet als af the flowers, to the grand old mountains whose rugged and awe wrapped peaks apeak in the unayllabled eloquence af their wordlsea rhetoric of the gorgeous and glorious and match laaa workmanship of Ood yea, all over ia hallowed day waa aaeradly ohaarved, and eloquent aad heart-touch' ing tribute v re paid to tha valor and tna patriotism ol thoee letterless mar tyra who passed from tha fire-fringed linea of battle to tha ever blooming fie era in the paradise of Ood. And e those scenes of heroism and daring, elo quence could well areet It stateliest col umna. Oratory could well unklndle its moat thrilling fljunlnge af warmeat dramatic fires, poesy eould well entwine its rarest and sweetest flowers t music could well attune ita aublimeat aad no blest strains; for aa the story of their deeda go flowing out oa the stream of time, romance and fiction, listening to ineir granaeur ana aitoiimeer natea, win turn sadly away from the strains their own sweet karpa are making, aad will droop their heads and blush when they era, made to eoafeaa that all of thie ia history, whoee every page ia radiant and glistening with' aoenea of daring and heroism more brilliant than those over which the troubadour anea tamed hie murmuring lute, and baptised their glories in the ripple of aoag. And it waa a great pleasure and a vary high honor to us to be permitted to par ticipate in the beautiful and impreeaive eerrioea held ia Wis ton oa Tueeday, and under the auspicea af tha Hertford county chapter, United Daughters af the Confederacy, so tactfully aad aa grace fully presided over by ita noble and pa triotic president, the queenly looking and regal bearing Mrs. koaewell Cartel Bridger, aa flna a type of womanhood aa ever graced humanity. And the chapter ia oompoaod of ladies of eultare and ale- "Comparisons" You will always find something new and attractive in House furnishings at bargain prices in our display. Every feature of the House is studied and the best for the money that the country can produce in the various lines is our aim. Quality, Style, Good Workmanship, Relia ble Goods and prices. Every article adver tised will be found ex actly as described. Our display of Daven ports has no equal in the state. Mr. Sherwood, waa very felicitous and moat Ittinc. The Introductory apeeca by that wullet-ecarred veteran, tha brave and ehivalroua Capt, W. H. Boom, waa kedead a ataoag and eloquent effort and showed a fluent aad vigorowa epeeker. Ilia epkmdid remarks made profound impreaaiea, and stamped aa a man of truaat worth and af higacat standard of honor, and with tha warmeat throb bing of loftiest patriotism. The re marks ef Judge Bhaw were very fine and moat beautifully appropriate. His apostrophe to flowers waa a sparkling gem of rareet brilliancy, and was as ax quieite aad as beantiful as the tinting of tha roee, and aa sweet aa tha odors ef ita fragrant petals breath. And right here we aay wa never neat a mora polished gentleman, aad true gallantry will never be counted among tha "lost arte" aa long as Judge 6hew lives. The mus is and the aonc and recitations were all appropriate aad gave to the occasion the higbeat fountain of enjoyment. We regret we have not the names of thoae who made thia One contribution to Ins Interesting exercises and crowned them with such eueeeee. The benediction waa pronounced by that profound acnolar aad higktoned Christian gentleman, PrefrMor Britten, tha able euperinteadent of the graded aehool, and who ia aa honor to the amuse of education. And while in Wlntoa wa ate tha rich fruitcake of eamptuoua enjoyment and sipped the rubieet wince o( exkllarating delight for our stay waa in the eoiy and comfortable home of "that crowned prince of good fellw" tha handsome and big hearted and big-brained Roewell 0. Hridger our ideal ef truest aaajmaod In ita grand eat development, for he seems ta have all tha virtue that give to man hood Ita highest charm and noblest worth. Wa have never met a more af fable, a more charming, a more delight ful gentleman, aad he make his horns a precious ehrine of genuine hospitality, aad his noble wife reigns over that home with the grace aad dignity of a queen. and attunea the chord on the harp of married Itfe to the aweeteet strains of conjugal felicity. And last, but not least, in that enchanting home circle are two STATE CAPIAi. SOCIETY (Special to Daily News.) Raleigh, May 14. Mrs. A. a Andrew. tear starting. I vire-rrgvnt oa the part ef North Oara raa ai moa ,ur tfte Mount Vemoa Memorial aa- sociatioB, has gone to Mount Vemoa for ah annual meeting of the naaeciatton, which ha apacial charge ef tha work of preserving and maintaiaiag the aid WaEingtoa hoaae, ao dear to all patri ot is Americana. Raleigh waa repreeeated thia week at the state meeting ef the Kings' Daugh ter ia Rockingham by hire. f. L HoUo way, Mr. U. W. Gemett, Mr. W. O. Allen, Mrs. George U Wamble, Mrs. i.nariee V. Mama, and huee Mary n rinse. Miss Fearl Heck entertained at aarde Friday evening. There were eirfat tables. A variety ef unique hand painted souv enirs were aietnbvtes. it was ana of Ohe most delightful card parties given in Raleigh this season. The Tueeday After own ehih waa de lightfully entertained tha week by Mr. R. a John, the meeting being ea Wed nesday afternoon en aeeount af tha Memorial day exercua. There waa a little aparkling sunbeams of hamanity that give to that sweet home eueh a halo of radiance Master Robert, a young hoy of brilliant promiae, for h already ahows the flnret mental force and under the admirable training of his noble father and mother he will have a splendid deetiny. Aad little Mary, pretty as a rose, pure ss a dewdrop and sweet aa the odor of new mown har, seems like a purs little angel humanized, ana put in Ber beautiful form, lor a love tier child never lived aa all taa earth Acid now ends a poor notice of n delight ful aoioura ia a songful eaaia In th des ert of life. A. ft M. COMMENCEMENT Exercises Begin Next Snodaj and Last Tbroogb Ttmrsdaj. The program for the commence meet eiereisea of the Negro Agricultural and Mechanical college, which begins Sun day, May 22, and conclude Thursday of that week, ahows that th event this year will be a repetition of the pleaa lng exercises that always mark th clos ing of the aeolastie year. The students and faculty have unusual cause for gratification ,n securing the Rev. U J. Coppin, bishop of the North Carolina A. M. K. eon fere nee, to de liver the baccalaureate sermon, and Clar enoa H. Poe, editor of the Progressive Farmer, to deliver the commencement address. During th four days of the com mencement the program Is full of inter esting events end the student body as wall as hundred of friends of th college anxiously await tha opening en next Sunday. The complete program, as arranged, is aa follows: Sunday, May 22, 11 a. m. Baccalaure ate sermon by the Rt. Rev. L. J. Cop pin, D. D., LL D., presiding bishop of the North Caroline A M. E. conference. Monday, May 21, i p. m. Anniver sary Agricultural society. Annual ad -drees by Prof. A L. Mebane, B. Agr., di rector Agricultural department Normal and Industrial Institute, Frankfort, Ky. Tueeday, May , I p. m. Anniver sary Mechanical society. Annual ad drees by Prof. John ft. Greene, B. 8., principal Willutea graded school, Wil mington, N. C. Wednesday. May W. p. m. Indus trial program. Drama, "How Shall I Go Up to My Father?" by Mrs. James H. uudief. . Thursday. May M, t p. m. Com mencement address by Clarence B. Poe. editor Progressive Farmer, Raleigh, X. Thuradev. Mav trt, I p. m. Alumni anniversary and banquet. The public is osrdially invited to all publio exerciees. DURHAM OFFICER SHOT AND KILLED A NEGRO ' Durham, Jlay 14. Officer W. A. CWbb tonight shot and instantly killed Tom Hswkins, a negro, in a duel in the negro settlement here. Sergeant Pendergrasa and Cbbb were raiding a crap game whea a negro woman yelled to the players upstairs, "Police men in th houee," whereupon all raa, one getting away from the officer. paper of special interest read to the club by Mrs. J. Y. Joyoer oa "The Bong of Ho land." Thia was followed by a read ing of O Hagln s translation of "Th Kong of Roland." ey Mrs. J. 8. Wynne. There was also a discussion of famoda swords by Mr. W. H. Crawford. Mrs. Joha provided special entertainment that was especially pleasing. Special interest waa taken her in th marriage of Harry Latta, chief clerk and bookkeeper of tha Yarhorough hotel, this city, aad Mies Louise Price, of Wllnriag ten, in that eity Tuesday. Miss Price has visited here often aad will ba heart ily welcomed here as Mrs. Lett. The marriage waa ia St. Thomas' Pro Cash dral, Wilmington, by the Rev. Father Price, ef Raleigh, uncle of the bride, as sisted by Father Dennea, rector of Rt. Thomas Mr. and Mr. lattta are now ia Aahevills for their honeymoon. Mr. Ittt la a nephew of Howell Cobb, pro prirtor of the V arbor ough. Thursday afternoon Mrs. Oraham An drews waa hosteas for the Over th Tea cup club, according th young ladies who comprise Ita membeiwhfp one of the moat delightful afternoons they have pent together thia season. The Kentneaa Book club met Thurs day afternoon with Mies Susie MePheet- ers, a literary program of special inter est and unique entertainment provided ny l ne cnarming Bootees blending la a see eon of special eajoyment aad profit. I he faeultv of Peace Institute were at home to friends Fridav afternoon from 4 80 to 6 oetoek. There were many delighted caller. Mrs. Joaeph O. Move, of Greenville, and Mr. William Spicer, Goldnboro, were the gueets of honor for a reception Fri day afternoon that ranks as on of the muat brilliant social events of the kind that haa been given here this sea son. Rosea, pennies, aweat peas, emllal aad palms blended In decorations that were especially pleaalng and tasteful. The apartment were resonant with ape vla orchestral music. There waa a con stant stream of callers during tha after noon, there having been ever 100 invita tions iasned. At the door to receive the carda were little Mlases Annie Kitchin and Mary Gold, the guests being ushered into the drawing room by Mrs. K IJ. w. Connor and Mrs. Charles McKlmmon. In tha receiving line with Mrs. Ooid and the guests of honor were Mrs. W. W. Kitchin, Mrs. Albert Anderson. Mr. John Andrews. Mrs. W. D. Drake, Mrs. Julian Tlmberlake, Mr. C 0. Latta, Mr. M. T. Norrie, Mra. Kenney, Mrs. Henry Mtchford, Mrs. Murray Allen, Mrs. P. D. Gold, and Miaae Annie Mo- Kimmon, Klirabeth Thompeoa, Mary Ay- oock and Miss rvitcmn. Mra. Joaephns Daniels waa hostess Monday afternoon for the ladies of the Jnhneon-Pettigrew chapter Daughter of the Uonlederary, with Mra. K. K. Hot fttt, now of Richmond, and Mrs. Fannie Ransom William, of Newton, president of the North Caroline division, T'nlted Daughters of the Confederaev, as spe cial guests of honor, both thee, well known Indies being her for the Memo rial day eelehratioa, whea Mrs. Moflitt delivered the address the presentation of a handsome memorial arch by ttie Daughters of th Confederacy to tha Ladies' Memorial association There waa a business session of the chapter In addition to the delightful social feature of entertainment provided bv Mrs. Dsn icls. A committee consisting of Miss Daisv Denson, Miss Km ma Taylor, and Miss Dixie Leach era appointed to pre pare for the fitting celebration of Jcf feraon Dsvis' birthday. Out-of-town Moore's OPEN Springs Motel FOR GUESTS This popular hotel, with over fifty years of success, Is now open for the Summer months. The wide chain of recommendations of the leading physicians through out the South is an advertisement that no other hotel can claim. The new management has guaranteed better service and accommodations for its guests. The scenery Is unsurpassed. MOORE'S MINERAL SPRINGS Is situated in ths Sauratown Mountains, also in plain view of the Blus Ridge Mountains. If you are going to spend your vacation at the springs, MOORE'S SPRINGS is ths best place in North Carolina to spend it Moore's Mineral Water is shipped in crates of twelve half-gallon bottles, at 34.00 per crate, and in thirty gallon parraffine barrels at $5.00 per barrel, f. o. b. Rural Hall, N. C. Fishing, Bathing, Boating, Tennis, Bowling and Mountain Climbing is the amusement at this hotel. MOORE'S MINERAL WATER Leads All Others. MOORE'S SPRINGS HOT! WRITE FOR RATE AND BOOKLET MOORE'S SPRINGS, N. C - Uaa4tn U.mval nalma at A UVvjajl Vjba. JJVUUiaua awe ua v a , mws asa ferae beautified tha halls and parlor. The library was decorated with red rosea and ferae, while red lighta carried out the color Bahama, Fastoona of imilax were draped from the chandelier to the four corner of taa labia in tna aining room, while pink roses, sn mases, formed hha can tarn so. About 140 guest were present. TLJISONALS X. Wheatman and Earla Bolt, ef Oak Ridge, spent yestarday in the eity at tending the hall gam. Misses Katharine aad Julia Bogert neat yestarday afternoon in Winston Salem with friends. Mrs. T. Maxton, of Roanoke, Va, is visiting friends and relativea in th city. Mrs. W. B. Hill left yeeterdy for Lvncbbura. Va.. where she will spend several days visiting friends ana reia tivea. Missea Ella and Annie McGe have returned to their home In Knoxville, Tenn., after a visit to Mr. and Mra. L. T. Wilaon, oa Walker avenue. Miss May Watson Vaugha left yester day tor Charlottesville, where shs will spend a few weeks visiting friend and relativea, Prof. T. E. Whltaker, of Oak Ridge, and brother, W. P. Whitaker, of Dur ham, spent yesterday in the city on business. gueet for the meeting were Mr. Hector Mclean, lunnhurg; Mr. Kaiser, Rocky Mount, and Miss Kine Hodgea, Unden. Mrs. Z. P. Smith and the Misses King accorded many fnend a most enjoya ble at home Mondsy afternoon compli mentary to Mrs. J W. Yatce, of Wil mington, who waa their guest the past week. The decorations were mountain laurel, palm, ferns, rosea and festoons of smilax, the latter hanging from the chandelier to the corners of the table with a mass of pink rose forming sn rsprciallv lovely feature in the dining room. There were 150 gneete. Aesistlng in the entertainment were Mr. J. F. Ver rell, Mr. J. E. OTlonnell, Mrs. AJhert Baiiman, Mrs James O. Litcbford, Miss Florence Jones, Mr, lcirster, Miss Kate Harvey, Miss FHr Wynne, Miss Ethel Young and Miss Ebie Roberts. Rain Is.t Saturday necessitated the recall of Invitations thst had been issued to many friends here for a garden party by Mrs H. r. I.ttrhforn and Miss May Litctiford, much to the regret of those so fortunate as to hold invitations. Hawkins grew extremely insolent aad swore at the officers, taking a shotgun and covering Cobb, who dodged- render- HUNTIEY-STOCKTON-HILL CO. great ran to the other end of the house end Hawkine Bred oa aim, miasms aim, but burning the hair ef his hear), lie wh ins then rushed at Co bo, whs) drew a pistol aad fired into th negro's breast. The aoroner jury exonerated aim. Tha trouble occurred about 8 o'clock tonight. Moving for Pardon. Raleigh, May 14. The first movement for the perdna ef James Wilcox, mur derer of Nell Cropeey at Elisabeth Qty, DELIGHTFUL AT HOME. Mrs. C. C. Robbins has returned to her home in High Point, after a visit to her mother, Mrs. H. L. Holleman. Mra. Inrln Eldridge and baby have re turned from a visit to relativea in dutr- lotU. Chauncey Eldridge, of Danville, Va., is bare on a visit to his parenu, Mr. and Mrs. F. 8. Eldridge. Miss Mollie Barnes has returned to her horn in Dunn, after a visit to her sister, Mrs. 0. C Ford ham. P. F. Thompson, af Spray, was a business visitor in ths city yesterday. Mra. Will Coffin and aoa have return ed to their home In Ashboro, after a visit to Mrs. R. 0. Ridge. W. C. Hammond and E. C. Peace, of Aahboro, spent yesterday ia the city S. C, ia visiting frtsna and relatives in the city. Mr. and Mrs. J, 1. faoalas have gone to Henderson to attend the golden wed ding of Mrs. Scales' parenta, Mr. aad Mrs. Richard B. llendersoa. which will ba celebrated thia weak. S. a Routseka, who ooaxkmtod tha tuberculosis exhibit here some time ago, was a visitor ia ths eity yesterday. Mr. and Mrs. O. EubanVa, ef Chapel Hill, spent yesterday in tha city with friends aad relatives, Mra. Julian A, Turner and daughter, Mlases Sallia and Annie, are oa a visit to Mr. and Mrs. W. P. MAngum Turner la Wilmington. T. H. Miller, of Wllkeefcove, Is spending the day ia th eity with frUada aad rel ativea. Mrs. B. B. Davenport, af New Bern, and Mra. J. W. Yates, of Washington, are here oa a visit to A. O. Lyem, an wainman street. Oeorg H. Banner, ef W1nstoa-6Jsm, wss a business visitor ia tha city vss- teraay. Charters Dissolved aad Ortated. (Special to Dally Xewi.) Raleigh, May 14- Ta Clarendon Wa ter Works company, Wilmington, flies a certificate of dissolution, the affair of tha company having been wound up since the sale of the waterworks to th eity some months ago. Another dissolution Is for ths Eorysta Sporting Goods oompaay, Wina ton Ba le m. A charter Is Issued for th 01111am Patterson oompany. Liberty, Randolph county, oanital 128.000. bv W. T. OiU liam and Mr. Gillian and ethers. J. B. Byrd Dud. (Special to Daily News.) Durham, May 14. J. B. Bryd died thia morning at his home oa ns me.iir street, after an illness of three weeks. lie was a foramaa In tk Durham hosiery mill and was known widely through the dty. lie waa 41 year of age, and leave a wife and eight chil dren. The funeral services will be held tomorrow afternoon. DURHAM WON THE GREAT MARATHON CONTEST (Special to Daily IHw.) Durhaea, May l la i finish this afternoon, Clarke, f Durhaja, won the eight-mile Marathon raea, ' .ring the distance ia 00 minutes, SI -) seooada. L. Lorence, af the Stata aaW vanity, eama la second ia N aalnntsa and M seoaode, aad Oat tie, of Durham, wa third, la M minutes and II seeoada, Ensor, of Charlotte, ww fourth Bab. hingtoa, of A. iL, flfta, Tamalstoa xth, aad Barnes aevwnta. Twelve awa finished ths raa and six dropped out. Oa point, Durham get id I university, bi Uiarlott, a, aad A. K, t. Thia give the pennant to Our. ham. Convict Escaped. ' (Spedal to Dally New.) Durham, May 14. Ed Uartoa, re cently aoavicted and sent to tha roada for four months, esepaed this amrnlag from the ahalngang aad haa Bel aino been heard from, Horton waa sentenced several yean ago to the penitentiary nine yean for robbery ef Reuses Barbae. He wee see dltionally pardoned ky Oovaraor Glean, ' who declared that ha eonaldsred ha) pre- -ecutor a bad maa and aot reliable. Hor ton waa then taken ap for retainag aa4 given four months. $3.50 Recipe Cares Weak Kidneys, Free Believes TJriaary and Kidney Tieuatsa, Backache, Stniaiag, SwaOlBg, Etc. RAPID CURE OF ECZEMA Stops Pain In the Bladder, Kid neys and Back. All Skin Trouble Yield Readily to This New Healing Agent. Wouldn't It be nice within a week OS o to begin to eay gnodby forever to th sraining, dribbling, straining or too fre- with friends. Isaac Undoa, editor of the Siler ,n "'"PP'g the itching at head ing eo,quent passage of urine; the forehead Olty Grit w a business visitor in the lrlu. "r ". filing saia uiscaae, wunsna me oacx-oi tne-nead acnes; the -jt' yesUrdav first applieation, poelaro, the new skin j stitches and pains in the back; the Mr. and Mrs. S. L. Alderman have re IrM, unA MR.au il- I t, I. turned from Ashevllle, where they went ; rt,M u ta,t to attend the Methodist conference. , t r. .ki M ' ,K remedy, at once ease all physical dis-1 growing muscle weakness; spots before in eyesi yriiKiw skin; sluggish bowels; aa cured more sk Ralph Hurmey returned to his home.remedr ever offered for theee ills. The at Society Hill yesterday, after a visit , very worst cases of eczema, aa well as to his aunt, Mrs. John r. Scott. i aone, psoriasis, herpes, tetter, piles, slt Mrs. W. H. Wet more Is here on a rheum, rash, erusb-d humors, soaly scalp,, make vialt to Misa Mollie Buhman, on Kat and every form of Itch yield to it read-1 write. Le street. : ''.V- BUmishes, such as pimples, red Will Wynne, of Raleigh, spent yea ! n". "uoay ana inflamed skin diaap terdav la the city with friends. ! pear almost immediately v. ben poalaui ia swollen eyelids or ankle; leg cramps; unnatural short breath; al.-eplcsas snd the despondency ? I have a reoeip for these troubles thst you can depend on, . nd if you wsnt to a quick recovery, you ought to and ret s copy of It .Vlsnv s doctor would charge you $.1.50 jus' for writing thia prescription, I it 1 have It and will he gld to send H to tou entire- . n ..j w, vi.mU! 'PP1'"1' eomplenon being cleared ly free. Just drop me a line" like this: Mrs. C. ABy."d.,,,."' over-night. Dr. A E. Kobinson. K 13.17 Ui.k h.iild- Hightower are In Aaheville attending Er(ry drUF(fl k both the Wl-oentling. Detroit, M,ch.. and I will -nd t the Methodist conference. for (mjnor trotibl- and the 12 Jer.lhy return n.nil In . ,,ltn .nielope A. John Hawkins, of iexinpon, is spena-'.nd either of these may he obtained at you will eee when vou pet .t this r.cir.e ing tne oay in me city wnn reianve.. , tn, hsn.aKliit lniff to , aa well aa contains only pu'e. htmc rem'i. Mrs E. P. Smith and the Misses King Entertain Most Charmingly. Raleigh, X. C, May 14. One of tha most snjoysW at hme event j,-()rtn Edijewortb street mat eing"m . to": k Mn. Z. p .'en.me Stockard of Raleigh. Smith sad the Muea King at their ' hx""""i Tl,,Ur tn th' nt-T " home on Hlllsboro street, in honor of terdsv. ... their swot, Mr. I. W. Yatea, of Wil I Mr- R w DcLoss, who has been here mingtoa, on vl,lt 10 onr mother, Mra. D. II. The little Miwc. Ren Yates and Oi.llins, returned to her home st Wsh Marioa Smith took the carda at th door, ingion, D C yesterday, and in the hall were Mrs. J. f. Ferrsll 1 Tom Davidson, of Charlotte, spent yes- and Mrs. J. E. O'Donnell. In the re. ! terday in the city with friends. jceiving line were Mesdames Z. P. Hmith,, nri. Frank A. Martin, of Winston j. v . jaws, Aim Bumii ana ne selom. arrived yesterday to attend the jtliene jving. (freensooro remale college conimrnce Mr, james v. uvcnioro ana jiiss r or Miss Mamis Moore is expected to ar- ' other reliable drug store, rive this morning from U'eabter and Hut no one is ev n a-.k"d to purchase will spend several days in the city poelam without ilmt obtaining a aample the gueet of Jfl.s Anita Rcid, on package, wMch win be sent by mail iree ol charge, upon Emergency Laboratories, but it has (rrrji! b'khi.v sr.! qurnnr power It will nli!ckl pa.n Twen fv -how tt f iwrr 'no TOU it, po 1 f hink vou hJ b- t upitt, by the.4 ht it ib hnut d-n . I wil! nA 82 Wwt'you ft oonr frp1- vrru run it and fifth MrtPt, New York City. cure youmelf t home renu i No Daj 7(2 C1.BERTADXC 011 SPECUin PHONES Night 14(2 eve Jones served punch in the library. Mr. Leinster. th Misses Katie Hewer. since be - begaa has M yean eeatanc ! Elixa Wynne, Ethel Young and Rrh'i Kdberta were in cnarge ct tee rerrcsn- An excellent string orchestra, eight yean ago la now an id Elizabeth Cuy. aeiag puaned nr a is devoted moth er. It ia andervtood th.it the petition, auito largely signed, will he Bled very ment. Her .laughter. Miss Eva Martin,' ia a student in the Institution. j C A. Brown, of Wilmington, Del., is her en a visit to friends and relatives. Mr. and Mrs. J. V. Morrison, of Ckee. ender the direction of Trot. Edw. Falte, . 9- cz .visiUng friends and rela-j furnished the arasie. . j""" - - . . - The apecioue rooms were charmingly Mr. asd Mrs. i. L Scales, ef Chester, House Decorations ! A complete line of WALL PAPER can be found here. If you are looking for the beat risit the Greensboro Wall Paper Co.

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