6 HBEENSBOEO DAILY NEWS, SUNDAY. MAY 15. 1910 SPORTING NEWS EASt BALI KtSl LTS CAROLINA I.tAGUt (,rernatoro. ', ' .'wiii. i Wliist-ia, i, .-,!'. buif X U Bongs Urvanulle I t h. ri. 1 1. . n VIRGINIA LEAGUE. Lynchburg 0, Daiinlle. 4. Portsmouth. 0, Ri. hrunni, 2 Kortulk, 4, Kuaauke, 6. SOUTH ATLANTIC LEAGUE Columbia, 4, Columbus, 1. Je:kaonrilIe, 2; Savannah, 0. Meoun, 4; Ailfruata, 1. SOUTHEHR LEAGUE. Msmtg ornery, 5; A I Inula, I Binniugbam, 5, M'-mptus, 4 New Orleana, 3, Nashville. 1 Chattanooga, '.i: Mobile, 4 inn RATIONAL LEAGUE Philadelphia, li: IVM irj; i Brooklyn, 0. ivimu'i. 3. Boston, 4 'In. ..go New York. '. M I - ui. ! AMERICAN : EAGUE. Cleveland n, W a ui'on. I. 81. Louir 0 X.-w N ilk, 14 , Detroit ,'. I:..-!.. . I I Calcago. .. I ' n : ii n-1 .fj i a . 4. j EASTERN LEAGUE. j Providrnie fl, "ornnlo. fi ( tirsl (tii'V Provideni-e, III. Toronto, H i.eoond feme). Baltimore '.' . Montreal, 4 I Newark. 4 Buffalo, j Jersey City, 2, Ilia-heater, 4. I COLLEGE GAMES J At Philadelphia 1'rniu.ylvanla, 6; I Yale, 4 j At Princeton: lriuceton, 6; Harvard, 1 1 At Ann Arbor: Syra-ur, E; niichi i B". 1- I Al Providence: Holy Crow, 6; Brown, 1 At Williametown, Mui : Williama, C, Cornell, 6. Al West Point; Army, 0; Trinity, 1. At Burlington, Vt.: Vermont, 3; Dartmouth, 4. At Mlddletown: New York University, 7 1 Weslryan, 3. At Athene, Oa : I'niversitv of Geoigia, 11 Alabama PolyWnnie, .1. At New York: Georgetown, 9; ford til, 4. SOUTH ATLANTIC LEAGUE JadnoBTiUe, a; SAvamuh, a Jaektofirille, Hi.. .My 14. he pitohH wonderful hall for the locals thia afternooD, only 27 battre lacing ; him. 11 did not walk a man and but i t hire hit were Diatle off his delivery . Nut a hav.ti.nah playrr rraohed atcond during tha painr ISeorr: R. H. E. Navannah ... OtH 000 0000 3 2 Jarkaonvillr 000 010 01 -2 7 0 Schuhz uiid W'-lli; .fr Mnd Iiiieou . Time, 1 .20. rn.iii ( aulifluwrr. I Maron. 4; Augusta, 3. I Augtiftta, i.. Ma v H. Too much Hanluii tind frroi Jit Ihc rone time ' coat Aiijiinfn tli- aitnio hcie toil.iy. Ben-j ton alniik out I- men Scorr U l. K 1 Aiiffuata . .OiXI 000 0.'.0- -a 7 3 Xlai-on 0(0 MH) ill a .1 2; Woinr nnd Uollf; llcntun and Kahl ; koff. Time, 1 '). I mpii r, ( icoi gr. i Columbia, 4; Columbus, 1 Columbia. S May 14 By hit tin? opport uuelj anl in Lew ie -(li'niui aupport ("tilunilthi 1"k t V-socoii.i pain of thf aeri'-s 1 1 it olamlui 4 In 1 Scorr: li U K 'lumtiu. . . . noo 0(W 001- I i 4'olnmbia 1o0 On:. 00" - 4 f 1 Toren nd Kit-b lrwi and MA!ing , Tim', J -4u. Tuipirrs FulleDwidei and ilcLtx-d. 1 GreenaNiro put up ihr- best aiticle ot ball that v e h;i e srea thif neaeon nn tha home groiuul we are nut any Jlig tlitH b'rat)M w 1' unn Two of the .ivttirt iiit.be f-Ycr inado nn the lo-ii I ihnrrmnd pulled! n Tet.rnlT m t.i. Karri .tnt w.iilnn t Vanstory Clothing Co. C. H. McKNIGHT, Gen Mgr. FOR EASTMAN KODAKS STAVDING OF THE III US CAHOI IN A (1iib G II I i An. j" n,ii.,u i-..l... 714 .il if) 4K2 H.2 4n 4i: VIHGIMA LEAGUE. 4 -'Hi. W I.. IV I :. . 1 1, rj w' I 'in i -j..,. i ii . 'i 7 ;i..; I:, in., i.-: l'i ' 1 r 1. 1 i i s , il I 1 1. ii i , 1 . 7 7 ' vit.,:i, 5 In 333 SOUTHERN Clubs W. L, Pc o,iun'i"pi i: a twii !unii'ii.i-r n y rit: 7 New unlearn i 1'.' ofl Vl'snlii .... I.' 14 41. i Memphis . . l'J 1. 44( I .i ii i '.ni . 111'. IJi '-ln i: e II It 1'-'" M.ili:!,. V 20 o SOUTH ATLANTIC V. Clubs 1. Pr I .IlllliliUe . . . L'l !' 71 " Jsckvilivillc Ill II f3.. I Mm 1.11 III I t '" j Augusta 1'. 1 -t i3 l I I dunilua n 'ii :ill I vavannali . . 'l AMERICAN I Clubs V L. Pr. Philadelphia I.'. 4 7'i , IVtrolt . I ! K. V.'W (ll K I h lIHI l If land !' '1 571 Konlon II : 471 ( h.caiin S II 421 anhinpton n 1:1 :i:m St. Uuie 4 1(1 Jim NATIONAL. Cliilia. IV. I.. Pe. Pittuburp lj m linn Plnlarl'lphia U t !' X 01 k H 111 ,'iKI Cinnniiati In !i Mil Chu-aso II II WKl HoiUin . . ! 12 42ft St. Ixiuis l 1.1 41111 I Brooklyn M IS 375 SOUTHERN LEAGUE Mont fom err, 5; Atlanta, 1. Montgomery, Ala., May 14. Three three-bttHft hit and two long ajnglna in the Uiird inning at the (oral fana wild and clinched tha game for Montgomery today. Scorei R.H. E. Atlanta 000 000 !0O 1 3 1 Montgomery 004 010 0O 1 ft 0 John and Mathewa; ueae and Milter. Tfeue, 1.30. I mpirea, Kaaon and rttx aimmona. Hew Orleana, 3; llaaiiriJle, 1. New Orleana, U., May 14. Maxwell held Nathvllla to two hita today and New Orleana won, 3 to 1. Score R. FX. E. Xaahville 100 000 000 1 t I New Orleana 100 000 20-- 9 1 aiae and Sewhaugh; Maiwell and La fltte. Time, I'mpir, Pfenninger. Chattanooga. 3; Mobile. 1. Mobile, Ala., May 14. A aonaational 14 inning gami wan won by Chattanooga htu l.itT, with a three bane hit acut over Dobba, n ho had reached first on Duno'a error and an error by Khoton, Utt LiHtcr scored rhappll ullowcd but two hita until the eleventh, one a acratch. and Mar did not walk a man until the tenth. Score: R. H F.. (bHttanooga 010 000 000 001023 1 Mubila . 000 00 00 000 Oft - 1 n 3 More and Camon; Chappctlc and lunn. Tmip, J I mpirea, f'onuhiin uiid Car penter. Birrntnham. 3; Mfmphia, 4. Birmingham, Ala., May U. Mcmphia won the game, and then Irwt It through crmr? ci f jIi and wildneaa of Steel. S-ore- R, H. E. Kii minphAau . 003 20O0XC 6 4 2 Memptui . . 030 000 1004 7 2 pehnrtT and Ryan. StH, Fnfa and Re-mentei. Time. 1.40. Umpire. Rud derhn m. 1 1 k k pIT erl midnummer ball yester d.iv. He Hi in the game from tha htiiit Me tielded hit position and hit lb- ball IT FORGET When a man tells you to pay from thirty-five to fifty dollars for a "Tailor-Made" Suit forget it. It's a mighty big piece of tomfoolishriess when the suits we deal out can fit you to a Queen's taste, and the quality is all that's wanted. LEFT THE CELLAR Ltiaisps Played Errorless Game and Hit like Fiends. SMITH HAD FINE CONTROL Sensational CalcHes by McEnroe, Kiikard and Wei duo Gave Llle te (be Game. j Tti two BeusstTs west in yesterday lor ihr arat tine and, whether thrre la tfiiwii.ug Ui a najue or not, one luiug is ; tertmn, the team a how I'd ability in ettryi Utli. nt Ilia ganie that has not btMure I Inn ihi-pUied. The heklinx was lauli 1 W. lli- hitting (ill-ii and opportune. I mil the teamwork would hair nuide i ..uiifkiy, vi Ulute fSoi fann, (trten J wild i-nvy. Ut' course, with the ti-am fiiiying m this faehiou thf Klciincians i-aught the short ctrtiuit and whin the : nuul lount wim made seven chaiupa h4 npun around, while one lone umr-chuuip h.id git-elfd Mr Oarlton beusae at the Usl rlup , SiLil... 11;. a..utlipw, tmitrd a. llir ieiual uf lony WalU'is and thn slutil to without u i hain't', f thf prin cipal cause of the rJeotrkmna liuUill-! ity to jret around. Sven hits, two of I uhuli wert two bai-r. cvuntt'd iot Intl.-, ami then, lo Uip oil ihe day s work, hi rappiMl out two nice singles. Souie luidv har naid that Irllliauders don't have routlol - we guess ll I. so. and that Smith is just the elcvption to the rule certautiv he had his eyes locuiad on the icent.r of the plate jesleiday. Not a man 'down without working for it. aehiom did fany fret aa many aa three balls, and juat , exactly eight went vul on atrikes. Maiimu. the young man who niade sui'h an auspit'ioua debut for the i'harupa, on Frnlay, airain triad his luck, and to how juat how lucky he was ha allowed the Champs 13 bits and then stopped j but in this nase the number was a hoo doo, tor when the thirteenth was tavbn-1 la ted the frame had bean safely stored away. There were many sensational fielding I stunts, noUbly a stab of a hot linaj drivw by McEnroe, Rickard'a catch of a I fly after a hard run in the ninth and ! eldon'a running catch of a oul fly in 1 Die laat round. Jam is f.it five ohanc-s at short and axicepted them all. and .lai-ksoo played around third in awh a manner tnat there were many eiclarna tiona of "the beat third baneman in the Icajrua." Fred Bauaae didn't get aa op nortunltT at second, but at tne oat ne was ver valuable, two nice drlvea be- , ing oraditad to him. Pug Hicks led in hitting with threw aiaglea and ranked along wit tha rest in lelding, with 12 putouta and on assist. Several times be saved errors for hia taamaaalea by dig ging Into the dirt for low throws. Ckrl ' ton Beuase caught aa only Ckrltoa can whan ha is wnrking well, and Spartan burg fans say that one, started he keeps I... V . i 1. Tl. l.lln. In't 'get a hit yesterday, hut ho showed his I activity by stealing second. i For tha visitora. Got ham and Onnbett played good ball. Brannon's catching and pegging was also a feature. The visitors scored first in the open i inar round, when Cbrbett singled to cen I ter, stole second and third and scored on Ki-lly's two bagffer. After this Smith was complete matter of orreimoniri and the Andrrsoniana decorated tha acore board with gooae effg. 1 The Champs scored twice in the sexv ond round, when .lames waa safe on McKnrne's fumble, advanced to aocond . on Hicks' single and to third on lrrd , Heuase's infleid hit. CTsrlton Be u me I j fouled out to third and Smith rapped ..ut a clean single, acoring .lames and lliiks Three were added in the fifth l when, with two down, Bentley waa given: a free pass snd scored on singlea hv i lame, arid Hicks. Fred Beuase walked i and Carlton lifted a pop fly to McEnroe. who dropped the ball, Hioks and lames eonng. The tnal twirl armina in 'circuit came In the eevanth, when Bent Icy led off with hia second hit and was safe at second on Mcr7nro's error of a UhTOwn hall by Corbett, who fielded i'.lamc' grounder. Picks s safe on an infield hit and Fred Hciiass scored Ilent ley and .Inie with a single. Hicks got out in a chase between third and home and Carlton Meusne landed on drat when; Corbett fumbled his grounder. Smith 'hsil sympsthv and hit an easy "nc t.i Maerum. retiring the aid. The Imv score tireenshoro: Weldnn. If. . I'.iokard. cf . .lackson. h, . IVntlcy. rf. . .Tames, .s. . Hick. 1 Beue. F. 2!. Beu-.se. C, c. mith. p . . . AB R H in 2 12 3 0 0 X 2 0 Totals M 7 13 27 IS 0 ndcrwn: AR R.ll.Pn A Wchrelt. Pf 4 0 0 2 0 ( orbett. 2b 4 1 1 2 5 Martlev. If 4 0 1 1 0 K-llv ri 4 0 1 0 0 l -Cirthv. lb 4 0 I 1 1 i.-rhsm.'-Hi I 0 1 ' s VcKnroe. ss 0 1 S 3 Hrsnnr.n. 1- S 0 0 2 1 Mancum. p 3 0 1 0 ToUls . . S,...-. ilrt-cnaVrn . Aluii-l -.on . . SS 1 7 24 If 5 R ft. F fyjno.t0 2n,T 13 0 lnnrsiniKio 1 7 h SuminsM : F-nrned runs. Greensboro f.. Ander.nn 1, Two base hits, Jackson, Kelly. Hartley. Sacrifice hits. Rirkard . I tolen base. Kii kard. V. Beue, C. KcusKc. Corbett tli, McFiime left on '. 'msos. Creenslioro f, Anderson 4 -tru k ut, bv Smith K Bases on bsIN off Manguat 2. Hit by pitched hell. Man irum I Tunc of sme. 1 4-'i. Attendance. "n Cmpire. Han.liboe. Pitiher Smith seem to have them bit! way. his strikeout record was only tea. j on couldn't do muea better thaa that. AND SUPPLIES FARISS-KLUTZ DRUG TWINS wongreat game; lent fourteen Inalngi III. Spartans and ffoi Out. the l Special to Dally Naws.) Winj-toa fealem, May 14 The Twins on out in the fourteenth inning in a long draws out and hard fought battle ith Spartanburg this aiurnoou. Swin-.ii-ll and Avarett were on the tiring line, l.ut llx former twirled the beat game, the two Warns were scheduled for a double header, but the last one had to lie inncrlled, the first one starting at Hi ran until 6.40. The box score ex plains how It all happened. Spartanburg: AB. R H PO. A. E. Hljbie, ss 2 142 H inne, 2b 4 0 1 16 0 Springs, 3b 5 0 2 00 Walker, If 6 0 0 4 0 0 Fairlwnk. cf tOOHO 1 Cardiu, rf 6 0 2 0 0 0 Bullock, lb . . . . 0 0 It 1 1 Harrington, c 5 0 1 7 0 1 Averett, p 8 1 1 1 1 0 Total 48 I I 40 15 6 Two out whet winning run waa soured. Hrent out, hit by batted ball. W inston Salem. A.B. R. H. PO. A. E. MidkifT. as I 1 J 4 1 Templin, 2b 7 0 1 6 4 0 Hrenl, If 5 0 1 0 0 0 Fogartv, cf 7 0 2 2 1 0 MrMvett, lb 6 0 0 10 0 0 Holt, lb 1 0 0 4 0 0 Painter, ab 6 1 110 1 Laval, rf 4 12 2 0 0 MaiConcssie, c 4 1 0 13 1 0 Swindell, p 6 0 0 0 i 0 Total . . . .60 4 4118 2 Averett out, bunting third strike. Score: B Spartanburg . . lllO 0n0 003 000 00 3 Winston 000 020 010 000 014 Summary: First bane on balls, off Averett , Swindell 4. Struck out by Averett 5, Swindell 12. Double plays, Wynne to B gbie to Bullock Fogarty to Teinplin. First base on errors, Spartan buig 2, Winston-Salem 1. Stulen baaes, Wynne, Templin, Laval (2). Sacrifice hits, WMine, Springs, Walker, Averett, Swindill I'asied bull, McConasie. Hit by pitched ball, Laval. Uft on bases, Spartanburg 0, Winston Salem 13. Tims, 3 10: I'mpire, McLoeky. SPINNERS WON HARD GAME IN THE LAST INNING (Special to Daily News.) tlrwenville, May 14--Never has there been a better game of baseball played in l.rsrnville than that of today, which the locals won from Charlotts in the ninth inning by the score of 1 to 0. Fsultleas fielding on both sides, brilliant Leaau work by both teams and enough . .. Iiim tA h mb tha anaetalora on it, iniiom aeat throuehout tha contest. The Spinners succeeded in their last round in bunching enough hita te scon a man and win tha game. Moors : R. H. K. Charlotte OOOOOOOnO 0 0 1 i:..ti. 000 000 0(11 1 C 1 Hayes and Francisco , Tramsnell and W'ingo. FANATORiALS Away from home all this week. Out of three times up F. Beuase made two hits. Last night looked like the 67 variety factory. We don't like to see two good Uams at the bottom. Winston won in the fourteenth. Glad you did, Winston. Iet's make up on the trip what we have lost at heme. There seems te be new life In the game from the jump. Let's get three from Washington; he aant stand the kidding Has the Washington stab signed up any of the canned goods I The fans will be asking aa to the play ers. Who's who and why ou tslk about your third snrkera. Has anyone seen Jacksonf The doctor waa our friend. He re fused to let us sink any farther. Tlien wc come back to battle with -IniiCton Cross for three days. e hope to see F. Beuese covering sec mi the remainder of the asaaon. .lamr. iaant said a word since the j leairue opened, but he is playing the Rme. I Last night was the canning day in this j league. How many ball players were I canned T WTiv didn't thev let so and so go and keep so and so- he is the best player of the two. We haw aid that we had the beet team 111 ihe league and we still stick to our prediction. Mangum, the southpaw for Anderson, tried to pitch against the Champs twice, but let out both tunes. Fred Bcnsse played the game of hie life. He covered second to perfection and hit the ball oa the aoee. Don't knock: jest boost. Jest boost dem clouds away. For de day am surely oomin When r'il be in de runnin' If you'll boost dem clouds away. "One of the funniest eigbte oa Brosd- way." says the New Vork Mail, is to see 1 Bugs Raymond traveling around vrithi hie kecjr. "Bugs says the keeper is a ' good sport, and he would ha as quit the, Giants, only be didn't want the guy tot lose nis job. 1 ne iciiows name is rui ler, and Bugs pulled this one oa him: No matter how full I get, yon 11 be oiler." REIDSYILLE GOT AWAY WITH PROXIMITY 6 TO 5 (Special to Daily News.) Reidiville, May 14. Proximity and Keidsviile went it lor ten innings in an exciting contest today. Uruboa' home run and tha fast fielding of the visi tors and Thacker's pitching were fea tures. Boor: R.H.E. Reidsvills 103 110 000 14) 11 3 Proximity 001 300 100 06 8 2 T barker and Sharpe; Car in ass and Uoneycutt, AMEB1CAH LEAGUE Hew York, i; St Looia, o. New York. Mav 14 New Vrk bwi.. overwhelmed St, Louis, the visitors be ing Deaten by a eoore at 14 to 0. bcore; KH.K. St. Louis 000 000 000 0 4 2 New Vork 102 000 06' 14 16 1 Kinaella, Pelty, Howell and Stephens; Vaughn and Sweeney. Time, 2 hours. Umpires, Perrius and OLoughlin. , Detroit, 5; Boston, 3. Boston, Mass., May 14. Detroit won a hard fought game from Boston today 6 to I. Bunched hits in the first inning, with an error, a base on balls and a sac rifios fly prsctically gave the visitors the game. Scor- R.H.E. "'roit 40fJ0I0 000-- 7 2 Bo"" 000 200 0013 S Mullm and SUnage; Ciootte and Carri gan. Time, 2.12. Umpires, Egan and Kvans. Washington, 1; Cleveland, o. Washington, May 14. Johnson had the better of Joss today in a pitcher's battle, and Washington defeated Cleve land 1 to 0. Outside of the pitching, a one-handed catch of a line fly by Lajoie was the feature of the game. ' ,Scfrt: R.RE. Washington .... lOOOOOOno 1 7 0 Cleveland 000 0(10 0000 5 0 Johnson and Street; Joss and Clarke. Time, 1.26. I'mpires, SWidan and Kenn. Philadelphia, 4; Chicago, Philadelphia, May 14 Philadelphia won its tenth straight victory today by defesting Chicago in an eleven inning contest by 4 to 3, a single by Murphy sending Bsker home with the winning run. Sonn R.H.E. Oiicagn 001 000 200 003 11 3 Philadelphia . .. 000100 020 014 3 ? Walsh and Payne; Plank, Coombs snd Thomas and Upp Time, 2.45, Umpires, Dineen and Connolly. WATIOWAL LEAGUE Boston, 4; Chicago, 1. Chicago, Msy 14. Curtis held Chicago to three hits todsy and Boston won ita y-econd succeaaive victory 4 to 1. s"re: R.H.E. Clucago 000 100 0001 3 2 Boston 101000 020 4 8 2 Overall, Richie and Needham and Arch- r: Curtis and Graham. Time, 1.36. L'm piiet. Klrm and Kane. Philadelphia, 6; Pittsburg, a. Pittsburg, Pa May 14. The Pitta bnrga were unable to hit Moren and lost to the Philadelphias for the second time in succession. Tjey made a strong ; finish, but it only saved them from a 1 shutout. Score: R. H. E. ' Phittsburg 000 000 002 S 7 t Philadelphia 201 300 000 13 0 Adams, Maddox and Gibson and O'Con nor; Moren and Dooin. Time, 1.35. Urn- ' pirea, Johnstone and Moran. j St. Lonia, 9; New York, 3. i St. Louis, Mo., May 14. St. Louis won ! the second game of the series from New 1 York by s score of to 3 today. Three j pitchers of the visitors were hit hard. Score: HH.E. t. Louis 400 001 04 a 12 2 1 New York 000 000 0303 9 1 Sslles snd Brpanahan; Raymond, Mar qiiard, Crsnda.ll and Schlei. Time, 1.58. : L'mpires, O'Day and Brennan. Cincinnati, 3; Brooklyn, o. Cincinnati, 0.. May 14 A base on halls in the tJhird snd three errors com bined with two hits in the fourth al- : lowed Cincinnati to make three runt to- 1 dav and win. ficore: R.U. E. BrookUr. 000000000 0 7 4: Cincinnati 001 20000 3 6 1 Bell and Smith) Rowan and McLean. t mpirea, Rigler snd Emsue. But your Gasoline from MoAdoo-Car-age Co, 12 1-Se. gallon. The M.an Who La the Nation-al League (rat baseman, with a paoasUfe ti .994 Frank Chance Says of "You raiy use my name at one of your man customers who hare derived benefit! from drinking Coca-Cola." Leaden in all lines say that Coca-Cola it Dcliciou s- Rcf rcshing-Wholcsomc 5c Everywhere Send 2c stamp for our booklet "Thf Truth About Coo-Cola" and tha Coca Cola Baseball Record Book tor 11. The latter contains the famous poem "Casey at the Bat," records, schedule tnv kjak l-im .nil Mk, araliiaMa 1 ball information compiled THE COCA-CJLA Auania, us. "POrM'KIVETT ANNOUNCED HIS SHAKEUP OF TWINS (Special to Daily News.) Winston-Salem, May 14. The baseball management tonight released four ball players to come within the limit of the Carolina league. Those released were Holt, a utility man; Vance, a catcher and Bennett and Guae, the two latter being pitchers. Bennett goes with Golds horo, in the Eastern Carolina league. Manager McKivett today signed J. J. Ferrell, pitcher, and McC'onsie, a catcher, both said to be excellent players. Ty Cobb, the spotlight hero of base ball, has learned to smoke. Cobb waa reared down in Georgia, but ia spite of that fact he never smoked or used to bacco in any form until last isaaon, and he was oonsidered one of the models of the gams in that regard. Cna day when his bsttlng average was fading away rapidly, down toward the 200 mark, he began to get discouraged. He was hit ting the Sail as hard as ever harder, perhaps, for he was gritting his teeth and wading into It--but it seemed that he eould not make the ball go aafs. Hs was sitting moodily around the hotel one night, when Bill Donovan informed him gravely that what he ncrl-d waa to smoke in order to Improve bis Bat ting eye. Bill produced a cigar warrant ed lo kill or malm at 40 yards, and Cobb lighted It. He smoked that eigar, sur vived, and the next day he got three htte. That settled it. Within month Cobb was getting bis two and three a day and smoking cigars as faat aa he could consume them. He smokes al) the time now. Whether It Is a soinei dence or not, look at his batting aver age. Hugh Fuller to a in the Chicago Ex aminer. Special oorresopedenee to fiportlng news: ins season 01 ins lavrouna as sociation is now fairly under way. The way that Claude Derrick, our shortstop, is playing, is a sight to behold, and it is no wonder that John McGraw is sweet on him, ss be is on another one of our players. It is rather early in the season to make prediction, but I eaa not see how Greensooro can ever expect to win an other pennant with the gang Beuase has signed up. Anderson, Greenville and Charlotts ap pear to be the best of the six clubs so tar. Greenville's new third baseman, Jenkins, looks mighty rood and Stoueh mads no mistake when he took him for a trial. Workman, the new rurht fielder, la certainly putting up a elaaay game in right field, aa well aa at ths hat. Hit ion should be safe for the balance of the season if hs can keep up the good work. Gasoline, 12 1 2c. per gallon. McAloo Garage Co. THE "COME BACK It is the customers who come back that make a business. Clev er advertising may get a customer once, but only honest values be ing "square" make him come again. Your satisfaction is what we are striving for. That's wjy we offer such clothing aa The Victor Brand Summer Suits for your conalderation. So better clothing is made today not even by high class custom tailors. Vo garments any where near so good eta be had anywhere else at equallv low prices. Boys' and Men's Gothing From $5.00 liyoo worth of Yellow Trading Stamps with every clothing purchase. Wallace Gothing Co. COMPANY IS by authorities. COMPANY Whenerer you tea an Arrow think of Coca-CoU ROCKY MOUNT DEFEATED THE ATLANTIC CHRISTIANS (Special to Daily Newt.) Rocky Mount, May 14. Ths Reeky Mount ralroaders eaaily defeated the Atlantic Chriatian college baseball team here today la a one-tided game by the score of 6 to 0. Score: B.H.E. Christian 000 000 0000 2 A Rocky Mt 010 802 00 i ft 2 Morria, Muntea Mulhay, Griffin and Strait; Schuman and Bui winkle. Um pire, Aloock. Time, 1.36. The conduct of tha Spartanburg play ers oa the field waa entirely disgusting, they kicked at every decision possible and It was necessary for the am Dire to I eject Fred Springs la the early stages. I Harrington waa also dismissed from I play. Manager Roth did soma lively I Kicking himself and many fana thought 1 he also should have been ejected. The tort of conduct displayed by tht visi tors waa utterly beyond tht bounds of propirety. Winston Journal. These fellows started the Sams troubla in Greensboro ths last day they played here. ALL CARS STOP AT THE BIJOU THEATRE New Bin, Mesday, Tuesday and Wednesday. 0LUE WOOD, Tht Batter Brown Kid. EUGENT XEUT AITD RIO TI0LET, Comedy Singing and Daaeiag, New Pitcurea. Matinee Monday 4.15. AMUZU THEATRE Big New Bill. Monday, Tueeday and Wednesday. 0. E. WATERMAN, Impersonator of Fun and Folks. DB FDR AND KSTS3, Comedy Sketch Artists, Singing tad DsndEg. Amateur Night Wedneedsy. New Pictures and Matinee, 3.30. Wifht, j.30. DR. J. W. GRIFFITH Dentist Opposite Foetoffioe, over Gardner's Drug Store. Phone 73d, and Up THE PLACE