GREENSBORO DAILY NEWS. THURSDAY, MAY 26. 1910 Sporting News . (Continued from Page t-t. INJURY NOT SERIOUS - . .. But D fas a Dose Call for Third 'rlltsemio Jacket nam eat-saoa oc oae at urauiiee " headers in th bark of tba bead y eater day afternoon, hfted km baud and fell '. proas ttpoa tba gniiiad ill era aa " aideraUa uuaaaineaa is Um grand etaod. T all apraraces ha waa dead to this - bright old world thea be was aeen to gp and mete tut fcaad elighlly. , This gave encouragement, bat a eeeoud later . it waa eaay to see be bad lapsed lata unconsciousness." Tbe accident Uappra- ed in the eighth inning of tba second game. JackxM waa at bat aiid appa rently, bit attention waa towards Um bench, when BrariUe uncorked a about. Looking up, be saw his danger, attempt ad to dodge, but too late and the rraah had tba eeund of a brick enllidiiig with an egg.- After quirt exaauiuatioa by doctors, few cup fulls of aotd water and varioui other attentions the faat third aaeker sboweif ilgna of lira. Ha removed ta tba beaeh and later to bia mm . Bafora twin csrrisd I mm , the . grounds . be regained consciousness, bia first warda being, "Where's the ' Burner 11m M atone collected !" 1 At bit room a tbarougb aiamination waa made and it waa found that hit : injury was not eeriout. Iat night Jack ' waa fitting up with a big black "atogie." j and avewed hia intentioa of playing tei-i Hay. Aaide from a abarp pain in the head and about the neek ha ae.4 he waa an rtgnt. - tar oociot aaya ne win or out of tba gams the balaanr of tba weelt. That bia injury was not aerloua will be welcome news ta the buadreda of frienda and admirers of the clever In fielder in this eity and throughout the circuit of the (Tsrohna league. There are bo superiors, if anr equals, to him an tba third corner. FAMTOBULS ' Boost ths boys. They can play ball. Lave, wa bare forgetteo tbs pa at. We Uks'you. Several rooters will witness the game in Wiaston today. On to "Winston. Let's fsttea our sw age from Father Mf. Wa are for you, Mo., but agia you When Greensboro is playing with you. That was an awful hit that Jackson received yesterdsy from rite her Braaille. .The first game yesterday waa tba prettieat avar witnessed on the home """K . - - Jackson, the beet third sarlrer' in the league. ss ths star for tba Champs yeaterdst. The exhibition yeaterdsy in ths first gsme alion-s that Greensboro can plsv ball If she will get the habit. Last night at H o'clock .Tackson waa feeling fine and wss looking good. He will he . fv. in two or three navs ,lsre Onw i s gentlemssily ball play er and Orepnhoro will welcnme him to the t 'it y any day he wiahes to corns. Jackson save that he is going to plsv hit. g, in the Winston game todsv. hut the, rVnre: w R. H. E. Hector ssvs be will he nut of ths gsme South Kim St. . .. glKJ 104 tW 7 15 5 for a dy or two. )Ae Street 201 201 oreV 6 4 S i Strunks and Struwka; Bilhro snd Sus- Unipire McLoskey was vers astirfac- rase. lory . yesterdsy with one or (wo exeep ; s- . tiems. He is' s little off on halla and ' Granted a Reprieve, strikes, but the heat csn't get sll of I Rsleigh. Vlsy ib.4 Kivernor Kitchin them ripht. ' hsa reprived Frank Tropat, of Alexander : . county, under aentence of eight years in uuy your v.afonne rrom aicaooo tiar- . r-- i ii i n it ! sgs Co., 12 l-2c. gallon At Philadelphia: Pennsylvsnts, 7; Brown. H (11 innings),. At New Vorki Ferdham, 1; Holy Cross, 8. Illicit Distillery Sened Statesvillc, May 2.5. Deputy Revenue Collector J. F. .Miller, of Hickory, seired j and destroyed sn illicit distillerr snd a ; lot of beer in the vicinity of Jit'. Bethel poetoffiee, Alexander county, Saturday afternoon. Norfolk Southern Railway Offers most convenient snd best service TO MOREHEAD CITY. N. C. BEAIT03T, N. C ATLANTIC HOTEL OPENS JUNE I. Delightful Seashore Resorts EXTREMELY LOW SUNDAY AND WEEK END EXCURSION RATES ON SALE JUNE TO SEPTEMBER. VIRGINIA BEACH CAPE HENRY. VA. The Only Seashore Resorts in Virginia. Every Conceivable Form of Amuse ment. Excellent Hotel and Cottages. Reasonable Rates. For complete information applv to say Norfolk and Southern Kailroad Ticket Agent, or address H. C. Hudgins, Genera! Psaeenger Arent: W. W. Cmx lon. Assistant Oeneral Passenger Agent, Norfolk, Va. DAMAGED BV STORM ? lalelgo and i I M. Sufiered Some i vttat fc Bearj flol SBMmwbbmb V (Special ta Daily Kewa.) Raleigh, May 25. Close investigatios buildings at tba A. 11. aullegs by the beavr wind last craning will aggregate about 1400 to I IJUUU, nriuoipnliy ia hav ing aerUuaa of tba routing of tba agri cultural aud the textile buildings blow a off and ia taking tba roof from the grandstand of tba alhiptie grounda. The tain waa aaoa over, ao that toe damage by water aa aot aarioua ia any of the buildings. The buildinga of the stale lair gi-ouuod aaroaa the road I rum tba cuilego were not aariwuaty damaged. The root of Ike big new grsudttand erected ia tba race twk for the tragus baaeball games about to begia waa lakes off, but tba aeats ware net seriously dam aged. A pole snore thea 1UU feet high, tram which the high divea are wade for tlie free state fair attrartiooa, was aaapped off close to ike ground by tba force of the anad. Farm dwellings aud outhouses are reported to have suffered considerable damage fur several miles out toward the Xeuse river. Out at the farm of H. K. l.icbford the roof wss taken off bis big farm bars. Ths out houses ea tbs farm of George W. Nor wood, ehief clerk ta the secretary of state, were damaged eonaiderabiy. No one has been hurt so far aa can be as eertsined at tbia time. A tine horse be longing to J. R. Chamberlain, in West itairigb, was hadlv injured nv trie tailing of the etsblre ia the midst af tba storm, but tba animal will recover. . TnitlJTDV CrRflfll C RIITTIIT tUlilllH OlHUULtJs Dili lUt BUILDINGS ARE HANDSOME (Special ta Daily News.) Durham, May J. The closing exer cises ot fcaat and M eat Durham schools took place today with addressee by Prof. i inner men, oi the university, speaking to the West Durksmites, aaa Prof. M. H. Itacy, of the laivarslty, addressing tomgkt the graduates el tba raat Dur ham schools. These institutions are country schools. ivevertheiees, fjast Uurkam Is quartered jia a $25,000 handsome brink structure built by the county, and Wast Durham ia to go $.000 better at the oouaty's expenae. EHTEBTAINIO IN B0N0K OF HEK FRIXVD HON TEXAS (Special to Daily News.) I Durham, May 25. Monday night Misa niannya Kerry entertained at her noma ea Morehead Hill in honor of bar friend, Xliss Sarah Hoffmaa, of Dallas, Tex. The guest a spent a charming evening. music, games and otsar forma at amuse mrnt entertaining the crowd. Delieioue refreshments were served, attar wnicb the invited guests departed for their aomes. Ths young people present were Misses Sarah Hoffman, Annie M an ri7 An nie Koonts, Kthel iattis and Blannys iierryi Messrs. C. t. Meraaon, Ioen J-.l- Untt, league, r. L,. meek and a. w tlliott. SOUTH ELM STREET DEFEATED ASHE 8TIEEI Veaterdar afternoon st the old cir- I eu ground, South Km Street defistcd jiane direct oy tne score oi t xo n. , The feetiuTs of the gsms was the hatting of Marvin Strunki and the pitt ing ol llosa Strunkv wim atmrk out 15 i men and allnned four hita, while Hilbro I struck out five men and allowed 15 the penitenlisrv tor second deeree mur , . . ..... . . I der, until ths fsll term of the Alexan der court for modification of judgment at the reoueat of the trial judce and so licitor. The reprieve ia cnnditsnal on a $6,000 bond being given. FORECAST. Washington, Mav 25. North Caro lina : Fair in erewt, clearing in east Thuraday. Friday, fair, light to mod erste northwest winds Virginia: Fair Thursilsy, preceded by showers in southeast. Fridsy, fsir, light northwest winds. Mien, jiay ve.iigMioe , rtrWi .reenaboro, X. C, for freight and today indicate. Uat th. damage Utiwilfr ctMnrt. ttM foilowius: unclaimed atone. Southern Railway Company. Greensboro, X. C, Mir U, 111. By direction of the Freight Units Agent, I will aril at public suctiaa to the highest bidder, at tit former ataaa of the Meissen ompaay, Ma BwU Davie other charges, the following unclaimed and refused freight, aa Thursday, Juke 3, 1HMI. aummeneing at UU a. m. - TtMJiS, CASH. ' W. B. DEVT4X, Ageat. R. h, KNOLAXD, Aurtiaaaar. 1. W. P. Arts, Asaerills, K. C, 1 box stg i. Aaheville Coal and lot Co, Ashe viJie, .V t. 1 UL bass. X King AatkoBT, junerille, r. u. 1 mty. trunk. . K. E. Harratt, Prop. Moat ford hotel Aaheville, .. C, 1 eaaa insect dist., 1 sprayer. a. IbH'ia t Barker, Aaheville, N. C, 3 mty. wi, era tea. tf. l)avia A Barker, Asaerills, V. C, f mtr. Smb. crates. 7. Ollie Daltoa, Asberills, N. C 1 crate K ware. 8. Kagiiab aisaber Co, Ashsrille, N. C, I bundle lumber. . 1. V. Fsnaltr, Aaherille, X. C 1 bag root. ia A. H. Uarrwtt, Ashenlls, K. U, J ease syrua. II. iH. llsne ea. Aaheville, N. C. 1 stove, crated. It Mrs. Esta Hyatt, Aaheville, N. C, I box i. ware, IS. Home Building Material Co.. Aahe ville, N. C, 1 hbl. tub-oil. 14. O N J. W. Hartwick. Asbevillt, V. C. 3 crates tin nstd. 1.1. Hill Nedding Mfg. Os., Aaheville, V C, a bms. exeelawr. 1. J. C. Knight, Aaherille, N. C, I odl. prt. paper. 17. h. b. Manor, Aaherille, N. C, 1 pck. adv. matter. 18. J. U Moore A Son, Aaheville, N. C , I bdl. casting. 10. R. L. Owenberg, Aaheville, N. C, lo emptr bbis. 20. O X Pepsiosls Bottling Co, Aahe ville, X. C, 1 box lsbels. '31. A. B. Silver, Asheville, Jf. C, mty. bbls. tt. omathsrs A Taiing, Aahsrills, N. C, 1 Dr. S. oombd. M A. M. Schoea, Ashsrille, N. C, 1 bdl, hurlan. is. O N B. S. Henderson, Albeaarla, N. C- 1 box samples. 25. A. A. Lore (Mt. Pleasant N. C). Albemarle, X, C, 4 boxes medicine, 1 box almanacs. 2 'Mrs. Mattia Lore, Albemarle, N. C, 3 boxea stone. 17. A. X. Panter, Athehoro, N. C, I flour separator, 1 box fixtures. t. Came ran 4 Os., Asheboro, K.C1 box t. food. 29. C r. Bunas, Aabboro, X. C, 1 eaaa medicine. 30. Mark Sawyers, Bushnsll, N. C, I box marble. 31. Btra. India;. Hill, ears 3. H. Crisp, Buthnell, N. C, I febl. Q. ware, 1 bbi. notions. 32. J. B. Davis, Buihaell, K. C, 4 box. medicine. 'ID. 'Jstnes Tipton,' Buabnell, K. C, 1 red rocker, 1 box shoes. 34. P. 8. Frsdv 3. P. 8. Fradr. Black Mountain, JS. C Z boxea pat med. 35. Mrs. Mary Wood, Black Mountain, . t ., 1 ram end. 3li. Cooper Dry Goods Os- Burlington, X C I rase adv. matter. 37. fiarrison A Delter, Bessemer Cltv, X. C, 5 box. medicine. 3. W. B. Henderson, N. C. Barnard, X. C , 1 case tnb. syrup, 1 cass tnb. syrup, I bo meotcme. 30. Miss Leekie Rector, Barnard. X. C 1 trunk. 40. C. A. Campbell, Clyde, X. C, 1 crate tin cana. 41. Mamie Wilson, Catawba, X. C, 1 case medicine. 4S! W. C. Covington. Catawba. X. C, 4 pails A. food. 42 12 .1. . Mwards. Oolremee. X. C I bt.l. lamps 43. Sou. Hell Tel. Co., Oevehtnd. X. C, 2 coils iron wire. 44. X. W. Honevcutt. Concord. X. C . 4 box. medicine, 1 box medicine. 45. J. H. Bradford A Son., Concord. X. C, I engine, 2 wheels, 1 box fittings. I box talv. 1 box. oils, 1 pulley, 1 muf fler, 1 cea tank. 40. J. H. llagler. Concord, N. C., 1 box marble. 2 s-nitcs marble. 47. If B Wilkinson A Co., Concord, X. C. 1 bbl. glniisware. 4. W. K Mesamer. Concord, X. C, 2 boxes marble. cratea marhie. 49. J. X. Barringer. Onncord, X. C 1 box T. ware, 1 bdl., I osatg. SO. J. O. Long, Donna ha, X. C, 1 box nttmgs. 51. .7. S. Hall A Co. Durham, N. C, 2 concrete vaults. 62. ' J. Collins, Durham, X. C, 1 erste K ware. 43. J. S. Hall A Co., Durham, X. C, 1 concrete s-ault. 54. M M. Malone, Durham, N. C, 1 wood lid. 55. F.rwin Cotton Mills, Durham, N. C, 1 hdl. airing cowip. on. North Side Fotindrr On., Durham. X. C. 1 castg. 67. Bowles Bros., Durham, X. C, 1 box adv. matter. 5H A. C. Beck. Durham, X. C, 1 box sales tickets. 5. B. .1. Hsrdew. Durham, X. C, I ease hardware. 00. .1. R. Whienant, Drexel, X. C I box picture frames. (tl .1. U raschall. Davulsoa, . C. 1 i box cenneri ooi fhomtny). I 62. fVN M W. ('. 1 (Son. Davidson. X. C. 1 lC dates. 1 1mx proceries. A3. W. i;. Ireland. Flon College, X. C, 1 box marhle. 1 Ha ae granite. 4. Carrie Morris, Kloa College, X. C, 1 hasc marliic. US. Shipper-, ore Arent, W. 8. Reich, Elkin. X. C. 1 dresser. . G. A B . care Agent, Elkm. X. C, bdls. chairs. T,. C. Y.. Bailer. Elkin, X. C, 3 Ml. chairs. fiH. Oo. Bailey. Fkin. V. C, 1 chair. 6u. vsinr iills, Greensboro, X. C, 1 ert. S. maHiine. 70. Ouilford Lumber Co., fireeneboro. X. C 1 bo. lumber. 71. Mederias-Jonea Fsrrn. Co, Greens ro, X. C. I 8. top. 72. 8. P. Josea. Greensboro, H. (X. 1-Z barrel eider, 1 box O. ware. 73. J. M Bennett, treeaebora, X. C, 74. TT T. Tonne. Greens boro, K. CI box. lea. . fX M. H. rnix, Orsaaahuro, X. C mtj. keg - ' ' ; . ; j 7C Chicago Part rait Co, Greensboro, a. xi, i aox psatura frames. 77. fcmith A Korataa, Oraenabors, V. i box ronea. 7a. Wyaong (Mills, Grecaermro, X. C 1 ry. saw frame, I saw attar bed. 78. Kent Home, Greeaaboro, V. C box books. bt. A. L. Foster, Geeenabora, K. C, box BiiuersJ. wstsr. . Hi, tiiana Ola Co., Greensboro, JT, C. i but. aeg. K2. R. A.' Krewa Too. Co, Greensboro, a. i., i u. I eada ton. S3, llinill A Oraisnd, Creeasbara, K C, 1 box t. aoan. M. O-N Kiriadidiea, Graaasboro, X. C i ex. t; tsuti. ao. John A. Brewer, Graaasboro, V. C, 1 bx P. matter. ha. Miss Kathleaa Bozart, Greeasbora. a. t l rocker. 87, Hndaia Bros.. Greenaboro. X. C bux M. food, I pa. atationerv. m. u. k. tiulimsr, Urecnsbaro, M. U, I box arin lad matter. m. M. R. Mai lor v. Agen. care Grand Opera House, Greeaaboro, X. C, 1 pa. pti. nailer. 90. -Mary MeCracken. Greensboro. X i ., I ert. a,, wars. ' 11. L. C. Maneta. Cireenabora. X. C. 1 12 bbls. cider. 1 hex W. ware. 1 valiaa. crated, 1 huttler, crated. 2. . I. Mc.Sair. Greensboro. X C 1 box hooks. !. Mrs. X. P. Turner. Greensboro. X. I tox notions, J bsl. fa. ware. M. I. U Honeyeutt. Gold Hill, K. C, bhl. paint. ft. O X W. O. Xewman. Prea. t'nlon topper Ming Oo.tGold HiUv K. I bos. iron pipe 6ts., 2 box. I. pipe fit tea Ho. 1- O. Vyer. -tiold Hills, N. C, t . amira, t nax snags, 7. O S Oonsolidated Portrait Frame ., Garnwatoa. X. CL. I box iet. anil iraiaea Ibi. O N 8. M. Sands, Cansolidrtcd Por. Usit and Frame Go, Germantoa, X. C l nox pict. and framea. W. David Dawvn Co.. Gaatania. X. CL. i nvr-gmiioat- ran aaor oil. 100. A. A, Jobasnn. OoUstaa. X. C. 1 one kf. R. paint, 1 kit Mint. 101. O X Miae Vera Rarnhart, Granite uarry, .V U, I box notions. 102. Mrs. M. K. Potter. Cwrr. V. C 1 uni. tin. Iu.1. Genetta .Scott, Goldaboro, X. C, febl. notions, l iron bed, 1 bdl. best rails i04. J. J. PilkitujtOB, Galdsbora, N. a, ox medicine. 105. F. D. Uwis, Goldaboro. N. C I I Obi. cider, 1 bax G. ware. 1M. J.- M. Lueily. Goldaboro. X. C 1 DOX. dOS. OOt. 107. O N C. E. Seabold. Goldaboro. X. v., x bdis. castgs, 6 boxea glaaa. ICS). Henry Grass, Croldsworo, N. C, I in. aweepinga romaresaed. 10H. H. C. Daridaon, Goldaboro, X. C, i oox adv. matter. 110. C. H. Carr, Goldahora, X. C, 12 bbl. eider, 1 box G. wars. 111. S. 0. Corbel), Goldahora, X. C, I I Mi. cider, 1 box G. wars. 112. D. M. Walls, Hsndsrsosrille, X. C, 1 box glassware. 113. W. B. Whittle, Henderaoarille, X. u, i oat. scnool desk eaatgs. 1)4. K M. fihipman, HandsraoavilU, A. i', X oox. it. H. Goods i 1 trunk. 115. O N C. H. Singleton, Hendarson ville, X. C, 1 ert. 2 mantles. 1)8. O. B. B., Henderaoarille, X. C, 1 box nde". matter. - 117. Whitby A Richardson, Bf It mere, X. C, 2 boxea drugs. ' II. HuHman Bros, Hiekorr. X. C, 2 cases fire wnrka. U!. Public Service P. Club, Hickory, X. C, 1 m. Stock. 120. Wingo Suggt, Hickory, X. C, I ck. stove. 121. lVpot Cafe, Hickory, X. C, 1 bdl. awning. 12S. Sou. Wood Worka, Hickory, X. C, 1 case adv. mstter. , 121. Misa Beaaie Coppfe. High Point. V. I'., 1 ert. K. Ware; 1 bbl. Gro. 124. Fgle Fur Co, High Point, X. C, I dresser: 1 ert. glaaa. 125. H. P. Normal A Indaatrial School, High Point. X. C, 1 bhl. C. Wax; 10 gals. H. Stain. I2H. J. J. H no rer. F. C. care Aeent. High Point. X. C, 4 beams; plate; 3 girders. 127. Hill Veneer Co, High Point, X. C, 1 box II. Inmlier. 123. J. (5. I-amhert, High Point, X. C, 1 nox men. Kuh tt ire. 120. Koca Sola Rottliug I n., High roini, .-s. .. .i cria. empiv noiTiea. 1.10. Krarna 1'ph. Co, High Point. X C, Ihdl. 2 chaira; 1 bdl. 1 .hslr; 1 bdl 1 rocker; 1 Ml 1 settee 131. Newlin Brook s.High Point, X. C, 3 cases corsets. 1.12. P. .1. Rice. High Point, X. C, 1 noi. (.roe. 13.1. Chas. Thompson, Hisi Point. X C, 1 case hata. 134. J. S AMerman, Henderson, X. C, 1 iwse scnool dead. 115. I.. A. Woodruff, Keraenrville, N C, 1 drum compound. 1.1.. D M 1-fler. Kannapolis, X. C, 1 case aca,es regiater. 137. Anns Vtnn Mills, Kings Moun tain. . t, I bbl. airing. 13. A. K. Sheets A t o, lyeiington, X. C. 1 box K. ware 139. (Order Notify! Strsusburg Cole I en. (, jexingtOD, ,. (.., J box tele phone. 140. Brewster Chapman, Lake Toxa way, X. C.. 1 hag cement. 141. Tox. Inn. LaLe Toxaway, X. 1 esse cigarettes. 142. Roberlson A Mcrbnjr Forest Citv. . ('.. 2 cases bdl. of mrrrh. 14.1. William Wilson, Milton, '. C, I bbl. notions. 144 M. J. Scott., Milon, X. C, 1 boi (ro. ; 1 box soap. 14.. N. L. t'hapman, Morgsnton, X. C . 1 box meIi.'ine. lift. Mnij;,ntnn Kum. Co, fogsnton. X. (' . 1 ltl burlap 147. H S Millner. Morgantoa, X. C, 2 boxes concrete stone. 14K V Ph iter, Morgsnton, X. C, 1 tvnx F. ware. 149. W. v I'hifer. Morrsnton, X. C, 1 box A food; 3 palls A food. 150 V. H Shelton. Madison, X. C,l 5 box. monuments. 151. .1 I. Phillips. Madison, X. C, 3 boxea monuments. 152. W. F. Gilises. Madison, X. C, 3 box. moniimenls 15.1. P. A. Pestrosa, Msdissn, X. C, 1 box E. ware 154. X. P. Ferpison, Madison, X. C, 3 box. monuments. 155. W F. Chsmbers, Madison. X. C, 1 Ml. blind'. IM. Grover Still, Madison, X. C, 1 bag coal. 17. E. B. Wheeler, Marion, X. C 1 aaa aaady. 15a. W. 3. Cable, Murphy, X. C, 4 boxea faarhle. . W. V lnre, Marphy. K.' C '' irbK' . - - - ". 10 A. j. Uaos. Murphy. H. C, si. au, ware. IN. lvsodea A Tasiar VurnhTi H. C m - . a esaea soap. 16 O X. W. A. Wirbur, Murphy, X V, 3 eases stack food Ittt. L Van York, Mount Airy, K. CL, i-a ddl riaer; i nax u. war. I4. Xatt. Furn. Co, Mount Airy, N, C, 1 bdl. burlap. US. O-X. W. U J. H. Noraaa. Mount Airy, N. C, 1 esse drugs. IS. Mount Airy W. Elevator Oa, Mount Airv. x. c, l mill x. I7. W. C. Riiieham. Mount Aire V. s i. , . ; w, pens A. I ooo. loa. i. t. Masks, Mount Airy, X. C I eaaa R. food; 3 C P.; 1 ert. E. srare. lrtfl. Misa Miller Hrarht. Moekavilla. X: C 1 bdl. iron beds: 1 bdl. iron bed rails. 170. Mrs. L. A. Drat on. Moorwarilla. t,, a erts. msrble; I box. 171. J. . Robmaoa. Moorearille. X C-, 1 arts D. wiarble. 171 V. G. Temnletoa. Meereaville. N. C, 1 bdL mattress. 173. A. C. krrlev. Moaresrille V. fl I eaaa crayon. 174. Lula Harris, MooreariUs, X. C, 1 bbl. notions. 17S. W. T. Wrieht. Xawton. X. fl. ) case matches. 17. J. W. Pone. Xewton. X fl. aasea canneo goons. 177. Miss tarrie Wrstt. X. Wilkes aoro, N. U, i empty trunk. 171. Emma B. Sheeta. X. Wilkerboro V. C, 1 box books. I7. Oak Furn. Co, X. Wilkeahorw. X C, 1 aplaaher. 10. Oak Furn. Co.. X. Wilkeahara. N I vr. stove. 111. Jenkins Milliner Co, X. Wilkes aoro. n. c, 1 box hsts. 182. O X. Oerr Jones. X. Wilkesboro . I, g boxes rubes; 0 pee. i 2 bbls. 18.1. J. W. Fow. X. Wilkesboro. X. C 4 boxea drugs. IIH. J. K. eKlts. X. Wilkeaboro, X. C, 1 pack. I cads. Tnb. 18A. O-X. O. R. Rhodes. X. Wilkea boro, V, C, 13 W. pails; 1 bal. G. ware; I box lanterns; 1 case chert.: I crate 1. ware i I box notions. 1M. J. L. RKherdson. X. Wilkeabero, C, 1 bax merchandise; I box alma aaes; I sign. 137. O-X. I.. H. CaoeWna. X. Wirkea- ooro, sj. u, 1 metal chains. 188. p. O. McNeill. X. Wilkesboro. X. U, I M, I p para. m. tiesv E. Maxbv. X. Wilkesboro X. C, I box books; 1 box. 100. W. U Hendrix. X. Wilkesboro X. C, 1 bdlt. L. C. 11. W. H. Howel . V. Wilkesboro. X C, 2 easel mall adr. matter. 192. R. X. Bore, X. Wilkesbetw, X. C, box dre. ll3. Z. X. Bars, X. Wilkesboro, N. C, 12 bal. oil. 14. O-X 3. C. Bailer. X. Wilkesboro. X. C, 1 ert. P. frame: 1 box P. frame. IBS. R. X. Braybill, X. Wilkesboro, X. , 1 box V, wire) 1 box S crates ad matter. 1M. A. C.Billinas. X. Wilkesboro. X. C, 1 case ale. 17. F. H. Alexander. X. Wilksaboro. X. C 2 erts, stone ware. 108. W. L. Dawson. X. Wilkeabero. X. C, 1 box aosp; 1 bog 8. Ifrt. F. A. Dewing. X. Wilkssbora. X. C, 1 corn mill 1 hopper) I bdl. braes. VK w, w. Gamball, X. Wilkeaboro, . ii, i oox jono. 201. .7. A. liong. X. Wllketbaro, N. C, case med. 202. W. M. Tumi all, X. Wilkeaboro, . r, I cwt. 20.1. J. L. Wilson. Oxford. X. C 1 box books. 204. J. B. Hongnod, Oxford. X. C. 1 aaher. isrsted; I cw. altadied. 205. Mrs. Bettie Harris, Oxford, X. C, bhl. G. ware. 2011. Z. V. Bates. Pineville. X. C 4 sacks plaster. 207. W. .1. Moore, Pinerille, X. C, 1 box valnentlnea. 2flH. S. I.. Manaon, Pinerille, X. C, 1 n oil. 209. O N Consolidated Portrait Co, Pilot Mountain. X. C, 1 ert. P frsmea. 210 .Jim Bobinsmi, Reidsrllle. V. C, I hot snools and Casta. 211. W. II. Little, Reidsville, X. C, 3 box. marble. 212 James Rohinaon. Reidsrllle, X. C, 1 bax castg. 211. F R. Venn Tob. Co. Reidsville, N. C, 1 ns. 3 box. M toha.: 1 na. 4 cad. M toha 214. lame, Purker, Reidsrille, X. C, 1 bal. notions. 215. nstctiett Piddle. Reidsville. X. C, 1 box O. G Mmijiment. 21. F R Mitchell, RefdsriTle, X. C, 1 box notions 217. P. F. Collier A Sons. Reidsville, X. C, 1 box books. 218. Mis. v. Bnker. Reidsville. X. C, 1 box O. clothing. 219. J . Goodmnn, Rockwell, X. C, 1 box medicine. 220. Rsndlcmsn Bsrjain TTouae. Ran dlemsn. N. t', 1 ert castjrs. 221. M. C. Ledwell. Randleman, N. C, 5 paila stock food 222 Mrs. J. C. Wager. Raleigh. X. C, 1 child's bed. meaj and blankets 22.1. Mia. Annie Bay. Raleigh. V. ('.. 2 bhl. Pa. fol.lers; 1 bdl. inject powder; 1 bdl. whip. 224. Kdna Mason. Raleigh, N. ('. 1 tub ertd, 1 bbl., 1 pg. (ltd matter. 1 C. kel tie, I bill, tents ana pol.-. i pr. e-ak-on ahsfts, 2 box. If. II. goods. 225. J. M K. nnedy, I!aleiCh, X. C, I case emte frHln . 220. GiKidwin S. to, ILaleijrh. N. I, I case nlste clas-. I I u roll ri.i f hem. 10, Kaleigh. N. , 1 keg borsx 1 1 228. W. I). fWroe Raleigh, X. C, 3 Cases grates. 229. M. . Jcfie, Kandlcman. .V C, 5 pails tck t ox( . 2.MI. KenilN man liarpiin House, Kan dleman, N. C. 1 rlc ra-lK. 2.11. Miss M Vat1a, Rut herfordtou, N' C, 1 Wil. noli. ms 2i2. ...lin I., hotwell. Rirtherfordton, N'. '.. 1 bhl. xint. 213. -I. Iniinrnburg, Kul berfordtoa, N. C, 1 bid. X ler. 2.14. W . Carpenter, Rutherfordton, X. C, 1 bl.l. X. beer. 2.15. Southern Cotton Oil Co, Selma, X. C, 2 ps. hridze iron. 2:1. II. Spivey. Selma, X. C, 6 box. ilrygs, 1 lox clocks. 2.17. J. R. Cornclison, Salisbury, X. C, 1 lounpe. 2-ts. Vaynard Bros, Salisbury, X. C, 1 piano. I stool. 2.(9 F. Hoffman, Salisbury, X. C, 1 box drugs. 240. .1. K. Surratt. Salishurv, X. C, 1 cd. toha, 1 a S, blba. 241. Piedmont .Vutoflo. (O ), Salisburv, X. C, 1 case bdw. 242. D. A. Cole, Sanford, X. C, 1 box 243. L. A, Cook, Sanford, X. C, I bex oataloguafc ' . S44. Mra A, J. Kelly. Saatora, X. C, I box anedieina. 46. O-X J. C SsAar, ghatby, X. C, 4 box. A. foasl. 24a. O K T. B. Waehbxwa, Shelby, X C 3 pek. nee. 47. M. a Moore A Os, Shelby, X. C, 1 case ated. 24. K. C. WUliaatt, bkiftj, N. C, I box med. 24. K. C WDliaau, feberby, X. C t box, med., 1 box svdr. matur. x-50. 8. U Baber, ehelby, X. C, I boa. suede, 1 box adv. matter. riSO I I. A, D. Isiady, Siioam, X. C. box. A. food. 251. J. B. stiapsoa, fMoaas, C, 1 bbl. oil. tii. K. B. Dickson, tStataariUs, K. C. I eaaa vara. 353. 6-X C. B. Atkins, fSteUerUle, X. O, 1 box mirrora. sVt. J. J. Hooner. Statesnue, K. u., 1 box wied, 1 ease mirrora. 1 dresser, 1 Ml. rlasa I snlaahsr. 1 end. bad. 254. Imperial Pure, Co, Stateemie, in. C, 1 bdl. B. rails. 85. Imperial Furn. Co, rJUterrills, X. C, I foot beard. g7. imperial in. Oo., matoaruis, A C, 1 sideboard MS, .1. ft. Mom sow Mas, males ville. X. C, 1 case D. roads. Ct. Ntstemnlls Rate and lasts to, Stataavilla, N. C, 33 ssisa ertd, 1 peks. loose. tm Sloan. Us Taller, BtateevUle, X. C. 1 box adr. matter. 2nl. Fannie Turner, mateenmis, n. v., 1 bbl. notions. 22. Order 8. M Prtca, notify C. H. Turner, Stateerllle, X. C, I pek. lard. 23. J. M. Walker, Tbylorevtus, . t:., 10 empty apple erts. OH.4 fl'nlw Hn. I Clnm Wotif. F. H. t'rough, Ts'ylorsrille, X. C, I bhl C, wsre. 25. J. C. Clsnton, Taylortnllt, X. C, 17 empty apple crta. xutl. i) f soutnern An iayiov rille. X' C. 1 box P. frames. 207. Thomas Black, Thomaaville, X. C, 1 case adr. matter. ii8. W hite A Fitch, Thamasrllla, N. C, I box saddles. 2a. Thomaaville Furn. Os, Thomas rille, X. C, 3 ert, d restore, 3 ehlff, 1 erata glass. 270. t, K. trodwya, TDomaanus, n. 0, 1 bal. Matt. 271. Claude Allison. Troutman, X. C, I bdl. bad ends; 1 bdl. bed rails; 1 bbl. notions. 272. Oss. A. Btsetaaa, Wlntton Sa lem, X. C, 1 box A. food; 1 box 8. met'. 3. South Ride Drug Os, Winston- Salem, X. C, 1 box stork med. 274. C. R. Burton, Wlntton Balem, n. C, 1 bdl. 5 mts. 273. J. J. Reid, Winston -Salem, X. C, I pk. bskts. Zln. Iter. t.. n. rsiriey, vvinston-na- lew. X. C, ! bbl. H. H. goads. 277. K. B. Kernes, Wtnitoe, Salam, X. C, 12 bbl. paint. 278. w. U. rvirxmsa, winstaa-naiem, X. C, 1 box O. seed. 27 B McDowell A Rogers, Wlnstoa-Ba- lem, X. C, 1 case sdv. matter. 2H0. J. Garner, Winston-Salem, X. C, ert. mschiiiert. 281. O-X Fonter F-lec. Co, Wlnaton- Salem, X. C 1 seoss; I alee, goods) 1 bdl. suat. oop. wire. 282 P. X. Pfaff. Winston-Salem. X. CM-'-'ogs. 83. T. 1, Yaugen Oro. to, Winetoa Salem. X. C, 1 box printed matter. 284. G. .1. Xiasen, Winston -rosiest, .n. . 3 sun aorinrs. 285. Brown Rogers Co, Wlneton-Sa em. X. C, 8 box feed 28A. C. O. Crouch. Winston-Salem, X. . I case M. water. 287. D. P. Campbell, Winston -Salem . C. I heater, ertd. 288. Thea Soda Co, Winston-Salem . V.. 1 emptr keg. 28", R. B. Horn A Co, Wlnston-Sa em. X. C, 2 pit. candy. 290. R. B. Horn A Ca, Winston Salam C, 1 bucket na adr 291. W. T. Sprinkie, WinsUn-Saltm, X. C, 1 box csstg. 292. O X Issm Sides, Winaton-Salem, X. C, 3 sax peanuts. 2K.1. Mrs Fsnuie S. Recka, Winston Ssleiu, X. C, 1 blil. old clothing 294. F. K. Miller. Woodleaf, X. C, 1 box H. food; 1 pail A food. 295. II. P. Cranlonl. Woodleaf. X. C, 1 Imjx mede. ; 1 box adr ; 1 ert. signs. JiW. Alexander A Son, Woodleaf, X t'., 4 Ihii. mode. 297. We.t Brook F.I. Co, (3iarlotte, X. C, 1 box elct . mcliry. 29H. R S. Hunt, Charlotte, X. C, I cae Brvan pitint. 299. () X 11. nry Miller, Charlotte, X. (', 1 esse books. 3IKI. J. II Burton A Sons, Charlotte, X. ('.. 1 case cblmiieya. :;01. V t. it.v 1). Co!. tTiarlotte, X. C, I Imx mdf : 1 box sdr. matter. 30.' W R. ltobinson. Charlotte, X. C, 1 Im)V IIICHf. 3i:i M. F. Fink, Charlotte, X. C, 1 box gl'ie. .104. I has H. W indsor, Charlotte, X C, I in, paper trarv 10"i Miss Seidleherg, Charlotte. X. C, 1 bbl. groceries; I rrl. ware. S(WI X. McKensie, t harlot te, X. C, 2 rudes. j Mt:. .1. S. FJIiott, Charlotte, X. C, 2 bedrarks. j .Ifix I. X. Mcfausland. Charlotte. X. '. 1 piie sheet. M. 1 has. M. Steiff, Charlotte. X. C.'on I bl.l 'liislers. I -i" r. 1117, narioue. . 1 1 hhl. rootiihr psint. iMii'irinpe, 1 nsri 'ue. .. l.. "se glass. 312 Amos Pres.. ,.s, Ch.untte N. C, box old sf-mji. 31.1. O X kitiiey llaber. Charlotte, X. C, 1 case nMp .114. Joe Knuciik-r. Charlotte, X. t, 1 drum tweeps 315. Sou. lotlin to, ftiarlotte, N. C, 1 bal. grease. :llfi. Oiarl. Auto to, Charlotte, X. C '$17 ..dvHm.;:;re.. ch,r,o,ta. n. a, i Caietr- nKine mr.a--r, .118. A. Iisvis. Charlotte, X. O, box drugs. Jt. II. loroan, i. narioxie, X.., 1 box adv. metier. 320 I, Johneon, CharlotU, X. a, 1 case liquor I 121. (i. II. Busts, Cliarlotta, X. C, 1 bhl. galr. pirie. 321. A. ( . Bern, Chariotta, N. C, 1 r" i 324. O-X W. riewall, Charlot te, X. C, I box p. frames, ' 823. J. M. Binkley. Casrlotte, X. C, box adv. matter. i 32. W. L. Smith. Charlotte. -7. CL 1 , bdL rails. 827. Mrs. 3. A. McOey, Chariotta, K. C r bM. aotSoas. , , 28. R. H. Jacobs, Chariotta, S. C, 1, bhl aia. Stt. Oueam CSir Hotel, Ckarlatta, V. C, I pail axis giaass. 30. W. V. Buchamaa. Caaxgisaxo, K. ft I box C atone, 331. C. B. Kimhrall, CaxartsSAa. V. C I bttat O flaUfl 332. R. H. RucisiU, Caswiotta, X. O, I box maehiaarr. 333. bUMSttaa A Evaaa, CbaatasHa, X. C, 2 boxea teata 334. W. U OaUa, CAwkmUs, K. C, 1 box bdw. 333. V. G. Parka, CAarWtta, K. C, parks. 4 ods. ton. 3K. W. H. Fleming, Chariotta, N. C, 1 boa mdse. 337. H. U Riiwara. Cbarastta. V. C 1 box liniment 1 SSU O - Ul - 1 . . . s s .a. i 1 . nnniii, V s 11.1 isv .S, , 1 hkl 33!). Model Steam Laundry, CAarlofts, X. C, 13 bdls. ap board. -V 340 Tex Mill' Supply (.., Cbariotte, X. V I iron wheal. ' 341. Pryan Drug Co., Chariotta. K..C.'' I box F, bottles. - Charlotte. X. 1 , 1 box P. framea . 343. Mrs. H. C. Fiak. Chariotta. X. . C, 1 box books. 344. Mrs. X. Johnson. Cfcarlotts. K. C- I box G. wars, 1 bux G, want, 1 bbl gro-" oeiiea. ; 345. F. M. Oiaw Marios, X. C I ark -.i dustars. 348. W. L. resyoson, Marion. N. C. I . bbl K. paint. Southern Railway; St. sVFollwtBa aakaa aia aarwpaa hhsw 4 Htbed onlr aa .afwrmatloa aa ara aal . uaraatseo. l a aa s. sa s ... ... rioriae llmiiad. eoanesta at Chariotta wlta nirransaaaae aaweta Tarsus n alaepera New TerB to Mleaa.aamam and JstaaeavlUa. Llnln asur aarvtoas laXia a. aa- Ma IX esjlw Sfsw Task aad New urUana Usaitsa. lor Ween inctoa and ae'aia aartk. eMIlmsa drawing room alaaplng eara aaaerva lias m n it .uk . . .&t.M , ... . Ing car aarvloa Bella fullaaac train. ' X.SS a. aa. Na 111. aaiir. far Hei sts h Hi Tmim .mIm h... ' 4.ea Pullman aleeper froas Wlasiea balem to Ralelga. Car apaa .1 a 4a o. ss ffa as Sail mm. I. Charlotte, ceaaacUag tot Atlaata aad pulnts aauta. S ea au m. Ns aa a&iiv in w..k. Ingioa and points aorta. Baadiea alaaa er far ew lark. f.lB a. .uis Cm aus. mond, Norfolk and local p'olnis aorta. ' e-is a. ss, Ma. 117, galiy, fr Wla. . IO!.-8atsim ana rf.ll. .r.M .... ,. , tur Wllkaabara aad att. Alrw m. as Nn .Ss asits SuuSa, tor Ramaaur. v.-m sv. Wjns st, Bslljr. fiaw Tarlf ad New Orleans Limited. Pullmaa rawlna roam sissnlns .... ai-r.. lion ana club um kl. tub . . ... . prieana. Pullmaa drawing room alsso- ing eir issw rork te Atlaala. PuU- . man ohslr aar (IrsesatAra is u..iM. err. Nolld fullmaa train, fclalng car aarvloa IM a. itk Na. It. galls, (or Char. ' lotte aad Atlanta. seaaeUaa las Aaheville aal Kaoarllla. s ss a. sa-No. 44. aailr. fas Wash. Inaton and paints aenh. Maadlaa da . ceachea Atlanta ta Waaklsstaa --4 sleeper Atlanta ta Oreensbaro. t a.a a. as. No. 144. aally, for Dur. ham. Raleiak and Ooldsboro. Maadlas Atlanta aad Raleiak alesDee. lS-sa a. ss Ne, 11, dartr foe Halts. burr and AsksvUla. Maadlas s.,u. Car ta Aahevllls. I.OS f jho. t. stall., t.r Weak.; Ina'oa aad polnia nana. Raatf isa u Pblimaa drawlna ream alasaa. ki. Orleana ta New York, Pullmaa Straw. Ing reom alespar Mlrmlnabam la Kew i.ra, ana oar ceaaaea ia waaaingtea. . limine car aarvlc . ia-H a. asNo. f. dallv. local trala rorLkarlatta, ceenectlng far Columbia,. " a ."No. 1ST, aallg. axeept unday, for Wlnetoa-aalsm, making 1S.I fom D. as. No us, Ballr. foe Ban. and Inlsratsillsta b.lni. ik...... far Fareltevllit aad Wilmington. I BS s ss. Ns. 11. aallv. far It..., bam. Raleiak aad UoMakara, ataadlea Parlor Car te (loldeboro. Bum a. an. Ns in. dsn. ....... Bundaf. for Madison. S S p. aNs us. Ballr. osoawt ' undsr. for Hamseur. asa as -Na 1 IS dallv fn. a.. ford aaa a. a. Ns ill. dalle, far vri Alrr ais p. Bk-si. Is, dally, for Attanta id oolnta aowth. PlUIbsbb ...-. room aleepers lo ar4w Orlaana and Rlr minxham. Day saackss to MeaCsrsaaaa. Utiilnc car eertflca esr e.S3 a. aa -NO. III. dafly. tar Win. aloii-naisia. rjes p. a Na 41, daily, for Attsa Pullmaa alasoar sjid dav ssusm te Atlanta. lese a. ss. Na, ill. dallv. far Wla. eton-. Selena. a. aa No, II. dallv. foe lea. mend and local nelnta. Handlaa sis... er for Richmond and Norfolk. Hlak Polsl-Asbksrs Sr.s.k. Sla. 141 lsv. lliarh Point S IS s m dallv sa.spi Sunday. Arrive Aakkora 10 00 a m. ne, 1ST Isva HI rb Wolna I sa a m. Arrlva A.hbnra lie n av Th roil s t rela lot Aberdeen, dallv accent Bun. dsj. Ma. 14S-l.eava Hlati Point til a a. Arrlva Ashhore 1.30 n m dsllv. as. copt Puniay B. it. ' 1 A Fsf A N. aenaral Manager. &H. HARDWldK. P. T. M. V CART CI f A Wssblna-lna n. c. R. Is Va-RWON Dl P. A Ckarlatta. N. f - W H. McOI.AKFJPiT. P. A T. A Oreenahoro. N. C. Elm St. Properly lor Sale "ne of the largest snd beet b'liidirga Kim street. ftented to a oroaneroua comnsnv sft s good income rate. Property well located and will re-Tease in rahie rapidly, ("an be pimased on rery easy terms. Southern Real Estate Co. tautkern Life T-i.t Ca Buudiag, us East Markrt Street, Geeeaibora, N C Chesapeake & Ohio Ry. sb.rte.l, Qalekrsl aad Meat R..n ( s.t tesllb.a-d TYala ssltk XMslsd itTVlLJSiTrcStSLV'mS L Lt arst.oro. Bo. Ky .l IS a. m. . l if p m. Li. ranvllle . . . .11 SO a. m. s.0 p. m. T.ckaru.'i, 4M m- c. O. 1.1'f.m. l :a.p. m. Ar. Loulavilla . . .11. so a. m. Ar. Cincinnati .... a.m. !a.m. V.7.7 .Vi'p'm" Ht St Only ana night on the road Direct eonnectiona for all point ue.i .na North wast. Tba lias to the celebrated Mountain Beeorta ef Ttralnla for dswnrtptiro matter, achetulsa and Pullman reoor. ratlona, Mdraaa. W. f. Tf AfrTHP!. t. P. A, : C At O. Mr. Ca. aiaacssad. Va. .