OBEEN8BOHO DATLY NEWS. FRIDAY. MAT 27. 19J0 HAD AN EXCITING TIME NEWS FROM HIGH POINT WERE WELL ATTENDED AFRAID OF CARSEFS DIPL05IA8j 0 J? Jf CUBES Alleged Rohhers dive QTllcers a Lively Chase, But Mure lectured. thpcia WT a cp"i battle i HOS.OWJ f o! i wmr, ju- b- told M return?-! fo haiOiaM t'l broken ir. j I.J t . . ' P ' ' to l': V-we., tin! V. loin I ' being n--i m( lr.ig. 1 hi ini: M. I ai ( i rutin: ! .1,,. t.e.i'ti i t ' ( w v t nti dun i ' li.- ;. appeared He V s linci greater, ar..' rs. 1 u- irtdi'i 'c.i f 'fThiei ftlUiOIi J - wnd M, ,V. rn. f ny h., men tVled tl.r fltn ,pl and ('en turn ti.niiiwd ' h u ihnri. I'hev ihii"' I'ri''' quietly and pee'-eubty '-mi lalabetiap a Tittle in t'n o " The oftUier made men and found some of 1 iclea While whitiiE u eu t f h the ,.:h m to take ! Hem t.. t i fturke r lail. the amaHer mhh of a raomeri t myu n t He . . r xva looking, dicw Horn H'ltif .'t.iu H-ini pistol and demanded IN'. Hi i lie nlli.ei I IwMini. e, ' ilnek l.l" hold up hi h-iid- I H h h;ind evei . II,' i i r rt the "..'.Kl ti' tl. tin e..ni ajid tae littn 1 ham ti-' in " them l-.lte.l !iV f..r the r lit.eit ,1,,, It.. ! I." ill .T.'k "f l'l.ll til -tit"l of ,!r th mini tfieer innn'i Hurt.! f."ni l.eli rnunter in hot pui .it .m l l.ie.l times at ". r'li'ni'i'! i"''" shots fukiur -rT 'it in 1 1..' 'tuall. . ann T)n n.in haviny I reil nil j,lVl Inaile and hn.ln.f h .n'i cd. handed th ar i t" h" ' '" till, time the v n' the ..if. . er.il ..mil.. .j! coantrT had h.med I tie oPieer in t'"- f.irenlt and te ra'" ix-came name rit Bf. l.n the mad dnduuii' I.e.. and there the nien daeL.-d I he lar(rr man now holdine the pulol lound lhit h-- .ad earrrt1)ti end he eo.ild nut i-tnp fo the amallfr man In elv Uim aom Thr CinlT rhane. nf eeape lay ta eprinttnf and theT made g.,o. tuae Al thee paa'.d i".e fatmhnime a fa. tner haarlnif nf the eieit. nieti' had rimufn.t tiwth hii aln.!run and slond -on ieaVd alon; tba path of the fleeing nien Jtiet aa fhey eame near Mm. he lalaeil if irun and demanded Hint fheT halt Tha man were tired nut. arid the halt.! if the told imn looked n.H a hit gnoil to them, w thev 'halted and were tirmteht naek to Ttridcewaler Had they known, aowever. tliat it wa mi enipte ehotriin that .va' pill'ed upon thm fheT mifht have heen jfoinp yet K preliminary henrinir waa hold at Morawnton on Teatenlnv and t 'ie men noond over ta the net term of Supe rior oourt. ENTERTAINED WOMAN'S Weaitbaw, K. C, May The We n'e rwJrn 1iuirtinirr iftdstr of th- C3as,rsette 4-Jitxic-t met in fts anrtial sa ion here veslerdwT at she Methcdaat fcbereaV ,hriw a n u ro Ler of dejer,taa hev al eaady am Ted end more urns in toridiv 9 bt evening -eion consaetrd t rwavl lug tlie miiiutr-. ul laaM m'Utag tiled the readang of dit)eint iejori tiuvuhout the dusrict. MsaUllg delepat- ir beuif ro v "y aetfftained, as thi i 1 he u 1 -1 i im. AsaWw has had t he hnnnr t fi tug as aoatess to saii an inifiei c d. lo ftetkoa in oin tinie A rain Morm -'..'pt rr thi .c-'i n p1 ornintr) lin-iUv e-n ihr ' h ' noel acvejc downpour ot ram viiiM'--"d In eevnraJ ii.onLl.-. Nmif hail till, but it la thought t hi rietiUunira. w f P rtni large enough to tin m rriatii itainai:.. io growing i-rop- 1 t'e -.1 F.-ji tt. - hi.- re u. li wollen. ho we . ci . a I'd -m,i i I gra 1 n .ti Jov. lauds has n U aicn low u ,-or- ii frruhlv. Baseball Deal Atlnnta. Ca . Mav lc, i, fiounced toui' t 1. il... ni;Hm; -the .Atlanta BneU'ir ' t srrn Jeaiie, th.it lUdnr !'.nr- t anan. who i.yenlly euHfred -. jittack in Mobni . h- 1 -.,. he Philadelphia mrn .r oiit h lne pho, dd ' !BkT ar-a C 1 1 sC J "liiirioiK mirnprn k at wav'n.-. n.e ,-,.xrr-,ratora be., n, t jlfy HORtHEAD CITY. H. C. (u WW 3W bV.AH ORT. N. C. & 'wjfef "ZmJ amamic HoiiiL opi-:ns jim: i. lt VJyiM-P lrlihttul Seashore Report l P I IMRIMI-.IV IOW SCNDAV A0 JI j Vj MT.K IM) l-:XCl?RSION KA1F.S 8 Hi VIRGINIA BEACH CAPE HENRY, VA. k Iryk I The Only Seashore Reaons in Virginia LaP tlr I livery Conceivable Korm of Amuwr- Tl th I menl. I xcellcnt Hotel and Cottaera. I V'lJ ni I Keasonarle Kates. I VC?1 1 1HI I her 'omplete information a; ;. tn 1 ?WvTl UN I any Norfolk and Southern i: . Ir.,.,1 I ( lfM il Ticket Agent, or addr-s H C. Unifies. taTwjf ( 1 General Paaevpr Acnt ; W '. . i r s!lr"Ci ton, AsWtanl I. eiidr.il Passr-ncer Aent, j Public Service and City leach Ami- cable Settlement -Notes. i Spe h! to Da Ma : H .... 1'- i , (.: t 1 nf r. i'l ' lit ci t i th. I StUI " ,i' ' 1 1' ' I M iihi I urn. ii I t rom 1 h- i i iK-nwnt. orni' t i 'in pi flit. if ot t It r ! vuntuv'M "t I I V KV'M VU'li- t fl. I'n" t to Hlilelgh tUAt PRICES TUMBLED Chicago Wheat Market Scene Oi Wild Excitement. Wl ''ti Th ptlHtf 'ttlr-- nim .1 li. imf II. at'rriiatna -. I I f 1 Ma 1 H ll'-JIt tod. CMUVtf H t -MHh.1 IvMiilf tl' l nr in pru-e I In' ur.l-W'i'fi ot MXHtlKXi bulila nf i- ptrtrrlvr uhHt It ltirii' A nd I rnrart- U I'm'ten aiui the a n ranrbimn-nl ol tlien tiria nt wittrtlixwMl from tbr biarij( whii b thev hait Imm n rDtmbfi fot gn-t a t .oil, tnd alio thrir r-tira-mnt , t l-t tmpnrri1, froT rnj i tun en in- in' tde-iiUtl-y 'rhtr 1 9 tirt riifnt n I'fferti' July I 'f lie tirt jr, Imf in prtr raoffd froni 4 12 -nt m ntfriibiT lo mra than 5 nent 1 n May hit Altogm Ufr. tht- dav in whet ws ona daitmed t( tabkr fHl.k With Othr- ITIO pei totln ot the hiftorT of tb tnentona (ISi 'HKO .arrt of tradr JfijiuPH Patten left lii office tonifrbt wrttrmx 4 Mimtr. hi his limousine lie had If m ire to read hfilliner. eat imatiriK hiri lnse, i.t HMVrtheie hftween fi4llKX) in $1 -JiMi.ono lor Hie 4.iiv. Ak'-il il hi ha-i anvlliinj; tn alout th' unrket, t ho r-prrulatnr lTia;hM and iail "hiot aay 1 don't know anrfKin about the market." Mr. fatten admitted that ha had roma t a...! ,La contest with the mil acfond beit bi n r Not niajiy Tiien i-ouM take it tike tha I ." reniai rke.i an d mi ring junior part ner of t he fit m WADESB0R0 IS GOING TO HAVE MANY IMPROVEMENTS W'adesbwro. Muy An era, of ptt'- iin in.ps"tiiient seeniH to he upon th?. town I he next few unniili. will be 1 tnn nf idifMr 1 lie mTn rtHumiSbinnei imve alinoet ' eiimpleted t he pisn for t he e mg of i the eireet- a ft I bulldtnp the idewalLs' In the I mis wn eetton I he Mret will tu paied Tith a uirt ma'adarw, nunc 1 'ar ..r sha!l u a hinder The bt-ls ..r the worL ill he onenH l-ridn li:ni ; l.e ain'citieations providr tur is.intO uar y ant of pit ing, ".MK teH of ai Iting auti pnilfiing, and H tsm yai Us ot Mlewaik to br of cement. The com-ih'--ii.h,i hope to let the eutue con 1 1 ,v t to one bidder Receivers Appointed ftiiminptuim. Ma . May -o t to 'la ' meet ;ng ot t he red l tors ot t he h "k nipt cotton firm of Knight, ancey and rnmpniv, of TV-cstur. held here, W. S I ,o ell was tonne lly elected tnistee. All of the wiliiese ummou'Hi to tes tify at the hearing were present except I John I. Knight. o Decatur, who was in , charge of the rornpanv's afTairs at the 1 time ot the !si' ire deputy marshal i left tor lvatnr tonipht with a special I writ to bring )nm h.-fore the referee. 1 W" Davenport Bad Bad feather Bat Old Friends Vers There. ,Spec .'via J al to Daily Nfw i !ti flit rfniu'innitiit i Mi-jjc i& in fu I 1 t t h- exprfei"n lir-jm i ' rtli. irllt iltm-UH 't lUIi CiJltrtll Mm rta-ld l i miiihihI nrwt" n-nl .-u i'!tci)t ion 'ttfil.i I lli , - In rt oif. .i i- !-.. i il.n d It k nil hfW htre tor wral ;i l;i rrr prtnular a . n- !ii i l)t'-tanl - a n l t it. ha1 ttft-n rart'i i!' v in .nila V a- anai'L.I li I In- )u ll art ii.Im! ..a v umrtiini. t 10 nVliii h ill- 'trlris to.ik pla-f. t.-!lM-w. ii.it Kin 'if t In ft- f t 1 1 h it of id-ni ot tin' in-tit.nion I'V f aj--o'i,t i ion K' . i'. M. ,. pi. ,r- pr hiti, I'l. k' M- h. first pi.fl-iil of I h i iijxm r Ir. C. Wi'ivpi nf-ii pre r nir' port m it of lt Smniil T I") H Ormn thfii prp hi- nor II o.-lo'k 1 1 literary iirinr wi ile'irrfd h I he R.-v W. A lamU'tli. i. V ni'tnii Salrm. V ( I r !.aml'lll liiMflf .i flu i IP '! 'lOit nuA -IflivieH a tine ndHi an hi thir.. "W lint on ln rio Well." a haiKlled in a mo-t nniiii mnuiir I hi- errii rli-d laa! miit with 1 lj i.iuH rrirn-.-rl Iit l lie hvih- .irpail unit, linger t li' Miprnifioli "t f"rl hull Moiintfiird I. Mil' . I. . director. 1 he errir were irrll a!'e"'l'l tl M.. veiir. nil 1 1 o 1 1 h the wenth.r li irrv mrlemen I lir yreatei part (fen thi- t mi.- I he muleilt- left I'.r tlii'i re (.p.-.-tne tin.nra t.liiv ftr a T.'ar's li.ril .nid fcurre-ntiil u.nk 'I'll 'eninr ln' t tl i year inimln-reil 12. i.nH thru' wri lliree pmiiiiute in Ki- ial iImn.-'. ntnk lli tlw li-t nf j;iK.lii:it.' IS tlli Tear WINSTON-SALEM LADIES 'Special to Daily News Winaton Sa-lem. May 2d.- Right tnthe nndst ceinmencenieiit meetings t he tiifiunt al won.cn nf tlte city are tvk inj; up l he pre 1 1 miliar if the tulicicu Iomh eihihit mn cs rtipaign. Kvery w otiu-n club, aoeiet r. hdg and circle i tnrlted to have several unofficial rep riientatt e in a general conference wbi. h was held Vedneela in the First rrehy lrin church. At this meeting some fpeciHl plain for w oman's part in the campaign w ere diai ued and t hoec present were told what in being dene to ward's interesting this county in the chief cause of dcat)) in all the world. MT. AIRY NEWS NOTES (Special to Daily News t Aairr, Mav 2h Hubert shburn, ,DM "lT- fen. kqisn on the Smtthern , , ,. , , . . . reiwe. ho w killed latt night at Pilot Mountain, was coupling cars, not going from car to car a. nrM rejported. lie frilled to give the aignal and thoe in front went hark and found him Matiding up telweeii the cars dcud. hav ing been horribl y cm-bed bet ween t w o 1 1 1 r-1 -in V ' Hi " 1 111- t.'i as ui uukm i to this city at midnight and prepared for bus ml bT I'ndertaker Hannah. A j the Iom of huxbund end tathei I" lie Charlotte excuieion ret timed at J o'clok laat night The weather was not rer favorable for excursions too wt and rainy, which accounted 1 01 the small crowd from this eiM Ma j 'har.es M. S ted man, ot i .'rn born, will deliver the add res Confederate Veterans' reunion here June .1 Ihe Daughtets of the tnfed I ser e dinner a ftcr the ad i flai jdteas The Surry Rifles are ordered to go in I to camp at Chimauga. Temi . July II ('apt. -Ilium A. Jackson is geeting the Imm drilbnl for t he ix-csion. .Sheriff C Haynets. assisted by oth er parties Irom this pliw-e, captured a blockade distillery Monday morning in the Slate mountain country a short dis tance fiom the 'iiginia litte. MRS PERSON HAS SOLD HUSBAND'S BUSINESS i special to Daily News.) Cha rlotte, Ma v ?fl Mis Joe person and her son, R. M. Peron. have sold the famous medicine business known as Mrs Joe Person's remedy to a company to he known as t he Mr. Try Person Remedy M Jtvdnn. (iiir Harne an.1 Frank Word, all of K.thigh The buirie w hivb '. formes ly Heen conducted 1 n Charlotte, w ill U reinmed to K itt rcll t. . ..d ti,.. m.a f1r : the biifine was aiwiit MwfeOn Mr 1 Prrson srd her son will continue their i roideive in this city BRUTE GOT WHAT HE DESERVED AND WILL DIE peial to lssily ew i hailott. . May lf -In a lain atiempt to escape the hitches of the ;w. W ill Koss. s mulatto nero about 10 ear ol sir-. charged with an attempted criminal ;i-aii'' upon a hi'e woman, st her hnmie near Fort Mill. C estsrday at 1 er j h 'ii, a toda ht t hroiich and tijrti.igli and now ai the p-nnt of iit:x mi t), l.luv! amari1n hivr.itjl in 'this -'t The hooting took place on t he outfckirts ot "ha rlotte, near t he . ut hern cyt ion oil null, at 10 .10 this j morning. Ho- having been traced to this ! citv fr-uii the htrne of his dastardly cri nie. Mvttenoua Shootinc Affair. Wadcsboro, May Jo Keports reached here yeeterdy of a -di.wtiiig afTair on j the plantation of X. P. IJW, fixe mile, northwest of town, Tue-diT night, aloha Davis, a negro man. shot his wife twice. using a single barreled shotgun, and' kssdtng it again alter the first 6ot. The- womaa is shot in the body and legs, but will probably recrvwj. She denies j all knowledge of any trouble aad dneo not give any reason for tike a boo ting ; .She married Davis only a few weeks ago. Dnrfs disappeared immedietetv af- ter the hootii( and haa aot bee aeoav- Paramount Issue lo Wake Nar rows Down to Liquor. te Daihr Neva. I 26 - It looka Ilk. th. : Ukt t-ountT pnrnarr eontft betfnling rxrrciara 1 h. commutio.at ad in rvDH rii.- ranki i retting ntlit don. to "tiroliibitioa" aiui "auti - in "liih.l H.n for U4 paiaiuount untie. Al IraM it would ffiu tium a hve crilumn ' red headed prcMioiiiueiuent tu- dav 1 11 the uiorning paper det-lunug tlutt -nt white t-itiZfiif aud troiu point in Huh iiifl muat not I permitted and AJ,n m-' Oeorjriai, oame many whitej ., . , .. . I planters and uit'ri-.iant. Amunv ail. jrn.R 1 hat the -ruita e l.ring j,,, IIlKllilihrd hive educatorm praaent, me prohihttjoii iiie to divert; were Miha Martha Berrv, of the Iterrv 1 aiiention troin 1 i'hMiire-4 of lawleu 1 Hirhnol for Imn, Home, (li, and Preaf -. rii-aa and the e--pif 1 daumed conduct 1 dent Oorjre A. (late, of Fink uoirer of thr democrat tc machine, leader a of itv. the rau.paign loi t Ur regular declare J he rlaaa of 1S90 ralebrated it twin-, that the tur uo ttar ol the pi 011 bit iyu tielh aiiniveraary. two oiember af iBMii. and that tlna and the Sixth di-, wbi?h pieiited the aehool wit. $100 1 1 ii t inlfhip a rr the mu- t hat t lif ; donat ions. M re formula M have f.retlv te.-ognired all The rloaiiijr exeroiaea today were fea the I nuc. That it i a queation of rait- j turvd tj the illuatration of Tarioui in-! inj! a row to get a Krank Daniela dele- . rluatrial' and agTimltural aubjecta, auch ; Ration lo the judicial .on vent ion and to'a dairy. ng, floriculture, aboemalcinf;, 1 dieil lnni eipre-Mon tbc overwhelm- I earpentery , etr. Samplea of work from mj: sputmient t lin intt tih.it there ijthe various a -ad e 111 it- and .'i7 indui-trial artin--l th prohiln-ion law a it i op- department! and large quantities of ag eiaU'd in thii rounty aud the state at j rirultural products -re ahown. large It i 'tndertood that the prtn- . ripal t'i(jipigning for tba '"reformer" is j Chartera Granted. to Ik h tTtairMian I V Bailey and, (Special to Daily News.) IVof. V. W Svkea of Wakt Forest rol- ' Rgi,ijrn m v J6-Seven chartera' who t, the "tetorm nominee tor the -1 a4e 'senate "I he plans of the reg uInik lot the campaign are not announc ed Both ide huve workers out among t he people in every sect ton of the county' and t'wre w a probabIT neter a cam- pin in w Iik Ii so ot rennoue and hitler w 01 k is leeing done. SCHOOL HAS CLOSEO; Spriog Hope's Pride Ends Very Suc cessful Season. 1 Stroud I luhherd company, Sanford, capital 110.000, br F.. B. Stroud and oth 1 Special to Daily Newi.) erp Spring Hope. May 26. The Spring' There is also an amendment for the Hepe graded school came to a close yea R. a Hunt Lumber company, changing terdat after tne nf the moat sucteetul 1 t he office from Af-heviHe to BMlsam, esis in the history of the school. The ' Httucoint-e county. teachers during the past seaaion have been A. H. Haxrell, ot Dunn, principal;' Miss Fannie Jones, HarrellaviHe; Miss 1 oiiisc ( oode, spring Hope ; Josephine Dickie. Frsvie'icksbiiig. Va . and Miss Mary P. Cooke, Oty Point, Va.. assistant teachers At a deent meeting of the hosid ' trustees all the lea driers were. reelected. 1 he patrons ot the acbool and tkU Uit, apniirent ease he car have been highly gratified with the pro 1 nHi two men on his shoulder and grewt of their children during the past ttrctchin? himself on fhe ground with M11)lll. Mr. Harrell, the principal, is one of the most oipable tohool men in the state, lie ia eutbusiaat ir, energetic and al'ogether in love with his work. He is rot teOly a -Jod teacher, hut he ia a most eti-elleii nticati, being a leader in all those things that make for a bet tcr town and a better community. Tha tru.teei! hart been greally p leered with his work this year, and he sin unani mously rejected, being guen a suhstan t ml increase in salary. The Spiintr hope trefiple teel that in him and in his excellent atslantsthev have a good c-wpa f teachers, and that training of their children is in good hajids, I here will Ire a joint picnic of t lie undy schooU ot the Methodi-t and Baptist 1 lunches tomorrow at Webb' mill, on Tar mcr. 1 he little folks and1 old onen. too. are uniking for aid to the ootaaion with pleasure. 1 Itaby show is in progress in spung Hopf t his afternoon, and tonight t here j the)S meav-uung party. It is under ihei auspices of the ladies of the Meibodist church, and the object in iew if. the new ehunh building Rev. ( harlre K. Maddry will stait a series of .errima at the Baptist church the coming week. Rev. D. K. Putnam la pa tor NOTABLE DURHAM MARRIAGE Prominent Members ol Jewish Fami lies Joined la Wedlock. 'Special to Daily News.) Dm ha hi May 2tt. The marriage of Ms Mildred Jean Levy, of Durham, and Sidney .lacolis, of Philadelphia, venter da v af tei noon. i the Jewish social event ot sex era 1 aeasons. I he ceremony was performed st the ho'ne ot The bride's motltoT, on Mangum Mrc. t, lLabbi K. K Calisrh. ot Richmond. oJ,.iainig. The bride entered upon t!ie ar:n of her brother, Dsrld W. Levy, and the gtonm w attended by hta Iricnd, AltreH Friedman, of Philadelphia. Prior to i he ccretnonv Mrs. T- Kilpar Cheek p-sni- ' In liiixeland" and "The Song oT the voul " and w a a ceo m pen ied bv Mi-s Annie WTutmore lurin the ceremony j ch.iterl' .Serenade was played. Alter the wedding an eiavbomte bu(T"t , hineheow was srxed But the fewest of i ie ta mil x 's friends out-rde the fa mil v ' ircie a nd wedding party w-ere in v ited. T wo hour of merriment preceded he j joing away of the parly on the west-j bound trRin tor Atlantic City. here ) thev will "pend si weiks, ending at their hone in Philadelphia The w edding arft were a great tea ture ot the o-wsion. The groom pave his bride a darkling suubuit and hi parents presented her with a magnifi cent diamond neekla. A thousand dol lar check alo esxme in the list of pres ents, and the usaal array of glass and ilvcr was evident. No prettier Jewess is anywhere to be fmnd than the bride. a stnkine brunette. she ia much liked here, ia a favorite and the city regret ied the fortune of life that took her away. - The Bijou's Hew Bill, The pr--e:ram now on for the last three days af this theater is full of noreity, music, comedy, singing aud davneiug, and when vow see the show you have paeaed more tham an hour in pleasure tbat doee you gnnd. . iarle York, the black face rousiiwl enured ten. and Kenisedr and j i aw -eat in a eleswr oomedyr aketob. tnekt CorameDcemeot Exercises it Famous Negro School Urge); Attended. (By Th Auoeiated Preu.) and fra from all eruptioa ar dlataaa, br par Wood. Bat whan lmpurlttai aad Tuikepe., AU., M.v On. hundrrd' homon Infect tha circulation it noarlahinf proportiM an diminish aad hj aud .ixiy nr. diplomat aud an equal! staad of anpplplnc th skill with haalthful proparUc it oonttaaUr lnltataa aad numbrr at errtiticatr from th. vanoua induatnat drpartuieutt of Tuakage. .Normal and lnduatrial intitut .r awarded today at tbc triil.v-oiath riot- i '" wu delivered Iit ill.am H. 1 P"111 aaiiDi v ii o. , d.Mtrirt atiorur. of Jtoaton, Maaa. 'lb eerciea were laraelv attended. j aperial train from M.mtpomerv aud j iipi-liLa briiurintf tate oHirinU and prom uti ta.t-r .a follows: Tlie Jloval Fraternal a&aoriation, Charlotte, A A. Wvche. Meurv Hud son and others incoi poiator. for fra- l,,ai insurance 1 nien Drug coin ah count v, capita! 1 n-nv. i JU.lhH). tv J. II. Smith and otht-rs: , Piedmont Manufacturing company, Shel by, capital t'Jaj.OOO, by M. Putnam and others; the High Point Casket company, capital Krtl.OOO, by Kugene Andrews and others: the Pleasants-Oox Hardware conipanv. Kowland, Robeson county. apital (45,0ti0, by V. C. Plea-santa aiii others; the Carolina Lumber company, -I.M)0(0, hv A. I Dock and others, the mill to le at l.untsdale, K. G: the Wreatling Match Monday. (Special to Daily Newe.l Spewer. May 2A. Young Beel, of At lanta, known in the athletic world a t he German wildoat wrestler, visited Spencer today giving an exhibition on th streets of nis wonderful etrenirth arms extended upward, he bore the eight of three hejivv men on a horizon tal bar. Beel is scheduled to meet 1 oung jNegn.. m v asningxon. on tne 1 mat In Salisbury next Mondav, Mar .0, in a match in eatch-as-catch can. Manv visitors will be in Salisburv to witness the match. Story of the Jew. Raleigh. May 21 --There has just been received at the state library here with the compliments of Ixniis Marshall, of New York, a copy of "Justice to the Jew. Storr of What He Haa Dome for the World," bv the Rev. Madison C. that aa wide opportunity as possible he pven for people having access to the Jihrarv to read it. FORECAST. W ashington, May 21. Virginia : Fair )--rday and Saturday, continued cool; light north w ind. North Carolina: Fair Friday and Sat urday: light north to northeast winds. AIRDOME Thviaday, Friday and Saturday. The Matthews In Their Smfiag, Dancing and Tallrinj Act New Pictures Every Day. ALL CARS STOP AT THE BIJOU THEATRE Thut.iday, Friday aad Saturday. KENNEDY & VINCENT, Come4y Sketch. CHARLIE YORK, Black Face Musical Comedy. New Reel Picture Every Day. The Place for a New Factory is Where Electric Power Rate at Greensboro, N. C, Equals the Best in the State N. C. PUBLIC Lyiac jut ) tk mur omriai r tUmlds. U ft ttr brinoui fleih la which ftr InbMll thonnndi of mull blood TiweU It ia UuMfh theM ttaj Ttisi and vutt Uutt maulmant U nippliad fraa th blaad to Um dUrDt perM, duds ud lymphatics. Thus th skia ia kpt baalthr. ' niinin u. aaucata aoras, pora aaa ftanaa wiu saarp arauc nwuw. uw 1 skia tlaauM In Ham nrall and nlcarat and soma Zona of akls diasasa appaass oa tha surface. Asplrinc aoothlua lottoaa, aalvea, etc, ta th outar arptloBS daca sat purify tha bled and theref.r tha skia traubl can nat h eurad la thla auaaar. tat curat all saia disaasas by nentraUxinf th acid and ramartar ; th honors from h blood. It cools th wnui amfu in uuciMt, anupiaf m n, uwiam r" Brdda to 1U vurltT in mrr way. Than lnlame4 by aour Impuiitiaa it nattriahed. tootkad and aftena4 by this coalim. heaithy tUMm of blood. S. fi. 8. Curea csam&, Acsa, TatUr, lalt aUova. Polaon Oak bolla, pimFloa, ruhes, etc. Book on Bkin Dlaaaaas free, to ail wto wnta. TUB SWIFT SPEOiriO 00 OA. B. N. DUKE, T. B. FULLER. J. B. MASON. Prldat. Vlc-Praldot. Caahlar. THE CITIZENS NATIONAL BANK Of Durham, N. C. Capital $100,000.00 Surplus $75,000.00 Resources over $1,000,000.00 Organized May, 1905. Special attcatloa ilvaa ta tha collcctioa a. cottea draft aad all cammcrclal papara. ACCOUNTS INVITED. taZeVaY Delicious Ice Cream ! Made at home in the World's Standard Freezer The White Mountain Triple Motion. The thorough beating of the cream, caused by the three motions, renders it smooth pud light. B6ok of recipes free With each'tlt? freezer. 5 a j. k 1 ej '5 I ODELL HARDWARE !uVAmlW NinetyNine and One Half Per Cent Of the CLOTHES made by us this season have SAT ISFIED the customer they were made for. Can you find another TAILOR who has made as good a record J. E. Cartland and (q. -Merchant Tailors' Power Costs Little GET THE RATE SERVICE CO., Greensboro, N. C. add haatad cireulauen, buuas It p ta tba akin, instead of bing irrltvted and i CO., Greensboro, N.G and Shirt Makers- tweav. ij Um kwal smej y