4 mrsmrsBOBO vaxlt mews, fbidat. may srr. iio (Greensboro Daify IXcvds Pabltabsd Dally F ej,t M By - PAH,T NKW cnyrA frreei. .- to ro Nor h t- M. C PI-N-'AN ..... P' C. W utt'i.Kfl Vic- T1.LKPHONE& ItM f 00 1 100i Naw Tnrk Bureau TrMihM Aftceir, Klbrrc:. Pu ldin Cb1-M( Hure. i, I'.vna A Tut TB8 JdriUU HulMlim RTLL ASSOCIATED PRESS SERVICE ftirtocf 1 pfton Mi Iollr per Tar. ti.yabU monthly. urtrly r yearlv. A IrtMef1 AlTertle1n Rat Oard Mr h1 foi th Iclnc, H Mfl)llbl, ft.rl'nni.'-Mi mrm eoIW ttt1 lh rae-a only. and -vary itniir may reit UiurH that k la rtri aq'iar deaL Knr1 aa mon4-M mttr a Ut pneiof n--a at OremMbr. IC C unrtar fha aot Qfir-aa f Marrh X, U7l P. IMITH F.t1v Miiagtr M. FNII.LIIM Aaaa. F.1t..r O. MnRUAN w KMr m. JOIAKII , .11 r Mltr miDAT, MAT 17. !. TW eoniet tail reaea Mea a dvt can t 7o Inffurgewta in H "liaa-iam" fin. Wake now aafl It ffVul 4id that Wafca county gt bad ail at onreT aaohlne Jeodanlcij waa Bork Jonea waa 1 a flm flamiet when bafcy. BnraTry got tiaoe u go Aaalng nff ttlrraing of WnghtaMlln. PW4 of the trui crop nan already nfpanad. mi4 that murk of ft ia aafo. TW vutt-ermilk recorda of candMaUa m wntlford will tat nraaned thla yaar. Ifben tha fltm rUmmer nieeta tin latatattr, then comet tka tug of fia. Aa tka comet ttrikea anat, tke tevea ! year lociiet akowo up on deck. But tka AnnUteai Jonaa fart ton liaaat got It all nno way whta It enmea n tka "flint fl nor" art. 7a fallowo wfco now object to the film-flam gaana an thn anano who anoe fcoea aupportlng It ail along. By the time flhey get thrcnjgk that Wakt county row the pia d.iwa that wy will hick Iiko liver kaak. Want decency Wake county geta ytotMicft tkia i;ood year will tiar poaaa through t he Republican party. K-eaa Joodaaicla kaa known all the ef he kaa been aupportlng tha ring Uat H waa it aa roMea f It la he now Do tV rVmorrnta like crow? la It the eood iook ta ra abotit Ulat j tain arfuma: reuuramg to "her wallow lag In the antre 7" Pont come whining your miidallnginu atnnaa around ua m tMrne of Jnedn tela, at iaat nt h ie memory hold gfood aa to pat -i'm will te a fast an1 funoua pfe fei the editor a In entv ;n Uire Hmti all the good t h;np i minpin an.! Vnj;htarille aie ain(r up l.r vtif-m Tf that Wake count y wore tinw t haa in 0k Mkaiirpiitii itiifrV.t iiatc nsteuaai mt tbey bare Wa Um ring tii alorf -nn.e i Tiie North arolii a 1 mos-ratji tanf practiced heir tn-an-i-t-n, t-, 4ttOut hati mp M'nrio d!n t fcAmft, thai il n-.(ierM "rwitllnit Wnwn the country p.ir.-r- j peering the character and m;.nrooi 1 ia gm-i irg up there will h rn ei tlon of t.sklnff cair f the rntun aouret-w aud iitorai forces of ht lion. A deirr lor i v ) orrnat ion baa rv. i pT-ted to h"1 t'f-r Mi. Kirm perfected and r.,rr i i:p hi a r'p . the Stiin "n rt re an fif'ii i bold o in thi r he utitin.d not tauttef. AfteT 1.r,;t hie aiut h .m glare. t iiii i h. b.-uiM.-d h nor -d' -1 men to th' ir w 1 1 i ia nd.! on nnd af'er he h w tt. Whituaii' of ' err old in dcni -i c- - c i f1 an out effort i i -mh f --bis ebon it oi "nit lingin ben his turt her discredit anil Umirfh Well nv-:iTi.r pti ! ii mi. oaed. if-- t it-1 err 1 pr' t.fcfiou - n.'il atttn;.t- to Sa'ri'tr i.f I ' ' ' e- PULL TOR CONVENTION. Ii publican si Ate eiecutiv com unite will Dil in this city tods J to the purpoe of arranging the time made. tr , that one o low and Tile and u'id pi ar- for the attic convaatin thn'eorrupt and ihameleaa ran be found at va r. Tba OtT af Orae-riabora xtnds a hearty irrntatinn t the cam mi tie to call th ooaventi to meet l-r. Tb ma'ter will be. duly preieatad by the itT authorities and ci Ic rgranlr.ationa today. We presume Charlotte, and poa- ibly other ritieii, will for the con vention Speaking from a at andpoint of eity pride, we wot ild he glad to have the .yn,mi'te ihoo-. th,a place for the con vention. It hun ample aAMomniodationa, 111 t he j w of hot ! and auditorium ifMim. nd i more f ily BO-epaiblc1 to all portion)- o! the n'ate than any other pit?. Spalcinjr from a party viewpoint, we plead for the convention on the ground that thtj i a strategic point, and we believe t fie bnldinjr of the ronention wiil result In food to fhe party. We whoine the oomoiittee lo the Mty today for the. meeting, and would 'be friad to have all of them oail at the ofnra ml the Puily Newt and one of the moat complete onodtra newapa per pUnta in the itate. INSURGENTS CONGRATULATED. The sa(rrrnea for control, antj for of on the part ot thoee Jfeuorrata who barf ba ni-d toother aa insurgoti lutely, hjf been letting the cat out of the bat The ittuulion l caueed tonte iflamea tM k ward, and th Ilenderanai villa Tinea indulge the following retro apectioni "Two ynara ago wa ronymeated upon the mean and vicionja thing which the Kit:h)tiJt't and Oaigitt were Maying a-lwut Craig a ml K it eh in, rejipcvtiwly . We poiatcd that if eithrr gan came anywhere near tell iri( t he truth t Uc kadfr of the op no 1' it gu in; of I cmo crate wa iiUit for any public oflice. Thia wae a mild and oonaervatire way of put ting it. for theee am battled Demoerata attacked one another witk a fury and fro-jty which utterly mirpotaed any at tank whirk Repiiblinuna ever made on either gang "Twit the Craig Kitchin racket, fiere I 1 though tt waa, muat be admitted to har been mild and gentle compared with the mud almging eonteat now raging be tween the two faction of the Democratic party in Wake. It ace an a that there ia a IVmocratip nng ia Wake (a thero ia in plenty of other countiea) and that the nng at preeent monopolize the office a, thut giving great diaaatisfactioa to the out (for Democratic politician are fearfully and wonderfully fond of oflioe). Soma of the out havn juat dinoovred that the Democratic nng in Wakt la horribly wicked, and they ear they are going lo evwrturn It. We kae no doubt it la about aa bad aa you are likely to And anywhere, but we don't tee why tka nut waited ao long to ditoover that fact. Ntill, eletent h hour repentance ia better than no repntaac at all; and therefor and to that extent we rnunt congratulate the Democratic inaurgenta upon the fact that they are at length telling aotme plain truth alout their own part y " 11 had nrt occurred to u before ei acttT in thia litrl't, but it i cay to aee that the Hepifhlioan me a Uo to he con giatulated. for many year the clmre, orw made acainot LWrnrvTut fty Demo I crata, w-er1 wade 1t Je public nn. and were branded aa political faUehond by ; the vet v mn t he aama identical indi ndua! who now aert thfir truthful nM. White the republican purty ia afand in; hv iM ffuiiH, gathering reprint ' teai it can f.m ymong men vl torce anl 0urelvra. we don't mind telling tbr char-ctr-r ht.,1 affaira. p'omulfratttrr pro rt)frmon-i ea 1 1 h that we talk about ft-re.aiTe policies and principle. lattlinj thliifra tn Wake and elaewhert thve way f.-r nie.fM on a aoh.l bai. the IVmo j do b-oanae we Selie mvt new of .r:.ta hae run -r olice hunirry thatjtn(1 Pl1l ,itlon Porr-rl mn4 that we nav ihe nut .annot .tt for the m to tiirna lljr)t to dn an without aking the per it'-e. but Jmtr In nl hold to choke t hero H,n of any lender aw anr of th -nlT oii-e.iuenllv, Ihe eridence bus -oeen i itUim tlj tMw it th. r..m fV,i Miawitl.nrlv fnriiifhed to au-tain thely,.,,. Democrat creea with ua ia be m.irh.ne "''rh.rjff ..f rob'rery. rottenneei and Turn cmutt lt, iliOT aenibla and an. fr.rrieT v"irs,,T maoe by Kepuhhcana afainst tbc)hoaMt m,n, ,nj has thw ovvraf te Mw - nincrntic marhme in thia tUte .ipfnr I .i- 1 f tberrjore ( orgra ( ul t a t be in-ur-f'lt in that ihi v have r-niirrrd. thnujrti it r t fflt Kri.t li t nonif a'r-ht ft ire to ho-! v poii! ic. WHO SAID IT? i f a .J in li'n v pj C. IM r en! ' lis.. face 'ie of Ih-t ur her 1 i W c, " I he people n following V b.ld fhlM U (l.i Timed. thi IW-rrto fir cIt.c- a t,oe!y u i n. if the atem-h it kt v, we hare faih'd -o i ,i 'hirg aaid. r done by . -id tve . twiet.-.l a j ' . v " rue p-0.i r i n'C' pr ( ' ' " V.,r; 1 I nm : l iih in'K d. W k ; m.: .ii il 'o-rp ,-!' h( iliti li r d'ltv to expose the . r the out or tboe li thinj i.' he ih -i'lca the . 1 f rcrMr-t o p hM in Wake cannt on- i v Who J!. t : 1t -.1 , I or t' i: ! i oid' mnl nian. onnn anl Vow W Ho d : -vi v it Kor dTic' 'n tine m 7 our h'"- i if z i i It r pi ' 1 v htde md trie nini' anie il l klan-l'T uf -n a'k'. he a nan and dare to nm 1 c 1 Hi: t K.nsf and heap pod and innorent men fm:n amtuh i,dertand. e dn't rr. nnd w t,a,, 't Vfotr, bn fl .ilr .!,1 caU tr?M wina out, twr our tnoe, tferjtail into bis flia. iVp-abliraii part in Wait ouiitT, will taka carp of the victor; but rh-. you male nWi ftwaeping eharf 14 rva bae to aav, "Taa poonie bo Canuod, we a t , "Ta pie b 4a auad, ffuesiion the truth of what you tin lm. yon prodnioe mora proof tnaui yotr wi uaoup ported word. FOSS AND MTTINCH. Wc wonder if tht Demoorata hare erer thought of theae two man Eugene X Foaa and (Samuel fi. MoaViaaa la the aama connection? Ihe nomination of tbo tattor gentle man by the Republicana of tht Ninth .N.trth t'arolina diHtrict recently ia u malt.-,- ot oiuch concern to the Dtmo ciati- ptes of the alate; and he hat already been accused of U-in a turn coat tor ofti.e. The party haa been cen tured for giving him a nonunation "o aoon" after hit change of faith. Such terma aa "pie hunter" and "turncoat" are applied for ttie purpoae and with tke hope 0 diacredit ing him. Ia there any cotiaistency in that courae ? l ook at the case of Mr. Foaa, reent ly elceli-d from the Fifteenth Maaaaohu ettn district, about which tha Iemo era 1 1 c pre na haa done ae m uch boaa t uig Only last year Foaa was a Repub lican. and waa defeated for oftioe on the Republican ticket. Tlia conversion was sudden, and it is not a matter of record that he ever voted for Bryan Mia change of faith hear ample evi dence of ofticjul hunger- yet not a Pem erratic paper ha accused him of bein a 'turncoat' or a "pie hunter" Where 1 the jewel of consistency? Vr McVinch voted for Rooeerelt alx ' year ago, and for Taft two yearn ago More, ver, he was not defeated when he raft f r ofti. e on the Democrat ic ticket - -as Mr. Koss was on the Republican ticket before he changed and if he was pie hungry and the Democrats ere a" strongly cut rcncWd in the Niirth as they claim, wouldn't it have been the moat natural thing for Mr.- McXinch to1 try for the THmoeratlc nomlaation? In addition, It la not even claimed that Mr. Foe haa over accepted ia telo the Democratic faith, or that he atajid on that platform he made hit cam paign against something rather tkaa for something - merely opposing an inter pre tat ion of the Republican tariff be fore it waa tried and teated. Hia op ponent waa a Republican bolter. Yet, he 1 swallowed raw and whole by the Democrat, who, with ridiculoua incon aislepcy, turn and express feigned sur prise that the Republioana do not cast Mr MrXiuch out aa an Interloper and a discredited effire eeeker! And that, too, after he haa repeatedly txnreeaed and declared hia adherence to thn nro fareasive fvrinple of the Republican party. WVi tke Democrat land auch a aud dea convert a Foaa their criticiam of McN'inch faTI by its own weight, and should, and we belicTt will, make friends for the Mecklenburg man. WHY THE LIKENESS? If life were lonjrr in thia ...a unu, ' not intended for aoma (rood purptw. r in i glit 'be disponed, juit for the fun of the thine, to tnra an id Wng enough to nourc a, orH man? aimpl liltla qucriei itf this Mirt. fro in tbc SitUnd Neck t'oinmonwcalt h : I'h Halcifjh State democrat Tingand uliiakv ornu n and the irecnVin Oailr ankr io phii un a ni raimr .m ''puui la,niel and I. W. Ilatley. l-adoni of th Nake county tnaa me?ltng. Mh tint likuneM ? Why thia Ikeneaa? Real) a pmful wail. in t it ' Rut anweriiif onl for atnd by hi convict iona. awe though ome of theni ma r be aha red by a Re p.tblica n tn p-p rer We think 1 he torn mo 'Via as to. i m njf to rrn 1 ' y tdhb to coa ey t h inipref-ion that there i anvthiiig in lb1, nature ot d i-koaorable rolluniun twee a this paper and 1ba State Ini" .-rat; but it t-houtd hae ane enough to know that in thi land of the tre and home of the irurgent rinr and na chine ring it i not compelled to tae. anything that doe not suit it apprt t . and dig"t.on. RELIABLE ? 1 ha News and Ouet. H'Ut'M (' to rrlter Mr-n- Li n it; HMUt of ta 1 I'r. - mi-, .ifly diftiann hi- ttrt.ih in .icktion. And "oi nd this ia ro tin- 'i.l H-uable i reliable in m.ixj.ute unrelitvhitit and i North ( -rohn ate fat e. iiiT ie the A- : o.r-lar:i ; o t he A i t i ha inr -t t ' f have t ne la-t of i; the (' iU ytter and tf..' pcopit 111 tnding if on' it th pwrr of tbe pieaa o i- njatter.) a mgh plane bus it , dle to eipe.4 it t tx- JrM aa rraaj a Mit b a arj-p rh rua of ae lata'' uind reedy to defend a man who ad aiiriitr a vvn kik to a rraT haimd ..i' t.ttrttt l---Tnaii aa h j .Uut to No Other Candy Takes the place of Nun nally's. It's first in the hearts of the candy lovers of the South because it's so supremely good and pure. bonbons and choc olates always come to you deliciously fresh because wc receive almost daily express shipments from Atlanta. Greensboro Drug Co., AGENTS In Trnntfltr ft Ttventtie fwnir dfffndi rrdhtaaVd murdrrrr wh ae IiuIIt Knt hit rlrtfm to the frate. In Vorth OiroHn rh&rafir t Bftusi natd in ih ntm of virtue, and a chirpinj rhorua of "m too fa the dominant party defenda fa aH. It It rule and rule In aoth raea. No matter haw rotten the Iemocnitie lactione in Wake are, we are politely informed that Republican! suit not of fer tha people anything better 1 That i I he meaning of lomo of the dope that i being headed ua by Bear Demo crata. Pll-i liaatn daa't Ithe t be dim flnmvaed! tummar Miltlaery. iHaxper'i Barer ) l.iphtneee (ia weight) l a character ill, of all the enminer millinery, how ever nnive an apparanee it may pre enl lo the ere. The atrawi are all in larfre hiaid efteeTand tha majority are. given a dull Ralin naieh. They erumble uiKier llie elighleet touch, of eoumr, ( but while they laet they era Tly, eeperially in the delirat iolet and prune hadea Everywhere, too, are aeen i quantitiea of wheat theafa dyed in im- I fiobnible eotort, but epraylpg out eflee tively ia the way ia which mueh of the enminer tHmming ia arranged. It i ie not unrommon to ee a mound of j gilded wheat neing ten inehea alKve a , hat brim, or extending out eidewise to a relatively enormous dietanee. WHAT EVERYBODY WANTS. Everybody deeirea good haallh, which ininoeaihie iibmhi the kidneys are 'aound and afalthr. Kley'a Kidney Rem- edr houia be taken at tha drat indica-1 tioa of ny irre(rularit y, and a eehoua illneaa mar be arertd. Folev'a KidiirT. Hemedy ill reatora oir Lidnevs and I.I.Hilanr 4V..I- mvr-ana I .tit,. nd aotiv itf. Howard Gardner. The African Kaftir'a Day Off. ( wle World Alapiziuc. ) When the South African Kaffir "day off." and cte sbout enjoinjr him-elf one of his greatest plea u res n In drea himself up in anmo trtraonli mmTV fa-bton and venerallv plar the fool. dv umbrella and undrT run- uua form ol .ieadre.r are brought forth. Several bold up candle, although it is iarhght. to abow how civilized and up to dat they are. (rude musical inatru inenta anything that will make a noiae - are greatly to the fore on aiieh ac camiou aa theae. Fecond hand Automobiles McAdoo t.arae Co. Davis White Sulphur Springs An ideal place to spend the ummer. The water unsurpassed, g Accommodations for 250 guests. Sewerage, hot and cold baths. Electric liThts. Enlarged dininjr S room. Small tables. Splendid S fare and service. c Two through trains from Char- ) lotte. daily except Sundays. fJ Phone and telegraph connec- tions. Resident physician. First class accommodations at a low i price. May, June and SeDtem- 5 ber, $6 to $8 per week. July and S August, w to per weeK. Special rates to families. for sale. . B I 23 Open M ay 16 to Oct 1. 1910, ev TlluatratMl Catalnfrie) ntrEo, S Draughon'SI: I PRACTICAL Mere BMlnr mdnr-r MtAfbHO tkJ bv done AU. OTHU h-m . enlle COMHINRU t) 7i earma. Pl.ieiT10KSae-red. RwSkeep W. M"wl. nr., tausM M CXH.LrtE or FT aUrL Mm ,la r le.,rTM , er A- ML lean. Manatv-r ri'ltn- H..tklm ralk. N C I SPtCtti rapucfsif T mE.irau.noai upen may id touct. 1. 11U. evTaaTTT - y- -j j a.m.'.rr'.rttj T. M. Hendrix & Q. Store WEATHER FORECAST : FOX NORTH CAKOLINA I-alr. Light winda Sunbleach Batiste. No. 3800 Thia Bunblearh Batiata la a4 laehee wide, and haa the Linen Thread fin ish You lore your Silk aad Satia, but It wfll be "Ok, You Beautiful Wihe Frock" when yon are arwugbt fteno t. foot with thia beautiful Bun bleach Batiite. Value, 28 oaata a paeiaJ prloa while tt huti, 19c Round Thread Linen Waistings Muay womea la tkit dty remearaar wrtk delight that 35s. value Rouad Thread Line, we told aoma tlae ago for tha apeeUI price, 25 eeata. We have tea boltt for ywu bow. It"a your opportunity. Tkia ma terial ia fine for Wanting and Fancy work. Special, 25a, . Printed Jacquard Silks You will And thia material very deairabla for the 'leaking of luei peaeiv roetumea for etreet and evening wear. Aak about thit goodi we are willing to ahaw you and do not aak ywu to buy becauae you looked. Price, afte. yard. Striped Tkia is a beautiful etrlped rllk, having a Inatroua finiek. A dreta of this material If tall would make you look graceful, if low and fleshy will make you look tall and bnautiful. Well, you ask to tia shown this silk and then you will be able to decide for yourself as to what the effect wenki be. Prior, 48e. Crepe We have this excellent drees fabric in tha much wanted evening (.hades. Comes in White, a dainty pink, a pretty light blue, a delicate Nile green, and tha charming grey, and other beautiful shades for even ing wear. Just now wo can call to mind no mora desirable material that ia quite ao graceful and effeetlre (or dams fashion's kv beautiful eoa tumea. Prloes, 11.00 and 12.00 a ysvr. Ellis, Stone & Co. S I Si 5 1 5 A Thorooghly Equipped School ol Business and Shorthand 5 Offera ovarii more than the usual J Hoins; hi-" jrnidc ork. PistinH reputation for makint tha most expert rj bookkeeper and stenotrraphers in in Uia shorUst poaaittle time. In aes- fi aion all tne year. ru Tor nutnnier summer rates. Address the School, (AmW -THERE Sample :8 IN A NEW SHIPMENT RECEIVED YESTERDAY, AND WE WILL SELL THEM AT MANUFACTURERS' COST WHILE THEY LAST. NEW IN DESIGN AND EXCELLENT IN QUALITY. DON'T WAIT UNTIL AFTER THE RAINS. $3.50to $10.00 223 SOlTfl The Harrison Printing' GREEBSBORO, N. C. Everythinyl in Book anb Job Prinvirg WE CLOSE SATURDAYS AT News I Radium de Chine -WWW business college. Tt is an Institution uournai, juat oui, givini; apeciaJ or 'phone 1036. 1 ARE BUT Rain Coats g I a S' J Jj sj J s 15 ELM SHEET aa . . . IMTOlIaUrT CHAirCt Off SCHIl pu. ; ' Improves Serrtco o. Saiaigh anl Sosrtk- port Railway, Efiacti. Hot Sunday. . t Sffeethra Sunday, Ida tt, the fvJW- "Bg aokodale will gw int. ottoet aa ma Raleigh and Soathport railway giving three trains each war daily between ruieitrh and Fay t villa. RouthbouB'! Leave Rnloia. I a. m.t erriv. FnyotteTilla, 11.10 a. m Loots Raleigh, 1.16 p. m. am re Fayette-rUla, 4 p. m. Leave Kalolgb, f to p. m. ar rive Fayettenlle, f jf aj, Northboiiiid Lnwo FayotarrflU, p. m.i arrrn Raleigh, 10.6 a. m. Leerre rayetUvllle, 1 p. m. arriva Raloigh,', S. p. as. Laav. FarottoriUt, .1 p. m.; arrive Raleigh, 8.20 p. a. Bride's Bouquets Of ROSES and Matian Hair Pm, with shower of Lily of tha Valley. Oaal ba bant (to less It ba entirely of Valley.) Prion rang from M t. tig. Lots of Pink Rases for Bridesmaid Boaeraeta. Other Flowers, too. - J. I'm lindley Nursery Cempaiy 110 8. Elm 8t Pban ttt Phoenix Cafe (Formerly Alex's Cafe.) Under new and experiemood manage- mont. Keat in arraagemaat. Prompt in service. Satisfactory In methoda, Dlnaier, 8. Aa arte rive BID af Par for orders and Luaehoa. All tka Daflea cies of tk Season. TaWe for Udies. nnianuTnvt: uausi , Paine akn. atamaaiata. atatraiar eiae Bc A Greensboro Pressing Club deanlnf , flaaalag, IUatrtmg. Cluk RaUa, 11.00 par atoaitk. W. SUtM, STUDIO Do you want hik class work T We ran girt you just what you are looking for. W. K. IUT5LKR, PhoUgrtpher. 113 1-2 Kast Market Street Special Prices fr i. Days Only ON POBTBAITS. lr?0 Crayon, $l.0. 16i20 Frenrh WaUroolor, $2.&. MitO Paatell, $.150. 16x21) Oil Portrait, tlO.000. We jruarautee an eiart renroduetlo. of any email picture. Cesh with order. WINfREY ART CO. COOK-LEWIS F0UNDRYC0. Found era and MacMaJata. General Repair Work. Bfexlal alaealav ary Built ta Order, ata. Hifk Grade Iron ami Braas Catlna, Machine Molded Pulleys, ata. OTwenarioeo. C IV O. D. Boycott Moaumeatal and Buildwf OraalU Works Boat anera for Flra CUao Work, Cor. Walker avenue and Serine etreet, OreenelMro. N. C " NEW BARBER SHOP and Chiropody Parlor. .In-l Aroin.l the t'ornrr r'rom C'lg nntet Corns, Bunioas, Ingrowia( Toe Nails Removed Without Pain. B. M. WEISS, Proprietor. Oppnr- R- R- P'- . . SOUTHERH'S CONVEMIKKT SUM MER SCHEDUXES TO THE LAUD OF THE SKY." Soul hern railway announra that Summer rlunaV in S-hfd -r: prine nn Feel Bad PWh Oaa't Oilnlrf Oet !f faaad or aaek aeket - 7 T?Li I'elne all wver reur iT "M Trr- jK&AI ""' I XV rrrnx-T fjfjr nxier Iarilreelioa ul- lo eter or'n (.eroiina icwwia (will take niae bunday, June . with I through Sleepine Car eervice from all in portant points, affording mot excel lent aerraee. It ia experted that e.ea rreeter ;n..wj than ever bef..re will viit tb'ae 124 S f a aa nu mountain reaorta during the coaiiraf Suauner seaaoa.

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