OREENRBOBO DAILY NEWS. FBI DAY MAT 27. 1910 MESSAGE OF THE WHITE SOUTH TO NEGRO RACE ! A. B JuhiiMKi, a W. Uwranr and C. IV. Dixon. The aJunini anniversary and banquet wi held at N oVIork lat night night, I atu t which I'Toidem Dudley left the ril v t inake addresses at Kroitblield and Selma tomorrow. This the Theme of Professor Poe t Addrest to A. & M. Tl" '"""""'I w" Proraa' two ' ; the eredualiiie: eaerclses: Prelude for Graduates South Does Not Went to Keep The A'ro Ignorant Alumnae Banquet ..i tr A ana r.-.j ur whi h tr "rttfrdaf ,ei.t (j) dtld e m r "fi l nil mi l-Tljll- Sll'llt -PL li' lit v iMlun to ID mpii and UJKk'- i f-r ihe Hint it lit lull i'f'n .1 ( laxi'ii'-e tioii.i l,..p. lar ui"i mill' i i" u i"' At tills i h Aome 1. 1- . the gradu.' begau p:"mp1 v the c input i owl lent i'.ciitiiti Bated and I'i' l ' Aint!i; th per fri iih.i h tour "t in-" ere Hon I'oe. ot K.i l hiring 1 1' i J'rrwidenl I hull. the rud.Mit- tbt Will I'tng , IMIIHl, berel lev tb ii- He t.dniiiniiM them to f . wuil-l lth i' n-i it udea in II.- v-int U..I Diake mfn (M i"Hiai' -li i - I'h' ibsrartei and l-t rnrtn ..t the nutn In ti-ltvii t ti- inn"'i.-. -n. ill d(lr-fc aeie l li. k cl I'i i.l i. ' jlhjdley. aim i ul M-d .,. . .1 m. I.i ilium Ui. fUge tluren. e "I Kal- w b" rnv-d -mt iiHf.u- i iiud ot apr''"""' Irorn tin- liuw "!" 11 ,," audHu g mm of I lie -I !' 11 nil'i-of Vii I'. jn1fr. p ala veholdere, of Ku K i meet il man U" r fT.i-e t., I.-. xiMiin' up b i-r.. In. -t a I e upto I N-.i i iiim H dirr and hMlhfd to i ; h' i n soldier, a b Id liouorahl 1 Liid t uhe L i Iv d.- Uied that ' .ii-ke "Kd.i nd on -1 -. j I h ti-ld aaod M. I -i. dfc.-. r iflii I-' ..- Mt-ut ! .mm I. tit t h i- position: lu.nifi 1.1-liu.ii. .ie.-U niifr tMt lan.r I tii.- Iirjtr.i LtlMirrr ttai lap- i -it- -.iulh - inatft ew I H- Mti.t It.al the pta 'l i ilif w lutf man u Mfll m th ti fi v 1 hf ipr"i (fraii id JnvN-tron Rev. J. P. Morria, D D. Anthem "Tie Heavens Declare" rat un "Cumbinatina, to Spirit of the at " Alonao Hcrnard Johnson. Anthem 'Traifce Y the Ixrd." i ati'Mi M!tHi-k to the farm'' CVr neliim ndrbilt !hxon Ihirt -Tht. Hut tie Kve" J. S. Sbu ford "imuel Brown. Vrinniii Addreaa Mr. Clarenre Poe fdit'-r I i trr'i e Farmer, Kah-ifrh. i . tithin J'raiie e th Ixrd, J-bo ad " Awardinp diplomat! and conferring d A a rd i nt pri7.es and meda la. Annnum-ementa. B'-nedt, t ion. id llt- t'i-i.iiifd ir l tdu him ertAlu I ii. - " A I vi SOUTH ELM DEFEATED BY FAST HEBHEW TEAM U In" Voniti t. II.1 11,1- 111 --iipf WH' .i.-.-r ' i' nt tli.it I lu ll. N U1 tl' ii"t.'i . ii. u nd rt h ;niiimj: Mr I'u Th M. ..! th Udoi.-d ); . that th. -mi. i. iel(l.-.1 ti i.. .M. fcut it t1tMi;ii.l i- illleltljrent a d 'tn L I ot tun Ii nt nm i det-(.. irii j u-1 i i:.l - II character lu Iii" h aid: Tbe invitatinn t-. nittke the addr-- for ) ou ca w l 1 mm- It'-n 1 nlwmld Imot rrriiil hiiw w'id'-d th.' latir of preparing m h if-i.il im-t-T HUliila.r white m-t it ul l"ii. .I'd I ni li ainiuir b-aue d ni It.-hut' ib.it ' of ttu youiiff neirro.-- t,ninin out th world aland in i''iiliar ind UflniLt, nd af. Inr a mm I", autlimi tat.'' oni fi'im ""'iiif n-prentat ne Ot thitt othl Ii itli whirl, it -tlRlige detlliy (ha " nil tned 1 heir In 11 m afin " 'niiny Ihtiefiu. n -rtimd yv in th U-jpiminn t IihI Ibouh differnce id tin -w.m.-n i, aetT to awaken antaonihtu it.. I. iir--l di thT often pi' 1" ak fit a more vmpatliein . hararUr To 1 hoar of vuu ti " di 'i ndanta of laTeholder. moreo- i . ihe nppl of your rae fur help ami pmdanc-i- rontea with fie. uliur potencv I reekon it aotnethiii(r f a ivmnidenrr that on the very day I arti-pt.-d mi iti it at in to make tin addre.w 1. with tV .!n..d of f-t i.- tbe ;; rw-uro ; l.'iyi t 'old hi Ma' in the ..ulh U-tr t.. i rue truth The a ppallitifrl .mn ' in? p.r "I th a ei h'' trt'in wurkir m' l!..- Hin'h tIU Ibr im Niie t'ttipltfti i . all I lie nei Ii m Iw-en l(o iKiraot 1 '. u iMipi.ivd t'Hik Mnl niB'-biner t ltenr in 111111.' niif mill, and plowiiii; i. iir m m a d it t I"1 ha- tn.M e -"it? hi rn j lift I. ult me ,-.... Mlillf id- M-i-'i-ni la I U'l . I II -I li tl'M' h I Mild piu t.i ' ttjr.'.- or torn m-T- a d.n n- I Iftem I oiiio in lllmoi. and i- "ii-' ii only a I '''' v month apo hN mad.- -t-rn rtrn ul tun- ii. h and in i- Imt one .lllutia tlou otltn- wtji MI 1'Iini'ILl.- W betb . r e . oiiMder tb nepro m an indtp'n dent nker or at a hired laU.ier the our Mud bii been o i grrd iderdar HfTerTuion at the old i-irni ii. e .i ml thn.nirli ill I tlir v.u f ground the Ibbrewa defeated the South 'rii-- and ineilicifi.i of the'llii) t r --t team for the r-et-ood time by ,d hand ltd re-ttsl on it like a ' t In- i nre of I ." In 12. Ihe iiiiMb'liK ot p;il.ed and nl i , lm!llliff of lflou it7 l a fen tine of the pame. he aeLtmp thrie hitt The apiiallmrh low earn ' ,,. ,,, fo,ir t,aw t lMt H Marka nd SiUHmin afo did ffood work with the uti.k the lattr having a liooie run to bit credit Th pitching of M NtHtaiaan and the eul'bihjf f I. Mark., both for the He breva. va wort In of efcpfr.ul mention. Vunmaii tiu'k u eb-teu no-n and al lowed onl tlllee hit, while Solttlf -Jiu'4 ptrheri -tunl nut ten nieu and allowed tlllie lilt. S.'.re: It. . K. Hebrews L'tilJ:tnr ,' U A Nouth Kl in 'ir oo;t 1 III 12 .'( 7 H Snftaman and I. Mtirkb; Andrews, 1 rook and Hurpe Our Shoes Mean Shoe Goodness! AND THAT'S A FACT! Our shoes for men and women are maximum values. They are the lasl word in shoe making, in style, in quality, in appearance, and the price is lower than you've been pay ing for shoes of equal value in fact, you easily, if not more, "save a dol lar by walking a block" and putting your feet into a pair of our shoes. SchUiman Bros. DO YOU REALIZE HOW CLOSX IT IS TO TH! TOST OF JVXUt . . On JiD lint J1 cub sad iateratt bearing acta aniat ha Jiatai for ' taxation. Tbia means that aotat aad Huntr that ara paying 4 par .ant, will bars to pay t-2 09 Riata, Count r and City tasaa, IcaTing tba meoaaa biai than 4 prr eeBt. How watch batter to inTaat ia atocka at) which tt&a tazea aia paid, whkh will ut yea 7 per nt.t - W offer for aatt atoefca abaolutal aafa, frae frara all tax, paylnf T per oenl TBUST DtPXBTMIBT ' Southern Life and Trust Comp'y. ' A. M. SCALES, Mgr. and Gen. CounaeL 8. A. KXRB. . aal.taai atawgar. To Our Graduates Just now rou young people tearing BuMneat School, High Seboal ar OaUag ' are receiving deaenred eongratulatioria and more or lea gxoa adrioa. Thia bank wisbea to add it hearty eongratulatioaa and baat wiahaa i all you ambitioiu young graduates of Uraeaaboro and rieiaity. The beat adrioa we can gire you ia that yoa de mot make tba auataka of believing that your preparation for life ia now complete. Yoa have jnat bejim ' epecially aa far aa your buaineaa or profeseional career ia concerned. ,. Remember thia: -i ,j Money saved will be ana of year best friends a protection ia adversity and a preparation for epportnnity. (. This institution arivee Ton absolute protection for Tour aavinti and helps them to grow by paying you 4 per cent compound interest. American Exchange Bank CAPITAL E. P. WHARTON, President .1. W. BCOTT, Vice President 9300MKMM E. G. VAUGHN, Oaahler. F. H. NICHOLSON. Ast. Caah. f lie. 1 i the iw The nifilcrei ft iivi.l. n.N in niouorticn t ' I'' ' """H I LUCKY RUNAWAY ON SOOTH ,iiipl" I hi. make 'ill iter it-til "i 1 l.f nt timii Inu-il Ii t ml. 1 h. n nir a inui'li mi tin' "''f.ve nl ilHi-lllf'-llt. ellu'ii nl lain I r 1 Iiiiwit Of 1 H ll Special Auto Bargains. Ford Taurine.'. V' eqinpi-d tH Tmirifip. Uir mod I. e.U.pw'd I 'axillae Ti'Miinp line oi.fer liaitiblet Timrinp. m rf.- l order, Hni. k . I oid mid !n well T, unaMi $250 up ioo Otheis fiom $100 to t .1,000. ROMAN AUTOMOBILE CO, 131 H Strert, n. WahmRfon H-.Fv h n,ii f.h(i I'i 1 ile foi lUipinn Sl.-r-t Vip...-e .011 e:l I lllriff (io i-t oil 111 I v flll prodiu t of an w it b ii n i-iim ltH oil would iniil-e on l b" pnMluei ot Hti ignorant. 1 1 1 le liiln.iei w 11 h an eiirtiinu (aower of 011U 4(1 rent h da urn I it ia the foil v of the iiniih thai it hn- been trv iirf 'io uitike ilmilinii on 40-i-i-nt liand iii-i. ii.! ut .hi W handa a folly w hn-h ha even 1 enred our i-otton nitlln wrbeif lie bate too often am:bl to make dtvi re-ionNPH fou, tie 'r(t criit earninp power of lilt It rliildren instead "f n the Z and 3 larninv power of skilled adult work men 1 Prolong! ,1 h iduue. ) Over in Helpium a few month ajiw I w men ri r i in; dop to nrt. running their brami a" it wer- bv one dop power. We an quwk to the p.-onoinir wante of hhwiiitr a man niddle in am-h fanhion. iijiink tti aee we mlr niuke nothing by IhiriTitf Hiieh men even at cheap wage. 1 11 nd 't what of rmr own ra-ipT The man vitstinfi bio time by tlriinp a dog ii no moif .111 example of eoiioinir waate 111 1 imio rftinpaHMiii with our own aylm than ioo 1 1" our own rtetn of einwtniff prolita 3tW I tiotn iMUirer! with ignorant one innh- powfi brain 11 romprirrn wit h intern ffpnt three hotae power lalK.ren in the ELM STREET YESTERDAY An exciting runaway oerurred yeater i lay morning on South Klin atruet nliort ly alter 12 o'rhx k whin a borne Iwdong nig to t ' A Mru dahed down t lie street at a lively gait, with no one in t h- w agon In front of t be (Juilford hotel tlie out fit collided with a buggy, knocking it over, and bajjly bruising a negro man that waa tutting in it; but the horae did not even atop to make aKlog)ea, only triking out ut a faater rate of npTd until he ran into another d ray in 1 rout of ( Yinyer'a drug store. Thia lime. Iiowever, hia own wagon was overturned and he dragged it but a abort diatancr further before he wrs at opjipd. Strange to Ray. neither the wagon nor hore were injured and the mnhed wbep tf the buggy represents the entire damage. INVOKED A BLESSING UPON COURT FOR LENIENCY D C Elm St. Property ; for Sale we-1 The ihangrri attitude of the iouth t" ward tlie colored population waa elear s.f lorlh hi 1 in- fidltn-m woidn of 1i I'oe "'I be -oiilii no lmipef wnnl Ton iin.ranl. but -be want you tiamed t.o li.'i n n -like und Tour own A I lfit .he ?ra lie. 1 h I if b w ork for anoit-T m h n it in IspUpt lot bii em plovpr. and whetbet h- work for nnttvr man or Tor nimapii. ' i'"'" tm 1 h- eoinmurid y and to every man ll e folore1 mun he m it telllgenl and eflc' -tii w- ' 1 Sptw-ial to Daily Vews.) Aaheville. ilav Jtl. Charged with ao linting money under fulae pretenaea, two 'ha Mean, were arraigned in police court thia morning uMn complaint of If. M. S'ahikian. an Armenian. The men. how ever, prod t iced a numWr of letters which aeomed to hhow that they wera nof wurkirg tor aoina Anneninn ehureh, but fir a ("hi Idea n church. They were told to go on their way rejoicing, provided tley noln-ited re furllirr jiiibfcrtptioiip rpiieen1ing t for Ihe Armenian rhun lj. Iitii' of 1 he men imoked j ble-o-ing upon the pi!licc and th" court . h t-iok In dtpa 1 1 lire. LOCAL REPRESENTATIVES WILL URGE GREENSBOORO f ... , 1 01 I. fin- o on Kin R. Ml. ("1JO.I IV. In - rr ..d.np- I it ill . .ur In- to t ti.' !a vi 01 - a 1 t 1111' nm li o I id in ei h nker a '- p ii- a iub.eit) 1.1 1 run a fid t 1 -111 .0 , Southern Real t.&tate Co. SouthriD l.ilr A Tru't (n B.i lllMl, 111 Fa tit Maiket Street. Greenabvo. N C ..or 11T1P- :l tint iuoImLU The grand omincil I nded Oimmereia! a dav maiead , TrwreUra will meet in Wilmington hint' 1 a .t.,1 1 1 a n 1 ,1 Bnd 4 and a Urge number of local ei a a t'eni , j niProU i mI attend Th. re ate hIm-oI ii. I.- Hie in. t j noiMi mcnilifn of 1ip ciiniiil. I JO ot ' 11 " 1 w hif Ii ic , 1 1 m-ua id 1. 1 pen I mm o The it or 1 o t i.c (jeb-gai ion will el rod an inila r, t-i th- rail , iiii to t fie council to meet at tirern f.ery UWlitil I fKro mi .(uj ,1(,v uj niRl( Hn ,til. ' I ' I. 1 .., ,.., .1..1 to neoiiif ihiH incptiug f - Mf . tn-ieh f t 1'- ' t n (.!.. ( ,, LUMBERMEN LOOKING FOR A BUSY SEASON (Special to Daily News.) Atheville. May 26 This summer nromispw to be a very buny one in the lutuliering. and allied industries. The Norwood Lumtier company, which re i-eutly purebaited 13,(Mal at:rea of the HarrU-Woodbury Lumber company' boundary in Swain county, i putting in a swam ill and finishing plant to han dle 30,000 feet of lumber daily, while the Hitter Lumber company is making eitensive preparations to manufacture the lumler on its boundary on the Buu uell extension of the Southern. The tieorge A. Christian Lumlier company is alau making extensive developments 011 tle sama line-. It is understood that ihe Sears Itoa buck company, tbe big Chicago mail or der house, which recently made arrange ments to take over the holdings of the Sprunemont Lumber company, will shortly begin the erection of a furni ture factory near Waynesville. The West Pulverizing Machine com pany. of which A. Lincoln West is pres ident, will shortly begin tbe erectino of its foundry and machine hopt near the plant of the National Casket company. J. C. Cheek Improving. .1. C Cheek, wfio ha been under treat ment at St. leo'a hwpitaf for the past week, was reported last night aa great ly improved. With his praaeut at ride fo wards recovery he will be able to leave the hospital in a few days. PAINTING All kinds of out and inside painting also WALl PAPERING. R. E. Andrews Paintinf Contractor. Phone fit. itiMiirfisstsSioiwtfl II .'I'lw'i! Any Insurance Policy ,;-, ia a good enough policy until the unex pected happens until a Bra eomeai thea it will be found that It paid you to se lect a good, strong company, and that your policy form was properly written. All of my com Denies are tried and tested, and I mate a specie)? of ar ranging policy forms. R. W. Murray Oreenabora national Bank Balldiag, mm mmm V t-. ;A t -I Hotels, Banlu, Railroaaa, SteanaaLip lines snd othars who cater to trav elers throughout tna worlJ, aeoapt tLa A. B. A. TrmwelerV Cheque at face value. Self-identifying i aaiar tKan money t mora avauabla tham drafts or certified erjecka. Um tkm AlromJ nd ut Htm Greensboro Loan & Trust Co. DRY RIDGE IN KENTUCKY Boasts of a Lady Who Could Hardly Walk. Bui Finally Made a Quick Recovery by tbe Aid of Cardul. 1 ' . . 1 1 . 1 l.f ".m tniiiii' ao , 01.1 i.K d .1 -M1 TK-e 1-t .1,1, ul D i.il. 111 a -l.oit . .,r, .. nlof 1 he dlldollia!- to t 'l ' i-ung men i lew if- H CARPETS, RUGS and MATTINGS .AT GREATLY REDUCED PRICES.. t .i- Sunday School Exrursion. w.or ti.e; , (( lo 1,1, t,,tuoriow -atuida .Mn o on 'be 01 'ihiun ri.n for -p- e. Ii it,,. I ...h flit Mf On- Kirt Ki lonu'd Sun- follow inff i d lued H will ciiat jyl.."0 for the K lumn. rinind trip luiU 1 rain baei here at H o'clock Saturdav nioriiing. Leave. Kill eigb ret urn 1 tip nt H i.Vi k in the even aaaWawBaW mg. Kenieiiifxr. tomorrow 1- the time anal the priii 1- .ai onlv Tbe public 1) imiid t' (i itnd iniin ti' d. Guests of Miss Fry. Mhf. Maiv Hiirwll "i i"ha-e Hr, a . V.bn-f I r w in of (ot ir.i lit ri . Vur le. Moist goinf . of ( onconl nnd Mamie M . mnr . 01 ht ct .it r v.t !rn.i . and fm 1l-e net trii o,i Mn-v wil1 l.c the gueM- of ti Mar 1 rv ;it a Ihhim pari. Thia evening from i uuti' U o'clock Mt Krr wll entertain in bop-.r of t h ahov e namrd guete this Ma' ;l Til ordri rMu' cur fremendon stock of rugs and wtatling- wak. we w ill off T OIR BIST J.P4N 40 (HIA MA11IU 1 nil 4. -i.r f ! : iit ntt. .l7. pricl l f' (" .in. . 2". 1 T . : 1 tm ' ii.i.'S i. and ma !lr r-i, T 'rln'e.. If Toil Bd r 1. . ti ci 'li-ot . nVen.f. it will pax vol 'o .t ..if cjrp.t depart CHARLES H. DORSETT 2:i S. ELM STREET- I Worth Raw a Graduate. Mrs F H F. Ros will lesTp this morning for a ahort nail to Mrs. T -T .'Aprdand :n Haiti more before goir to Washington to attend tfie commence merit eeriie- ct ioorge Washington nirverwiti Worth Ht. a "fi 01 li R, will g-aHuate tn nacdo-ine at th university net w-k and he w ill te tinn to i-reeith-"ri with hia mother irrtneHiate'T a't.rward Anators Leave fOT Field. B The A.o-iated Trevs t M.pimerx Ma Mav Cfl After ..rfnduii; prri.tically nil IhM night in repeated flight- al t iie aviation camp (tieur Mrnt ifctrn ry. Mr. Hrcjokins and Hoiwey. tud.i!t 01 tbe Wright broth er, left t.e city early tonight for tlie Miation field with ihe intention of mk ing 'nooii-iirht fligb1 Arrestrd en Suspicion Ut I he ..Tiatid Tre-s ' Icctnr. Ma. May 2i Lridfr pjcion of having --v implrcafd in the ; rvefit murder pur Florence. Ala., of n white woman. whoe body wa found ! con.-eJed in a haystack. Cole Holland w a a rreai M re today and ton ig h t was taken to Florence by officers of that tow a. Dry Ilidge. Ky - "I was ao poony. with a pHin in my j-ide. Hint I al mnt dead. " writes Mr-. I.ydia Towel I. m this pinc-e "Ileto' I tried Cardui, I ccuid hardly w jlk icroi the room 1 Nun 1 i'n witlk 4 mile jnd dd my work vnitb niui'li more eae. I praine C-ardtu for niy wonderful cure. You may wonder why this medicine ia so snecesidul in benefiting sick wo men, fim semmingty crloiis caes. The answer is very siuij le. 1 aiiiin 1 sucefsffu:, bt-caUbt it is coin- M.4-d of ingredient - t hat fltt sp-citi-''-l' on tn. nomaiily constitution. It 1 1- a nirvlii-inc 1 r women and onlv tur I 'on nil' wr,k and ailing, or iiiTr ' 1 01 1 1 L. ot appetite, lack of hioad. ia-'k of italttj , Cardui jut w ht voit nersl (o put you into a pi -per state I-t health medirms with-it merit eon Id re Inum in ifch constant use and how ' surh continual increase in sal as rr dui has for the past 50 year?. Are you a woman ? Take t anii. the woman' tonic. our dnigjpt ll tt. R Wntf to Ladies' 4H. iory IVpt . Chattanooga Medicine (., "bat tanooa. Tnn , for Special Instruction I and t4 page book. "Home Treatment for Women." ent in plain wrapper on re ' ntiet. HARMONY in gems and setting fs the thing that appeals to lovera of refined jewelry. The goods we show are gems of harmony Diamonds, Pearls, Rubies. Bracelets, Watches, Neck Chaina, Earrings. Hawke's and Lib bey 'a eiquisite Cut (ilaas. Schif f man Jewelry Co. Leading Jrwvlrra c South Kim St. pp McAdoe Hotel. The Best for You It you want the BEST BANKING SERVICE let us take care of your banking interests. COMMERCIAL NATIONAL BANK a t. STAFFORD, Vtee-Iraaldent t V. PIEBtiSS. Jm Caakler. Oracnabaeo, N. C F. B. RICKS, Preadeat, F. C BOYLIS, Ckaalar. LOW KAIES VIA SOUThEKH 8A1L j WAY. $12 KV-Orrcnaboro to Atlanta, Oa., I and ri-tuni acconnt National Baptiat ! SnnJay rhool conjrre tr-olorrd), on i -al- MT '2.1. H, with final limit June I, I'HO 1 Approximately h:v.' rules from all oth- -r .tut um- hi.r further information are ' in'sri't tirkt't iinent. or address the un I der-iii'-'l W. !! M':i.MFRY, P. 4 T V. r,re.ii.bro. N. t'. UNREDEEMED PLEDGES. j A big aeri!mulation of unredeemed j niel;e4 nf diamonds, watrbea and all other jeme'rv. You will de well to come to es ua 1 Liberal loans made on neTsonsI prop erf T. Rnsmess otnctly confidential! A. W. KAPLAN CO CITY BAGGAGE & TRANSFER CO Prompt and Efficient Service. Free Information in Regard to Trains, Schedule, etc. Office, Hu trine Hotel Build in. Pnoo .73. Ihe Youn Business Man Who has demonstrated ability successfully to con ' duct a small business will receive special attention and consideration from The Merchants National Bank of Raleigh. N. C DIXKCTOKS. E. C. DI'KCAX, WILLIAM H. WILHAMSON, W K. UTLEY, C. II. .VMITH, .1. C. HALL, ALEXANDER WEBB, JAMES R. YOLNO, job p. wtatt, charles b. aycock georgx p. folk, ;eort.k e. huxter, james r rogeas, .1. L. QVINK, W. B. DRAKR, JR. BRICK Phone 802 Cunningham Brick Co. .Did you ever ligurc up the cost ol that "Ash Pile" 1 V. e have, and for that reason out a nd sell Coal with the Ieast Waste and j Moat heat. Why should you pay coal p rices for exceea ashes T Some coal is very different from other coal in ash product ss well as beet effectiveness. GREENSBORO ICE AND COAL COMPANY I R. C Hood, Sec. and Mgr. Opposite Paaeaurer Station. Phone. .. A GOOD BANK Do Business With The American National Bank Wilmington. N. C. HOTEL HUFFINE. Greensboro. N. C. America. Plan. K.0J t II SI Her U.r CtOTeaJenUy LaeaWd -vw7yUua Matea The Beat fcrrka T., hem of tka kalgM af taa frlp-aad travJHnt fmbUs eewerawy. A weO aaadwrtad Okie a. eeemecUoa. J P. SaJIDERa, Mrs, CLEGG'SUP-TOWNCAFEDelicious Foods, Superior Service