GKEICNSBOBO .DAILY VTKWB, SUNDAY" MAY 29 1910 awasanvn. ,Va i 19 Shopping Bags A big assortment. All sold at a sacriiice. Linen Suitings 36-inch wide, in stripe and plain colors, sale price 20c American and Simpsons Calicoes, in the choicest patterns. Sale price 5c Poplins in all the new shades. Sale price 20c Fine lingerie Waist $1.50 Waist, lace trim med, sale price '..1.00 linen Sitings 27-inch wide, 35c qual ity, sale price... 25c Exceptional values i Table Linens, reduced to.r..........40c, 63c, 85c Fancy Shantung Silk, $1 quality, sale price 65c Kimonas A beautiful new line. Sale price 40c, 63c, 85c, 88c. Big line of Shirtwaist Extra fine White Waist also. Silk and Net Waists. All sold regard less of cost. Curtain Nets and Drape ries and Lace Curtains. A big assortment to be sold at a sacrifice. Hosiery for ladies and children. A big stock of the best makes all be ing sacrificed. Changeable Taffeta Silk, 36-inch wide. The sale price 75c Best quality of Percales, 36 inches wide. Sale price 10c Nice line striped cotton Suitings. Sale price 8 l-2c Corsets all go at a big reduction. KrillD O TTTN TI no n J er s leiiwieiiif mm STARTS OFF WITH A RUSH Store packed and jammed with eager buyers. WHY NOT ? When you can buy high class merchandise at cost and less. If you have failed to attend this slaughter sale do so at once, as you may never again be able to buy such big bargains. We want to impress upon you that the prices have been greatly reduced on the entire stock as everything must be closed out regardless of cost Monday Will be a Big Day at this Store. In fact every day this week will be bargain day at Gilmer's. So come with the crowd and get your share of the good things. Everybody in this locality knows that Gilmer's is the store to buy the above lines. We carry a line that can't be matched. All to be sacrificed at this sale. s. GILMER & COMPANY One Lot of Silk One lot of 27-inch Silk, in dainty soft colorings, reduced to 25c Linen Coat Suits, all to go at a big reduction. Parasols for erery. body all to be sold at a sweeping reduction. Muslin Underwear a big assortment. All sold at a big saying to you. Towels None but the best grades. All greatly reduced. Black Taffeta Silk 1 piece 36-in. Taffeta Silk.. Sale price 69e Silk Marquisette 27 inches, $1 value. Sale price ...50c Embroidered Flouncing. 50-inch, extra fine qual ity and design. Reduced to ...85c 27-inch Flouncing re duced to '.. 63c. ft fi PRESIDENT TAFT WILL BE A T GREA T GA THERING Will Sound Keynote for Campaign of National Republi can League Special Feature Will Be Ap peal to First Voters. (Hph:1 .o toil? Nfw ) Whirtn, D. C, May id In ord.-. tet rrUei'l Tft may ttand w ion ! Mwuttv roBimHtw of th llonal Kpuhnau league hat rh.Dg ed the datta of thi bnnial conTantin mi the lvajfu from Jun 28 2V to June t4-ZSt. Tbe ronrrntion will b t-.l at 0mri Hall, Saw York city, on tho 4mU. Tht l'rritint haa a-cpptid the tavitation extended by John May 11am nood. prpaident of th egur. and IIM(I to make a ph whirl. i ! I sound tba keynote "f irie le-frm "a a-n Saign for th fall Hcctwnv The Pn'i tmt apewh mill lw ltHk. forward to with (fral intiTt-t. an it i pviktUsI that it will niH ouh th battle rrv of tht? rtWr of t hi li jgu- tot Ih fall rampaifrri. Iwt l - t a pa- I" followed rty 1h- (.ih-iji '-nnipalrr- IU aidea thf I'rf-itl'-rit . th-Tr b ptt-vnit VirV - Prtttf tit v1itiii n. at l-M.t ! He publican jioorni-r a uuirilwr nt taira and rrfirwat attvrw mid t U irni,f. 'thdudinf priunmtri l"iillir.,ii m-m mil otar th r-Hintn Tha cotiT-ntM-n iU Ik 1h flrt prtht ! oonvratWrn to b hld in f nrW tM and iirmw to tv th rg at tola in t mrtrooh n th OTavfttf l Jure 2" a ranuot hm a it at R4M Aai. srhifh !'r-i 3B Tat- Vkp Pr'dni ShrTfian and Char taadrra of tb lpuMirsn parly 4Q ayaafc. It rxprrlM that tha Kau quet will b a rfK'ord bifaking one, both a t it si and th proinntetire of the dincm. Hradquart4r will be entalilitbed at tie Hotel Aslor on June 15 in rliary of SrrrrUry pro lem. I). U. Atherton and hia tnirp of uuntantft. wher a commit tee mi n-i-eption to deiegit4a will alto be in a lindane. A apenal feature of the convention will be an appeal to tl.e tint t ra and tha f or Kin if m ho have beootui- Mimi4 of tin- country ain the lat 'lciuin. I In. I'-sinif Jut nIhhm b-en a i admc poliry of the lraiia. and it m the intcn lion 1 1rr iiU nt HMmmond and tlie ot I'li-ra "I the leacue lo ledouble 1 luir forta to ct thce two factors out at tU f r 1 1 ft Chit will be ornised in addi tion to the rfi.nilar leatnic clulia to look iifier the inteiv-t of th lea (pie during tlie camaiirn. and to orfaniae efTectm-ly inr the pf-f-Htrut iwJ cantiain of iMli. Mr Mhertoii kiid "I ted very much mcHirHrt-d t lie rnilt itt let tT and telegram 1 bat I am rrcriviii( trm a11 IMirt- of the wuntry prainna; our aaove in'nt. l'hef telerantt come Irom gov ernor, f roni oninr and re pre ae a la dm and Imm preMU ana cfticera tit diflfpeut tate club, ahowmjr un thiit we will not only hae a record breaJtlnn crowd at t-he New York convention, but Ht it will enci-ed in nthuiani any rrn itntion tha league hn evrr bald. I rv)- f t he league i nflut-ne will ha a prominent laator to the coning election. aJao in the national elariion" FINAL DAY AT HORNER'S Barracks Well rilled With Belles And Beau at Grand Ball (Special to Thilf Ne.) Oxford, My S8.-Th find ball of h. Hornfr afhoo tonk place tasl niftfit. Tbe barrarku wrn wrll dlli-d and the ti-rn-mff enjojfd by all prettont. A moiig thoae daticuift were: Major 'MK.hfc with Mina Kate Ilor m?. Cdet Tlioapum nilh Miu Irene lfine. Corporal Beard with Mum Mary B. Willi, mi Captain Watt with Miaa .latiie Hunt. .Mm hull Manning with Miw liridg' i of t)i.rhdm. TliuBtii. C. Merrhanl with Miihii'. of DurlmDi. Jvrr.nt Pratt with Mini Audrrson. ..f K.id.nllr lilet lmnrr. M-ith Mi Soplua lay Chief ilarihal WatU with Miw Janie Hunt, Merfnt Pratt't with Miaa Ander aon. Sergeant t'.nthorn'i with Mini Han oack. Lieutonant Rtruthera' with Miu Haa coct Cadet Nrniix-ki' with Miaa Farthing lieutenant FieMa' with Miaa Roliarda. Corporal Brard't with Miaa William. 'I lie rotora were announced by (Ven tral B. S. Koyater at 11.30, Uie winning company being "B." A SCHOOL OF EDUCATION FOB HIGH SCHOOL TEACHERS DELIGHTFULLY ENTERTAINED j BLIND TIGER KEEPERS BY MISSES REED AND LONli ARE SEVERELY FINED I Ur (Captain Sean with Mm Swindell. Sergiant I'liillipt with Miu Lloyd, of Dnrttatn. Cadet Kay with Miaa Ruth Mitchell. I annady with Mi Maud Parli.m Mamhall I'innii with Mia. htukes, of Inn hatn. M Tarlor with Miaa W'in.ton. .1. Taylor with Miaa Scholer, of Cliat lan'vwa. Tcnn. Will Al.ton with Mif Gregory. U Tavlor with Miu Kramer, of Dor- haav K. lajlor with Miaa May Wright I K. t.nnady with Mina Shaner, of Lynchburg. I Roger f.annt with Miu Erwin, of Dur hanv i lyn Marrow with Miaa Lifzie Pear I o. I Kugene Crewi with Miaa Martha Fer ! rabee. i F.lbert Cri with Miu Pnieker. ! Sergeant Walton with Miaa Webb. I Curporal Warner with Miaa Jones, of Hnderaon. Cadet (Iraf with Miu Hancoek. Cadet Low with Miaa Lamb, oi Men- (Spaeial to Pail New Ruihorc. May '1 At their btnumul ki-Oie, ' Kadeland," oa Weal Mimtisl. Miaaea Aanie Keade and Sue Jx.ag en tertaraed tbe Young 1-adie.' chib Wed eaday afternooa from 4 'o o'clock The already beautiful noma waa beje, kl in garments of aprinp. hothouae piam raaaa or aweet peaK ariaga and other' oeearatinna that made it eve'i more WaaMitiful. Mta. 4nnie. drra-d in a haadaone embroidered white mevaalana, fewaivad tha guet. while Mi sue Ismt, Ib an empire gwn of blue atin. ned, MBarh. The punrw M! wa a i moat Vai-wid ta flower. TW tafclaa were filled br Miaae Sue' Smdakaw. Hud tab Hambrxi, I U Win ' rt. Ala Webb. Maude SaltetVW. VttU Baraett, Mary HmaUr, Pearie Lewia, MeadMMa E. O Lor. M. S.J rTiitted, E. L. Webb, Robert PUphvia., TattV Mini Katie Img awaited ill aevioc tha dehcbtful ruwrh I Sjx-eial to Daily Newa.f K'e-l.'n. )a 'i. -The Suernir couiti i.l pifit.U . lo- tonight it the ca tt ), ia. .loan Altller. a negr-, tir kill'i; Uovd Daniela. another negro. ia fm -'ie, liie eaae ia hotly con teat ed ; uti I n; . go over into next weev. I'-if iii "tie wee4i .liHlg- 4xke an nrMin. M it waa hia intention 10: make the running of "blind tiger.' in i RinM'-n linpnfitaNie. 'C"hia atternoon .fildge t ooke paaed aent upon thoM convuted o -elln.g bee. and whiaky ( in TteJ.iioTi of 'be prohibition law. He rined (Vrle Walter $1.0X): Walter! )-eW. o0. Paul Bend. WW. and Will, Tuton. ."0 I Keault of Family tow. Ry The A-ar-oated Preaa.l Bri'tol," Tenn . May A "'- ton (ap, ... diapatefl aaya that aa a raasnlt of a family row at Adiawnoa, In eaateia Keatuiy, MUiaa "Sapiet iaj dead, ha Ting been aha by ha etepfa-1 taar, Aataer Istlaa. t deriii erg. nt hitlield with Miaa Mary Shaw Sen-enM Canl horn uh Miaa Lu v Ijindi- Corporal Welrh with Miu Wilaon, of rienderaon. lornoral shepherd with Miaa Eatelle White. Cadet Nmioeka with Misa Farthing. Cadet C.rady with Miaa Julia tjooper. Cadet lenucitr with Miaa Ethel Adama, Cadet Diion with Mia Melntyre, of Headeraon. Lieutenant stnithera with Miaa Han eoe. Lieutenant Field with Vfaa Robarda. Corporal Wood, with Misa Kophronin Cooper. R. T. Smith witk Miaa Marrow. Cftaxra: Cadet Welborn. Cadet Bui bark. Cadet Santa. Cade Sueeedo, O. U.iwell, r. lUnooek. Mr. WiJaoa. II. Undis M. Lanlia. Boy Wright, R..P. Taylor. Cadet Lanier--M. Pearoe. Th regaliaa west as f.lrown: 'Special to Daily Newt.) Iurhaui, May 28. Trinity college an-nouiu-ea the establiahment of a acho.il of education for the preparation of hign aehool teuchera. Tbe growth of the state high achool, the increnae of the number of local L .hhtrnie. and the expanaion of the city I M-ttem. lmie created auch a demand for ' high M-hool teachera that tlie collegea niid imiml adioola are unable to supply them. It i conceded that tins suppl) i mint ei.nie largely from the rank, of 1 tbe iiruiunutr whool teachers, those who have only a high school education, but who have been teaching lor a year or two and are making an effort to iui prme theuwelvcs. It is this elaea of teachers that the school of education at Trinity college wishes to reach. Their needs are (1) echolarahip, 21 a knowledge of high school courses, and i ll int ruction in high 'school methods. No iuatitution in "North Carolina is so wrl! aituated for giving inatruction In these lines aa is Trinity eolh-ge Many teachers come to Durham annually to study tha work in the Durliam city schools, which, from the standpoint of organization, equipment and aupervision are unsurpassed in tha south. The Dur hsm county schools lead those of all other counties in tha atate in length of terra, salaries and equipment. No institution in North Carolina has auch an environment in which to build a school of education, and such an envir onment 1a necesaary to its eucccee. In addition to the eity and connty adventai'ea. Trinity roller, maintains a four-year high school which Us a mem ber of the association of colleges and preparatory school of the southern slate, and it is the only high achool iu the atate that is connected with this organization. This a guarantee throughout the south that its equip ment, teaching force, and standards are of a high order. Since the depart merit of education established at. Trinity college three years aao tHeae natural advantaprs have attracted feathers from many sec tions of the state. An extension course far teachers aetiTely engsfed ha been in operation, has grown from year to Tear, and dnring tli past scholastic samr there have Seen enrolled in this department more tba lfin tear hers from different parts of the state. Many rnral high achool teachers have come to Trin- ity C J lege this spring, at the eVoae of t heir scnooia. so aiuoy ine worm in in. Ihrrbasa city schools and ia the Trinity parf school. For sanre than a year tbe authorities have hem atadying tfie question with a view to evening next fait a school of eduretipa, and this aanMicerct enmrea after a careful study of tha best schools of education in America. All applicants who base completed a good high school course, and who have had at least on years' experience in teaching, or who are of advanced age. will be admitted to this achool There will be no tuition charge. College Course. Groups of three subjects running through the freshman and sophomore years will be offen-d containing a major and two minor subjects, to be se lected by the applicant. The major ahall be' the subject that the applicant wishes to teach after leaving college. The following are some of the courses grouped for teachers: English Croup Knglish sa a major; , hialory and one foreign language aa a minor. Classical group Latin aa a major; (jreek and l.atin aa minor. Mathematics Uroup 'Mathematics aa h major; English and physics as minor. i Science ;roup---Biology aa major; ! Knglish and physics or chemistry aa minor. i "Modem language t;ronra iernian aa major; Fjifjlish and French aa minor. Iliitory fironp Hietory aa major; Knglish and economics a minor. In addition to these groups the one ! hour course in Bible for freshmen ami I sophomores will be required, making a total of ten hours "week. I High School Instruction. ( The major subjects pursued through I the freshma and sophomore years wili ibe reviewed through the four year of tbe high school. Trinity Prk school 'with its six instructors. Including the I headmaster, affords ad excellet opKw !t unity for high school instruction. It the ispplicant chooses tha English group ot studies, English will be studied in the i high school. Here special emphasis will be placed on the character of the work in the high school, the nature of the sub- tect matter, the quantity and quality oi sublet matter on recitation, the prepare tion by the teacher as well as by the pupil, and the capacity of high achool pupils. The time devoted to this work will be five hours a week. How to Stndy. Specific inatruction will be offered in how to secure the best results from the subject matter under consideration. Stu dents aa a rule do not know how to study. A few hare well formed habits; but even these do not see clearly the difference between memorizing the con tents of the trtt lak. and nuking the author's thought their thought. They d. inot appreciate the real difference between 4 reproducing the thought of tbe author and turning that thought into their own thought life. This ia one great reason that teacher and pupil cannot judge the vslue of inatruction. The time devoted to this work will be three hoars week, making total of It) hours a week. The frulty will be completed be lore the opening of the tersi ia September. Passengers Killed and Injared. (Br The Associated Press.) Wilkesbrre. Pa., Mar M. Two pas senger were killed and tea injured waea a secosn svaiaUraa train cat the Lrkigk VaDey railroad wa wrecked this after rteoa at St nil. Pa-, 25 miles 0vm this eitr. - - , .. . STA TESVILLE IS JUSTLY - PROUD OF HER SCHOOLS (Special to Daily Kews.) Statesville, May 28. Tbe interesting and successful commencement xer-cisi-s of the Statesville graded school, which embraced three nights of this week, msrked the close of one of the mnat siicreasful years in th history of this valuable institution of which Statea vill people are justly proud. The ex ercises consisted of a sermon by lies. M. L. Kesler, knanager of the Baptist orphanage at Thomsavill; an excellent literary addreu by In-. W. P. Few. pro fessor of Knglish and dean of Trinity college, and the coininencament axercisc proper by the graduating class. While, all the exercises were attended by a crowd which filled the handsome new au ditorium, the exerejaea by tha graduates natually attracting the moat interest ninong the friends and patrons of the school, and on this occasion every avail iible .eat in the apacsnis auditorium and the balcony were taken, and some stood. The program by the clau representa tives was aa follows; Esaay, "Some Things Almut Tulterculoaia," by Miaa Kilith McLaughlin; "Stateavilis, Some Things From Then (160 years sgoi Till Vow," Miss Rebecca Stimaoa; "Forest Preservation,' Miss F.thel Lee Russell. Recitations, "Uncle i'odger Hanga a Picture," Miss Charlye Leigh Tomlin; "I'm a Superfluous Man." Ben Ixng Frye; "The Revenge." Mia Nellie Fow ler. Declamations: "Mosea th Deliv erer of Israel." Alfred Long (iaither; "Oompulaory Education.'' James Todd W hite. The papers were excellent pro ductions and were well presented, and the declamations and recitations were well done. The esssys and declamation were valuable contributions to the sub jects discussed, and were creditable ta botb the young people and their source of inatruction. The clasa memento, a set of reference booka, was gracefully pre sented to tbe school br Miss Hsze'l Wal lace, aid little Miu Juliet Bristol, who accepted for the school, proved herself equal ta tbe occasion. The presentation of toe certificate or diplomas, was by L. C. Caldwell, and R R. Mclaughlin awarded the medal given by the local D. A. R.'s for the best riper oa North Carolina Mftory. Misa er Millsaps, of th ninth grade, who wrote aa excellent essay est Ta Earl History of Nerta Carotin Castoma, Manner and Religion," won the medal. Certificate of attendance aad pusota ality were awarded lis pupil who had been neither' tardy nor absent shar ing tba year, it being explained that th number receiving certificates would have been twice as large but for th af fects of vaccination. A scholarship to Klisbrit college, ttarlotte. waa award ed Miu Ethel Ie KuaeelL the koaor graduate, and it waa naeunoed that C W. Boshamsr will give a medal aert rear for the best era I ion It was stated by Prof. I). Matt Thompson, the effi cient head of the achool, that Henry Nicholson, who started in tbe fir at grail of the school and is now in the evsTta, haa been neither tardy aor abaeat dur ing hia entir achool year. Professor Thompson declared that The sronM aather have tat record than to be president, of the United States. The tA young ladies and gentlemen who graduated thia week were th first to graduate from th higa school de- fartment, which was added last year, hey can now enter college wit bout fur ther preparation. Aaids 4rm being tha most snoeeesful year ia point of good . work, the past eaitt enjoyed the aarg est attendance aver, th enrnllmaat al most resehing tbe 704 mark. ' The commencement exercise kesiwg ended, most of th out -of town teach er have departed f- their nomas or elsewhere. Miw Edna Brook has foe to her home at Lanrinbnrg; Miss Claude Potadextar to ker bonis in Wmstoa Miu Clara (Milan to her boas ia Con cord: Misae Jessie Msssey and Lena Pariah to their homes in Durham; Mis Annie Sue LeOraade. ' of Vhwiaia, ts Winston to visit ; Miiwes Jessie and An- i sie Williams, of Reidsville. and Mis letti Cms, of Qiwnhoro, to Connolly Spring to spend a 'wtjile before going to therr hovns. Visa Kate Flaley, of Charlotte, will apewd a while her aa tha grant of Pns'-,.aal Mr. Thorn pi si. and Miu I.ula t r 1. of (eneord, will re main a while with haw brother. Prof. H. E. (raven, principal of the eohooi, NEGRO' ADMITTED ROBBERY VIRGINIA FAMILY CLASHES AHD IMPLICATED ANOTHER WITH CUSTOM OPTICUU Wilmington. May is.-r-fine of the boldest and most daring robberies re ported in many months was committed yesterday afternoon when Jissei John son, negro 1 years old, entered n siiartment 'rt the Carolina and stole a Indies' gold watch rained afSfal, whirk he later aosd to a colored delivery wagon driver for 'IS. The robbery was re ported to tbe connty awthorities at 2-30 p. m. and 30 minutes later th negro had bees arrested and the stolen prop erty recovered. Johnson admitted hiis gailt aad gar the orbcers the asm of the Begra ta vrhssa he aold ta watch. Johnson waa green a preliminary hear ing at 1 o'clock thia afternoon before Justice Bnrnrmans nd tsmnui over' to Superior court. - . ' i By Tbe Associated Presa) New York, My 9g. Mr. aad Mrs. Harry C. Stuart, of the well kaowa St- 'srt family, of Virgiaia, had a clank vriab 'the custosn aothoritie on thai, retwa 1 from Earope oa the atsaretaaia today, jbrrt both side admitted tordght tiast there bad been a miaunda i ilanding. Eight of Mrs. Btaart'a trnnks, of a lot of 2i pieces id haggage, were seissd amt scrt to the ptrblte star -s as eoktaimar vahse gooda not deelaiei Bat Mr. St wart haa ex pi rased willxngnss ta par duty in fall they will be releases woea he dots so, aad he may appeal fa' re cVsw if he tvsjtsder th apprsisernewt Bsjaet. . -. . V1 1