HBEENSBOEO DALLY NEWS TUESDAY MAT SI. 1910 rJSlJ2iLlMENT CO'IFLETEDISTIIIATED ACREAGE! rUiiUa ill Atff UjlLLAAj scilflwen Baugbten in Im lmY Being Mj lmcricaa larket Opeoi laj June 3 tl UbqIt. - Euslata las lestricted. ' Neir Orleans, Mar tO.-Sot cotton, dull a4 uocAnsed. MiddliiMf. I 15-U, oft Um apoi, iv batea; 1 arTvw, Cult on future opened uit at de rittw f 1 lu i pAiliUs, CaDlee wwe Huut b expected, but lb tmtla looked u weather and crop jscwuhw luurtt umoi uijtiiiUK ala. Hoib huwmI 1 ni pt .ivenwti uud attar the call tUe r a unites v. em to ljv A point un.ivr mrday ckMing. Hit; ulU erv$w west i 10 I puiim down. Tbe . -ru as a whole appeal ad to be tlry and t b c forec at u for eon '. i n uJ fair weeihrr lonirhl and tomorrow In tar pastern half of thv toelr? I OV HMfMl WM tlUia IU tba morning- Bulla ottered absolutely - auantliv of cotton, chiefly la tba iiw I - cioo luontbi. wu being oaVred Hreund : . 15" 'nurJ'.u'..''. V, J"f1i-JS Mnciaiiua waa out with a re purl oa eaoiluun at tn.t intr vent. Al boob tBe llat waa la i pomia reterana oa the' eourthotur .wu. eorui.ard wtih Baturttay'a lJitJM la ,"B ln eourtaotMr Aow a. compared wUh arlcM. In the afternoon aeaalOB the market amoved Utile mtlvlly. The dull ad ey tone atlll ruled and tba dacllne aa widened to II to 13 poilita At t aelMk tbe market waa Inav-ure at the lawewt or the day. Ttie Btaikel rloeed ateadr at a aat Atr L r. m nf a In 14 uointa Cloalns tide: Muy. 14.H nominal June, li t nominal, July. 1 .I a; in- riikt, U hepieniker. 13 15; Outober, i.iH December, 11.41; Jaauary, ll.ti. roRT MUKalB!IIT OF COTTON Ualveatou: Uull: Bllddllnc receipu, 1,801 balee, aaiaav net U-!.; atora, t,m oaiae. net raceipta, 1,1 T a balee; aalea, 4H bulea; atook, !, balea. net raoelpta, lit balee; a lock. 1,701 JS.vanaah: Quiet; mlddllni, 14 11-11; net recelpta, 1.41J balea; aalea, 100 balee; atork, S0,11 balea. 'herleatn; Nominal: middling Obarleaton: Nominal: aat recelpta, 11 balea: atork, ,11 tmixa. Wllmliijtton: Nat raoelpta, 14 baiaa ato, 7.74M balee. Norfolk: Holiday: Net receleta. I0 bulee; atork. U.144 balea. later tee Meetan.at. Honeten: rttaadr: mlddllna;. 14: net recelpta, II!) balea; aalea. Til La lea, ateck. M.tr&l balea. Avguata: 1'ull, middling, II; aat re- ceipi. 41 balea; aalea, 171 baleb; ateek, 13,I balea. J. , Lit Kltruotr (itrwrOaf.f x -fi IdverpaoL Jaayv J, loatna; eotlonr Hpot la fair demand, prloea 1 point bifther. Arnerluaa mlddllna;, fair, .&; food mlddllna;, t.lt; middling. 1.11; low middling, a.lli; rood ordinal y, J,7: or dinary, T il. The aalea of the day were ltl.000 balea. of wblrk too were for apeculatlon and export and tneluded 1,100 balea American. Recelpta nona Koturea opened quiet and eteady and eioeeti'jiuiew yvny, .an; aaay ana eune. T.7u; Jtt'ie and July, T.?e; July and Auruat, T.44: Aueiet and rteptember. 7. at Keptemter and October, t.6V,; CN'Cobar and November, a. 74: Novem lanr and beoamber 4 44 : December and January, t.tlH; January and Keb raary, 4 41; February and Maron, 4.41; March and April, 4 HO. 1 NAVAL, MTORB1. Bavannah, May SO. Turpentine firm at S7 . rKc; aalea. 781; recelpta, 7l, ehlpmanta. 140; atork, (.117. Roaln, a .... . .. I - , , . n, i -i . inenia e,eai; eiot'e, tiaii. 4.7rft'4ifr:.rrv.o5 4 !t;' H, .S- t l OOl OC; K I It; M. a.ze; m, a.tutraae; w u, a.au; w w. '"'rjharlaaton May la. Tarpaatln arm at tea fioala. firm. 10; N, i.40Le; W U. 110; W W, att tea. .Atoain, nrm. (Juote: B. 45: D. 4.4 K, 4.I1H; T. i 4iH: O. 4.10A4.17V, H. t t; I, t 10; K. li' at, a.Ktt; w, a.tevete; w u, Md; w W, 8 IfitJUO. Local Markets ITbes pricet are itrictly wholestle, nd represent prices obtained on actual sales.) (By Tba Patteraoa Co.) fat back, buma. aucar cured. rovered. De pound, 19H Lard: Pure, tlercea. eoon pound. tierce, lie. Flour: Fancy Der ktarrel patent aprxng wheat. tancy patent winter wtif-at, tf.lo lr baritil; choicdj tramt.i, t?H. $1.6; itilored peat. $2.4U. Meai. JWta DwibtJa waxiagr fruuuu atauOy, er hag of pound, $1,114. (.rata. Ma, Kiev Corn:-WliiLe, Vi, wixaO, tc ()H(i: fitrc. Wheat: .lf4l.S. Hay: No. 1 tlinoihr, 131; Mo, 1 mlxol. tZ4 0t); mill 141, brao. 1-0.04; ablp atuLT. llHeOO. taaalrr riaatijea. (By Forsyth Jt Co.) ' Chirkena, per pound, t.4l&o; youna aprins chlckuti. 2c per pound: lo hena (eacli). 4W ;.c: duller, l&t 2J; rgH" l"1 -ttc: country hems. 18c per ptiuod; batiraj 2tx siat pouad; tillow. 4,0 per pouAid. rtnk Ijaurna, I3.ZS: watte beaaa, $2 7; rouniry clorel beare, $2.'t6; While peaa, 12.00; colored peaa. $1.7a Knglihb peaa N. (.), $L6 per crate. HI. (By Forsyth Co.) Green hi dee, per pound, 7c; U H. hidea, c per pound, dry a ait, Usg'lbe per jound. iry Hint. l617r jjr p.uii.,, aheepkina, 2640 each; voatakloa. Ifu; pelta, 10leo. Track, (By W. I. Aodeiaoa A Co.) 1 Onions: Bermuda, 1.& oer crate. CabtMMce: South Caroliua, 92.00 pr NeW Florida anapp beans. 2.te pr crate. New potatoes, I?.i.'4i2. per bai rrL Kraft. (By W. L .itatiersoB sV Co.) Florifli oruiise.1. $ t 00 Apples, $:".. i;irreL Lemons. 3iu l&.OO per bos. Itanonae. p?r luni'l . .r fi 1 . 7 . California oranges, 2.0(otI,w. agar. (By C. 1. Kenny Co.) Crystal Iomiroea, S-pound pac S. 8b; crystal Dominoes, i-pound pack aaea, $7-vt, cut loaf. $.&0; uubea. H .so; powtiered. $fi.25; granulated, in barrels, iftOy. granulaietl, in $5.05. Hal-1 C(ffeat. (By C L . Kenny Co.) C. C R. No. r tll.to; O. C. R. No 1 -12 00, C. C. K. fio. 1, $1250- Saatoa No. S fi2.s0; Santos No. 2, $13.-0, J. i. U. l-DOund p kase cofTee. 91-i 00. Rnilalna Material. 1 R? Shaw-CUuu Lumiwr Co.) . t "'una lelfa'(r:.a4 ti g.MS.TS ' eV'ra lit lii. No. 1 and 2. t-'HOO, lxli into. ho. 1 and t. V-iMQ, txlt I4!i ' s-u vs. ixi. t.o, r i.tv, in, t ..j, .ki,b,or6.i1e, IJ. For Stomach Trouble, SluggUL i,-CTft3iVitaWV'---inV.l kiom foTTfu. UveT and Hbitul Conatlpntiot. I1T.60; No. 1 7-14 cslluig, IIO.00; .No. i Ttnlei'i. May ?iPrlrc; naid for' 4. -f r -v, . 7-lt celling, 117.50; No. 3 .-14 celling, i cotton on the loel market followa: , It Cures Dy aiding alt Of tilt lil.10; No. 1 bevel aiding from t-4.c;nod midline 1 !.; ..!.. f 17 jo! No. 2 be-ei tiding from 4-4, IPirtet mlddlliir 1 I ! ulgeatJWC OrjaflS gently (timU- 110.00; No. 1 bevel ading noiu 4-4. ! Xll.ldlina 1 4 -a i l. . ,.,t.,.. !iLo; No. 2 bevel siding from e-4. . late the liver and regulates the t.KOO; No. 1 bevel siding from j-4. WHAT EVERYBODY WANTS :K.,,, .w. ti,m, liHV NolrVfn.'Denini'S1;' Everrbodr deair- good h- 1th. which boweln the only way that No. a'beart pine shingles. 1S.2.. No. 1s itopoil)le niilrna fie kidnev. sreiChrOlliC COCltipaUOlt Can be heart pine ehlnKlea, fl..t; niouldlngs. , anar Anf hellthv. Foleva Kidnev Rem No Tjnntptr1 .'bing'.'t'r "i y .W taken .. .he in,' luntner ebmalee. It. 00: l-m heart No. tion of al y trrerilarit r. and a "TK.iia - noorlTit:. I..HV: i- neart no i flooring. ti 00. Bny vonr Gasoline from MeAdoo Oar - Ifo Oo, U i-8a. gallon. . . . . , 'Special t Daily Kewj Lenoir, May 30. The kaadeuaio taosi-uHM-m to be unveiled here oa the June 13 ty tue Daughter of the Confedeacy of tbia county, to perpetuate the Baeai ory of the hcroce froni Caldwell oounty ia the gnat strife to npaold tba pria cipio of the tontb ia tba Civil war haa been completed and low stand veiled ready or the erreatonim. A treat time I expected in Lenoir oa that date and everybody aaem to be looking for ward tu this great event with aaurh anticipation. -. - - -The Kteele Creek cornet band, of Mecklenburw eountr. ha been ensured , fj.i, i. tl.i. m.bia fUUi Justia WaKer Clark, of tba feupreoui court of -North toroiina, la to deliver tiw addraaa of the dav. A (raud pi rade wiU Uka place at W acWk and at I e'cloek a diaiier will lie erred to jaw Jjttle Mial Delight Harper Bernhardt, aasiated by her little maido of honor, will unveil the monument. Mr, fetoae wall Jackaon, of Charlotte, a a beea ia vited ta aUead aad preeant U tba aid Mldiera the eruaaea of honor. After dinner and the eoneluaioa of the cereaioniea of the day the aid eot dieri will be giren an autombile ride ever the towa by the nra who eat ear. David P. Clark, chief manual of the day, hat beea very aetrea in hit efliorta to ma We tba day a auoreaa. working jotatly with the entettaiment tad ar rangement aommittae. Invitation have beea Waned by the Lenoir German club for a dane to be giran la the opera koue oa tba night of June I. Many out of towa people re expected to M preaent oa taia data for tlie unveiling rereinoaie and the aorial feature to be eonuaoted with and have been planned for tbi great oe- aaaioaj. BIUSI KIVEK LUMBER CO. WILL S00M BB ALL BIGHT Durham, May SO The Commonwealth Trnat eonipany, of Pittabiirg. today aa euoiea control of tlia Nruaa Kirer I.um- 1ter eompauy, which want into a re- eeiveraliip aonte time ago. Frank B. Cunninghaia had held the pureeatring of the buaineea in it an cillary receivurahjp, but the temporary treaaurar ia aeotrter now. It is a big buaineea with Id5,000 liabilitiit and V), 00(1 aaaeta, beaide iu U,o0,00 Jet of lumber. It will eaaily riae from it trouble ainoe the permaneut receiver ahip ha been eatabliahed. Funeral at T. C. Bobtaaea. (Special to Daily Xewa.) Wadt-sboro, May 30. The funeral eer vie in memory of T. C. Robineon, elerk of tli Superior court, wboae death oc curred Saturday, waa held yeaterday af ternoon at the Metbodiat dhurrh and waa eonduetad br the Rev. J. H Weat. aaaiated by the Rev. T. V. T.rfbhiii. IU church waa crowded wna frteml, many being ia attendance from differ ent part of the county. Mr. Kobinaoa wa a native of thje county and for aome years haa reeided at Anaonville. Eight year ago ha we elected clerk of the Hupermr court and haa mad a model ofnorr. luree weeks ago Mr. Robinson announced that be would not be a candidate for renomina tion and aince that time haa been con fined to hia room, although ai tin-ica be waa able to be" up and was at all times cheerful and patient. Hia familt and frieals knew that bis condition was I serious, but death was entirely unet- j pected when it tame. ' , Death of Mrs. C. H. Ca (Special to Daily Kews.l Durham, May 30. Mrs. C. II. Char. ! the wife of one of Durham'e iewelera, died yeetertlay as the result of an opra tion for appendicitis. .Mr. lse had been in Durham lut six month, coming to thie city from i Marlboro, Mukh., atierc she aaa married a short while before the holidays. 8ttc was but 18 veers and eight oiortbn old. a young lady who had not lieen here long enough to form many friends, but with atroug otiett wbere alio did make tbem. rtoth sue and Mr. t r ae acre .M'w fciig landers, the liitband coming here a year sgo and ofiening a jewelry business that had once enjoyed good iiatronage but declined, lie i well liked nod his early Itereare tuf nt in the tirit rear of his wedded life gives him trong rni,alhr from the citv. Studying Grape Growing. Wilmington. May SO. - C. T. IVring. viticiiltiiri-t of the dppartinent of agri culture. Washington. D. has been st Wtllard. Pender county, the nat week, making nu exhaustive study of the po. sibilitiea of grape growing in eastern North (arolins. The t niled State, in conjinictinn with the tatedepartmetii J of sxrieulttlre. Im. a test farm of ebout , Ml ..-re. at Williinl. which ift lleilie used evperimeiitallv iu improving th. f-upperHnug or ut!iiadine variety nf gra pe. . Commencement exercises. Wiltninifton, May 30. The commence ment exen-i'-. of the Wilmington grtid eil !U'1ioo1m will be held this week. le gitusing Wednesday snd contimiiiig throiicli Vridai. which Bill lie enia meiKrinent day. The e-n ie st Hem i-nnay and Vntfii ehrwl b ill lie h-lil st 0 an' II nVliiek rrpct-ivelr. snd the gridn,iiili; everrTH,-. ul tlic hijih m-IiooI ole t l"l" will lie held Ht th lull crni o iini-i at .'0 p. rn. Friday CHARL0TI E COTTON MARKET. fhclotie. Mev 1. frl.-ea fatd f ir cmton on tlic loeil o:arket follow.: .1 !... ma .iMt h,l, v . K ,ln..r ,..:n J, ' . . ..UJ. ' - JU and ; bladder i.- their normal tatti and activ- ('J - Howard Gardner. .' Some Cotton Crap Figures Gathered, w buy u kind i aad hj . ,. jlroa, Kutbar aad VMa). '..'" ' i . (By Latham, Alexander A Co. I Kew York, May 30. With the view of obtaiuiug site aaoat reliable inioraut Uoa pusible ooneerniag to cotton acre age of tba t ailed Stale for IU10, we addreaaed 4JJ00 letters to banks, bank era, cotton eouiuissiun merchaut and reapoasiUe planters, embrading -every cotton g rowing county ia the south, asking acreage eatimate. Up to this data wo bar secured tMUMI replies of average data of May ktl, aad the follow ing tabulation ia the result. Ia our opinion it ia aa approximately enrract an estimate of t ke eotton acreage as euubl be oecurea by direct communica tion with parties competent to judo re siding in tba aourbera state: Act Percentage. laeraaaa Alabamai 03 per cent.; Ar kanaaa, I; Florida, 80.7 j Georgia, I; Louisiana, 1.1; Morth larolina, SJJ; Ukiahoma. 1ST: South Cnroliua, ' I S; Tennesaea, 4.i; Teaxa, S.. . Iieoraaae Idiwiaeippl, l.s per cant. State Acreage Aereags IV 10. l1Ha Alabama v.. 1,570.1)04 3.570.000 Arkanaaa i.!IH0.J0 K7S,000 Florida &,M tM),t0 Georgia 4,810,0110 4,703,OU0 Louiautaa 1,122,000 1,100.000 Miaeiasippi . StHJMlO 3,346,000 Mia, aad Ky 116,000 lle.UUO North Caroliaa . .. 1,474.000 1 ,420,000 Oklahoma ,. 2,103,000 1JU0.000 8outh Carolina . .. 8,6X11,000 2 AW ,000 Tennessee 788,0)10 754,000 Texaa , 10,77(1,000 10,100,000 Virginia ., 88,uX0 26,000 Total. 13,4011,000 32,324,000 Tba total estimated of eotton acre age in the L'niled KUtes for 1010 is 3.3 per oral., or 1.082,000 acre more than last year and tba average planting of I ha crop is 12 day later than but year. Tba high prices that bar prevailed for the past year ha resulted in general increase in aereags j particularly in Tax as and Oklahoma. The freexing weather in April mued . aasiaiderable damag and neueaaitatad a great deal of re planting. Fortunately, this occurred at a tin when less than 30 per cent, of the crop was planted and only part of thia above ground. D'triug the past few weeke copious rains hare Islfca over the entire belt, but there have been com plaints of coot I sued cool weather, lb Texaa crop promises to break all rec ords. Warm, eeaaoasble weather dur ing June ia now all that ia necessary to assure' satisfactory crop. Note We have received a .aumher of ootamuuicatioua from Virginia, Missouri and Kentucky, but not enough to war rant dr&aite conclusions, although n small in create In acreage is iadioatad. W have used las year' government figures for the states. Davis White Sulphur Springs An ideal place to spend the summer. The water unsurpassed. Accommodations for 250 guests. ! Sewerasre. hot and cold baths. Electric lights. Enlarged dining room. Small tables. Splendid fare and service. Two through trains from Char- lert jin;iw o,..j.M juti.c. cAvcmouiiuiirs. PhnnA nnrl tolorrrnewi vnriACi. i 4;nnn T,:A-t- .!.,;.;.. I?:4.i wiviio. iramciu jiisii;usii. x iiot,! Class accommodations at a low price. May, June and Septem- ber. $6 to $8 per week. July and August, $8 to $10 per week. I fcpeciai rates to families. Open May 16 to Oct 1, 1910. rvnto i or coogir.t to i DAVIS IROL, flwner, t Props., Biddtifti, HC. Vtj.j? tfanilTss , M tBlrle4l find thcrKI hum iViattMVawrn it I Ui. SIARVKL. weent ea etber. Nnt aead tame for fllsa. trated nook Midefl It glrm foil santealas anil t'rwtls IBTSiaall. sslsdue. MARVEI.CO. 44 1. 2M It. Mea Tee NEW BARBER SHOP Dd Chiropody Parlor. jJ"'' Around the-Coruer From t'lgg . Hotel, i ! Ceras, Buaieaa, Ingrowing To Nail Bemoved WiUicnt Pain. B. M. WEISS, Proprietor. Oppwlte R. K. i-pot. - - ' . -1 Foley's Orino I Cored. Especially recommended for women and children. , . , , - Diorenra compierons. neaani 10 Wat. r.r.wl StlDSTIIttiea. HOWARD GACPrTFB, DRUGGIST. , gak nr dnunrlet w &Lrty$. PJm ' h. naot tupclv W bw Fd.. V. m - M Oa.JaaV JUNK and HIDES f tor aiackinery, alaa ahaftiag. pul- lie, "Belting e. Southern Junk & Hide Company Offlioa and wareaouM tt 8. Da vie. Iron yard, HcAdoe ava, near the K. B. trade. . Do You Want to Move? Bava yon aay drayingf How about your trebrMt Any heavy hauling f We pack aad arat furniture for hipping. .Mowery 3 Poole , 1 til 8. Dart 8C Phone SIS TBI Karchison National ' -' BANE ' ' ' Wluniagtea, I. C CAPITAL k lUBPLDt looaos Urgaat aad itroagest haak la this Notice of Dissolutidn Thepartaership beretpfore existing be tween A. W. Kaplan and Philip Opplo nian, doing buslnas oa South Flm street, ia the City of Oreeniboro, ha, by mutual conaetit, this day beau dis solved. A. W. Kaplan ha assumed all the liabilities of ta copartnership, the said Pbilip Opplemsa letirieg from the aid bvalnes entirely. A. W. Kaplan will continue the business at the name nlacd on Pouth Elm street No. J34 8. Elm and will be glad to wait upon his customers aad the public as heretofore. 42-30t The NAVARRE Hotel Seventh Avenaa at bStfe etreet, short blaok from Broadway. MKW TOKK CXHTKK OF tVIBTTHHIO. . 350 Booma 200 Batns A room with k bath tot a anllar aad a ball. ! A room wHa a hath for a dollar aad 'a half. I A room with a hath for a dollar and half. Dutch OHO. facet hi town fn In cartoJ Meets. ITJuet rated booklet marled gratia. Idfar T. 1nltlk Oeo. L. Saahora southekits convkmifit svu MH SCHEDULES TO THE "LAUD OF THE SKY. Southern railway announce that Spring and Summer ehangea in Sched ules to Wentern North Carolina resorts will taks place Sunday, June A, with through Sleeping tar service from all isportant poinu. affording mo.t excel-, i . . ... . ii is expectea lust even grenter rrowda than ever before will visit three f- t.i. ,ert. during u "0I"",B m" """ expected that even grenter 0. D. Boycott Monumental and Building Greaite Work, Beat once tor rm CWas Work. Oor. Walker avanne and Bpring street Graesurboro, N. C COOK-LEWIS FOUNDRY CO. Fouadam sad Maehinlato. General Repair Work. Spactal Machtn cry Built to Order, eta. High Grade iron aad Brae Casting, ItachiB Molded Puller, stx. Qreenaliovo. . C Greensboro PressiDgClub CSeaainc, Frees lag, KaAainag. CI ok Rataa, $100 per mvmth. W. . fliatoe. Why Experiment? Buy the SUndail Original Vbablt Daderwood, and yen will not be dia appointed. Writ or caO ca H. W WHARTOH. Pbeae Ji6 Clem G. Wright ATTOKNF.Y-AT-LAW. X Klra St.. OppOMt. Court krv,ie Or. Charles I: Moore SUKGECM AJIJ PHYSiClAS BE.NHOW AECA1C Otic. boar. fttil 1,1 a - . t It 1. ind 7 to . v Telephone.: OAVr. St.'; r -. see. 104. ft A A tr ' rra. ll fill El fl II U iw Mm FOR STRE1 Wages paid Public Service DON'T StrvggU along against difficult tits IphtU tht Net Wants art at your sir Ptct. Tht cost is lc Word rl siiKiMVM as rativra. BTJSIHESS OPPOKTUKITIKS. BXfKHIENCED BOOKKKEPKH would invest 9s0 or more In meri torious enterprise with eervlcea. Ad dress P. H. IV, Boa lit, Danville Va. t-17-lt 11,000, ALA, CASH, WILL BUT THHXIfi building lota on Fifth svsnue, If sold before June 1. If Interested, call or write "N. O. A.." 414 North Kim street. C-iS-lt FOR 11KNT-S Oil 3 ROOM", FL'K nished, far Mght nopsckeeping. (in fmngo sad all eonveniencea. 202 Aalie street. i 2-3t. FOB BENT. HOUSE COR RKNT SEVCN-RlKlMH, 411 Laura avenue. Good repair. Near Hpring t;ardoo street and ear Una. C. V. Orsbom. Poatofflcu. t-i-4t rOH KtNT KMVBN ROOM MOUHHN booee m Ooriell atreel. V. C. Mc Adoa. I'hone 100. FOR SALR NIOB COTTAOB, Mf)U ern eonveniencea, good location. Will sell cheap. Addreea P. U. Hox 111. t-lt-lt PXR SALU HOUrlsi AND UT ON Tate alreet, near Normal ecbool, aix rooms, modern, good repair. Or. Lit tle. S-10-41 FOR SAI.E-ON'K VKTOIt CRAI'MO ptlione, In first t-lssa condition at a rea sonable prioa. l'hiiie IMS. or see Mrs. A. F. Fori tine. Ill North Davie street, at once. llSCEI.I.AnBOtJB BA!KBAI.I. oriPK niVKN FRKK TO diiy wllb ea li 4c purrhaee of Hull rmrhatii .looking; tolM-c at 'ruxil Clear Mt.ire. t-ll-lt . WAMTKD- to BUT. A MDHEKN &X?t,M& ! "' -d " " G I. KK N H I tOKO HAHhWAKK C . iitiiltleiH ImrriwH re cut lery und If pur (In a rood -Z'i COKKKK-IK IT'S 4KKH ITH KBN ny's hlsrt; fta1e, 2&i' a pound. VO VOU Nlr.KL A HKWINtl MACHINKT est on4'hanL lt'pa-rs and supplies for til !04 family nia hinen. - qiiti, iTnriiincfiia, n, ftUuTtlas and belts- J. A Wrlaht. No. jflf W Washlnaton 8t., Phone S. 1.4. . LTiriT--BLA('K AND WIHTK VOX terrier, halfgrown female, heavily marked. i.oitg tail. Reward. O. li. Boycott. 5 2B-3I. !KT WHTTK f RKNOH POltll.K puppy. An.eera to nami "Pup. ' Ite ward If returned to 142 North Klin atreet. r.-2t-2t 160 Feci Frontage onFifUiAvc. WORTH HO PER FOOT ($1,600). CAN BE HAD FOR $1,000. ALL CASH,! BEFORE JUNE 1. Brown Real Estate Co. DR. J. W. GRIFFITH Dentist Ophite Hostofhee. t;erdner's Drug .lore. Phone 7M. F.A WESTON ARCHITKCT 4--0 McAde OfB- Bt.;1ng re, A P. O. BtOX, 71 CKXEHSBOaO. C. mm it CAR LINE weekly. Rate $1.25 per day. APPLY TO Co. in Greensboro or High Point THE SOUTHERN NATIONAL BANK waMiitcTon, m. c Capital $200, 000 Surplus and Undivided Profit... ...$150,000 - ""' ACCOUNTS SOLICTTID. OFFICERS: CHAS. If. BVAVS, Prtsideat J. W. SIMPSON, Cashier. D. U G0KK, Vice-President. HUGH MACBAK, V.je-Prssidf .t. Banking by Mail. Borrowing Accounts Invited. B. N. DUlLir, Prealdeat F. L. FVIXEB, Vlee Preeld.at. THE FIDELITY BANK DURHAM. N. C. Capital and Surplus $450,000.00 . lRQEST SURPLUS OF ANY BANK IN NORTH CAROLINA ',11 l.l'lMI?!. IV sr SxS3 CATALOG Is an ideal ulae to secure a reel baslnese I raining. Modern eajuip aient large, n-elf veutilatwl mom, electric laua, strong, pm cilia I courses, hie and experienced faculty. SPECIAL SUMMER BATES. Enter NOW and save from Hi to IIS. I'oailions guaranteed New oollage kiumsl tells sll sboul our RRF.AT Nl'MMEH OKIKK. Writ for it. Addrsas, Klag's Business Col leg, Baleigh, K. C Oldest and Best Military Academy in United Stales For Catalogue address D i, sj v ; rtTKSklll, W. I asisWiasa ." . . " "- ' 1 - - - - L . . L- XSk Cm aa.a Cnjii ' fa CURKBS PRODUCTS RBIGN SUPREME Whenever and wherever -a stimulant i required to jteady a nerve of brace and give strength, Clarke's Whiskies meet with instant popularity. WE PREPAY EXPRESS CHARGES on the following to all points on Adami or Southern F.xpre Lines. riert.'i them Vrile, Ore. Clwae OM Tar HmI Ii UMte'l srler) UM lCB. Clwte itm Sox rm,(SBSI H In Qwfcc sra.T Smith Rtb. Jvie. OU T. Heel Bra lerfcr 't IhMpi Ire. . Oarte'. frt . t Suear BVeft. liiUey. Iktti Mik Banker IkerM la Mi llM la So... Uarte i Cra-M Hsnsei. . Ol. rn.Sl iaV hreasy. basn OM Penk Irtf, . . . tOKOtRS T K ASSOKTT.D II UtSlkkD I AU goods suaranreed to conforn with the National Pure Food Lttwa and shipments positively made same day order u received. Remit Postal or Express Money Order. Registered letter or Cemfied Check, Complete pnce-liit mailed upon request. MAIL YOUR OHOCM TO-OSV TO waoted EXTENSION JOHN f. WILT, Caaaier. B. W. MINOR, last. CaaU.t. OR S20UEST . PFIkSklLL MILITARY ACADEMY. THE McADOO, CRtKNSBORO N, c A Strictly Kirst-Clasj Hotel Th. Past llnee Years the Mast aWcceMfu. as Hittarr af Ta Cai,teot- I (etas 12 M 2 Si US lUkl H SOB .id I7M1B t7 7 iJsS IJU w-arv ii. it 17-10 1J. lla raw lion 12 75 J 4 7 J7S to s 40 in 4f aa seMn) - 310 A7S 3m 3 SS 4 IX) 4 7 7 m am ; t at m nme A0 mmsnrmm4irrj eanri ,

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