HEEX5TBO RO DAILY FBI DAT. JU2HB 8. 11 0 WALL STREET SPECULATING OLD CROP MONTHS LEO IN A SHARP UPTURN Jtoxeys ON GOVERNMENTS ACTION BULLS AND BEARS RAYING LIVELY TUSSLE IN WHEAT Good Adraoces Beaten Back, Leartng After in the Till Prices fen But - Ultls Changed- r Mew lark. Juab V -Tke pcuolttlou in taiitlM today ahewetl a dlapoel ; tia t paue and take ttock ot the eltuatlon created by tba Injunction freight rata. Thar aeemed to ba a terecJouaneee developed that tin head long" Nt at which tba daman feared (ram thia actloa waa. being dlecounted might have In it a duality of heedleea Beat. . On th pert at tok tnarkat opera ton ard to ioiiu extent of railroad ofacial. there la heard eonia erlticiam of ilie western trunk Una committee Market In State ot Collapse. Or the tneihode tjiey puraued In eek-i mi inn rate aavancea waicn nave vveu euTolned. The (act that one agent wae uaal by all the railroada In tiling bo t.c of the advance le cited aa almeat a chaJliaga to the government author- Itlea le teat the prohibition ot rata agreement In the antitruat law. The tone of the market waa dle- tlutly eaeler, the liquidation la the .track M'-ket, and the reduction In the official diacount rate of the Hank of Lnxland both conducing to that re at. The itMk market doted but little changed from yeateruaya clealng price, the early loaaea havlnb beau pravitlrelly made np. par berda war unehanged on rail band a were Irregular. value, l.l30,ooo. Total Balea. Dblted Stataa Total ealea of atock ware 771.000 harea. for the day cloiino rrocK Liar. AIM Chalmers, pfd it Amalgamated copper 0014 American Agricultural 4? American beet Mugar 16 American Can lit American Car A Foundry 67 4 American Cotton Oil American Hide A leather, pfd.. S6 American Ice Becurltle 334 American Lineeed in, American I,ocomottve 44 S Anierleen 8melting Refining.. 75 V Amer. Smelling A Hellnlng, pfd. 103 c. American steel Poundrlea 62 American Pugar Itaflning II American Tel. A Tel 134t Anierlean Tobacco, pfd C4 American Woolan 32 Anaconda Mining Co i Atohleon Atrhlaan, pfd Atlanttn Coalt Line Baltimore A Ohio Hcthlehtiin ajteel llroeklyw Rapid Trenail Canadian pacific . ('antral Leather Central leather, afd icntrai or ave cheMpeak A Jeraev Ohio . . . Chloaao A Altoo . . Chlcnato Great Weatera 'hleago tercet Weatern. pfd.... Chicago A North Writtrn Chicago, Mil. A ft. Haul '.. C. C, A St. Loula Colorado Fuel A Iron Colorado A tfouthern Conaolidated (lee Corn iroducta -..,..... Delaware A Hudeon Inver A itto (Jramle Den A Wo Grande, pfd. lHMillere' becutitle rf . Erie, lat pfd. Erie. !d pfil (acneral Electric Ui-eat Norlhern, pfd (treat Northern Ore Ctf. llllnola Central jnterborough-Metropolitan Interborough-MalropolitAn, pfd.. Intcr-ltarvoeter , , duter-Marine, tifd International Paper International Pump Iowa Central , Halieaa Cltr Mouther Kanaaa City noutltern, pfd. Laclede Gaa IaiUMvIIIo A Naabville Minneapolli A Hi. Loula alina.. Ml. Y. A Mault aia II Miaaouri. Kannaa A Teaaa Miaaourl. Kanaaa A Teiae, pfd.. Miaaouri faclltc National Blacult Nutional Lead a. . National Iie. of Mexico, pfd. . . . New York Central New York, Ontario A Weatern.. .Norfolk A Weatern North American , Northern Pacific Harlno Mali Prnnaylvanla f'eoplee Ijaa Plltaburg, ' A St. l.ouli . 1'ltlluraf Coal PreaHed Werl Car Cullman iHlace Car Hallway titcai Spring Heading Krpublio Ptecl Itrpubllc hi eel, pfd Hook laland Co llok lalatxl Cj, pfd. Louie A San Fran . Sd pf d . . . . r-t. Louie Hoinh-eatrn r1!. luka Soutliwcalern. pfd rinea-Hhrni-ld Htral A Iron Southern 1'aclflc Southern Hallway Southern Hallway, pfd 'IVmK'HF.T ' oppr Texaa A Paolflu Til-flo. m, l,ouia Ac WchI -. Toledo, SI l.oun A Weat,. pfd.. X'nlon I'aclflc ,. i'nloit l'arlltc, pfd I'nited States Kcall United rilalea Kuhier United Hliiee Steel t'nlted S1at Steel, pfd t'tah t nprtr Virginia-Carolina Ch W abaah Wahaah. pfd Weatern Maryland .... Wee' inghouac KIrctrle VTentern Cnlon Wheeling A Lake Kile em leal 1HTO1 TTW BONO. H. refnntllnir r. rag K. ref uc.dlntf it, cou S. ia. res 8. la. con S. , r,, it 4a. cou- 104( 100 " j ia 111', 71 ins 17 107 1JS 7 16 '4 lt it lull 574 784 III 4f 141 1111 HI at 45 11 us u 1(1114 141 II 117 H 7 Ilia 7414 27 44 H 100 4 12. 2( 111 J I laa ui 37 1 r4 04 21. 41 '1 44 :iV 7i 70 120', 2S set, 21 (10 17 ui 71 ;4 7S ins 4IH ' "a 42 44 1 47 1004 loo 10J it: IMS lla Chicago, June S. 8top loaa ardera were heavily caught today both down and up In wheat pricea. Huge aalea, largely attributed to a few big apeou latora bora twice beat back a lWely adranca and toft the market la a a taw of collapse at the cloae. Final nguree showed a net loaa of 11V In di rect contraat corn waa Sc up. Laat price? In oata were V, S la off and pro vlalona were unchanavd to fro higher. Car u grain: Wheal. No I, red, 100 No. t red. rftfjea: No. 1 hard. !mi.; No. hard 3.H; No. 1 nnrtl.ern, l,0It1.0: No. - northern, l.f.Kl 03: No. a ap.-lnr-. ;:lol Coril! No. 2, Hi ti. No. White. Mo. S Jellov.-, dctjiiou; No. 3. r-ktifctV No. i whlta tiHatiie: No, .1 yellow. i14ltf..,J. N't. 4, iiaib;, S. i white, (4(f 6... M'i. 4 etlow, ti 5M44 4 white. No. S 'Tata- No, i white, wnte. fo. 17S atandard, 5-. Tlo. The leading futuree ranged aa fol' towa: Cottoo Market IltDstoel Eeirtsb 6or erwnent leport, Closing nrm. Open. IS High. Low. Cloaa. t5 Wk.at July IS 1114 3 4i (apt SliS aite 90S Uec D2S 2S mt Corn July (114 . 4 Sept .... 6S 1014 t Dec tt 64 uhta July 17. S7 4 Kept 3'- " Llec a1 37 It Meaa Pork, per 1)1.!. July 21.95 32.0 1110 Sent !1.0 8f.0 J1.40 lrd, per 101 Iba. July lf.00 1J.17 11.M hpt . . . .12.00 13.10 11 SO snort llltia, per lot) iba July 12.80 12.37W 1J.1714 11.20 Kept 11.15 12.U 11.1214 U.I7H BALTIMORE PHODVCB. fJaltlmore, June t. Wbeat. (toady Corn: Firm; apot, :4 aakad. Oata: Steady: No. I white. 4SA41: No. t mixed, 44o nominal. llye; Oull, No. 3 weatern demeatlc. 2 13. a Mtt 1174 IIH II. I ll 40 lt.llH 11.82 V. COPKI H MAHJCBT. New York. June I. Coffee futurea eloaed quiet, net unchanged. Spot, aulet: ino. ( mo, eta: santoa jao. , mitu, quiet; Cordova. 114 01114. DRV GOODS MARKET. New York. June I. The eotton aroode market hem ateady during the day and trade with.-firat hande and eecondary diatrlbutora waa light. The demand for raw cotton waa quiet. Material of the new Japan crop la being offered by reeiere 10 to i& centa a pound above prevailing ratea on old ailk. Local Jarkets fTheie priced drt strictly vhotecaU, and repretent price obtained on actual tleJ PtWTkaleaaa. fRr Th PattenoA Cat Fat. back, la 141 name, auger dared. ooverea, per pouna. naa Lard: Pure, tlercoa, 16; odmpaund. tierce, 110. Flour: Fancy patent aprtag wkaat. $1.41 per barrel; fancy patent winter wheat, II. 36 per barrel; choice atralght. pew a. j.7e: coiorea peae, ai.aa. Meal: Beet bolted water itrwaad ateady, per bag of ( pounda, fl.14. Ctrala, May. Ete- Corn: White, mixed, 0& Oeta: 0c. Wheat: ll.z04M.S0. Hay; Mo. 1 timothy. Hi; No. 1 mixed. 14.00; mill feed, bran, 131.00; ahip atuff, 112.00. taiatrr Paeaaea. (By Korayth A Co.) Cklrkena. per poui.d. llljiliei young prlng chlckena, 20o per pound: ola hene (each), 40ii0c; outter, 160 It; egga, llti 20c; country biuua, llo per pound; beaawax. Ho pal pouadl tallow, au per pound. Pink bean a, 13.15; watte beaaa, $171; enuntry colored be ana 11.71; wblta peaa, I1.00; colored peaa. 11.7a. Kngllah paaa IN. c.i, 11.21 per crata Meat (By Foreytk Co Green bidea, per pound, 7o; O. aV hldea, Ic per pound, dry aalt, llOlfco oer jound: dry flint. 14(al7o per pound. aheepklne, SliytOa each; goatakJna, lie; peiia. iwoaeu. New York. June 1 There ware ld- leat fluotuatione ia the cotton market today, a big break Immediately after the govornment'a riret crop report of the eaaaen being (ollowod by a a till aharper rally with the market cloalng firm net 11 polnta lower to ti polnta higher, tha aid crop leading the ad vaaca. Tba market opened ateady at a decjlne of d to II polata under acattar lng llqodatien and local bear praaaura, inaplred by dlaappolntlng cablea, favor ebl waatiier accuunla and luterptata lioue of bull liquidation before the government reporta. It aeemed, how ever, that noae of tli oonoentraiod long llnea were coming on the market, and duriug the middle of the muruing prtcee rallied from tbo luwoat on cov ering by early aellera and foreign buy ing, juat aerore tne report waa puo lialied Julv contraujta were aelllna at 14.31 and October at 11.31. The condi tion of II par cent, proved better than bad been anticipated and immediately after the publication or the tlguroejuly broke to 14, U while October auld oil to II 12 and December le 11. Hi. or a net decline of abMit to 30 polnta But at thia revel ofTerlnge for long ao oount became leaa uigent, the bull leadera, Inalead of aelllng. appeared to urn DU7ing, anu tne market lator oe. Pills Wtwt Tlvty WUI D) rW Yt They will curt your Uck.che, trengthea your kidaavg, cor. rect urinary irreful art tlea, build 09 the wora out titsues, and liminat tb om rie acid thatcauie rheumatiirn. Pra eat Bright'i Diaeata and Dia batea, and raitora health and atrangth. R(uae aubatitutat, H0WAV1D CABDHXt, DtUOOIST. JUNK and HIDES came very nrm with July aelllng up to 14 ee and cloalng at 14.14 bid. or II r'Olata net higher. The new crop rai led to within 7 to I pointe of lael nlght'e finale, but wae relatively eaay owing to the continued good weather. The govornment'a crop on aore&ge ahowing ait lucreaae of I.I per oent. waa rather under trade expeclatlona, and tended to offaet the batter condi tion looked for. southern apot ntar keta were unchanged to 1c lower. atpot cotton cloaed quiet, & polnta de cline. Middling uplanda. 14.10; mid dling gulf. 14.75: aalea. (.III). Kuturea opened ateady and nrua. Oban. June 14.29b July 14.35 Aug. 11.19 Sept 11.90b Oct 1 J.35 Deo 13.: l Jan 11.18 March ll.llb High. 14 33 HSj 14 05 II 03 13.37 12.1! 11.11 11.11 Lw. 14.31 14.14 ii't 11.77 12 11 11. 15 11.11 11.13 cloaed Cloae. 14.41 14.it 14.01 II 00 11.10 11.14 1110 12.14 We cm aU Hade af uak aad Eld at. Iroa, fttrbto and MeULat We alao have far eele all' ktada at parte for aiacAJnary, alaa akaftiag. aul liea, Beltiaf eta. Southern Jank & Hide Company Offiice and warahauee nt S. Oavla. Iroa yard, McAdoa are., Bear the R, JL track. lT CAR LINE EXTENSION Wages paid weekly. Rate $1.25 per day. APPLY TO- Public Service Co. in Greensboro or High Point I. Andereon A Co) (By W Onion: bermuda, fl. a aer crata Cabbage: South Caill, 13.00 par nraie. New Florida anapp bean a, II. to par C New petatoea, I3.7S 0 4.11 per barrel. Prana. (By W. L Aoderaoa A Co.) Florida orangea. 4.00. Applea, $fV. &u wr barreL lmona, .an a, . o.vv icr hok. ttmiuiiaa. oer Lunch. i.',tri.7,. California orangea, I2.l04yl.00. aaaiaa. iBv C. L. Ivennv Co ) Cryatal IJomlroea 2-pound pacr-agea. 17.11; cryatal Uomluoea, l-pouod pack- agee. 17.01: cut loal, n il; cUDaa. la.ao; owaereo, a ' . granuiaieu, in oaarreia, iiaieu, in -.'., Keaaaed 4oa7eae. y C. L. Kenur . C. C. K. No. I. 111.10; C. C. H. No. t. MYBMPOOL COTTON. , Liverpool, June I. Cloalng eotton:, Spot, good buaineaa done, nrloaa un changed. American middling, fair, a. ay; gooa orqinary. I.0P: miditilng. 7.95; low middling. 7. It: good ordinary, 7.11; ordinary. 7.14. The aalea of the day were 1.004 balea. of which 1,100 1 balea were for epeculetion and export! and Included 11,000 balea Amerloan. I Hrcelpta. 1.000 balea. Including 4,700 1 balea American. Futurea opened ateady and aloaed j ateaoy. June, 7.5114; June and July, T it; July and A Augaat and September. 7.1514; September and Oc-1 loo'tr. v.ia; ifctoner ana AovamDer, t.bl; November and December, I 45; Decem ber and January, I (Itt; January and February, 1.4114; February ana March, (.40; March and April, t.lt H IEW ORLRANI COTTOI. New Orleana. June I Spot cot Inn quiet and unchanged. Middling, 141; aalea an the apot, ll.il balea; to arrive, 100 balea. Futurea apened ateedy at a decline of I It I polnta. Cablea were oonald crahlr lower than ei peeled and that fart brought out cnnalderabla liquida tion from the long aide on the flrat call. In the early trading tba market dlaplayed waakneaa. The market ahowed nervouanea at 11 o'clock and immediately broke on the reeding of the bureau reporta be oaaaae of the beaaaekiaeeo of the condi tion flguree of II. The report on acre age wae. If anything, ellahtly amaller than looked for. To the fifteen mlnuteo of trading following the reading of the reporte the old crop mnnthe loot 21 to II pointe. while the new cropa loot IK to ll point. Xn the afternoon eeaelon the market gained atrength and on aome little bull upport the old crop monthe were put to a net advance of I to 11 polnta. The market cloaed very ateady at a net ed vance af 14 to 17 polnta on the old orop month, and a net decline of 1 point on the hew. The local future) market will be eloaed tomorrow on account of Confed- erate Memomlal day. The epot market will remain open. Cloalng hide: June. 14.40; Julv. 14 51: Auguat. 13.11: September. 12. S3; Octo ber mi; December. 1117; January. 11.20. Do You Want to Move? Have yon aa gearing t How about your freight f Any heavy hauttaft We peek aad crate furaltur far kipping. Mower? ji9 Poole 111 0. Davie St. Pbane til DON'T Struggle along mgainst difficul tus kH0t tht Nk Wants art at your str Ptc. Thtcojtts lc Word II MRMWalatlTajl Modern eaatp- Ie aa ideal piaee fee aaaara a real buaineaa iaaiatag. meat Wrifa, well veai tale ted raeena, aleetrie taaa, atawnf, peaetlea aaalwea. able ana oxeenoneea laewty. SPECIAL SUMJRR KATBR Kate VOW aaad aaea faoaa aa 1A. tAaaiUaa. emaraaaioea. Mow eotlega )ewroaU talbt aU abawt eur GKXAT irjalMaJt OFUUL WMba tar it. Alaraaa, Stat aroalaeai OaHat, taltrlrk, M. C THE McADOOa Va : w r.arrMttnun an ' , wivl. m j uv v, aaa e. ijS A Strictly ririt-Clan Hotel .--C??m Tba Paat Ttaraa Yean ttaa Mat Raw oeaatut k Mwtarv ai rot UHT. yon iu;aT-, 6& i mains. vt- niahad, fa lirtt bcperLeepinf . flat raage and all aarcsieaoaa. SOU Aahe ilreet. -t 3t. LIBERTY BRICK CO. LIBERTY, N. C. Lous Distance Phone 45. 1 (bWllhlarf 4M bead or back aekeT raiaaaai nwiea CZrr. . aoTrm l Cta .Smwm rm f tuwmitAayffi.v KMafiVKM TW at lA l!tK dfi- 111 I latdjbMa aWkw mm J- i O. D. Boycott Bulldmf Oraaite Moauaiaaial Warka aad aMaH BrtCVtt fttV artanpt Car. Walker a Graenabora, K. C aad arrtag abreet 16.00; granulated (; .151. CO.) TRKACY RTATCwEKIT. Waeniaglan. June 2 The condition of the treaeury at the beginning of btielneee today waa aa follow.: Trwet Panda. 15 00 C C. R. No. 1 11250: Kan toe No. . 112.50: Hamoe No. 1, 111.51; C 1). a. 1-pound package coffee. 111.00. aiiaiag material. (By bhaw-ciapp Lumbar Co.) Bhert loaf framing 114.0, elxlng ex a, long loaf framing 117.50, alxinl e.ivra: lxl D45. No. 1 and 1, 125 .00; lal U,, No. 1 and I. Ill 00. 1x10 Dtii llltt, 1x10 D4H. No. 2, 12;. 50: 1x13 Lmh, No 1, 115.00; lxll l4a. No. i. 10 00: abeathing. b. I. H, lilOO; No 1 flooring. 11-11. 117.40; No. I flooring. 11-11, 111.10. No. I flooring. 11-li, il? 50; No. 1 7 - Id eellmg. 120 00; No. 1 -11 calling. 111.60; No. 1 7-14 celling. 13.60, No. 1 bevel aiding from 4-4. 17 60: No. I bevel aiding from 4-4. 10.00; No. I bevel aiding from 4-4. irom -., iraai raaaa llivv; ro. a oevea eioing i.nia coin ris 4 t ! 120 00; No. I eevel aiding (ram 0-4, Mliver dollar. 4ll.flT 0il i 11 7.60. No. I bevel aiding from 6-4. Oliver a.tll.r, uf I... t -I, A.n'lll Ll h!n I kert nine anln.l.. !.&: P:lver cerulloatee outatand- No. 2 heart pine ahlnglea l.la; No. I iu 419 57 000 ' heart pine ehinglee. 1.76: meuldinga a--a I 30c per Incah; plaalerlng lal ha. I300, (wxral P.ad. ! No. 1 Juniper ahlnglea. 16 00; No. i Xl.mard 1lver dollare In I u nicer ahlnalee. Illl: 1-U heart Na. I 2 131.:4 1 flooring. 146.00; l-1t heart Na 1 lee 07.75 : 1 l Boorlna. 160 00. treaa- aeneral fu Cu-rent llalillt t king balali? ury offi ea . 1 banka to , r -nt of treaa urer of the United ,'tatea. ubaldlaiy ailer cum M'r ot coin Totnt balance m general funt . 1 44.1.247 21.46.12C 1.24. 204 1. 121. 070 10.071 (1,01 wll.l.KR CO.'f llalLV lOTTOt I.KTTKR TO CONK MKDOPKm New York. June 1. The government I figure .howlng a ondltlon of Si' aa compared wtn a ten-year average of 0 1. wa de, Idedly better than e- , pen led. on the other hand the ac rv- n.Kv lOHK MO.vJEt. " lncreaae waa not quite np to ex - Sea- in k Juie 2 Money un -ail ,jj j f ateauv. 4jv par cent, juiing rat., j . ,unM,on wa. In order lmme.ll tr cent. . ...ing bid 1 "'' at,,,,,, ,fl,r th, publication and there 2 -. per cen: time loan, .oft: a daya. w ,,,,r ,,,port ,V(,l,nt than for .-a a- " " " i"' .everal dava past. a.a n.ontha 4ft 41. Pr cent ; prime, ,.,. r.port. coming to hand day by mercantile paper. IStila per cent :, v ,,,jri ,,. T ,,.,,,.,,, (dltiona. and even though aome pratea tare too man ana our prerereoce con 484 to for demand; commercial hll 1, ; m. fc VWZ'! - ""' M"CB I Liverpool i. due 10 dollars, M. -.- afUJ.KH a CO terl!os iriianc -iavd at m oieciln. with dvctuel buffin! in bankm btji nnr movkwi nt p ( omm. rSilvfrXon: Htta1v rnidilllnff 1 4 i nt r. teipi- 145 blia: lalea, 109 balei to k. a.TtS bal-n. Nw Orleann: -vultpt; mtildllntT. 144 not icalpta, 1.213 bla; ul-b, l,lto bl-P: atork. bal- Mobile: Nominal; m131Mnir. 14V aitrk f 874 bal.a Havannah: Nominal: mfdilllnf. 14S: TiPt rvvtpii. f0 bale: aalea, to bales: ttook. L'i.yoH htilffeii. rharlp-ttun : Nominal: nat recaipta. 28 Da I PH. mm k, 4, Hll TtfllM WllrriliiKton : Nomtnat: nat racalpta, 10 halo-o: Mock. A. 1 S 4 halr,. Norfolk : Uull : nU.Mllna; US: net raflniii. 4S0 mle: antx-k. 1 1 .7H7 balea. Ftalilmot-: Nominal; mlddlln. MV-to--k. 7.326 half p. New York -Vulet : mldiilinc 14-bi : net receipt St bala: aalaa, fc,tii baiaa; tork. 240. lidUa Hopton wti'et. mtdtltlnf; 14H: net reretpta. 3 haia: aa1e. I. $10 balas tork 1 To 7 batle PhiladelphiM: Steady: mldflHna;. 14; Bt04 k. 1 02 balea. Ka n Fran'' I "'-n : Ne.1 rare ipta, 231 ba lea: rrtt r el pi a, a I! ha lea Port Towna-end Net rerftol m 1 13 bale. ! .FarkPonvllU; Vet re. elptu, baled. . Total ioiiu, :iT all port, net 3 0I 1 b.ilaap; ;r-Mi ItrMafn. 1 balgav i onllnent. I" 1.1. fr. ball Japan, 442 balea. ato k 4j feOI huleK laferitvr Mereaieei, T.ountor SitP4,v , mfildlliitf. 14 W . net rcelpte. , J n Ualen, aalea. H bales tovrk ?5.:.4: batea. An "runt a (juift mtddllna;. 14, net i re-elpin ITl' bulen; tHjai, 7TR bale tork. 2.4M bul a. ' Greensboro PressingCiutt CXaajriag, Pteaalat, Rapatrtag. Oak Ratea, 11.00 par a.wtk. W. R. tBatoe. ITOR RINT RTVxT2 ROOM MOOXRN beaaa en Oorretl earoet. V. C. Mo Adoa. Kaon. ;00. a-IT-tf matraxLAJiBORa. WAirTaTtt VBACMKRa TO IKROU,. cheapeet ag.noy in tba aweth: many ana open Inge for every grade of echeel work. Hehonla aapplied with teach. re without charge. Piedmont Tvachera 14 urea u. DurCam, N. C 0-1-lt OAK HALL An Ideal Mountain Hotel Altitude 4,000 feet, eeoleat braotaa, grand, lualiae aeeaerv, la tba heart af tha mauntaiaa, kat aad laid water balaa, aoatkara koaptuMty, E- BROWNLEC Prop. TRYON. N. C. corFRH if rra good its ken- ny a blgb grade, toe a pound. DO TOT.T NEKD A BKWrNO MACHTNFJf we have theaa new or eerend-hand. lea pa Ira and aappllea for all family machine. Ifee- aiiaa, aiaaoninanta, Vila,, ""'ohir'llea and belta J.r A Wright. No. lot w Waablngtea St.. Phone No. 174. CAROLM AND NORTHWESTER!. Hartbbawal Dally Faaaeacrr Ho. ia. LOUT WHITE FRENCH POOnLK puppy. Anewera to name "Pup." He ward If returned to 141 North Kim atreet. l-3f-Ji CHANGE1 lit SOUTHZKirS FTJUaUH SEKVICE. KfTectiva with flrat car leaving Win- inn Salem May 31 and flrat oar leaving Beaufort June 1 th areeent H lnatan- Saldm and HaMgh Pullman ileeplng car line anil be ixtdd aad become a Wmaton RaWia and Baantert Una. ba in.; Kandled an aarae trtlna aa at prea ant. W. If M'OIwl.MERT, P. T. A., Oreenibnro, N. C Lv. Cheater " Vorkvilia Ay. Gaitonla . Lv. Gaotoaia MJ4uraoalrihaa a v... " Hickory . " Lrnoir " Mortimer Ar. Udfomoat .... 7.8S a. m. .... 1.42 a. m. M0 a. at. .V.VlOM a. a. . ... 1 1 OS a. m. HAS a. at. .... 110 a. a. .... 143 p. aa. .... iM p. m. Durbam 6 SontHern aocraaoraiw. kPa. f I TO. Ot. Siaii-r aab.daae aa Rmeaa May a, loaa, H Except Suilay, Paaeeager Ha, Lv. Chaolor Yorkvill Ar. Gaatonia . - Why Experiment? Bay tag Staadari Origiaal Via hi Underwood, and yeu will aat ba dia appolated.. Writ or call a H. W. WHARTOR. Pkaae ja. 160 Feet Frontage on Filth Ave. Lv. Gaatonia " Linoolntoa " Kewtoa Hlakory . " Lenoir Klxea, Ila. aa. Ii. Lenoir " Mortimer Ar. Edgemoat athboaad, Na. i Lv. Kdgemant " Mortimer " Lenoir .. . ' Hickory " Newton -. . " Linoolntoa Ar. (iaatonia Lv. Gaatonia " Yorkvllle . .. , Ml p. la. . 1 40 p. ia. , 4.30 p. at. , 6.40 . 1 4(1 a. at. . 7.441 p. a. . I.M p. m. .10.03 f. at. 1 1 e Ml p. I M p. i ll oa p. 12 IS p. p. i.ti p. .1 40 p. m I IA7 p. at. I L. Parhaaa . .... " R. Purbaaa .... " Oyaaaa . ..... Tego " Cerpaata . ... " Upchureb . . . Ar. Apex Lv. Apex . " fiolly apriaga . - Wilbam . - Vartaa Angler " barolayavUle .. " CeaU " farlladTbaa .... - Luke Ar. Dana J IlUn) 1 10 pm , 165am i ll part . 17 a a. litem . 116am iltpm , I 41 a aa 4.01 p aa , 1 16 am 4.10 pm . 10 10 am 4.11pm , 111 am 4.40 pm It Jiam (Ilia ll alpm 4.00 (at I Ilia l4pm illlZ 111 12 i.4lpm CM baa Lllpaa ailpm Loop ml t il baa 1 II. i on aa, I aaa. Lv Puna Luke Tarllagtoa . Ceata . ., bar. lareaille Aagler tarlaa Wiibern Holy Mprlage. Aoex Apaa Lucknreh Carpenter . . . . WORTH 110 PER FOOTl Ar c1,Mt" Southboaad, I 4 a aat aeeara l a ml 1 10 am a nJ itiaa ia.ua at li e a m llMaaa 11 10 pm 11.10 a 11.61 p m ntpm 6pm 1.60 pm t .p at I tJ I ll a nil I 41 a ml lo.ao am ia aa a a. (la Hem i" a m ll.ooam 1 1.11a m 1.17 a ai 11.10 a mi 11 47am It a am 11.10 Clem G. Wright ATTORKEY-AT-LAW. N. Elai St.. Oppoaite Oourtho.ie (11,600). CAN BE FOR $1,000. ALL CASH, BEFORE JUNE 1. I Brown Real Estate Co. aj j i. ia . - il The NAVARRE Hotel GOVERNMENT REPORT CAUGHT OVERSOLD MARKET COOK-LEWIS F0UNDRTC0. Seventh Aveaa at Htk at root. biack froai Broad w... HEW TORE : CENTER Of EVEITTHIRO. I ISO Rooma BOO Bathe A room with a baU far a tkoUa aad ! a bait A roe a half He 61 H A D I L 'nir jlickury " Newton " Lincoln ton Ar. (iaatonia Lv. (iaatonia " YorkviUe I 4A p. Ar Cheater . 3.20 p i Southbound, No. 6j Lv. Fdrvmtont 7 I.'. a i "MrtTtiiaer 7.1 a. Leaoir . 40 a V. B. Rr;il. ti. P A. a An m. 'foe.. " (tyama ! Lv. K Kurh l 39 a. a). At Durham 8 24 o. m. I I No. II Paaaeager. mall aad erprvaa, 1 No. 41 I'eaei.ger. mail and oapreae. 7.00 a. m. , raaaaillaat H 40 a. m. . No. II aaakoe conaeetloa at III a. m. i with Feakoard Air Una No. ID IH a Jl 40 a Ae fee naleigo, Dwrroia. nipnaana. Traak I lagtoa. Baltimore. Philadelphia. New 'Yoik and all Kertherw pnlute, aad with I iwiicteh and houihport traia Via 04 for L.uiham. Na. 41 make, connection at Apeg i with M. .board Air Line No. 41 for Hiinferd, Plaeharet. koethe-n Plnee, llamiet, Chertette. Hmklugbaaa. Atk- ; .na. Atlaeta. Klrmlngbam. Uontgem. eiy aad all aolnte la Ike Weea and ' Ku.ihwMt, telwmbta. aavaaaaa. Jach- lit Tampa and all pwtata la FlJr- i,u aud with Itaaeiga aad geatapert tain No I. for I'areitevtila II higher In 4 OTTOJSEKD OIU New To'k June " The cottonae, el mrkt waa qet. with aat 5 III barrel "d pr'ea ae-e eleawy rtn rmajl offeringp in the ton crop, cloalng at 6 polnta de-Jloe to; I polnta advance. July. 1ej7ll: WHAT A SUMMER COLD MAT DO. A eumnaer cold if neglrxied ia juit aa r t.r . ant to derelOD into bronrbitia ar rmea- tteanah goremnnt report on the oot-igmnia at at aT other eeaeom. Do not aeglect it. Take Foley' Bow aad Tar It looona tba crmgh, aootbaa tiejj K7 ajctoner. ! II 1 P'vmpw;. i, wiiiua vaw arougu, pduun, r c 4' tj 0 41: prime crude, and heal Ota inflamed air panaa.nl. and ."n!'eVm?rlew"'k.1ea0,.0 !',, th tk ?-" a- ; prim winter yellow, tatty araaae, aaaa .sptlai to l?ill- Nea, i -New U,ik, Jiii.e i "I he e. ernn.rnl report waa l,ellcr than env,te,l. hut found the mat kat In an otrr.old con dition. After a aciall Initial break pricea rallied sharply on ahort cover ing The lea. ling l.ull intereata ere allll In control ,.f the old .-r,p aitua tlon and farther demonstration agalnat the aVloi t mt..et i locked for tomorrow. ll, of he ea. ilei.t proepecte for tiie new crop trade Inter- eata are tn.lineu I" believe that ad vance from the preaent level will be only temporarv LATHAM. ALEXANDER at CO CHARLOTTE COTTOH MARKET. Cbarlo-te June z.frl'-e. paid for cotton on the local market follow: Utrlct middling 14 (ood middling HU Middling 14 H SOUTHER". CONVENIENT SUM MER SCHEDULES TO THE "LAND OF THE 6KY " outhern railway announce. 1bat with a batk tor a dollar aad i pring and rtummer change, ia Krhad-' lUlea to WeaWn North Carolina reaorta fvatadar aad aUebintata. rooB wlk k,t ,or iaUm aad ( will take place Simdaay. .lua I. wrtht . it half. 'thraugb Sleeping (ar aervice from ai, Gwaarai atrpatr Work, ftawolal adaekaa rjutcb OrllL laret la town (a le aartaj irrnoTtant point., afl-.rd.na mo.t rieal-l ary BulH toOrd. -a. I Mom a lent ervkr Bigk Orade Iroa and Braaa Oaatlaga. , niiLtnated booklet mailed gratl. ; It ia expected l.at e.a. area tec acataa aianea natieya, a-. . T- r,fk. Caa L. Saakera crowd a than ev.r b..(,e will vlait tbeea , i rr mountain r--otte dunaf tb i cominf tvummer aeaaon ataat Beaeaal. of aoatk, All ticket are aotd ay thia oomya ay and acepied by the paeeeeger with kill V ti uadretandlng that tnle cotapaap aot be liable for failure as raa tralae ea echedule time, or for any eucb d.iere ea may he incid.et to their opeiatloa. tare ia overrteed to give eorreit time Of aennerung lltuae, pal thia company la aet reepenalkle for r ruia er oeataalond Na aundar trtlaa J E kTArjo Vi, e rreel4.nl. PLKKH HuHUOCin. a. D LC PKIN ore Ag Aat flee,. Paaa. Ageat niaaia. n. c RAt.F.ICH Halelgh. June 2 Prlrea raid for corfon on the local market follow Ved midd'lna .. 15 St-., t m.ddling ltt kP Idling 14b. EA at,AD roTTM. ftavajinah. Jnne 8. Fancv Florida and (Borgia. 4c; extra cboic-e l-lorirta and Georgia. 3ec- choice. Itc; evtra lite, lie; flee. Sic; rafflmat Hate.,; ealea, an; r.eetpta, aoaai aalpmoota, 16, atwua, Mbt. Dr. Charles E. Moore UtGEOIf AMD PHTBICIAJI. ENROW ARCAJDR. OfBoa baure: CatU 10 a. m. f be I ad 1 U I I. a Tele phone.: OfBoa. 64 a i rulliaii. 10S4 NAT ax aTOBKI. Charleeton. June ?, Turpentine firm 64 467. Itoaln. Arm Quota: A. ll C. 4 104.17H; D. 4 10 4 to; K. 4 I04 I74: F. 4II44: O 4.60cTl.olw: . 6l: I 6067a: K. I1096 26. N. 6 60. W ti. 6 10. W W. I 15 bavannari June 1 Tuiaentlne firrn at 66c. aalea. Ll". r aaa Ipta. 711. ablpmaata. 71: etc ka, 7.146 Rawln, firm: aalea. 1.711: racalpta. LliT; ablp maata. IM; atoeka, 44.614. Quote- B. 4 15: D, 4 46; F, I.IZtt: F. 4 .: U. main: H. Ill: L leeayiji: jl, ai a.e.V.., THE Murcbison National BANK Wilmlattaa, I. C. CAPITAL Ik SURPLUS lyotvee Laryeirt aad otrtanveat bank ia thia CHANCE IN SOUTHERN'S SCHED ULES. KfTectiva undnv. May achedai at train No ia hanrerl to leave Oreeaa buro at 6.10 p. m. tn.'.ead of 6.1b p. m . and train No .is to leave at M 1:1 p. m uutead of 10 IN p m V. II. M'LLAMKUY, P it 1 , (jreenabora, N. C . Tllnetrntel ( aialomi l-c Draughon'5! NEW BARBER SHOP aad ChJrapody Ptrlet. J.iat Araemd Ike (wraer Fraaa Clegf', Hotel. ' Cora, Raeaiewa, latrrawlaf To Rail 1 Removed With Paia. B M. WWSS, Piwmiaui. I Optte R R. Deped. t F. A. WESTON ARCHITECT 47-0-0 MlAAe Oflai RaUdletj Pkma, yaa P. O. lb a, 713. eiaUMhwwlaV B. ft. Mam BAjnt r.P f A IV. HON a rdn ta- aerae ALL OTHU1 teaeacaa rmlea. CnMblNT D. ti year, enereaa. rOSIHONSwcuaad n-watavp-ina. Saarthead. eta, t.ulrit at COl LF.i. or BY at An. Aadraee Jao. r fai.nrant. Poet or A kL f ama. Maaaaar. Piabar BaMaiag. aaleigli. 'a. U acaAt.4aavcaUiil r laaaaa. aaw DR. J. W. GRIFFITH Dentist rajraoatta Pawtma. ewar Oardaer'. Dnaj PVoaa TM.