crcicEzrsBcrao DAXLT hints, sukdax' jttkjb c, mo G4L PZAM) COMPANY ANNOUNCES The First and Only Sale of Its Kind Ever Offered in This Country A mm Fiano Of Course You'll Come It's Time Well Spent We hers many aftrtsable aorprlsaa ta stors for you. We ere attre and wide-awake to this wonderful chance for demonstrating that the Gab la Piano Company lead in ererrthtag musical m Greensboro. We will show yen Piano that axe poams. Fa Investigation Is Specially Invited We haa made arrangements for th display and special demonstration af The Wonderful INNER -PLAYER tmaom mamk PIANO Ywm wtn ba amaaed at this moat remarkable instrument. Coma and listen ta your favorite compositions of tbe music masters playad with all tba sxprssilon and tachniqua of ths world's greatest pianists, and as for yourself ths many superior qualities af this twentieth century musical BMaaSaL Your Vtrft Will Not Bo Comphtm if You Foil to See th INNER-PLAYER This is Exposition Week at the Cable Piano Company THE WORLD'S FINEST PIANOS FROM THE FACTORIES OF The CONOVER, The CABLE, The KINGSBURY, The WELLINGTON, The SCHUBERT AND SEVERAL OTHER NOTED MANUFACTURERS ALL TRANSFERRED TO OUR SALESROOMS And Now Offered to the People of Greensboro We bare planned months ahead for this surpass ing event this culmination of the First Great Ex hibit of Pine Pianos held laat week in Richmond, Virginia. The Pianos and INNER-PLAYERS shown at this ale were made by manufacturers who never allow a single Instrument to leave the factory that isn't strictly up to their high Standard of Excellence. It Is an Extraordinary Sale with many astonish ing values. The FEATURE of this great "Exhibition" Piano Sale lies In the fact that every Instrument is posi tively the highest grade In Its class made espe cially to go on exhibition and for critical examina tion by expert manufacturers, dealers and mu sicians from all parts of the United States these Pianos have received extraordinary attention dur ing each and every process of manufacture, and therefore represent the very highest type of the artist's and artisan's handiwork. The collection of these choice pianos from the various factory exhibits in our salesrooms present an excellent opportunity for an intimate personal examination and this interesting and unique dis play will, we promise you, prove both pleasant and profitable. A TWO-WEEK'S SALEA SURPRISE EVERY DAY It's the Cable Way To Set the Pace Wa realfcve that tba majority of peo ple prafer e deal where quality aanda at ths head. Standard material and worthy labor automatically fixe standard price. Ths "cheapest' la never beat, while the Best is, in the better sense, al ways the cheapest. A Large Assortment of Fine Pianos haa been selected by MANAGER FRAZIER from the National Piano Exhibit re cently held in Richmond, Va.. and which are now placed en exhibition at aur salesrooms. 77ms is an Exceptional Time to Secure a Piano prov buy Tba conditions under which wa are able ta offer this large shipment of Exhibition Pianos are such aa to it most attractive to prospective lyera who are prompt to avail them- aelvea of this rare opportunity. This I, An Exhibit Worth Your Whit to Vtsff The Opportunity of a Lifetime to Purchase a High-Grade Piano FRAZIER. Manaer. CABLE PIANO COMPaANY Greensboro, No C. MT. AIRY NEWS NOTES (Spedal to Dull j News.) Mount Airy, June 4- The Surry Cbunty Confederate Vet era met yes terday and neM thalr reunion. The at tendance wni larger than waa looked for, awing to the very windy, dlsairree frbk day. The old patriots enjoyed tbe day aad aspect the hours in talking over bygone day and listening to Major Hodman's address. A few faces were mining yeeterdav, and by tke next meeting these will no doubt be aorne mora aaiaatng from the ranks. Ssun Buck, a native of this section, stni all the way recently from Alaska to oJaJm his wife. They were in town mot weak to visit friends, and on yes terday -aft for their home in Alaeka, happy aa people frenerally fret to he. Mr. rWk baa made a suuc fortune since be located in the irreat wet Lawyer ITaymore, of this ritv, waa recently elected one of the directors of tha Statesville Air Line railway. Mr. Uarmore says the road is a certainty and will he pushed rigorously. A total oi $.'-67,500 has already been Toted to the road by Iredoll, Yadkin and flurry rfui tiea. This sum, it is said, oiurbt to grade the road to Mount Airy from SttesviUa, if properly managed. So it would eaern that there is no reason why the road will not be built and that im nedist.T. Miss Mttie Miner, of Mitamrnl. is visiting the family of herifT Haynes in tkia city. Dr. .1 R. Paddiaon and wife, of Oak TIid?v. sti- in the city on a viit to the I . Vt iint Airy Oranite corporation RHEUMATISM Cured by the Marvel of trie Century, B. B. B. Tested for 30 Years. A hlng" bones, ewollen Jolnti perma nently curei through the blood with purs Botanical tnerredlentB. JasjPLK niETMKT FREE. If yon hare bone pains, act at tea or shooting pains up ami down the J sr. china baR or nhnuldf-r bIaJa, swollen Joints or swollen rnuacloa, dif fJtmlty In moving around s you hav to use erutrhee; blood thin or akin pale; alrta Itches and burns; shifting; pains: bad breath; lumbago, pout, take Potanlc Blood Halm R. B. . wbirh will remove every ympiont. because m. B. B. send" a rich, Tarling flood of warm, rich, pure nloo-i dir- t to the jtevrairxaa nervea. Done and joint a, arriving warmth and etrenarth juet where it is needed, pnd in thia way snaking a p-erfec, laetlnar cure of Rheumatlam in all Its forma. B. B. B, baa made thousands of curea of rheumatism after all other medl atnoe. liniments and doctors hare failed to help or cure DRUOOTBTP. r bv xproae. II PER LARGE BOTTT.E. -lth fllretlore for Home enrre, 8AM PI.K FKNT FREE by wrltinp Btaa Ivalaa fjs, Anaaia, ipaejcrfbc) y aasonao saaai im fs t.aiM-g very large orders for atone. Many trains loaded with taia fin build ing materal are going out daily. The wife of Dt. W. R. Taylor, of this city, who was operated upon raoaoUy for appendicitis, is doing; as weH ai could be expected. Cant, a 0. Pace, of tHta city, btia pur chsMad another high class road oar. He now Um two fine automobiles and will, no doubt, use them in bis livery buai naaa here His last machine ta a gem anj i almost entirely imiAeleaa. It was an imposing sight to look upon the 66 eld. one legged, one-eyed, one armfd Confederate aoldiera yesterday ta this city. They were cot all crippled, but some were, and moat of there looked old an 1 bent with age and infirmities. Long may they lire to meet and greet earh other. Several th,t trert nera yes terday tke tha Daily News and read it with interest. SHORT INTEREST IN COTTON HAS BEEN MUCH REDUCED (Sped I to Dally News.) New York, June 4. Tha cotton mar ket waa very dull today. The abort In terest haa been much reduced on the ad vanoa following the government report and in view of tht very faroraula weath er reports from Texas and Oklahoma, re ceaaions are eipeeted in th" market next week. Liverpool does not follow our advavneag and tba spot salea here Ulay ware small at unchanged prices. LATHAM, ALEXAN'OKK & CO. SHOP GIRLS TEACH 01TK LESSON. Dirigible" Gown. (Baltimore Run.) The "dirigible gown, so named be cause it is capable of many evolutions, and at the same time is perfectly safe and exceptionally mod eat, is ready to make its debut in Fifth avenue to sap plant the startling pantaloon creation of laat season, and to broome the subject oi tours of discussion over tha tea table. Stylish as a walking gown in eiy or town, the dirigible, aiaiplv bv unbutton- i inj? here and faetsning there, may be ehenred to a garment of comfort aad ( i ea. especiallr adapted for the golf j J links. horehack riding or canoeing The new crtion comes from a cos j turnr entabliphe! in Xift h aventii-. t he j Vmrican birthplace of the reiiored di rctoW .nd of the pantaloon. It is msdei of lrodloth, the uraper portion of the iparnnt rut in modrat fahion. with i 1 three quarter collar and t-he skirt on ilii". which allow, when need as a walk ! ; ing rwn, for a neatly fitting front and 1 bark. The bottom of the akirl hangs j hallvrsy between tbe ankle and tbej instep It is not very different from any! walking gown, except that the front of! the skirt is divided, one portion over-, taping tha other and earh held in po- shioa bv rtontlv sewed buttons. ! For the golf links, tbe polo field, the' balloon or the aeroplane the dirigible; akirt ia quickly transformed, almost be- i fore tbe invitation is ended. Tbe akirt' Is unbuttoned dowu tba front, and the divided sides &re takes in on aa angle.! much like reefing a aafl, thus relieving! tke weight from the bottom of tbe akirt j and allowing freedom for running or Tbe SMlminiBt ratiosi of Preoidewt Tat haa not bee e-pctaw-ular, but it baa been proarranarre. Tke only people at soeMvpeaaa are to one rtw Have Learned tha Value of becoming Coiffures and Dainty Neckwear. (Delineator. Eternal vigilance and attention to de taila must be our watchwords If we wish to look well at all times. The reason why some women with slim puraea appear better dressed than many of their wealthy enters i because thev have learned this leon. which is aJo ahown in the aplendid appearance made by tke thousands of girls employed in our wonderful department stores. These girii are frequently envied by tka eustntnrrt. they serve, who, however, fail to draw an inpiratioa from theme trim figures, clad in black, with sp"t leas nevicweai and neatly ooiffed hair. It fs ei-Hlent that the gir! must inspect their cl'l hinp caref ully. and that no hooka or butane ire allowed to he min ing, st otherwtie the remarkably chic air thv always prewnt would le loat. A miittiplwitv of colors i never in good taste; the artiatir Trading of color in a woman's toilrt. akill that mot of us possess; to carry out a color ieme. un lees one color is adhered to. in expenive. and for that reaaon tbe adoption of blark is extremely eonpomi'a! Nothirig en dtfttresaeej the ve for har mony as tb incongruity displayed in toileta worn t entertainment . epial lv at night Colnr. nin rki. and here tbe bnsioae girl who lookM an rWw in her Nark frock at the tore or orn-f makes a graf mietake by allowing her fancy for the latest color. th newest cut of a gnn. tawdry larea a"d orr-a -mentfi. etc.. to bae full away, with reeult that she haa tran-frm-d hcr-clf from an nr-jwt of admiration to --ne of condemnation. "1 WHAT A SUMMER COLD MAY DO. A summer cold if neglect M is junt a ant to develop into bronchitis or pneu monia aa at any other season. Do not negleet it. Take Foley's Honey and Tar promptly. It loosens the cough, tooth- and beala tke inflamed air pa-ag, and ax peas ana coatl trsan tke ayaiem." Ucw ara Tht Brave Mas in tha Bos. William Inglis in Harps Ks Weekly 4 Of all tba calm, brave, Indomitable men I have ever mat it seems to mo that Johaan ' Beck ia tha most ranmrkabU. Beeanoe ha had made up hhi mind to be soms an American he deliberately ex posed kimaalf to dan gar of death In kid eons form, lav far 16 dare and nurlta In utter darkness In the hold of a ship, nearly panahed for lack of food and vater, and even then would not have beeu allowed to enter the land af his heart's dnaire but for tha Intervention of a reporter who believed there was a "good story" In Johann'a adventures. It lay on the very top of the cargo, a box alrooet six feet long, nearly throe feet wide, and four feet high. What a craft for ths hopeful adventurer set ting forth to conquer a new world! One eouid not look at too wretched contriv ance without feeling a thriU of sympa thy for the poor devil who kad naked bis life in It, as well as of admiration fur his biirh courage. Closer examina tion revealed that the box kad a lid and that tbe lid was tilted back. There were three little wooden buttons on eacb side of the lid that oould be turned un der stripe on bho edgea of tha box, so aa; to hold the lid down Thus H waa ap 1 pirtnt that the stowaway had worked aicne and u raided. Instantly appeared jtne septal picture oi tbe man sailing at . ths forwarding oltW end making ar-1 raitenieats for the shipping of the box i to Ai hca; hen waiting at the window) j of his lodging for Die express wagon to: S(ipar. and. alter weeing the man enter I tle h'ij en' hearing tnir steps on the! tp'slr, ropj irs into hie box and silently idsvinc ton and buttoning tbe lid ' from within. Ok, but thia waa good i:tiT thai ji.ld make em ait up The )jin(m dahfd down into the box. Tie , IUm-i a upiioitered with a cushion 1 of Iny ahcui a foot dep and faUurd jd'twn with burlap Vie ma-, he nunt hare brer, t. a-e himself hard knockf, land, if h" mii-t die. at least to lie soft aad snug whilf dving At one end of 'the I to- lay ao old round valise, full rf an. k ind iirfs of underc.lot htas. which had served as a pillow. ( one side wa a I 'ng, thick, cheap old oer ca t of 1 1 1 1 f 1 1 and brown chck rattrn. 1tin at the elbowi, the muih worn coat of a vry poor raaa, a rnt srm hrre s rvi there sewctj up w:Vi crare h!ak Item: the ho vrntnr r wa rv poor indfH , but he 1 iv H'-nn .ird iNat. rvn to the point of, nr hi h t or'at whre it had! r i fK-'i 1'r' y gffi e,r of -nan . r J America to Hcuir. Tucked iit 1 & Tone tlie hay vera the empt v runs and boftlrej that liad contained fool and ' water, also a frw hits of wrappm pa- ) ' that probably hsd held bread. Snt j now were bare of an much an one cnimvj When e got t?he Henxpcrats on the run next tali, llaller'e cotnrt will seem to be standing sliU.- 2ponfaW Lai Boston'! Arraatesl Uplift. (Harper's Weakly.) "Honey Kits" ia mayor of Boatoa and still none of tha terrible tiiiugt pro phesied by his enemies kara corns to pass. Un tha contrary, tba year a at the spring, spring's at the mora, tha lark's in tka sky, the snail's on the thorn, and ail's well snth tha world, ao tar aa Boa- ton it concerned. That ail will continue to ba wall aoaxna likely enough, for tka now charter has tied tha hands of tba mayor ao that he c&niiot ba ao prodigal of the eitr'a money aa he waa tu 1906 7, and aa adverse city council is wateLung him narrowly. Why waa tha good Mr. Storrow de feated f Be on use of his exceas of good Mse, shall wa say? That would be al most aoourata but not quite. Nearer to the exact truth la tha s tat erne at that eJrie nghtaouaneaa was saade odious in the campaign by tha too strident shout ing of its a poet lea. A certain narrowneae of vision aud bittern nse of heart among the champions of virtue repelled many voters. Other cauaea were at work, too; but 1 think that tba lack of humanitv which haa not seldom been duioovared In reformers waa tha chief cause of tha da feat of roform. One thing that made many iujs ap prehensive was the lavieh, yea, prodigal expenditure c4 maomj in the oa,orpaugn. Nothing like it waa ever seen bafore in Boston, kir. fetorrow ia kia sworn state ment of expenses mads after election de clare! that he personally spent flOSOO in elect i on -e ring. Thie, of course, had nothing to do with the amount of money spent bv various committees on hit be half. Lvvrybody knew that tremcnuoua suma wore bng Need to help Mr. Mor row win. In tlie usual loose talk that prevails in campaigns thia money was re f erred to as close to half a million dol laie groaa eiaggeration, of course, but very damaging to the oause of relorm. The fear of the Storrow money became an important 1 actor in the last week of the canvass. The result of the long and clamorous struggle was that (If total vote of Bos- j ton. Hfi,.KH. was divided aa follows itx gerald, 47 172; Storrow. 45,757; Hlbbard. 1.&T; Taylor, 61.3: Kit7,gvraU's plural ity, 1.415. The intractable, virtiKma man van beaten by the adroit, plausible man who bettrr uoorstord humanity. Precautions Against tha Hotiaefly. (Birtntisgbaun Aga -Herald.) rVajctioany speaking, flies are brad in horse maaura. It la diffsotUt to detect tha hatdhmg of their mtmaroua aggs la any other place. When tha horse stables are rendered navrrniees to tha ao mm unity in that raapaot the number af flies will ba aonsflxsvd to those brought in box and other care. Thsa etty recognised tha true asm us of kouaerfly danger whan by ordinance it delclarad that all home a tab lea ahail have hard floor; that they shall ba c lea need once In each M hours; that ail stored manure aha 11 ba screened, but all si a mire that is removed from tba oily may ba taken out on Itairaday of each week. A full and enact eompltanee with this ordlnanoa would prevent all dangerous breeding of flies tn thia city, thus saving many lives, especially those of children, tn hot weather. i A aeoond preoaartion la emialhv ad via- . able. A few flies will bo hatched out. The egrs of these are numeroua and aome will ba hair hod. To keep these awav from food artialaa and from the 1 children screens In aviy ovening of every home are needed. It costs bat lit tle to screen n houaa where rtvle at not considered. St vie In screening is wholly vncalled for. The arm pier the screen the bettor, and wire for that purpose can be bought for not exnedin? S cents a square yard. Such wire is kept on sale in sM useful wldtka. SrreaTi doors sre a trVfle more expansive, Init eren they do not call for a large outlay Mr. Bryan's formal announcemn' that he ia not a candidate lor tbe lem oeratic nommati' n in 1912 ehorld not unduly dpraa the Repuhli-an chjel , le'au' it i th ciijitnmary formula uvd by him in the early stge of his camp; , i. Ifn is not a candidat. but is a wave at tbe service of n party and will fight for his place r.' i 1 on ' eligible lit as usual. Buffalo Com-mrrciat f I PILES CURED AT HOME BY NEW ABSORPTION METHOD. If you aufffcr from bleeding, rtehirg. blind or protuding piles, send me your addre. and J will tell yem how ro cure yourself at home by the new abaotvation treatment; and will also send sotna of this boan treiiment free for trial, with reference from vour own rocality, If re qneated. Tm mediate relief and perma nent cure aBird. c-nd no monev. 4mt tr obfaers of thrs offer. Write "todav to Mrs M. rummers. Box P, Not,-e Dame, Ind ' AUTOMOBILE TIRE HOSPITAL Fradnra, Blowouts. Faae luref. fJc, Trealed Wltb Assurancf ol Success SklllH Practitioner In Charge Office Boors: All Say Dixie Rubber Company Z14 W. Marfat t, Ornuhn, Every Womaa la talevaaisMl sad saeaM kaew i aboal tae wosvtarral irvel Vr'Tr. stf???aK HARVKU urepl M tnbm, hot temp . ..i h 1. ualHl I WttrllM fall direction, llo.''l. CudlM. MASVEL Ctt. 44 1. IM Sot TS 1 foil Chesapeake & Ohio Ry. .trmddJT in politics in a tnowt de fpifable ol.jf-t. unworthy of human rnpatkr. Hamiburg, TV., kntr prisa, . - Fk Illustrated Catalog-tie f'KKE j Draughon'5! cEir mirTi 10 tc: weit Fast Vr.tb.lr4 Traia wilk t mr. Trkraaffb Pallraaa Mia liratllr, ( larlaaarl. Cblaa M. Lt Grnboro. Po. KT.9S0a.rn. L,v 1'anvlPa . . . 1 1 00 a. rc. Ar. 'harlottrr11U 4 0& p m. Lervr nariotiaa. Dtala 1-. m. S-Oa p. m I II p v t it. p ta. More BANK FKSIndaraa URAI'CHON S thnr m-4-nr ALL OTHLK h.i.ln a,Him niMBlNKI). tl mar,' mmwm. POSITIONS Men rad Bmarrr-h-l ShtmkafKl. rtc. tamht at COI.I.K.K ar BY (All. Addraaajw. T lu.Tvm. Krm . nr A. M. iaair. riakrr Buiatta. Ratriak, N. C tnsm. awtt atun rscssoki sow I.2K ix m. . .11 04 a m. .. t00a.nx 10noa.av . . a.zt. p.m. a 1 p. m. 00 a. ra. 10 p na. 1 Hfraat 'aat aa4 C. a Ar. I ula-rllla Ar. '. Innatl Ar. :hlcair' . Ar. SI. Lotits Onlv on n!aht on tba connecttona for all putni. won nveiL Tba lloa to tbe relebrata.l Mountal Raaorta of 1rr1nta Tor 4arrlpttva matter. B4.hnu1rs and PallmaA rar-ar. ratlona. addreaa. w ix tmiw. n r a C O. Rx. Col. fUrktml K

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