in THE NEWS, GREENSBORO, N. C SUNDAY. JUNE 3, 1910. EGYPTIAN SHIRTWAIST DESIGN Drawn by SARAH HALE HUNTER WREN Mine tbJa fitalM from ta paper tb Erection, ar a. fallow: ta uumi IMlkMrr Hr, th. an. a. wbjoh will Hmr througk plainly, and draw mr wk one wltn a ham .k. l taareaaloa wc, tb. kmd that w m nib off. lay It m roar material, plan tM doolga mr K and trao. th T wtO dad tko Mm mUr truster. la trwsfontagA aeslga dm oaly aa put la giro, fold roar nnoa so that the two riant Max aorao together. Botwoen the two abooU of Impreaaloa paper toward nek other, thoa plaoo your design ob the folded material ana sraw eaoh Une nnnlr with a eU. Toa will and that both aide of tho design arc produced oa tho linn. Ta-day design a) an of tho now Egyptian ahlrtwaleta. It will bo Tory etfeotive on otlk or nnoa aa ohaold b wel) paddod and epwa aa wa aaua ayiiiva wa,ea. WW olliuai Baa lOfl (FUII'IMV VQUJ, Twtatod -Ik. aia-feo or ..reorUod cotton No. . ma bo od for tho work. Th. collar .rrf enff dalga and ate. a aklrt panel win ho m y bard son oil I m I two aMoa matrt I bard, akara poa- I V"- v a : 1 7 w pr4. I J X ' . ) H nN x I v i I l i x xx- ifiikx w KOMI II t I III X I f M 111 X aTi r- y w r I Ik I I war J t lay It la haay. kajr a NoPatteira of Thcso Designs Arc Available A Xtrw wa4 TaaV Miss Hunter's Correspondence MM ktaaa It-1 An unawolla ana aahaa a aaafal anall (Ift Uao JlTJI OoaoBDaawa Wo art Jwtind with' rtbboa or tap tho km oplor and ombroldorod with aU do a!(n at th top. A amaU Bmr la tno ' rain under th umbroll with tho word, -A rrlond In Noad"-ouUlnod la whtto. Juat bolow. Tb mm ahould bo about a) tneho long and M wlao at tho top. maklnc It a Mttl anallor at tho bottom, llako It to bold tho ambroUaa. Tho pookot arc faraiod by a ptaln ploo of tbo malarial la tho box plalU, atltehod town tho eoator. rutin two bmaa rhia at tha top to banc tho oaso by. Mending. IfnOior: WTon a toar In tho droo ti to aiondod, unleaa thora la a hoi to 111, th work ahould bo dono oa tao wrong atdo, oalng If pooatblo a thread of th material and wearing the atttehea In and oat to make II Ilka the original. A piece of otlfT paper baatod under I lie toar wlD bo of great help In keeping ib "Ortalnly aa. tba ti pat tap 0 aat human botngwr any yawt Prof. MetahinkoO, of drta. tan I war to a aim, any aaar milk will prolong Ufa i totujovriy of th paopie of ; rope, who ttr largoly am tkaa diet, back (ham. Uk all other fada atrabia. Aa oaaiualT dtat of , U not to be oavloed. TadMd do no etart M without ooneuttlng yaar phyaV elan aa It may a uat tha mod yow bouia ThU to tha kMnaya. th a a aort of tanM aurfaca amooth. and whan th mending k) nalahod. th apr can be pulled mr To mood a bole baste a piece of tho ma terial on tho wrong aide, and darn on th light, bauig careful not to draw the odgoa too eloaely together. Th mended piao thould afterward le carefully Purple Panay. An Embroiderer: In embroidering a purple panay, tb light ahadea are awn roily uad oa One edge of the prtale, ohading darker toward the center of the flower. Tho centrr of the Bower are worked by using the dark yellow eilk hret, then a few email atHchoa of green to mak th mJI dot whloh la In th eentar of the yellow. The yellow liiie. whlrh radiate from tha rienter, ran be added last. The colore of a real any will help you greatly In embroidering oa, r a colored picture of the flower will also ho of aaalatanoa to you. Towel. Anxlour"-A half dosen fine embroid ered towole will make a moat acceptable gift for bride, who, perhaps, h Design No. 222 A NOVEL OTO A stunning ring for th little mad from four r aU raid wires at top only with a row of atone reach almost to th drat Jotat, ton may b of one kind, as as many as Uvere are aiotlaaa to or ther aa ba dlffarantty arrangwd Initial of gem apoll aam of wear. I d that BLACK EYED DAISY STENCIL . n nnlehed on the n.i. with oallp. thm n.mtt(.h "X W llh th three Int l emhroljerod on '"'l. th lettoro shmilrf ar.rt 1 b iT r -o. ran i- prttv nrtuli tiTn to tnmm by fn t-Tonjr th- In 1 11. in Vat I or nhM4 aiiap -1 medaillon. workM foHd In Hat In Ptjrrh if a Htrldb mnrm . TrbrottlortHi H in th hm bD'I the In'llaN trill Uf ftYo. 1 .-. f The rnhrtililf nn1 h').'s T'1'lr-1 ami Itt 'v W.! (.(-! 1 )' 1 tho f;,irrt Imri'lfrrtr- Tn Turn. K M if 1 mr j.- r'ii.1 h-a- II, 'rteti yi,u ak f t a- f :, a-. h.-r pa" for It I am to ria-1 io hr,r t hav tn fii'". -f-fui in; t), pTtrnii thai appear !n t(n pap' i THKSK are th- lavi wlin numt vt us are tmav plamilrtK ntw orna inMitii TT nut" Suninir otial1 'I his idfa promptrd a "Hummftr boarder " ti write fur a ntfiMil that could Im ued for tn. 1 1 thifiin Hit want ed tt to take aav with hr for un of her 'time killera," to takJ phire nf embtv.iiry. think he may find plMrfure In tM Mi?ii 11. It can be cut in the band and H ha intercntlna: rwinaibllltlop for arrangement fur email and large article The oolora yellow and brown nti either natural color linen, n!lk or burlap would be pretty Vellow, ochre anil brown hai-nionlae with many ehartei . t i.l. if. green or fray oiu iom. The corner pattern and the border to ; Mhor make a happy combination for Hit Idea uch buru acarfa, bi rovMH, pillow tops, flounces. u ui tnlns mrde of Tn net would tm pflty irncliM with brnwn and j-eHow Th;, 'u;ild fry cool and would give j if-tfui hahtind to thp rirorn tin liot d I. is tpiil .". In 'lit Ml- -IfMiHl vuiii -I himI . the i ipf'in"' "f ha'-)"f ;t -I- nc t ('p nop "ir')h--iiro In it if Tiihtf-i ia' ( ' I : i h t ' 1 1 1 1 . 'if pni U aril may hr inr1 It'll if inexp' ni part thlf anlho.t, By Grace Evans The traiiruf Is dona br putting im premt on p;ijr under t ti pat tarn and going over the lines. If yon una tha unprepared rardboard, alter cutting out the ttwtgu, rub the cardboard ovar wtth a little sweet nil. This makes Its water proof and at the aame time aaay to cut. Plat e It upon a labia and slip under it a piece of gUnir. After culling the stoncdl. varnish on b4jh aides ulth sliHlac lie sure that no shellac settlen tn tha corner a. In rlei oralliig yur matcnaJ, place fVfiaJ layntK uf neuNpaper on a eingle pteie of blotting paper under goods tu aheorb all -uperfluous color. Bt retch the if u win ovtr Inming tward or table a nd pin clohf ly along the edges Then pin the design on material. When you have painted oe part of r. ippeatt-d pattern see that In removing tfii. :l the edget will not blur. i.efoie repeating the design th exact pi tuition where each repeating plana 1a i.l l place mnut be decided upon and insrke-1 by plna or lightly with pencil i. ihf work will Ihi projH-rlv arranged 'ItftiiR-e the iippT laynr of nwtpap4.-r fpiv t lm you lift yon i pattern, so i 'if color aiiforlreil will not b'ur or a'ain ihf new maierlaJ. Apply the color (juite thlntv, ulng a pa-a'e brut-h for hi h .-iur. i'.f Minr t. have 1 I a n'naJl plve ' "lnth wet with benzine or turpentine t wtpe the 'teri'-ll, r-r It i neexarv t" have your ten'-11 clear on hoth aldepj. Now 70-j hava your 0haneft laaify, fh next thing; to conaldar la rnatia Ils moat any kind of brush or roun4 MbU will do. Tho sift depacda on taa pat- tarn. A sopmrauo bruaii for appiylngr aaoh color. Tho question of ooaora to consider now. After th fca!ruie-r baoomoa more arajartonood aaa esa. tatara, about dyea and othar madlunia. At aaao ant wo will oooaklec only Ua uaa ml oC ootorm, which ar apeoljJlr mad far Biaocallng. Personally, I think thai ra auiu with thom aro batter thaa wlUi dye, aa well as aaalar to indla, Aa aJrnoat any color oaa bo bad by mixture of rod. blue and y allow, those throo are neceaaary to haw at ftrtvu It . Is boat to un traxupparant oolora oucb aa burnt adanna. (bi-own), roao aaavddar, whluh cotneo In four ahadea, and ciCmJ um (yellow). Thaoo ooidrs are nlzo9 with turpantino or naphtha, antfl It ta Ilka a a tain. Tha n&phtha to pjafaiabla for tfoodi of delicate taxtura. Tbo tvpendm a usee tti color of tho vooda to fad' if the material la too delihaco. This 1. true If tha tLirperitlna Is not raflnad- ) f you ara not a3Raitarned to saint paintu you'll find It doeein't tako aa mod as you think. Mix on a paJatta ar piece of giaas mnd thin eno-jgh to saa? "tt the giasn MatriyJs may ba of aUmat any Jrini r quality. Nit me ara much aauttar t uea than othera assBBBatalaaJaaBal 3 isH L M ',; t r 1.

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