ro di fffews : Tfc Largest Guaranteed Local Circulation WEATHER Tlsusasy, UansttleC Fii4sj, Shawsrs, Vartnbts Wiss. -VOL. 'IL HO. 128 GBEEN8BOBO, N. C., THURSDAY. JUNE 9, 191 PRICE FIVE CENTS HflMF lMWDIDBESTTHEVKNEWHOW' lIUlllL 1 II II U U 1 U j T3TTT TJJ A T T47 A O A J ' T JUtTTrZJ CAME TO RESCUE MAY MEET TODAY SOUTHARRAIONED EDITORS GATHER Says! Wilmington Gave Hearty Wel Vice-President Sherman To Wisconsin ftepublicans. Democratic Teaching Has Been Such That a Place at Pie Provision Made for Refundiog Members of Senate and House Ex-Governor Glenn Counter Was More to Be Thought of Than Welfare of People of State. Oid State Bonds. Mange Views. Negros Not Treated Fairly. come to Newspaper Men. &riOsb IN U FCLLETTE'S BAILIWICK levlewed Insurgent Movements Of The Past and Showed Bow They Strengthened the Party. (By The A worsted Pmss.) Milwaukee, Wis., June . Boaidititf insurgency in its native habitat, Vice President James V. Mierniaa tonigbt, is apeeca before the It. jiublima elate con vention of Wiatouein. pleaded the cause e( regular Rrulilicaniam and urged the insnrgents" to return 10 the fold. from the time the Vioe President ut ' tered hit salutation to the "Hsdgerites f Republiran Persuasion." until the Uat word was spoken, he kept insurgency in asind, now rebuking the breaking away from party and then pleading for Uar tnonioue and concerted action within the line. "What fa a Republican?" waa the firat subject that Vice-President Sherman dealt wKh after ha bad paid a (luwiiig tribute to rreautrnt I art aa the leader f hie party. The apeaker recalled that Coiurresa man Champ Clark recently aaid the devil kimaelf oould not anawer that sjusstion. "Thia queation nay stump the devil, who may naturally be aeaumed to be a JJnmosrat," aaid Mr Sherman, "but I'll venture the aaaertion that every 12 year old hoy in Wiaconnin can anawer it. and that the aimpie but eoaiprehennive re ply would be: 'A man who votes the! Republican ticket at the polla and votea Republican meaaurea in Congress." ine viee-J-aaiaenc ssaea nai 11 ime the enrreet answer, if ill. MIHtrtf , waa not true "that man who doaa not vote the Republican ticket, who doea not aupport Republican meaaurea and Hspublioan pouciea la not a iiepuoueanr . "Xh Vlci rroaideot apoke of iusur gnr, near, wh ln..reelrejl (haa 'in 1672 a new Insurgency bad ariaen wrlth the cry of 'Aavtking to beat Grant.' -Then when ne had aaid a word 01 -.-.I . BmhmH mnA Tm ft mt I he conclusion of thia review of party his tory, the Vice-President once again re turned to the subject of inaurgency. "For over SO yeare the Republican party haa been steadily increasing in numbers and gaining in power." said be. "aeeining to grow stronger after every insurgent movement and in each in staex'e gaining more numbers than we last. In ISM snotner element of inaur gency arose and seemed to be tempora rily successful, thougti its duration waa short and without result. In 1RD6 an other kind of inaurgent came to th front ia the guiae of the socalled 'silver Rrpublicaiia.' who maniully and rour ageouery. when they saw they could not endorse the Republican platform and the Republican candidate of that year, left the national convention in a body The place of every one. however, vho left the party that year waa filled bv at least twn sncalled gold Democrats, most of whom have since remained with the partv of financial integritv and sta biltO. "We are now confronted again by in surgency in the party, though it is by no means a united movement, as it may he aaM that there are nearly as many kinds of insurgency as there are insur gents. I believe, however, that the strength of te Republican party will In no way be weakened, but that it will re to the nulls next November and re cord a victory and again be successful when it. votes for ita candidate for President in 1012 " The Vice President, then reviewed the accomplishments of the Republican par- . "It is not a matter of surprise, how ever." said lie at the conclusion of this review, "that in a country of suns vast domain, such wide territorial boundary and with snc't diversified interests us can be found from the Ml.intic to the Painr. and from the lakes to the gulf, the members of a great and dominant party should not always lie in acord rerardiiiu evcrv act of legislation. It has Iteen the vtrengtli of the Republican partv thnt leaders in thought and lodg ment and wisdom should have been among its members. It 'is so today a it has l-een since IHVl and IsiiO" Tn matlers of legislation, he declared some sacrifiee niu-t lie made. ."me t r treat taken in order that harmony hsll prevail The Vice President core hided wnh thcc word "The Repuhli'.iii p;rtv h.i made our ci ilirjit ion the highest our progress the greatest our pro-peril y the fullest, our pmernmenl th- model of free govern ment lhc eor'd over, and our place fure moat in the pie sion of the nations of the world, with none to question our rislit to be there and none to doubt our ability to 'tav three." WILL GREATLY INCREASE THE EQUIPMENT OF PLANT Kali"bury. June .- Mr harie t. Harris, a prominent niar ii turpr ani financier of OilUborn. . h iwp ted the properties of the K-tn (.ranite rmpany, Amei ican tnne company. Dunn Mountain Oranite company and the Ptacev Onshing Plant, and be an nounces tnat the present equipment at" eaxh plant will be greatly iivreaLed. Mr. Harris, in connect 100 with his other quarries, will operate under lease the Balfour Pink tiranit company. The general office will remain ia this city, with 1st. Ceorge-H. Coiiias in sitare. (By An Old Line Republican.) High Point, June 8. I do not think you should be so hard on tba Demo crats in regard to the calling of an ex traordinary session of the legislature to dispose of those bouda. I think the I set legislature did the brat it kuew how in regard to disposing sf the bonds that will fall due July 1. It's a sad fact that the Democratic party, instead of teaching their people statesmanship, has, by precept and el ample, taught a craft that is fanning itself into a boomerang that will, at cording to fundamental law, slay th parly. As just stated, the Democratic party haa been criminally negligent, not only with Wieir own people, but with the people of the state in that, inatcad of upholding a high standard of politics Hud statesmanship, they have in their campaigns resorted to abuse, slandering of personal characters, stuffing of the the ballot box. and when they did not think thia sufficient, have resorted to personal violence to carry electiona. In the general assemblies that thev have had majorities, they have spent far too much time in, resrrsnging the counties RAN DOWN LOOKERS ON Two Persons lnured by New Tork To Atlanta Automoblllsts. (Special to Dally News ) Salisbury, June . grand parade consisting of nearly one hundred big automobiles eu route from Atlanta to New York passed through this section of -North Carolina today, (he procession being viewed by thousands of people along the national auts highway over which it pawed. While passing til rough (Salisbury one of the Virginia cars, run ning at high . speed, struck' Robert James, a young so of sir. and Mrs. R. L. James, of this city, knocking hist aneonarioua u t1ie"pan 1111 nr. lie was ticked np ad after heroic treatment y physicians, revived and was carried home in a precarious condition. At Lexington, Davidson couaty, an other machine ran over Charles lonard breaking one leg and inflicting other in juries, from which he will recover. The foremost cars had pulled into Winston Salem, 40 milea distant, long bcfoie the rear end of the procession had passed Mslismiry, making what ia believed to have been the longest pro cession of any kind that ever traveraed North Carolina. 30 FOR WELL KNOWN TELEGRAPH OPERATOR (Uy The Associated Pre.. I Augusta. ta.. .lime 8 - Sain Pcmn. a well know lelegrapher. sounded hi. last "K" thi. morning at II o'elisk. after a long illness o t iibereulosis. After a lone eeivice with 'lhc Associated Press and the Hearst News service at dirtVient points. .Mr. Pemn returned to his old l home in Augusta about a year aj" in search of hralth. which had been lailmgl Mangus. cf Cincinnati, o .'.id''"";..!'"":;,, h,',::;; :niTAL.ArERRTcWiiow Mciorrnirk. S. ( . Vriil. whor- tb- ! CONCEDE BROWARD'S ELECTION funeral ftervHi wilt b held. NEGRO'S QUICK WIT SAVED WHITE MAN'S LITE ! ir-pet-tai to lmuy .ews 1 1 Spring Hope. June H B. IV freed more, a well known ritieen, narrowly encaped death this afternoon when a negro, standing on the front of an en gine, threw him off the track. Creed more, who ia deaf, was rroMsing tlie track and did not see the approaching engine. Granted Temporary Injunction. iSpet-ial to Daily News t Ahevilli'. June An artion in ecpiity entitled Harriett I,. Rett against Hen jam in V. (abaiHn. f.eorire W.. Km ma M . A 1. Lilly Met, the Ust 1 hree tii inr' 1 unit lw-n ' . hsa n. adinini trstor of the entitle of ieirpe H' sha (Thii aud the t airolna !lHrt- romwny. w ft Itfnii y'-tenia . afl ont-ion in t 1 e I nite-l tai fr. ir mt rourt inolv intj oiiif bante jnftpertv swat SI sck houe. V. (' Tlio 0Hiorar' innin-iM'n piy'd Ur um gisnttxl hx .ludie Prilchiinl hih! the di f enia i t w err itej in nhovr eaue her" at M VIkL -funf It why the tr iunefimi Aould not he made permanent unt 1 1 tinsl termmat ion of t he nit . The ,-tm j icf nt Kvr bf ind for Placed License at ,sp'Cial to Jhii'y New- Hitkory. .lune -1 hr 'npifni .-oiiii hainir derided the al .if n.;ir b-er not ircirtio; wt cut w it h t he .f at- prohibit i..n law it it i oH iiin."i s ra ble teiv. the bfiard of ai'iein"!' ! -1 mgiit do-hind to (franf a lii-eii-e to Punk ampbH if he would .-iM .T" Mith a t W license tax. Thcrv are tlin- ner lter im the ouiiH' the 'rtrpostnn m Ihpm sre operating under J-i tteertesi prntM bv tlie count y cotnmiioner. steport FavtrrsbTy on Cram. fBy The Associated Prews 1 Washington. Jun 8. With pis-ti eally no discussion the Senate 00m mil tea on foreign relations todsv decided to reoort favorably the nomination of Dr. . D. Crum to be minister to Libe ria. I n. v mm s apiwnntment was aoujKd at Uie Wluta Bpaae itunUi into osagresaional and judicial districts and writing elastic election laws so that tli. Democratic registers and poHbold era could carry a Republican precinct for the Democratic party. One would, at least, be justified in asyiug that the Democratic party had spent its brains and physical energies on itself; that the best talent of the party has spent money and time in get ting itself elected to public office. What better could you expect the a that weighty and important matters of state be neglected, or not even thought off The trouble about the present leaders of the party is that they haie been taught wrong. They know nothing at" statecraft as compared with what they know of election eraft. Had the time and energies that the Democratic party has spent in trying to keep itself intsct and in office been spent in looking sfter the affairs of the state, we would not now have to be paying off old bonds with new ones, but would be paying off the old ones in cash The Democratic party haa done the best it could. It didn't know how. The Democratic party has been weighed and j found wsnting. DEDICATED MONUMENT Memorial to Confederate Deadoo John son's Island, Ohio, Unveiled. (B7 Tm Ataociatfd !'rt.) Kandutky, June 8. "If ItoWt K. Le aa a traitor, then John Hampden was a. traitor. Olirtr Cromwell waa a traitor and Georgo Waihugtoa waa a traitor." doelarad Gaa. Oeorga W. Gor don, eommander-in-cbief of tba United federate Veteran, at tba unveiling of the Joentoa bland monument V 4f. 1 Ha waa speaking .before a groat aasemblairs erf oaetims aoldiera of tae JuTsT t liw fv aud abildren. who had eoma to do honor to the Confederate dead who are buried on the aite of the wartime prison. Sir Moeee Eeekiel, wtio deinei thf monument and who himaelf foiiglit iu the southern arm?, failed to appear. In the pretence of the eeveral hundred aouthernera. representing nearly all the -ta tea in the confederacy of ItWil -8ft. a monument to the memory of 208 Oonfederitte oftkere and privatei buried on Johnson's Uland. Stuirliiky bay, ljake Krie, wan dedicatei, today. The monument, erected by the Hub ert Pat ton chapter of the l"nit.ed Daiifrlitfrfl of 1 he (Tonfederacy , of tin cinnttti. .. waa unveilrd by Mrs. Mary ration l.ii'ion. of (nrinnnti. daupiitcr of Robert Tatton. a mto.l sfnitlHrn ranpef. The dediatnry adHre ! ilelivprrd by Wen. teor;e ". (.onion, of Mtnihi. i Tenn. 'ommandiT-in-rlii-f of thf I mlnT 'Confederal Wterana. Other aHiiri"" , were delivered by Cen llcnneU Young, nl Nashville. Tenn.. Joseph If. A iRy Tlie Aeofiati'd Prenn , Fla . .lune B.-Wiih K2 Jacksonville. P" cent of the vote oat in the ae.ond 1 senatorial primary reported, tlie vote stands Broward, lfl.731: Taliaferro. 102.1 This lead of MOH will probably be in creased to between 1.2. HI and IOti by the tcitaU vote. The remainina; vote unreported will, in nearly ever cane, give a Broward ma jority, although it is expected that Tal iaferro' gain will he material. The Taliaferro tart ion tmiiglit conceded t he eleelion of ex fioernor Broward to the Serial e. j " PARTYIN ROYAL STYLE j PARYTY IN ROYAL STYLE I .erinl to Dsily YewO A'inion Sflicin. lune S Amid flieer. I from larpr niimJ'r' of eiticn1 linr.l up on Main -ireel. the tourist- in the 'Mt ; ru: uvcr t nHtinns) auto hiftus rln-w iritn thf -it tmlny nflri inn king a -ph-ii did run (nun ( b;irl"tte The 1 ,h in 1 1' gri'nt run. earn in? m er -t.V. pt ..pU irif hiiny 40 Indies, and children, werr f-ovreil with du-t on ll,. n ! arrival herr- 1 .top eer f-r noon on their I0117 (fin "ev tn the nort liern n e Ironoli rd the tourita were evidently i-Iid 'f 1 hi- npjnr unit t " rfl fnr a eon pie of hour It vtif- ,1 pret path ring1 and ne thnt v ill pn rinn in the liitoi v of thi ec : t ion i it maikj nn annual uTt On Their Way North ( T(e Xoriate-I Pro'.- Ht ' in i!'e h . Tune S Tli" 2 iod road aiit'inn'bi'e tnuntf. Xt'anta , sr'ivetl hi r' irii nl - a Hii- c' ii in on t f; r wa o Vi'i ' 1 1 k T 'da ' mil mn He luitt' Yia r hit t .-. ' nnr ir;r mad- '1 t ' r Triet -ifei and lonight ;tre ; ..trkf-d ir frfint of th- 'ilv ha!! Iowa Primaries. iPt The Associated Pre- IV Moines, la., .Tnne - With only five counties m!-ing tonipht. Cot H. V Carroll. Republican, h nominated for re election bv a mapority of 7'. 'tet over Warren f tisrst. ProBres.ive Kpubli- can. The misainaT count te are kivwnltlte d'r-tion of the iudk'e. aa- thi- a Carroll stronpKold and probabl will , bring his aujorit up to 1,500 or ,000, WILL NOT NEED LEGISLATURE Pleas of Democratic Administration &Ta Be Saved From Folly ol Its Own Party f era Dear! (iSpeeial to Dairy NeweJ Raleigh, June 9. Kol lowing a confer enoe of slat bankera with the governor and council of atatet Treasurer Lacy thia evening announced then are in hia hand bids for more than $60,000 ia axcesa of t lie amount needed to take up the en ure issue. In addition to thia he has a number of bids in hand that came in the mails today, not opened yet, and w hich are not included. Furthermore, it developa that bankera were prepared tp utjt:ribe tor )W&0,w more l haa were actually laLei. in event it should be found neeeararv. It ia estimated that wheu the tinal bid are opened tomorrow it will be found that the bida are half a million or more over aulascribed for. Treasurer Lacy says that yeeterday, af ter receiving the liberal bid of the Amer ican Tobacco companv, the principal of ficers of whioh are North faroliniaua. ha fell confident the balance would be ah sorbed readily by banking and other buHineaa internals of the elate. He calls especial attention to the fa that it required lets than AO minutea lor the bankera to Bubscribe for an arcjrate of $l.04,Y,H) this afternoon. tovernor K it chin is enthiisiastte over the result of the conference, declaring it waa a source of special gralinoation to him that the bankers responded so generally and adequately to an appeal he found aeceaaary to make to them, their prompt action having obliterated arc neoeaaary for an extra session. BODIES REMOVED IN THE ' PRESENCE OF THE KING i By Tlie Associated Press t Calitri, Italy. .June ft. The ruins of (alitri and adjoining villages were in spected today by King Victor Emman uel and Queen Helena. Moat of the houses In Calilri have been destroyed and the pople who escaped from the cflerts of the earthquake yesterday are camping in the fields. Thirty-two bod iea have bMn uw-onvered. while eight or ten more are thought tn be still un der the fallen aalU. Two ware taken out in the presence of the king. I he Duke of Aonta also vinled the v i I lages and innn'tfd t he w ork of re lief. ha ing I otityhl for Va pb s. MT. AIRY NEWS NOTES ipeetal t-o rbii'V ews. ) Mn i n t 1 ry , h ine h.- -The yreat re ligwni" revival which was pin lined to In lie place dining the early part of Junt i no u in p n -g rep a nd preat t h rort js of people itrr ; inning out at every her v ire. tilling 1 he Piedmont warehouse to i .err1owm. ahi-h 2..K notils hear L 1 -lai-!. 1 h- e angel iat . every time he prearlien. 'fbi sec!. on of country was viitd vesterday and the night before JiT copi o;i showers of mur'i needed rain, d s l 'ling the fioom over thi region on noeount of t he long, coo! dry weather tiwt haw pre ailed here. Thf tobaaco growers are predicting short nnd p fir crop of th- weed tins year, but thing ran change a great deal during .June iind .July. Sun y i a poor riti and when t coirit y, on at count of so much inountainnii roujjh IsikI. hut tobacco ;'encrnl!y d'tes well especially tn that -irt i n of t h cmin' y adjoin'ng Stok.M. and Vr t : The fnrmci- t ei-ni to your eorr ' rrndent. ar- nn ned to e,.ntinue i 1 uvmg iiii-H t m nd bread from t he west '. ll'ntil they lit line this Mllr li.l'il K rr w ill ci-nt 1 n tan-i wav l'wn !or h-t 1 ; oi'l't ie 1 I I p , nd of in. ini:r''..n-p srrlci.'luril mi - would rsi.-' i-vm v i n.l l ri-;i I ' h'-v il.' (l. in I w ni,!.' Ii m l ),.'lnl'nt i ' si w nrk in the ft ' 1 - j n Nit lio.! t piyr. rin' 0 Henry Buned. j H swr.i-LitM Trea Funeral ervif rs Purler. tttr tb" short T'ry lor i'i (at m 1 1 kliown i- 1 feni v filer, nete h. l e f-irst l ieubvt nan churr-ij t.rr tn.iay in the of a b.rpe patti.TtriL' of frieiwl and nU ivea. I. I i Hiiiplrll. pHst the church, ofliciai' '! The flros ffer ! ins from itintemrwrary writer-. nri hi tnnd (' -" n rwroii" 1 list ii r illrrd t'T-f a i riHL'''- to tiike 1frm lilerifte -r- im !nv h""e I lie lam-K : Htt'-T!'i ,..;t !li"1i WITP TT,.rin Ki.-li,,!.! liMi i, Usii". W aM-c Psf- Vll!;..r. Ho-,ell an-l lit. ohT i-i'i-i' pent Adjudged InuBf, t'- V.tiiv c.i -to-M!l . I in.. Q A P. ( ourtney, t 'te vftini." wint'' m;ti' 'Vho veterda ' reatd ti h e itemnt in prjljce court a hep I ii dr ni- -kd him how he p!' -aded a n.i n i - , dr. s pi It dye. le: t her bMiiid t-latn'-nt and hur'ed it in morning ad jmiaH inn" by Pity Phyai Dr. L. Ii. MrBrayer. ALSO CALLED ON PRESIDENT Cole! Magistrate Indicates Cbaages le Would Uke to See Made la tall road Measure NowlnCoolerence. (By The Asaoetaied Frees.) V ashingtari, June a. 8evsral ea chaugrs of views bat ween Senators Kl kins nnd Aldrich aud Kepreaentatives Mann, of Illinois, prepsratury to a for mai vonference on the administration bill, were had today. It was generally understood that the otmferens would meet tomorrow, although no call for such a meeting was issued. Senatora Aldrkh and (Yams visited the White House tonight and talked with the President concerning change which he might desire in the Senate bill, which practically was approped by him in hia mewaaga to Cong1 veater dar. Iie Preaident indicated thai then were two chaiifFea he would like to see made iu the bill in additiou to the elim inatinn of the AO dav elausa in the para graph giving the liitcratate eomraen-e coniniiHgioii the right to investigate and Miapead. Mr. Taft is anxious tlwt the 1 1 otise pro in ion for a supervision of the isauaiisje of stock and bunds by the railroad eompaniea should be aiwcpted by the Senate, lie regards thia feature of the bill as one of the pledges of the party and Ire does not agree with the position of truiiy of the Senators that stall a provision could be construed aa interfering with state's rijrhta. The President believes that the ten months allowed lbs interstate commerce oomm i si 00 in whh to investigate rates before acting on them ia entirely too long a period The Presidents erneri ence with the law has been that where a specified length" of time ia allowed a tribunal, it is generally availed of. The House bill allows 120 days. President Taft thinks six months would be a bea ter period. '.' 1 ' 1 President Taft told both .Senator! El kins snd Aldrich today that ha was anx ious that the conference should proceed ss rapidly as possible and that there would he a satisfactory bill. The general understanding is that the Senate and House leaders will get together on the subject matter to be taken from the two bills before action, is taken formaPy by the confereea. Tf tin's course is pursued ft is likely thst the only iruestinn which would be voted upon in the two Nouses 'would be for the adoption or the rejection of the con ference report. DOUBLE TRACK PLACED IN SERVICE AT SALISBURY 'Special to Daily News. I Sahshury. June S--The double track of the Southern Railway er-mpflny whs placcil inld service this afternoon for I hi' tirst time north of Oincord Ms far aa Salislmry. The tirst train to pus.i oxer the track was mtrthbniind passenger No, tn. which found no difficulty in mak ing the schedule. The roadhed is sHid Ui he in first class condition ami the double track will be used regularly here after in order to allow more trackage for the use of express trains handling Georgia peaches for the northern mar kets. M EKC A N TS" ASMCIATldlT" AT SALISBURY, JUNE ai iSpc-ial to Ness.) Salislmrv. June H.- The North (Vro tins Merchants' association meets in an nuai ai'saioti in alishury on June 21 for a three' day's session snd the hni nesa men of this cilv are making e tensive preparations to wclcime tli-- del cgates. Well know n business mn' Irnm all sections of the stnle will attrnj the ! nvention. which will ie iven to a Jcussion of le tilers relating to re tad ai"l whol-nle traiic. h' mn. laws nlfe'l.nt' I'1'' ineirlllints Mild oilier niHtl'i. ,,l lule'C!.!. ''i.llilllittees on .i i t h ii ire me m I -;nh -rt i-nii a?" tn eii1ftt,i.n "I i tTifl ilic n - pi Kin I1' s -( Want to Be Intrrvenor pe'inl ! I)il N'i'Wi , Ali. vill' . ' nc i in 1 he HUenj::i.n' Hi'mn-I I I. f ue on nt , i-iinTmione( i Mill of -I. Iloyd nrl Jla v od. Ii'-d i t i ' i i in whii-ti IMi'Hi'ai?ip ttUtn t mt nt 2.' n ' ' ' !. im Mn-r-.11111 ni'tT'-jit' i!.' t "nO tt.r ro'l -triMti'T tnflv m I lav wood -tiuni . pet ii ion Ii r-en -1 l-v .-n: ;'n M . Tnstlier otl h-hii)l n: ; K M-l,oril nnd 1 V Ii a-.kinir ' ''' tlu-v be riij 1 1: 1 i i in i ni I 1 1 1' ;i n I r" . r tinn Si 'i'HI rill- pi fl t, he 1 1t.-m )- ti: ni-.i i i ;,. f.. Il.Iu- I"i.;:u.l !. . a- in .i 'i -'-v - i; 'l.i hi" h- Centennar ' Won't Let Him Go im. H 1; I ha i t ii t a t nl f tix . i w a 'M ine-,.t.t' t.I t:fnol' -' ii .'! ma tui i hi (.-deiit of I elileiKH - le re. ill not be t- . ,,-,-,( of ( "sunt eii nn r meet -la f t dp and Ib-nr-. .o!l U i .es ted . (f. V nish o!!i h the triltee4i m' ot the lvfflrd a- "Ui Ihm.ii 1 day. and bv unamniou- ote it i )videt to r-tuf to reieae Ih. ea i Thi action leaves the preideiH-y Emory and Henry cidlege still open. DISCRIMINATION IS CHARGED Declared Only 15 Per Cent of Money rrorlded Is Devoted ta the Educa tion ol toe lice. (By Ths Associated Proas.) (Vrsland, Juns S. A asters arraign mrnt of ths soul hara atatss for thrir failurs to properly edurats ths nrgro was delivered here tonight in aa ad dress hj Former ttovernor R. fi. (ileuu, of North Carolina. Mr Clean declared that in II southern slstes where the aejrroes form 40 per rent, of ths popula tion ouly IS per eent. of the sutool fund is devoted to their eduontioa. He was apes Id res at the Kwlid Avenue Christian church. "Thia leads." he aaid, "to an increase in erias and knanoralitv and is espreial ly noted in the illiterate leidrrship. There are 30,1100 negro preachers who exerrlas sn enormous iuflusncs ever 8. OOO.MiO negroes. About 10 per cent, of ihi'se hsve received more than a pri mary education and the remaining 27 - (HMj are ignorant a ten who ars fram inc the destinies of millions of their fellows." The apeaker praised highly ths new school for negroes which had been opened at Durham by Dr. Jimea E. SUspsrd. Tills institution offers Industrial educa tion and also ia intended aa a training school for sxilored preachers ami teachers. SIXES MADE REPLY Said Be, Balked on Toting lor Those Be Thought Corrupt. ' (Spatial t Dairy Xewa.) ' Kaleigh, June s. Ihs -reform" or "insurgent" factioa of the YVaka county Democracy held a big campaign rally here in t he roiirthoiiae last night, at which lr K. W. Sikss. of the Wake Forest eollege faculty, "reform" iiomi neaa for ths state senate, answsrsd ths charges msde by the "regtilars" that he la not a straight Democrat. He instated that he had never voted anything but a Democratic ticket in North Carolina; that be did vote for McKlnley ones whils residing in snolher atats, and that he did refuse to rote for the Wake county Democratic ticket at the last election on the grouud that he ounsid- ; ered the whole outfit corrupt. He aaid rr yk';,7hv'?: had voted his straight DeinucrHUc for him without a word of instruction from him. Hon. H. H. Battle, '"reform" nominee for the lower house, in a long speech, answered the only charge that run ben brought against him, that being that he refused t vote aaint the constitu tional amenHincnt. He dcclitred that he made a careful Icgttl investigation into the constitutionality of the "grand fat herM cluuse ami became convinced that it was unconstitutional, and being pledged under hi oath as an n Homey to aupport the constitution of the I' ni ted States he could not vole for the con stitutional amendment and retain bis own self repect. TEACHERS' INSTITUTE NOW IN SESSION AT RALEIGH f Ry The Associated Pic- i Karigli, lime H. A marked dfriee suer-ee is attending the conference 1 eachcrs' 'inst ittitj- worker b;in2 h-ld 1 j j n I i hi cil v in donuejt tlWin H ths t.ite ! part mrnl of edina) ion 1 1 h iiper mr I. V HlVinn, aj,f the tctichei-.' tiailiili ,li iion of the department, in rlurg.-. I here an- oxer fine hunHr"l ut the turn ml women who nrc to rfmrlini tin I' .h hi-rn' ill"! it utt . in th' vsnons eotm ) ict iluiin the - u ni m i ii"t'' i"r llt t 'intrreihc, the piirpu-e t.f w hie It ih i -ee to i( th:it 1hie i-- i n 1 1 oi n i I on (h inet hisds and f un to h. lolhiw.! iu ' hese institutes whi.h ;nr to be lieM ih'S yeir in 7" of the cpi .itie. The plorntn "tn.; n-is eprctiillv flemonfct rat ion- nnd n- ind table discus sif ol mctliisjl-. The -Mtie d'-part mem iippmnt h dlieifor :ii"t -in :i-s-italil for m h ol t Ii- l fn he i ni-1 it n i .. th director. L"'tnifc' I'i i. week nnd the a-niant T."i. this to nsi'l Ollt Of count ifuci! t ioimI fund .'J (I e Ill'-tltlllC.. W Clatk Dead a' to IVailv .. i -lie, ' i-iotuiie t -r- !a-i - , W .--i K pooi tor ment .-Ma-te- i litia it m-t'nit-d -IV id. 'tit netitlv v hi - - . r New It. ontjli Ills he., it I, h 111' ilit h- II'' W .1 in ! a -hi ot Pa . ! I,. 1. of at- di-tri. i leteUlul litioiietl a mi n.l red Pie MOW held b Near- o( MiailM Wtle Mi llatlie waid Clark, dent "la! l id-'- ' -ni and in nin i ' i i ""o n 1 1 m n 'd h 'lark , a nd hiotht i , GOT RIGHT DOWN TO WOES lay or fright end Editor (own lira Id Their Greetings to These ffho Keep Tbiogs ictlre. (Special to Daily Xewa. I Wilmington, June Ths SMlti aa nus I aeaeion of the North Csurotia Preae cuaveutiuu couveued tlila morning at Wrightaille fctcack with perhaps ths largest attendance in rtie history of the oran,tlW1' prasaut from pan. wi mo bislv. rwaannia ars being held at the Tarry more bote.. Jo sephu. Dxnieja, editor of ths News and Observer, wired lie regretted sxessiiiaegly he could not be praaeut. Owing to the rriUoai lUueaa sf hit brother in law. Prof. J. 1. Lsums, au psrinteadeiit tl schools at Concord, Rse relsry ISherriU will laavs fur Coaoord in the morning. Mrs. Hharril! and her sister, Mrs. K. t RegtsCsr, of tftassstte, left today for Uonoord. The morning session wss opened aritli prayer offared by ths Rev. P. R. law, editor of the Presbyterisn Staatdard, following which roll was called by Sec retary Snerrill. Chairman lxmdna, of the mambarship coinmittes, submitted a long jrt of names snd thsy ware slscted to m.m bership. ' President Atkinson anuoaneed with regret that Mayor UscRae waa sat of ths city snd easdd not deliver Uis ad dress of weleome, but ha stated thai ha tiad rhosen aa his substitute Alderman Fred W. Boniti, a prominent young at torney of Wilmington. Mr. Bsniac at tendee ths nswapapsr men a moat hear ty welcome and was followed fcv Mayor Thoanaa H. Wright, of Wri'ghtavilla Beach, wha welcomsd Uts editors in a short fcut felkitloua speech and bade them help themselves to whatever pleas ed them on ths beacll. , ,! , Trie third ins) last address of vrelonnis wsa mada by the brilliant, editor of the Wilmington Kvening Dispaf.h, .Tame. If," Cowan, hia remarks, however, being styled a. fraternal greetings! "I-adies, Mr. Preaident, Members of tha North Carolina Press Association and Others: "t.entiemeii: Were it not for the fact that I bring 7011 a family from those who hate sxpsrlenoad ths asms heart throbs and felt ths sams emotions as you have, from brothers who have mingled their tears and laugh ter with you around ths njwsids I would not feel that 1 should trespass on yoar time, having been preceded by tba two clever gentlemen who have given you such an eloquent, picturesqaa and hearty welcome to our mid., and open ed uide the gates and nailed them fast against the wall. That they would ex tend you such a welcome 1 felt aura, because in the pust both personally and in t heir oftiiia I capacities t hey hava sho-wn much court ety aud cleverness to the newspsper men of Wilrnimrn and have displayed great admiration for tha press of North Carolina. "In general, I knew you would find a warm welcome in Wilmington because the newspaper man finds such a welcoms everywhere save in thos ptaosa where frankness is a stranger, where good fellowship is enJuded and where oavr age fa a crime. NpeeificaJIv I knew ii. because Wilmington and her robust, de light ful offspring. Wrighteville Beach, invariably koow a god thing wrran thy see it. "Now that the doors oT ths two mu nicipalities have been opened and sa curehr anchored back, while your path has let-en htrewn with tlm beauteous rosi hnd the sweet scented honeysuckle, 1 bid you approa h t he tainil v row. It is needle" for ine to tel. voii that t h latchstring bang tui the outside, fur n one need knock w lien about to enter' his own home. To ou the door of the Wiltr ntftoii newspaper homestead will en m- re h imm e to turn ot rhe knob, and you will hnd us viiitiny with out -M retched arm and hearts t ing a umiiily ;ih the rsfift glow .it Tour own foh tireidc, 1o ucleorne vou nnd 1 II the fHltcd eulf Hpltc Ot tllC iHH'f I t ru' . I will not 1 i 11 7 1 f t he lM'M !(, p 1 'tlma lor teir of ticl. but I v. ill t;i' ry Mlg lonu eimtifyh. . f hat . i'i ! he 1 r - Ion biefhrr-n to I '"' The mil v "' delight f ,ih v . n t hnt t m ' I ' l.nud t h'- ' ' ld .1 deed i ! IU. nn f I t .if family .r..ther.. n ItlL'tOII i . it , . :'. -lumxe? til, in;! ii esq i h 'f 1 he nature 'r1'- '! rni:- ' h'1 i'ti i nioui. ''if iiiHiiifi thf and 'nude rich .!le.i I m77. 1 to t h. fur s.-tit h .1 o,!, -tat.. " I I'' " ri nd i hs i ted nri I ;l I w i t 1 he iililid 'x .i ow er rul -I'"1 hretikers of th I ie r hftrc r bf " j'dd-n 'ham tc I ll' J ltd I ' H .i.l t ne i-li tp- l" Hl''ll(k , t ' hi I . . . Hd I he .1 In'.A of t he l ' ' - - mn of Vorrh Crol. t t i i ' i - w it h breBa,' - - ' ! N '..g and "Mb heait- beatirig -'fh lov t iie -) the .,i , 1 r "l1' ! oil. iheir Hiolh'r an! s-.'-sane t hi- Upportuntt fiiim ."'ir -Wes'iety. 4Ccnttnued on Page Twj,)

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