V GREENSBORO DALLY NEWS THURSDAY. JUNE , 1910, AYtK'S . HAIK VICOK Does not Color the Hair Does not Color the Hair ..Does not Color the Hair Stop railing Hair Makes Malr Grow Stop railing; Hale Makes Hair Grow SECY NAGEL'S SPEECH WAS FEATURE OF DAY Spoke of Politics From the Standpoint of Statesmanship. Bishop Kilgo Will Remain in Durham Mr. Duke Made Additional Gift to College. (Speeil to Daily Kewi.) Durham, June K. Thii morninf at 10.15 o'clock ther assembled in (root of the library at Trinity college tlie board of trustees, tin faculty, the rU uf 1910, the rlaaa of 1895 aad the ulass of 1906. After everyone aad arrived aad gotten in their places, they marched into ttaa (.raven Memorial nail, hrt they were to be atldreaaed bet'itarlei tecretarv of commerce and Labor in PrMitlrnt Tsft's cabinet, in the following ortler: Preftideat Kilgo, Mr. Najeel, Mr. Southgate, the trustees, the faculty, class of 181)0, the class of 10 aud this year's graduating clasa the claw of 1810. lion. Charles Xsgel delivered the speech for the occasion and with his im pressive style of oratory and his unus ually attractive personality, he capti vated is audience of about 1.200 people , Valedictorian of the elaas ef 1916, Ar thur Harms Proctor. Senior Hoaoia. Aaaie Hume Browning. Outrtee Wil- ' Ham Fulford, Phillip. Jefferson Juhn- ;sob, Weaver McTyeire ilarr. Matilda i Osborne llkoaeli, Arthur Marcus Prae tor, Homer Lm feeott, Karah Btanchard Kmith, Claude Baaooas test. Walter I Brownlow West, athasi right. j Sophomer Hanera. i John Newton Aiken, Floyd Kbaddaa i BeaneU, Paul Weslev Best, Claudius Bertram Brinn, Edwin Lee Junes, An-1 nahel Lambeth, Ezekiel Javob, Londow, Mary Lillian Newman. Marshall Andrew Smith, jr., Mary Loom is 8mitb. Annie Isabella West, Henry Lindner WiUnu. Freaaaaa Heners. Kidney Sherrill Aidenuan, Ms ye Bowl ing. eLaaie Lee Buchanan, David Wiley irleU-her, Ksteele lowers, Vuioton Hoi : ton, Kemp Prayther Xeal, Julian A rev : llaud, Junius Harris Rose, Nettie Nile of whn-h i Tillet. Robert Leslie Towe, Marv Vi Newman Ivey White. Honors ia Departments. In biology Weaver McTyeire Marr. In economics Heale Jennings Kau celte, Charles William i'ulfnrd. Bob Lee Phillips, Willis Smith. Hurue Browning. Hutchison. Sarah Llaiiclianl Smith, t 'laudr llasconi West, The federal government , cmept ' , ' M'K -." of the eituea. t'onaeivatiou we hear se much in these times, resist e la tbe hands of the individual state. The interests have come into the hands i of the state ami the state has become j the real eonserver. I'ltiuiately the enn- i sen at ion and prosperity of this nation rests in the hands ut the individual! state. tliat it caa regulate conditions only with the tvuirwrutiiin .if aa,.li alyls Tl.a m. laliun between the stale and federal : i. government is whether or not their pol ! Highest Honors iu Latin Sarah ities will coincide, To. rehire, prosperity Blauchard Smith. l,.,u.nB n tL. .j.4iru .....a ,..bu ft.-' I.. I;.. k(..4:iJ.. ,,.1 - ft.: I . .. ; . w fm a..- pa 1 1 lajtvu ut , in laiiui .iia-inua ''situiiir it'iiari. i 1 V ii ,A ia I lu I'nlf, l..., ftl..!!.,.... 'I' , -I I ''Now. aoart from all oolitical tinin-': srren. ions, could there be a man to approve Durham. June 8.- Ij.t mgut in t he? 1 these questions which hate been before 1 1 raven Memorial hall held the an our Americaa public lately with les nual senior oration, delivered by mem-' partiality and with more good judguieit ; U-r of the graduating class in content 1 thaa our own dear President Tsft. He'tor the Wiley tiray uiudal. This medal: has stood generously, liaukly, humanely. ia gien by Hon. H. T. I. raj. oi Kaleigii.; patiently, inviting etery citizen to come ; in memory of his brother. Wiley Gray.! forward in this government and take' in whose uonor the medal is aau.ed. when Hr-t established the entire lia.i1 After five minutes of snplause. Dr. .would hae to contest for it. hut now lias by kit "frank diftcuatioo of tk affair of ass las aa t Is.rv a si kaa s.nt ii mA nn islniaKr I . . -'" " " r "v his respective part laailjt Mia li v a latnia- imnnwaina unns I ' k. .. . I... A u l i 1 uv "" lr fa-i- " 8 t' :i i ' , lin. lie ikhu f I, ni 1 Ka ..ll liim. Alter beir.i- introduced bv Presi- "" uaiiKing ir. -age , - - -- -- - , - dent Kilgo aa 'one of tbe nation's great- '."" """. ""' "' rostrum.-'""' ("'" ' sre - st. V....I Secretarv Naeel. vou will a wave lind a:fho,n from the class. I hose who con-1 delivered I... remarks a. follows: ' welcome for a frank d,--u..ion of w'L'JTZ' "'7 ""'.V mi l., i - .. auestioii. nolitka . reliaiou.. eeonomiml 1 shw "siren, Lynchburg. I cnn.. on the tain to apeak here mv nrst 'tlanight was!0'' educational." to decline, but I cannot decline to oonie After the aiilre- the ,ollow Cold, Croup; Sore Throat Quickly Relieved. Warm little White Va line in a teaspoon. Let the child wallow this quantity at interval till the cough often ant. congestion cease a. So tasteless, its taken readily. So pure, it's as safe for internal use aa for local application. 12 REMEDIES, each with special all BottU. Box or Tuba tha nama fuar big heat re finement and protects row ueinat nameless "pe troleum jeUiee" of Use purity, CHESEB ROUGH MFC. CO. frMn tarr " KaaWter" rVW New Yerk use. baaad mi W Cs N J M r and Mn Wilon let t for 1EM1 nn99 The undersigned having bought an interest in Belk Bros. Company, the firm name will be changed to Brown-Belk Bros. Company. We wish to thank our many patrons for the business extend ed us in the past, and hope to merit a continuance of the same. T. B. BROWN, Mgr. BROWN - BELK BROS. CO. in snesKiiiff to vou mv mini will i naturally turn to politics, not partisan, 1 rirothei.. the bridegroomsmen. Henrr Steed, of Hurlingtoii : leRoy Aberaetiiy. of llick- subject The Wi and I it ir.en.hii,." I ;-;,. , . V"'' -' a" """K" . I , , I. T....J-H 1.. .. u... Mclllder. Kalelnh.. tolloamg the eere- IV inillllC, Ullt I CMIIIIOl (I miUr W Will" T a.,,.,,-r , ..r ,u...jn,.'a . .....I.. , ..I'L. llMIUft here. Inr those ui us who have ever bers of the senior class ere aiinoniK e.l ' ' " . ' " " . trip north lasted southern hospitality just cannot !"'.'' ! rew as "lily iiialttie,l can.liaat.-s ., ' .' ' , .... ' . "' Wyatt-Norrii. no. or tne uegree in rw, lieicr ot arts : , . , ... x .. . '.. . .... At n o elis k tonight there was the Ashbv, Ldward Clayton. Ml Airy i ., ,? ' . .7 " V. ., , nisrriaae of Miss Ixniiae W vstt. daurh- Willisn. I vnd.U. Klir.alH.h ".' I"' V, ,u"u,l'1 , . "xnm ter of J.ib P. Wralt, and Dr. C. P. Nor liowever, but the running and tlie man- City i Iris, of Ditrham Thi aas st the Wratt 1 . .1.. . I M.ua,a.. Aa..;.. U..K.. Ik..!.... I I lie llllll?es. Shu Were lr lll iarl I I .11 I ft... rft.. 1-.,.,.. tion ia what 1 aw as bv politic, as tot fhatham, Thomas Daniel. Klkin. liow'. of tharlotte, a minister ot tin- B1.tor 0f ,he First Haptist church. Mi ' ld . , .'u k a. what shall be the limit of the power of ttaw lord. I Ijde e bold, Norfolk. a. , enurcn. jir. iwstnson. oi Kthel Buffaloe was bridesmaid and I. t . those in ofhoe and the limit of the free ' took. Charles Klmore. Kort Mill, S. t ., Coldstwro, a prominent lawyer of that .loliu.ou best man Little Miss Betv doin of the private citireu. Every part! Daniel, Geirge Miltna, Koanuke Kap- f1""', snd Moll. . R. Wrll. ot Con -'Hicks, of Hiscoe. was ringbearer. The i af this country is interested in this id". leord. ex-senator from Cabarrus county, I special decoratinn were palms audi atate. If this stale proaresses the us-: raucelte, Heale lenuings, Durham annnuni-ea mat auer one con nuerat ion ' sweet ien. After a hrtdal trip norC. tion is ueueAtfid; if any'sUte fails the I Kulford, Charles William, Wright ville,i""r unaniinoiily decided to -.ward : Hr. and Mrs. Norria will be at home in whole nation is hurt bV it. The whole!0- ,h mtS, to Mr W'an-en for having Durham. country is interested in this institution. Hurley, Mary Maude. Ned Bern. ! Vm up tne oest oration tiotb in respect Inr 1 believe that as the men of the Hutchison, jsmes I-agavette, Char j to diction and delivery, south and west go to the east to atudvlotte. ' While the judges were out making up tbe conditions, whv should not the men Johnson. Phillip .leff.rson. Unoir. ,,M,T decision. Kotiert l. (.oldstem. ijtucv. Mnoert t.attiier, -alonroe K You Don't Trade With Us We Both Lose Monev - -J m Master George Wood, of Roanoke. Ie 1 I vesterdav uiniiiing for Chnrlotte to inr ten dsrs in this city with his grand lather, Maj. W. W. Wood. j Municipal Court hiflge R. H. Syhss, of . Durham, as Is the city yesterday. I me storage at McAdoo ( Parage Co. if the east go to the institutions of the south and west to study the conditions! nf the nation! j 'a are nnt i-ihK' intavaalo (n tka' institutions, but in every individual el every slate, and it is high time we should begin to recognize the reapousi liilMr of each state. It hat nearly come to the point where .rveryoue looks to the national government for everything. To mv mind there is nothing more es sential to the nation's prosperity as the feeling of responsibility of each state. "Rome people have the idea that thev i are to be taken care of bv the national I Toggle government: the national government is,va. for material interests and tht state go - j Tupp. Vary Mrlissa. Kinston ernmrnt Is for the individual interests W srren. Clarence Shaw. I.yn 'T-iin. West. I lad ie WHAT A SUMMER COLD MAY DO. A suinnier cold if neglected is just as their decision. Hubert C. Coldstein ,iflpt to develop into bronchitis or pneu- ithe department of law, in behalf of th uionia as at any other season. Do not Mair. Weaver JiclYcirc. Hrvson Citv. "tudrnt laxlv of Trinity college, present-1 neglect it. lake roieys nonev ana tar VI. I,ito.h. l-dwi., Ke'a.le. Diirhssi ' ti Dr. Kilgo, the retiring president, with i prompUy. It loo-en. the eongh, soothe, Michals, Matilda IMum, Durham. ' beautifully carved loving enp Pbilliiia. Hob Ije. Sslishnrv being thus rememlieied in this war by l'roctor, Arthur Marcus, t oachella, " DOJ' J. K'lRo showed ruiotion, and , W1M1 I r r J "'- ' S" I noil 1 and heals the inflamed air passages, and ' . 1 . . U - ...,1,1 IL. " Haw. Cat Ran4. ThiHip Bnllrnt in, -RaWlL booit, Ilom-r I-tV . -uncord. Smith, Sarnh Bl-trifhar. firefnalioro. Xmitli. Wh. Kliwtn-th itT. Stfphr-iiOB, Krnrt.1 Kulftton. yyHtt Title. IVnn. Stewari. William Simlair. ( liarlniti- OarolvB 'Im k. MHrlin-vil).- expels the cold from tbe Byaiain.' ard Gardner. "Mra. W. P. Beall retiiroaH ;refttaniiy in replied: "Go tell my Ixiya that I love 1 ... ITlr m n(i momi.ur from H billhead Stokea aat.a iu miiiw i nut iiicr ii, vr mr. i . . a 1; .u- ,.,.,i, 1 1 ltd at went aa operHtioii, and ia greatly unproved in health. THE McADOO, fejSJ miAA Strictly rirst-Class Hotel atacrt - The Peat Hum Years Use Maet wccassfal ka Hlatswr el Its Caist-wcs CHILDREN WHO ARE SICKLY Mothers who vslue lh.tr own com fort and the welfare of tli.tr cblldr.n. should never bs without a box of i 111" imwAmiti Commencement Time Is Coming Already the plant for the praduation gownf. the t las day rnwni and th pa rt y paw are bein inade Perhaps ou hae found a wy ia h h our Sfrvu-e caa aHii-t you We dye trireminj? to maioh nrnffntl. dry deaa eld trtu-minfs that yoti desire to uae, olena or dye laoe. rib boni, velvet, ete. Our aerrir coat little and wc do thi work piomptly. Phone u. I Rami, m, iittf-hf.ro V t. Walter KrnwMl.iM. jvienhuru Whttakei. Rimiihi Vlono, .la.. Kins Inn. ilkinonn Thnm,. Aujruxta, a. Wright, Nathan, .ih-on Vh follow iiif hud oitiifrned tiMn theia tr.- dfret ot maiiter ot aru mer Korner I A. M. Trwitvi. Konin. villa; Mill Kliei IVar-oi. ( A R W et leyani. Kttnif, NVh. I.ilmri Silrr i W. TrinitTt. Atlantn, ('.a. pii-wtit d bv r. Kilr ith hi. iiU)iiib and ;i After t lie tiiifen irij; it !( i e. M'-ti lmM H Hinthfaiie a MiiHifi.-el I ha : rhan- had tveu mad in the ta iiIm n ftillu- Ih". Kilo. tli rtiiiiijf pri ident ot Tnnit . Iih- l'n eUvld in th i 'hair ! Rihhal Itlrrat nre: t Im. William Pit 1hi nn dean of l i i.i iiy t.llrK- had Wi. fle-.tf-tl tt rill tli prtniident rhair. a atd hv rr."sidcnl Kiljr'-. IV William f Cianfoid to li!!.".1( tJv plMe of lean, mid V H I irilcrwfkrxl -t !' ae hradma-ter of I'lintv Park m -bool. ' M IX. Kilto alo annouiirrtl I lutt he had dVrdfd to and onld make tit thnme in Diirhatu. t-hall prize thi highly ns token of the love of my boy a for men. I thank you," 1 in mediately alter t h a warding f the Wiley 4. ray medal lo Air. Wan-en t he folio witijv Soeiety inelu I were awarded: Hv the (olumhiun Society, outoi- nfedul. to Tliotnat Wilkinson, of Aii(iii-tii, t.a: tin ileh.itHi-V uiedal to (. W. 'irk, and the Kir-slintaii deliater's Hied I to W. ha Ward, l.y tlie Hnsper- iaiu; tit" ua 1 er nieo;tl. to ).. ( . heels of Mother )ra y a Hwoet Powdura for t'liliaren. for use throiiKhoul tha aea on. They Braak up Colda, Cura Ke vartahneHB. 'oultpatlori, Tethtnr Dla ordava. tiemdiwha and Htomach Trou hlea. THKHK POWDKItS NEVK-R KAIU Hold by all Druf Uioraa, Sic. Itoa't aakerM mmy ttbllH(c. A trial fttti kaaa will b aent b lUTK to any m.iihor whn ftvlfl B.l.li-aeAa Allun H Dim. V I Hied 11 ItOV. N. T. Buffalo Lilhia Springs Hotel opens june isth On Norfolk drrisKw Southsrn railway, 62 nilri eaat ef DauTllle, V Reuud trip tickets! good to retsira until 8ept. 30li, on sale at radwied rata), frasM a 'I principal points. Hot and eold snineral water hatha. OtmUi har una f thu medicinal waters. Fur meiitoal testimony, rale aad full ialeraatto. adilrasa A. W. AJtCHEl, Kasagtt, DR. B. K. HAYS, Presideat. Buflale Llthla Springs, Ta. Durham, and the hr'shmaii debater's , mcilal to H. M. Ratrlifle Tlie Bisxtoo 'ra"n merlnl. wlinli it Itiien to the iiiM)cr-raluate writing the! het reav of .'i.OOO wr.rd on any rur j ri-al iihjTt. was swardrd to lyoliis I. j laffee. of Snutli Boston. V'a. CUPID'S BUSY MONTH Four Weddings Occurred In Slate Capi tal Yesterday. pfriMl to I a il Ne a ) lidle-ii' I ii h I n if -i e four notaiif w ettiiiity'- m It.tltijjh tod.iy. two Ml 1(1. .I) ili'lm i I III inninil;, ollf Ut t.'cltnl, ihiM jlteiniHH. and I in' loiirlli . Im k tttii:!.t. Ht.:to nVI.M-k in Kiir-nlii ulrei-t Mr-thodi") Iiiik Ii Mi-- Knt ip H a laud ItarlH-r. tlauyiitfi- ot l'. M. Harliee. be i'nif t hf In H r nf II . Mahn-. I litrt , of CtKtd bf ttu Maml it tha Gentry, B. B. B. Taatad for 30 Yian Trtaa out bload oiaon In aay ataara p9i mant.nl y . w vMiou 1 daadly mtrcarr, wiiti pnra Boiajkical tn redionta. Ta prve it e Will BJiJ u a a -.una. tmm twr.v t pubi. If vu ha riei a, Mating .arr. Ilihtmg HutiPri. frtl lariH, Mwa I'num. bona rirva, nnMiv mmpiw or Brnpticaa. tah . B. . ilatult , ! Biaii. AH anaataaa bJ guleki Hioosi ta aad par Md plnb, eatupif t) rhri rtS 'ta antira boay iato a !" a haaitay oAndltt-oi., hJfna; pry ra aad atping all arha. ffeii.a and ii-bln( iurlna tba mat iase of hlood poiaon PR I'd OUT- or ! br tfiiifM SI PfTR LA lOU tfeTTLC. . tt d I ' i'.na for hoan rur? HAM Pl.KP KMINT rBr hv wrtTlna MM Halw ... Allaata. recrlke your jtiubl nnil fre ine1icf lv.a Bvan. Columbia Laundry Co. Phones 176-633 l.e alao amiou:ted that H lhike. ' fw lhin i president of the American Tohacifi rom- V. llu )ny, that to inaugurate the at-w pri dnt. and pnt hi utamp ot afroal up on the He t ion of t he tribtres, had ITia tA Trinity roHejpe t'-r the ,imtinn a nee ot wnrk on t be -a m put I IKi.(tfM i Thia make orer 1 noo.Od.) that thia our family, of whieh 'ahtns1ou Ihikc i : tfte head, hat ren to the roUefr an-l with f hi en ft It intty i made onp ot the m't highly endowed, if not i h miat hip 1.1 y endowel. -otre in tli KOUt h. The hftiiora f"l the fnr'- wmL a r ( i5ssweraruvv5 " foiio.. Welcome Words to Women omen who suffer with diseeders aeuliar to their sex should write to Dr. Pierce and receive free the advice of a physician of over 40 years' espertenco a skilled snd successful specialist in the diseases of women. I .very letter of tisis sort has the mo.t en -r fill comtderetioa snd is reasrded as sacredly conndeettal. Many sensitively snodest woeaen wnte fully to Dr. Pierce what tbey would ahnak 4ren tellini to their local physician. The local physieiaa as pretty sure to ssy that he eesnsot do aeythia eritbout "an eiaasinarioa. " Dr. Pieroe holds that these distasteful tuasnatissai are generally asted- lese, and that ao woasea, excep ia rare cases, ahauld sahsait to the as. Dr. rieree's tresoewt witl ear T" ritht ta the rereaarr a? ynnr owa hoaoe. Hie " F ss.rst. Pi esta iptiaai ksaa mre4 hnndrests ef th i.ads, sows, of theaa the worst ef eeeea. It is the onlv nedicene of its kind that is the product ef a re.ul.rfy iradaatasj ehincais. The only owe food eaoe.k that Ms seekers sere to prist its emery ksaredicnt en its outride wrapper. There's as secrets. f will hear xaeaiaa tion. No alcohol aad ao harit-forain4 nt are towed ia it. Soeae sssscrup ulous nsediense dealers may offer yoe a stihstitate. Doa't take it. Doa't trifle wnrh your health. Write te Weeld's Disasaisry Midml Asseciatioa, Dr. R. V. fa. Presidetit. Hmfsln. N. Y.. take the edvice received aasl he well. I h.-ie . h l 111. -ill ii'i-l.,. k Hi I Hir Xppl'-w till' "I e1ii .tl mn "1 "-V :at- Kiilian. "t W , S niarrm' h - 1 f f , a. ,l IIMt IL l" 1 - SK Y 1 Srstia 1.1 "I l.n- &) I - 1 VA ' ton. u irivi: ll '" I A, -Mr a,l M-. K.r V f i . 1 pi,ii M- k'M I taxl ,-f-iint' .I. I'.. ft JT I ifl.it. . tniii 'j lJlis" iaaa. i.l.il..: ,i-t I I' Ihim- ot rninT w;ih Mi-. Kjilfiifti : th' In uleMiiaidi, Mis- Natii ( .H.jjfhtii hiiJ Mi Ht-ni'H'tta Harh.-tH'k. l.f'in. I'he cxiiiiriii.-ii re Mr ( ht'-slm i . I.i i l-ii o : Spencfr Hurt . Tut I Kir. . II iiiii 1 1 rhtllip'-. I ar ttoro; li. .il.t. -u It. mi. and Hink I lain-, It It ih I In- mat ring. ervir wa hy l). Ntntii .aln- ot the rhiin-h. ThfiH Wiii. -jMMinl iiiitnif. with (ia lloh t'rl" a otyain-i. anil laima. Thoina a- i iolim-1 Mi ariil Mi- llmt lime yonc for it ttiuUI tun ti'Mtii lull it f Im-iiik at ' lionie it. V-vv 11. ' ii Applewhite-Killian Iti'inc weildmi at ii M - VMi WU h m1 l 1 Ii" i' m r1 inotil I r i-.lit l -oippi'. h iil .I i w t nil. u . i in, n e.) ut - l.n Hilton l.l;t! ..in 'at.-.l 1 1 t. i i. si- fn h i "f h"n hlt.-h. .,) I iliroin ' ! ' a X m,i i"ri ii, ii i ' 1 '"' ,i t iftiiir in pT f-fiii osi (a li'T-lrtt ut f ah I In foiifc- StOfkard-Wti-on I n t (if ( k -t I 'r hi t'-na n i hu i h at .i oVinck tlieri- .-a tii1 niarrijte ot ti f"!ii- t m tad. d.mplitr, ot Presi dent -ler-'m Vt(-Kn! ii. "t r a-e Imti tirte, ami Proi n hiu I W iUnn. ol Kno& ill5. Tenn.. iU'trurtor m hemi try. Come 1 1 1 1 n i v r i t y T h i a white weddinji. the thureh leinjr dfo rated it- rwim!' aiid the hnde and the 'iride-m vt attii"d in hite. Xne dame ot honor "a M' - V-m Moore, of Nor -toil. ; t h hriJe-tnanU Amy tock ard Mi-- I'aiilin' tlj'l. Mi it ian VIotK-iir-. a .J Mi- May Montague 1Ti ma n a Ih '-'l U'lii t a ker a nd NATURFS WARNING G.reen-boto People Must Recognize aad Heed It. Kidney il .n-iy. Rut nut ure otire the ki.ttH'V Sec it t hf iVii.Tf i It t here are I'a --a B" '""I It'- liHV t,n me ftiietly myt eri- VtU l-'i- aiu yau. .fir re tion. unhcalth) and aed imriit. . .cant . pa m lal. t n-e )i.an Kid id - .j -c or d ia : n-et t w oi k in t liitf lia.u li;i. I. alit . Mi- W I M a r. t in -t r ei . l!'td- il . . -a - I ii-e. llriKh Ix i i t t f - y I'ttU ts'T i -(inn time and tite lied up I" i' pif-'-lilal on in eer ie--p'x t . K"i -i -ine i iuif J wan frenerali1. run do ii in iifjltli mid lacked enerv and the n.nev -. ietioit were irreu lar in pa--,i;'' I rinaily procured a 6o ot lnr- Kilne- Pilla and ouii altei "sin? then I f It Vlter I give lnan Kidre PiIU ; he r tdi t tor the grt-at it lief ( olitained a nd am jiad to recom mend them" Kor -air by a 1 ! dalei Price, .'.u piit Ko-ter Mdhnrn t'o.. Buffalo. New ..rk. .-ie ayent- for The I nit-d Stata llenaemhr the iu.n.e Dian - an-l tke no tthT a (GAS RANGE FREE. " We have arranged so that any lady can enjoy a handsome Cabinet Gas Range free of cost, or if she is enjoying one at present, then a first class Water Dealer may be added to her comforts also free of cost. -Call at the Office We Can Interest Yon- PUBLIC SERVICE CO. J Trusses, Crutches, Fountain Syringes, Etc. Large Assortment of New Goods at Howard Gardner's Drug Store