UDEEXSBOEO DAILT UTEWS, FBIDAT. JUJ1J5 10, 1910 4 SPORTING NEWS BAStBAIL MSI lb CAROLINA LEAGUE Spartar . rf . , m ij ;; CharlxU. ! i i ..,(..... 0 EASTERN CAROLINA Rofk KW.mt. 3 . T'..lrvl, n ,'Ad-titr, .'. , r . i i n VIRGINIA LEAGUE Raremoed L)n,hHur? atif poMpnec ran ""orfnlk. ? ro'tfiit mil r Koenuke 1'urtrmnuln fHnw re.,1 p'.i rain. SOUTHTLANTIC Coluil.hi. ( 'i ..nihil tiitUir ;().. !it-i rain. havsanari Xii'i-ti. .mm.' ;)-' rain. .larkaonville. Ma -n. -al.tiJ 7'h southern" "league Mnipliir 1 'i 'tnit j. -t pooned . i hiii At I. tfit, . Mi! an i) f in i. 4 Nvkvillf, 0 Mo.nl. W Cnattanoo;i. .1. Mithltromerr, EASTERNLEAGUE Haltimorv i k pniiir jmbi f rain. Toronto. 12, Hnffalf, 1 Jejaey City, 1 , 1'rnv id iK 2 Moat real, O, R.vhftfi.-r. H NATIONAL LEAGUE Nfw York, 5; St louit 4 R'noUrn, ft, Cincinnati, 7. Boston, (I, Pittsburg, 7. Philadelphia, 4. Chioign. ft. AMERICANLEAGUE frit, ljouix Ntw York game o1p.u.eu rain, Detroit, 1; Washington. 7 Cleveland 4: Pliihi rlr l;ih ia. 4 (called in fr by ifwnrnl I. Chicago, 3; Boston, 0. SUMMER SCHOOL WILL HELP OUT BASEBALL (Ppihrial to Tn j Nwi f Durham, June 0 Th? floe of the Trinity commence ment find the ummrr law acbonl in operation and it will run intra tjht Uirouph the auinmer. Thin U the Hrnt tinte that the Rtim mT fetiir ha heen worked. Irofeaori Montacai and Mrlntonh will aacii tearh a ntontb, IVan Mnrdrai hating the rlatri t he !rt ont- 1 h'-n Ietfiior Mrlntoh tioMa anot hr mnnt h and th t hirrf it laujrbt by K. K Head-, of the Ifcirham bar. Thrre are t " nf t hr onrjf lawTera who have aflrcrH to rnmm in ih ach.nl tint rHinnnrr Sumr nf t hern w ill br phlr to tkr thf rxu.iin nut ion in Setrii rr. but ni(t it t Ui-ni hip lirnl vi ht Uivh. 1 her w ill b- hrTf hr e niont h IncitlfiitHlU it wit hrln th Usrb.ill IcajTlIP lf till' (1M Hi. Ill 1lo lltilt Kl'iwori. tin .tar imllcrv thrpf vrar-, are in the i-lns unci will Ik with the . M. C A. In, in. 'I he only anir tliat tha Christ ibh mp Vh-mi ablf ! ,ipt iih t ht nn 1 hut Hip lir I w nirr pit cImm! Isntiifiny. In aii'iitmn to ih Kiuinriifr ! v,-honl, ft achool nf Hin ill mn in plunnrrl for the I- (Tinning f Srpiinlr. It- npf'i-jlif aim i to prep ri hi(h twkool tfjirh'-r Hnd it will I ii n1 r i HirextK'Ti t ri"f H Uiik-, nf Irm llya depariirtnt nf (tnratinn VIROINIA LEAGUE I Norfolk, j; Danville, 7 Norfolk. Va tune tl VorfolV gave fHVy poor si 1 pji. 1 . wli.lc llsnilli cr mrs were not t.wt' Sk-ore: H H F 7 ft 4 Darfc-ille . . . 100 120 ism 7 VorfWk iHn 111 1 rwai 2 Parkwsll end lmj;hlin t n and Mun son. T nipire. DhvW. AuloAcccssorics Duiterj Linen or Mohair. Caps of all shapes and quality. Cloves. Colons Bottle Keeps liquids hot (30) thirty hours, cold (84) eighty-four hours. Call and let us explain the merits of this a a a I T a W . wonderful bottle market today. Price $2.00. Vanstory Clothing Co. C. H. McKNIGHT, Gen. Mgr. See Out North Window. PRESCRIPTIONS FILLED AT HELMS' DRUG STORE CAN BE REFILLED AT FARRIS-KLUTZ CO. SIANDING OF THt CUBS CAKOLIM A LEAGUE C;h U I. Pr ' .f . u.illc ...... J I-' n."l7 tiaMlc I tt'cvon 1- 17 ftl4 .udr.m i I ftai 1 . r cusbori. ! t J 'I Spartanburg .... I- -3 .'43 EAST! FN CAROLINA LEAGUE. rti,r U 1.. IV Wilaon I ! '1 "I ' f'a vell. v he ... . l 4 711 .. irlr. r.. '.... 7 x 4i j 'Wilmington . . . . n 10 37 . . Rsl.icb ... 10 .! Kvkj M.. i-it ... ft 11 2'.7 1 VIRGINIA LEAGUE. I i -j I w. i.. r.- I F: .ji..k,- 21 ii M I ! i n v 1 1 it- . , . 21 17 ." Vt j I'orleii.outu .... 2H 111 .".I I I I . l.ni. nd 1H 2" 4-; 1 1 In in 4-1' I i rhli.ii f ..... : Hi JH 444 SOUTH ATLANTIC LEAGUE. flute (... kf.irn i... A it 'a .,,i.i,.,h t "lutut.ia . W. 1. )' .'4 27 i Mill 41 I 21 21 In 42't :;d7 SOUTHERN n,i v.. i. ' t. it ! 4 n.'OL'a . . . . 2ti 2l M. 'mi n ' 2.' I' i . mi i... t'H in 2'. 22 V,..i!i. 2 2:1 A 1 1 j i , t .... '' 22 . Mi I. an- 'J 2'i (-tr.l,,. 22 2M l...le. IK -M NATIONAL. flllV.4 I. 'il-afli. ...... 27 15 frk . . . . 2H 1 1. in.''t.njtl . . . . 22 II' Pitt.hui ... 21 l!l Si liuia . . w . . 21 -I Hr.,oklvn 21' 2H l'lnl ul. lih: .... 1" 21 IVmton 17 2H AMERICAN riuW v. 1. Nue trk 27 II I'hiladelphva 27 12 Ih.troit W 17 Hoatnn 2.'i 211 flu-flu nd 1 2' Wellington ) - fhi.ego 14 24 St. Ixiiu. 32 .h.. Mill .S.iJ , 21 M2 Will 40n .li: i Pr i4:; h.'.h .VI 7 Iti 7 4.I1 400 ;7 Pr. 711 1 noa , .tti I cm ! 444 I 4M 3W; 200 ; 30UTH ATLANTIC Jacksonville, o; Macon. 3. .larkftonvillf, Fla , June O.Maron took tht flnul of the aerie by a aeore of 3 ty 0. The fame wm called after the pevetita oa Bnt of darkncan. !Vrii1tre and Pope, plaTer did the trmntnng t'mpir Collin ia ill and nn lrM I'rawtflent lornrr prrnntree to i-nd an umpire hre at on- th fn are thrrntning to hoToott the ball park. Soorr: R. H K Nfa,n Oftrt nni ? ,1 4 1 i JarViionviHv . H00 000 00 1 t Wi-emn mid KRhlkntT; Te iind Luzon Timi I lij. Implies, Srliult(. and Pop. SOUTHEASTERN LEAGUE. At Crttledrn. .Iohnon 4 'it' . . I iadden . . t Runic: li'l ritnw n Kmiie At Ashevlllr. .irheille . . . Knowillc . . R. H R. H ft 11 ft 5 NOTICE. I I will no he reepotwtihlc for sny bills! ms.li in ni name. This, the 0th day' of tune, 11110. fi liRt. 1 M. Ct'NVlWHAM. The Rep-ihlw-sn party points to ftii 1 Hh "f idiiiinitTstiiin. to ftli years ( cuiti'il .nut pp..ii the record nf those fto ; vesrs m everv department of human lit. in America the Republican party is w-iUing to stsnd. bill it wsnts a right to in, ist that the people he give all the tsets - Flmira Advertiser. The best one on the $3.50 55.50 THE HORNETS TROUNCED "Pug" and Bis Crew Fattened Their Batting Averages, GAMES THIS WEEK. Eritey end Sataiday. Winston el Greenville. (Charlotte at Aaderon. .Spartanburg at Greenabora, iSpKcial to lJeilj Newi.) t kurlotte, June 9. The Chaajpa ex hihurd a rereiaal of form today and won from the Hornet by the OTer whOnnng urore of 10 to 1. They hit Humphrey ttoio the word 40 and Deter lei up until the end of the ninth. Tea hits were secured be Hieks and his men, which, coupled with the aix error a of the' fiorneia and their all round bone bead mavilis. netted a total of 10 rutin Hum mt rlev vu in irood form and the Hor-1 ntli could do nothing with hint, but five hita were made off him and neither nf them came in the inning that the local's aoore waa made, prina gath ered in three drives in his viciml v that were lebeled for long trija. Jackson fea ! h'. Kvans. Shuinaktr. Bunting, lured for the Champs with the stick, ! Three-bane hita, 0. Double plays, Golda rrettiuir three hits out of tour times un lioro 4, Fayetteville 1. Lft on haeea. tiut oouia not stop one basket. Croaa and Willi but could not atop one with a bread ams were the only Hornets to exhibit the elihtest desire to win. di-jrusted. The aeore: Greensboro. Riekard. cf. . Springs, If. . .Itickson, .'lb. Bentle, lb. . Hn-ks,' s. . . Ik, 2b. . . Beusse, r. Ueldon. rf . HaramersleT, p crowd whs abuiit AH R. H PtV A. E 4 1 2 2 0 0 .ft 1 2 3 0 0 .4 2 3 1 0 2 1 o 11 12 U 11 1 1 3 11 4 1 i) 1 2 1 .1 0 0 ft 1 0 4 1 2 0 0 0 3 0 0 0 3 0 3H 10 10 27 II 3 Til. R H. PO. A. E 4 0 0 1 ti 1 .3 0 0 1 1 2 .4 1 I IS 0 Ol .3 0 2 0 2 01 400 1 0 n 4 0 1 n ft 1 .4 0 1 s ft 4 0 0 4 0 2 .3 0 0 0 0 0 1 5 10 ! H. 11. F. Chorlot te. Hiimphrev. p. Meliugh, ' ef tiarman. lb. . ('k)-., ;ib. (.utt. If. . Dotiard. Willinni". 2b Francis. Hargrave, rf. Totals. . . Score : tireenlioro. . t'barlotte . . m :mi 012 10 io 3 001 000 000a .S fl Karned runsi, Greennhoio Sunimarv : '5. Htolen haea, Jack (ton, Weldon. Sa4 ! rifire hit, Beunso, Hamrrierslej'. Two : tmse hita, W illi ins. Base on bail, off iHammeralfT 2, Humphrey 2. Struck ont jbv Hamerley 5; by Humphrey 3. Ieft ' on basea, ir'ensboro 4, Charlotte 6 ' Double plav., Dobard to William fo jCattian; Hidk to Bentley; Humphrey t'O Ga.rmn. Wild pitrhes, Humphrpy. jHit by pitched ball, Rentley. Time nf game, 1.40. T'mpira BuddeTham. At tendance 1,000. SPARTANS GOT CLOSE ONE FROM THE (Special to Dally News ) Spartanburg, June 9 The locals over- came sn early lesd of the Spinners by last and Murray on first, the New York turned from Charlotte last night, fresh a combination of swats and misplays in ovtfleMer was allowed to steal second. from a victory over Leve Croaa' Hornets the fifth innine that netted four runs, Brnlwell was passed and Delvin's hitjand thin afternoon they will engage the thereby getting the last game of the n; ,, the liases. Merkle, with two 1 wounded Spartana, who according to re present series from Greenville by the strikes on him, doubled and .cord twotp0rt are about ready to give up the score of S to 3. The game, though close, I men. Myers singled and ecorrd another j -pass." Th game, should the weather was far from interesting, and the root-j Manager McCraw sent ia Detsore to permit,-will begin st the usual hour, era were not very much in evidence dur r,m for Merkle and Kceler to run arv4 30 o'clock, and in view of the feet that ing the contest. Myers, and both scored, when Hauser. jt. is "Pug" Hicks' first appearance in Score: R. H. E. the St. Louis shortstop, uiade a low ; manairerial roles, toiicther with the fact (ireenvitte .... nsi mo nst .1 .1 1 Spartanburg-. . .noil 140 00"- ft 3 Drumui and Wingo; Abercrombie and Roth. AMERICAN LEAGUE Detroit, r; Washington, 7. Detroit. June B. Washington broke Detroit's wining strenk today, defeat ing the Tigers 7 to 1. through hard hit ting. Home runs by Mc.Bride and-.Tohn-son. each with a man on base, featured. Hiivy Tone, end McAleer hnve been bus penned ind'-Prntely as s result of their tight on Wednesday. Score : R- H. E. Wa.hingtnn . . 101 002 102- 7 11 2 Detroit 0O0 001 001 S Jnhneon and Street; Donovan, Wil lett and Schmidt. Time. 1.30. Umpires, Perrine . and O'Lotighlin. Cleveland, 4; Philadelphia, 6. Clerelsnd, June fl--Cleveland and Philadelphia played a tie game today 4 to 4, the game being called at the end of the ninth to allow Philadelphia to :it-h a tr.ttn for St. liuis. A double play started bv Hcitmuller saved Plnla delptiia from defeat in the ninth Joss and Coomns were hit bard. Score : R. H. E. Cleveland 801 000 010 --4 10 0 Philadelphia . 000 201 100- 4 12 1 Joss. Link and Easterly; (Vionibs and Lapp. Time, 1.40. 1'mpires. Kvans nnd Ffin. Chicago, 3; Boston, o. Chicaffo. June 0. -Chicago defeated Bc.ton 3 to 0 today in a light hitting ame. Hearn, s California recruit, play ed shorMtop for Boston, and performed veil in the field Score : R. H. E. Chicago. ... nin 110 00 3 I 0 Boston 000 000 0000 2 1 oung .md Payne; Arenallis and Car nyan. Timic. 13ft. 1 mptrea. Sheri dan and Kerin. Pittman Well Treated. I By Phe Associated Presa.) Woahingion. June fl William P. PiU man. the American engineer, who was captunxl some dT ao by trap Madrir forces in Nicarasrua while operating mines under the direction of Ksirada, is reported to be well and is treated witb consideration. Mrs H. M. Steele of Topeks. Kan., left yesterday morning for her home, af ter spending several days in this city witb her sister. Mrs. Rl E. Steel, on Gorrell street. I hanks worked himself OUT Or SOME BAD BOLES GAMES THIS WEEK. Thursday, Friday and Satwday. Wilson at Wilmington. Fayetteville at Goldsbs.ro. .. naienja at non, Momm.wtJ the Twtaa treated Umm Anderaoa ..' . Goldabono, June 9 .-Ooldibor. rajnnuriiia nattmi tor is innings uit afternoon and taa ,gaoie waa on of the beat ever witneaaed on the local dia- mond. Hanka, for the lo.aU, pitched gmi fmme, ana Tor tnree aineren in - nutgi. with three men ou haera and no outa, he worked himeelf out. of the hole, keeping the ball respectfully is th jn field The game waa called on account 0f darkneM. Score: ! Fay'ville R. H E. 210 0fi noti OfMtonO 3 10 3 OOfl ItM) I Hi imsTi OtiO 3 a b fioldelioro Hoyle and Calvin; Hanks and Bailey. r-ummaj-y: Macriflce hita, Uoidsboro X, Fayetteville 4. Bases oq balls. Hanks 3, Beyle t. Struck out, by Hanka 3, by Bovle B. Wnd pilches, Bovle 1. Two- ""uuor" ' reem-nu v. riura I nans u. ilnie. i.ttt Lmptre, uarr TOBACCONISTS AGAIN WON IN LAST STAGES I Special to Daily News I Wilmington, June A. Once aaiu did the lolianconists win in the ninth, or at least tie the acore only to he defeated in the tenth. This being the story In the game with the Sailors, and all thf trouble was through errors. The locals rolled up an enormous total of six er- rora. while the Tobacconiste put up an errorless exhibition. Brooks said Hearne went on the mound 111 the tenth inning, s)P,. R H E Wilson 100 000 0O0 12 2 0 Wilmington . 001000.001 0.-1 J Stewart, Hearne and Weetlake; How ard, Brooks and Filmore. I'mpire, Da vis. ROCKY MOUNT WON CLOSE SEVEN INNING CONTEST UL1LH IHilllIU UUlllLUI 1 (Special to Daily News.) Rocky Mount, June (I. Stein, for the Crew, got life in the first inning on a mulled fly in left, etole second and third and scored on Novak'a hit, winning the I game. Munson vielded but one hit. The game was called in th. seventh on ao- count of rain. Score: R. H E. Raleigh 00000000 1 S Rocky Mount . .100 000 01 5 0 Turner and Sherrlll; Munson and Coonev. Umpire. Henderson. ' NATIONAL LEAGUE New York, y, St Louis, 4. New York, June 9. The New York Nationals made a sensational finish in the ninth inning today and defeated St. 1 onis S to 4. With two men out in the throw on I Mi.dall. All throw on (Mi.dall. All of St. Lous' luns were gills. Score: R. H. E. St. louis 3O0 0M 0004 1 New York 000 000 00 S S 5 Sallee and Pheaps; Wiltse and Cran dall and Myers. Trme, M. Umpire. Johnstone and Moran. Philadelphia, 4; Chicago, 5. Philadelphia, June v. Hard hitting by both teams feahured today's game here, which Chicago won 5 to 4. The game was alao marked by perfect fielding by each club. After the visitors got the lead by hatting rallies in the aixth and seventh innings. Brown aaved the game for Chicago. In the ninth, with men on third and second and on out. Brown finned Mage and Branafleld. Score: R.H.E. Chicago 000 004 1005 14 0 Philadelphia . .000 030 1004 8 0 Reulbach. Richie, Brown and Kling; Moore, Stack and Dooin. Time, 2.15. Umpires, Rigler and Emslie. Boston, June B Bv winning s very exciting game from Boston, 1 to a. lo dav Pittahurr made it two consecutive 1 11 inning wins over tbe locals. Wsg ner made a home run in the seventh in-1 ning with one on baa, tieing the acore. Each team scored twice in the ninth, Brrnes two bagger hi the eleventh sent 1 '"Crr"'" R H.E. Pittsburg . . 010 000 201 027 12 3 Boston . . 010 110 002 018 15 2 Maddox. PhilTlppe and Gihson; Frock am! Mattern ant OrahaMn. Time, 2.20 I'mpirea. Klein and Kane. .""- ""i r"""a. Brooklyn, 5; Cincinnati, 7. Brooklyn. Juiie 8. Cincinnati made t three out of four with Brooklyn ho- day, wining a see saw game by t to R. 1 Roth hroucht over the winning nuns m! he eighth with a scratch double, bat ting as a pin.h hitter. Score: R.H. E Cincinnati 003 00! t0 7 12 1 Brooklyn 102,001 1005 9 4 Rowan. Gper, Suggs and McLean; Knelier. Wilhelm. Scanlon and Bergen Time, 2.15. empires, O'Day and Hren nan. Public Invited. The public is invited to attend and hear the specie) sermon which Rev. D. M. Litaker is to preach to the railway men next Sunday morning at Centenary church. Free storage at bfcAdoo Garage Co. TH INS TOOK AN EASY GAME FROM THE ELECTRICIJLNS (Spraal to Daily Nws.) j Winsun Salem, June I. It m Uk , throwing a kid down a fid taking an ..Li aaray tmm him. Tkat waj tb ' t4?rmiDatd in acore erf 14 to . Tha ; did all of their gwd work in tlw firnt two innninga. After that Poa'a mw pTed to get by the fifth lauing to escape a threatened rain, which never Mm fctnn w. V n rw- L 1 mn Ka rA i t tM aflr,t tw, iantDp that KeUy ent in to . relieve him. tout the manager waa real '7 n eaxer mark tor the tlnggera. KUly stepped dowa and out at the eleee of the fifth and called Finn hack is the box. The feature of the came waa the heavy seat ting by the Twins. Swindell pitched a good game, though he "eased up" after he saw the game waa cinched. Soorei R.H.JS. Anderson O10010 021 6 (3 Winston 950 008 00 14 la 8 Finn, Kelly and Brannoa; Swindell, and tote and MaoConachie. Summary: Two base hit, J. (McCarthy, three base hits. Brent, Fogarty, Swin dell, Kelly. Struck out by Finn 2, Kel ly 1, Swindell 7. Rase on' balls, off Finn 2. Kelly 2. Hits oh Kelly in 2 1-1 in nings, 9s off Finn in i 2-3 ianinga, 7. Dtruole plays, Swindell to Tenrplin to Grubbs. Hit by pitched ball, Cote. Firet base oa errors, Anderson 3, Wineton 1. Sacrifice hits, J. McCarthy. Stolen baaea, WVireli Braturon, Finn, Slidkitf. Left on bases, Anderson 6, Winston 4. Time of game, 2 hours. Umpire, Me la v. SOUTHERN LEAGUE I Mobile, 9; Nashville, o. NaahrlHe, Tenn., Jhine 8j Mobile pounded Nashville's pitchers today, while the locals could do nothing with IBittrolfT, the result being a shutout for j Nashville 9 to 0. I Score: R. H. . j Nashville 000 000 OtiO 0 2 t Mobile 014 210 0019 IS 0 Bernhard, Case and Seabeaugh; Bit- trolff and Khanou. Time, lJo. L uipirca, Pfenninger and Eaaon. Chattanooga, 3; Montgomery, 5. Chattanooga, Tenn., Juua 0. Mont gomery took the second game of the I aeries from Chattanooga today by the aeore of S to J. Rhodes was knocked ot n ,h' ,hird round the hd Wb ,ost M,(,r knn(,kpd , home run, the longeat drive ever made on An- J' R. H. E. Chattanoga. . . . 100 000 002 S 7 2 Motitgon.ery . . . .203 000 000 S 7 t Hrt. Modes and Carson; Thomas and Miller. Tune, 1.31. Umpire, Conahan. ... . . Atl"t4- Birmingham, 4. Atlanta, Ga.. June 9 In a free-hitting ame in which the losers got more hita than the winneti Atlanta defeated Bir- mingham this afternoon by the scor "' to 4. Score: R. H. E. IBirmingha 0O0 OOO 4(XV 4 11 1 AtlanU 301 100 01 9 0 Wagner,' Lower and Ryan; Fiaber and Matthews. Time, I.J.V Umpire, Rud npu-e. CHAMPS AND SPARTANS CLASH HERE TODAY The "Champs, ' hattered up snrl shot to nieces, both in bst.teriea and fielders, re- hat opposing teams are fighting for thr damp sUtion, a large attendance is ex pected. Church Street Won. Church Street used up five pitdiers for Greene Street veeterdav. thnsirrh in tell which one waa the nKwt effective would require an expert in mathematics. r or Lhurch Street Jonea pitched fair baH, holding the opposing team to nine runs and as many hit. Ctrureh Street made 21 runs and 27 hit. flatteries: Chun Street .Ions and Cox; Greene Street Hawkins, OaUnm, Cox, King Williams, Shaffer and Char ter. STATE HOSPITAL COMMISSION IS SOUNDING CP LABORS !Kpeeil to Daily News.) . Releigh, June . The North Carolina 1 hospital commision, which is rounding 1 up its wnrk of expending the $300,000 state appropriation for the enlargement I of the state hospitals for th insane, at ' a meeting ast night passed upon a number of bills. The eoramiasion will round up ite work with a detailed re- port to Governor Kitchin and the Iftlfl legislature and probably pas out of ei j istence at the next session of the ss-i sembly with a vote of thanks for the' work it has done, Betwrned from RexUville. j ( Specie 1 to Daily New.) RaJeigh. June 0. Chairman FrankJis iMeNeill and iaioner Brown of the trporatton rommiairion returned today from ReidTiIle, where they twiweted k a. aa i t inn. t Ka k ea mti rru II n tliai jonI hard fought contest over th con- rtruetion of sidings by the Southern rHiiwy for the Penn Tobaoco company, rjjrht-of war contests being the princi- lm trouble. An order in tb case will rn.de biter. Death of Baby. (Special to Daily News.) Wsdesboro, June 9 The lev months old baby of Roper Cape I died Tues day evening after being eick a few days. The funeral waa held yesterday after noon st the home, and the burying was in the Mt. Bethel church cemetery. Reward Offered. (Special to Daily New.) Raleigh, June 0. Governor Kitchia snounces a reward of fllftO for Joseph L. Baker, wanted in Bertie county for killing Willie C Whit May It. The fugitive is a young man 30 years old. TING GRAFT Mayor Gapor Thinks He Has Found Something. (By The Associated PreesJ New York, June leaver Gaywor has beea hnatiag graft la aaotaer Bead Ha aays that be baa feuad it, and that it waa nourishing opeajy ia Use faaaral building here. He baa wnttea to At tornsy GeaeraJ Wickerakam saying that bribes are extorted from aliens waa de sire to beeoa naturalised. Soon after the mayor took offios be received eomalainto wkkh Wd bias u bav (ia aa nveetlgation. Aopiirmnta for natoralixation paper are lined Bp ia the lederei kuuding aad ataad there day at tea- day awaiting atteataua. City detec tives were stationed ia the liae and one of then reported that Jacob Goldstein approached him and demanded I2S as the price ol having his case attended to. Uo ids teia told him, he said, teat u be did not pay be might stand ia line IUU davs without retting any nearer to me room in wax the clerks were auav . . . 1 1- . - ins out the paper. The detective nay ha paid 114 to Goldstein, who waa then arrested. When Goldstein was arrested be was brought befors a United States cum mis sinner charged witb having conspired to extort money from appucaata for nat uralixation. Assistant United States District Attorney Waltos, the complain ant ia the ease, said that he was not prepared to proceed and the prisoner was diecharyed. The evidence in Mayor Gsynors possession will be submitted to the federal grand jury. SCOTLAND NECK. (Special to-Daily New.) Scotland Neck, June 6. Tueadaj eve ning the Iroquois German club gave its second annual June germaa, which was ia every respect a delighitfnl occa sion. One of the most attractive feat- urea of the dance waa the favor given in the grand march. To the gentlemen waa presented purple aad gold regalia and to the ladies cars natron, tastily tied with purple and gold ribbon. These in conjunction with beautiful dresses worn by tb ladie trade a very attrac tive scene, and one (hat added nweh to the beautiv of the danee. The dance was gracefully led by W. H. Kit bin, whose able management was a very fleasant feature, dancing with Mia ucile Oobb, of Greenville, and the other taking part in the pleasure of the evening were: Irwin Clark witb Miss Lillian Burcb, of Greea-ville; Alex Hunt, of Enfleld, witb Mis Mary White, Robert Baker with Miss Mary Psndar G lads tone, and Mr. Council with Mias Lou Mayo Brown, all of Hamilton; L I Cherrr with Miss Rebe Shields; W. H. McDowell with Mais Marr Bourne, of Tar bore; A. W. Dunn with Miss Hal ha Power, of Wake Parent; fiam Hoff men with Mias Stell Hoffmen; L. H, Kitehir. with Mis Anna Clark; Julian Pittmaa with Mias Dirai Howell; Paul ! w"!l .H"1' 71 T11 r"",1.' . ' . " " son; Char Is Lamb with Mia Tiswe lHarrisoa. of Enfield; N. A. Hiddlefc with Mias Jessie Brothers, of Ooldeboro; O. J. Moor with Mies Mlnsie Leu Mae Nalr. of Winston-Salem; .kve Ootten with Mine Cleve Andrews; A. B. Hill with Miss Nannie Smith; Alvin Darden with Miss Annie Norfleet, of Rnaoheli Mills Kitchin with Mis Bessie Smith; S. M. Kitchin jr., with Miss Ksnnsa Pur vis; Peter Shields with Miae Beaeie Dunn; Gavin Hrman with Mies Nannie Shields; Snrry Dunn with Mia Ketell House. Stags: Messrs. O. M. Fountain and Jack Oa(e, of Tarbom; Henry Clark, Claiborne femifh, L. B. 'leaning and Dr. J. E. Shield. Chaperrmes: Mesdamea A. P. Kit chin. J. A. Kitohin, C. L. MoDowell, Ck. S Whit, H I. Clark, O. J. Woodard. of Greenville W. H. Josry, R. W. Sbield nd fi. B. Kitchin. ' Mrs. A. McDowell baa retiarned feoas Baltimore, where she ha been recede. ins; apecial treatment. The friestda ef Mr McDowell throughout the state will be pleased to learn that she baa barn greatly benefited, and her recovery is a moat assured. Tbe county commiiner wer In monthly session at Halifax Monday. There wsa no business transected out side ef tbe regular business except th EIGHT GOOD, REASONS BUY YOUR SUsaMER SUIT HERE The Fourth we provide you with garments that Is Because : that fit Prfecty- You will find us just as anxious as you are to have the clothes you get from us look right, feel right and wear right. Wallace's Summer Suits (or Men Tour custom tailor first puts on a "near-fit" and then cuts and hacks until he gets a "nearer fit" J With our garments this is not so. Tbey are fash ioned for all sizes and proportions of men and it is seldom we have to make any alteration other than to move a button or shorten or lengthen a sleeve. Get your clothes from us and you will be certain of a perfect fit WALLACE CLOTHING COMPANY We Give Yet lew Trading Stamp. MERELY T OOLS Dead Man Blamed for Great Sugar Frauds. (By Tb AaecansUed Frees.) 5srw York. June . Tb jury in aba j trial a Cbarie R. Haaka, setretaary of the Aanencma Sugar Keluuaf eoaapaavjl I Krnoat W. Oertraeb, sanaatatldent of tb ornnaar' WUiianiskurg docks; and James F. Beasdernagei, toraier trnan-1 ier of to oompaay, ail t wboan er charged witk eaeapliinty in tb nberV- w7 cheated out sari taaa UfiMW' I to 4 taaagfat to pest peats banrfcif Judge laasexii's charge until tnmsrri'V nMrninav The dedans saawmsd mf far Gerbraeht ' 11. ..J k. -' MnnMnk assnwm jlaOisVal aa,aanm n),l am aaai. iw - - ol tb praeeouuen, dsssvesed by Henry L. Stiaaon. Poraser State Senator Clare nee Lexew argued for Gerbracbt bat be waa saty "an old Gsrnau sugar eoak," faltkLful lo bis orders, wb bad no knowledge of tne voliey of tb oosn paay, for whir H. 0. Havesaeyer waa rnaponaibl and wha-h Havaaaeyer per- ' onaily directed ia all is detaila "Read thee letter front Havanstysr to Ueike," b aielsumad. "8 ia bm tb fine Italian hand of Harenstyar, who knew it all. who did it alL Hsve- meyer and hi bead deviL' Oliver 6pit- aer, convicted and then paraonea oy ins President to testify in th present trial were reapaaeibU," said Leaow. A for Heike, be bad never breathed tb "iMeJksratiel air of tb suiiar doeka," eeatandad John B. StaorbfUld, bia enenv eel, and be had no personal interest In tee ooanpsny's profits. Heiks wsa auraly the register of the wrill of another, the transcriber of the records of hi ehief. He's th man they cell th 'man higher an,'" continued Mr. Stanchfleld. "He's tbe man Mr. Wickerebam wsntt to eon virt ao that he can say to tb country: Its all right; we vs got tbs -man ugner ua." reappointment of A. T. Dieka road superintend en t. Tbe trial of B. K. Powell, irM for tb cuuder of OfBrer C W. Dunn and shoot ing Stat Senator E. L. Travis and Ksp reaenUtive A. P. Kitchin hers March 4, aet for Wedaiiaav. June 2 at War- vanton. Tb case waa removed from this eemnty at the last term of court be- aau 01 tne eesKuaem exaruaa;. 101 ofboer are buar susnonnf witnesses. ef whom there will be quits a number. A Urge aumter nf en people will at tend th trial a there it a gnat in terest in tbe oa. Judge 0. W. Ward. of FHiusbetb City, will preetds, and sl roameal na seen employeo a sou ddea. souTBZun common fvm- MEB SCHXDULM TO THJC "LAJTD Of TBX XT. Southern railway ssanuuss that Epring and Sunusier ssisagsi ia Sabed nle to Went am 'erth Caroliaa isaart will task piece SuadaT. Jwae L with through Sleeping Car Marie Irani all Iwnortant peinta, affording vos Tel lent aerviee. It i expected that even greater crowds tban ever before will visit tbe fsjnows mountain reeorte during th eoming Mimm CHANGE IN SOCTRIKirS PULLMAN SEIVICE. Effective witb first car leaving Winston-Salem May II and first ear waving Beaufort Jnae 1 the present Winston Salem and Raleigh Pullman sleeping car lias will be extended aad become a Wlneteei-Ssleea and Beanvbrt line, be ing bandied on same trains a at pres ent, W. H. M'OLAJtnrRY, P. ft T. A, GceMaboro, IV C CHANGE IN SOUTHEKITS SCHED ULES. Effect ire Sunday, May 2, schedule erf train No. 3ft is ebanged to leave Greens boro at 10 p. m. insteed of A.lf p. bl, and train Na 38 to leave at 10.11 p. m. instesd nf 101 p m. W. H. M GLAMERY, P. A T. A Greensboro, N. 0. WHY YOU SHOULD