UREETffiBOBO DAILY NEWS. TUESDAY. JDNB 14. 1910 NEWS FKOS liliiil MINT JtWtLtHS uaihektouay noFBSOI LENTZ DEAD IX FIFTH ANNUAL SESSION I duiatum Loses i Warm Iriend, Cou- ' r N r ' turd a Valued Citizen. PERSONALS IMd CauyhlB) Lite Hire Retailers I'p Agjinsl It Nules. 1 Le fill1: ,i '1 n ua '. s p-i r.A l:.-t ,t Hie. to 1 i I v Nr ) ii At liii ttume mi .1.-1 J'..i ,Uy JJ I,enl ...tj i-.iv at..'iL t 4- in . t Ml lit. - i. ; ii.. (i.jit.-iii.- ..i. ui:i. ..-ut . t a.- Iiot I li' UM I 1 . I i"t, Jul- , in w , -nm Aii'l his -)liii ait M s I iUur J lit 1 1 1 1 jJIIij. c I. .it ti d M I I! II- J t U Kt d lie . !- AM W "I 1 . MI..1 .-U U I t-l ! I I" GREAT LOSS OF LIFE BY CLOUDBURST IN GERMANY i Hj The Associated PnM.) Cologne, derma iiv, June 13. ret lo of lite ooeuned in tfae Ahr Valley of life baa occurred in the Ahr Valley of the Kitel region as the result of a ilouHmri whith swept the district Sub 1iy myht Ijite etin:ats place the to tal number of dead at News ol the ratastropbe rerhd here tolnt. N i, me roils storms in the region li.Tf he m heeii iufridini ! ni ' stream unusually hih mikJ am m f-un fi an annuauy ntivj aown pour Sumit v mpht. t lie river Ahr sud ilf niy overflowed, the water carried 'Uat Ii and 1e-l ntri ion in ila path. The greatest los of life iH-eurrM where two !urraeks, ion! Mining Italian and Croa tian lalMtiein. employe.! on the railway were 4 wept a a v. The inmates were urpriaed hi i heir -!. p aJ! generally were unal'le 1 (m !p themselves Thirty rti txxln-i m e I tee it recovered. Miaa !-oine IaaieU, of mstoD a-1 lm, wni a v tailor in the city yeslcx-d-r. C. . .arret t, ..f Julian, armed yea t r.lay a tteriiocu to n -re pt a pot-it I on w t h t tie .Southern Lite auJ I rust com Mi -p. He..sie JVin-e ol Ml. Airv. left 1 -f . t '.i v r i n.Mni t'nr Hih INun' . a: i Fillip veral da in I hi cit ' ti l...v K. rner. I i t h-rry arrived la ?t niht from .la a with his hrot her in th of A-hi"rot spent yes 1 Mild . I ue - - I M w .i- 411 er. "Id l -t l.m ai '. ia i in. in ol , tjttr- pliVt . I 1 fix rwr see lie l t lie ..? ; t- 1 ' lit -till liv iiv. and i 1 1 t w .t hmthei - S 1 l ni. lM,ir M .l,e. and K'dte; I I . lit., Ol .ir-.c.f v. ht -. (mind jT'U'l ; H-n.-.t wm ; '. i ou rt 1 1 m iii -paMl H U,f ' it i'ri'l ! ' : 'I.' known W f . IIKHI till pi 1 'f i .1 vt.ek. i. r. i ourt ii ' ' ' h City ("nun. A reiT' 1 1 ir in" w he d ' rout Hit- ' 'I ' - - i I Mi . r ..ma l; l. N.Hth id.lrfte ,, tin I'll v rcily of nji ;1 t . head Ot' ' 1 ' J J I' Ik I.UI ilillirh. e.ir Mjpennt. ml nt " I i-t t n. 1 1 . Iin i rh In a ('hi i-t i.ti: ! Meet n. . I I i.d . ,d r.ed M RR OF AT rOMORILK r!RtMJiH r M ANOR BACK 1 . r, , -i, ' v id I'iuiim 7 fir ea rue In I 'nrieor1 m te.irh I'lifnTird h'ii (.-h'Ml. "ater i , fn ! .tf i 1 .hht I nidfd ., rid 1'T I he l.nt two ear- t he .iperin" u i nt of t he pill' .' of I '.-h d lie ha filled ,- well ..I'd tm ! it Mt l,e rd t..i t I . , .. ii. . I - lo Ii" i il h rj .u w 1 1 d w i t i i it 'i nil h ml 'M h h H. ldw ti rd.i v Hi tlie N'i K .ihiiH is "wiidin: a few 'I.Mn !ti her father i'i rhooiaville. i V A ltun - .ind w ii . of W mMon Sa- ,1 le'n i-pi-iit esterd.ty hi the elty. oi -.-e an f.wrfit. of I iih 1 oint. " rf ? lit t in i 1 1 y-t hl,H en route to 11.1 in '-lir. w he le in t. il I pend set era I day,. Mn I.ila ilu)ell. Mim Julm lyd, of l "ii Mill, s t Mt t,ir their home yes let i lay . after c tending a week Hr H H Willi.iin returned to the eil y lat infit . at ' er pending aeveral davj at Naireiil"n on lniMne.- V!r. and Unrj.e Keen, of New Wrk, hpent e-teii1ny til the cjt V oil iiit-ir Wrtv tit M 1 1 1 reat, S. ('.. to opend I lie sunilli"! Mi. Marion Col.t. and damrhter left. Sunday liilit Inr N'TIhIk to -peild Sev eral v.-is with .Mrs lohb mother, J Mi- 11.11. I 'r I K. 1 iirk.-r. a in ted e angel t uf ci hilk, spent . !trda v in t with his brother, d 1. I hacker. Mi"S Mnkie (Jilb.it. of Oi Hill, left e-'.-if)ay mornitiy ti viit in A I e i I il'r iendint e.i,i! da v 9 in the nt v w i' I' Miv 1 1 H I'liiUip. on M,Ad"o HICKORY NEWS. -1 ! . t w Ma i. (Special to Daily News.) Hickory, June 13 -Company A, First North Carolina National titurd, had tar jret praetiee on the (Hi-jard range lat Sat u r day after in nn and the following scores, which are comparatively gtKMl, were made: Lieutenant Keener, ;tl ; Sergeant Cline. I'; Seryeant Hrnwder. 17; Sergeant Ken field. . I orM)ra ! Set er, 27 ; Corporal Link, II; i i.j poral . How man, 2.1; .Muai eiai Wit herpon. I.; Private, Huffuian 2i Private Kale, Kt Private Reinhardt. "28; Private l.awienee, 13; Private Hahn. he city -:i private HmLie, 2(t; Private Whit i h'w, 1 1 ; Private Ahernetin, 0; Trivale tier man. H. "klahoma n Wheels," an advertis ing tar, with a eomplete .irrangement it farm product. oil and mineials n now in tour. Crude pet roleutn. one of f le Igieali'st sources of wealth, is also shown I .r-friirtri an! daughter, little' M , f1(J rur , I he exhil.it i. a monument to the en teipiise ot the ..ple of the reat H , OTHER'S FRIEND A LINIMENT FOR EXTERNAL USE. Cheerfulness and a bright disposition during the months befon! baby comes, are among the greatest blessings a mother can bestow upon the little life about to begin. Her happiness and physical com fort will largely govern the proper development 01 the health and nature Df the child. Mother's Friend contributes much to the moth er's happiness and health by the relief and mental comfort it affords. It is a liniment composed of penetrating oils and medicines which lubricate the muscle and tendons of the body, soothe the swollen mammary glands, cause a gradual expansion of the skin and tissues, ind aid in the relief of nausea. The regular use of Mother's Friend rieatly lessens the pain and danger when baby comes, and assures a i.uick and natural recovery for the mother. Mother's Friend is sold it drug stores. Write for our free book of information for expectant mothers. THE BRAPn&.n m ATLANTA. G- B. N. DUKE. T. B. FULLER, J. B. MASON. errsitt.nl. Vict-PrMidot. ( Cashier. THE CITIZENS NATIONAL BANK Of Durham, IN. C. Capital $100,000.00 Surplus $75,000.00 Resources over $1,000,000.00 Organized May, 1905, Special attest to jives to tna collection of tottoa dmfts and all commcrciaJ paper. ACCOUNTS INVITED. ' plilllt- H inwl l.v Ml.. Ii. -i.t ..I i.--r. l.-ll ytenl.iy I. I -Im lil. !.. rflTrli.! I ri M.ni I'kur'i- 1 M M...ri! I .ii k I I ' I.. H. PROF PRINCK 1 0 l.ECTUHF L'.ililnlnij Tt.ii'Im I" Cir 1 '-opl n "n I.e. imr on W . tr-j,1 1 Nihl il , , i I I i .1. I i. k 'A I .1 . . .ii .. . 1 I I lp . , I,,,. , . ! j . 1i- i- ' i- ---i i (... ii- -up " - " 1 -'"i'"- -''.'"l twl i ar ill t... in Mi. knrv fur . J ""'I--..I ll.i i.i.in.1 . Imi.irr ,, UMi-iii th,-,., ,,, t,ir .I,,,... n.l I..- in l.t.-.-n. - ! !.i" iii Itu' n.-wr liiiiii'-. it i srtni. II is. I h.w.ll ..I I ..i..kto. wa.i Hael Aiken, ioiinirlv ..f tin. t it J ii II i l i-I'Ih v i nor 1 1 in-, lid ii in n (in i- ii. i . i irk iiiu mi I hf fil 1 1 m i.i I ! Hli.in.M.ii l.tr .l.i. i'i.-. rtlurt' I 1 - I M.fal .la), will- iflwlii I IliiMun nl .1 riln ii l lip .it. Civ It'll.! !, In- -IhI of the I Imrlnltp lll..-rM-r. .1 - itnr hi r.1 viiint.i i Hii.-i M.iinlti l..n.. . . I lhi i-il. h.i. jn. I n tiaiid-oiiii' n. s I ii r it i. .i l. in.i J 15 11 Sh If hi, t. in nl I ' " ' l,',.VI'. 1 1 h r vf-.t .T Hiil.im.'hilr. an.i I iitv in. I 5 A WELL KEPT LAWN ii A lrni Durham. m. I Mt !.. .i.i.t n f I '! . I'...,. I I . -I . i-.l t M S.n rrii ( .in.-rr t . . , i nr.-r 1 ... I'.. v.l , , - I, II .. . ., ' -.1 III I- .-nl. ii -ii' I Im. ii M lii7j.li- litiii.-i- liavis tlim mh.i- ii Hi. n. n I iikm niri: liir A-iii'iil1', H In r ilie will plfiw.i with il. MT. AIRY NEWS NOTES in. i i i-i i i. . .1 !' . ,1 I.. . r ..n l ,il II.. i ri-l in ti.-'i 1 ill ali.-l ai .1 I . . H.I I t I III 11 , I" Ni.tr, IV.f I I. .tin 111. i,r M.r , f Hi, ,..,)..,. m 11....!- al W i!n In- l.i I ail ..I ih. ... ,n, .1 I IVK ARHKSTS AS RKSULT OF SUNDAY KXPL0SION n', r I.. IlL'l.'ll. n r.-snll .-I Hi i.ti-rti -i'. I i. .it i.l tin Mi ll .ml. I. -i li. In I I. i a . I . -In ill i iii II. Hi I I ' I ' I P.HV il,.-i..n in ti,. .mil -in. .lav 111. nun.' v In II ..111' - 1. 1.' ..I I . I I t t H.I til ill.,,, - Inn,., .- J .,,.,1-1.. , ,l ,,. r,.. all' tii.l. j iiin -.t. I liry rp ll.ni'W i al, in . il, I .mi Mini,-. I 'Imi li- U hit lll'lil. I-,; I ,.!, II an.i I I., , . U hit I, -i.l I ... -1 I i i.l i i I ,a in i I .in ' I in ii. ,i ii i ' a iiiii-.r ..I i,-i:i..i in p.ilii- n,rt n I .. , , . ,f i . a -1 a ! , ii , 1 ii. - - hi a 1 1 1 1 ' . 1 1 I ' ,!, , I - ,, -I ,-f i In - I,.- -.-ii. ...I.. t I,., i :.',,. i .1. "' ' ''' r '"- .1 ii :- -.. - i " . I , l I ! v t in ii .... ' ll , . '.. ,. I ... -, i ,.l,.,i: - i ' ! ,. .,, I I I --.til.- PONY I 1 e I) PROM ! Ill- I KFH.TS OK ilYDROi'HOI I V , ,,,i I.,-,. ,,., I-, v I ,,- ..!, I.l . i. I -HII.I K - i I a i.i v ..I U. -I M.ii k- --I i- I .11 I, I -,- ..l. l- Itr t' i . . i ',. . . n 1 1 1. 1 . 1 1. ti .., 1 1... -nl.li nj I I. ... ,n . Ii.ii.-. l II- an I ' till ll... Inl.l it ,. ... i.al ,. , I t .. I .-. . t . I II .i.m.l u Im ' II at' 1 1 . 1 a ti. I ,1 li-... . I i, I I li.t,. mil I..- a I., t -i- 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 i i r v, In . ill in .. ,1 t Ii.-n--Ii nl II.-. ' )- -I I i Pi..t. --hi I'i It. . I. an I- ii in iat laiil.ii!-, s I anil tin Si.ait.inliiif j; II-r a I.l ma k. . t In Ii.II-m in- -..-n i -i m.inth lairnll. of ni.l'in -ali'in. a a l-tl-lll.-s i-ilnr ill I In- cit v ir.tr! ISM-vial lo Daily Nrw.,1 Ml. Any. Iiitir n. Thia wltolr r-jrii -n I "f oniinlrv i IL. .Mini uilh xiali'r. ram Iihiiiij; tallrn almo.l ii.ii.i a nl Iv f..r Iin I'a.l four iai. an.1 nights, (.ie.it fi-at 5 Ml-. Mary 1VII. who ha. la-rn Hi.' , Pn,..r,aln,.,j ,v ,h, u, .,-, ,,,, th. li -.,,-t ,, . Maltir I.,, Pin-, ann M,., ,.,, nA , ,.,, N (. ,, W I t I S -i.-i,' l.tinU'i II,.- ,Mst tn.i wi'i-k., l.'.l M,.v..r np,,,.r ,,all ,, js ltl v,.r ,J -" " ",r "" Ho mr in .,,-,-am. ami ,t,., ,,n-.,.a air- mnl' IH-I..H al. in. . 'It mi tin I.', t .11.- " I I..- -I. W I'i in. . Mi ll'- I h Ha. :i htl- ,!Md. ol p ' '11 ii' 1 he 1 1 Im nk an'l a irr'-a t deal William 1 fodtoii iel urii'd yeaterda ' ;i I it i iillin up t he lint turn Irt-ud iilleiiiiHin In. in v i, ni"! un, Ala, where lie I nlem flip nun eensea talllliji at one fnrr hv l-'mh-neli ! " ,7,nini nine week wnn tela I ne dam ape will te very (-rent K. K. Wflla, nf l.ihertf. upent vetder loft'Ul.lte nll I' ' pictuie- . i .i iitmi j i 'id M-n. h.irin i v d A It I. I le 'i. U'O in.- M;o.r.i" I I... p, (,-. 'I e . .,i- ," ti.. I n.'.'d ' n it I ' 1 mil i.i . -ill t i.i n un.ic1m t ion t i -t ni'ht .ii,.,-. v-.ip w. . j in ( ii ii n pie -.(.le I IN fit" 1 1 ii VV ,1 ) Th'1 i pr-'-ent B;i w -nrne of t he - . er f-r "- ii' . I ii pj I m ' 1 1 le t he le, t ,ne w .1 J, It' ! il 1 ri I er-pef i' l 1 "I.. i' d pi. t ue- wen iv I. rie ll. - " ' l.' pl I ill e.- t '.e I. '' '. li ( .V n . -.i -ii p. r' I v N ne t h.i t - , r 'i -n. i,t .') tnw ed i t i -i 1 1 1 ii l: t Im ni f he - in pi t he ;'vrn t " . f 1 .1 n in. nt I tie i-ol 1 ... - i l.tiiiltlol h. I .. ,-, (,, I.-, - 1 1 1 it t he lift ure n n -n t In- I.. r" .. d I wen t.e,n I."" - nd .i!t Ill if nt - dnv in the -i t v vi-itiiiu- 1 1 i imrenis, -Mr .ind Mia. C. H. WelN. liof. Hajvev 'nne, of Thurman uni eriitv. ''ntith Caii.in)i -pent veaterdav mo i nin with I .ee h it .-, ha i ne i u t he ,i tl eriiimii Im Ins home m Kaleih V. Smith, prp-idcnt of the Nh 1 ional Furn it ure coiin.huv. nf thin cit left thic morning fm Dr. Kelley'a nhiii f arium. It i mm p.. Md . where he ea i t ied hi wife for 1 rcn f rnent . lr. W. S Ta lor. 1 he fa mil v ph yaicia n. acn'oiii pained Mr and fi- Smith. The httf revival a I I'ledtiiont w a rr Im.h... (In. nil' ,,l.i, .t...l I., .. H HolliUid, ..I ilke?loio, spent I ui,,,. i , ',i, ;u ,,,.',.., .r,,,. eoni. n t nn s at h-nth inornini; and No Tmp'nve nient. i ir i I" --it.. nl . i 1 i i.h . I. Md f Mi i h.t - l . ii p. .11 AT THE SKYDOME ALL THIS WEEK m V- ' !(;, r . fa"- f ' v e-terdaT m I to- it v. I. it 1 le Mi- Helen .lean I Ian kin re turned IH-..1 i i li. id-ville. alter die.N ..f pie -eem tn he -fieatlv int. ,i j-lt of mvi'I.iI dav in that uty with .-ted and several have vpje-ned thet M-I.i) i .ilo- a- h.ivini: p.'ii.n.e. n ,-han Mi- Madv-e Snmh, of l.eiiiton, w,i- "f hearl -nice the mtetmsj he'n. over in t he cit ye-t eid;i en tout lo lav week ay t lev i lie. w here -he will spend e ei ,il n with r l 1 1 v e- . M Phillip- retuni'-d !a-t ni'ht from lljjlit -v die. Wli.je he attended he (onveiitii.n ot the Norlh I aioliua Pre- a noeia l nm t this writ tn'' inanv linn EVERETT HAMILTON AGAIN FIGURES IN POLICE COURT I Kverett Hamilton, detective andntn e.- fi.on I he v en L- a me .. d v na in 1 1 i u:iin tiiin-d in Mnntiip.tl n-nrf. l I.I'V. Mellon l UIK leu ijH !u eulHc.' -iw-i.i! Wtll-kV . . tt . 1 1' I CI New oi k. t l"Ul w hn-.'i pl.i he u ill ,ln V lH"t nmt; I Ii..-. w ho - ilT i . .' -nl lor fun p to -p. i,d Mveial iiM'tilht through a -w .. ia t n n with llannn.. ii th.il roun;r. w.re i;i.-- Whitti. I.l .. n. II suiii. A. II Kinir. Mi- Anna vr-ah -n.iih .uv" l-.ined l. Ii.i n v and a i..inl.cr "I the Viral. w:.- -e I,. I he pm-I- I'M t- " t.ali. n "t il.. . it -.Ii..-.; will le.ive iii-nlh- and I nht vva- - nt ". i.. ' ' i thia in .inn. t.-i heville t-. attend the '"r H.u. ill.-n tln-r-hv ltiin.-. North I .ii...n.a l.ach.u- a-cinldv ''f"'" ' ' i 1o,,-ihv toi a p.-i e-c . . . , . . ' . . i nu t of t.ir ii- h e..n i. t i-.n Xndrt'W l" i -1 retuin.-d a"t iiiiiht , ., , . ., , . j , t the -..in.- r-ittinp I A! I'll i ' i 1 1 "in M'j hi -v iin-, w hei e he a 1 1 en. led , . , , , and t-r i a--;ult the etMiVrritii.il of the .North iurohia iv- n.-o. ,aunn. j WILMINGTON GERM ANS To" HAVE Ir C W Banner ha relurned from BICENTENNIAL CELEBRATIOJ -t. I,nii. wheie he h( terji in attcn.l one upon tin- m sion of the American Nociet , held in I hat cit v la -1 '.I'M t I A i V p. i i 1 tn llail v nn I ilni ini-t hi. Iitni- n At a m'-tni. 11 ' - k. ,,f t I,,. li.'trnan .-t t hi oil y liciii ti.itt-t Ullmr Piitiharri. of A.h.'villr. at lloiii'l Kiln f ,lnl. ai ra nu" "' ' iliiii-fl last mght Mild allr "ill !' till- ' .-rv m'l'- r..alnr I" pa 1 1 in ia t 1 11-jii.'-t .I Mi. I M Italei-. .in hurt It 1 1" lii.'.-nlt'iiinal - h-lirat mn t.tt ii. -ii. ft. 1 1 u M-ii'iil ilav.. Mr.. Prii.lianl t'.iin.liiip "f NVw U.iii. mIii.Ii tak l, i. l.-.-n pr-ndiiiit niiif time hi Morr ' di- -'illy '" I '"' - y on ' I l -n v. V.-H-r wa. ttl.-.l 2II i.',r. ;,(.'. . -m ih. atl'l I. . rm. in- ilininjrln'i 1 Nrw "Skydomr." itl,,. lar. -l l.i rinaii .1. nicnl ,.f .,, P.ii l'.M . r. tinc.l .-. lobtalcl lady nun t.'n in tlir- .tatr. it. - nil ..p. n tin- ImiiiiiiIiiI ii. -w Sk - " r ,, , j , ,; Preparing for Mrdtcal Convrntton i -1 , i -1 1 1 . anil in i-a-r -t rain 1 1' r " l-. L.I.I li.tti at the l.ran.l ....'ia W 1 1 mi nut . ... . -tun.- 1:1 K.-ti... I ,- . -iii..lli ol ilavtr. n.'.il -"parat - a"' I"'"'-' mild.' I.y Hi. I. , . n ,','lu. i i. n t,. tlir- 1 li.at.T t-oiria 'al .-.imnitlt.-.-. im 'iia'f.- ot anan-f i.i. li. a- i' - oiif of thr m..-t i.lm.'.l in.-iit lor III- .'ril-rlaiiintf-nt oi Ihr .. -! in --I .M. n-u. i.ni.l.Mll.' .n l. n.l " i'-H"l- I" th.- .".Till al a ....I I.. I. I.r...i..-.t lo tin. .in I l,i- iii" imt "I tl.. ..iili I aiolitia .,. -. i'.i.v i i.i ln.t-hM plai inp M., an i a1 -""" ' hi, li ill l in -.-iti .. I. I. it ... I,..,... -'I V w .-rk .'ti W i i-l't -x ll' Pa.h Ir.-iii .linic Jl i lit- I lam i I. a. IW. whn- I It' v -' 1 "' lw"'- 1 1"' "P--mnir -"ion in ,. ii i :,,.t . . I. l,rt. thi. lo -it 1"' h' "" 'h'" tn-riiinc ol Ihc ill.t I- t- I..,it.t-'ll .nif ..I th- - I'.l. t" tt'ii.ti.in. . . r . o-lii-.-. I on i,,. ...j , r, nt ,, t hratf-i- " I !. ui: U im, i .h.m enTv ni.-'.t. .,- at - i .' an.i at ! . p in. unli " a'1-rn...ii. hri- she undrrw. - ,,! i-,a' .... ..r la. It.- t.d .I '.li.ii " " - '""'""'" -"" r...i' ,l -uuiiai- ,.-, "-.. 'amy la- ti,-,-, Ih-nta. I.i. v.-. th. ii.tms iTi-.t, . , . is an unending source of pleasure ..nd satisfaction toits owner as well as to the neighbors a n friends, and a!I w Im love a beautiful cit v. lo obtain such a lawn Constant mhw ing is reij uired. Mowing the lawn is not a hard task if you have the right kind of a mower. We sell the rifciht kind. 'We call especial attention to the CALDWF.Ll. BAI L REARING MOWER the highest product ot tlie lawn mower makers. Other good mowers at lower prices. SHALL WE SEND YOU ONE TODAY ? I I 3 ODELL HARDWARE CO., Greensboro, N. C. WW r COMFORT ! ! II HI Hospital Notes. Ml- U. M li. Klllll-loli. of lieni-v I va- laken to st I.e..' hospital e-t. ...1 ' n 1 1 ( IF -l'n;j 1 t--. .. " "'"'''i Wis - ol iir.ti-rsin I h , . r la n al.-.. Int. i ,.-i I "l 'at.vl ,,.,n ia-t I liur-,1. a.-l p'.-itti. l. '.,.- -M l-"'' ' '- i rapid l miproMii- .11.11.1 thp lti". ta-ti.ti il'i i-.i.-n will l. In and 2" Chirlrr Amendrd. -". tal to I . I v Nf- - Bargain?! Bargains. lU'Cain. ol all ktn.l 'II foun l Ih- I tn lh ". lVaraiit -al- in th- 'i-i-uiidm --n ho noilli-il -t l-'.a-t Mai. licl ifn IVaii- and lorht- i.trp-l-.. -1.1'Sill. atill.lay. lulu' !t!l at !l o . P..!. t. .Iitnr I.l TTv Mtrd Mami .. k,ra and K.sir l'a-.. i.nui it.- ,oi,,any. oi A'hcnwrlr. t;l.d thi- i,i..inint. i-r a visit ..t ''"I1" " anifn.lin.-nt t-.r 't. .-hart.r in ,av. m , ,p ,.a,tp,n part of thf -a , r. a-nii- tl--. nital to $.al.liO Suh-Trfaaury at Nrw Orleans. a-li.-t-t,'.'. Inn.' 13 1 11.- i..ir.-li In case ol rain show will take place at the Grand Opera House. Seals 10 and 20c. Doors open 7.30JB r;Si" TOO LATE FOR CLASSIFICATION ..( lat-.i t"l iiil.i-n- for a ..it. tri-a. ; TW i --KVTl.KVKX CXN iK t II! I r.o i.l. I ii a room. I.y .'allirii o. liwil aftir 7." Th.- lull rur- I p. in., in a v.-rv dr-ir.iM- iiorlion of f2,it,tKI. I tin i-ity. Chary, reason hie. 6-13-jt One of our Cravanc tied Alpaca Suits for the coming hot months is as near COMFORT as is possible to get, and the cost is small :-: :-: $15.00 and $16.00 J. E. Cartland and Qy. -MADE 10 VOIR ORDER- -1?' ai-- CAALOG OK iZQUEST. HOTEL HUFFINC. Greensboro. N. C. Americ&n Plan. I2.0J ta iii; o, OoBTMilfBUj LosUd-Krwytiing Model m Th. Brat Scrrk. Tb. bam, of the kulrtit 1 th. rrip n! trarrlllng tniMic irraffr A well eowlneusd Of. ta connection j. p. SAUDKRS, Mi,