boro The Largest Guaranteed Local Circulation WEATHER Tara7, Shavers; Frio, Partly CIo. Virmn la ta Iattriof. VOL. IL NO. 189 GREEN8BOBO, N. C, THURSDAY, JUNK 16, 1910 PRICE FIVE CENTS MAY STOP FIGHT DEPAR TMENT OF JUSTICE STAR TSANO THER SU11 FNl. IS IN SlfiHT PEOPLE ARE TIRED OF ti. OF P. MEETING Governor Gillett Takes Band in Coming MIIL Southern Wholesale Grocers' Association to be Prosecuted Congress Expected to Adioarn Ninth District Mar.ts a Representative in Congress Who Charlotte Man Made Grand Chancellor of Order. For Alleged Violations of the Sherman Anti-Trust Law Complaint Have Been Many. Will Do Something Besides Switch Flits From The Pie Counter. Week From Saturday. ACTION WAS GREAT SURPRISE Attorney General Instructed by Call' forala Executive to Prevent tbi Jeflrtes-Jchnson Battle. (By Th Associated Pre.) Su Francisco, Juris 15. Stirred to action by insistent protest from li part of tlx lUU and tuuntry, Gov JtmH K. liUlett today took steps to Srevsnt u cfcampioasmp light between una Jaffrie and Jack Johnson, sched uled to be held ia San Fraacisco on July 4. In a latter to Attorney -General Webb, the governor today expressed hi dis approval o( Prix hghling ia unmeasured terms and directed that the aid of the courts be invoked to prevent th match. Be concluded with a positive order that, ia case the plea far a restraining order be not (ranted and the nght is held, the attorney ger-sral proceed to gather evi deaae ana prosecute th principals and those interested in the fight for viols tion of th penal code of the state. The governor declare that the Su preme court of California has never de fined a prise fight, and suggests that an opportunity be given it to do so. This i taken by those interested to indicate the governors intentien to pre his npposrtian to th and. While the status of the fight is in su unsettled condition toniaht, th (port ing fraternity Is much cast down, and it I generally believed that the death knell of prise fighting in California, the "Mecca of prise lighters," according to the governors letter, naa Deen aounaea This belief is born out by th fact that tlw governor telegraphed Attorney Webb later to take similar action aa to th nght scheduled for June 18 ia 8a n FrnncLoo , between bans Langford and j M Kaufman. k Prom ten Texas Rkkard aad John Glee son said that they' had heard ao whisper of the governor s inoenaea ac tion. Whea the aw reached aim Rickard rushed to the office of Attorney General Webb and asked what that of fleer nrorxiaed to do. After a conference wltl. Webb, Rickard said he believed that the flgbt would be held in Kan Francisco on the advertised date, despite the (ovemor's order Rickard would not say what his course of action would be until Webh handed down an opinion, vet Rickard ha intention of abandoning the effort to hold the fight here. Rickard said Webb hsd promised him, because of the great expense of erect ing the srens and other matters con nected with the tight, that his opinion would be for booming without debiy. In the meantime. Rickard says he would prepare to take the fight to Xe vada or I tan, if compelled to leave California. When word of the governor's order reached Ben Lomond, Jim Jeffries re fused to believe it. The camp was thrown into an uproar by the message. Jeffrie, however, after declaring his disbelief, retired to his cottage, and was found there later, sound asleep. Work on the arena, which has pro gressed rapidly sine it was started about two weeks ago, was ordered sus iiended temporarily when th action of the governor became known. The legal proceedings, it is believed, will ma-ke no difference at the fighters' camps. peeking s reason for the aotion of Governor (illicit following his repeated declaration that he did not believe the fight could be prevented, and he did not purpose to begin useless opposition, msny think tbut pressure was brought to bear on him from Washington ; that the state' representative at the na tions) oapitsl have informed him that the holding of the fight was standing in the way of San Francio etfort to pro cure the rnam Pacific exposition Sportsmen tonight c:enerallv expressed themselves a bHiemg that the good i dsys of pugihara in ( aliforms sre over. In his letter to Attorney-'ieneral Webb ."Imrrnor 'iillett. after stating that prir. fighting hes greatly increased and been tolerated in California "until today our ftatc le a rneci-n ir prire fiahters. niu-b to O'lr discredit ." ajs. "pur people have the right to dfman-i that pnr.e fighting shall cease in this state and it will if our present laws sre enforced, especial It if our court follow the ieeimri of the fMjtircme court" t our M1er 1atc derininif m nrue right. To how thai the .or-nlled Spurring e hi hi tion-. hHi in thi!- Hate undfr the auspice of the incorporated alhlet i- elnlH- hav- nol Ten ppjtrring exhibit ions, but priv Hsrhtst, I need but refer to the fifrhu in our daily newprpr!." Th (rrTernor then pall attention to two or thr-di reont on-. tnentior.ine the Miirai: MK'arthv the e!on Wi.lcat. nd the Atell fijrht and then adu: 'Tf lhae ronte.t were not pnz fight then the M-itori.- b;itt!- lrtwet-u Heeran and nyors w- not one 1 have no doubt that the coniin --ontest be tween Jeffrie and Johnson will be a i petition of t& brutality mentioned in tk foregoing fights only on a Irager caJe. "11 sparring exhibitions permitted by our lawi makes fight where men are kU1i, beaten into mjnibilit an.l their faee 'rut tnte- ribbons' are lawful act, then ft ia t ime t ha t tbe legislature hcmM UTtflrfftrw auid make m4i exhibi tinea a felon r taeti conteet are ohee ighttt, fto peraHtd bj th law md (By Th Associated Pre.) Washington, Jun lft. Another aetioa under the Sherman antitrust law was started by th department of justice today whea Oliver D. Street, United Mat attorney for th aorlaera die trict of Alabama, was instructed to file at Birmingham a petition against the J 'Southern Wholesale Grocers' aasociationrl its o facer and members, alleging that the association constitutes a combina tion and conspiracy in restraint of trade and asking that it be dissolved. The suit, it was said at th depart ment today, is one of the result of the investigations which the government for some time past has been making with reference to combination that aeek to eliminate competition, maintaining a high scale of profit and increase the cost of living. In tlie opinion of the officials, tne investigation clearly indicated that an unlawful conspiracy exists. Mr. Mreet was in conference for sev eral days with the department and left last night for Birmingham. The issue will be pushed to speedy trial, th officials believing that they have am pie evidence to substantiate the charges made. Th following statement regarding matter was made at the department f Justice: "The petition allege that the com hi nation was organized for the purpose of aad ha resulted in coercing and pre venting manufacturer from Milling the Ictual necessities of lite direct to the retsil dealer or consumer, or to any s-holesale grocer in the southern states nlesa said grocer is listed in a eorallcd green book' published and distributed tv th association; that manufacturers are persuaded, urged and coerced by the association to tlx limited prices at which tatad article, of food are to be aold, lid to refuse to sell such commodities ( any wholesale grocer who doe not raintai th price so fixed aad listeds t-iat in certain lines manufacturers and producers have been induced to bill their goods at an enhanced prioa and to turn over percentage to th president ef thai association who rrhated th earn to th jobber, maintaining tuck limited tell- in erica that no Iras could become a member of th association or b listed rn th 'green nook' unless a majority of the other firms in the locality gave their approval; and that unless such firm duly the association be dissolved end perms listed, it was unable to secure direct nently enjoined from carrying out its buying privileges from those msnufsc ! practieee in the I'nited States, turera who observed certain 'rules of The spplicstinn by the I'nited States practice' adopted by the association." jfor a permanent injunction follows an There sre many other allegations set investigation made in this city by s forth in the bill as to the general acheme local morning newspaper, after which and plan by which this combination Hinton Olahaugh. a grocer, filed suit ought to prevent the free flow of com-'egainst the wholesale grocer's asaocia petition among the members thereof and tion for M0,( He secured judgment to rentnet trsde snd commerce. The department for some time has re ceived complsints as to the hurdena auf fered by the people of the southern ONE REASON WHY WIVES SHOULDN'T BE THREATENED (Special to Daily News.) Durhsm, June IS. Before Cbmmis- sionert . S. !kinner today, Wesley McGhee was biven a hearing and held in a bond of $500 for violation of the revenue lews. MoC.hee, whose threat to kill his wife Ssturday afternoon, caused her to call for protection and gave him a chance to tell now much boots he bad on, has put himself in trouble. Piobody suspected him of having any whiskey until he said he had thirty gallons. It was found and it is block stuff . It smeils of the soil snd is knockout stuff. The revenue men believe that it is made in Durhsm county, but every effort to make the defendant tell where it came from has failed. Officer .1. B. Jordsn. of the revenue force hss been here snd carried the boore to Raleigh MoGhee. in the mean time, has rai.ed the necessary bond and out. He will be tried at the next term of the Federal court. Mind Deranged by Pellagra. (By A-siated Pro.. i Anderson. S. C. June 15 - Being de ranged as the result of an attack of Pellagra . tf-s J. K. Pilgrim today ended her life b hycJlLinlving laudanum and after- ward iumpiiig into a pond P,'' Mis. Iilgrim aked her hu land where the ponrt was decpe.t. !! informed ber. h ml when she i? mie.l during the morning, the pond was drsffced and her bodv a found at the indicated. An empty laudanum ' bottle fo'ind on the bank nearbv. nhould be iiinifthoii hj. s-wh. Those who engage in them are prize hghterf. ntiH unke th-tr living b tijfhtinj: otlur for prize or reward. "The who It- business i demorji lirini: to the vouth of our "-tate. porrupt tnih lie morals, i offensive to the wnw of a preat majoi it y of our nt izens ami j should he hated a a public mimaine, and the offender punished. "If th i-oiir. it rx 11 vonr petition, re ! f ue to grant t lie rfhef piayed f'r fhorvin and normit the nartioi inter- ested to proceed as advertised by them, j thea I de-ure vou. on nenaii ox ine peo- pie of the atate. to gather all evidence possible and if the contest is carried out as advertised and the partiea fight for a puree or for a reward and inflict npon each other bodily injury, then you you are to cauae the treat of t)ie prin cipals and thoe interested with them in promoting the fight and try them on a felony rharg for violating section 412 of the ptna.1 ode." states bee us of th opera lions ef this sssociation. After a careful iovestigs tion, th department believe that the association operate ta increase th cost of th aeoaaaitsea of Uls, suck a conee sugar, cereal, soap and many other line. Th aasooistioa aa act out ia the for arameat's petition or bill consul, of various arms aad corporation engaged in th wholesale grocery buainec withia th state aad territories of Alabama, Arkansas, Florida, Georgia, Indian Ter ritory, Louisiana, Slaryland, Missis- sippi, North Carolina, Oklahoma, South Carolina, Teaaasar, Texaa, Virginia and the Dietnct of Columbia. Specifically the actio waa brought against the general aasociation and all its members, the McLeeter - Van Hoose company, of Alabama; James A. Vsn Hooas, of Alabama; Robert Molester, of Alabama the Alabama (Irooery com Kay, of Alabama; . Vt. Lee. of Ala ins; Joseph H. McLauria, of Klonda; L. At. Hooper, of Alabama; Y. r.. lias hagen, of North Carolina; C. W. Har- tleson, of Florida; Robert Moore, ot Alabama ; Thomas C Davis, of Arkan sas; a. B. urnshaw, of tne mat net ot Columbia; C. C. Guest, of Georgia; K. H. Soovell. of Louisisns; W. T. Reerrs. of Mississippi; R. A. Morrow, of N'orth Carolina; J. H. C. Wulbern. of South Carolina; J. D. Faucette, of; W. A. Scott, of Virginia and James W. of Alabama. A number of these persons are officer or member of the advisory board of the Southern Whole sale Grocera' association. In addition to the' decree of dissolu tion the court is sked perpetuslly to retrin the defendant from doing any act in pursuance of or for the purpose of carrying out such combination and conspiracy complained of. Injunction Petition Filed, . D (BT Associated Free ) Birmingham, Ala., June l.V A peti tion for n injunction against the South era Wholesale Hrocer" esociatiou was led here this afternoon by Assistant District Attorney J. H. Montgomery, pursuant to Instructions from the de partasont of Justice ia Washington, Th petition charge that th Bout era Wholesale G roc re" asocitioa as an illegitimate combination in restraint of trade, and th government prays that for 1 10. 000. this Sir. Olahsugh wss called to Yv shington snd snpesred before a congressionsl committee. The petition for injunction followed. UNABLE TO GET TOGETHER ON MARKET PLACE SITE (Special to Daily News.) Raleigh. June IB. Raleigh is hsving trouble about her city market problem again. The last legislature appointed a commission to sell the present msrket house on Fayetteville street, one of the most valuable properties in the city, and erect a market of up-to-date design snd equipment elsewhere. Xow'the commis sion and citisens, especially the ladies, who re most interested, sre unable to get together aa to just where the new merket should be located- There have been numerous conferences, all without avail. Vow that the differences hsve practicallv narrowed down to two sites on Wilmington street, there sre those who are rising up to question the necea aity of having any market house st sll. It is being insisted thst individual pri vate meal markets strictly rejnilsted ss to screens and general sanitation, and well distributed about the citv are tar better, lessening, too, the protiahilifv concentration on the part of dealers putting up and keeping up prices. RICHMOND C0ILEGE CONFERRED DEGREES ON THREE MINISTERS' i By The Aorited Prps.i Rii hmond. 'une l.V - Richmond ord lege ti-dav oonfrrrvl the d'ree of lrx -tor of Dninity on Hev T. F. Hirk. of Danvil!.-. : I'ev. ( it-orge S Kennard. of Ashlan't. Kv.. and Rev. Uylaud knight, ot thi- city. The f'wrvr n mmt driy frtor t the collo wa the R-v. l)r R. I (.rriy. of Atlanta. n. In the pf.ure of Ida addrc. he held that a .statue i lefTer-on 1 i should stand in fie tii.nI Hall of Fame at Washington. " V "latue s yonder in the nii"iri! rapit"!." he as id. uo hy all the -trt "t the -ouih. rh;it t .lef ferson On' honld be ihie." HARRIS CASE MAY GO TO JURY LATE TODAY ' M n . Uf- atefi pr. Va . June Hoth id.- prat II v cloned their a tot-lay nt Harris, for the trial her" M Prof T. D mer principal of the Warrenton high scnooi being tried for the murder a Warrenton in April. lf09. of W. A Thompeon. assistant editor of the War renton Virginian. Vpon the assembling of the court tomorrow morning prayer for instruction will b pre-entH an-1 argument probably uill he;m m t he afte rnonn. Harri hwnsrlf te.t ttiH in b nwn Vwhalf thia momintr declaring that be!ti-niH lieutenant rommiFaions to the'lvM shot ThomDeoa ia aeli-defenae. LEADERS HAKE KNOWN PUNS Informal Understanding leacnei ly Members ot lots Booses to Push lemalnlng Bills to Conclusion. (By Th Associated Press.) Washington, Jua 15. Congress is expected to adjourn on week from next Saturday, or on Junue ti, according to plans made public by Senate lesdsrs to day, sfter consultations with House leaders a earrlul canvas of both branch e, and a revision of the Senate's legia (stive program. Ttic plan perfected to day are a follows: The statehood bill was msde the "un finished business" immediately upoa the passsge of the land withdrawal bill to day. The conference report on the railroad bill is to be called up tomorrow, how ever,' and pending disposition of it, the statehood i 11 temporarily will be laid aside. 1'oatal savings bank legislation waa forced aside by the new order, but the agreement provides for its consideration following statehood. In connection with consideration of the railroad hill conference report it i expected that several brief a peer he will be made during which western senstors will discuss the long and short hsul pro vision. Senstor Newlands. the minority member of the conference Co mm it tee, will oppose th adoption of the report. The arrangement, or informal under standing, thst the Senate would concur in the House a mend menu to the postal bank bill, was contingent upon the adop tion of the statehood bill. This means, however, thst the Senate measure for the admission of New Mexico and An sona i to be substituted for the bill which passed the House. The two meas ure r strikingly different, and It we stated that it might reqnirs considera ble preewmw from the White" Hawse to reconcile th differences, but thst Presi dent lift wis convinced thst th task w-aa not Impossible. Ihe sction of the Senate in adopting the bill for the issuance of certiflcstes of indebtedness to furni.h monev to complete reclamation prospects as an amendment to the land withdrawal bill caused western senstors to express fear that it might encounter obstscles in con ference. This fesr waa baaed upon state ments that the House wss opposed to the reclsmstion meaaure. TRIED TO WRECK ONE OF GOLDSBORO'S STREET CARS (Special to Daily News.) Goldsboro, June 1ft. Some culprit made an unsuccessful attempt tonight about P o'clock in tryiag to wreck one of the street oars. The motormsn wss running at a fast clip snd did not see the obstructions upon the trsck, which consisted of spikes and several pieces of oid iron, until he was within very close range of them, hut managed to apply the brakes in time to prevent what might otherwise have been a serious wreck. The car jumped the track, but outside of this no other damage wss done. The officials ere st s loss to sccount for the attempted wreck, which some think waa the work of mischievous hovs. Private Quigley Dead. (By The Associated Pri.) Ttrtnifort. S. T., .June l.V Phot wound rfccived a mnlh h(to in an arTraT with th Pfitler hrot hor. nffroea. living i, fur the Brim-on. 'an'1'. tn Haath lawt niht of 1'ri.ntp Krank -I. Qiiia'U'y, of f the 127th Coat Artillery, ttionvi at rort Fremont. M. H'-rena Wand, yui-I'-v. n ho enlisted from Anlmrn. N. ., wan thought to be nut of danger, hut I hemorrhage htr? n suddenly Tuesday mornm? an. If'Hth reMlitM. Went Over Chattanooga Battlefield. (Hy The A"-iated Press.) fhattanoogd. June )fi - Dpjfgstcs to the lt anninl convention of the Na - ! tinnsl Irawi.-r' Ptotedive aociation ! fp-nt all ot io.U in going over the hat tletieiiN of h'.kamausa Tonight the del gnl'' p.t an entertainment in the auditoiium t"i the benefit of the mid n. an.! orphan-' fund Tomorrow' -e-sion will br devoted stnctlv to routine bu-iness. Benefit for Dexter's Widow. i H wx iated Pref ) I New Orleans'. June 15 cw Orleans a n! (lif iinny m piay er took ad an -tape of an off day to play a benefit f (,,-"( tni tj(- nidow ar.d h 1 1,1 of t,he late !( Imilfv I. vt r , Npw rleniii ."u r I 'i.i-nwMi m l'M. h was ki!'d U-t '"inter while hunting. 0er $l.fs wa Jertlirfi. Ihe competing tciims were called the r.o!ic and th" Mc ".ilvrays. cah bein rompnfyi of player from both regula r teams. . Score. Rohes. 5: MeTolvTava. 4. Commencement at West Point. ( Hv I re -r,.(ated Preas) Wefct Point, V. V I une 15. m- . menee incut " xrci-' h re held st the I'npfl lns mi!i'ar- unrl'inv fh' morning Secretary iek"rsnp presventei aaduate. . (By Burke.) They us firing oa at ore head aad Me Nlnefc. Th Time Democrat, of Char lotte, aae Bulled up its. field piece to ta firing line, aad o Jiaf e 6 opeaed fire oa aioreaead and McNinch, and after criticising More scad for turning a deaf ear to the music of th spindl and be coming criminally absorbed in polities, marvels at th "wonder that 'pie' doe bring about. Now, th idea of John Morekead hunting pic is ridiculous in th extreme; he ha alway had pi and poue at home, and if any man baa ever rone to Cos grew from this state through pur pa triotic motive, without thinking of th accompanying emolument f the office, that man ia John Morehead. And I may just as well aav McNinch will be another one of the same character. McNinch ia another man that hss his pie snd pone served at home, and the Democrat can't place him in the pone hunt, for he ia neither pawing at the national crib for pone nor crowding his way to the pie counter. Whea nien like Morehead and McNinch yield to th clamors of the people and accept nominations, the Times Democrat calls it th old "busi ness man gag." If it ia any gag at all, it is new and very new. The Demo erst haa gags, such aa "nigger" and red ehtrtiem, that are aa old as Abe Lincoln and juat as dead. Now, gentlemen, we do not mean to peak disparagingly of your congress men now in office, but prav tell us what good they have accomplished for their const it uental We know of on Mr. Kitchin down in an eastern district who haa been l sliding up there st Washington for yesrs and year with hi heed in the congressionsl crib, doing nothing but bucking, switching his tail and lighting the niea. And when a measure wss In troduced for the benefit of his people he would Invariably throw his ei bsck lo a kicking angle and kick. And kick, he did, and at the taat account I've had ef Mr h wa still kicking. Ma, ' Webb, tb Time Democrat's hero, while he It not. a lac a kicker aa Mr. Kitchin. he. in point of usefulne may be placed in the same category, for he oomea from the aaniewtock s no rrom the asme psstnre. Th truth of the matter I this: All such stock, in trade, should he st once relegated or haltered and led over the hill to the old back field pas ture, among the field pinea and " 'sim mon" trees, where the dry cattle are cared for at leaa expense. No congressman who represents dif ADMINISTRATION BILL PASSED BY THE SENATE (By Aaaociated PreP.) Washington. June IV With I.TO.OftO. 000 provided for the completion of irri gation projects and various other amend ments, the Houe bill, authorizing the withdrawal of public lands by the President, passed the Senate today. It is one of the measures advocated in President Taft's legislative program. A number of other amendments were presented, but none of importance waa adopted. HARTIS TRIAL ENDED AND WILL 00 TO JURY TODAY (Special to Daily News.) Charlotte, June 15. The olosing argu ments in the famous Hart J murder trial were mad rr.n.r;;. Tall and Canal rr fense and atate respectively, and tomor row merning, following Judge Pell s charge to the jury, the cae will be given to the Jury. It is tbe eofiscenmin of opinion of al! who have watrhed th raee closely that the vardi-t will he acquittal for Ib-nry i artia, churged wit h oceaeMTy ln for t he fart, a nd giiiit v of murder f n t ( second degree or man-daughter for Will )larti, cha rct-d uith the a.-iil mhtiiiii sion of the crime DemOciatic Judical Convention I Special to Pailv New, i Kalibnry. lime K I he l. nM'rBt ic executive mrnH tc- for t lie I eni h In 1 dieial dtt ri- i met '. night ar.-l name,f li; Salibiirv lat a the dae t-r en i in at je hxigc M F li lr V r -cht. v -a rtJ 'd i ' - ' n tp. tr , -hlviro ha. ! holding the iidlfi4l e..n i ing'on. I ! i t'i-"Ti I'ount ' Kong, o" tateil v jcnrl nf Srili-b'irv nc Mir f,n!; the fielo" tor thr .(dgehfn I licit nr VV f H.'in:tr"t, i nol announce, hini't and it no' known who I ee'eel H.n, be in tne race for& solictor i Pony Advocates Give Up i Hv A'W intCfi Pre.) New ilriMn. I line I-" -All pri.-i, . of a revival of lmre Trin in yir-m r were dipHd th -- rtlcriMm h n n 't Iteii f the m rchan' ' ra-ing om'piitf of New Orleans announced thit t e hsd a bandoued their fight for leg i. la tion favorable to their caue at thi- -i I pion of the Louisiana asemblv - .Special t IBilv Xea El WanU Fight. sfi-Kurr. lune 15 rring a By The aociated pr , through her brat h-b n a Pa-. Te . June I S telegra m i de.pondene lasnnie- Br'nega- i tent tonijht to Tet Hickari a"dhite won an 1'iomr""1 - ' ( -tti (( pn iTi ips- t t.iif.!ie4 at rir Kfre,e r, h'r i i i nri-pnf'n that 'lie big rph' b hv hrr.t. mnr- irt -i f- J Fl " ''' the ..nil en; at Juarez. MnJt'rH Imnj. The arena will sest ferent views to the party ia power accomplish mack for his people. If the administration ia Republic let the Republicans have it, all of it. and let th party have full swsy ta tost Its policies. If the administration is Democratic, let them have the whole thing, aad let tas country either prosper under cue or go down with the other, aa it did in the vsn Huren, Buchanan and Cleve land admisitrations. The tariff is the balance wheel of the financial and Industrial system of this government, and every time the IVmo irata have touched it they have thrown it from its pivot and the country cams down to the starving mark. The party that writes the tariff ohedules seals the financial deatiny of this country for four year, at least. This is known of sit students of history, and even of men of common observstion. The Republican idea of the tariff and the means which thev employ to run this government ia the way. snd the only way, that rate government esn be successfully run. snd the intelligent leaders of the Democratic psrty know this just aa well aa MeKinler anew it. or any other Republican knows it. And if the Republics party would get off of its tariff platform just one moment, it would be occupied at once hv KVKRV CLASS and KIND OK DKMOCRATS known to th 11 K and pon hunting trade. Such a stampede for thst plat form has nver been seen since the dsys of Washington. Cleveland Democrat. Hryan Democrats, low tariff Drinorate, Democrats for revenue only, free trade Democrats and Democrsta for revenue "exclusively." hsve been after it; In fsct, the line, when completed, would in length isr exceed the tail ef llslley's comet. Tney would then shcut-fsce, and declare to the people and the world that they had alaay tieea on that plat form and that the Republicans hsd never tieen on or about it. And the Time Democrat would riae up and call it hleed and Joedaniela and the "me too" would teks up th strsin, snd th truth (f), like sweet music from off placid water, would flow from their puissant quIUe. Finally, w wlJI ssv that w weed hrat-wurh mea a Mrffnek end More hsad in Congress. Even If McNinch hss voted a Democratic ticket, that doea not destroy his ability lo he useful in that place. I have heard of at leaat a dos-en good men, who vote th Democratic ticket ill the time straight. The idea of tariff legislation and gen eral progrea coincide with the admin istration and with ours. So. fir away with your squilis, your missies will go wild and the smoke will onlv cloud vour own vision. BEGIN WORK ON CAPITOL IMPROVEMENTS MONDAY (Special to Dailv News Raleigh. June 15. The material fs be inc assembled for the work of 1n( hII ing the electric light mtiipmenf , venti lating system and sd-iiiiona! heating faHUties for the eapitol building. The work ia to begin Monday. There will he cirlea of rUdnr lights high up In the dome In order to install these it will be necennary to completcdv scaffold this Vhvt spaee by (ha use of something like two carloads ot lumber , It is believed Uiat, when the contract la completed th lighting, ventilating and heating equipment of the atavtehense will he well nigh perfect. The eipectattnn is to have the work completed by Sep tern her 1 stock manipulated TO A FICTITIOUS VALUE f Hy The Asoeiated Prea ) New York. June 15. t'nitcd State poiufhee inpetcors raid'-d the hand rtine Mroa.ittay ofTK-c ,.t trie t nitd V inlets. IVIcgiflph ctMnpunv m let Huwii t he hi rt-fct i,t i bri-loph- r WlU.tH. pre-sio"' nt o t lie c- fi wn V , tt Til ii. I s Hoy ait. hrt i. pi. -..lent , mil Wuiiam W . l onipkin po M-tent of tlie i mr winnf ag'ie. whwri ofH-T of the wtrelew compHiiv w 1 r ' ti" r y their flnarife ifi 'Ht ha eea., I to represent nem ' 'l.uf !npet.r Mj.i lilnM-uent I g e out f-'il a forrrml nt h i in. nt u . he h he i ha f ge tlia i at hoiijfh I hi company ha I seen runnnj at a lo. 1 lie price of if hreB heta bcn ad 1 vane1 hv man. aiup f nd t h it th eomnenv I- fletitt HHlp. nfbcsr o; their tnck rilVijuuif -Mid 0,t fo the gi neral r matM in "m in 'and ten rrr'H'i ;hn i profit .ati b.-tiacn fie il h other mala nee i V i!oi n reieftved in pror ,'i ' afM I and Botfart in 1 n ih Ml Ua t ! ! f'ir a 'P' 'a x a nee fm 'tv 12. whin a fur j i"frni:-. i m iL i n n - h a i ' e ; hp far-., near Mahnpac iall-. V V.I and brought here for a ' ra ign ment H- f oi, d not '-nd th tlO.Ono bail reo'i r-1 ' and tpent the n.ght in the Tti1'' 1 Woman Attempts Suirde h,ilt Her condition is pre- ranotw. GREENSBORO MAN IS INLINE isnevtlle Selected as Place tor Hold ing Next Contention "Dokles" Cared lor at Nlgbt Session. (Special to Daily News.) Charlotte, June 1&.At ti morming's seaaion of tfce Knight of FythUa grand lodge the following officers were eleoted for the ensuing term: Supreme repreaeaUtive, T. H. Wbb. Duke. N. C t trend chancellor, E. A. McOaualanrL (harlot te rand vice-chancellor. C C. McLeaJi, flreeeabore -rand prelate. Rev. W. B. Duttera. Saliahurv vand keeper of records and eeeL W. T. Hollowell, CoMsboro Grand master of tirhrquer, J. C. Mills.. Rutherford ton. Grand master at arms, C. H. Belna. Raleigh. (.rand inner guard, H. 1. Powell, Hen derson, f.rand outer guard, 8. A Robinson. (aatoina. Tmaleea OrMnage. 0. L. Hackney, of A she vi He; J. ti. Pndgen, of Iurhasn. Offloert Elected. The grand lodge reoouvened in Pyth ian half st 0 o'olock this morning. let principal bueineas waa the eieo tioa of offieera, hick resulted, with tt high honor, 4o a Charlotte man, ia fives bove. The grand chancellor has worked hard to keep up life in the weak lodges, and haa always made It a point to send dis trict delegate to weak and failing lodges when there waa a chance for a rally. He reports, however, that the following lodges hsve absolutely bo ehanoa for redemption and therefore their ehartere have to be taken ni Ke. 87. Contete. at Wllaowi So. H. nmit lVera " Ttrm f W ' 1 IM,- Mrehe4, City; So. )94, Edentoa, and No, 190, Roane. Grand ChaaceUer't Report Grand Otancellor Hackney's report shows that at last the order has reached a membership number above the 10.0M mark, and that there are now 10,000 Pythian mesnhers reeonded. No lesa tkaa lol lodges have contributed to the increase. Thia increase in membership entitles the (trend ljodge of North Carolina to three representatives to the Supreaia 1Osge, K bf P. At preeent the aUte haa only two. Insure ace. The report of the insurance depart ment shows some very interesting fig ures. A total number of memhera in the fourth rlaas was l-ViO with in surance liability amount i r.g to 9i, 11 5. SO i. and in the fifth daae $22t members with insurance of $K7.413,Msi. Since the organization nf the order the dene rt nient haa pa d nfT W.1MK elaims, amounting tn (jOVm.SIS ik. The total ledtrer asaet arc III. 01'1i. 111,1. Of this amount $wt7.Po.2H helonga to the mor tuary fund ol the fourth class, and l.Hlfl.iM belongs to the mortuary fund of the fifth das; el!;i...!Ml being invested in North Carolina liomls. Dur ing the year of 1IHW the ledger assets of the insurane department showed a gain of W72.2tW.nT. Orphans. In the orphan' fund report it ia announced that the lodge ;,a 15( M in the general fund. hollowing are aome of the reon-mmen-dat looa made by t he gra nd chancellor in eloting In report That charters lw laaued to all lodges that have been instituted during I he year That $3.-Jte appropriated for the Car olina P thian. The painir of strong r- "hit ions re g:rling 'togu- ritual The ii.) Iiiij 'ti another 'inr to t'e inm nnua ! n port ot "ul. rd ma 1 e o.!. l p ad " Nmount id inturanc. i arri"d on pi"M-rt t " vi e at ne'er nbervaii. e of nvm na' nr- '1 hat f he Atk'ti r of ep, jra hnnceilor ! -n.'fit h. The bf.ld ng ot w 1 he appoint merit t hre on r.f'i oN gv t the after! ' ' n--ef ing. Tnmittee of waa a I meet i n n Hig the "Pie in Hh ifiir! trie n'xt th. d thi dat re l-ine. inn. t r -nt,-i hv s a lo rea1 from -ti'iB the grand ! the nexr t'eTT Park hotel 1 t(. ,;!r-giT(. nf n hanqnet, if i- , 'fce-j "Pie choice of -ne.i t'i ftie genuine" pieaa mn; a'! Hegog e preent. Sliding Scale. f the m--t important qtieaion hrehd out at this meeting of V he grsnd if,ig i the aoea'led ' sbd- i arn'i " ropoattion. herehv it Is prn-ert to pceie s memfser's due m P- rrpori mn to t he time Se ha been a f m'er to t iat after a eerta n perifx. v. firtffii a Jif irmKr ri the or- 1 ! -.iM i, . rrje-c-f ad rre o" 'ar ff 'i"Hn'r u'-i hd jt.-.ia or thf nrji' - How $t narton lodg and indMhiuai sebecriptioaa.