4 GHEENSBOBO DAILY NEWS. THURSDAY JUNE IG. 1910 (greensboro arfy Reus Published I'nilr li pi Monday. Hi DA1LT MKs l. Oreenaboro, North iMPANT. arollna. . . President Vlce-Piealuefcl C li. CO IV Li. B TKI.Ki'HONES. WirTrBS Ofrt. e F-lnorlfll lu-orns News Ldltur .ieoi . 1 0H .1002 New Tore. Hueau. Franklle F Al'cxn. Flil'lun Building. ( Mko Hukiu. Payne A Tauea. 7t0 Mat Quel ie Building- FILL ASSOCIATED PRESS SERVICE Puhtt rlptlon St Dollari pr TtHr rbl monttaiy. qu.rteiljr or yearlr. A Prlt.ted Aavrtlning R' rf tnr t hal fvr the ktng; -11 red at the ritr only, and every 1.frTten ma v rest iHiurfd ttml Frrtfd M net ond-flii mutter ' t hm po' offlce Bt fJnni"hnrn N O . urxler Ih act of Confress of Mwrrh, 1. 1ST z. p. nwrrti biiv " It. M. THIl-LIPl A.M. KIHr O. C. !" Kdll A. B. JO Y JV EH CHr Kdltr THURSDAY, JUNK 1, 110. lTjrfents do not ra.nd the w father. feet lerrr helptd .f gnoA UUH. Tk 4oud. mutt hAV bes glued to Flint flam ? Not for Vlictnt) It'i 7t Democrat, at . doit jhting eark otker yet Jvai lb rigbt tort moaqnlta in-trbatHn of weather for T rVaj, t do with a fry prton It t p it Mm wrt ! it we underwtood evarrtnln, thar rcmld b nothing tiprmaturtl. Tha South Oaroliaiiana alimild have foaa to Wrihiville IWh last wek. Th noil weetil ia a constant fiver tlaer, aH be alwart atx-urea choice, po aiiii'R. The pat few rtnva hare ahowm- that a dry town ran become ai wet at any nf the-m. Vea, the run always nh.ninj some where; but whrr has U been the pat ft w da,t And now the IVmcxrata are claiming Iawh nothing lelt hul IYnnvlviiiti al thia writing. If a miii i iut alnufl a. wnmnn i. h"W (onie i W a woman nf a moiia und R1HQ IB aflHuI Thoe ho bathe in the rreek will not woi it a txwit tbe f nr ma 1 iod of the bathtub tnihl Manv d'-prf-e mut he earned in the ohool e p i 1 1' Hi e ttet t he bestowal of a ollei' d ploma Doe an vrd v i mim iilar prt of I nn-pe l is Tlilt ITip 1 h n lirtif1 mbci ol. Vl h.it pariir ham 1 1 Near sarfHsm lsn 'rm to lmve iron its ritfht to an exit- ni'f . t is it unipiv en the blind tiger order T A aaan who csn't allude te another ma a 'a joies without brmp offensive should not butt in at nil. jtr;itnre may he a stepping stone to good eoriet v , ut It h;s also helped aiaay a frll-w to the poor house. A spiritual sdvn-r i u thing, but It ts sonw'inie handv lo hne the fsm ily phyiMn arrund in cilling ditnnce 8ome of Hi wise and ts'k difference betwr chips. e too" who look -h d'-n't know 1 he ufliio ssd HiauKa Tf von can't see the point of rbe joke, don't he in a hurry to pay hceause jnu may he the only one who can't tea it. . . .oinM. 1 it tor Ins f'reed ab-en.-e Irnin The other fellow may pontenn more he ,-ount i y he would doubt less !- on Popularity, or mors rrcn' y than vntihsnd to m ike a lew . pen air add--' hive, but ou ran't get even by calbrip ' during thf .lm ds of the Hhiumml h m urly names. Ther will be no difference bet een r cu'cent . nd blind t igers i unb -.! ,So r i looking) in Wake until aftr the primaries. t, cn fmpo'iirT says some people rally b'limed Tillman was going to re sign. We d-n't believe the paper be :t ves wrut it an TS Jupiter rbirl-is i 1. tin ina;'y. bet f-. ha Kr-en corrdomg arouad thfss fArts, a god sort of a iV.- im;.i week h thj j-b -at leat AiWITS OUR CHAK2E. I An iuUrjAiag amiaataa rf ux hum tiiat tbt Deraoondc party in Nor lb aroJina ha beea fuilty of grosa uireitaaiie&a and neglect, if not indeed aU&clate chminaJ Indifference to a atate'a good QAme aad credit, i oon tiiued io the following editorial of the Keidaville Review . The Greenbofo X i. the Rpublirau urgao In this siute, ri?i quite a hull ijltx over the rulit.f of an extra at-aion of the IcgkaUtuie by ro eraor Kit chin to dei wuti 1 In .itt uatiaa caused b failure to el! iht A ptr cent, ttalc Uinda. Tht N-b tried to make pohti irapital out of it and eriticiaed the lui Ocxatl part for fhe inndquat demand for the io!uia Nou.e of the Democratic state pi peri prutuptly replied to the fwt' !arg ni leaily s bowed the grn itiA'.t 4fjeti of aurh TitHiiinns. Tu w riow aio.iirift- it tncturtt by say j r-i.' 1 1 at 'l.e lujt lejilHtuie hhould havr itmHi proriMon for just auch an rni'T t'. i,. v a. has now ariftCQ. Of course, i)., wuld bve tier-n a wiw cxure tur tfi bi-l aa&emblr (o have pursued, but it- fai'nre to p'OFiiie f.r uii foreman i in' i!i' ni efi Iiniil,J not be roiuli tor i i-k lra ft it icinmn of trie Democrat if j.ii 1 1 v ' ViijM the iie-ds for bgisltmn h a'umtelT forernfttd there would he no riHi-ep-itv far the lepisml ura to meet oft en' r ' lot ii oiM-e in ten. t weuty or vh ii fjfty yearn. The N'ewg and the Re.ptrb4ic.an nortv in thi t)tte are hard put for Homerhlcijr to cnti-ie. Wa nharjpvd, and do nf'll cbarga, that the laH fvnermJ aemWy awmld bar tnlcen aome atept to provide ajrainat m 11 reasonable cont3n(r-niea, yet WHAT DID THKY DO' Koihing The Review admita that thia would have been the wisest coiine, but par lona tha froaa neftifene ot the law in.ii.era by nayinp, "r.i the n-ed- for l'pm.ation be accurate. forecaatod," etc. Hoah! Did It require a propnet to fore at that on the firt day of .fuly, 1010, the state would he called on to meet one ot (he heaviest ohhjfutmns it b4 ever beea failed na to me t ? Did it re quire one with more than ord marr in telligence to know that failure to do o would blot the fair name of one of tha beat atatea in the American union? DM it ever occur to the polit n-ians aad near statesmen who controlled t he last general assembly that, to provide againnt )nat aurh rontingenctee it did ansa, would ba to ahow real, and not near, atatMmanahip. and t hat a lit t It time ppent in that direction would save tfhe ntate not only aenoua eniba rraa me-nt, hut thousands and thousands of dollara of the taipayera' hard earned money ? No. fricndi, you may wTirffle and tqufrtn and "kik against the pricks" to tout heart's content, you all but be trayed your state, and upon your on heads must rest the consequences. Call it "making political capital" until the crack of doom, wwallow your bitter medicine with a smile and call it pewhea and creajn, then : I "rharrn us, O orator, until yonder hill be level wit h the flat!" but the wbole tle. yc. snd other atatea, hna witnced another pitiful and lamenta- , hie luck nl nhility on the prt of the Derm- I ic part y in N'ort h (arnltna to siifccM I ill ly d mm inter t he Mate's af fairs in time nf stress and "form. FOR SALE AND NOT FOR SALE. -dvfrtimg space to respectahle bus men mm is for s.ile in the cnhimnn of ,i . j thm p.iper t onr regulnr n Iverlisma rules, hut the editorial opinion- nf tin-editor- of 1 h i -n pap' r are their n a n, and ie rtit for isle Ml ani price l"h ( ,rc nbor 4- K S- i flrft jind 1"1 a tircenhnro (j.iper d"ofed to He nat'Tinl growth of mir .it v. In iliti. it 'n b'fpul.liran. but lt poh ii - ,,..- nothing to do witii i - 'in. -inn x a l.ur rcfui'der of tlt.- Mrld f ics ii 1 lie new j conn's to v( bv ' i ed rni rrnpond'-uce. it - uii' inmimble rule not to color th. I tn! Th i a in n m, but to pii-cnt re t.i our Incnds mil r'B b r llldus-tt'd itl.i unptcpidiCfd 1 1. i n is a ilrrennbon, en terprtte and t"d.iv i h'tpins; Hlriiot rv t t l.n)Mri iritfrt -t m ihis cttv, for i one of it n t went V odd em pin ves iii n - ! vp 'tid their iTr'v w b'-re. I 1 i;i i not written m a "rno your n hor'i" spirit, but U-canne we think 1 ie bnines men of .n-cnsl-To w.ig'it to know whst it miMin to have a pipr lik.' hf Neai jibhli,H in this ei,y. et. we rseut asm that t lii papT tel t od v. nd will continue 1o f rpl. t .. t . ref ; r IVs of wst tt in it V f.'-t . j w -1:: .ontinii. to epr.-- o-ir ornn i ir optu mi i- .i i 'v and fruiiklv. hi 2 rt a" .rre a t.jard. a veri hiph r.-nl. for li ;ih i nd e'ticcnty in all things It hs not been public! r announced re' if olnnel Bryan is krmmj in dmU I to. uli with the mnurgrnis in Wake i smpHien In t nd t"'it Iftnrn. ihi "whi innert son. U md " i n-i ladien d '-ii in " filT."n Mail: " 'I he V. Hif :enia-R that the guberna iber n S'Mit h Carolina runs bark this veax" Ijet'a sec. it lumbia tonl i mot It was Tillman he terrier, wasn't it in trod need the hull The New H- 1 n makes the sle- of ind mputably ihe d- h. n on -b )t .,-T un ks: -What ny article? It is in I for it Then. 'I ;i ). . H hilt It- i 'him s id thi ueui.in 1 It STAY AWAY FROM 1M Aad mow Haiifax DemocrmLa are about to aplit. There is talk there of as In dependent Democratic primary la tht county aa a proteat agaiut ring rule. A much better plan would be to OTA.Y AWAY FROM THfi DEMOCRATIC I'RIMAJtY altogether, and when election day oomea to go to tha polla and vote LIKE 'JIFK fEN for whomarrr you wih to vote, for whatever party you wish to vote. Hrnlifai and Nash co unties have a ape uaJ primary law, which the Daily News recently referred to editorially, euot mg aeveral seel in ns thareef, whereby, whe0 a voter oaata hie ballot at a Dem ocratic primary In either ef those oua ties, that voter ML' ST VOTE t)R THE NVCfTCSSFTL PRIMARY fiWDlDATE AT THE FOLLOWING KLKTTIOV. He cannot REFTSE to Tote at the eleotion, nor can he stay away from the poll unless aiek or unavoidably abaerat from his voting precinct. If he fmls to vote at the election, except for the two reaons mentioned, he U Mable to proae cution for perjury, for when he votea at the Demoi-raUo patauariea ta thoae oount ice he la eompelled to take an oath not to KUPPrKT, hut to VOTE for the anaooeaaful candidate at the primary he at voting In. Mce, broad Blinded Democratic atatea manahip evolved that law, and eneaked it through the laat DemocraUc legiala tura TWO LETTERS. The other day we sent out a lot of fftatementa to nihrnbera who were "in arrears tor ducn " nd cneioua indeed hat been the rephc A good tnind aid Mib.Hcriber living in Bennettaiillr. South Carolina, says: I iviah you would s'iiri some one down here wit,h a si mple copy of t he News ii) one htiiid uii 1 .1 suh npt inn blank in the other o that I oou'd enjov nrv paper in pe.i.-e I don't get to read it sometime lor three or four days, for tbe nfhar fallows tet it first. Well, we are fcoriy for our subscriber. but glad to know the Daily Newt is so popular, and. really, we think we'll have to protect him by sending a re pre seutaMre down there to investigate con- dit on Now for the second letfr The writer ivcs in Web-it er, C, and this ie what he t Herewith find my cheek for 92.00 to cm er t he statement you sent me. I am proud to ha e hii opportunit y of v in? for sin h a worthy (taper as the (Ireensbnro Daily Newt. And for these kind words the editor feeia very grateful. The Children'! Home tociety la doing a grand, aoble, humane work, and should be encouraged in every legitimate way. ft ia doing a work that is peculiarly and distinctively itt ownt occupying a field by itself i and it it not proper to compare ita cost of operation with the orphan homes a ud schools t hroughout the state, in a way t hat would imply disparagement. We regret to hear of the slightest tendency to do so. The philosophy of this, from the Dur I ham Sun, in net plain: "Just think of it! After the primnry the watermelon. That is nnmc ronsolation to the detrat ' ed eand1daic " The successful man i pupposed to tet tli rr k Mtermelon. 'Taxpayer" has been asking some quest ionn in tbe News and Ohncrver. and i undent all v Miiri some thinj;v Won ler if he does not vote under the name of ,loih William Mmley We note t he follow i ng in the h "Some men s ra r by Hoosei ill a nd others aw ear nt him. but that he hits g'd a strangle hold on the wnihl's shirt tiiil nobody pretends to denv." j A lawyer who is hhr wd enough to make a court believe a pickpocket it innocent should not can y any loose 9'0 notes about his clothes. If you say not hing be nothing, d nothing, yon may avoid ihe critirmm of ot hers ; but you'll h.i e a contempt for yourself. Take 'your chnii e. For some time the Wright Pit-others had s kind of h lead pipe fill' h on dotng Stunts in t he rtrcuma inbii-nt t hen ot n t'ts bejfan butting in, of course. ' Some riucae are not no had ttiev make io;i unmun" ifm ht. nt"'raii- gem N . R - (ton t ! m o! agents, this is a joke. POLITICAL UNREST. To Kditors nt Daily New- 1 heir soenm t" If on-odcrable unte j.oln j, A l . r-tw , m 1 iy Ix-t een t he pp- ..t i. hi id t li ant i Prohibit ion 1 r. i O. I A s. Rei (; i ;n.-c t he cnriitiMnd ot I v I;mi. .iati or'jnier ot tie i bat' ie Thit no man slmu.d ' ed "r ot .-d foi . troni t hi tbe highe-t otbec. uhJf-fcfc a 'Hnuii--, :i nd veil recommend I. n-i ibfi I-1 norti i na l-iWC-t to p.ire Pmhi I Then the wit" iVnuM-iats stw the tie thai (-"tin i theni to ihe 'Vniovrati family 1 nt in two l the axe ot moral po'iti-, and that the bet'" Dem ocrats 'if iid be tonrl to vote tor the nominee-- of t lie s let-lion and ntinue to w 01 hi p ! he young kid. lYohiUtion. that was hoi n in the Old North Mate without father or mother. It is a tart, well known by all good men, that the prohibition law is a fail- ! ure a pure failure, in North Carolina. I and if t he lVohi 1 Vntrtt rats want much lin lhi -iite -f wo:ild So well TO repeal t lie p 0I1 1 lot on Inw. I he p"opp are I badly dinbd in thi and ot be-r sections in which 1 ao acquainted. It Not a", Milk Trust Tha Orlinal ui Ganuiaa HORLIGK'S HALTED MILK Tb Ftd Drink for All kfu For Iniaoia, lvabxiaaoi Growing childrea. Pure N utnboo, upbuuguSewroody. InvigorslatheDUiwgrootheiaiid the aged Rich mJk. malted grain, in powder fonsi. A qttkk hack prepared hi a ravte. Take no taottitnU. AA for HORUCI'S. Other are imitations. is a sure fact that whenever a war be gins ia your un firt, that fort crum bles to earth and the forces are then divaiod. Tbe Prohi Democrats hare given to the "wet" Democrats erery kind of curing Thtt they ever heaped upon tbe Ri-publK-ans. Now, they want t he "wet" iVmotrats to support their nominees. Several men in this section who worked hard in the churchee, and on the highway for prohibition are now ordering hquor by the jug and haul ing It about in their buggica to drink fhe-maalvea and to treat their frienda. If this is doubted, a-sk others; enany of the citizena of thia co nun unitey can gne the aa me information A Sl'B-SfTRTBER. Mansor, N. C. UscTIZ-- Smaller Feel Sore Feet, Tender Feet and Swollen Feet Cored Every Time. TIZ Makes Sore Fret Well No Matter What Aila Them. Everyone who is troubled with sore, Bwealy, or tender t eel -swollen feet smelly feet, corns, callouses or bunions can 'ruickly make their feet well now. Mere ia inetant relief and a laating, per manent remedy it's called TIZ. TIZ makes aore feet well and swollen feet are quickly reduced to their natural sice. Thousands of ladles hare been able to wear shoes a full site smaller with per fect comfort. It'a the only foot remedy ever made which acta on the principle of drawing out all the poisonous eiudationa which cause sore feet. Powders and other rem edies mereJv clog up the porea. TIZ Icunses them out son keeps them clean. It wora right off. You will feel better the very first time it's need. I'ae it a week and vou fun forget vou erer had sore feet. There ia nothing on earth that can compare with it. TIZ ia for sale at all druggists, ioc per box, or direct if vou v.iah from Walter Luther DMge A Co. Chicago, 111. MUSIC STUDIO VI0LIH AND TU.K0 Mim PkrHia W.odtU. Southrrn Lif. aad Trust Building ALL CARS STOP AT THE BIJOU THEATRE Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday, MAL0NE AND MAL0NE. Comedy Singing, Talking and Dancing HENRY M'CARTHY, Blackface Comedian. Thursday, Friday and Saturday. BELLE MEYERS. Singing Comedienne. FUDD AND CLARK. Comedy Singing and Dancing. GOOD PICTURES. Lindlcy Park WEEK OF JUNE 13. FREE SHOWS IN THEATER. Nightly at R.30 and 10 P. M RAIN OR SHINE. DANCING EVERY NIGHT FOLLOW THE CROWD TO LINDLEY PARK. NEW AIRDOME THEATRE AN ENTIRE CHANGE OF PROGRAM FOR THIS WEEK SLW riCTURES tVLRV DAV. Special Price few ie Day Oniy OH PORT&AJTS. Iflx20 Oayon, LoO. Iflx20 French Wate motor, $2JK). 16x20 PaeteU, $3 50 16x20 Oil Portrait, $10,000. Wa guaraotea aa exact reproductive) of any email picture. Caah with order. WimTREY ART CO. UNREDEEMED PLEDGES. A big accumulation of unredeemed pledgee of diamonds, watches and U other jewelry. You will do well to come te tee us. Liberal loana made on personal prop erty. Bus meet strictly -onfidentiaL A. W. KAPLAN 00 334 S. ELM STREET. MERCHANDISE AT COST. We are determined to turn the greater amount of our Urge stock, dry goods, notions, ehoea, underwear, shirts, hats, overalls, etc., into CASH during the month of June. Beginning June 8, at 9 a. m., every ar ticle in our. store will be sold at FIRST (10ST TO I S. Thia will mean a rr"t taring to the familiea in and around (irecoaboro. No aooda charred- What we want isCJASH! CASH I CASH! BR0WN-RANTIN AND C0MPAITY 36 S. Elm Street Eighteen-:-Months BEATS . 1 Sixteen Years! Thia maans that mora RpminrUD trpewritfra of tar naw aiodrla 10 and 11 vera built told the tint eighteen monthi after these modela were placed on tha market than the entire output of the No. 2 Remington during the eighteen yeara of lti manufacture. This ugniftofciit, in view of the well known i (act that tha model No. t Uemincton wan unrivalled aa a writing marhine during ita lifetime. Modela 10 and 11 lor ule bj Wills Book and Stationery Co. Hook Seller and Btationert, (Jreenaboro, N. C. A Bride's Bouquet of Sweet Peas " li a little out of tha ordinary, hut Tery pretty and bound to pleaa. Can ha made with or with ut "ahower" effect. Prirea, $5 to $10. Brideanaid Bouqtieta of Sweat Praa, It to $4 eack. Other kinda. of course. J. Van Llndley Nursery Company Day Phona, 329. Night, 298 2. Feel Bad Trial B.ttl rrs liquid " C1 BEHOVE!) THI ranee RaulaieiM2tcti atmai THE Murcbison National BANK Wtlmlngtea, C CAPITAL at 8TJKPLCS tooo,ooa Largest aad atrongeat bank la thia section. Do You Want to Move? Hire you any drayingt Hnw about your freight t ny heavy hauling T W pack and crate furniture for "hipping. Mowery and Poole 11 S Davie St. Phone 116 F.A. WESTON ARCHITECT w.iia. vm lUI V-r-wj-w awbeMw VUlfJtaT DHJIIUalB j Phaaa. 6a F. a 00 x. 7ii. CKXENSBOSa S. C Greensboro Pressing Club Cleaalng, Pressing, Kepatnag. Clai Rates, $1.00 war moata, W. , Sialo. (Can't mink? Oet J& head or bace ache? . S-iF faint ail wrm your a?ie!H HICK,Zv Silk Hose Department Her yni will find tka faiaoua "Onyx" Silk Ho4ery. Tkey an of the but wuAt for tha priot wa aax (or tkarn, and wa beliave wfl gir you full meaaure of aatiafaetton la irear. Tbay bar kifk arafclad heela and iplked aolea tka priaia ara 1.60, $1.88, $2.50 aad CM. Ramie Bera wa hare a material woren after the atyle of heavy liaea era ah and ia aa excellent material for th making of Coat Suit and Ideal for tha making of aeparaU akirta. Come ia th folk) wing aha dec Light Una, green, grey, pink, dark old roa, whit aad black and filial pa gn. Priead lie th yard. York Linen Suiting Thia material ia lighter ia weight than the Rami (loth, aad wwuld b ideal for one piee dreaaea and i alao heary enough for eoat anita or aeparate akirta. The material baa a French iniih aad th waara la lik uato it Come in the following ahadei: Graen, light Uua, a&ry, champagne, pink and white. Priced IS. Parasol Department Doal forget that thi ia headquarter for fine Paraaola. W bayre then la all th new deaiga ia aillk, pongee, aneroeriaed elotk aad tha beautiful Persian effect. This i a beautiful lin aad yew. should see it before making your purchaaa. The price an lie, 11.00, $2.90, II.U, $4.60. Dress Goods Department In this department you will Ind whit aad cream dreu gooda. Plain and fancy aergea ara most popular for Suits aad Separata Skirt to b worn at mountain and seashore resorts or for ocean travel. These wa are showing In various qualitie. Prios 56c, 1.00, $1.50, Laces for Spring and Summer Dresses Dam Faahioa ha one agaia restored lacea ta their rogue. What is there fa tb garment ef fashion that more beautifully aeeentuate th daJntiaea of style than the ue of LaceaT Our assortment 1 eunwlmaag. The line ia replete with the aw idea the effect are beautiful. Price, 6c, 10c, IV, 26c the yard Shepherd Checks in Linen Thia material is not all linen, but M t-3 per rent, of it ia tinea. There 1 just eaeugh eottoa to keep it from crushing, thereby makiag it a moat desirable elotk for eoat suits and aeparate skirts. Th material 1 27 inches wide. Nary and whit and whit and blaok aad white. Aak to be show a this cloth. Pru SOcth yard. Ellis, Stone & Co. 5 ' Thoroughly Equipped f Experienced faculty. Bookkeeping, Shorthand, Typewriting, Praaian- J hip. Knglish, etc., suereaafully taupt. No vacavtions. 2 II Low Rate for Summer Seanoa. Aak far Literature. ATLANTIC HOTEL y iTX MOREBEAD CITY. N. C C hjrr! Oellthtful Seaside Resorts W i&S&-S ATLANTIC HOTEL OPENS JUNE I. IV V VIRCWIA BEACH CAPE BENRY. VA. Pa 1 bo Only Seaald Resorts la Virginia. I I 1 , PxtrenMly low round trip Excuraioa 1 ik I Tleketa. Spend your Vacation at Amer- iy I At tea's Greatest Seashore Reaorta. Only 4 W'J a few hours travel at minimum expense L0 It and a Maximum of pleaaure. llvtif j-4 Surf Bathing, Tennia, Fishing, Daae Trnvel via Norfolk Southern Railroad. Jf lljrT IV For complet information apply to. v V IV) any Norfolk and Southern Railroad N. V tAj5n 11 Ticket Agent, or sddree H. C. Hud gins, 1 General Paneenger Agent; W. W. Cmx- tp i U ton. Assistant General Paaaenger Agent, fl j B Norfolk, ,"",),, SJ The Harrison GREENSBORO. It. C Everything in Book and Job Printing WE CLOSE SATURDAYS AT 12.45 Cloth and Centrally Located Printing Co.